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tv   [untitled]    April 27, 2024 10:30am-11:00am EEST

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we have better roads, we will have even better ones, a special view on events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond, what kind of world does norman dream of, can we imagine it? all this in the informational marathon with mykola september, saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. events, events that are happening right now and affect our lives, of course, the news feed reports on them. however, it is not enough to know what is happening, it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskyi and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze them, simulating ours future. every saturday at 13:10 with a repeat at 22:00. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso. what to do when there will be a break? hello hulk, what about the bile? hello hall, it
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protects both the liver and the gallbladder. alo hall - with care and respect for the liver and gall bladder. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. verdict with serhiy rudenko from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests. foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on a bad day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. meanwhile, we urge you to donate more aggressively, because ephedrons are exactly what is needed for two brigades, we collect in...
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the code, as soon as it appeared, oh it already appeared, there are two qr codes, this when the camera is aimed, you will immediately get to the bank. if you don't know how to use it, you can simply enter the card number. these are combat strike drones, they are tested, they are tuned to the needs of the front right now, and this is our production. three cool arguments to donate twice, because for two brigades. if you actively participate, we will close this collection. in the meantime, we will add to the conversation when... andriy reva, minister of social policy of ukraine, performed his duties from 16 to 19 years. mr. andriy, congratulations, glory to ukraine. good day, glory to the heroes. mr. andriy, yesterday with volodymyr tsybulk we remembered the soviet, soviet childhood, there by all means different paper questionnaires had to be filled out at different times. and here in our digital world, where everything is clear, where everything is clear, where the goals are... suddenly there is a law of ukraine,
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which has the following rule: there is a right to fire an employee if he has not provided information that he has relatives in the occupied territories, or in the finno-ugric swamps of russia, and for some reason this reminded me of this section of the soviet questionnaire, if you have relatives in the occupied territories, what is it for? i remember the first ukrainian. and pavlo popovych, we believe that it was lenid kideniuk, in fact the first ukrainian who flew into space was pavlo popovych, he was born in uzen, and at the end of his life he told how he entered the military school after the war, and it was very difficult, after all, so was his health it was bad, you know, for young people, but he passed in terms of health, passed a good exam and got to the mandate commission, and the pilots are sitting, he says, they are all in orders, they are looking at my documents, suddenly one of them says: wait , and did you
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live in the occupied territory during the war? he says: yes, that's how you served the germans, that's how you are traitor of the homeland, and you want, so, a military school, the lieutenant says, the situation is heating up, now i will definitely be saved, and here comes the general, the head of the school, and what happened, they tell him, so and so, here are the german servants, the nazi wants a military school, he looked, he says, listen, he was... 14 years old, 12 years old , when the war started, he says, we should have protected him, we abandoned him, he says, he was in the occupation, he endured all this nazi power, and instead of apologizing to him, you now you are having nightmares and talking about the fact that he is a german bastard, shame on you, and they say, everyone locked me up and took me to school, and that's how he put it, well, you see, it's a good story, but in our case, this law, this law says ... not so much about the repression of those who
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were in the occupied territories, as those who were in front of, well, will not submit this information, and i in this case, and whether this law will apply to everyone. pavlo kyrylenko, he was recently appointed the head of the antimonopoly committee, he is a favorite of our president zelensky, and before that he was the head of the regional state administration in donetsk, so you ask how the law will work. the president is asked how you could appoint a person, his own brother, who holds a high position among the militants, and you appoint him as the head of the donetsk regional state administration, and he says: you know, yes, this is the tragedy of pasha, he is like that, well, well that he has a brother over there,
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well, he is already ours over there and so on and so forth, now pasha has risen to the head of the antimonopoly committee and it was found out that he has his, let's say, his income does not correspond to his. yes, you are absolutely right, this law will work as everything works under the green government, everything to friends, law to enemies. another lever of influence, so that even more can be squeezed in the eyes of ordinary people, or for what? absolutely yes, here is a simple question, which relatives should you indicate that they live in russia? second question, how do you know they live there now? maybe they started a war, for example, people moved, i don't know, from the donetsk region, some went to europe, some to controlled the territory of ukraine, someone crossed over and went to russia, and how can you know where these relatives of yours are now, and then the sbu writes a paper that so-and-so's
