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tv   [untitled]    April 27, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm EEST

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positions, already on may 8 in belletage, starting at 7 p.m., enjoy the special sound of real rock. dead rooster, buy tickets for concert ua. there are discounts on visas, 20% in pharmacies plantain, you and savings. in the latest edition of the magazine ukraine. will it be possible to operate the zas after its release? energy expert olga kosharna tells. exclusive interview with valery peker: what should ukrainians prepare for after the war? which of the heads of regional centers earns the most? more details in the exposure section. read about these and other important topics in the magazine country. the new release is already at the points of sale. there are discounts on eurofast softcaps. 10% in pharmacies plantain pam and savings. long-acting cream relieves pain, reduces swelling and improves mobility. joints with dolgit cream, you can also
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walk dolgit - the only yellow cream for pain in the joints is a discount on pulmolor tablets 15% in pharmacies plantain pam and savings what to do when there is a liver alohol and for biliary what alohol it protects both the liver and biliary alohol with care and out of respect for the liver and bile premium sponsor of the national team - puts the united football, stronger together! newspeak. on the espresso tv channel, in the studio of
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iryna koval. i welcome all the viewers and now to the most important events. russian occupiers captured the village of solov'ove in the avdiiv direction. this allowed them to expand the breakthrough in the ocheretiny district. this was told by the expert of the german publication bilt, julian röbke. the movement of the occupiers is also confirmed by the deep state map of hostilities in ukraine. to the south, the invaders managed to cross the water obstacle in the village of berdychi and take semenivka, as well as. overcome 2 km to umansky i yasnobrodovka according to analysts, after capturing avdiyivka, the occupiers advanced 12 km deep into the positions of the armed forces of ukraine. during the war, ukrainian journalist andriy tobchiy died defending ukraine. the loss was announced on the official facebook page of the verkhovna rada. he died on april 20 in zaporizhzhia region during execution. the task is stated in the message.
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andriy is a graduate of shevchenko kyiv national university, wrote articles on historical topics and published interviews with scientists in the newspaper fakty. was before that a journalist of the telegraph publication. he came to the defense of ukraine in 2014. he was an employee and a combat medic. he will forever remain 38 years old. patients of a psychiatric hospital in kharkiv. on the territory of which the russians struck will not be distributed to other institutions. as the deputy head of the regional military administration olena logvynova said, they were transferred to the surviving corps. repairmen are currently repairing electricity and water supply. about 200 windows also need to be closed. during the restoration work, food will be brought to the hospital for patients benefactors the occupiers fired s-300 missiles at night, hitting the yard near the building of one of the buildings. formed on the spot.
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about 60 patients and five medical workers, in general, this institution has a medical building, which currently houses 902 patients and 250 doctors and other medical and other workers. in response to enemy attacks, the military airfield in the russian slavyansk in the kuban was very successfully attacked by drones. russian media reports that several military planes were hit. a fire broke out, but the ministry of defense the aggressor country, as always, reported only about downed uavs. they claim to have destroyed 66 drones over their krasnodar region and occupied crimea. in bukovina, border guards
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detained seven men who tried to flee to romania in an old uaz. the fugitives agreed with a local resident that he would deliver them to a neighboring country to... bypass checkpoints, for which each had to pay from 6 to 9 thousand euros. in the end, the car with the violators was stopped not far from the border. the carrier faces criminal charges for such actions responsibility. but the fugitives were made an administrative protocol. demand fair terms of service. as early as 10 o'clock in the capital, the families of servicemen go on a peaceful picket, calling for the establishment of reasonable deadlines. services and adoption of the law on demobilization, among the participants of the peaceful picket were wives, mothers and daughters of military personnel, as well as public figures and people's deputies. they claim that military service is not slavery, but clear terms of service will add more recruits to
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the heads of the armed forces of ukraine. such forms appeal, as is happening today on the maidan, where women of military personnel who have been serving for two years already. came out and demand justice for them, well, this is our way to reach the president, let him hear that those who saved the country are asking him for justice, a person will never go into uncertainty, and even those who will only be mobilized now, and they say that we want to go, but set a deadline so that we have a chance to know. uh, when we get home. volodymyr brovary, head of the regional state administration maibozhenko was charged with a traffic accident while intoxicated , the prosecutor general's office reported. the sanction of the article provides up to eight years
