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tv   [untitled]    May 16, 2024 6:00am-6:31am EEST

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activity. first, he became a deputy of the yakymiv district council from the opposition block party. at the time of election, he was a member of this already banned party. in 2017, he completed the mandate of a deputy of the yakymivsk district council and was elected to the kyrilivsk settlement council in the pre-elections. according to the information of my colleagues, honestly, while in office, he repeatedly spread russian propaganda on his pages in social networks. at the local elections in 2020 , kirill became a deputy again. village community as a self-nominator. after at the beginning of the full-scale invasion, syomov went over to the side of the enemy and was appointed by the occupiers to the position of chairman of the atmanai village council, as chairman. he organized the work of the occupying body, recruited teachers to schools, persuaded local people to cooperate with the occupiers, and in every way demonstrated his loyalty to russia. osomiv takes part in a car race in honor of may 9 and shakes hands with a russian soldier. thanks to
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our coordinated work, we are only moving forward, the development of our territory will continue, everyone will feel significant for your country in the service of the occupiers, syomov distributed humanitarian aid in the village and was engaged in holding a so-called referendum, demanded money from farmers for cultivating the land, threatened with reprisals by russian military personnel. on the instructions of syomov , the russians searched one of the farmers, took a car, money and locked them up in katyvna for a few days. inhabitants of atmanai can rightfully be proud of their history and modern achievements, believe in its future and create it with their work. by labor our law enforcement agencies collected evidence regarding the collaborative activities of this traitor and the direction. case to court. on september 19, 2023
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, the leninsky district court of the city of zaporizhzhia found oleksandr, a former deputy of the kyriliv settlement council, guilty and sentenced him in absentia to seven years in prison. this seller did not have long to hide behind russian skirts. and finally , i will tell you about yuri balanin. until february 24 , he served in the ukrainian police, took an oath of loyalty to ukraine, then went into business. they say bought a recreation center on fedotova kosa in kyrylivka, until suddenly the war started. and balabin again decided to put on a uniform, which, however, was already of the russian model. locals say that with the arrival of the invaders , balabin met them and received them in his house at a sumptuous table. for such a warm reception, the traitor was appointed chief of the police of the kyrylivka village. but not for long. in the summer of 2023, he was removed from his post. realizing that in ukraine ...
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a court and a cage await him, the seller tried to leave the occupied territories, one problem: the right to leave for a former policeman did not give it is said that yurii balabin tried to leave the occupation through crimea to russia three times, and three times he was returned to the checkpoint, because he is on the no-entry lists. yuriy, i want to inform you that we in ukraine are waiting for you very much, you can even not take your things, they give you pajamas and a brush in prison. it was the program collaborators and i, olena kononenko. if you have information about the kremlin sellers, write to us at this email address or simply on facebook. together we will send all the traitors in pursuit of the russian ship. see you in a week ether espresso.
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greetings, we are asking for your help in the search for two sisters and a brother who went missing in the kharkiv region. they are 12-year-old alina, 14-year-old nastya and eight-year-old artem morozovy. contact with them was cut off in august 2022 , when they lived in kupyansk, which was still occupied at that time. and when the city was de-occupied, unfortunately, alina, nastya and artem were no longer there, and it was not possible to find out anything about them. so... where they are is still unknown, and therefore i am asking each of you, and especially the residents of kharkiv oblast and kupyansk, if you if you know any information about alina, nastya and artem morozov, immediately call the magnolia children's search hotline at 11630, the calls are free, and of course, please share this video on your social networks, every like, every re'. - this is really an invaluable contribution and a significant
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help in the search, because the more people see this video, the more chances there will be to find the missing alina. nastya and artem, so, we do not remain indifferent and thank you in advance. of course, the search for children in the temporarily occupied territories - this is a very difficult process, and it may even seem to someone that it is almost impossible to find a child there, but this is not the case at all. during the two years of full-scale war , the magnolia children's tracing service managed to find many boys and girls who were considered missing during the occupation. one of such incredible and inspiring search stories is the story of 17-year-old nastya from the city of izyum, also in kharkiv oblast, which was occupied in april 2022. we will not show the photo now girl, because fortunately she was found, but
