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tv   [untitled]    April 27, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm EEST

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throw away your ukrainian passport, take another country's. you are this combat unit of soviet people sitting somewhere far away and on youtube in a good russian manner, aristovych says: "let's throw away your ukrainian passports, don't go to the consulate, take a russian one, you understand, that, that is, the machine is gaining momentum, and here it already looks somehow, which is almost similar to the law on the renewal of the law on mobilization, that instead of such a decision, it turns into a multi-series series of scandals stupid, how to finalize all this, well, let's just put an end to this topic, which will continue, danyla, here is your opinion, mrs. larisa, your opinion, one by one, it's simple, how to stop it all, because really, well, exhaust in a big way the mobilization resource will definitely not be there after all that, look, it's difficult for me. come on, i'll tell you later,
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well, well, i'm just talking about the fact that i'm a good question, how to do it, how to stop russian parasitism on this topic, in my opinion, here we need to remember what we're doing and why, so what the law on mobilization, it had a purpose, why did we make changes to this law, it needed, the old law needed changes, because its implementation, its implementation was quite difficult and dangerous, humiliating for... a citizen, like you you are mobilized, and as a result you do not have a demobilization period, you are, you are mobilized, and if you did not serve, then no matter what your public profession is, you will still go there as a soldier, that is, although you could to be somewhere a logistician or something else, i.e. these solutions, they needed elimination, and that is why this law was adopted, the second point is that this law contains itself.
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for its non-fulfillment, and thus it differs from the old law, which was very strict, humiliating for the citizen, because the citizen had no rights at all when he entered the army and no guarantees, but at the same time, he, his non-fulfillment of this law in no way punished, this is a very strange story, so now we have to remember that all these consular things, all, we have all these changes, they should be aimed at making it easier for citizen the fulfillment of the law and the constitutional duty, not to tell, but how to avoid it, but how to do it in such a way, to pretend that we don't have a constitution, and we don't have a duty, and we don't have martial law , we have to complete the task, we have to change the people who are in the trenches, we have to ensure the rotation is endless, that is, this flow, because this war can be long, it can be 10, it can be more years, and we have to understand , how to make it so that those
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mobilized, had more chances to survive and knew clear deadlines when they return home. yes, i agree with all of this, danyla, but to put a full stop in an endless series, these are all the right things that mrs. larisa said, does this scandal work exactly the opposite? on the one hand, yes, that is, i really do not see how what is now in her eyes is this new innovation there, let it be. temporarily from the ministry of foreign affairs, in what way it can contribute to the fact that our mobilization resource will somehow expand, and rather we will narrow the number people with ukrainian passports, but understand, in fact, here it is possible, here this discussion can actually be taken to such a philosophical and political science level, because when we talk about the ukrainian nation as a whole, the ukrainian nation is, well, an imaginary common one. yes, everyone has their own
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idea and we as a group have an idea of ​​what it means to be ukrainian, what it means to belong to this community, and i will tell you honestly, i am not in order to somehow incite conflicts, division here , but i don't quite understand what unites me in one community with these men and women to the consulate there in the dp document or in the consulates and shout about what and what i owe to serve, and what does my husband owe? serves, like, go and serve yourself, yes, ugh, uh, that is, this discussion is really important to us today about what it means to be ukrainian, what it means to belong to the ukrainian nation, or to be abroad and really pretend that you are everything is not relevant and that you have the right only to demand whether or not this is a disqualifying sign for being called a ukrainian, but not...
