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tv   [untitled]    April 26, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm EEST

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there was an announcement a week ago in consulates and embassies, prepare for the situation, there will be changes from such and such a date, that is, it could be done. the ministry of foreign affairs explained that some kind of technical transition is needed to prepare for the implementation of the law. uh, well, it’s like that, you know, yes, i understand, everyone needs more time, shut up, but i’m sorry, the law is not yet in force, there are already transitional provisions, why is this not in the law itself... it was that it enters in force from the moment of publication precisely in relation to this issue, and others, why not break it down like this, the law would have it determined and no one would pay such attention now, now and now the question is, for what purpose was this done? here i will tell you, i do not have an answer, because i can see everything going on, how this discussion is going, the government makes a decision that it cannot... send passports abroad,
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that is, it is already going a little further, that is, i can see it now that it's not just a violation of the law and some spontaneous action, maybe there's some stupidity, i'm sorry, but no, it's a chain of attempts to return citizens of conscription age, or those who fall under the mobilization of 1860, in coordination now with those countries, i understand. and there are already statements in poland by the minister of defense, there are statements in lithuania, that is, if someone thinks that in this way a significant part of the men of draft age will return, well, i think that, in my opinion, these are exaggerated expectations, although i do not know, we will see as a result, in any case, it already has too many negative consequences, in the division of people, in the attitude towards the ukrainian state, in not'. performance of those
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functions that the person actually paid for the passport, issued everything, the passport is not issued, well, how many times can you declare that there is a war, but such situations should not exist , that is, it is already beyond the scope of understanding, or something should have been explained, if you have a difficult situation, what the ministry of foreign affairs has just now done, if you have a difficult situation, some there is an emergency, they got sick, there are some questions, then everything will be done, everything will be done. because otherwise, these are not just officials who were given an illegal instruction somewhere and they ran to carry it out, these are people who can later go to prison for such actions, and they perfectly understand each of consuls general or ambassadors, they understand the whole length of time they put her on, because those who gave the instructions, well, at most there is an excess of official authority, but there will be questions, so i would like you now
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to ... to this reaction, which both outside and inside the country, those who started this story, and i understand that it did not start in the ministry of foreign affairs, so that they also calculated the negative consequences of the division of ukrainians into some classes, had already been divided, that is, whether it would give this is really an opportunity to return to ukraine people who can be conscripts, that was the goal, and, as i understand it, justice in this. yes, and if it is not achieved, and there is a high probability that it will not be, then, then the question arises, why then all this negativity that has poured out, and now i will draw your attention, look at this turn, i don't know, already there the booths were closed, there was some strange moscow accent, you think the russians will not take advantage of this, they have already started to take advantage of this, they have started to disperse this whole betrayal, so you know... simple solutions and all kinds of
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offices of simple solutions, that's sometimes may lead to bad results, we need coordinated, institutionally balanced and calculated decisions from the point of view of the consequences, this is just such a decision, which was definitely not made in this way, that's for sure, and there is a way out of it, well, we have to wait for the deadline already on the 18th may, but if we, pay attention, for me, what is most important is that first the law is broken, and then the situation seems to be restored, this is a very dangerous thing, i realized that for some officials now, breaking the law is less worse than not fulfilling a bank order, and this here is a story that can lead to a bad development of the situation in the future, i.e. , in this way, we... prevent the civil service
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from performing its duties by officials, and i will remind you that an official performs his duties according to the letter of the law, not about... just what can be done there, that is, the phrase is such, clearly, so that everyone knows it, you can do only what is allowed, citizens can do what is not prohibited, and an official can only do what is allowed, in the event that he he does not do this, he bears administrative or criminal responsibility, well, in this case, unfortunately, in this case, so far we have politics dominating, and this is a very dangerous thing, a movement from... justice or whatever the slogan is, but if the state starts to move in the direction of violating the rule of law, the principle, people will start moving in the direction of makhnovshchyna, so maybe it's not all of them realize, but the duties of a citizen in
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the constitution, including the absolutely correct defense of their state, do not call into question their rights, which also ensure, as i have already said, that some rights remain unencumbered even during war, so, well, you know it's such a thing that it would be better to think about where you're going. another very short question, or rather a short topic, this is the global peace summit in switzerland, president zelenskyy says that during meetings with partner states that, according to ukrainian intelligence, russia wants to disrupt the upcoming peace summit, which will be held on june 15-16 in switzerland , let's listen to what president zelensky said. we have accurate information from intelligence, specific data that russia not only wants to disrupt the peace summit, but also has a specific plan on how to do it, how to reduce participation
