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tv   [untitled]    April 29, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm EEST

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day, wait. to beijing not to help russia in the war against ukraine. first, there was a meeting with the minister of foreign affairs, and then with sydney pin. a few weeks ago to china.
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german chancellor olaf scholz also went, where he also called for pressure on moscow, but about blinken. during his visit, he spoke a lot about challenges and consequences, and called russia the biggest threat to european security. the americans have evidence that china has dramatically increased its sales of microelectronics and other technologies to russia. moscow uses them for the production of missiles, tanks, planes and other weapons for the war against ukraine. and that's anthony blinken. told the bbc in an exclusive interview: you are asking beijing to stop supplying moscow with components that russia is using in the invasion of ukraine, you have asked them to do this before, what makes you think they will listen to you this time? let's be clear about what is and isn't happening, what isn't happening is china giving russia weapons to use in ukraine. at
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the very beginning of russian aggression, we made it clear to china that this was unacceptable, and we haven't seen him do that. russia receives weapons from other countries, from north korea, from iran, but some chinese enterprises supply critical components for the russian defense industry, such as machine tools, microelectronics and optics. they are being used to help russia in an extremely rapid effort to produce more ammunition, tanks, and armored vehicles. rockets and russia is doing so at a pace not seen in modern history, including the soviet union during the cold war. and this could not have happened without the support of provided by china. 70% of machine tools that russia receives from abroad and 90% of microelectronics come from china. therefore, we have stated two things very clearly: it helps russia continue its aggression against ukraine, but it also creates.
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the increasing threat of aggression from russia for europe, i hear from europeans deep concern about this. therefore, if china wants to have better relations not only with us, but also with the countries of europe, it cannot do so while helping to increase the greatest threat to european security since the end of the cold war. we are already are taking action against chinese organizations that do this, and i 've made it clear that if china doesn't take action. we will do it, you say that you will act, i want to clarify what exactly you are ready to do, are you going to prepare another package of sanctions against china, what actions are envisaged? i'm not going to go into detail, i'll just say that we've already done, we've imposed sanctions and export restrictions on over 100 chinese...entities because of
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their involvement in contributing to russia's defense and industrial base, and we're fully prepared to take further measures. but how and with what does china help russia? american intelligence reports: 90% of the microelectronics that russia uses to manufacture missiles, tanks and planes comes from china. and last year alone, machines were imported worth 900 million dollars. chinese and russian companies are also working on cooperation. production of drones. russia is supplied with nitrocellulose for the production of ammunition, optical components for tanks and armored vehicles. there is also evidence that china has provided russia with turbojet engines for cruise missiles. so will it work diplomacy this time, will the states be able to influence china. we talk about it with alina hrytsenko, columnist of the national institute of strategic studies. alina, i welcome you, thank you for joining, but earlier attempts of the west in this matter ... were not very
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successful and there was no way to get china's support for a diplomatic solution to the war in ukraine, do you think this visit by blinken or something with... changed or affected, good evening, i would not say that this visit of antony blinken will change anything significantly in china's position regarding the russian-ukrainian war, china will continue to adhere to, will adhere to the so-called neutrality, while maintaining fairly close ties with the russian federation, to which it does not simply provide assistance, as, for example, by analogy, as it happens between western states and ukraine. china continues to do business with russia, selling... certain spare parts, components, etc., without supplying them for free, and it must be said that this actually happens not only in relation to the russian federation, but also in relation to ukraine. we also purchase drones and certain spare parts from chinese companies in order to develop drones independently on the territory