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according to the passport, and according to beliefs, so again, i would very much not like this discussion to turn, you know, into that, into such, excuse me, srach, into which it turns in us with... with mutual accusations those who are abroad and from those who are abroad to us, and some kind of mutual rejection, but we really need this discussion today, the one about what it means to be ukrainian when, uh, when we face the existential question of being or not being , eh, so there is some benefit in what is happening now, if you can talk about it's calm, but... it can be found, it seems clear to me, that if all this turns into simply destructive, then nothing good will come of it. alexey, finalize it too, i’m just listening to danylo and i remember, after the black terrorist attack on saturday in israel, we saw this huge phenomenon,
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a large number of israelis, and they, by the way, in my opinion, are in second or third place after the chinese, as tourists from all over the world, they flew from all corners to... for the war, we had it, in the beginning, we had it like that, and now look, and now thanks to all these actions, discussions, illumination, oleksiy, we have the reverse option, that is, those, perhaps, who wanted after all this, what happened after the warsaw events, in my opinion, can cause a reverse reaction , it seems so, well, i wouldn’t exaggerate, you know, a person wanted to defend the country, and then they watched a video from poland and came up with, then i don’t think that this is happening, but not all the yews swam over there, you understand that i don’t , i think that they swam over there, well, probably, if two two people, then that's too much, in
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principle, everyone has left, i understand, on some grounds, from my point of view, you just need to stop the hysteria, follow the law that er... is in effect now and follow the law when it enters effective may 18, new, these are amendments to the law, this is not a new law, yes, that is, those who want to receive documents and have the right to cross the border can go to ukraine and take these documents, as far as i understand the decision of the cabinet of ministers, the ministry of foreign affairs , finally after this scandal they will start holding hands create a system. the topic of registration of people who are abroad and can be registered, they have documents, there are many of them, waiting until they all run out of documents is also not an option, that is, this is the second moment, and the third moment that appeared during this discussion, we, there is one point that
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is not paid attention to, citizens of ukraine, who are now between 18 and 25 years old, cannot be mobilized under the new law. but they are not allowed out of the country in order for them, for example, to receive education at universities, it is possible, of course, for patriotic reasons, for everyone to take all the students from the universities, return them to ukraine, and let them wait five, why not five, seven years until the time comes when they can mobilize, but i don't i think that this is a rational solution, it seems to me that the deputies will have to sit down, think carefully and prepare some... new amendments that would solve this problem, while this problem is not solved at the legislative level, everyone follows the law that is , it seems to me that this is the most constructive proposal that can to be in these in this case, i have now decided that there is one more topic this week, it is also
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resonant, but if we could analyze it together, colleagues in the verdict from the point of view of the not existing in us, but such a necessary institution of quality. here is the reputation, i want him, so that through him, through this prism, we look at these events that have been taking place in the last few days, and yes, the investigators of the national agency for combating corruption nabu is suspicious and tells us about the cunning schemes of the minister of agrarian policy around state geocadaster, namely the plots that were supposed to go to ato veterans, but there is such a scheme under... he specially took a plot with a mandatory option, and then immediately transferred it to a long-term lease to a certain correct company, well, in one word, for almost 200 million , such a scheme describes nabu, after which we find out, this is the order of things: the minister mykola solsky writes
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a statement, submits it to the verkhovna rada, then chooses a preventive measure, all at that time. says: my god, what a good minister we have, he acted in a european manner, only a suspicion, he immediately wrote a statement, immediately suspended himself for the time of the investigation, then he is chosen as they say, to gamble everything for two months, or... a bail of 75.5 million. today we learn that the unknown heroes of ukraine made that bail, and then the whole ministry says: no, everything is fine, minister mykola solsky continues to fulfill his duties, and somehow all that europeanness has fallen away, and this institution of reputation is not even visible anymore, this statement reminds me of a well-known anecdote, you know, if i don't return, consider me a communist, and if... i return, well, if i come back, don't think the fact that solsky is connected to the agrarian lobby
