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tv   [untitled]    April 26, 2024 5:30am-6:00am EEST

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between countries, i'm not talking about 800 billion exports to the usa, chinese. if the usa and europe take this position of china openly, publicly, choose, or you support your vassal russia in illegal aggression against another country. why are they telling someone fables, who will believe it, everyone in the security council knows that the adopted resolution russia attacked ukraine, that china is telling, to whom is it telling this? he tells this to putin to... be nice, no, they will not deceive the world, even such a respectable country, as big as china, must adhere the positions that they themselves have assumed, the commitments, therefore europe and america have to say, either trade with us, or continue to play with russia, and such a situation is brewing, i think, after the g7 discussion, after xizenpen's visit to france , i think that this will already become a public component, and this...
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should not lead to escalation, on the contrary, i think that such a clear position is shared, well, it has not been adopted yet, but it is only on the sidelines, it is discussed behind closed doors , but when it comes out publicly, it will be seen that putin is a loser, while china will be forced to change its position, of course china does not want to be under pressure, and no one likes it, and of course it is a strong country. it can respond, well , i would like china to use its skills, which have been used before, calmly, not to get involved in such tough confrontations, to influence, to increase its influence of soft power, there by economic means, it is more profitable for china, i think that they will find this position as more pragmatic, and they will slowly change their approach, but it's not now, now i...
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i don't see them dramatically changing their approach. well, as far as i understand, mr. valery, now our western partners and putin are trying to convince xi jinping to take one side or the other, or russia is trying to convince not to interfere in the situation that is developing on the russian-ukrainian front. because for the third time in the last year, putin is going to meet with... last march xi was in moscow, in october putin was in china, and again , after the so-called inauguration, he is going to fly to china, and i understand that this is not only a visit that demonstrates that putin is being awaited somewhere abroad, well, to make his first foreign visit precisely to china and demonstrate to the whole world that after all he is in at least one country... there
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they meet the radio and are not arrested, that's what he wants putin from xi jinping, china's position is very serious in this situation, and putin would not be able to continue the war for long if china took a position according to the un charter. well, you see china not only in relation to this, let's say, when voting not to place nuclear components in space. lack of preparation such components that can be taken out into space, he stayed just on the safe side. russia has blocked, demonstrably, all countries are in favor, russia is blocking, china is silent. well, this is how the world will not develop normally, and china will not be able to win in this game, because it is necessary to have a reputation in order to be the center of influence and develop its influence, as they want to come out on top. position in the future, without
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reputation, without respect for the country, not only for its strength, but for its behavior, there will be nothing, so i think that putin is going not only for that and rather, not because he has to go somewhere, it’s, well, you’re right that he won’t be arrested there, and the pictures will be beautiful, but anyway he’s going, vasal is going to sezoren, well, it’s just clear, to things, direct texim. china is already being told this, putin is forced to swallow, what more can he say, but china also silently accepts such a formula, that is, the formula that a vassal or subordinate country under china has already been formed in the world, and therefore he will go to beg for this help additional, of course, will ask for more, and there are some in this fears, i understand the united states, that china... would not actively supply
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arms to russia, well, there are, in principle, and sanctions have already been imposed on some companies that provided. pictures from the field from the front, which were given by space, i mean pictures, and including there some dual technologies of dual purpose, the same chips, but so in general the facts of such evidence that china was making equipment supplies there, there is no such thing, therefore, in principle, it is now primarily discussed, and there are levers of influence, there are levers of influence, indeed. i don’t think that there is any need to pressure, somehow, it is necessary to demonstrate the loss of such a position with arguments, and it will be done, i already said that as soon as there are successes on the part of ukraine and our partners, then china will be forced to change its position,
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no one wants to be with the losers , and the only thing that china considers strategically, even this russian war against ukraine in the context of rivalry with the united states. first of all, this is openly recorded in the documents of the usa and in the documents of china, well, this is a story that, to be honest, is not very good for ukraine either favorable, we must understand that in this two-polar world, well, obviously we will have to take a position, and this position is understandable, you already mentioned how in the un security council eh... when considering the resolution on the prohibition of nuclear weapons in space, how china stood on on the side of russia, i will remind our viewers that russia vetoed the draft resolution of the un security council against the proliferation of weapons, including nuclear weapons in outer space, and
