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tv   [untitled]    April 27, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm EEST

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on the interaction of the telegram with the russian special services. currently, telegram has the data of more than 20 million people at its disposal. it's more than action. telegram is the fastest way to adjust hits on some objects. that is why, or to limit the influence of the telegram, i introduced the corresponding bill. this is not about banning telegram, it is about regulating its work. we are dealing with a mythical trojan horse that was brought to the bridge. and then in the middle of the night an enemy army came out of it.
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it's 5 p.m. in ukraine and we have a news release on the espresso tv channel for your attention. in iryna's studio blacksmith. greetings to all viewers. two months of arrest without bail. the court chose such a preventive measure for volodymyr maibozhenko, the head of the raid state administration of breweries, for a traffic accident committed while intoxicated. according to the investigation, on april 26 in brovary, volodymyr maibozhenko drove through an intersection at a red light. he drove to uzbichchye and crashed into... pedestrians. doctors hospitalized four victims, including a 2.5-year-old girl. drager testing showed that the driver's blood alcohol content was 10 times higher for the norm the head of the kyiv regional military administration, ruslan kravchenko , said that maibozhenko will be dismissed from his post. he also informed that two injured men are in serious condition. in vovchansk , kharkiv oblast, it is hostile. the drone hit a civilian
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truck. the 52-year-old driver was seriously injured, reported oleg sinigubov, the head of the region. it happened in the south. doctors are fighting for the victim's life. a 21-year-old woman was injured due to an enemy attack on stanislav in the kherson region. the girl has explosive and craniocerebral injuries. and also a contusion. medics provided help to the injured. the occupiers sweated near one of the educational institutions in the ship district, - said the head of the region oleksandr prokudin. the building of the institution was seriously damaged, the windows were broken, the walls and roof were damaged, and the auditorium was gutted. fortunately, there were no casualties. after all, today is saturday, we are all
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off, so people, there is no one in the building, go to the store, bend down to cover the legs, she did as well, and i sat there, that's all, that's all, i'm sitting, shaking, now like a hare. russian invaders captured the village of solov'ove in the avdiyiv direction, this allowed them to expand the breakthrough in the ocheretiny district, an expert of the german publication bilt julia told about it. ryobke's movement of the occupiers is also confirmed by the deep state map of hostilities in ukraine. to the south, the invaders managed to cross the water obstacle in the village of berdychi and take semenivka, as well as overcome 2 km to umanskyi and yasnobrodivka. according to analysts, after capturing avdiyivka , the occupiers advanced 12 km deep into the positions of the armed forces of ukraine. collected in slovakia almost. 4 million euros of shells for ukraine, the amount
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was collected in just 12 days, this is stated on the website of the public fundraising initiative. 60,000 citizens who were outraged by their government's refusal to support the armed forces of ukraine joined the charity. the initial fundraising goal was €250,000. but the result exceeded expectations. as the activists reported, despite the position of the authorities, slovaks understand that ukraine is at war. also for europeans and has the right to defend himself. in case of nuclear war. the us entered into a contract for creating a new doomsday plane. as the reuters agency writes, the previous model was produced in the early 70s of the last century, and it is already considered outdated. work on the project is planned to be completed by 2036. the amount of the deal is 13 billion dollars. this
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board is a mobile command post capable of countering radiation blasts. it is designed to command troops in the sky during a nuclear war. pickups for peace: volunteers from great britain handed over another batch of vehicles to the defense forces, they include 30 suvs and an ambulance. the charity initiative was started by the british farmer mark lert. the man has been helping ukrainian defenders since 2014 . at the beginning of the full-scale war, he was supported by dozens of agrarians of the united kingdom and provided several hundred machines for the needs of the ukrainian military. they don't buy a car, but give their own, most of them immediately repaint it in a green camouflage color. suvs were also equipped with generators and medical supplies. these pickup trucks will be used by the ukrainian military to save lives, bring help and
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equipment. we spoke with people who have already used our cars, they say that these cars, at least one car can save a person. when we hear that our help is saving the lives of ukrainians, we are very supportive of ukraine in britain, they cheer for ukraine and everyone who can, tries to help ukraine, so this is not the first time such an action has taken place, and as we were assured today by our british friends, definitely not the last, that is, we expect them again and again, and we cordially invite them to lviv. thanks to our british friends, but not only car needs. we have means of communication and security , the intelligence unit of the third regiment of special operations forces is needed, they fight for the independence of our country in difficult battles on the eastern front and give us the opportunity to live, work and study. our goal is uah 720,000. with your help, we