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and took an active part in the deals, we will not say until the court's decision, how legal or illegal they were, was known before he became the head of the committee, not that he was appointed by the minister . the question is, why appoint people to positions that have a clear conflict of interest, well, well, then. one thing was needed, so we push a person to a position, now we need another, there is a demand for justice, we exposed everything to everyone, and now, here we are, it is always necessary align your actions with the goal you set, it applies to everything, regarding the dp document, regarding receiving help from allies and regarding, excuse me, mr. solsky, ms. larisa, and how about you, because i was most enslaved. i liked this option, that at first the ukrainian famida, that is, we suspect 200 million, we make a deposit of 70 million,
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in short, 125 million in the pocket profit, if you know how to make such schemes, you will always be in checkers and in pluses, someone pays attention to this, i paid more attention to the fact that oh, everything is finally over to a civilized person, there is a suspicion, i will step aside for the duration of the investigation, the court will give its verdict, here immediately no-no, take it easy, bail has been made, i am already on the spot, i am again... minister, this affected me the most, what about you, madam larissa? well, first of all, we must understand that this scheme is not only solsky, there is a whole bunch of people there, including those false citizens who received these plots in their name, and immediately transferred them. moreover, this scheme, it works all the time, we have a problem, we are constantly grabbing one or the other, but we do not speak about the fact that in these schemes, for years, decades, participation takes part. a huge number of people or even more, i call it, well, that’s my name, you know, the burden of
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a small person, a whole bunch of some mothers with many children, participants of the ato, someone else, they write statements, they are allocated plots, because these plots are, for another atoshnik, who came and wrote to him, they say, there is no land, they get it, they get their thousand dollars, give the plot to a dealer and leave, half of the country is already wasted in our country, and it is not only solsk, in our country we have not yet... learned, because we need to stop the schemes, and to stop them at the legislative level, there will be as many of these as possible, and the fact that it is planted does not make me happy, because i do not see where those who took part in this scheme were also responsible , and where is the change in legislation to make it impossible in the future, mr. danylo, you talk a lot in your author's own videos about the institute of reputation, which is so necessary and does not exist, the story is exactly about this, or is it a little different here? yes i am the only one that
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before answering your question roman, i would still like to emphasize that bail is not a measure of punishment, it is not a fine, so to do, for example, compare and talk about the net profit from the amount of damage caused, the amount of damage caused and the amount of the bail, it is not entirely correct , bailed, i gave you as an example how people discuss it, it is not, i also know these norms and. i simply stated that this is how people perceive such cases, well, there is no need to help them perceive it that way, i think so, yes, look, as regards solsky's statement, if, on the one hand, in a vacuum, it is as if the right step, but to submit an application for dismissal in connection with such a story, only we must remember that in addition to everything else, which you have already said, the same application must be accepted by the parliament, uh, and if, it is not a fact that the vote... for this will be found in the parliament, so, well, if, perhaps, mr. tsovsky feels that
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everything will be absolutely fine with him, and that the parliament will express its confidence in him and he will be like this for a long time and the clothes washers, as they said on monday that kubrakov no longer wants everything, and malyuska no longer wants it, but they were told yes, stop, we don't vote on personnel issues, you don't want to, you have to be a minister, go on, comrades, it looks something like this, well, somewhere... something like that, yes, but in general, look, if we talk about reputation, we don't have this practice in power , we don't have this mentality in power, because on the one hand, let's imagine that even... minister solsky for the best, idealistic reasons took and wrote this statement, like a conscious citizen and statesman. at the same time, we well remember oleg tatarov, whom no one fired after nabu isab they also informed about the suspicion, because more in the eyes of all honest and not-so-honest people, they exonerated him of
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responsibility as much as they could. moreover , in our country, i know that i am already a little familiar with this story. as a city madman, yes, but, i just want to remind you, in 2020 we appointed olga stefanishyna as minister, vice prime minister for european integration, who was already suspected of a particularly serious official crime, corruption, now she is accused, her case is being considered in to the higher anti-corruption court, she is involved in the lukash case as her accomplice and... despite all this, no one cares, no one made a big deal about it, never appointed her to a position in the status of a suspect, not now, when she effectively leads negotiations with our partners in the status of the accused, that is, this culture of somehow orienting ourselves, at least on reputational moments, we do not have,
