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tv   [untitled]    April 26, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm EEST

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there is no resolution, but it will be very interesting, maybe belgium is preparing some, you could say , surprise for russian friends closer to the elections, in order to influence their result in their own way, so that they do not pass, of course, an interesting story, but for example, if we talk about russia's influence on certain european deputies, i don't know whether it's for money or because of recruitment or because of some i don't know compromising documents, i don't know some pedophile scandals. and so on, that is, these people, they are those who are on the payroll or on the hook of the kremlin, they somehow manifest themselves in this way, and if there are suspicions, also without surnames, well, if there are no surnames in the resolution, then we can not name those surnames, but i think that there are certain characters, you know, wrapped in a russian gebesh wrapper, so i think that in the european parliament itself , they know those characters quite well, so how do they manifest themselves, how do they behave and... what is
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the main thing, yes, what would they like to achieve? and, well, perhaps the most odious character of the european parliament is the long-standing deputy from latvia, tatiana shdanok, who is one of the leaders of the union of russians of latvia and has been elected since 2004, that is, she has been in the european parliament for 20 years, and only this year latvia does not allow her to run for office, this grandmother will not be present in the next term, and about her... in this resolution, and in the last resolution that was voted in february, it was written about her in black and white that she is an agent of the russian fsb, that she has curators from the fsb that are open, for example, journalists managed to get her correspondence from by these fsb curators, who clearly offer her about to promote russian narratives, and what they are talking about, what they are saying is that ukraine should not be supported, that ukraine should not be given...
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money to ukraine, that ukraine will still lose this war and that it is necessary to finally sit down at the transition table, that ukraine should give up its territories, which have already been occupied by russia, that ukraine is corrupt, many, many such moments, which they make every day in their speeches in the parliamentary hall and in committee halls and in other halls, as representatives of the european parliament, these people advance, but here , for example, there is accusations about zhdanka, perhaps latvia is conducting. investigation, so far she is still an active deputy, and what did the european parliament do to punish her? despite the fact that the resolution says that she is an fsb agent. the european parliament conducted an internal investigation, but since the european parliament does not have its own special service, secret service and so on, the only thing they could do was to set a fine on her and not pay her 1,700 € for the 5 days she had already openly promoted russian propaganda , i.e. e. here is such a situation, and
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therefore, they are now very much waiting for the decision of the general prosecutor's office of belgium, which apparently has some evidence, since the prime minister of belgium, alexander decrochet , stated clearly on march 28, this is a quote, his direct statement, that the members of the european parliament received funds from russia, and right now , everyone in the european parliament is still waiting for the fact that somehow this investigation will progress and that there will be some news before the elections. and by the way , there is another interesting point about surnames, the resolution of the european parliament contains the surname of the newly elected the president of slovakia, who will now be a big challenge to the current prime minister robert fitz, is petr pellegrini, who should become the president, the official inauguration will be on june 15, and in the resolution it is written that for what there is reliable information about what in 2020 year of peter the great appealed to viktor orban with
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a request to lobby for his support from the kremlin and as a result pelligrini went to russia a few days before the elections, and actually after that two years later he was elected president, four years later, sorry, this year, and now slovakia can be said to already have two heads of slovakia, already the prime minister and the president, these are openly pro-russian politicians, let them still be more, how to say, more... tolerant than orban, who allows himself everything , which is possible, but nevertheless, slovakia opposes military support for ukraine. slovakia opposes the fact that, for example, the same percentages from the frozen eu funds are directed to the purchase of ammunition, but they say no, let's go to reconstruction, let's go to humanitarian needs, that is, this situation is interesting, or, for example, just a few days ago, there was a big scandal in the european parliament, everyone was talking about it. there is such
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a german deputy, maximilian kra, he is actually a representative of the afd party, an alternative for germany, this party is very pro-russian. in fact, all its representatives conduct such beautiful pro-russian rhetoric in quotation marks, that is, they are all again for peace, against war, for negotiations and so on, so here is his assistant, who worked with him here in the offices in brussels and in strasbourg , arrested for being a chinese spy, moreover, he is not just a chinese spy, he is a staff member of the chinese special services and already has a name, his name is jiango. so this means that this person is chinese by nationality, so he is chinese, and besides , he is chinese, and he is also chinese and a spy, and so, and what to do if this party nominated this very same maximilian kra as the number one candidate for the european elections, he is now hanging in
