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tv   [untitled]    April 26, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm EEST

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mass burials of local residents. the armed forces of ukraine liberated izyum, a city in the kharkiv region in september 2022. 447 bodies were found in mass graves there, including at least 414 civilians. this area has become a huge crime scene. forensic teams carefully remove hundreds of bodies from the ground. this is where horror acquires names and numbers. russia's unprovoked invasion killed many, we already knew that, but only now in liberated cities like izyum do we learn exactly who was killed and how. with the deoccupation of new portions of the territory, with deoccupation of mariupol, we will be faced with more and more terrible statistics and confirmations that a genocidal campaign was really unfolding there. therefore, we can agree with mr. shabes that we have not collected so much today. information
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about this growing dynamics of murders, but at the same time we must also understand that we simply do not have access to the territories where these dynamics will be demonstrated. from the territories occupied by russia, we really receive only fragments of information. one of the cities that russian troops occupied after february 24, 2022, yaskadovsk in the south of ukraine. in the fall of the same year, the occupiers killed 56-year-old nurse tetiana mudrenko there. natalia is tatiana's twin sister. she hosts us in her sister's apartment in the city of dnipro. remembers he says that in their youth they were very different in character, but outwardly very similar. somehow, even tatiana's boyfriend confused them. and he was in the army, he came. zamiya, and
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she was not in the garden, i came, well, i’m visiting, i know him too, oh, tanechka, that’s how they kiss the hand, i’m not tanya, but then, we had to calculate, but yes, yes, no, when the occupation began, natalya was with her sister in skadovsk, together they went to pro-ukrainian rallies, then natalya was able to leave, her sister for... in october , natalya read in a closed group on facebook that tetyana was detained by security forces, together with her common-law husband anatoly. soon the husband got in touch with her and said: tanya was buried. and in my closed group, one person wrote that they strangled her, and then hanged her in front of the court, and...
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this guy was writing for me, he said, some acquaintance of his, too, don't tell him, nothing, they say, they cordoned off the area when they hanged her, rather they hanged her for dead, and then one girl told me, they went with a lawyer, they said, they have such a trick of fessniks, they first suffocate, and then they resuscitate, and you can see her , respect as a woman, such.
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in the death certificate of tatyana , the cause of death is indicated as mechanical asphyxia, i.e., the woman's suffocating grave, as well as accurate information about the circumstances of her death remains out of reach in the occupied territory of skadovsk. all natalya has is a photo of the place where tatyana is buried, and a guess as to why sister could be killed. she switched to the ukrainian language, although we studied in russian, well, we know ukrainian. so i say, she was part of a closed group, it's just a pro-ukrainian group, naskadost is ukraine, it was a closed group. this story is typical of the currently occupied territories, there is only fragmentary information about the killing of ukrainians, but their circumstances are shrouded in the darkness of the russian occupation, as well as their number, it is known only to the russians, if they count at all, but is it really the murder itself ... is the main criterion for that
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talk about genocide. the definition of the crime of genocide should be sought in international documents, in the un convention on genocide and. roman statute. these definitions are the same. genocide is an act committed with the intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group as such. murder is the act of causing serious physical or psychological harm, creating conditions for the physical destruction of a group, preventing the birth of children, and forcibly transferring children from one group to another. so, there are not one, but five different ways of doing it genocide of the five ways of committing the crime of genocide described in the convention and in the roman statute, murder is only one of the ways, the other four are not related to murder, that is, these ways are not forms of murder, of course, and therefore it is not entirely correct
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to navigate and not it is quite correct from the point of view of how the convention and the rome statute are formulated to focus exclusively on murders. although murder is only one of the five punishable acts, it is obviously the most important. why, in the absence of killing a large number of people, it is very difficult to draw a conclusion about the intention to physically destroy the group. the terminology of the genocide convention speaks of the destruction of a group, but the jurisprudence, that is, the international courts and tribunals that have applied it, have all taken the view that this is what it requires. indeed , keislo inclines us to the fact that genocide should be aimed at physical destruction, but this keislo was formed on the basis or on the basis of specific cases, these are the cases from rwanda and the srebreniece cases. in other contexts, courts
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may be more nuanced in their assessment of the situation. for eugene finkel from the university johns hopkins, in the ukrainian case , the main evidence of genocide is: murder, on the contrary, is the act most distant from murder, defined by the un convention. the displacement of children is much stronger evidence of genocide than the killing of civilians. there is no military explanation. there is no strategic goal in taking thousands of ukrainians from their families and forcing them to become russians against their will. this is done only with the intention of making them cease to be. russia is deporting thousands of children from ukraine from the territories it invaded and is raising them as russians. some of them are orphans, some became orphans because of the war, while others have parents in ukraine who are impatiently waiting for their children to return. thousands of