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for some reason we only have that, only you will ask questions about tatarov zelensky there? poppy or something about stefanishina is there for someone, they they will immediately mention the presumption of innocence, but people, we are not talking about a criminal trial here, and dismissal from office is not a form of criminal punishment, we are talking about the fact that either we are fighting for some kind of reputation and for some kind of purity in power, or we do the pretense that it all doesn’t matter, so one by one, let’s once again just imagine that sovskyi did it for the best reasons, even if it was so... one solsky taken separately will not change this whole practice, we need to fundamentally change the perception about reputation, and this can only be done through society, if this request appears in society, here danylo said the right things, i smiled something to myself when you said that dismissal is not a criminal measure of punishment, i immediately remembered correctly when there is
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to suspect, the greatest punishment is to send you, for example, as an ambassador to slovenia, well... if there are suspicions, as was the case with the minister of defense, then the worst punishment, if you went as an ambassador to slovenia, that's your punishment. oleksiy, look, you are two dimensions of the question, the question of what to punish slovenians for, here, in fact, poor slovenians, yes, but in this case, when we are talking about the institution of reputation, reputation, it is such a concept, firstly, it is ephemeral, secondly, in the internal dimension it is read in one way, while it is external measurement and... here , our colleague danylo mokryk, i just remembered it, and now i will ask my colleagues to prepare it and show it, because danylo told the story of the vice president of ukraine, whose powers, perhaps, sometimes are greater than that of the president , well, we are all with you, colleagues, we remember that tens of millions of ukrainians voted for vice president andriy
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yermak and for all his powers, international, internal, personnel, security, judicial and all other. and when i was listening to danyla's program, i paid attention again to what is called the reputation of all of us and the country, represented in one bottle by one person, and this is not only about the contents, it is not only about, it is in a word, it's reputation, international relations and diplomacy - it's a very delicate matter, now i can wait 25 seconds for you and for...
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and this is a person who decides on security, diplomatic, other things, and this is the reputation of the whole country, and the armed forces, and those who work in restaurants. in the rear, she represents all of us at such and such a level, mr. oleksiy, what to do with this, with such a reputation, and nothing, i believe that this is
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the least that can be presented to any official, i wanted to hear sullivan speak ukrainian, i don't think it's much better, so again, the question is, no, not only who and how we behave, we, by the way... today mentioned the spurs that were brought up precisely because she criticized irmak, but the question is that the president is responsible for this, the president chooses his advisers, biden, sullivan, who, many of us do not like, also, by the way, zelensky yermak, that is, zelensky is also obviously responsible for that , which makes him an administrator, yes, but these powers, they cannot be represented by him. there are no powers, the president cannot transfer his powers, but it turns out that he did, no, no, legally he did not transfer anything, but legally, danylo,
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how about you, you did it all 100 times yourself i missed your opinion, and mrs. larisa, it’s just interesting, because here it’s about reputation, and about image, and about authority, and about everything you want, who’s the first, well, let me say this time, briefly, if brothers analogy with sullivan, then the difference between yermak and sullivan is in the fact that seriva does not try to speak ukrainian and directly conduct negotiations with the ukrainian side without an interpreter, in contrast to yermak, who does this, and secondly, strictly speaking, yermak's problem is not that zelensky can appoint himself which the head of the president’s office is arbitrary, or in principle the president has, this is part of the mandate given to the president by the voters, to appoint anyone as the head of the president’s office, but... the head of the president’s office with the corresponding functions, and not actually the deputy president in ukraine, andriy yermak de- de facto,
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according to his powers, he is not dejure, because legally, zelenskyy really did not transfer anything to him there, although he granted him the status of a negotiator there at various points, but de facto, andriy yermak is endowed with enormous powers and a mandate not to... share it none of the voters gave these powers to volodymyr zelenskyi, and there is a problem in this, that our top politician in the state is a person who does not even have any indirect legitimacy, that's where i see the problem. ugh. mrs. larisa, what should you do with this, because we understand that this is the most popular ukrainian according to the magazine this year, the most influential, the most influential, yes. the point is. that here i still agree with mr. oleksiy that this is not our biggest problem regarding mr. yermak, therefore that in principle,
