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tv   [untitled]    April 26, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm EEST

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took and hit the sums with guided air bombs, this is what he did, for example, in kharkov there a couple of days ago and so on, and we understand that the enemy will continue to use this barbaric criminal tactic, and the key story is to make the russian the aviation did not dare, well, at least the tactical russian aviation did not dare to fly so close, we have some, we have some substitutes for the patriot. where should we direct our propaganda resources and our financial resources, so that just to protect our cities. unfortunately, in relation to the analogues of the patriots, it was rightly said, now the hopes are on the usa, which has unblocked aid, there is a significant amount of funds that they can allocate and realize in the form of a transfer to ukraine of the patriots, this is certainly true, we will hope for such a scenario, but when we are talking about repelling... then the task
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of repelling the russian aircraft, then it is better than fighter aircraft will not cope with this task, in principle, because fighters, primarily such as the a-16, are actually extremely a mobile anti-aircraft vehicle, i agree with you, but even aviation, the same f16s should be based on military airfields, military airfields should be covered by air defense systems. and here we enter a kind of closed circle, yes, because we have to cover cities, and military facilities, and potentially military airfields, where those f-16s would be based, which should repel russian aviation, which would there are in our cities, how to deal with it, yes, but in the case, for example, when we put under the question of what to protect at the same time, for example, three cities, let's take exclusively conditional kharkiv, suma, chernihiv, three border cities of mine, then for each. of them, if we defend ourselves
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with patriots, it is necessary, at least one each, preferably two each, and three patriots or six patriots, well, taking into account their rotation and the fact that they work in the sector, or we take two patriots and reliably protect one airbase with them , where the f16 is based, ugh, to find objectively in the current situation, it is easier to find two patriots than six, so thank you, thank you, mr. editor extremely an interesting and meaningful conversation, we were contacted by... oleg katkov, editor-in-chief of the defense express agency. i thank him for this extremely meaningful and important conversation. well, now there will be a short break, after which i will return to the studio and we will analyze important and archival things. wait. tired of heavy and bulky saws. then saw strong unpacking tv is just for you. they will easily cut trees and. they are convenient to use
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events, events that are happening right now and influence. on our lives, of course, the news feed reports about them, but it is not enough to know what is happening, it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 13:10 with a repeat at 22:00. studio event with anton borkovsky at espresso. kanal espresso and ukrainian pen present a project of their own names from myrosl. a series of conversations with ukrainian and westerners intellectuals who interpret and comment on the most relevant social discussions, what news will be analyzed by the guests of the project this week and, in fact, who will be the guest of the studio, we will find out already this sunday, the topics
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will definitely be relevant, the guests will be special, their own names with myroslava barchuk, sunday 17: 10 for espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. a bit of news. therefore, kyiv is urgently evacuating several hospitals due to the threat of a missile strike. this is reported by kyiv city state administration. it was reported there that two hospitals in kyiv, one of them, will be urgently evacuated. kindergarten on bogatyrskih street, due to information on social networks about the attack of the russians on those medical institutions. yes, i quote: the city urgently begins the evacuation of those hospitals, because a video is widely distributed in the internet media, which actually announces an attack by the enemy on
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these medical institutions and that allegedly military personnel are in those hospitals. this is absolutely a lie and a provocation of the enemy, which he is trying to use to attack the social infrastructure. capitals, to to protect sick children, their parents and medical personnel. the authorities of the capital are now doing everything possible to transport patients and doctors to other medical facilities. yes, well, now we will talk about the internal, ukrainian situation. volodymyr tsybulko is in touch with us, a political scientist. glory to ukraine, mr. volodymyr, glory to the heroes. well, let's start with exotic news, so to speak. you know, while we are regularly informed about that. as these or other guys are trying to cross the tisza in the western direction, then an incident happened here: two brothers were detained on the border with poland, the press service of the state border service of ukraine informs about this. it turned out that
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they got from poland to ukraine, the arrested brothers, by swimming across the zahidnyi bukh river. the offenders wore wetsuits under their wet clothes. as the border guards found out, the men lived in germany for several years and, due to the lack of work there, decided to enter their homeland illegally, well, they were brought to administrative responsibility, but this is, so to speak, exotic news. the key story i would like to start with is this on non-provision of consular services to our fellow citizens who are abroad, if they are not registered with the utc and. but there is a specificity such that they can do it through the electronic office of the conscript, which they promise to launch, well, roughly somewhere in june, so we understand that there is a big discussion, right, wrong, but in
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any in this case, we are also aware that it is necessary to return our fellow citizens who may be illegally staying or illegally staying in the territory of third countries. to of our homeland with you, mr. volodymyr, your opinion, well, first of all, there is information circulating on the internet about the famous roman shukhevych, who swam several times across the river to return to ukraine and fight for ukrainian interests, so obviously the heroic two brothers decided to return to ukraine exactly in this way, imitating roman shukhevych, but... regarding the behavior of the state in relation to its citizens, and especially the story that happened in warsaw, it is extremely blatant, because they took money from people, people were not given any counter conditions when producing
