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tv   [untitled]    April 26, 2024 2:30am-3:00am EEST

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heard in ukraine, i can't help but agree with it here too, why exactly the same citizens of ukraine, who, well, some of them legally left the borders of ukraine, men, they mean wax obligations, some illegally, some conditionally legally , but in any case, the men who are in ukraine today, both at the front and not at the front, someone may be at the front, someone from the front will return to civilian life, and women, men who are fighting today, or died, they ask a logical question, and why should we and you? don't have to, what's the difference? i think that, first of all, we should all refrain from manipulations that try to split the unity of our society and the unity of our people, someone is very keen to draw another line of fault between different groups of people, in particular in this case after the stormy fall and the split in... .the
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military leadership and the political leadership, now moved to the division of society itself into ukrainians here and ukrainians there. i want to emphasize once again that we must be, we must be critical thinking in relation to the fact that we are being drawn into appropriate manipulations, which our enemy the russian federation will use very efficiently, including... including through their fifth columns in european countries, where they will continue to incite the local population to the disapproval of ukrainians. i am sure that all of us should be aware that ukraine is a legal state. in the rule of law, there is such a basic concept, supremacy, rights. there is a law, which has not yet entered into force, on mobilization.
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it will be effective on may 18, according to the norms of this of the law, after its entry into force, i.e. after may 18 , all citizens of ukraine of draft age from 18 to 60 years old are obliged to update their personal data, according to the same law, which will enter into force only on may 18, update. these personal data will be able to be processed within 60 days for ukrainians who will be in ukraine, it will be possible to do it through snap, through tsk or through the electronic cabinet, when it will work. for ukrainians abroad, it will be possible to do this through consular institutions or when receiving a consular service with a simultaneous update personal information and
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contacts and at the expense of the electronic cabinet, when it will work, well, but you see, the ministry of defense of ukraine through the mouth of its spokesman dmytro lazutkin, ah, announced that summonses will not be served to such people, well, in any in this case, who should hand them over, tsc employees do not have jurisdiction to work outside of ukraine, and even more so now we see such a story, the ministry of defense, well, from the mouth of the minister of defense. in poland, the minister says that we are ready to assist ukraine in returning conscripts men to ukraine, in lithuania this idea is also supported in principle, because they understand that ukraine needs not only people at the front, although there are also people at the front, we heard a study a few days ago, and the assessments are real, this is not a study, it is real estimates that we need now in order to pay pensions, pay social expenses, pay the army, plus many people, unfortunately, get injured and die . we also need
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to pay the families, this is a lot of money, we need 6 million workers, now these are the people who paid would be a single social contribution, do not work only in the budgetary sphere, but work for the budget, to fill the budget, 6 million people are needed, that is, not all people who are abroad, they will go to the front, but these people do not pay taxes in ukraine, we do not have double taxation, these people pay taxes in poland, in germany, in belgium, in switzerland, in ireland, in great britain, and so on, that is, even then it would be possible to return, but here it is necessary to work out some , that is, will something be worked out, because... "let's get registered, it's not known, we won't give you a passport, okay, one more thing, here people say, no, let's go back, but in fact we need people, and we don't know how to do it, but here are these the rule is that we do not provide services, well, to germany, let's say, there is a statement, i literally just read it, and you will definitely not return it with intimidation, ukrainians will be able to stay in germany despite an expired passport, it's called goodbye, but the expired passport remains": work, pay taxes,
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work cheaper than working, say german workers there, we will pay you less, but you will do a good job, stay, so what? what have we achieved as a government, as a state, because there must be some goal? you know, in this case, the aggressive actions of the ministry of foreign affairs do not help the state, as a state body in the international arena, to return ukrainians to ukraine during martial law, moreover, on the contrary, they do everything to ensure that these ukrainians, who will see such actions of their state in relation to themselves... regarding the limitation of their rights, in particular due to the failure to provide consular services, they may be deprived of ukrainian citizenship altogether, will it return those who left, if the state acts in such an aggressive, defiant and absolutely not