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of imprisonment. prosecutors are asking the court to arrest the official without bail . according to the investigation, on april 26, in brovary, volodymyr maibozhenko drove through the intersection on... a red light, drove into uzbichchya and crashed into pedestrians. drug testing showed that his blood alcohol content was 10 times higher than normal. head of the kyiv regional military administration ruslan kravchenko said that volodymyr maibozhenko will be dismissed from his post. he also informed that two injured men are in serious condition. moscow was covered by heavy downpours. some streets in the city are completely flooded. big water. also reached several metro stations, forecasters warned that one third of the monthly rainfall will fall in the capital of erefia today. local authorities advise residents to avoid billboards as far as possible and not to hide under trees. motorists were also urged to reduce speed and not
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park near poles and trees. unforgettable shadows. the documentary work of our colleague, espresso correspondent ivan haruk is presented. to students of prykarpattia university. the tape was shown on the occasion of the centenary of the birthday of the director of the film "shadows of forgotten ancestors" serhiy parajanov. haruk's documentary talks about the work on the legendary film about the hutsuls, about its actors and residents of the verkhovyna region who took part in the filming. at one time shadows of forgotten ancestors was one of the best ukrainian films. the tape won many international awards awards i liked this couple, i liked that we watched such a great movie with her, i really like the story of serhii peradzhanov, also the hutsul dialect and how people really talked, like in real life, was very well conveyed, and i also
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liked watching it with from the point of view of journalism, how the story line was built, editing, summaries, it was very... organic and i actually liked it, i also watched the film the price of forgotten ancestors, and read the novel, and to be honest, the most interesting thing is to watch just such interviews , which transmit exactly when you look already at the elders of these actors, when you learn their real emotions and thoughts about the film, about the complexities, the best thing is that it is preserved and over the years other generations can study it, watch it, and we can spread and remember our culture that way . day of the city of leo. this year, lviv turns 768 years old. lviv residents celebrate city day for two days. and for the first time, the landmark date falls on april. all events will be dedicated to defenders. our correspondent
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natalya stareprava is in touch with us from the city center. natalia, i congratulate you. this sunny day. tell me in more detail what events are planned in the city of leva today and what do you think? i have already managed to see it personally. greetings iryna, greetings to our viewers from the city of leva. official ceremony on the occasion of the celebration. of lviv has already taken place, a large number of both guests and lviv residents gathered on the market square, the official raising of the flags of all military groups took place, and the mayor of lviv , andriy sadovy, instructed yana stepanenko to raise the lviv flag, this is a girl, a patient of the nezlamni center, who received wounded and lost both legs during the russian shelling of kramatorsk in april 2022 something. the girl recently returned from the marathon in boston, so she was already congratulated with such
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a great victory in lviv, and it was also noted in the city council that grandiose celebrations, both last year and this year, are not planned, so all events are dedicated to the memory yati and thanksgiving celebration of thanks to our military, our defenders, and also... i will add that every year the day of lviv always fell in april, after the day of yuri, the day of st. yuri, who is the patron of lviv, with a change calendar, since the greek catholic church of ukraine and the orthodox church of ukraine switched to the new julian calendar, so with the change of st. george's day, the celebration of lviv city day was also moved, so since april 23 we celebrated the saint's day. we celebrate lviv day, and tomorrow the celebration will continue
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with the fact that in lviv schools, parents and children will hold fairs, charity fairs to raise money for our defenders. here are the news about the events of the lviv day celebration. i will pass the floor to the studio. thank you, natalya, it was our correspondent natalya stareprava, so you have the opportunity to visit one of these fairs tomorrow, and i'm already there. that there will be a lot of activities in the city of lviv during these two days, so if you are in lviv, please stop by, that was all the news for this time, we will see you at 3 p.m. we promised, we are back, we are continuing our airwaves, taking over the information relay, now
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we will talk about the most important things, we will involve our experts in our conversation, but before that we want to show you something, we liked the very good footage and we decided that it is simply impossible not to share it, now our directors will bring it to the screens as ukrainian attack aircraft. su-25s operate in southern ukraine. this is our front-line attack aircraft. look, please, these are our su-fighters working with air-to-ground missiles. well, this is the answer to the question when we talk about how the russian-fascist invaders bombard the front line from the air, so this is the answer to the fact that our air force also gives. well answer, we can also do anything and everything , and if