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of ukraine. therefore, anthony blinken once again reminded about certain red lines that the united states has defined for itself in the context of china's support for russia. in relation to the war against ukraine, and this red line is the direct supply of already significant large arms and equipment, which china is unlikely to go for, because in the grand scheme of things this aid will not change significantly the situation at the front in favor of the russian federation, and russia's strategic loss in this war was already evident in 2022, so if china really wanted to support russia openly, it would have already done so within these... two years, on the other hand , for china, once again reminded that an increase in support for russia will have, will have certain significant consequences, in particular in the financial and economic sphere, reminded that the united states remains
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a key player in the world financial and economic system, and exactly the united states applies one or another rule and has really powerful tools of pressure on china, whose economy is significantly... dependent on trade both with the united states and with european countries, and in addition, it should be remembered that today china's economy is not in the best condition, therefore china is currently not ready to sacrifice and risk its own economic situation for the sake of the russian federation. well, you talked about pressure tools, and blinken talked about sanctions, also as a tool to put pressure on beijing, if there is no stop helping moscow. if he speaks. about these sanctions, so what can they be? it can be export restrictions, as far as i understand, it can be sanctions on individual chinese companies, it can be sanctions on individual chinese banks. a more radical step, such as limiting the use of the dollar in transactions and currency
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operations, is also being discussed in zmi. it must be said that the sanctions have indeed already proven their effectiveness, in particular the sanctions pressure on the russian federation. we know that several chinese banks already refuse to cooperate with russian. customers because they are afraid of secondary sanctions, plus there are restrictions on conducting transactions in rubles or yuan, so this is a really effective tool that the chinese economy is not ready for today, but could blinken's visit to china be a preparation for a high-level meeting equal, so the meeting between xi jinping and joe biden, what are your expectations from the upcoming european tour, the chinese leader himself, it will be, if i am not mistaken at the beginning. yes yes, actually you can say that anthony blinken's visit to china was really a preparation for the meeting between joe biden and sidzempit, usually when they already meet, there are meetings at the level of foreign ministers, this really gives us reason to say that
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a bilateral visit is already being prepared, regarding the visit, regarding xi jinping's visit to europe, we can say that it is... china's desire and china's strategy for further economic expansion in the european union, as part of the tour, xi jinping plans to visit three countries: france, serbia and hungary. we are with france we can see certain improvements in relations, in particular, starting with last year's visit of emmanuel macron to beijing, there is indeed quite powerful economic and trade cooperation, which most likely xijin ping, which will be discussed, will take place during the meeting with... macron in paris between swizimpin and the french president, serbia is an important country in the context of arms supplies, because serbia buys chinese weapons and chinese equipment, while ceasing to buy russian equipment, russian technology, but hungary is currently considered as a trojan horse,
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as a certain gateway for china to europe. ms. alina, please stay in touch, because we will have to mention another high-profile american visit to china by a businessman. mask, but first i suggest you listen to what the significance of antony blitken's diplomatic mission to china is, reported bbc correspondent mcdonald. it is interesting and important that such meetings are able to achieve some kind of breakthrough, which consists mainly in preventing further deterioration of relations. why i say this is because, according to anthony blinken, these are the relationships that matter most to the world. i don't think anyone can argue with that. he listed the areas in which both countries are already successfully cooperating. military cooperation, artificial. intelligence, environmental protection, counter-narcotics, but he also outlined areas where the countries' positions
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diverge sharply, all to avoid a miscalculation that wang yi said could push the countries into outright conflict. so, everyone on the planet are interested in these two countries. and come to an understanding, and that is why it is so important that they resolve their differences in an open and honest way. you know, wang ye even said that the us-china relationship is like a giant ship that has been caught in a storm, and now has finally come out into calm waters. to this end, he added the following: china's legitimate right to development is being unjustifiably suppressed. he noted that