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have already made an advance payment and we have less than uah 300,00 left to collect. so let 's not delay, the war continues and the help of each of us is important. all details. you can now see on the screens, and in the coffee shops of kropyvnytskyi they started a charity event in thanks to the army from now on, you can eat in the local establishments with benefit for the armed forces of ukraine. those willing can pay for a dessert for a wounded soldier. then the author's sweets are taken to the hospital, where the wounded are treated. our journalists will tell if the charity cakes are good for the soldiers. margarita is a volunteer, when she has a free moment, the girl comes to her favorite coffee shop, from now on she is happy, she can not only support local business, but also treat defenders with delicious treats. it does not affect my budget in any way and only affects the positive mood of people others and my positive mood, so
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why not do something nice, especially for the military who defend our country and protect our lives. the defenders are treated to author's desserts - says the owner of the cafe katerna. the facility, opened during a full-scale war, has its own production. this is, for example, an eclair, this is a choux pastry, this is a donut, this is a cupcake, it is possible there lviv cheesecake, this is a macaron, this is a teremisu, this is a trifle, this is something that is very convenient in transportation. treats for defenders made exclusively from natural ingredients, shared mrs. tatyana. she is just looking over chocolate, currant, raspberry and mango cakes. the taste , says the confectioner, is unsurpassed. all products are seasoned with love and respect for the defenders. in general, thank you very much for the fact that they protect us, that we can sleep in our beds, that is, we can enjoy life, well, in general, a very big bow to our protectors. in two weeks
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, the residents of kropyvnych purchased 250 desserts for the defenders, volunteers and entrepreneurs delivered treats to the medical facility, where military personnel from various... regions of ukraine. a sweet table for the soldiers was set up right in the yard. such support, the boys say, motivates. and this is a great support for the armed forces of ukraine and for the boys who are now in the hospital. this is a great moral and psychological support. some are far from their families, from their homes, some are from ternopil oblast, some from khmelnytskyi, yes, and they give a little bit of something as a volunteer, which is at least some kind of home comfort, something like that. to experience life. pleasant surprises distract fighters from sad thoughts and adjust to positivity - says psychologist hanna koliva. this attention is very important to our soldiers, especially when they are being treated. therefore, such a dose of, let's say, attention, positive emotions, it's very cool, because they feel this support,
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and since all the customers of the cafe chain bought these desserts, yes, it's very cool, because a lot of people got involved. the charity event in the city will continue in the future. from kropyvnytskyi for the espresso tv channel. such were the news at that time, we i'll see you at 6 p.m., and meet my colleague mykola in just a moment. september, which will continue to air on the espresso tv channel. good health, ladies and gentlemen, the broadcast on espresso really continues, it will be hosted by mykola veres for the next two hours. this means that for about one and a half to two hours, you and i will be together, we will start, as
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usual, on the situation at the front, mykhailo prytuli, military expert, reserve colonel of the security service of ukraine, expert in military counterintelligence, but we are not only about we will talk about counterintelligence, good health, mr. mykhailo, something hello, hello, and i, i hear you, you me, hello? hello, hello, hello, you hear me already, thank god, this is very important, thank you, mr. mykhailo, for volunteering to talk with us a little on saturday, well, let's start with the real events at the front, the occupiers are pressing, they accelerated the advance near avdiivka, intelligence tells us britain, the breakthrough of the reed front, the causes and consequences for ukraine, well, these are two points, that is, we know that the novopavlov directions. bakhmutskyi, avdiivskyi, and as if there was a front breakthrough in reed, and how hard they are pressing,
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how dangerous it is for the entire front of this multi-kilometer, even 15- kilometer front, i would say, well, almost two thousand km, if i look at the positions of the entire front, it is insignificant. then this is very good, because they will try to increase their influence in these cities and they will try to get through as soon as possible. i hope some weapons will have time to reach the time when they will expand. mr. mykhailo, let's redial you, because you are, we have such a sound very like that which floats, and we do not like to take sea baths during the broadcast, so
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now we will redial, and for now i will tell the audience that while my colleagues are being picked up from the hardware room, we will just talk, i hope just about the fact that russia is somewhere really advances, and this is the ratio that mr. mykhailo prytuli, a military expert, colonel of the reserve security service, began to talk about, to what extent this weapon, if it reaches it, will help to stop it, or can it go into a counterattack, this, strictly speaking, is my question , next, therefore, mr. mykhailo, i hope now your voice will ring in the ears of the ukrainian nation, no, it won't, maybe your voice will ring, but your appearance, yours is definitely hidden somewhere, and on the phone, okay, well, see how it is, as far as we can... imagine, this weapon, it can simply stop, to the russian
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army, it can give, to enable the ukrainian army to go into such a local counteroffensive, to repel a position, well, in the same reed, let’s say, recapture it again, or it can give an opportunity to go into a total counteroffensive , friends, at the moment we already have... we do not need a local victory, we need a global victory so that we can win this war, so that the war ends, if the war does not, well, even then there is a pause in the war, this does not mean its end, because the russians will go further, in this in this case, there is only one way to victory, it is when the russian army will be totally defeated in some separate place, where it will be near avdiivka, near bakhmut, the day after... i don't know where it is, they will crawl in sufficient numbers
