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tv   [untitled]    April 27, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm EEST

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we say goodbye to diana dutsyk, executive director of the ukrainian institute of media and communication, member of the public council under the committee on freedom of speech of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. thank you all for your attention, iryna koval, mykola veresen says: goodbye, see you tomorrow, good luck, victory to us all. in ukraine, at 7 p.m., the release is for your attention.
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news on espresso tv channel. in the studio of iryna koval. greetings to all viewers. ukrainian troops control most of the reedy areas in the avdiyiv direction. and the temporarily occupied territory of the village is kept under fire control. nazar voloshyn, the spokesman for the operational-strategic grouping of the khortytsia troops, announced this on the air of the ediny novosti telethon. in order to be able to break through in the direction of novobakhmutivka, ocheretyn, russia introduced additional reserves. voloshyn also added. heavy fighting continues on the outskirts of solovyov, which is south of ocheretino, there at times, meanwhile, german analyst julian röbke reported that the invaders had completely captured semenivka and solovyov. such data is also provided by the map of hostilities in ukraine deep state. in the nightingale, the situation is the same, approximately in relative terms, in numbers it is about 2/3 of the population. point under the control of the armed
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forces of ukraine, and the part of the settlement, in which the enemy also broke through, it is under our fire control, the enemy is blocked and measures are being taken to knock him out, heavy fighting is also going on at the moment. law enforcement officers of the white angel crew delivered food kits to residents of the village of zhilanne of the ocheretyn community in donetsk region. currently, about a hundred people remain in the front-line village. the road that... the policemen drove earlier, now they are completely shot by the enemy, so the crew chose a new route, but there they almost came under fire, saved only by a delay due to a punctured wheel. everything is fine with you, well, what is it when it, let’s take you out, i don’t want it, you yourself, it doesn’t want to go anywhere, but who do you live with, and mother, i’ve already flown to everything, here it is... in the kitchen, but that's why it beats, i
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say, lord, save us. three civilians were hospitalized after the russian shelling of the village of kozatske in the kherson region, they are men aged 41, 47 and 503. one of the injured were in a serious condition, mortars were fired at the village, and a 21-year-old resident of the village of stanislav was also injured due to an enemy attack. doctors helped her on the spot, the head of the region said. in addition, in the early afternoon, the russian army hit kherson itself with a missile. the occupiers took aim near one of the educational institutions in korabelny district. the building of the institution was seriously damaged. there are broken windows, damaged walls and roof. gutted audience. no one, today is saturday, we are all off, so people, no one is in the building.
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also , a medical facility in kharkiv suffered from shelling today. patients of a psychiatric hospital on the territory of which the russians struck, will not be distributed to other institutions, they will be transferred to the surviving buildings. currently, repairmen are fixing the electricity and water supply, and about 200 windows need to be closed. on time benefactors will bring food to the patients of the medical facility during the restoration work. the occupiers hit the courtyard near the building of one of the buildings with s-300 missiles. a huge gap formed on the spot. a 53-year-old woman was injured. damaged food blocks, water supply, power lines, and the medical building, which currently housed about 60 patients and five medical staff, was also damaged. employees, in general
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there are 902 patients and 250 doctors and other medical and other workers in this institution. one of the missiles fired by the russians at night over ukraine fell 15 km from the bolshoi border, ex-prime minister of poland donald tusk reported online. also earlier , the polish armed forces reported that due to a missile attack in the west of ukraine, they had to raise aircraft into the sky twice. on in odesa, a light civilian aircraft shot down two enemy reconnaissance drones, the south's defense forces reported. drones orlan and zala managed to grind. local telegram channels published videos showing a yak-52 board hunting russian uavs. on one of the recordings, shots can be heard, which may indicate that the plane was equipped with weapons. the defense forces added that such a turn would be unexpected
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for the enemy. in response to enemy attacks, today the military airfield in the russian slovyansk in the kuban. very successfully attacked drones. a few are affected military aircraft, russian media write. a fire broke out, but the ministry of defense of the aggressor country, as always, reported only about downed uavs. they claim to have destroyed 66 drones over their krasnodar region and occupied crimea. a new aid package worth $100 million will be sent to ukraine by australia, half of it. with air defense, prime minister denys shmagal and australian defense minister richard marls agreed during a meeting in lviv. the head of the ukrainian government thanked allies for their support and reminded that australia has already provided over
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$655 million in aid to ukraine, $540 million of which is military aid. within the framework of the coalition. drones, australia will supply us with drones worth 32.5 million dollars, and a large batch of rbs-70 manpads worth several tens of millions of dollars will also be sent to ukraine. we are grateful to our australian friends and partners for this powerful contribution to the stability and victory of ukraine. germany will hand over three ambulances to kherson oblast, as told the kherson regional military administration. special transport will be donated by the municipality of hamburg. ambulances are fully equipped with the necessary medical equipment, which will allow providing first aid to patients during transportation. previously, the mayor of hamburg, pyotr chencher, brought three such cars to kyiv. pickup trucks for peace.
