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tv   [untitled]    April 27, 2024 9:30am-10:01am EEST

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more than action. telegram is the fastest way to adjust hits on some objects. that is why, or to limit the influence of the telegram, i introduced the corresponding bill. this is not about banning telegram, it is about regulating its work. we are dealing with the mythical trojan horse that was brought into the city and then an enemy army came out of it in the middle of the night. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. that the morning was good, need to make a few simple ones.
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actions, psychologists talk about some deep breathing sessions, lviv residents say that you should drink coffee, and roman and i have already made sure that the morning will be good, for sure, if you donate and support any of the ukrainian units, ukrainian volunteers, doctors , anyone who contributes to our victory, who helps bring it closer. now you have a fantastic opportunity to support. we are collecting black zaporozhians and a cold yar on fpvi drona, please donate, and we already have our next guest, iryna friz, on the phone. people's deputy of ukraine, member of the verkhovna rada committee on national security, defense and intelligence. mrs. irina, good morning. good morning. ms. irina, yesterday, we already started to analyze it with colleagues, journalists, from the point of view of expediency and efficiency, and we will ask you. i understand that
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this issue is also on the committee, and colleagues have already communicated about these events that took place, in particular in consular institutions abroad, when - a directive came from the ministry of foreign affairs, based on the norms of the law, which has not entered into force, because it enters into force on may 18, suddenly stopped providing certain services, passports in the first place, to a part of ukrainian citizens, perhaps to the part that has already... even deposited funds, i.e. already paid for the services provided , but they were simply refused, and in this case ee - i wanted to hear your assessment from you, because there were many different ideas, how, in what way, for example, to involve a part of the citizens in the defense of the region, which is abroad, i do not know, whether the knesset was developing something like that, but the israelis, when after black friday came back from all corners, only to enter... to retreat and defend israel, and
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we have seen how it works effectively. in this case, there was a feeling that there were many options, but they chose the worst one, the one that would give exactly a negative result, or zero at the exit, at what level this was approved, was it the self-government of the deputy minister of foreign affairs. well, actually, you 've made the question perfectly clear. and indeed the deputy, not even the minister, but the deputy minister, mr. sebiga, wrote the letter, with which he actually suspended the consular, consular work in institutions abroad, to the extent that it complies with the current legislation, or because it is routine, one answer does not correspond, it is illegal, i will appeal to the sbi regarding exceeding my official duties and abuse. power by mr. sibiga, i don't know if
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he did it alone, most likely not, because before that he was the deputy head of the office of the president, and i do not rule out that this whole story ... was coordinated with the office of the president, i fully i support your thesis that such aggressive, voluntaristic and illegal actions of the state in relation to citizens of ukraine abroad will have an absolutely negative result, and indeed, if we remember israel and the tzahal, who were returning, let's remember february 24, 22 , when they also returned from abroad, consciously returned the community... of ukraine of draft age in order to defend the state, but what do we have now? now we have a situation where even the clearly regulated mechanism proposed in the law on mobilization, namely 36 months of continuous military service, gave
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the grounds for dismissal during martial law, at the last moment the government gutted, made this bill so, you know, twisted in its essence. because to introduce mechanisms to strengthen mobilization or to introduce exclusively coercive mechanisms and not to establish clearly and fairly the mechanisms of release, that is, to conduct a frank and sincere dialogue with society, leads to citizens' distrust of the state. the next step in these actions, if they are not stopped, and it would be desirable for the cabinet to withdraw this letter. mr. deputy will be that according to the international law of the state in the host countries there are citizens of ukraine who do not have, or the period of validity of which documents have expired, they will provide them with their documents. the next step will be that these citizens will not return
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to our state at all under any coercion, including, or for any purpose, so in this context there is an illegal letter of the deputy minister of defense from the point of view of this at all looks, you know, to create another information bubble in order to switch the public's attention from audacity to the bill on mobilization, already now in the law, namely the lack of a possibility to be released during martial law for another split, which is artificially formed by the authorities, and which in fact does not contribute to unity, but only further splits... society, remember, in autumn we have some representatives of the government, including the majority, worked very well on the split between the military and political leadership of the state, now the same government is working on the split in society