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we will gladly tell her story, which has a happy ending. so, for help in the search , nastya's friend, katya, turned to us, who... then asked to show this application of hers, then, if you can, get in touch, then say that you are alive, that you have food , water is drinkable, there are clothes, and that you have a roof over your head, that everything is fine with you, please, just say this, that you are alive, and i will be the happiest. we immediately started a search for nastya and spread information about her on all available media resources, and fortunately, for for some time, the girl made herself known... she reported that she was alive, but together with her parents, she was in the then still occupied territory, where there was almost no mobile communication, and therefore she could not announce anything about herself for so long. of course, at that time the most important thing for us was that nastya got in
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touch, but at the same time we understood that the girl remained under occupation and in danger. and after the deoccupation of izyum, we managed to talk to the girl. hello. everything is fine with me, i am alive, healthy, my family and i arrived home a month ago, to our home in the hometown of izyum, which cannot but please. in turn, nastya's friend, katya, who has been searching for nastya all this time with us, appeals to those who are currently looking for their relatives, says: you must believe to the last and in no case lose hope. you don't give up, don't listen to anyone and keep believing in the best. i can say from my experience that i waited 7 months, long 7 months, when various horrors were written on the internet, that there were many dead, that the city was gone, i continued to believe. i already have
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friends who i have fooled my head with worries, they already said, there, calm down, maybe it's too late, maybe not, it's fine so far, but no, i wrote to everyone, please close everything, i... will believe until the end that everything will be fine, everything must it will definitely be good. this story is a clear testimony that there is a chance to find a missing child even in the most difficult situations, the main thing is not to lose hope, believe and act. so please go to the children's tracing service website. if you recognize someone, call our hotline 116 3.0. calls from all mobile operators in ukraine are free. we have created a resource through which you can report any crime against a child. in any place, at any time. just go to the site and report, and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the criminal.
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stopcrime ua. there are discounts presented. coco may discounts on estazifin 15% in psarynyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. vasyl zima's big broadcast. this is the great ether, my name is vasyl zima, and we are about to begin. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. we will discuss many important topics today. two hours to learn about the war. now we will talk about the war. serhii zgurets will talk with us and what the world is doing now and what has happened in the world, yuriy fizar, yuriy dobrovech will talk in more detail, please give me two hours to keep up with economic news. time to talk about money in wartime. oleksandr morchivka is with us, oleksandr, welcome, please, and sports news, a review of sports events from yevhen pastukhov. two hours in the company of your favorite
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presenters. thank you very much elina checheny for information about cultural news, presenters, which have become familiar to many. natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather for the coming day. as well as distinguished guests of the studio, andrii parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. events, events that are happening right now and affect our lives. of course, the news feed reports on them. however, it was not enough to know what was happening. need understand. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 1:10 p.m. studio event with anton borkovsky at espresso.
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hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day. this is the shipping district of kherson. turn on live. we are somewhere around. bakhmut, we tell the main thing on weekdays at 9:00.
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greetings, i'm olga len, these are chronicles of military operations, and along the entire front, from the south to the east, attempts by the russians to advance on... the forces are restraining, but it's not easy, besides the kharkiv direction has now been added, the russians
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are trying to expand the field, well, we, our people to the enemy, must be converted into donations for our defenders, join the collection for the repair of heavy armored vehicles in the combat zone in the sloboda and zaporizhzhia directions. the repair and recovery regiment works mainly on the contact line or in the gray zone, i.e. directly where the fighting is going. and in any weather, day and night, for emergency recovery and return to the battlefield of damaged military equipment, in particular, bmp tanks, armored personnel carriers, a minibus is needed to deliver mobile repair groups and equipment to the combat zone, as well as pneumohydraulic jacks for prompt repair of foreign equipment. our goal is uah 630,000, with your help we have already collected almost uah 200, so don't delay. your help is very important, you can see all the details on the screen, please join, any
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donation is very important. well, now let's see what has been happening on the touchline for the past few days, and then we'll discuss it. map of combat operations for the period of may 8-15, which is happening in other areas of the front, while in the kharkiv region of russia. divert attention, while everyone's attention is focused on the events in kharkiv region, the russians have concentrated their offensives on the entire front, from zaporizhzhia to luhansk region. during the week, the armed forces of ukraine won a number of important victories, set a new war record, but there are also tactical losses in donetsk region that pose significant threats. robotyne and staromaisk. both villages, which became the crown of success of our summer counter-offensive campaign, were under threat of re-occupation. in... part for more than a month, daily battles have been going on in the village of robotino, but the armed forces of ukraine continue to control part