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volunteers from great britain handed over another batch of cars for the defense forces. they include 30 suvs. and an ambulance . the charity initiative was started by the british farmer mark lert. farmers are not they buy a car and give their own. most are immediately repainted in a green camouflage color. suvs were also equipped with generators and medical supplies. these pickup trucks will be used by the ukrainian military to save lives, transport aid and equipment. we talked to people who have already used our cars. they say that these machines, at least one machine can save a person. when we hear that our help saves the lives of ukrainians, we are motivated to exert even more effort to support them, and we will do it further. there is very good support for ukraine in britain, they cheer for ukraine, and everyone who can, tries
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to help ukraine. therefore, such an action is not, no, not the first time, and as our british friends assured us today, it will certainly not be the last, that is, we expect them again and again, and... we invite you to lviv. and not only cars are needed by our military, means of communication and security are needed by the intelligence unit of the third regiment of special operations forces, they fight for the independence of our country in difficult battles on the eastern front, they give us the opportunity to live, work and study. our goal is uah 720,000. with your help, we have already made an advance payment, it remains to collect less than uah 300,000. let's not delay, because the war continues. and the help of each of us is very important. you can now see all the details on the screen. the president dismissed volodymyr maibozhenko, the head of the brovary district administration of kyiv oblast, who caused a drunken traffic accident. the corresponding
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order is available on the website of the head of state. the court also sent him to play without the right to enter for two months during the investigation pledge according to law enforcement officers, 20. on april 6, in brovary, volodymyr maibozhenko drove through an intersection at a red light, drove onto uzbichchya and crashed into pedestrians. doctors hospitalized four victims, including a girl... 2.5 years old. drager testing showed that the driver's blood alcohol content was 10 times higher than the norm. the first rehearsal: the ukrainian singing duo alyona alyona and jerry hale have already managed to sing their hit. teresa maria stage in malmö, sweden. the day before, ukrainian women flew to the city, where this year's eurovision song contest will take place. i found out during the rehearsal. that new elements have been added to the number of our performers, as well as their stage
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images have changed. previously, the selection of girls caused a discussion in ukraine due to the solid black color. now their suits are beige. let me remind you that the semi-finals of eurovision 2024 will take place on may 7 and 9, and the final on may 11. that was the news so far, read more at... also follow us on social media and of course watch our unique content at youtube i'm iryna koval, i'm not saying goodbye to you at 9 p.m. i'll see you in the results of the week's news, then saturday's political club and meet vitaly portnikov.
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congratulations, friends, the saturday political club on espresso tv channel andriy smoliy and vitaly portnikov, and at this time we traditionally discuss all the most important events of ukraine and the world, and we already have the first guest on the call, roman kostenko, people's deputy of ukraine, secretary of the committee of the verkhovna rada of ukraine on security, defense and intelligence, colonel of the security service of ukraine. congratulations, mr. roman. good evening, and the first question, it is, good evening, about military actions, what we are currently observing, and what the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, general syrskyi, is saying now, about the fact that an escalation is expected, and we have heard about the capture positions of russian troops in donetsk, even in kharkiv regions, what... several villages are occupied, and this can change the situation, i would say, positionally for
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the ukrainian army, how does it look, in principle? well, in general, we should strategically understand that the enemy, he, has several tasks, he has there, short-term, medium-term tasks, in the short- term they have, we know that they are very dependent on dates, and they have the closest holiday that they cultivate is may 9, and they need some... victory, yes, they had an avdiivka, but we know that putin has set a task, and this is confirmed by our intelligence, that they, er, they want to seize chasivya as well. i spoke with the guys there, the situation is difficult there, but they assure that they will not be able to do it. i hope that the reinforcement command and by providing sufficient ammunition technically and replenishment will do everything to ee to help contain it, because well, the enemy is real. is drawing troops there, and there is even information that the south from the left bank
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of kherson region is also transferring some units, including the 76th airborne division , in order to concentrate a larger number of troops. capture of the donetsk luhansk region, which they will continue to do in the 24th year and... well they want to take the territories as much as possible before the maximum amount of help has come to us and while they think it is easier to do, therefore, unfortunately, the initiative at the expense of the fact that most of the personnel, the number of personnel, its ability to supply more shells , now temporarily on the boss of the enemy, i hope that our partners will quickly provide us with help, and we can quickly er transfer it to the front in order to stabilize it. the situation and make parity and, let's say, normalize situation on the battlefield. last night, the enemy
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made another massive attack on our territory, it took place in two stages. in fact, again the main targets were energy facilities. mr. roman, please tell us what to expect next? what do you think the blows will be, where will they be directed? well, we understand. that in general we can only analyze what the enemy is doing and in principle see again the situation as a whole and what the intelligence says that the enemy both attacked and will continue to attack, we do not know... when he, perhaps there will be some situation when he will stop doing it, but as of now, we see that their task is to knock out our generation in order for ukraine, let's say, to force ukraine to make some concessions there, to make some changes there, in order to to implement, well , suppress the moral and psychological state, in order to force people inside the country