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germany i don't know , maybe they started to change them yesterday or the day before yesterday and they can't do anything about it that despite the ongoing scandal, the lists are closed. and he still continues to be number one, and for us it may even be a good thing that this scandal broke out now, because maybe it will allow the afd party to gain less percentage in the elections to the european parliament and maybe have less support, but let's see how it goes , because again the same orbán, he openly declares that he wants his faction in the european parliament, not that orbán's faction, because hungary only has 12 deputies, not so many, but he wants to unite on... circle myself, eyes themselves, as he wants, he says right-wing conservative forces, but we would say more pro-russian, tolerant to russia, extreme right-wing forces, and that is why it will be very interesting what will happen immediately after the elections, when the results will be announced and negotiations on the formation will begin
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political groups. oh, tanya, everything is so interesting, you know, the goosebumps are no longer running, you understand, here one thing after another is more interesting, i also wanted to ask you about echoes. about the resonance in european structures, perhaps she communicated with european ones or others politicians on the topic of the initiatives of our god-saved ministry of foreign affairs, in particular, when we talk about the fact that men of conscription age who do not volunteer through the electronic office of the conscript, who are not yet working, may be refused consular services, well, in general, as far as... we understand, there are ongoing conversations about the fact that our respective authorized structures will turn to their european symmetrical friends, with the aim of helping ukrainians who, so to speak, have not yet returned to ukraine, well, to do it in one or
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another legal and legal way, well, for now, for now, er, the head of the ministry of internal affairs of poland, marchen kerwinski , said that the protection for ukrainian... refugees in poland will be continued and it is still in effect until june 30, and those who do not have passports will also be subject to temporary protection, so the problem is so two-layered, that is , we want to return people, but on the other hand , we understand that it must be done so that everything is legal and there are no additional questions from european bureaucrats, and yes, by the way, i asked just about this question, because it is interesting and interesting to me personally. if in order to understand the situation, really, after all, in europe, in the european union, eu directives are in the first place, that is, even if, for example, the polish government would like to do something so that certain ukrainians leave their territory and go to fight
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instead of sitting in restaurants and spending money, they can't do that because there is a european union directive to provide temporary protection to all ukrainians who left for... from ukraine after february 22 , 2022, and that is, if a person arrived on the territory of the eu with a stamp in the passport that proves that he left the european union after that date, that is, after the start of a full-scale invasion , these people have the right to temporary protection as long as it lasts, and it is simply impossible to take them, for example, to deport them in some way or to deny them, for example, payments, which many people write about on ukrainian facebook. firmly says that ukrainians have the right to work, and that is, then all the states of the european union must obey this directive. the directive is valid
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until march 2025, that is, we can say that until then, if no legislative changes are made, then all ukrainians who are currently in the territory will be ours. the eu, they are under the protection of this directive, which will be after march, let's see, maybe some legal nuances will be introduced, but what, for example, the meps say, well, even though they don't either... the truth is in the first instance, they say that as much as if it were a delicate situation with human rights, that deporting a person or forcefully pushing him out of a state that has provided shelter to a state where there is a war is against the law, if, how to say, the norms of law, legality, yes, hardly, hardly it can... to work, well, this is the situation now, thank you, thank you, it's even a pity to say goodbye, and i would like to say goodbye
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that this was our european deputy, but at the moment it is our correspondent, espresso correspondent in european institutions, tetyana vysotska. thank you tatyana for this extremely important, thorough conversation, well what, now a short pause, after it we will return and analyze all the most important things, in particular, we will talk about our energy, what is in it. what is left and what has been restored and what challenges will be faced by our population and, of course, the energy sector? do you want to wake up rested and full of energy, but the whole body constantly hurts from the old mattress, you can't find a comfortable position on the sofa? you need to improve your sleeping place! meet casper ortolight mattress stopper from mattress tv experts. instant solution. problems an uncomfortable sofa or an old mattress at a good price, only 999 uah, also with
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10% at pharmacies podorozhnyk pam and savings. there are discounts for visa. 20% in podorozhnyk pam and oskad pharmacies. information viruses. almost. creatures that destroyed entire nations and civilizations. in the heads of a critical majority of ukrainians, even in the third year of the war , russian narratives live and multiply freely. there are too many different facts that testify to the interaction of the telegram with the russian special services. currently, telegram has the data of more than 20 million people at its disposal, this is more than an action. telegram is the fastest way to adjust hits on any objects. that is why or. limiting the influence is not about banning the telegram, it is about the telegram, i introduced the corresponding bill,
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regulating its work, we are dealing with a mythical trojan horse that was brought into the city, and then in the middle of the night , an enemy army came out of it. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. the information day of the tv channel continues. let me remind you that recently the president of poland andrzej duda said that poland is ready to deploy nuclear weapons on its territory, and there has already been an extremely aggressive response from that institution, which in russia is called