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children from the occupied territories of ukraine are in repurposed summer camps in russia. russification is taking place here, it can be seen. the enthusiasm with which children talk about russia. russian lessons, studying the russian national anthem, daily performance of the russian national anthem. this is indoctrination. and there is a revised story that they are forced to follow. about the fact that the russians called evacuation, the un says it should be considered an act of genocide. as of the beginning of 2024. the ukrainian authorities claim that almost 20,000 ukrainian children have been deported to russia. the russian authorities report as many as 700,000. one of them was denys barazhny. he was 17 when he was taken from occupied kherson to a children's camp on
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the crimean peninsula, which russia has controlled since 2014. there were hundreds of children from the kherson region aged eight to 17. what russification looked like. he saw with his own eyes. after three weeks, they started to turn on russian the morning anthem directly, we didn't react to it at all, we just walked, like why, and then we started how to do it, we just took it, we agreed with our group of only 30 people that we just won't get up in the morning to the russian anthem. at all, the main person responsible for the ideological work with the children in the camp was a former employee of the ukrainian law enforcement agencies, a special unit of the ministry of internal affairs berkut, he often said that russia is better than ukraine, that if you say something
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on the territory of the camp in favor of ukraine, then you will leave home on foot, i often looked for ukrainian symbols or paraphernalia, if i went... i tore, burned, well, in front of everyone, it could be any paraphernalia, for example, that it was a flag, older children. russification could be resisted in the camp, but valery stakhov had a great influence on the younger ones. the children, after talking with valery astaho, they didn't shut down, they started saying that russia is better and will take kherson and all of ukraine, but at first they didn't say that, they said that ukraine is fine. after months of struggle by denis berezhny was able to return to ukraine, to his parents. this is possible with a small part
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of the deported children, but tens of thousands of them remain in russia, where they gradually lose their ukrainian identity. often they also resist russification. some russians are annoyed by this. in an intercepted conversation of a russian soldier, his wife calls ukrainian children nazis. do you know that these children tell our children that on may 9 at school they asked to draw, in short, it was for the holiday, they said, this it's not our holiday, it's children, our children at school say, and you know that they will grow up later, that's how it will be, these are nazis, these teenagers will be the same, i would, on the contrary , inject them with drugs and work to look them in the eye , she said, suffocate, suffer, i would also cut my nipples like that, i would cut stars on their backs, and in general
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, i would... part of its public policy. children, holy cause, we took them out of the conflict zone, saving their lives and health. they voice it surprisingly directly, they are not shy. this, honestly, i don't understand why, maybe they don't understand what they're doing, i think they do, most likely they don't believe there will be any consequences, but there could be consequences. in march 2023, the international criminal court issued a notice. the international criminal court has issued two arrest warrants in connection with the situation in ukraine. for vladimir putin, president of the russian federation. and maria lvova bilova, authorized by the president of the russian federation on children's rights, on suspicion of committing war
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crimes related to the deportation of children from the occupied territories of ukraine to the russian federation. the international criminal court qualified the actions of putin and lviv and bilova as a war crime, but not as a crime of genocide. why? presumably, because international courts and tribunals still traditionally tend to consider genocide through the prism of physical destruction. national, ethnic, racial or religious group. children are not exterminated. theory is that children who are moved from one group to another lose the identity of the first group and acquire the identity of the group to which they were moved. so it's not, it doesn't qualify in a sense that the intent was to physically destroy the group. courts have not yet made exceptions for... this, cases of forced displacement have never actually
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been considered by an international court, but should we rely only on case law if the definition of genocide in the un convention is much broader. i repeat, five ways of committing genocide, only one refers to direct physical destruction, all other four refer to indirect, then. when certain damages are given, or conditions are created, or deportation takes place, and it eventually leads to physical destruction, for example, physical destruction is the ultimate goal, but first we want to deport the children so that the group cannot continue to exist because in essence, this is reproductive, the reproductive chain will be broken, but if the crime of genocide needs to be proven in court, then judicial practice is important for the court itself. not even murders or other actions described in the convention will be required,
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it is necessary to prove the intention to commit genocide, i.e. to destroy the ukrainian nation as such. the difficulty in proving genocide is rarely to prove the elements of genocidal intent. we have them. we have them when we consider the behavior of russian forces and russian agents in ukraine. and beyond. the difficulty of incriminating the crime of genocide is not to find the genocidal elements intention, in that these are essentially conclusions. that we make on the basis of facts, on the basis of conduct, they must be so convincing that we can rule out any other possible explanation. in order to prove genocidal intent, other explanations for russia's actions in ukraine must be ruled out. how to do it?