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strategic way, 100% no, what should the state do, the state should develop a comprehensive strategy that ... before the return of ukrainians to ukraine, programs should be clearly drawn up that would encourage them to return. due to restrictions on consular services, the state will not only not return those who are currently abroad, but may also face danger of non-return, including their descendants. will ukraine benefit from this? no, does russia benefit from this 100%. will she use these or? to our consular departments in order to undermine trust in ukrainians and ukraine 100%. to whom it benefits, the question does not arise for me, but i am 100% convinced that the ministry of foreign affairs acted in a brazen manner, violated the constitution, current laws, and also violated
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even the law that has not yet entered into force, and it would be desirable, for the cabinet to withdraw the letter deputy minister of foreign affairs and returned to... consular institutions in a legal direction? what was it supposed to be like? well, you see, we are in all this, at least i did not hear, maybe i missed something, i follow, of course , all the reports of state authorities, but did you not read the president's statement on this matter, or the president's office, at least clarification, perhaps, well, we all perfectly understand that in our country today, in fact, the main message is formed by the office of the president, it is not a secret, well, there is nothing here about this, exactly... you are absolutely right and i would like to remind here that the deputy minister who signed this bold letter was recently the deputy head of the president's office, and therefore he 100% followed the instructions that came from the president's office,
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whether the president's office will benefit from it, i don't know, depends on what their goal is, but will they benefit from it? 100% no, as well as the state of ukraine, as well as ukrainians, why? because in fact, discrediting ukrainians and ukraine, this group discredits people from five managers, including the president of the state. and finally , i will ask what the verkhovna rada's proposal might be, and there are relevant committees of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, i understand that the verkhovna rada of ukraine, in this reality of war, in this reality of this power pyramid, is now somewhat moved... , but de facto, not de jure, de facto, and because the constitution was not changed, that is why we have a parliamentary-presidential republic, but can there be some decision of the committee, study of this issue at least, well, for example, i am again, this is virtual, here we need 6 million people who paid euv, well, make an offer, let’s go, you come, we
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give you a passport, you are men, we give you a job, now i talked with mr. dligach, in particular, from the business community, quite an influential business community, the one who said that now, if 75% of the working people are in good businesses in ukraine, this is a lot, usually 50%, that is, there is a real lack of people and not just some top specialists, not only co there, but ordinary workers, there is work and there would be money, well, let's say it like this, come, you are working, we are there for six months, a year, for example, well, we do not mobilize, well, for example, this means at least some kind of solution, at least some proposals, because yes, well, it will rest on what has been fixed, there are emotions and cries, here too emotions , on the front because of that... nothing changes, and in the budget revenues, nothing changes because of that either. well, the only one who is interested in this, you yourself understand, does not sit in our state, but those who perform similar things and actually sow discord and form
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fault lines in society, destroying unity, these are interested persons who perform specifically assigned tasks, i think that sooner or later a... but at least history will definitely put an end to and about their activities, and it would be desirable for law enforcement agencies to deal with these officials, as for... the verkhovna rada in this , as you said, pyramids, in fact, you and i are all hostages of the fact that in our country the monomajority has usurped all branches of government, this parliament, it is not an independent government, as an executive branch of government, it is both the office of the president and the president, and it is sufficiently managed already now the judicial branch authorities, so now you and i have to make very, very careful conclusions. regarding how a state can turn from democratic to authoritarian if
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one political force or one group or group of people comes to power, who profess only their known tasks and values, if they have them, thank you very much for your comments, thank you, who joined, i wish you a peaceful and good evening, iryna friz, people's deputy of ukraine, well, this is the decision. i think it will still be discussed, in any case, i am, let's say, always in favor of so that the result is the maximum that can be taken for the front, for the economy, for some kind of balance in society, emotions do not solve anything, unfortunately, during war, emotions do not solve anything, only positive emotions, but motivation for struggle, for cohesion , but it's just emotions into the void, well, you need to spit them out, people have a lot of emotions, they need to be thrown away somewhere, maybe even better, but definitely don't waste them on throwing them away. of these emotions, the time that can be spent on building some real solutions that will lead to real actions and