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into ukrainians here and ukrainians there, in this only one party is interested, the russian federation, which will use this split and demonstrate the discrediting of ukrainians in our eyes. partners and ukraine in the eyes of ukrainians abroad, or such stories, when, as was the case yesterday, that two men tried to enter ukraine illegally, there are probably more like this and the chessboard of the tsk, they simply took such stories - this is just one single case, and in essence , this whole thing, this whole story, it can lead to something, that there will be even more conflict and maybe even hatred between those ukrainians, which are in ukraine and those. ukrainians who are in the diaspora, who left for various reasons, in fact, this does not contribute to the unity of the people, we will talk about another division, about the division based on the state of health, we know that now there will be no restrictions on those who are suitable, that is, there will be those who are suitable and unfit for military service, and
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actually those who previously had the status of limited fit, now they can be divided, so there can be those who are fully fit, who are fit to perform some special... specific tasks, who can perform some specific specialties , in your opinion, will it be possible to implement this concept in such a pure reflection, or will it now give rise to a wave of corruption, when they begin to simply tighten, polish some documents, some health conditions, in order to receive one and not another sentence in quotation marks ? unfortunately, you and i are not immune from this. what was the idea? in order to give an opportunity to those servicemen who are currently passing, who are currently in service, to be released. in particular, the state of limited fitness does not provide for release
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during martial law. that is why removing the state of limited suitability and leaving only suitable or unsuitable, it was assumed that a significant number of persons with this... status, having passed the vlk, would finally be able to legally be released on legal grounds. will it generate corruption? well, unfortunately, all life on... is accompanied by this hydra, yes, which in one way or another uses these or other loopholes in order to get rich, i do not rule out that it will arise, but for this there are law enforcement agencies, for this there are partially free media that will to cover all this, journalistic investigations, etc., then after the law on, or rather it... acquisition comes into force, this is regulated in another law, on the status that needs to be confirmed regarding suitable and unsuitable,
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there should be an order of the ministry of defense, which will clearly prescribed illnesses, yes, which fall under, which fall under the status of unfit, i hope that it will still work in the legal field, but in any case, we must be vigilant and apply all of them. mechanisms in order to and this algorithm is not, you know, cut by corruption factors. mrs. iryna, we know how to start the morning right, we start it, open the deeppstate map, then we must open maryana bezuglai's facebook page, she works for our national security, defense, and by looking at her posts , you can understand where '. to tell there
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that ukrainians who do not receive consular services should throw away their passports and take passports of other countries, she openly said that, now i see where the greatest danger is, the enemy is coming at us, he is called public broadcaster, public, because she already has three posts in a row about what she and natasha talked about. and there are only 1,000 views on youtube at the public broadcaster, and any of her psychotropic freak reels section gets 50,000, are these 2 billion effective, well, natasha mosiychuk has better views than the public one, there are a lot of journalists in the public sector, and this is money taxpayers, in one word the enemy has been exposed, maryana is working, or how it all looks inside your committee, i just quoted you briefly. content, but your discussions, they too around this in the committee in closed mode, is she not playing a variety show there? she
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does not voice there, but if she voices something, then it is purely on the agenda, that is, the fact that her public activity actually leads to the creation of another conflict situation, remember how she... openly and brazenly attacked zaluzhny with her head in the fall, yes, and the corresponding in this way, from my point of view, all these attacks are clearly coordinated and aimed at one result: another excavation in society, or another kind of confrontation, or creation with its participation some kind of information bubble to distract society's attention, that's why i understand why you, after deepstate , are paying attention to who was once again targeted by ms. maryana in order to understand what is now
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preventing the authorities from acting adequately and openly with society, but from my point of view, the less media attention is paid to it, the more benefit it will be for the information field, attention where it is necessary to protect, let's say, public interests from the unscrupulous, that is, it is only for that. and about passports, mr. roman, yes, about what she said, well, i have them then one wish, look, some people, including those of draft age, are abroad, some teenagers left with their mothers in the 22nd year, when they were 16-17 years old there, and accordingly they are already 18 years old abroad, and they have, they absolutely legally have the right to get their passports, moreover, up to... 25 years, citizens of ukraine are not mobilized during martial law,
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they have the appropriate age limit to start being drafted, they can be drafted exclusively on a voluntary basis , therefore these illegal actions which they are trying, you know, to communicate, they are very proactive, the information carriers from the president's office are calling. er, more, more, even more, even more at once, because they are actually trying to push citizens away from ukraine even further and they are even more demeaning to... once upon a time, the honor and pride of the office era aristovych generally said: throw away the ukrainian passports, let's give away a million russians, so there is room to move, not only for the marianas. thank you, ms. iryna, for your comment and analysis of the situation, iryna friz, people's deputy and member of the national security committee was on