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there were more such videos with missiles or something else, you can also join in, i mean collection, we are currently collecting drones on fpv for two units, for the black zaporizhia and for the cold yaru, if you donate, we will be able to collect 2 million hryvnias faster, and then similar videos on russian positions will appear sooner, so don't be indifferent. we actively participate in the sabbath, why not make a double donation? by the way, if we have already mentioned the air, we this morning they were talking about the consequences of the combined missile strikes on ukraine, 15 f-16s were hanging in the air of our neighbors, can you imagine, it was also the polish air force, and in my opinion, the romanians and slovaks were also raising them, and here too there was a very interesting information. because the prime minister of poland, in particular , wrote in his twitter that one of the
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russian missiles, one of them is 15 km from our border, he wrote, we can now show this tweet, at the same time it is very interesting, because it is the first confirmation that one of the rockets, who attacked various objects in western ukraine fell right next to it, here is this tweet, then he writes: moravietsky, this, if you remember. treason or is it both? we answer, mr. donald, one and the other, but one of the questions still remains off-screen, 15 f-16s could not shoot down this one missile? let's ask this question to our expert. ivan varchenko joins our conversation, a serviceman of the armed forces of ukraine, an expert on national security issues. mr. ivan, glory to ukraine. glory to the heroes, good
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day. well, the rocket is flying, look at them she could fly 15 km plus or minus. 15 sides of the f-16 went up in the air twice, what prevented them from being shot down? what hindered them here was how difficult it was to shoot down, i think they didn't shoot at her, yes, that is, they didn't try to shoot her down, why didn't they try, i think this situation with uncertainty, in principle, uncertainty regarding the use of the equipment of our western partners to cover the sky above. country to create such a wider effective umbrella, it will end as soon as ukraine receives the f-16. and then we will understand that in addition to those f-16, which will actually work in the hands of ukrainian military aviators, our western partners will have the opportunity to answer the question of the use of
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air defense means, such deployment, including systems. patriot along the ukrainian border with the fact that they cover a significant part of ukraine, perhaps even for all 160 km, the possible impact of missiles equipped with these patriot systems, and of course aircraft that have the ability to use aam-120 missiles at a distance of up to 180 km, also as a result of agreements with ukraine, agreements on the joint protection of airspace, which... do not exist yet, but it is quite likely that they could exist, they would have the opportunity to shoot down these missiles that attack ukraine from their constitutional territory. i think that this is a question of the near future, and the answers to it are quite possible, precisely with the appearance of the f-16 in ukraine. mr. ivan, if it happened that they shot down those missiles that our air defense forces failed to shoot down, those
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near the polish border, let's say, would it be possible to verify after the fact... that they were not shot down from the territory of ukraine, and from the territory poland, are there any such mechanisms that could traceably verify this, and it would be accurately verified, and this is not the needle that they are trying to hide in a bag, now it is absolutely clear, both to us and to our partners, where exactly it is taking off from , whether it is the missile that is trying to attack, or whether it is the missile that is used for air defense, there is no need to try here. to manipulate some kind of concealment, it can be a completely frank and completely transparent activity to protect the territory that is located on the border, and the fact that the rocket, which flies at such distances, critical distances from the territory of poland, for example, or hungary, or romania or slovakia, and we have already
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seen and repeatedly seen how russian aircraft... flew into these territories, including when they were shot down ukrainian air defense forces, we saw that this posed a threat, including to the lives of citizens of countries that are members of nato, therefore it will be quite logical and rational to protect our borders openly in this way, and not try to manipulate there by what they will see, they will not see, they will see these technical means today clearly determine where from... not for the launch of this or that missile, here we wanted to ask you about front-line things, because it looks like this , there is a statement there are a few of our military, well, but the point is that 2/3 of the reeds in heavy battles are held by the armed forces of ukraine. muscovite-fascist
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liberal media at that time wrote that the armed forces of the russian federation had defeated the ukrainians. in the ocheritino area, this is how it all looks, and one thing the second completely contradicts, you can’t quickly find out anything from the deepstay map either, because they check before putting anything on the map that you know what the situation looks like there, because this wedge in our defense line looks wider now than at the beginning of the week, yes this wedge, it usually has a certain tactical. meaning for the russians, but no more, no more, because we understand that those who entered this wedge are most likely suicide bombers who will not return from there, and... the question is why they entered and why they it succeeded, lies, i i think in that answer that we