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will give real consequences, well, in the war you have to do real things, then there will be a real victory, and not drawn by individual people in a single marathon. ok, thank you once again, mrs. iryna, i would like to add to the conversation serhii zgurets, director of the defense express agency and host of the military summary of the day column. sergey, congratulations, please, i congratulate you, vasyl, i congratulate our viewers, we really need motivation to win. and trained personnel and , of course, weapons, and therefore just today in our column we will talk about the first attacks, which were long-range, which were delivered secretly, about how much armored vehicles the united states will give us in the first package of the new amount of aid, and about the battle of technologies of ukraine and russia in the means of radio-electronic warfare. more on that in a moment. so, it turns out that the united states
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secretly handed ukraine atakam missiles with a normal range, a range of 300 km, foreign media are already writing about it and foreign and our experts are commenting on it, it is about attacks with the m-57 modification, which have a range of 300 km, and ukraine has already started to use these... magnificent means of impressment against the russian troops, and these weapons were transferred even from the previous package of american aid, us president biden decided on such a transfer back in march, when a package of 300 million was prepared, and the transfer of these long-range weapons took place already in april, and ukraine used them for several objects. let me remind you that this is primarily an attack on the airbase on april 17. where, in particular , russian s-400 complexes were destroyed, as
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well as strikes on russian troops in the port city of berdyansk. how many of these long-range missiles were given to us? foreign media, including the new york times, say that more than 100 missiles were transferred. let me remind you that earlier, when it came to these data camps with a range of 160 km, we were given only 20 means of impression and 100 missiles, much more. more, and earlier the americans said that they could not transfer the atkam-57, because, relatively speaking, there is a threat to the combat capability of the american army, but they have already started supplying the american army with these persiem missiles, which have a range of 400 km and more, and thus created the prerequisites for the previous versions with a range of 300 km to be transferred to... partners, in particular ukraine. but what was the reason and what was the impetus for the transfer
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of long-range systems. now we have a number of statements there from united states officials, in particular, jack sullivan said that the decision was somehow influenced by the use of north korean missiles on the territory of ukraine. these missiles, we know, were transferred by north korea to the russian federation, and they used these missiles to strike there and... in kyiv and in other cities of ukraine, another reason was that russia carried out massive attacks on critical infrastructure, although, as the americans write, the american... it warned the russians not to do this, and this became such a definite answer to support the potential of ukraine in increase in long-range means of impression, but the question is, can ukraine carry out strikes with these atakamps with a range of 300 km on the territory of the russian federation? sullivan explained that no, but we
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understand that the range of 300 km now actually allows. but keep in sight objects of the russian federation and in the temporarily occupied crimea and actually along the whole section of the contact line, these are actually quite good opportunities for the ukrainian army, because it will, as we see, be the most long-range arm in the arsenal of the ukrainian army, all the storage facilities and airfields will come under the attack of the atekams, although we understand that both the americans and we actually understand. that if such a transfer had been made much earlier, it would have had a much more significant effect on the situation on the front line, because during that time the enemy actually, well was able to adapt to the use of atakams, concentrating, in particular, ammunition there in order not to be hit by these systems, and long-range taxis, that is , a range of 300 km, are also in the new package
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of american aid, which was announced on april 24, this is a package with the volume on... 1 billion is extremely interesting because it covers missile weapons, it covers missiles for the air defense system, and also a significant amount of armored vehicles. the package itself did not specify which quantitative indicators would be transferred to ukraine, but in fact literally yesterday there was data from other sources. where it was said that, in particular , the american side will transfer to us within 1,000 humvees, 14 bradley bmps and a significant number of mraps, i.e., maxpro machines, which are extremely necessary for our units on the front line, as many as 500 such machines will be transferred to us, that is,
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actually the volumes of military aid transfers to bradley, mrapa and... and now will significantly increase the mobility of our brigades, which have waited for american military aid. and then we will talk about another direction of technological confrontation with the russian federation, where we actually rely on our capabilities of the defense industry, is talking about the development of a radio electronic warfare system, because the very dynamics of the war with russia is that reb means are used on both sides. in order to fight cruise missiles, to fight means of impression, to fight drones, and also to use rebs in order to influence communication systems, so that the use of rebs becomes an absolutely necessary condition for combat operations on the field was conducted effectively, and on both sides now