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countries, how to act so that peace does not last even longer. we will share with you, dear partners, at the level of diplomats, at the level of... development, russia's plans, specific plans, specific points. we must oppose this together, must work in unity for the sake of a just peace. mr. valery, how the global peace summit will affect the course of the russian-ukrainian war and whether it will affect it, it is an intermediate, important event, intermediate, it will be important how many countries and which countries will gather. china's position does not stand up to criticism, they say that russia, if there won't be, then china won't, well, what a strange position here, so first of all everyone will look at those countries that have gathered, then in the next period there will be some kind of solution, although at the moment russia is
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obviously not needed there at all, she will bring nothing, nothing and she is not invited, so we will really fight with russia. for these countries, today there is a struggle for participants and the level of their participation. at the same time, we still have the nato jubilee summit coming up in july, so two important events this summer are global peace summit and nato jubilee summit. should we expect that on the eve of these important events, russia can increase the pressure on ukraine, well, what, what is predicted, but is it important for russia? now to show dominance, one's dominance on the battlefield, you know, before these ties, they were more serious, well, the same initiative of emmanuel macron, the olympic truce, some dates,
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it's pobedobesi in the near future, it affects everything, but after all, the key events are no longer summits or olympics, they are a situation in the war at the front. on land, well, but also at sea and in the air, that is, the production of weapons, the results of battles, and the preservation of lives and everything else, these are key issues, i think that russia itself will not be so tied to any dates, because a total war is going on, in a total war, these dates are already of less importance, well, even though after the end of may 9 , of course, they will do everything now to capture more, well, what does that mean? how will it be with the nato summit, well, we'll see, it also depends on the courage of our partners, what they will propose at this summit, if it there will suddenly be an invitation to ukraine, then of course there will be hysteria simply on the part of russia, and if it happens, well, some formula is different, then maybe a different
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reaction, but it is not necessary to look at it, the main events on the front are now in our hands, thank you, sir valery, thanks for the meaningful and interesting conversation, it was valery chaly, politician, diplomat, extraordinary plenipotentiary ambassador to... in the united states of america in 2015-19, friends, we work live on the espresso tv channel and on our youtube platforms and facebook, and throughout this entire broadcast, as. on youtube and on tv, we conducted a poll, we asked you about whether , in your opinion, putin would dare to attack nato countries, we see the results of the television poll: 31% yes, 69% no. do we have a ratio on youtube? yes, 29, no, 71. we put an end to this, we say goodbye to you until monday at 20:00. goodbye.
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cors trimmers starting at uah 9,909, call, there are 20% discounts on vizyn at psylshynik, pam and ochsad pharmacies, there are discounts on eurofast softcaps of 10% at psylshynik, pm and ochsad pharmacies. events, events that are happening right now and affect our lives. of course, the news feed reports about them, but it is not enough to know what is happening, one must understand it. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 13:10 with a repeat at 22:00. zahid studio with anton borkovsky on espresso. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time.
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two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like family to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast. a project for smart and caring people. in the evening! on espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football. stronger together. congratulations, this is a chronicle. war, i'm olga len, and we have, well, recently a lot of events and changes have happened at the front,
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the battles of the yar times, the battles for staromayorsk, the harvest, the battles around avdiyivka, well, that is, until enough, enough enough, the activity is so high, well, and i on the other hand, i will also remind you about our espresso fundraiser and the public base organization ua ​​resistance base is calling to support the fundraiser for fpv drones for the 93rd. these are the needs of the defenders, and we can provide all this by our own production, testing, and variations together, having collected 2 million hryvnias. we have already collected 1.5 million, there is still half a million left, please join, you see here privatbank, monobank, qr codes, account numbers, invest in our victory, invest in destroying the enemies, this fpv drones just allow you to do it directly, so this is just the best such contribution to our
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victory that you can now do, well, let's see now... what has been happening on the touchline for the past few days, and we'll actually discuss it later. map of hostilities for the period april 17-24. tactical failures on the front versus strategic victories in the war. the russians captured novomykhaivka, entered the strategically important next and came close to the temporal abyss, instead the armed forces of ukraine dealt a dagger blow to crimea. counterattack of the armed forces. in the spring of time, the pace of the russians' offensive slowed down a bit, they are consolidating on the positions they have achieved, meanwhile enemy aircraft are leveling the city and ukrainian positions with bombs, besides, the occupiers are trying to finally knock out our military from the last positions in bohdanivka and completely capture ivanovske. however, within a week, the defense forces completely