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constantly felt a limited lack of ammunition with which we could deter the russian horde on distant approaches, including in the village of ochere ocherednia. now you say that this is a tactical situation, and the russian military public writes that this is actually the beginning of the collapse. we will also discuss the degree of trust in russian military publics and in russian information, even if they come from liberal russian sources, it is not something that i would divide by 10, i would consider any of its information, first from the position of the opposite, and only then it would be worth looking for a rational basis, the russian is used to lying, the collective russian is used to living. in an environment of lies, delusions, self-delusions, because, well, this is the last source that can be trusted, except when they, except when he himself is standing there with the flag,
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then we understand that this is to some extent objective information there , which we are verifying, it's not just them, mr. ivan, look, just yesterday we talked about a fairly high-profile one, medifexpres asked what they would say about it, it was the public. associated press, and they they talked about the fact that the american, the coolest abrans tanks were helpless against russian drones, they are being taken from the front line to change tactics due to the threat of these fpv russian drones, but today it is absolutely official in response to the press service of the 47th separate mechanized brigade , that this is a fake, that this is a lie, and that we will not hide anything, especially that, that is, the abrams, from which the russians themselves are hiding, where we move it is our business, so what are the standards, the standard of the work of the russians now, including in
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because they are trying to sneak into the apartment in different ways, by different ways, not through the door, but into the apartment, and give some resonant, false information, including through the mass media. which are trusted in the world, and this is repeatedly the associated press, new york times, washington post, we have seen how russian, russian, russian narratives spread through this, these information platforms, so russian propaganda must be recognized here, it still has the opportunity to work and sometimes quite effectively, but as a last resort i will trust what comes from russian sources, and in this case i would say yes. when finishing on ocheretinam this morning there was information from the ukrainian general staff that 2/3 of ocheretinam are under the control of ukraine, on one third there is
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a russian horde and work is being done to exterminate it from there, we trust what is coming from ukrainian military sources regarding the situation on the front line, several forces on south of ocheretny we have bardechi, and from there we already have ours. the guys write about the fact that in some places it is in berdychi that the defense is kept on 180°, that it is very, very difficult for them there, in your opinion, or is it inappropriate now, or actually to allow them to leave there, because if they , the russians, attack solovyov there from novobakhmutivka, so that the boys do not find themselves surrounded and reinforced, just so that the incident does not happen again, extremely bad when discussing. theoretical questions: whether it is appropriate or inappropriate, to leave, not to leave, to hold this or that territory, we discuss in the context of today, now and in relation to a specific settlement. dear friends,
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with all due respect to joint work, but no advice from the outside to those commanders who are not and fighters who are responsible for their part of the front, certainly not from the air of the most respected mass media. to receive these tips, no, no, this is not about tips, probably, oksana just asked a question, the question was asked with the indication of specific settlements, a specific combat situation, excuse me, well , it’s not even worth starting to answer, because it will equally apply to the specific, in theories, in the theory of warfare, there are different situations when they deliberately go on operations, when... and so you have to occupy a circular defense, or you don't even have to, but circumstances are created when you can be effective within the limits of a circular defense, in theory we will be able to negotiate with you, i will give dozens of examples
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from history. the ukrainian war, including the ukrainian-russian war, but i will definitely not discuss this issue in the context in which you asked, well, for a snack, we just want to understand, evaluate, after a rather optimistic briefing, we broadcast it right after the end of rammstein, talked about the deadline for this aid package for the armed forces of ukraine is very tight, do you think it is a matter of days or weeks? at the... no, at the bottom, the pentagon, and specifically the military, its experts, consultants and implementers in the united states, we saw how they worked in 22, in 23 years, we understand that, regardless of what the information will be , they may not have been fully able to predict how the debates in the united states congress would end, but they were definitely preparing for the effective performance
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of those... tasks that might be set in front of them, and we know that a significant part of the means that are extremely important for ukraine were nearby near ukraine, and in poland or germany, in principle already on the territory of europe, so now we are talking about very quick decisions, and i think , that a significant part of the ammunition we need is already in ukraine and internal logistics are being worked out. thank you, mr. ivan, ivan varchenko was with us, a serviceman of the armed forces of ukraine. and an expert on national security, we have a short break, then we will return, we will talk about our north country, about a very special, actually unique place, the only one along all our borders, where you can get to ukraine from russia, not through the front line. do you want to wake up
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