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to somehow influence the government, to possibly push it to some compromises, and this is the main reason. the enemy, that he will continue to hit, we understand that, and our main task is to ask our partners closing the sky and giving us the ability to give us more air defense. we can already see that with this help there is a certain amount of it, but of course it was exemplary how it happened in israel when iran struck, in principle, almost 100% of the missiles were shot down by both israel and the ally, of course this... it's easy to do when it's done for the first time, and you haven't exhausted your resources yet, but of course, i would like to have such a reaction to the attacks on our infrastructure facilities, because i will repeat myself once again to the enemy, to destroy our generation and all consequences defense-industrial complex, economy, generation, drive everything into, let's say, times,
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let's say, put us in the dark and lower the economy as much as possible. mr. roman, let's talk about this story with the atakams, because on the eve of the adoption by the american congress of the law on aid to ukraine, many people said that there is a kind of trap for the administration of president biden, or is there a special clause with the transfer of ukraine long-range atakoms missiles and that it will be very difficult for president biden to fulfill this requirement legislators and that it will put white virgins. a convenient position, and may even force him to prove that ukraine does not need these missiles, or that it threatens the national security of the united states, and suddenly we found out, after the adoption of the bill, that the missiles had already been transferred even before the law was passed, why did the americans delay for so long, and then, without even waiting for the law, took it and handed it over. uh, uh, i mean, what
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we're talking about right now is, well, let's say, in general, the atakams missiles, but we know that they're... of different types, and in particular what our partners are talking about, these are attack missiles from the first series of production, with a range of 165 km, and we remember that there was already a discussion, including in the information field, about their striking, we remember let's say, strikes were carried out on the airfield in berdyansk, and some other airfields were also struck, precisely cluster strikes, where a certain number of russian helicopters were known, and these were rockets, but at this range, they are 165 km away, what are they were transferred to us, this is even before discussions, when we had a setback at the front, let's say so, but there was not yet this, this kind of politicization of aid, and then they were still handed over and
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used to a dependent, and our partners were very wary of this, that is, that we do not used in russian. territory, they are still afraid of it, so it was a question of 165 km, of course, the potential will open up for us if we get their newest missiles, which can fly 300 km, and there the radius of deviation from, well, from the coordinates hit there by plus or minus 5 m, that's it quite accurate missiles, so of course they would give us more opportunities, because even these 165 km kilometer missiles, if you want to hit something serious, you need to get very close to the front line, and this increases their vulnerability, and if we take about 300, then the crimean bridge falls, although it no longer plays such a role, but in principle it is a backup source
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for the supply of logistics, so it... after all, it is not there, it should not be, that's why i think it's the first priority goal, it should be destroyed, as well as objects on the territory of crimea, well, at the expense of other objects, we even today showed that there ukraine continues to strike with its own means, with unmanned aerial vehicles on objects and on airfields, as was inflicted strikes , including the use of the security service of ukraine, alpha, the center for special operations. and the main intelligence management is quite effective, as they are called, these rockets for the poor , with their mass, still play the role of e task of strikes on e-e infrastructure the enemy if there are no such missiles, then of course this is a way out, but when we talk about, you know, we, from the fact that we do not have missiles, call them
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long-range missiles, there are short-range, medium-range and long-range missiles, this is in the nomenclature of strategic missiles, and these missiles are operational-tactical, they do not even fall into that nomenclature, but since they do not give us anything else, we are happy with them, and of course, i think, we use them as much as possible... we stand and strike the enemy with such to his rear, who will not be able to weaken them later, let's say so leading edge pressure. the american media, in particular cnn, note that part or most of the weapons from the package that was voted in the senate and the house of representatives of the united states of america are already located either on the territory of poland or on the territory of the federal republic of germany. mr. roman, how quickly can these weapons be delivered to us now and how much can they change the balance of forces at the front? well , it will all depend on our allies, but i
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will say that uh, we understand that often it happens, i won't say how precisely it is, but it often happens that some of our allies, even some of our allies, already understand about some of their weapons, well , for example, to help us when a decision is made and when they understand what it will be. . it is accepted, if it does not happen, it will not change anything, to place some stocks in the european countries of our allies, so that later, through the points determined there in the borders, the most necessary weapons can be brought in, that is exactly what is needed there, these are rockets for kirmatians, indeed we are now we need them in large quantities, because supplies were reduced, and this had a rather strong effect on our defense capability, this is the 155th. caliber e-e and other 105th caliber, let’s say, artillery shells, rockets, this is what we need in the first place now, and additional barrels and everything else,