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that the loss of this of the army was critical for the russians, but it could happen this summer, further, there will simply be no one to restrain the ukrainian, ukrainian armed forces, the logic of these actions is approximately this, that is, the russians, they will now throw more and more personnel into battle. perhaps they will conduct a rather large mobilization, and in order to stop this influx, special weapons are needed there, because just shooting there, that 's not good. you will stop when there will be a very large number going there, so the question is both in the number of drones, and in the newest drones, the question in communication systems and radio electronic systems struggle, and a lot of different things that are already in the west, what we were given in this case, i don’t know, except for what was announced, because there are sufficiently effective anti-personnel means, and i
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would focus on anti-personnel means right now , then ... the russians can be stopped when, for example, there are automatic grenade launchers with remotely controlled ammunition, there are such, there are a lot of interesting things that are in the west, but i do not know whether they will add them to us or not, that's what the question is, and the question of a breakthrough there for ocheretyan or kupiansk - these are local things that only testify to the preparation of a bridgehead by the russians, where they will prepare it, that is, where they will be able to ... find some slack or somewhere they can come, they will throw troops there, and this will be determined exclusively by logistics, that is, by , where they can deliver fresh meat in large quantities, they will climb there, climb, they will see that they can go to kupinsk, they will go to kupinsk,
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they will be able to go vacheretyana, they will bring vacheretyana there by veschelons, that's about the same there will be logic. and mr. mykhailo, mr. mykhailo, what about the ukrainians, the ukrainian mobilization, you said about the possible russian mobilization, regarding the ukrainian mobilization, this is the suspension of consular services, it will somehow help the mobilization in ukraine, they say, and that's all, well, we'll talk about that later let's talk, there are 650,000 men of military age in europe, i don't know, at least. maybe someone knows by country how many are in poland, how many in britain, how many in germany, but it’s only 650 thousand people, how effective it is in general, it can help the front, or not effective fighters will be, in your opinion, it 's not that ineffective fighters, it's a pity for the image of ukraine, and the future of ukraine, it 's a pity for everything, it's probably very, let's put it this way,
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no, not that they're not professional, i don't understand' . and the short-sighted people in the ministry of foreign affairs did it because the people who left, they will not go to study there, they will not go to do some business in order to help ukraine or develop ukraine, they will simply lose their ukrainian citizenship, keep their gray passport and that will be the end of it everything, gray passports, they are in all countries euro zone, and they can be issued and... in poland, and in lithuania, and anywhere, that is, it will lead to the fact that people will simply renounce ukrainian citizenship. actually, they will not give up on ukraine, but on ukrainian lousy officials, that's all. and whatever you would suggest from your side, i'm just curious, it's just basically a bad idea, whether this or the implementation of this idea was imperfect,
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to put it mildly. mykola a lot of questions arise here in this, in these, in this question, a very difficult question, first of all, how many people do we have now under a friend in ukraine, who are engaged in law enforcement there, and who are not in the theater of combat, have not passed the rotation, let's start with this, how many hundreds of thousands of people do we have in the police, well, there is a resource, there are other units. on the one hand, they need to work, and on the other hand, we need to see what internal resources there are for today, because there are 800,000, even if there are men who went abroad, they did not always leave, they have to return, but they should return already with some with gains, not empty-handed, it was not for nothing
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that they went there, they have to earn some money there, gain experience, for some reason to... return already to restore ukraine, in any case, they are useful. if there are 800,000 men, then there are also 800,000 women and at least another 800,000 children who must also return to ukraine. and because those men are with them, but women and children, they will not return either. that is, with one explanation of pera, an official from the ministry of foreign affairs, in fact. there are 2 million citizens in ukraine, that what happened, what is the price of this signature, that 's the price, the question is that people... don't believe the officials in ukraine, that's what the problem is, and here it is, i understand, but my question is not about the future, my question about the present, russia's attacks must be repelled
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today, troops are needed today, fighters are needed today, and if i were that person, if i were that official, i would too, i wouldn't dare, oh, won't they come back, oh, two years will pass, they will remain there, oh, i... now there is a problem at the front, there are not enough people, there should be more, the problem is quite simple: those people went to earn taxes for germany and for these taxes aid will come to ukraine. what is wrong? it is so. people are in poland, they work, earn, for example, for the budget of poland, poland helps in ukraine. they are located in lithuania, earn money for the lithuanian budget, the money is returned to ukraine. in the form of aid, well, if necessary, then this process can be formalized in general, look how much people make there, to the budget of poland, ukrainians have contributed money,