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13 out of 15 members of the security council voted for the document introduced by japan and the united states of america, only against. russia and china refrained jake sullivan, national security adviser to the president of the united states of america, said that russia's position in the un security council confirms the suspicions of the united states that russia is developing a new satellite that carries a nuclear device. space treaty, but will also jeopardize the vital communications, science, meteorology, agriculture, commerce, and national security services that satellites provide to societies around the world. we heard as putin has publicly stated that russia has no intention of placing nuclear weapons in space, if that was the case, russia would not have vetoed this resolution. mr. valeriu, the fact that russia
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blocked this resolution, does it mean that putin is ready to continue to play for raising rates, and... to provoke, well, i mean, to pro na or invite the american side to negotiations, just to start some kind of negotiations with the united states of america, so that they start talking to him on an equal footing, well , in particular, regarding the future of space, regarding weapons, of nuclear weapons in space, well, i want to say, there is a quote, there is an agreement, yes, yes, it must be implemented, that's why it's strange. with this , the russian leader closed by calling on the united states not to do this, and when this benzia was asked why you are blocking the resolution in the development of the treaty, he said: what we mean is that nothing should be placed in space at all, well, that is, as usual with
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them i will cover a lie with a lie, maybe everyone will swallow it, but this is a game to leave some platform where russia wants to have equal discussions. play along, because in their own time, the soviet union had already played its part, when america took its initiative, remember, under reagan, it was just, well, somewhat bluffing, because the costs were huge, then only for the first stage, it was 20 billion dollars at once, and the soviet union then bought into this story , soybeans, once all these elements began, the soviet union also began to chase this in... as a result, this is one of the factors that led to the economic collapse and the fall of this country in general, the collapse of the soviet union, although it was quite artificially created, so they can play along, the americans can
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to react in a different way, they will tell about the fact that some preparation is already there, they will not wait, they will just launch there from a dozen, as they can do, and then ask: putin, what did you want there, what did you talk about? ah, let's talk now, because that's what russia does, it slips in somewhere, and then doesn't know how to push out from there everything that stuck, that is, and... that's their style, they don't think about the consequences, and that's why they have a very many such initiatives to discuss these serious problems of the world, nuclear problems, in order to in order to cover up with this, well, some agreement of the us to sit down at the same negotiating table, they generally say that all these issues of global security must be considered in a complex way, that is , well... something like this: you don't want us to launch a nuclear satellite, give us a free
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hand in ukraine, well, this is nonsense, that is, such a delusion, it will not work, that way. another point that our western partners are now recording, in particular the minister of defense of germany, boris pistorius, he stated in an interview with ard that russia already produces more weapons than it necessary for waging war against ukraine and warnings against submission. military ambitions of the russian dictator, let's listen to what pistorius said. russia's military economy has been streamlined, and now most of the weapons produced no longer go to the front, but end up in warehouses, you can be naive and say that he is doing this out of caution, as a skeptic, i would rather say in this case that he does it because he is planning something or has already planned something. well, that is, russia is following the path of an arms race, absolutely identical behavior
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demonstrated by the soviet union. at the end of the life of this great monster country, there was also an arms race, the soviet union tried to prove to the whole world that it could compete with the great world leaders, which actually led to the collapse of the soviet union there. not only this factor, but it is one of those factors that a lot of money was spent on armaments, can we expect a similar scenario in the case of russia? well, i don't question what the german defense minister said, i just disagree question, where to count the shells that north korea supplies, millions. and where to count iranian drones, drones. percussive, that is, what do you mean by syllables? well, if for warehouses, then why do they ask those
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countries? well, it’s a little strange, maybe something is going to the warehouses there, but i saw that the strategic bomber flew on its own and not quite a warehouse, and they won’t build it quickly now, that is, i don’t think that this is the approach , it is massive, yes, that is... so massive that it is right in russia the opportunity to not use a lot now, why do they then use rockets that arrive in ukraine, the release is literally fresh, they just made it and release it, then you put it together, probably they should have left, that is, i have some doubts about the scale of this stockpiling, because no less, in the future it can be, that is why i insist that... it is necessary to take steps now, when russia has not yet reached such a level of really
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adjusting its production, when there is nothing to replace some components, when they yet make up as a constructor from two planes there or one from three, that is why even now it is necessary to maximally concentrate efforts on our part, help, not to give an opportunity to stretch it. for the future, then here i see a basic problem between our strategy and our partners, they still look somehow to the future years, well, the future years, this is such a story, you know, russia, as an authoritarian country, with a strict police regime, they can squeeze the last juices of their citizens there and to spend to the last on militarism. we hardly have such an approach to be, although then it is necessary, if our partners