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of the village, so the occupiers resumed their offensive from the left flank, where they managed to push back the defense forces on two sections of the front to the west of verbovoy. in this way, the robot's performance has narrowed even more, which significantly complicates logistics, and hence its maintenance. in the direction of berdyansk, the rashists managed to break through our defenses near staromaiskyi and throw back the armed forces by a kilometer. northward. currently, fighting is taking place in the central part of the village, as well as on the southern outskirts of nearby urozhany. the russians are trying to carry out their favorite maneuver and bypass the old town. from the west and the east. in the case of the final occupation of this village, the defense forces will have to withdraw from the fertile area and move the front line closer to makarivka. krasnogorivka is on fire. the situation in the city has significantly worsened. the defense forces were forced to leave several areas, the enemy entered and gained a foothold on the territory of the grass plant in the southern part, and
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also advanced significantly from the donetsk side. in fact, the rashists control about half of the city. the front line runs along the central street, and the zsu conducts defense in the northwestern one. there are no industrial facilities here, but mostly private low-rise buildings, where it is difficult to defend against airstrikes and artillery. the offensive on toretsk and pokrovsk front froze. on the postavdiyiv front, the russians ran out of offensive potential, and the ukrainian armed forces eventually managed to stabilize the front line, both north of ocheretiny and along the route to kostyantynivka and toretsk. the enemy tried to push back. ours soldiers further from the southern flank of reed, but did not succeed. at the same time, the occupiers are preparing new reserves and deciding in which direction to advance on pokrovsk-chotoretsk. after the crossing of the durna river and the occupation of semenivka, the armed forces of the russian federation expectedly continued their movement to the west. however, their pace slowed down significantly and in a week they managed to walk only about a kilometer. in the umensk region
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, the enemy made several attempts to enter the village, but the armed forces of ukraine repelled all attacks and even expanded the gray zone. russians on the road to pokrovsk occupied several streets in the village of netaylové and came close to the road to umansk, but they did not manage to cut it yet. the fact that the situation in this area has changed is clearly demonstrated by the downing of three su-25 fighters and a k-52 helicopter in a short period of time. the armed forces of the russian federation have once again ceased to rule with impunity in the sky over donetsk region. in the time of yar, the day of victory failed, but it was not the end. as expected after the failure of the plan to capture the time warp. on may 9, the armed forces of the russian federation concentrated to the maximum efforts to break into the city. their main attack was directed along the bakhmut chasiv yar road through the village of ivanivske in order to advance to the canal, force it and reach the southern outskirts of the city. the rashists managed to implement part of their plan, completely captured the road and approached the canal. individual assault units were able
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to move to the right bank, but the zsu destroyed them. currently, the front line is stretched in... the channel, and the russians are looking for a way to cross it. it is expected that in the near future the enemy will try to hit the city head on and enter channel to the district. meanwhile, ivanovske is practically occupied, although the defense forces still maintained fire control over several streets in the southern part of the village. at the same time, the presence of the armed forces of ukraine in klishchiivka does not give the occupiers the opportunity to develop their offensive and bypass yar from the south, so klishchiivka will be their next target. the seversky ledge is under threat. about the situation before... we rarely mention the circle of the city of siversk due to the fact that there are practically no changes on the front line, although, as in other areas, there are daily tough battles, especially in the area of ​​belogorivka, which the russians have successfully concentrated their resources on for almost two years. however, this week the defense forces were unable to hold the section of the front south of siversk in the area of ​​the village of vesele. here, on a stretch of 8.5 km, the enemy advanced deep into
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ukraine at a distance of 500 m to a kilometer. currently ongoing. tion battles to prevent the development of this offensive, during which the rashists want to cut off the northern salient. meanwhile , on the opposite northern flank in the leman area, the armed forces of ukraine managed to hold the front and destroy it considerable enemy forces near torske and yampolivka forces. the offensive of the armed forces of the russian federation in kharkiv oblast. the pivnich group, which is spread over three neighboring russian regions and has a little more than 50,000 troops, launched an offensive on kharkiv region, recruiting about 20,000 for this. persons and additional reserves. during the 5 days of the offensive, they managed to cross the border and penetrate into the territory of ukraine by 2-4 km. the offensive is aimed at two directions: the village of lybtsi, which is 16 km from kharkiv, as well as the city of vovchanchansk, which covers the exit to the left the bank of the siverskyi donets river. in the liptsi district, the enemy managed to capture seven villages and expand the bridgehead to 13 km along the border.