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the reason for the attempt of some forces to sabotage these relations. and also, he added to blinken, the united states should not interfere in china's internal affairs, suppress china's development or violate china's red lines. so we have strong statements from both sides, but what they say is good, and it is better than sliding into conflicts. well, before antony blinken had time to leave beijing, elon musk unexpectedly flew there. he met with the prime minister and talked about automotive technologies, because more than half of the tesla cars owned by musk are assembled in china, all the data collected there is not transferred to the united states. well, against the background of diplomatic tension and of the disagreements between the two superpowers mentioned by our correspondents, such a quick arrival of elon musk did not have time for the chief american diplomat to leave. could not help but pay attention to zmi. well, alina hrytsenko is in touch with us. we continue the conversation. alino, here is
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the main businessman, after the main diplomat. do you think that coincidence is a coincidence, or is there a deeper meaning to be sought here? frankly speaking, i would not associate musk's visit to china with antony blinken's visit, but rather with olaf's visit scholz, who was also recently in beijing, because here we are talking about... we are talking about business, about the development of technologies. elon musk, if i am not mistaken, if i am not mistaken, arrived in beijing to discuss with the country's high officials the introduction of full autopilot technologies in tesla cars, he was, it seems, in shanghai in the tesla fleet, and before that olaf scholz, who was also in beijing, discussed including electric cars, because germany is actively developing exactly this type of cars and , of course, what about china... is happening now some competition, there is a whole boom in the market, we are watching chinese electric cars, so i
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think that in order not to pass the initiative into the hands of germany, elon musk decided to visit china as well to discuss certain technological points, but before blinkin’s visit, i would did not start to tie it. thank you, thank you, alina hrytsenko, a viewer of the national institute of strategic studies, was on our air. thank you. thank you. american. not only is china becoming an increasingly important trading partner for russia, officials say, it is also helping kremlin in the war against ukraine. it supplies equipment and parts, and also probably provides military intelligence data to russian forces in ukraine. that is why secretary of state anthony blinken tried in every possible way to convince his chinese colleagues not to support, as he said, the greatest threat to european security. well, this trip took place in a matter of hours after joe biden signed a bill to provide military assistance to ukraine. aid for almost 61 billion dollars, will china listen, well, we
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will closely monitor the development of events, well if you're interested in learning more about it, subscribe to our social media pages and we'll be on the air tomorrow, as always, at 9 p.m., good luck and take care. greetings, friends, live on the espresso tv channel, the second part of the verdict program, my name is. serhii rudenko, today we will talk about the most important thing, about what happened during the last few days, and what was discussed both in society and in the government, about what will affect our tomorrow and our future. let me remind you that we work live on the tv channel, as well as on our own platforms on youtube and facebook, and for those
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who are currently watching us on youtube and facebook, please subscribe to our. pages, take part in our survey, today we ask you about whether you think it is justified to restrict human rights and freedoms during war, yes no, everything is quite simple, and if you watch us on tv, pick up a smartphone or a phone and vote if you think the restriction of human rights and freedom during war is justified (0800-211 381, not 0800-211 382), all calls to these numbers are without. precious ones, vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote, well, beyond all doubt, the topic is the law on mobilization, or rather, the introduction of changes to the law of legislation, to the law on mobilization and how this document is perceived in society, let me remind you that it will enter into force
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on may 18, and last week the situation was quite difficult. occurred for those ukrainians who are outside the state, because consular offices stopped providing services to men conscripted between the ages of 18 and 60 years, queues lined up in ukrainian consulates and citizens tried in some way to resolve their issues as such. in the relevant ministry, and how the preparations for the strengthening of mobilization are progressing, see below. long queues, heated arguments, insults . on tuesday, april 23,
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hundreds of ukrainian men across the don, who came to pick up pre-ordered documents, were unable to receive them. in the foreign divisions of the state-owned enterprise , the document was first reported about technical problems, but within a few hours the minister minister of foreign affairs dmytro kuleba published a post in which he reported: the ukrainian state has decided to suspend the provision of consular services to men of mobilization age. a man of penitentiary age went abroad, showed his country that... the question of its survival does not bypass him, and then comes and wants to receive services from this country, it does not work like that, there is a war in our country. the restriction of access to consular services abroad for those who do not have a military id, or have not updated their data in the tcc, is indeed provided by the new law on mobilization, but it enters into force only on may 18, and