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talk about such an approach, then they should also transfer their production to a military system, as a rear rear support, because we cannot do much here, these facilities are under ballistic strikes, and we need to do production, of course, but our partners need to strengthen what they are doing, but... it is not always carried out according to the plans that are predicted, so, well, i see only one signal from all this. what should be done as much as possible this year the concentration of resources, efforts and actions in order to prevent putin from realizing his plans, and not to analyze, by the way, rather dubious conclusions that russia is there, but it will now strengthen, they are actually already spending
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more than 7%, this is officially on gdp war. and this, i will remind you, the soviet union was collapsing when 15 spent that last year, that is, i think that things will not be very good there in the next period, if, say, it used to go to the development, export, for example, of weapons, now russian weapons failed in ukraine, you see, india i was already skeptical about airplanes, and they will already have sagging exports, that is, it is not translated into profits, it is simply into... consumables for the front, so the economy does not even develop in the military system, it is all expenses, so in russia too the situation is going to get worse, it's going to get worse now, i mean at the end of this year, the beginning of next year is much worse than it will be in 2-3 years, so to what defense minister pistorius said, i have to add, i would
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add one phrase: while russia can't do that to store in warehouses on a large scale, we must take our anticipatory steps. mr. valery, the european parliament on april 23 supported the extension of the agreement on duty-free trade with ukraine with additional safeguards to protect european farmers. 428 deputies voted for this decision, 131 against. 44 abstained . among the 131 deputies who were against, as many as 33 are representatives of poland, the opposition party law and justice and the leading groups of the civic platform and the polish people's party. mykola knyazhytskyi, people's deputy of ukraine and co-chairman of the verkhovna rada's group on inter-parliamentary relations with the republic of poland, believes that in the future, due to imaginary economic threats, poland may block the accession to the european union. what
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does he write? he writes that... the polish government plans to appeal to the european council with a demand to extend the embargo on ukrainian agricultural products until june 25. if we add that to this the actual stoppage of the transit of ukrainian agricultural products on the territory of poland, then the conclusion is asks himself. despite assurances of friendship and assistance to ukraine, poland continues to wage a trade war against ukraine and may actually block the integration of our country. with the eu, our task is to strengthen, in relation to products, precisely animal husbandry, there were also certain discussions, because then poland was considered the largest country that claims more expenses from brussels, and now ukraine will be such a country, we must look at it calmly in peacetime,
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why do we perceive it so emotionally now, we are in a completely different situation. war, and here every such a loss of ukraine, including its resources, i will remind you that ukraine, the ukrainian budget, spends on the war, directly, on salaries for the support of the armed forces, we are helped by funds that go precisely to pay salaries there, but in this part we we arm the production, we provide it with our own forces, and each one lost in this way... we have a billion hryvnias there, it obviously immediately cuts off a lot of opportunities to protect not only ukraine, but also poland, so these issues can only be connected at the level of ee, well say advisory committees presidents of poland and ukraine, recently serious steps have been taken by president duda in
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washington to lobby there. our interests, now prime minister tusk has also made it clear that this is all the blocking, it will still go on, as i understand it, the search for some ways, that is, there will be a problem, it will not decrease, economic competition, all these economic problems , they will only ripen, but they found a solution, the same poland found france and germany at one time, well, we will find the same, the main thing, the main thing is that poland does not faced with the problem of missiles, ballistics to warsaw, that's the most important thing for us and for them, now the priorities need to be set correctly, if even somewhere, somewhere we are given... the opportunity to earn money legally absolutely somewhere on really certain advantages, then this will have a greater impact later security for poland, but unfortunately, many people in domestic politics do not
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think like that and play on such populist slogans, well, i hope for the european approach of prime minister tusk and that they will still manage to show the strength of the government, which government and these questions can be closed. and including finding a good formula for interaction with ukraine, in the end, if we press like this, we will reorient all the ways to other countries, and then poland will simply lose even from this , then polish exports to ukraine will also decrease, so that's all, you know, it's a two-way road , we'll be blocked somewhere, and then poland will have to count the losses. mr. valery, one more issue this week is consular restrictions for ukrainians abroad, it has already been said, many things have already been commented on,
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and of course, those who are abroad are obviously nervous now, some legally, some illegally, cannot take actions, consular actions, is it fair, in your opinion opinion, in the conditions of war, is this a decision? is this a violation of constitutional rights, or is this a decision that was simply necessary under the current conditions, and considering the reaction we received, there germany said that ukrainians whose passports will expire run out, they will receive temporary documents, and poland will consider the issue of the possible return of ukrainian conscripts to ukraine, and lithuania will look at the poles, how they will act in these conditions, considering your extensive diplomatic experience, what do you say about this decision, it is not easy, this decision is clear,