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near vovchansk, they occupied three villages and approached the northern outskirts of the city, where street battles are currently taking place. it is obvious that the available resources do not allow the russians to advance on kharkiv, but this is not their goal. they want to get as close as possible to the city in order to increase their own capabilities of terrorist destruction of kharkiv with the help of artillery and mlrs. in addition, enemies want to push back the reserves of the ukrainian armed forces from donetsk region, which has been partially successful so far, because the third assault brigade, which is not used to being on the defensive, has started work here. at the same time, the occupation of vlovchansk does not have any strategic significance. in addition to the information, in 5 days it became obvious that the armed forces managed to hold the defense, and the pace of the offensive of the occupiers dropped significantly, instead, everyone noticed how much the losses of the russians increased in one day, our soldiers set an absolute record for the destruction of the rashists, 1700 soldiers, which is twice as much as usual . in may, the daily rate of decline the occupiers exceeded the pace of their
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mobilization, which is a very good trend. we defeat death to our enemies every day. so, we have such, you know, very active offensive actions practically along the entire front line, well , not even practically, just along the entire front line, and the destruction of the occupiers is proceeding... well, frankly, one might say, on an industrial scale, but what is this that's all, let's talk with our guest, ivan kiricheevsky, defense express expert, joins us, congratulations, ivan, good day, well, actually, russian troops, you see, after the capture of avdiyivka, they are trying to expand the breakthrough zone there, simultaneously advancing on kurakhovo, pokrovsk, during the yar period, active assault actions resumed. in the kupyan-lyman direction, it was literally yesterday, in 16 attempts to attack there, in the direction of leman the first
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synkivka, our soldiers repulsed again, but still there, well, such a revival again, well , revival in the robotynoy area, revival in the area of the vremiv performance, well, that is , we see revival all around, and here was also added... the kharkiv one actually, when in on the night of may 9 to 10, the russian army began an offensive there as well, what we have now is how to reduce this whole picture into some kind of clear scheme of what is happening, in fact , the picture is such that you cannot make it an immediately clear scheme, and you will have to break everything down - still on some separate segments, well, let's start with what actually looks the easiest now, because well, the easiest in terms of analysis in the sense is precisely the kharkiv direction, because... we can really fix that, let's say, on the fifth day of the offensive operation, when there is ot even if, even if there are separate examples when the russians get separate positions in
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the north of vovchansk, but go 5 km for 5 days and do not get, let’s say, the main strategic success they wanted there, that is, to open a way for themselves on kharkiv, well, it’s obvious that it’s not their weakness, but it’s more about the fact that, well, let’s put it this way, the degree of readiness of the defense forces of ukraine for a repulse in this direction is much higher than it is now customary to assess, because if we wouldn't be ready that is, our troops would not be ready, then, well, unfortunately, we would have to talk about a much faster pace of russian advance in these directions. why was it necessary to start from the kharkiv area, well, because there is now such a vivid concept that the russians are saying that there in the kharkiv region, let's call it, a distracting blow in order to try to intensify their efforts in other directions of the front, to if they were active, but here we have a certain paradox that precisely at this rate of destruction of the russians on an industrial scale, they grew primarily at the expense of those areas that
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were hot even before that, that is, if we go even literally from the numbers for today , the general staff recorded about 1,500 russians destroyed, of which there were less than 200 in kharkiv oblast, this is not means that the scale of actions in kharkiv region is smaller, it rather means that the help from the usa, which everyone is waiting for, may have finally started to work in the east. well, how else to explain that simply the numbers of russian losses rose from 900 to 1200, and at the same time we can record that even if the russians have, well, they demonstrate pressure across the width of the front, fortunately there is no advance, because yes, they are trying to be on kurakhovo, on pokrovsk, they are trying to move to work, but so far no significant advance has been confirmed there is none there, so far it looks like this is the assessment that... soon, sorry to interrupt, but in kurakhov there, you see, the situation is actually very bad, because after they took over the plant, well, actually, to keep the city is very difficult, and that's it
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objective is so real, maybe we are talking about krasnohorivka, because as far as we remember koraho, so sorry, yes, the direction is nearby, yes, well, we are just talking about, we are trying to write what happened at the front, let's say yes, even from the moment... when the russians began to advance, here i just wanted to say about, let's say, a sadder prospect for us, well , if now it looks like a consensus assessment, which sounds in us as well, and let's say, the british analysts, let's say so, well, who are really authoritative, and let's not say so, came out approximately with such an estimate that the russians can just try and increase the pressure on the zaporizhzhia direction and will be able to move in theory even to various kinds of active actions in the sumy direction precisely in order to initially get the effect that our defense line of the armed forces will be maximal. . and then try, as the russians think, to become more active in the east, that is, precisely in order to then simplify the way for new territorial advances