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the president did not transfer any powers to him, yermak will not insert signatures at these negotiations, he does not sign like someone else, don't laugh, mr. danyla, he was not given powers, he was given power, and these are other things, these are different. things, he doesn’t sign anywhere, as i yermak, vtorioi, that is, this is the moment that he is negotiating, he, who he is, it is not clear, he is, in fact, on behalf of zelenskyi, zelenskyi’s cook could talk to giuliani, zelenskyi’s maid could , anyone could, karl santakiv, come, convey some conversation, again, again, giuliani too, english, it’s just a conversation, but the fact that, and therefore the ermak himself has the authority, as i wrote the signature, i appointed the minister under my
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signature, he has no authority, and therefore we do not present him with anything "we will show later that he signed, that your signature is under an illegal decision or some illegal device, he actually has enormous power, he... under his influence , the state actually functions, but nowhere does he sign his hand, he does not put and you don't see a problem in this, you just, listen, mr. danyla, listen, i'm saying that this is the problem, the absolute irresponsibility under the crazy government, that the fair, that there is no problem here, there really is, because based on what... what you're arguing, i'm saying that a person, which has insane power, almost the power of the president, does not have the powers of the president and is not responsible for it,
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he does not sign. nothing, then in court, like every official in our country, mr. danyla, he is generally subject to the civil service law, his powers are limited, he will be answerable to the law, here a person possesses by the power of the president, and not subject to it, this is a problem, it is an absolute no-brainer, i agree with you on this several times there have been problems in kuchma, yes the head of the administration. kutabachnyk, then medvedchuk, now they are all where they are, and then we will see what is happening in our country. that is, again, this is a question for zelenskyi, he does not understand this, he, well, the textbook cannot open ukrainian history, see how it can end. yes, look, we have to finalize, because we have 3 minutes left, friends, that's it minute for everyone, because we, through this prism, yes, the magazine of this most influential
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ukrainian, got to the point that it is... walking in circles, because it was not for nothing that oleksii remembered, well , now it's just time the surname irmak, and before that, tabachnyk, and before that, after him medvedchuk, well, we don't break out of this closed circle, danylo, but every minute everyone finalizes, that's why the introduction is thrown into the water, the surnames just change, we have the problem of established practices, and the problem of what and why.. . of the authorities, in particular volodymyr zelenskyi in general, and that's more more intensified in the conditions of martial law, these practices periodically acquired a kind of caricature scale, because the analogy that you give with tabachnyk and medvedchuk, you can also give it with baloga, yes, it is justified, but yermak, he is here
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is a caricature of that influence, i... and tabachnyk, medvedchuk, and bologa had it, and in what way do we use these practices, which with the help, not even of the legal regime of martial law, but in general, of the atmosphere of martial law, are strengthened, established, and are increasingly embedded in ukrainian society, fr i don't know that, but we need to get back to what is still for. the law is important, there is legislation and it is important, practice cannot prevail over the law, we still have a moment, friends, mr. oleksiy, either, or we must bring practice into line with the law, or adopt a law so that it corresponds to practice, or, conditionally speaking, to appoint yermak as prime minister, well then he will be responsible for what he does, such
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a scenario exists. there are no opportunities to make such decisions now, ms. larisa, you do finalize? i believe that in this case we should talk about the illegal transfer of powers and duties by mr. president. yes, can he hand them over to the ermak, can he hand over his lovers, can he hand over his mother-in-law to the dog. that is, what is it? we are talking about what it has. be a crime, you are in office, you have statutes, duties and you have to fulfill them, if you pass them on to someone else, then it is a crime, this is how it should be if a doctor passes his duties to perform an operation to his corish mechanic, then i'm sorry, he will be jailed, but on the scale of the country, why is this, why do we pretend that it should be so, but in fact, that we are not pretending , but just somehow got there. before that
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, crime and punishment, crime and punishment, somehow it turns out here that there is awareness of the crime, there is no punishment, well, there are three points here, colleagues, i really thank you for an interesting conversation for our viewers, it was a verdict program, larisa voloshyn was in it , oleksiy mustafin, danylo mokry, i am grateful to you, and i also thank the audience for their attention, see you in the verdict, you will already tell serhii rodenko, and i also thank you for your attention. glory to ukraine, dear tv viewers, on espresso tv channel, studio zahid program, we will analyze the most important events of this week, in particular, we will talk about the historic decision of the united states to provide us with the necessary financial and military assistance,
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while at the same time we will analyze the average. stepwise prospects of the protracted.


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