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the documents they needed, in particular passports of foreign nationals that had expired, instead, when people were invited to get these passports through the esk, and some people came... for 700 to 500 km, suddenly on behalf of the ministry of foreign affairs it was announced that they did not have any passports won't get it, that is, the state behaved like a bandit, changing the rules by... number and putting people in front of the fact that the rules have changed, that's not how it's done, they, by the way, well, we already have an example of a completely strange law of reverse force, the so-called the proposed law on politically important persons, characters, persons, in fact, this law violates the constitutional rights of these citizens, but... for the sake of european integration, the majority of these citizens do not even raise their voice, because
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after all, our interest lies in european integration, if the state behaves like this , as it happened in warsaw with ukrainian citizens, according to the testimony of ela libanova, director of the institute of demography of ukraine, academic, at the end of her 22nd year at the institute. believed that 30% of ukrainians who left during the war did not will return back to ukraine. if the state continues the style it introduced the other day in warsaw, i am afraid that 70-80 percent will not return to ukraine. well, in any case, there was information from the head of the ministry of internal affairs of poland, so he said that the protection for ukrainian refugees in poland will be extended, it is currently valid until june 30, and those who do not will not have a passport. will also be subject to temporary protection, quoting the polish minister now, we
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will find a way to solve this problem, we need to act wisely and rationally, all things that concern ukrainians in poland are written down in the laws, on the other hand, according to my information, the poles are not against it, but within the limits of their own legislation, help the ukrainian side to return those who, so to speak, maybe he is illegally in the territory of poland, well, history is extremely important in principle, still. wanted, mr. volodymyr, we don't have much time, unfortunately, about the diplomatic career of the former head of the armed forces of ukraine, general valery zaluzhny, so the british agreed, well and there is already information from mykhailo podoliak that he zaluzhnyi will start working as an ambassador in britain in the near future. so, zaluzhny's prospects of returning to the big game from the uk, eh? in general, the volume of those tasks that in... will fall on his, well, in principle, powerful shoulders, well, but still, that is, diplomatic
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work is not a piece of cake, and it will also require very, very specific schedules and execution certain functionality. well, first of all, the diplomatic service, like the military, involves a very regulated media presence. and in this sense, the status of ambassador for general zaluzhny is... on the one hand, well, some people thought that this was a kind of sinecure, but britain is such an important country for ukraine that if general zaluzhny, or rather ambassador zaluzhny, will intensively develop all the necessary volumes contacts for ukraine, he will first develop a personal contact base and personal connections, so to speak. and besides, he will be included in a large number
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of interstate british-ukrainian programs, that is, this makes him a super weighty figure, and even regardless of his intention to continue running for office or not to run for office in the event of elections, the circle of supporters of the hard worker in ukraine and the initiators of his nomination for the presidential elections is... quite wide, quite colorful, and i want to say that in the environment, for example , national-democratic, in case of the nomination of general zaluzhnyi, well, readiness to run in the presidential elections, none of the major politicians from the national-democratic camp will nominate against general zaluzhnyi, on the contrary, they will be under him the entire national network of all parties has been mobilized, in this sense we can say here that
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for the structure, even if the personal general has no personal fund, even if he does not have his own name fund, then the structure will be formed during the elections, well, you can say instantly, this happened at one time with viktor yushchenko, who, in fact, did not have a personal party at the time of nomination. presidents, but, well, more precisely, a candidate, when the parliamentary elections began, our ukraine took shape. literally as a union of 10 parties, the electoral list of our ukraine, yushchenko's election list, that is why it is so consolidated, consolidation scenarios around the figure of zaluzhnyi, they are quite probable, and above all, they are, well, i would say, lurking in the bowels of the ukrainian consciousness. yes, it is also an extremely important
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moment, but we understand that general zaluzhny still has a lot to overcome. various challenges, not only obstacles, challenges, both individual plan and institutional, yes, well, volodymyr tsybolko just mentioned the list of our ukraine, well, on the one hand, it was a powerful list, but on that list there were such characters that i don't even want to mention now, frankly speaking, that is , they are just people who caused, i 'll put it mildly, surprise, but returning, for example, to the extremely complex internal political situation in ukraine, we understand that everything balances , that is, thanks to, i don’t know, the political intuition of some, some political ones, i don’t know, decency, responsibility, others, compromises, yes, and, and, and, and, and, well, thank god that the system, it is shaky , but quite stable, because where they work ukrainians, that is, well, it turns out better and
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more reliable, but speaking, returning, for example, to serious challenges, we have a challenge from energy. huge, and we understand that it is not for nothing that the enemy is trying to cut off electricity in the cities, well, it is primarily about kharkiv, the situation there is, well, let's say, tragic, accordingly, how can this fit into the internal ukrainian political or social schedules? well, first of all, our western partners began to correct what the authorities actually failed after the big attacks on the energy industry in the 22nd. these, because then to us european partners offered such gas block points, gas generating stations, which would allow decentralization of energy generation, electricity generation, and well, small cities with a volume of 10-20 thousand people there could be autonomous in the energy sense,