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the documents are not issued already. many lawyers are sure of action. dss are illegal, but just as few doubt that such a drastic step could hardly have been the initiative of the ministry or even the government. apparently, it was approved at the bank meeting. back in january, at a joint press conference with estonian prime minister kaya kalas, president zelenskyi was asked to comment on whether estonia should deport men of draft age to ukraine, and he voiced his position. ours have been fighting for two years. guys, and at this time, i will tell you frankly, there is people who crossed the border outside the rules, or outside the law, if they are of mobilization age, then they must help ukraine, and they must be in ukraine. germany
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categorically rejected such a possibility before deportation, which is unlikely to happen. the ministers of defense of poland and lithuania admitted the possibility of helping ukraine in... the return of men of mobilization age, but later the minister of internal affairs of poland clarified that temporary protection will be provided to ukrainian men and refugees even without a passport, and their private data will not be given to the ukrainian authorities will be transmitted we need to act wisely and rationally. all things that concern ukrainians in poland are prescribed in laws. we will extend protection for ukrainian refugees, which is valid only until june 30. those who are not. passports will be subject to temporary protection. however, deportation is an extreme, there are other ways to stimulate ukrainian men to return to ukraine. next week, the polish sejm will consider. the new version of the law on ukrainian refugees, and according to zmi, it may contain a requirement for ukrainians to provide a valid passport for receiving various benefits. no
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passport, no benefits. according to european union statistics, after the full-scale invasion , more than 800,000 ukrainian men left there, some of them illegally. hundreds of thousands more lived and worked abroad before the great war, many of them are fair. or not, now will have to endure inconveniences and restrictions. long queues of ukrainian men appeared this week not only in warsaw and berlin, but also in ukrainian cities. military servicemen are in a hurry to update their data even before the new law comes into force about mobilization, because the countdown will start from may 18, two months. if you don't have time, there will be sanctions. fine - probably more than 20 thousand hryvnias, getting into the field'. database of search and even deprivation of the right to drive a car, however, the ministry of defense reassures that the data can be updated not only directly at the tsc, but also at
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administrative service centers and through the electronic cabinet. it should become operational in june, defense ministry spokesman dmytro lazutkin told rfe/rl. update the data so that tsc knows who is booked and who can be there accordingly mobilized and so on, from whom. family circumstances have changed, who has the right to deferment, and this is obviously also about justice. if the electronic cabinet of the conscript does not work, then it will be impossible to implement the law adopted by the council. after may 18, the queues at the tsk will become even longer, and they will physically not be able to cope with the influx of visitors. a separate issue is military conscripts with the status of limited fitness. parliament obliged them to re-pass the vlk within nine months. to get a new status that still has determine the ministry of defense, but whether it will be necessary to confirm the disability of the second and third groups received after february 24, 2022,
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which was reported earlier, is now unclear. the court-legal newspaper drew attention to the fact that the announced norm did not make it to the final version of the law. while the preparation for the intensified mobilization is not bringing the desired result, widely advertised. a recruiting company in the armed forces. according to numerous testimonies of servicemen who voluntarily came to the tcc, having a letter of reference from a military unit, wherever they wanted to undergo service, the mechanism does not work. the mobilized gets to the training center, and there the relationship actually means nothing. that is, where you will serve and who does not depend on you. against the background of uncertainty, ambiguity and management mistakes in social networks. heated debates, critics of the latest decisions of the parliament and the executive power, both regarding mobilization and ukrainian men abroad, remind us of the constitution and the rights of a citizen. in