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and of course there are many sides to this issue, but is it possible to dispassionately say that it will be possible to return people, mobilize and involve them in the war in ukraine, or will it cause it. certain e-e obstacles in the return people to ukraine, well, what is the position of germany, they say, you stay, we will issue you temporary passports, or temporary documents with which you can live, piles, let's separate the so-called flies from the cutlets, that is, what happened to us, in a new law was adopted, changes to the legislation on mobilization, which have not yet entered into force... according to the constitution, er, in principle, 60, it seems, the fifth article of the constitution regulates what rights are during the period
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of military emergency can be limited and which cannot be limited, even during martial law. this position falls under those rights that can be narrowed only, and now the most important thing - by law, the law. everything, no bureaucratic, sub-departmental acts, commissions, have any force here, so we are absolutely calmly waiting there on may 18, we would wait, then the law comes into force, and now of course it is fair, the conditions are the same for ukrainian men here, they renew, according to amendments to the legislation, renew their the military administration does the same thing abroad, i.e. passports or others are already issued on the basis of this consular actions are being taken, the problem arose in
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the fact that this was done, the stop was done illegally in the first place, sometimes they say, can it be said that way, it can be said, because it is a conclusion, well, i can from my point of view subjectively, maybe i will say , but after all , i... i also have a legal education, i worked as a deputy minister, i claim that this is an illegal assignment that came, but it is not necessary to blame everything only on the ministry of foreign affairs, because these queues that you see are the service, yes dp document, it is not the ministry of foreign affairs at all, it is not an embassy at all, it is not a consulate, an embassy and the consulate has been set up in many places, especially in poland, electronic queues have been set up, they don’t have these queues, the cdp document, which they said, by the way, we have technical...problems and that’s all, technical problems, that’s why this is a game without warning, out of the blue literally caught people who were taking tickets, wanted to take
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their passports. and then suddenly they were cut off like in one day, this is a completely abnormal approach, they always planned there a week in advance, there was an announcement in consulates, embassies, prepare for the situation, from such and such a date there will be changes, that is, it could be done, the ministry of foreign affairs explained, some kind of technical transition is needed to prepare for the implementation of the law, well, it’s like that, you know, yes, i understand, everyone needs more time, to hide, but i’m sorry, the law is not yet in force, there are already transitional provisions, why was this not included in the law itself, that it enters into force from the moment of its publication precisely in relation to this issue, and others, why not break it down like this, the law would define it and no one would pay such attention, now, and now the question is, and for what purpose that's how it was done, here i'll tell you, i
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don't have an answer, because... i can see everything going on, how this discussion is going, the government makes a decision that passports cannot be sent abroad, that is, it's already a little further, that is, i now i see that this is not just a violation of the law and some spontaneous action, maybe there is stupidity somewhere, i'm sorry, but no, this is a chain of attempts to return citizens of draft age, or those who fall under... under the mobilization of 1860 in coordination now with those countries, as i understand it, and there are already statements from the minister in poland defense of lithuania has statements, and that is, if someone thinks that in this way a significant part of the men of draft age will return, well, i think that these are too high expectations for me, although i do not know, we will see by the result, in any case it is now it already has more than...
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many negative consequences in the division of people, in the attitude towards the ukrainian state, in the failure to fulfill those functions that, well, the person actually paid for the passport, processed everything, the passport is not issued, how many times can you declare that there is a war, but there should not be such situations, that is, it is already beyond the scope of understanding, or something had to be explained, if you have a difficult situation, which the ministry of foreign affairs has just now done, if you have a difficult situation, there is an emergency, you got sick, there are some questions, then everything will be done, everything it will be done, because otherwise, these are not just officials who were given an illegal instruction somewhere and they ran to carry it out, these are people who can later go to prison for such actions, and they perfectly understand each of the consuls general or ambassadors, they understand here all this stretch to which she was put in prison because those who gave the instructions, well, at the most, there was an excess of official
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authority... and there will be questions, therefore, i would like that now, based on this reaction, which is both outside and inside the country, those who started this story, and i understand that it did not start in the ministry of foreign affairs, so that they would calculate and the negative consequences of dividing ukrainians into some classes, they had already divided them, that is, whether it would really make it possible to return... to ukraine people who can be called, that was the goal, yes, as i understand it, justice in this, yes, and if it will not be achieved, and there is a high probability that it will not be, then, then the question arises, why then all this negativity that has poured out, and now i will draw your attention, look at this queue, i do not know , the booths were already closed there, some strange moscow accent appeared there, do you think russians are not...


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