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in the east, so it turns out that we... but so far our situation is like this, right now difficult, there is some kind of failure or something like that, so there is a reason to scandalize, but in reality it is difficult for us just ahead, but then it will be possible to really scandalize about how ready or not ready we were, even by age or in those directions , who believed that the russians would advance there with reinforced concrete, well , he didn't talk about the prospects of an offensive on zaporizhzhia in the last few months, unless he was just lazy, well, yes, but with regard to sumy oblast, in principle, the drg. are already working there, you can't say that everything is very cloudless there, and they bomb, well, of course, this does not compare to what is happening in the kharkiv region, but on the other hand, we also have an opportunity there for such, you know, aggravation of this whole story, because it is not only vovchansk that is important, where practically, well , we can say that some actions
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are taking place within the city limits, but... but also in the direction of liptsi near kharkiv, if the enemy advances in the direction of liptsi, then he will have the opportunity to shell kharkiv already, as far as i understand, from such a very close distance barrel artillery there, well, there are 20, how many 23, 24 km, yes, there are 1,718 around this city in general, well , that is, it can be taken from the cities of akathi, and this , well... for us, in general, the entire situation , including the humanitarian one, that is, it is possible and there is a purpose to this whole story, well, on the one hand, there definitely is, on the other hand, let’s summarize what at this distance, which can be occupied in the area of ​​the alps, well, after all, the russians will not be able to put a cannon directly on the front line, but they will then be able to return to shelling kharkiv, let's say , even more dangerously in reality peons, well, caliber 203 mm, we can recall that
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the occupiers... in the spring of 2022 actively shelled the city with these guns, and there was even this creepy episode, when the russians simply opened fire from these guns and there, forgive me , it seems that even a child was simply thrown on the roof of the house, it was so simple, powerful guns there, the projectile weighs 200 kg, in fact , more than the warhead of the s300, that's why , yes, why, right there, let's say it's important not to miss the russians in lepka and why there are heavy battles there, and as for sumy region, you know there you just need to detail it. on the example of kharkiv oblast, we already have that the russians, let's say this, in a rarity for themselves, there tried to act as tactically competently as possible, directly according to the best examples of their science there, not to simply launch these infantry assaults, but to act precisely according to such a scheme, that first the eyes of the drg, the so-called saboteurs, or in fact the force of special operations, go first, then they are followed by the first wave of the offensive and the second, well , accordingly, let's say this, maybe just the opposite should be said about the mass, that there are
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statements where... those official structures that they say, everything is fine, good, as we say, everything is calm, and there is nothing to brag about, but they may not correspond to reality, and it is unlikely that ukrzaliznytsia would just announce that it, well, you know, we are just opening an additional sum train on kyiv, so that it would go, let's say, more regularly and everyone who wanted to could leave on time, so it is necessary to say that the emergence of russian saboteurs in the sumy oblast may have been a prerequisite for the russian full-time. let's say so, the transition to a full-scale offensive, well, not in the sense that the russians will be able to get out there with one shot, as they unfortunately did in february 2022, but also that russian tanks can follow the saboteurs, unfortunately, yes, er, ivan, look, er, now many people are noting, saying , the scale of this russian offensive in the kharkiv region has calmed down, but isn’t that just what you say, when the first echelon has advanced,
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now they are just catching up the second echelon and, in fact, it's even bigger attack ahead? well, it can be formulated in such a way that we are in a state of strategic uncertainty, because, well , even this complete media scandal, when there, let's say, someone thought that budanov's words were misinterpreted by the new york times, because the version that the russians just as part of their task of stretching the line of our defense, they can first go to... the kharkiv region, then shift their efforts to the sumy region, well, that is , try to transfer the troops quickly to other areas, this same option is also not excluded, because, well, we have a story when , in order to open this offensive in the kharkiv direction, the russians still transferred some units from kupinsky and lymansky, well, which would look illogical at first glance, but they went for it, accordingly, it could be like this here is the option that they will go exactly according to the principle of a light chorus, that is, demonstrating offensive activity, let's say the same in
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