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third-cousin nephew is unknown where, i don't know where kamchach, he didn't report it, so we can fire him from his job, that's all, well, what is the practical use of such a law, only for... to find additional reasons to fire a person from the service or something another all the more so that when it is obvious, when, here i am for you gave the example of kyrylenk, when the president knew that his closest relatives were among the militants, he appointed him the head of the region that finds which front-line region, that's normal, mr. andrii, it's just strange that you remember the story with the hard-working and syrsky at the head of the armed forces. forces of ukraine, then in these discussions, in particular, well, everyone said, well, open wikipedia, well, look, the whole family lives in the russian swamps with russian passports, and then this law appears now, the information is allegedly open, from the second
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no one asked for it, and we do not know whether the employer in this case, appointing the chief commissar in the armed forces, supreme commander zelenskyy asked him for this information. did not ask whether this information was hidden or not, in a word, the law seems to exist, but how to apply it, but in this case it is not even clear, mr. roman, i want to say in my, in my deep conviction, in any which family living in ukraine today has a relative in the russian federation, well, take anyone i swear to you that you will find relatives in the russian federation, which means that you may not even know someone, but they live there. you do not communicate with them, you, you, you simply, perhaps, do not even know that they live there, and this will be the basis when the sbu says, based on operational information, that he has a relative there, he did not declare him, he did not report this, the grounds for dismissal, you understood what it was about, that's all, the question, actually, which one, what degree of kinship should be,
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how close or distant relatives have to be, because i opened the wording in general, connections with natural persons, places of permanent residence, stay, registration, which are located... on the territory of the aggressor state or the temporarily occupied territory of ukraine, that is, we are simply talking about connections with natural persons, it can be parents , children, relatives of the second line, grandparents, cousins, some aunts, uncles, brothers, sisters, which is understood, in general, in the law, connections with natural persons, that is, the easter postcard was sent by this connection connection or no, but what is the connection, i want to tell you that in soviet times, jews. went to israel, yes, and people were refused to repatriate to israel, it was necessary to prove that you have relatives there in israel? and very often organizations that were interested in allowing immigration simply presented themselves as relatives of one or another, sent a letter there or a greeting card, and
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a person could present himself there to the soviet authorities and request permission to repatriate to israel. this is when not yet there was mass migration, now everyone has relatives there. so, imagine today, if you need russian intelligence or the fsb, if you want to discredit any official in ukraine, they send it to him from, as i say, his great-nephew from kamchatka. "uncle, i congratulate you on the holiday and so on and so on and so on, they show this leaflet and ask questions about the dismissal of this or that government official, i don't know, an official or, god forbid, a military man, and that's it, ugh , and you won't prove anything, look, you you are talking about using this very term discredit, yesterday, when another series of stories with the minister, agrarian solsky , was happening, there were also voices saying that, look, they want to discredit the minister, because in fact this scheme has a 30-year history
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in ukraine, there are a lot of the people, and he is being made a scapegoat from buvail, there were such voices yesterday, is this a discredit or a real case that will continue in court? as prokop serkov once said, you, seglyata filipovna , are one thing, and we are another. this is completely different situation, we are not talking about discrediting people at the initiative of the enemy. and about a person who is suspected of large-scale land fraud. and since 2007, mr. solsky worked in the agricultural business with mr. pokshin, and was engaged in what he was engaged in. and then, when our government changed in 2019, as you remember, there was a slogan: we will recruit new, young, green, unsullied persons who have never been in power, and you became one of them. now that it's revealed that naboo has a grievance against him for cases from 2017, when he was working there in
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agrarian business, he did not work in the government, he was in agrarian business and was engaged in certain affairs, for which today nabu is bringing him to criminal responsibility, and what i am reading now in our independent media, an investigative journalist writes: he began to grind he was still under poroshenko, but they imprisoned him, they are trying to imprison zelensky after 5 years, people... good, he started to abuse, long before president poroshenko became president, he has been in the agricultural business since 2007 and was engaged in land development, legal, illegal, it is the court. why do you stick president poroshenko to the period when solsky was engaged in agrarian business. this is how green propaganda works in general. and what solsky, you see, is a young, green, beautiful, unadorned face, with an honest look, all at once. they were charged for him on the same day when he was taken