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about ukraine in the eu, how should we perceive the statements of european politicians and what will it look like on... joining the eu in the project about politics about the world with maria gurska every sunday at 3:30 p.m. with a repeat at 10:00 p.m. in cooperation with sister au. an unusual look at the news. hello ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen. sharp presentation of pacts and competent opinions. and in america they also say let us have better roads, we will have even better ones. a special look at the events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond. what a world he dreams of, sir. norm, can we imagine it? all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. and we returned to the studio, we remind you that we are always with you 24/7. maybe you don't need to carry plasma with you, just click, subscribe to our youtube, you won't miss any
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program, any video, any releases news, even if busy with business. we, in the meantime... will be summarizing the rather important work that is going on, this is our youtube, everything is here for you, including shorts and the essence of everything important that was on the air for the day for espresso, you subscribe, and we will tell you in the meantime, well, we won't tell, we will ask, but gennady kryvashey will tell us for sure, because he is a member of the public anti-corruption council under the ministry of defense of ukraine. war a large audit and transformation on the occasion of the completion of the first year of work of this very public anti-corruption council. yes, good morning, glory to ukraine, glory, well, according to your results, the hydra cut off some of the heads, well
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, it all depends on how many heads this hydra has, and whether they can, yes, this is the first, and whether this hydra can, but we understand that she can, her head and the corrupt head can grow again, so this is probably a problem in general in... well, the whole history of corruption, when you carry out a series of measures, and the one who tries to abuse, he still seeks some ways, how to avoid e-e legislative there are some rules, norms for to either get rich illegally or break the law, let's just understand, in a year you managed to introduce certain things in principle that should not be introduced, recommended, but they were introduced and never again. in life, we will not be able, as mr. reznikov says, to buy eggs for 17, or one potato for 800 - have we managed to establish some to narrow this
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field, this opportunity to grow heads, well , look, you are completely right, that is, the main task is to what extent the work of the anti-corruption council was effective this year, of course, that she appeared, well, in fact, as was noted yesterday in the journalists' question, in fact, on the basis of those eggs that were. 17 hryvnias each last year, after that a number of scandals began, but let's take a look, relatively speaking, for the last four or five months of work there, after that i actually believe that this is a litmus test, including the work of the anti-corruption council, and why , because corruption manifestations, as a rule, they manifest themselves everywhere in some form, either through social networks, or in the form of er... results of audits conducted by are carried out there on one or another procurement or on the analysis of one or another financial transactions, one way or another we understand, well, for ourselves, yesterday we came to the conclusion that in reality the level
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of corruption risks in the ministry of defense has significantly decreased, we are not saying that there is not somewhere some efforts on the part of some unscrupulous business entities, and maybe even individual officials there, officials there or specialists, maybe they are, and i do not rule out that it is somewhere... that is , it cannot be said that everything is perfect, but we we are talking about the fact that the main task facing the public anti-corruption council is to show how transparent and open the ministry is in its work, it was done, this is the first, second, the ministry has shown how ready it is to listen to the public and change certain processes , i take, for example, my side, what i was engaged in was the direction and inspection of state-owned enterprises and quality control issues, in particular. there is no food quality control, well, we all perfectly understand that it is possible to deliver products in a timely manner, but it can be of poor quality, and when these poor-quality
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products are supplied to the military, then in fact these billions that pay reprimands are paid to an entrepreneur for a poor-quality product, then this can be said to be the same corruption and spending of the same funds, misuse, yes, in fact, because this does not correspond to reality, for the same state-owned enterprises, for example , yesterday they talked about what else... last summer there was an attempt by one of the companies, the issue of which is currently being prosecuted by the prosecutor's office, well, from this company in order to to take from this company almost 20 hectares of land in the territory of the city of kyiv, which once belonged, well, in fact, this land belongs to the ministry of defense, but in 2006, it seems or 2008, it was transferred under a moratorium to a certain company, no one did anything with the land . this private company did not build housing for military personnel, and now it wants to sell this plot of land. the prosecutor's office has already returned nine such plots, and this is the last, it seems,