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response, servicemen and their relatives are reminded of their constitutional obligations, among others which is the protection of ukraine's independence and territorial integrity, as well as those who have been at the front for more than two years and who currently have no one to replace. but as we can see, even on the entry into force of this law from may 18 , it does not give clear answers, exactly when this electronic cabinet will be operational, because on the one hand, the mobilization law enters into force on may 18, and the two months that are given to all conscripted men begin in order to update your data in... the central committee, and the cabinet will not have an electronic cabinet at that time, through the central committee queues lined up, well, in particular in the capital, and
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conscripts are trying to somehow update this data now, but the main thing , of course, is the intrigue, what will happen to those men who are abroad, who in one way or another will avoid updating information in the tsc, and will countries. where they are now, to provide data to the ukrainian side, the ukrainian side will in some way demand deportation, or whether it will demand deportation, it is still unclear, the ambassador of ukraine to poland, vasyl zvarych, said on tvn24 that ukraine does not appealed to poland for help with the return of ukrainian men of conscription age, but the temporary suspension of consular services will force them to... update their data, let's listen to what the ambassador said, there is no mobilization, mobilization is not something new during the war, it is obvious that we
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two people are needed. things, justice and duty, justice to those soldiers who are sitting in the trenches, and they must know that they will have rest, that there will be rotation. justice is the main word and the main requirement has been sounding for the last few weeks and even months, in particular, regarding who, in what way, should go to serve in the armed forces of ukraine. meanwhile, the office of the prosecutor general reports that more than 11,000 cases against evaders have been opened in ukraine since 2022. in the 22nd year, 2,431 cases were opened, the leaders of the anti-rating of zakarpattia and dnipropetrovsk regions, in the 23rd year already 6,745 cases, the leaders of transcarpathia, mykolaiv and dnipropetrovsk regions. the amount of bribes for leaving ukraine has now
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increased. up to $17,000 per seat, in short this story, regarding the entry into force of the law on mobilization, will obviously change the attitude, the legal attitude of the state towards those who evade their constitutional duty, and will also affect, of course , ukrainian society and the future of ukrainian society, because i have already said that this is... a law that can be considered a small constitution of wartime, that is, it is the law that gives answers to the questions of how, who and how will join the army, and accordingly, who will defend the ukrainian state in what way, and one question that will we have it in may, but it is already being promoted by russian propaganda
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channels. this is the topic of the illegitimacy of volodymyr zelenskyi. on may 20, 2019, zelenskyi was sworn in as the president of ukraine, and accordingly, the russians want to question the legitimacy of the powers of the president of ukraine starting on may 20, 2024. like, the term of office has expired and it is necessary to change either the president, or not... not to comply, or, let’s say, not to contact president zelenskyi, since he is not the kind of person that the russian authorities have in general will speak at least because his powers are already running out, the spokesman of the russian dictator dmytro piskov said that the fate of president zelensky is supposedly decided, panic is growing in the ukrainian military, let's listen to this henchman of putin.
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it seems to me that the fate of zelenskyi is definitely decided, and very soon the moment will come when many people, in particular in ukraine, will question his legitimacy. in any case, even from a legal point of view, it will have to be done, and he will have to justify himself somehow. but the main thing here for us is us must continue a special military operation, secure themselves and fulfill these tasks that were set from the beginning. in this story, official ukraine, or official kyiv, the ministry of foreign affairs and president zelensky, need to be patient with the issue of putin's illegitimacy, to do their best so that the whole world does not recognize putin's authority. on may 7 , 2024, putin will hold another inauguration, the president, or the so-called...
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president who was elected in the temporarily occupied territories of another state, a person, who killed all his competitors and is killing all his competitors, a person who limits the rights and freedoms of citizens of the russian federation, a person who destroys ukrainians and tries to destroy the ukrainian state, he does not deserve to be called the president. uh, at the end of last week , the european parliament adopted, by the way, a resolution, according to which putin's powers were not recognized, that is, he is considered illegitimate in the european parliament, but the resolution is only uh, a document that has a recommendatory nature, that is, nothing more, and of course, someone may refer to this document, someone may not refer to it, someone may not
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recognize or... recognize putin's authority, but...


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