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into custody, you see, that’s why we can only marvel at all these wonderful, that is, our actions of the green government, i don’t submit mine, he wrote a statement of resignation from his position, that is, of resignation and says: well if the verkhovna rada will accept, and i will resign then, well, it won’t accept, i will continue to work, the person against whom i will be conducting a case, who has a preventive measure... to be taken into custody and replaced with a bail of 75 million hryvnias, this is considered normal , he can be the minister of some problems. mr. andrii, by the way, the moral face of the government, about the ministers, the week began with a very loud announcement of personnel resignations, we even analyzed here who was here and there, malyuska wrote a statement, only at the announcement it ended, they said that it would be tuesday, it would be wednesday, it would be , will be huge changes, was asked. it is kubrakov as a minister, what a lot of questions there are for him, especially after it turned out that
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the billions spent on the protection of heat and power generation did not work for some reason, but were spent to the last hryvnia, all of a sudden, personnel changes were announced, and then the blitz disappeared , what was that? well, what can i say, people really like different shows, and when some problems started. this government, they are beginning to shift the attention of the public to these absolutely ritual dances with tambourines, well , pardon my words, but i want to remind you that president zelensky stated that the government is him and five or six effective managers, although he did not name any of them , we can even only guess who these people are, it is not the prime minister, it is not the chairman of the verkhovna rada, these are not deputies, these are not ministers, these are effective... manager, you will not find this concept in the constitution, you will not find it defined in the laws, but they
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manage, that is, they perform management functions, and here suddenly we are told that they will personnel changes, i think they will be fired now these five or six managers will bring someone else, no, it turns out, they will change ministers, well, what's the difference, how will the furniture be rearranged in the corresponding building, ugh, they are up to par or not. what will change from this, it is not solsky who makes decisions, and it is not shmyhal who makes decisions, and not all of this company, which they call the cabinet of ministers of ukraine, is made by effective managers. who are in the shadows and it is not unclear, on what legal grounds they manage our country, the results of which we all observe with you, that's why i'm absolutely, i'm absolutely calm about all these statements, we announce, we and so on, i always remember one story of a writer who talked about how he was working as a journalist, and a new
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editor-in-chief came to them and looked at him, he didn't like him terribly, and he decided to fire him, and he calls this journalist. to himself and says: you know, we will no longer work with you, and the journalist asks him: why are you leaving? so, when president zelenskyi says: i, so we will, announce personnel changes, i am already a sinner in fact, i thought that he would go with his five managers, but it turns out no, he just wants to use the furniture there, mr. andriy, in this case you sit and think, maybe it should have been recorded in the constitution that ukraine is a social democratic , an office-managerial republic, and everything would fall into place. mr. andriy, thank you for the conversation, andriy reva, our former minister of social policy, about current domestic political strange events. we will talk about social and educational issues later. maria boguslav is in contact with us as an executive director of the association of innovative and digital education. mrs. maria, we congratulate you. greetings, good morning. we know that now ukrainian
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children are facing a lot of changes, i am not talking now about online, offline and other things. and the fact that children will now begin to be taught, they have already started since april of the rights of the child, according to the european social charter. and i have a question, whether it will be possible now in ukraine , even in the conditions of war, to ensure that everything is taught not only in theory, theoretically, but that children see that theory and practice are not diverges, because there are many moments when they talk about children's rights, they often say that children should not be beaten. er, kids have the right to complain, like parents, teachers, whatever, but there are things like bullying, there are things like some unhealthy communication, and when a child wants to say it, often, if not even afraid , they don't give it in the family, they don't give it somewhere at school, in other institutions, how to organize it all so that it
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works, uh, well, in my opinion, all the problems need to be highlighted. and not to be afraid, well, otherwise, if you hide all the problems, then the country will never change and society will never change, we all understand that there are indeed and still remain problems in schools, but there is already a great power of social media, it is necessary to close the attention of journalists, local media, and well, influential people so that these the issue to be resolved, recently there was literally... the situation with the boy jeremiah with skrepal, who was very interested in school, and the parents were not afraid to highlight this, this event, and now five lawsuits have been opened there, although only one for bullying, although there in principle the whole problem was bullying, but it is very important