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the ministry of foreign affairs for some reason. well, in any case, lavrov's deputy sergey ryabkov, deputy minister. of foreign affairs stated: therefore, all those politicians who, for their own reasons, enthusiastically discuss such a scheme in poland and abroad should understand: a shift in this direction will not add to the security of poland, the relevant objects will definitely become a target, both in and in our they will be at the forefront of military planning, so after the placement of nuclear weapons on the territory of poland, she will become a target. this was announced by the russian ministry of foreign affairs, an extremely rude statement, but on the other hand , it would mean, well, that the euro-atlantic community would apply the fifth article, the so- called, yes, on collective defense, so, well, as they say, let's live , we will see, i will return to the analysis of the situation in our energy industry, oleksii kucharenko, people's deputy of ukraine, glory
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to ukraine, mr. oleksii, i congratulate you, glory to the heroes, congratulations, mutual, well... first of all, i would like to ask you for your opinion, well, i would ask to comment in general on the story about the release of minister solsky, who was initially detained, but has already been released from custody, mr. people's deputy, please tell me, you know, this is the question i heard from you, because in our today was a very busy day, we dealt with the fortification and where billions, tens of billions were spent. money to strengthen the energy sector, we had kubrakov at the government meeting today, the hire, the entire government, prime minister shmyhal, professional questions were asked, inconvenient for them, well, we let's talk about this again, about solsky, so you say that he, that is, he is already on bail in the morning, so they paid him the bail determined by the court in the amount of 75 very quickly, well
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, great, i had no doubts about anyone, that they would find money somewhere, he was not the first to take away. let's be as much as possible, well , it's not that objectively, it will be difficult for us objectively here, because in the homeland with solsk, well, your own, you understand, relations, he headed the committee, uh, agrarian, this land committee, when they pushed this absolutely anti anti-state market law land, i don't want to enter into a discussion about the market now, you know our position, we are not against this market if it helps farmers. well , you understand, this is a completely different way of developing the economy, the agrarian economy of the countryside, and solsky is the personification of this, well, conditional agrolatifundist, agrobaron, oligarch, whatever you want to call it,
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because he has direct relations, he was one of the shareholders of the structure that owns land massif there is approximately there, if i am not mistaken, there are 250,000 hectares, well, for a minute, 250 thousand hectares, but it did not go anywhere, it is clear that it was impossible to categorically make this person the head of the committee and the head and the head of the ministry, because there is an obvious conflict of interests, well, you understand, a person from the agricultural business heads the agrarian and land committee, well, only the servants of the people could think of this, sorry cynical... praise everything, but now look, i looked at nabu's message an hour ago, and it became completely clear to me the scheme by which solsky and company were building up their land bar. they were fake scouts, well , it's obvious when we want something useful
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to make for the patrolmen, you understand, well, i know how it is, how it ends, and the patrolmen, with all due respect to them... they are not going to do business there or build, they need money, they need money banally, that is, the scheme was because with the atochniks, prior to that, strict agreements were concluded from the corresponding company, which bought them out, gave them appropriate documents and decisions, allocated land, land massifs to them, i think there are lands of village councils, i have not yet delved into state or any , well, i think that... local self-government bodies, and then this company immediately bought them out under this strict contract, you understand that you cannot take a step to the left or a step to the right, and this is the way through the people around you. that's how he cynically audaciously built up this land bank together with his partners, i have food, that is, it is absolutely clear that this is a crime,
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that he must be responsible for it, how it will end, i do not know, but the fact that he has no no moral right to be a minister, well, it's generally clear, and he understood it himself, he was given a signal from the office president, he immediately submitted a statement in the early evening. i ask a trivial question, this crime was documented in the 17th year, 2017, now we have 20-24 on the calendar, for seven years our glorious law enforcement agencies, which we finance, from the budget we help them, book them, do not send them to the front, yes, we don't let them go there, we say, they have the right to protect the law to everyone. years they investigated this banal crime, well , the question is rhetorical, because the answer is all, you will all understand, great, yes, all these folders, all these
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investigations were carried out a long time ago, it was waiting at one time, as soon as it was necessary to replace him there, or there was something else there, well , he, or he did not sign another criminal bill, he was dealt with in this way and goodbye, that is, solsky. i am not interested, but unfortunately, the fact that the power structure uses such mechanisms in its work does not suit me as a citizen at all, i have a complaint against this government, this authority and the deputies, mr. oleksiy, we are actually talking about complaints, in particular from the people's deputies, were heard today by government officials, listened to the ministers, and accordingly, yes, one of the key issues is probably the issue of our energy sector, what was done, what was absolutely not done, which funds, so to speak, went, how they were spent and, in general, the logic of using these huge
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the budget of budgetary funds, whether it was relevant to the tasks set, and other tactical questions, such as what was launched, what was not launched, and so on, you are a person who understands energy very well, so i would ask you to explain to our tv viewers, with pleasure well, not with pleasure, and this is my duty, i spoke in the hall three times today, i immediately said that it would be difficult for professionals to hold a discussion in this format, because different numbers are walking around the hall, someone says 300 billion was spent, someone 50, someone 9 ,7, i know for sure that from various sources, not only from the budget, but also donor aid, and tariff money was spent. several tens of billions of hryvnias, and we were assured by you and all ukrainians that our energy facilities are protected, and it