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it is futile to hope to find materials like direct written orders to commit genocide. however, there are evidences of intent that no one even hides - more. in the case of russian violence, i was surprised that they barely promoted it. they are very they openly talk, you know, about their intention to destroy ukrainians as a group, destroy ukraine, dismember people, kill millions, completely change identity. and this sounds from various sources, the state media, where everything that is said and that gets on the air is agreed in advance, approved and rigid. the legend of ukrainian rock with an exclusive program kyiv meet the band mertvyi piven , accompanied by a string quartet, the best selected
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yellow cream for joint pain. premium sponsor of the national team represents united football together stronger. by the way, this is what victoria nuland says about this. when she says that they say that vladimir putin is organizing genocide, she specifically says: it is clear what putin's goal is. erase the idea of ​​being ukrainian, then i agree with vika nulen, vika you are a genius, this idea must be erased from beginning to end, she has been poisoning people's lives for 100 years. now it comes to mind, i'll say it again, to exterminate all living things in the kharkiv region down to a child, as a punishment, so that no one will suffer anymore. we have no other option but to eliminate this substance called ukraine,
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and this phenomenon called ukrainianness. there are no other options. quite a lot from government officials. i mentioned medvedev before, in my opinion, his posts on twitter or telegram will be more than enough to put him in prison for many, many years. dmitry medvedev, former president and the current head of the ruling party, and deputy head of the security council of russia, constantly fills social networks with genocidal propaganda against the ukrainian nation. immediately after the discovery of the massacre in buch in april 2022, he wrote that ukrainianism is a fake. medvedev's statements are consistent and persistent. already in january 2024, he wrote: existence. ukraine is deadly dangerous for ukrainians, i mean any, absolutely any ukraine. whoever is at the helm of the cancerous neoplasm called ukraine, this
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will not add legitimacy to his rule and legal capacity of the country itself. and therefore, the probability of a new collision will remain indefinitely. that is why the existence of ukraine is fatal for ukrainians. in june 2022, medvedev even... explained why he writes in this way, this explanation is amazingly frank. i am often asked why my posts in telegram are so harsh, i answer: i hate them, they are bastards and bastards, they want the death of russia, and as long as i live, i will do everything to make them disappear. so, in the case of ukraine, look at the state media, look. it's what they say government officials who determine security policy, and you'll have more than enough material to work with. so it seems to me that establishing intent in this case would not be
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a problem at all. of course, propaganda and racist provocative statements are evidence of genocidal intent. but courts are usually reluctant to give them much importance. it is not so easy to distinguish between hatred and crime. no hate speech and crimes with genocidal intent. to answer your question: could this be evidence of genocidal intent? yes, of course it can. moreover, even specific words used by russian officials and propagandists can indicate genocidal intent. the use of dehumanizing terms is also one of the examples of what may suggest the existence of genocidal intent. in every conflict. they were their own, for example, during the holocaust , jews were called rats, in rwanda, tutsi were called cockroaches, we see this in ukraine, in fact, the term is more
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veiled, more so cunning, i mean this fight against nazism with by the nazis, which was apparently deployed by the russian federation, marking ukrainians as nazis, nazis, the russian federation essentially denies the right to exist to ukrainians. a significant part of ukraine, the ukrainian... race, certainly not all, i hope not even the majority, were caught up in this madness of nazism. the destruction of the nazi state of ukraine, there can be no other victory, and our president understands this. we will strive for the demilitarization and denazification of ukraine. studies have shown that on the day of russia's invasion of ukraine, february 24, 2022 year, the number of references to nazism and nazis increased explosively in russian materials... about ukraine. it happened so suddenly that it was clearly a coordinated campaign. in the russian media, ukraine has become a nazi
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state, and any patriot of ukraine is a nazi. people who identify themselves as patriots of this chimera are bastards. people who fight for it are criminals. these things are straight enough for me to talk about. after all, about calls for genocide. we must also remember that no one said before, let's commit genocide, they said still quite metaphorically. the final solution to the jewish question for me, i understand that it is terrible to compare mass atrocities, yes? but for me, in its meaning , it means approximately the same thing as complete denazification, that is, it is essentially about solving the ukrainian question, especially in the context in which we heard these phrases. russian propaganda may in itself be another genocidal crime described in the un convention and the rome statute, the crime of incitement to genocide.