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not to be afraid, it is very important to cover these events and talk about them openly, yes. of course, there are problems that this can cause feedback, yes, well, that is, the school can push such children out of the education system, unfortunately, but it must be fought against, because otherwise this local, well, every such situation is local, it will lead to general such that not only children must be taught, but the whole society must change, that is, they must not be simple. some training for the same teachers, for families, and should they use this theory, which is discussed in practice? yes, yes, we actually launched an online course for this, i invite everyone, it is on the website of the academy of communities, and the course is precisely on social rights, and the course is primarily aimed at educators, at teachers,
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because they need to know how to properly convey these rights, how to properly protect them. er, how to teach children this and follow these rules themselves, explain to parents, because in fact a lot depends on them, on our educators, because they are the ones who pass on cultural and social rules to the next generation, including at school, a lot depends on them, and they also need to be taught, so this course is completely open, it is not complex, there are only 10... lessons, they are multimedia, you can take them at any time, on various topics related to the rights of the child, these are the social rights of the child, and the rights of families, and the rights to education. ask, we understand how it works, because
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young parents and young students probably want to learn their rights and support them, they can, and it's not a problem, especially it's not a problem in those private high-quality schools, well, i saw how it works in the school of the free and indifferent from fest, like this... for example, in the montessori school there, it's not advertising, it's just when people, parents, pay serious money, they very easily find communication with teachers, the director, the headmaster, and those who implement it, that is, it becomes a practice, for our money, your practice, in other schools the practice is enough, the practice is traditional, the tradition is many generations, the tradition was in that, i the boss is a fool, the main principle, that is, there is a boss, almost like a vahra in the zone, this is a teacher. and the prison is polite or rude, and accordingly there will be no rights here, you understand what established practice i am talking about, and we
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cannot now provide tens of thousands of replacement teachers there who are not carriers of totalitarian practices of communication with wards , yes, but we have to teach them, re-educate them, and it seems to me that the school administration should be responsible for this, because... there are a lot of non-commercial schools, in which everything is excellent and they are equipped, they are modern, they treat children with due respect, they follow all the rules, and these are schools not only in cities, they are in small villages, communities, it depends on the administration, so you need to teach not only teachers, as well as school administration, and they are also engaged in this, and how do you see this mechanism in order to have civilized such administrators. regardless of the form of education, well, the first mechanism is a decent, decent level of payment and the second is freedom, let's say, freedom
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in the implementation of various initiatives, in fact very many different initiatives are now pilot, which schools can implement on various subjects, on financial literacy, on entrepreneurship, it is called as a certain experiment, and the school can accept it, but here it depends only on... the activity of the administration, whether it will do it, because it's too much to write there and so on. then the next question is, of course, the responsibility of parents too, they should also follow this, mrs. maria, we, we will simply call now parents, students, administrators, directors and teachers, here are 10 lessons from your association of innovative and digital education to learn, come, watch and learn, thank you. thank you for participating in our program, it was maria bogoslav, the executive director of the association for innovative and digital education, we see that half of ukraine, the east is actually all
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red, the threat of ballistics, explosions in the dnipro and a rocket on kremenchuk are also being reported, more news in just a few minutes , khrystyna parobiy will tell, stays with espresso. there are 15% discounts on glicised and glicised max at podorozhnyk pharmacies and saving there are discounts on bizyn - 20% in podorozhnyk drugstores for you and savings. gasoline trimmers are so heavy, loud and inconvenient, and you want to have a beautiful, well-groomed area. there is a solution. kors garden trimmers from repack tv. hurry up to order at a special price. only from uah 999. cors brimmers are compact, light and very powerful. mow the lawn in the most difficult-to-reach places near fences, along the path line, near the sidewalk, curb, around trees, trim bushes and even
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11:00 am
news on the air of spresso, i'm khrystyna parubiy, i'll talk about the most relevant at the moment, and we'll start with good news: the military... drom drones attacked very successfully at night in sloviansk, kuban, krasnodar territory, russia. several military planes were hit, russian media write and publish videos of large-scale damage. after the attack, a fire broke out, but the ministry of defense of the aggressor country, as always, keeps silent about the results of the hits. they reported only about...


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