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nullified the results of their assaults. instead, in response, the armed forces attacked a preschooler a blow to the head. a guided missile hit the command post of the 331st airborne regiment. about a dozen officers were killed, including the commander, and a number of wounded. at the same time, soldiers of the fourth assault battalion of the 92nd brigade named after the kosh otaman ivan sirk to the south of ivanovo launched an offensive and knocked out the russians from previously captured positions. this will make it possible to strengthen the all-important defense of klischevka. on the southern avdiiv front, the occupiers suffered heavy losses and were unable to break through further west after the occupation may day, and also rested on our defenses near yasnobrodivka and umanskyi and failed to force the durna river near orlivka, samenivka, and berdychiv, so they transferred
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their efforts to the northern flank. the offensive on novokalynovy ceramics stalled, but the enemy... a week ago managed to break through in the direction of ocheretynnoy. during the last days , they developed their offensive and reached the center of this town, also expanded their wedge in the southwest direction and entered novobakhmutivka and began to attack berdychi and from another flank. this advance of the russians on the commanding high ground, which extends through ocheretyne, is quite threatening for our defense of berdachi, semenivka and umansky from the right flank and... kalinovoy and ceramics from the left, that is why the battles for ocheretyne continue quite intensively these days, to help bradley from the 47th brigade, who are holding the defense in the neighboring area in berdychy, came to the defenders of the town. on the ughledar and kurakhiv directions, the armed forces of ukraine are holding back a powerful offensive. unfortunately, the defense of
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novomykhaivka, in which our heroes held back occupiers from october 22, fell. the village is almost full. the occupied defense forces retreated in the direction of the next settlement of kostiantynka. the armed forces of the russian federation launched an active attack on the village seven months ago. during this time, having lost tens of thousands of soldiers and hundreds of armored vehicles, they managed to break through to the west for 13 km. this is too little to secure the donetsk, volnovakha -mariupol railroad, so the russians want to develop success. they are... forming along the entire perimeter of the front from mikilsky to recently captured victory, but suffer setbacks. near marinka, between pobeda and georgiivka, the occupiers occupied part of the gray zone, moving their positions one kilometer west. fierce fighting continues in krasnohorivka, where last week the rashists stormed the southern and eastern outskirts of the city. the defense forces managed to partially knock out
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the occupiers from the eastern districts, and the battles for the southern buildings continue to this day. the armed forces of ukraine is preparing for the deoccupation of crimea. five american atak ms missiles hit the airfield near dzhankoy, where in addition to planes and the air defense division stood behind the rotorcraft. as a result , four launchers of the newest s-400 triumf were destroyed. two s-300 installations, three radar stations, an unknown number of aircraft, and also detonated a warehouse of ammunition for air defense. liquidation is especially important. of the unique fundamentm radar system, which was the air defense control point in crimea. according to its characteristics, it could track and direct air defense for 10 thousand. intact, but the ms could not stop the attacks. now the calculation of how many such rockets are needed has begun armed forces to completely destroy russian air defense in
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occupied crimea. and in sevastopol, rockets hit the unique kamun ship, built in the distant pre-revolutionary year 1915 to rescue submarines. currently, he was pulling out from the bottom elements of the ex-flagship of the russian black sea fleet, important for the enemy. cruiser federation moscow. strategic victories over russia. for the first time, our air force, together with the main directorate of intelligence and the security service of ukraine, made a successful ambush and shot down a strategic russian bomber tu-22m3, which was returning after the attack on the territory of our state. it's not even that russia has about 30 similar aircraft left, and it can't produce new ones, it's that now... they will be extremely careful, so the number of attacks on ukraine may decrease. in addition, three pilots were killed, which is extremely rare for such a unique aircraft in the armed forces of the russian federation. however,
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the real breakthrough was the strike by drones on the radar station of the strategic nuclear cover container in the city kavilkino, in mordovia. the station provided calculation and control for air defense launchers located throughout russia, especially. concentrated near moscow and should repel the blows of the enemy's heavy ballistic missiles. without this station, it is impossible to repel ballistic strikes. hopefully eight blasts from our drones were enough to ensure sufficient damage to the container. in addition, our air defense for the first time shot down two kh-22 supersonic cruise missiles and one modernized kha-32. dozens visited eight russian regions. drones in the moscow, belgorod, bryansk, kursk, tula, smolensk, ryazan and kaluga regions , electric substations, fuel storage bases
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and other objects of the enemy's critical infrastructure exploded. for example, an oil depot burned down in the smolensk region, which was the main transit hub for exports from belarusian oil refineries. in the rostov region, in kamiansk-shakhtyn, drones set fire to a chemical plant that produces solid fuel for anti-aircraft guns. missiles, drones attacked the garbunov aviation plant in kazan, where manufacture tu-22m and tu-160m strategic bombers. we win daily, death to enemies. so, let's talk with oleksandr kovalenko, military-political columnist of the information sprot group. congratulations, mr. oleksandr. congratulations. let's, you know, start with such urgent news, but the senate is already in session. provided aid to ukraine, we have been waiting for this moment for a long time, it is clear that us president joe biden will sign it in the near future, so what