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there were nine, and this is the last tenth plot, for which they have been suing for more than three years. what they wanted, they wanted to sign somewhere through someone, while minister reznikov was not in ukraine at that time, because the minister, as a rule , is constantly abroad at international meetings, various assemblies, they wanted to sign the corresponding memorandum with someone. an additional memorandum for the court, my colleague oleksandr gerashchenko and i immediately received the information, we blocked it, they told us, but you were wrong, there is no memorandum, well there is none, so someone wanted $5-7 million for five just for themselves we expect to take the land plot now that the prosecutor's office will add and this plot of land will also return to the ministry of defense, and then it is already a legislative level, in which way these lands can be used further. because i believe that housing can be built on these lands , primarily for military personnel, and there is one more form of corruption, this is the potemkin village, this is a russian practice, but it was
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close to... regionals from crimea, as mr. liev says, asks you whether it was possible to reduce the number of potemkin villages this year, when purchases were reported with photos what was not purchased, we remember these shells and croatian photographs, and then it turned out that the money had already gone and nothing was delivered, and there were many such cases, or has the number of these cases, when there is such a thing, decreased. corruption and money are gone, but what we are talking about, including talking about the same lviv arsenal, yes, which lviv arsenal, we understand this history, we see, well, there are consequences of the work and results of law enforcement agencies there, we met from, well, members of the public anti-corruption council we met with the representatives of nabu, and we gave certain materials and, based on these or other discovered facts, we pass them on to the law enforcement agencies, if there is a need for this, we cooperate
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on... what cases there are with them, in fact you are right, that is, this is the main thing for today, i think the ministry of defense should focus attention, this is probably the first priority, this is weapons, this is how it is purchased, that is why these two agencies were created in the ministry, they started working, yes, the agency for the purchase of weapons, the agency for the purchase of rear support, in fact, this is the nato standard, that is , according to the approach where we have to remove all relevant ones. to the corruption component, so that there would be no such, excuse me, walking around the ministry, where the price should be fully analyzed, where we should understand that it is not even so, if we take the 22nd year, then we bought everything, because then a lot was needed, a large mass of shells, the price of which was different from the reality at that time, and it happened that in one month they were bought from the same company at the same price, at the same price
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and the same projectile could be bought there for... more value literally two or three weeks later, but it was needed then, because as for me, i think whether the bulletproof vests are the same, yes, the ukrainian manufacturer can’t how many of them can be produced in a month or two , how many do he need to produce, for example, for a whole year, you understand, yes, that is why we bought everything, but now we have reached the moment and the process when we can take a balanced look and constructively to pick up all this so that there are not just overpayments, but that there was also the purchase of this high-quality product, because... well, cases are different, and at this moment, i believe that there is a positive case, where the operator has the appropriate agency should carry out appropriate purchases, a new manager has been appointed there, ms. marino, well, we hope that changes in this direction, we see, have begun, well, of course, the result will be that, let's say, a year will pass in terms of procurement, we will not see loud scandals there, because you understand,
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corruption is... it can be everywhere and there can be different manifestations, but mr. genadiy, we have literally one more minute into the news and you've already started to answer part of it about the poor supply, but specifically when it comes to food, are you still recording the appeals of military personnel, do they have an opportunity to directly complain if something is wrong, and is there the opportunity to react, we have one minute, in the past four months i have personally been three times with , including with profile deputies... defenses in the east of kharkiv, dnipropetrovsk, in the south , in the zaporizhia region, there were moments when why did they leave, because there were complaints, but they did not reach any kind of loud scandal, because we immediately try to respond to them, and i am generally pleased that the ministry is responding to this, and now, as of today , the dot is dealing with this issue, well, for example , i received a complaint there yesterday, i send it immediately, in the morning
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a representative calls me already there, as a rule... either against or the responsibility of one or another military unit and reports what the situation is, what has changed, but in parallel, we understand , what this does not specifically concern one military unit, that is, it can be a problem of the entire region, so we take it globally, that is the main thing, that there should be an instant reaction to all these problems, so that everything does not drag on, thank you for participating in our broadcast, gennadiy kryvoshey was from we, a member of the public anti-corruption council under the ministry of defense of ukraine, it's news time, we give the floor to khrystyna parobiy, because she knows. much more, fresher information. greetings, colleagues, thank you, in russia the chamber continues, what happened again, i will tell you in the issue, and also do not miss the loss of the enemy in a moment.
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khrystyna works in the studio.


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