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look how much money ukrainians have contributed to budget of germany, and the aid that came from germany, did they go for nothing or not, well no, they are on their labor front, working for germany, germany working for ukraine, everything is fair, well, you can't convince me. i hope the audience is convinced, i don't care, taxes until they pay, until these taurus come, for now, and the troops may be needed here and immediately and now, so this is the situation, it is not, as you rightly said, simple , and those are right who say, and you are right, who says that it is necessary to improve this whole structure, and those who say, we need, we need fighters here and immediately, so yes, and yes, there is no good option, you agree, there is no good option, but if we need it here and
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immediately, then those the people who swam the rod, of course, they are heroes, there, if they swam there on mattresses, as i recently saw there on tv, but on the other hand, they will be very bad fighters, they will not fight well, it will just be an extra burden in the army, in the army can... fight only those who want to fight, who know how to fight, who have for that, well, a certain heroic vein, and these people win, and we see how they fight, recently we saw one of our heroes there, who, being in a trench, stopped alone, alone stopped the attack of the orcs, but he was sitting next to him in trench and simply fed him cartridges, and very far... hid, that is, the war, historically, yes, it is thousands of years, mykola, the experience that we need heroes and we need very high-quality weapons, and these
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weapons, it is not done by heroes, but simply by people who know how to do it, and these are different functional, functions of people in this world, thank you very much, thank you very much, mykhailo prytulo, military expert of the regiments. security service of ukraine, sorry, an expert on military counterintelligence, about whom we never talked, now i will say something else, and then there will be advertising, and then we will talk with an american professor, and while i have half a minute, i would say that i i spoke with sociologists literally the other day, they say that all those who can and want to fight hard are already fighting, and those who are left, they don't want to fight hard. so where to find those who will zealously fight the question, i have there is no answer, but this is the situation, war is war, but the komageg is in war as in
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war, so now is advertising, a few minutes, and then our old friend oleksandr motil, historian, political scientist, professor at rudger university, usa, united states of america, city hero, new york, advertising. you need to mend clothes, hem curtains, shorten trousers, and the prices in the atelier are sky-high, we present a sewing machine assistant unpack tv, light, compact, multifunctional, and the price is only from uah 499. the machine assistant sews fabrics practically any strength, dense linen, soft cotton, delicate silk and even denim. now it's so easy to hem, make a hem. read or sew something new, without hassle, without nerves, without unnecessary financial expenses, here is this show overdue on a large sewing machine, and here is this one on an assistant machine, in terms of the quality
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sejm, a representative of the polish government. on the restoration of ukraine by pavel koval. as always, we talk about the most important things that happened this week in poland, ukraine, and europe. what is being said about ukraine in the eu, how should we perceive the statements of european politicians and what will our accession to the eu look like. in the project close to politics, close to the world with maria gurska. every sunday at 15:30 with a repeat at 22:00 in collaboration with au sisters. every week, the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine. and the world vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. if you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso. premium. the sponsor of the national team
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represents. united by football, stronger together. good health once again, mrs gentlemen, as i promised, oleksandr motyl, historian, political scientist, professor at rarger university of the united states of america, will now appear before us, and we will speculate, because he is also a serious, decent person. and does not like to lie, and i do not like to lie, such a coincidence, that is why the first question is important in my opinion, because there are rumors in ukraine that there was some specific influence on mr. johnson, some former ukrainians, some baptists, some odessa, and somehow they convinced him, and since he himself is a terribly religious person, then
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they just convinced him, put it to a vote, whether he writes or speculates, besides the two of us, also the american press on this topic, because apparently, during all the conversations and persuasions of mr. johnson, no one held a candle near him, and if it were guaranteed to say what happened there, no one can, except for my colleagues, ukrainian journalists and analysts, who always hold candles everywhere, well, i think, you know, the main source of such... well, such beliefs, is the article that appeared in politiko magazine, this is a serious magazine, written, and the article is written by two, if i’m not mistaken, serious people who say that they had access to insiders who told them this or that, and they just emphasize that when zelensky met with jonzen, zelensky allegedly convinced his, that this matter to be or not to be...
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to be, and then an additional one.


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