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was such a pr, it was in august, september last year, the nakshaut of major construction, yes, that everything is protected, you can sleep peacefully, well, we saw that, to put it mildly, this protection, to put it mildly, did not work, but i will be very diplomatic for now, and why it is very important . the question is now for all ukrainians, because i have no doubts, and i also said on your broadcasts that the government is also discussing the possibility of raising tariffs precisely for repairs, for the restoration of the energy sector, then the question arises, have you already paid for the budget once was not there to protect these objects, and now how did you spend, how effectively these funds? why did you buy unnecessary structures that were not protected, maybe you had to buy missiles so that anti-aircraft installations could shoot them down, as in trypilska,
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here i am. trypilska station is near me, and unfortunately, i tell you honestly, when it was destroyed, i did not wake up at night, because there were no volleys of anti-aircraft defense, as usual, if there are volleys, the house shakes, i wake up, the whole family. wakes up this night, we didn't wake up, it's me next, you know, i don't want to to dispel treason, but as a citizen i want to have an answer to the question of where you spent the money, on which projects, on which estimates, who approved it, and what was the guarantee of protection or non-protection, and you tried to protect yourself from this, from missiles, that's probably everything after all, it was an unnecessary expenditure of funds, and that is why my position and proposal is that... 10 days ago, i suggested to the deputies of all factions to form a temporary investigative commission and calmly and professionally ask questions to get
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answers to... go to the objects, look with my own eyes, are there these concrete sarcophagi, turtles, or is there just, well, sand, a bag of sand that someone bought there for a price of five and filled it in, because what i saw, there are a lot of bags, sand, and well maybe where the rocket landed, the sand was scattered, there are no more bags, you see, this is, by the way, the fifth one, we were there in your photo, it really was a rocket that came down vertically from above. kharkovo sweated a lot, and it hit very powerfully, only anti-aircraft defense can protect against it, no sandbags, no gabions, no network can protect these, and i have a question about who made the decision, who should be responsible for the fact that these funds are spent adequately, and most importantly, what to do next, because we understand that there will be further strikes.
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your previous story about the degree to which the situation will rise now, we all understand that there will be blows, there will be, well, it will not be easy, and what to do next, how to defend ourselves, this is the key question, without the creation of such a commission , unprofessional conversations with government officials, we will never wait and find the answer, and now a little information for you, which one faction do you think has not been confirmed yet. the formation of this temporary investigative commission, so guess at the first attempt, what do you think, which one, one, one, but so big, yes, but five rubles each, but today, but, but they did not support, but one faction, don't know which one, but a huge one, yes, well, i think that it is probably a servant of the people, yes, eh, you see how we, you and i understand each other, you guessed it on the first try, i have to give you some kind of prize, you see,
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such a question is difficult, i will ask you. well yes yes yes, i was confused, confused, but then my journalistic intuition somehow led me out, you understand, yes, and without this faction we cannot vote, and i am asking them in the hall today, guys, i have no questions for the government, we, well, we, well, this is separate, a specialist is needed, i, i have a question for you, if you support the creation of tsk, then you, together with us and together with ukrainians, are ready to really figure out, yes, where the money goes, if you do not support it... i'm sorry, you are hiding all this, you are there somewhere in a conspiracy, in contracts, in inflated estimates, in everything because we we see, unfortunately, what has been affected today, we have all suffered, because we are facing a very difficult summer, winter, autumn and heating season, there is a minute left, i would like to ask you about the shortage of electricity, permanent, permanent, permanent, at the level
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of at least 700. we purchase megawatts, this is a decent, very powerful amount, that is , we cannot do without imports today, this deficit will grow, the energy industry wants to reach the level of one and a half to 15 megawatts of network capacity, but even this will not be enough for us, because the missile strikes with 600 mw... well, conditionally, six nuclear units in thermal generation have been brought to hydro, and now we can cover a maximum of one and a half due to imports, the consequences will definitely be schedules, restrictions, i pray that the government does not make a decision on price tariffs, you understand, because today it will be banal that they will not have enough money for the energy industry to be rolled out according to their own, well , market schemes, let's call it that, these are the consequences, extremely serious. conversation
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oleksiy kucherenko was in touch with us, a people's deputy of ukraine, a person who extremely well understands the issues of energy and energy security of ukraine. well, now i will give the floor to the news editor, and all the news will be presented by my colleague iryna koval, irusya, once again i congratulate you, i am glad to see you, well, i hope that something pleasant happened during today's day, and you will now share it, it will some kind in the news with our tv viewers, of course, antin, i will talk about something quite important for our country, about additional help from washington and also help from switzerland, so wait


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