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can we expect, because of course, we have been very actively talking about the fact that for six months we don't have enough, let's say it's lacking, on the front line of this help, and what we can get now, but in the near future from this help, well, here we have to understand. this is the overall financial assistance, it is the largest than what was allocated during the 22nd and 23rd year, and this assistance will begin to be allocated actually immediately after the relevant document is signed by president joseph biden, and this will happen until the end april, that is, all the logistics chains themselves, they will already work until the end of april. ah, but, ah, this does not mean that we get all of it at once. it will be the same system, and the us will not refuse it, as in 2022-23, that is
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, two packages each month, with the exception of april. and, april, most likely there will be one package at the end of the month itself, and this package will include the corresponding weapons. so, every month there will be two aid packages, in the first two weeks. in the last two weeks, and what will be included in the first package, it certainly, i think, will still be the nomenclature of ammunition, precisely the ammunition that is needed our artillery, and we do not exclude even the presence of artillery itself, barrel or jet, these will be anti-aircraft guided missiles for air defense systems, and some or other modifications, and i do not exclude that. that these can even be missiles of the operational-tactical level, that is, atakams, again for striking deep into the temporarily occupied territories at the objects
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of the russian occupiers. and in any case, a separate article will be about the equipment, i am not talking about abrams tanks, but specifically medium and lightly armored equipment, it necessary, the same m2, a2 ​​breadley, which have proven themselves excellently in battles in the combat zone, and therefore this can be an approximate such and such a list of this equipment and weapons that we can ... get exactly in the first package, and then gradually it will be another nomenclature, other means of defeat, as well as a mechanized component. well, you already mentioned the atakams missiles, and now there is talk, well, at least in the military , there is a conversation that maybe missiles will be provided there, increased by the increased distance of the impression there up to 300 km, something like that.
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but does this mean that... that we will finally be able to use these missiles on russian airfields on the territory of russia, or are these , you know, romantic expectations for now? and no, i do not think that we will receive permission to use western weapons on the territory of the russian federation, we will remain in the position that on the temporarily occupied territories, yes, that is, among us. will be taken and will continue to take this commitment, and western weapons will not be used on the territory of the russian federation, and therefore precisely for inflicting strikes on objects on the territory of russia, and we will use a component of our own production, ah, this will stimulate the military-industrial complex, and we can really get a modification for 300 km, and because in the south...
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crimea to the south of the crimea, we still cannot reach the block-1 modification itself , that's why we need something more effective, at longer distances, in the south of the crimea there are many such objects that need to be hit, first of all this divisions of anti-aircraft missile spiders, which are concentrated there, and their destruction must an important role. well, when you say that there is still something to destroy even on the territory of crimea. then maybe explain somehow, and how will we see it, that is, it is something from which they are shooting at ukraine, it is some kind of, i don’t know, ships, that is, what is it, in such simple words, i think that first of all it will be about air defense means, first of all they will destroy air defense means with a large radius of action, that is, it is the s-400, and every anti-aircraft missile regiment, every
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division. and has a cover for the s-400 in the form of zrg panzer c1, which precisely cover from 400 to short distances, i.e. short -range complexes, and it will be a complex destruction of such a cover, in principle there is something to destroy, i will say this, because the russians in crimea, what was in dzhankoya, in dzhankoya it was only one division. from the composition of the 18th anti-aircraft battalion, but there are still 18 zrp of feodosia, and also 18 zrp is located on mysla tarkhankut, and therefore at least two more divisions must be eliminated. in addition , the 12th zrp, the anti-aircraft missile regiment, is located in crimea, it is located in sevastopol, as well as in the yevpatoria area, and the third.
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the radio engineering regiment, which is also stationed on cape torkhankut and whose destruction and liquidation also has its own meaning, so there is still work to be done, but i understand that the atkms is not what should be flying over the crimean bridge there, it is not very effective in this attack, depending on the modification, depending on and there are several modifications of missiles, and those that flew over the airfields in berdyansk and luhansk, as well as over dzhanka. this is a modification with a cartridge-type warhead, and there is a modification a combat unit with a volume detonating in the air before impact with the surface, that is, it is also effective against the accumulation of manpower, repair base equipment, and so on, and there is a combat unit of the penetrating type, concrete-breaking type, that is , it is used on fortified objects, headquarters, which even with...


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