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so it is often already either already on the territory of ukraine, or next to ukraine, and i think that we will get the most necessary things quickly, the only question is how it will then be distributed along the front, we understand that the main task is so... not only his to get, establish on the territory of ukraine, but also to preserve, because according to our data, russia has now included all its resources and the fsb, and the foreign intelligence service, the main intelligence agency, he is interested in how they activated them in our partner countries in order to to see through which checkpoints these weapons enter, where they are concentrated, where they are distributed, in order to then strike at them, it is very important for them, because we can see their reaction, they don't even ... know what to say , trying to reduce, there is sand, that says, it won’t change anything there , you know, people who sit in the kremlin, realizing that hundreds of thousands of ammunition of various
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calibers are going there, and it will be, well, tens of thousands of killed and hundreds of thousands of maimed russians, say, well, it won’t change anything, so that for them human life is nothing, well, if it does not change anything for them, then we understand that this is true, if we talk about the perspective, that is in principle. if you see the entire theater of war, do you really think that russia will intensively advance now and next week, precisely for to establish ourselves in some positions until we receive a large amount of help, as far as it is in principle realistic from the point of view of possibilities, well here, mr. vitarius, what do we mean, well, by offensive, i allocate always active actions, offensive and offensive operation , if we are talking about an offensive operation. literally yesterday, representatives of the intelligence came to us, then it was an offensive strategic operation, for example, how i would play for the enemy , there was a part from the kharkiv region,
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a part from zvugedaru, there to do big ticks, let's say, to seize some regions or at least regions, russia now, fortunately, there are no such forces, so they now want to mobilize there, there are more than 400 people there to replenish the personnel. composition for the creation of new units, they are in the stage of this, but active actions and tactical-level offensive operations, which in the case of our, let's say, subsidence, can lead to some operational success, there are several cities or several villages, it can be , but whether they will be successful or not, it depends from us, and we are enough, it seems to me, don't worry, if help comes quickly now, we... pull the mobilization resource, we will be able to resist it and stay at least at these borders. mr. roman,
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there will be another question that concerns... f-16, according to one information, we expect them at the end of may, according to information from other countries , during the year 2024, when should we expect it, because after all, it will be so to say, one of the most effective countermeasures, including shelling by the occupiers. well, uh, the last information we've seen is at the beginning summer, we have already been told many times about this, that it will happen, but it is postponed all the time, if it is a matter of training, it is very important, because the problem is sometimes the weapons, i have come across this more than once, and it is so historically, it is possible to provide the best weapon, but if i do not teach well, if they will use it for a maximum of 20%, i have seen this effect when you give a person the best, well, for example, there is a thermal imager, it only knows how to turn it on and off, then let's say no gives us
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an edge. so if it's a matter of good pilot training, of course we need them it is good enough to train them to get the most out of the f-16s that will come to us, but to get the most out of them on the condition that they have normal radars, with normal equipment, which we are promised, and which can only give us a technical advantage over the enemy , because if these are f16s of older models, then in principle nothing may change, except for the possibility of shooting down shaheds there and... cruise missiles are already on the territory of ukraine, and the main task, and wherever we would like to see them, is of course in the confrontation in air because just before avdiivka, russia did not have an advantage, so you know, they had an advantage in the number of aircraft, but our air defense made it parity due to the fact that russia could not use it, and with the appearance of cabs, with a decrease in the number of air defense in us, russia...
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i think avdiivka was captured due to this advantage, because the weapon is quite powerful and it had a strong enough influence on our defenders, when it was no longer possible to hold and our troops had to be moved to other positions, and russia realized that this while their trump card, as in every war, when poison and vs there are poisons, someone has an advantage in a very short time, until someone finds something else, and now russia is trying to use this tactic also on the temporary era, falling asleep. or simply knocking out our defenders, so i think that these f-16s, i would like them to come and i hope just before this start of active actions by russia, so that it would be precisely this antidote against the russian su-34 and su-35, which are the carriers of the cabs, in order not to give them the opportunity to fly up to the distance of the wasteland, that is this is what i think, their main task will be in addition to
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assistance in the air defense system. in order that we may better hold our lines, i hope that in the beginning of active action, which is may, which we expect, there will be some number of them, and they will support us. thank you, thank you, mr. roman. roman kostenko, people's deputy of ukraine, secretary of the verkhovna rada committee on security, defense and intelligence, colonel of the security service of ukraine. we 're going to break for just a few minutes now, but stay with us. the legend of ukrainian rock with an exclusive program kyiv meet the band mertvyi piven accompanied by a string quartet, the best selected compositions, already on may 8 in beletaz, starting at 7 p.m., enjoy the special
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