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reinsured and not be dependent on centralized energy supply, but... .. then the ministry of energy blocked this initiative, now, when only 8% has been lost, well, after the strikes on tets, zmiivska and ee trypilska, 8% of the generation has been lost, only because of these strikes, so finally from europe gas checkpoints went to kharkiv, i think that this will somehow help to decentralize. at the level of such networks for thousands of 10-20 subscribers , to cut off the energy supply and not to bring the city economy to collapse, because this is another problem: energy is interconnected with water supply, with heat, well, it is just another problem here, because it is possible to generate
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electricity, but how to heat in the next heating season? all these quarters, this too should be thermal decentralization, but we have the example of the city of uzhhorod, where a long time ago refused centralized heat supply, and on the contrary, in my opinion, localities feel better than with centralized supply. look, there is still an extremely important case, we understand that it is a complex case, and it is not only about state legislation. initiatives, it still has to be a church decision and a very, very clearly thought-out, not just balanced, but well-thought-out policy, that is, it must be based not only on political will, on political competence, in particular, the draft law dedicated to the uoc
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yes, and in particular, the key story is to make sure that those priests who are pro-ukrainian in their hearts have the opportunity to work in ukrainian religious organizations, while those who work in moscow are deprived, for example, of the right to serve, but the key story - is to break this umbilical cord, but, uh, that connects them with moscow, but for this we still need a big, powerful initiative on the part of, perhaps, the patriarch of constantinople, and perhaps it would be necessary to involve and activate... representatives of the orthodox church of ukraine, that is, it should have to be a big integrated approach, but at the moment we see that this draft law has gathered dust, i am attaching it now. to our conversation, yes, volodymyr tsybulko, then i ask you to answer, how should we
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act correctly, wisely and quickly? well, we have several regions that have gotten rid of the presence of the uoc, we have a tough position of the security service, which insists that the law is about, well, let's say, about religious organizations with a focus on ukraine. this is a law about national security, not about freedom of conscience, so this is a key issue, and it is necessary that the verkhovna rada listen to the position of the security service of ukraine, well, the initiative of the faithful themselves is important here, that is, the parishioners must still insist, because the majority of ukrainian women still love ukraine, even if they pray to the moscow pope, something ukrainian is in their souls. well, except for a particularly stubborn caste, to which common sense does not apply, but in the mass of their own where there is common sense, i saw
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with my eyes in the kyiv region communities actively converting to the orthodox church of ukraine, and this is a very positive example, this is a positive example, but maybe something a little in this matter not too much to hear the voice of the orthodox church of ukraine, i wanted them to initiate... perhaps some cathedral, sir, at least consultations, at least consultations for the beginning, in your opinion, why are they a little yes, not too active, waiting for the go-ahead from authorities, i think that, let's say, there were approaches, because in the orthodox church of ukraine there are bishops who have good contacts, in particular oleksandr drabynko or, well , there is a whole series of bishops. who have good connections in the uocp, and they could act as such integrative figures, but it seems to me that an internal
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panic within the uocp also began here, because in order to preserve, so to speak, their network, they instilled such fear in some of the clergy that they are afraid of any contact, er... to restore with the orthodox church of ukraine, and i have the feeling that they still have a certain, certain fear and distrust of the ecumenical patriarchate, because they approached the ecumenical patriarch several times, albeit with such slightly idiotic proposals, for which the ecumenical patriarch rationally sent them to of the orthodox church of ukraine, so it seems to me that it would be more rational for them to start. show, well, take a step towards meeting, and they continue to remember the moscow patriarch in their prayers. yes, thank you, mr.
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volodymyr, what a meaningful and deep conversation, volodymyr tsybulko, political expert, poet, let me remind you, was currently working on the live broadcast of the tv channel, an important message from the president of the republic of china xijin ping. so he met with united states secretary of state anthony blick. and the chinese leader said that china and the united states must behave as a great power and take responsibility for maintaining stability and peace in the world. well, the key story is that maybe xi jinping should say this in the mirror from time to time, so to himself, so that he behaves responsibly as a great power, so instead of supporting russian aggression in an indirect way, in particular in an economic and technological way, well, but this ... i am now tattooing the chinese leader. i have always believed, declared everyone, that a big country should behave like a big country, have the mind and responsibility of a big country countries. china and the united states must
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set an example of such behavior and take responsibility for world peace and promote global unity. well, that's what sijin ping reminded about the meeting with president joseph biden in san francisco. well, see more about such news in today's broadcast. espresso tv channel a little later, now i'm saying goodbye to you, we'll meet again soon. thinking about a new mattress, but here's what's stopping you. have you ever thought about what you sleep on? old? mattresses accumulate not only dust, but also moisture that a person releases during sleep. a new mattress topper or bed linen can only improve the mattress aesthetically. choose
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tragedy are still felt today. it's 5 p.m. in ukraine and we have a news release on the spresso tv channel for your attention. in the studio of iryna koval. greetings to all viewers. minister of defense lloyd austin of the united states announced that washington is allocating another package of defense aid to ukraine in the amount of 1 billion. it will include missiles for the haimar, shells, air defense systems and other weapons. austin also confirmed that wines will arrive in ukraine this year.


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