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eugene finkel is convinced, russian propagandists themselves are well documented. in my opinion, we have a sea and mountains of evidence. i think even the most inept and inexperienced attorney and...coroner would have no problem convicting them of incitement to genocide, given what they say openly, publicly, and consistently, day in and day out. in fact, a problem can arise even in such a seemingly obvious matter. one of the world's most authoritative lawyers on the issue of genocide, william shabas, emphasizes that incitement to genocide is even a crime. when not leads to the commission of genocide, but such incitement must be public and direct. if these are the statements of journalists, then
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it is clear that they ... meet the criterion of publicity, with directness is a little more unclear, and i think that it is a question of interpretation by judges based on the specific words, the context in which they were said. it cannot be ruled out that they will be accused of direct and public incitement to commit genocide, but this does not mean that the prosecution will be successful. to prove genocidal intent it is also important to understand whether propaganda about denazification was received. to the russian military, whether it influenced their actions, contact with propaganda is clearly important for the russian army, the official schedule of a serviceman approved by the ministry of defense of the russian federation involves watching television information programs every day from monday to saturday. it is not surprising that witnesses who survived the atrocities of the russian army in the north of ukraine say that the military was constantly looking for nazis. therefore... they really,
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really believe that all nazis are me i say, you have been brainwashed by putin's propaganda, there are no nazis here, this is a peaceful resort village, i approached them and said that no one was waiting for you here, why did you come here, we came to liberate you nazis, i asked where are the nazis are located, i say i do not know when there are no nazis here, but you are nazis yourself. in the end , everyone who was killed by the russians became enemies, nazis or fascists in general, for their relatives in russia as well, this is evidenced by the intercepted telephone conversations of the russian military. slavan is a mother with two children, well that our people attacked her in front of the children, buried her, and that, of course, she is considered, of course, also an enemy. you know, you are doing a great job,
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remember this and pass it on to everyone. что мы делаем, убиваем цівідних детей, blin, no, you don't kill civilian children, убиваете, тоже, всё, всёе, stop it, don't need to, for its part, the russian state obviously approves and encourages the killing of civilians. on april 18 , 2022, less than three... weeks after the retreat from the kyiv region, the president of the russian federation, vladimir putin, awarded 64 separate motorized rifle brigades, which considered to be involved in the atrocities in buchi. but russian denazification is not only about the killing of civilians and the russification of ukrainians, it is about the destruction of ukrainian national symbols in the occupied territories, the destruction and theft of ukrainian cultural heritage,
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and the burning of ukraine. hundreds of museums, libraries and monuments were bombed, burned or shelled. russian troops in the occupied territories search public libraries. they are looking for any books related to ukrainian history. here, all modern books are in our author's languages, therefore that literature on'. nothing was left behind. more than 11,000 paintings and other works of art were taken away by trucks and buses. this happened not only here, but throughout the country. the theft of art supplies was on a scale that experts say has not been seen in europe since nazi looting during world war ii. destruction of culture is not among the acts of genocide defined in the un convention and the rome statute, but they make us recall the vision
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of the man who coined the term genocide. which also stands behind the un convention on genocide, rafal lemkin. dr. lemkin is the man who coined the word genocide and has really been fighting its manifestations for a very, very long time. dr. lemkin, could you tell us why you were interested in this fight against genocide? i became interested in genocide because it happened so many times. i told myself that as a lawyer i had to do something about it. and i submitted the draft convention. i was trying to... get the united nations organizations interested, so i approached the delegations. the delegations of cuba, panama and india supported the resolution, and then we launched the process. the destruction of culture and identity was not included in the convention, although rafal lemkin, who coined the term genocide, very clearly thought and spoke about the destruction of culture as one of the key elements of genocide.


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