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both sides, the industry of both sides is trying to develop this direction as much as possible, what is happening precisely in... in ukraine, which directions are priority, what opportunities are being created in ukraine in order to create means of rep, in order to satisfy the needs of the armed forces. we will talk about this with our guest, oleg donets is joining us now, he is the head of the bry one reb cluster. mr. oleg, i congratulate you, i am glad to see and hear you. greetings, good evening. let me remind our viewers that it is precisely a cluster braid one is such a... an association, an organizational structure, which was created by the decision of all the forces, to provide some technological solutions for the security and defense forces and to accelerate the equipping of our military with solutions that are really needed on the battlefield, and just the means rebs are becoming such an important factor in strengthening
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our armed forces, and i'd like to ask you first about what has changed... on the battlefield in tsarina reb in recent months , both on our side and on the enemy's side, and how that has affected priorities activities of the bryvan cluster? well, first of all, i would like to note that today we have a technological war. an important feature of technological warfare is the very large dynamics of changes on the battlefield. a year ago, when bryivan was launched, we understood that drones are drones. and indeed, reconnaissance drones are and will be a key challenge on the battlefield, so rap, as one of the elements of countering them, was identified then as a priority, and now we would... we would rather not talk about the changes that have taken place in the last month, in general it was said that the dynamics will constantly increase,
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there will be constant changes in control systems, in data transmission systems, information systems, unmanned systems, control systems, and this will require corresponding dynamic changes in the means of radio-electronic warfare, so in general, we see that these dynamics will only intensify, and our key the task is to be ready for rapid changes, quickly scale these solutions and quickly deliver them to the front in the required quantity. and when we talk about some specific indicators, how many teams that create reb tools, well, went through brain one, how many projects are there that are already, relatively speaking, close to being purchased by the armed forces, what are the support models. these young teams are used by bray1. well, as of today, we have more than 50 e-e developers and manufacturers on the platform,
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they have submitted more than 100 developments of various means, primarily these are short-range means , e-e, nine of these developments have already passed codification and received e- e code according to nato standards and can be purchased accordingly. in terms of support, to date, breivan as a whole thought about how to... a cluster of support and development of technological solutions and acceleration of the development of these technological solutions, therefore we generally provide them with full support from the idea stage to the implementation stage in essence and accompany them until contracting. we provide support at the stage of military examination, communication with the military, conducting tests to demonstrate the capabilities of these samples, support them at the stage and accompany them. at the stage of preparation of documents for codification and , in principle, we further provide them with everything they need support that arises in them at the stage
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of cooperation. and do you have a conviction that the projects offered by these teams really meet the needs of the military, is this effective interaction established between the potential users of these developments, well, and the developers themselves, how does it happen, well , no... to date, this is precisely the key task that was set before us, each development that is submitted to the bryvan platform and each development that enters our cluster, it passes a defense assessment, military personnel from different units from different commands take part in this assessment, they conduct its assessment, determine its priority, and so on, depending on their priority, depending on the goto. of this development , joint testing takes place or is organized with the relevant main administration, with the relevant structures of the armed forces, after that
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, their documentation preparation and their submission to the commission and codification take place. and when we talk about what the main ones are aimed at developments in tsarina rep, because when we were looking at the materials, we first of all saw that these young teams were offering... solutions for either a trench reb, or there are certain formats of anti-drone guns, and when we talk about more powerful systems there, which have to cover larger areas of the territory, larger areas of the territory, as i understand that these young teams do not undertake this, it is rather, as i understand it, the job of the ministry of defense or the general staff itself to look for partners who can ensure the supply of more powerful systems reb, how does it actually happen, well , as of today, what we see from the statistics that we have in the cluster, the majority of developments are, of course, the development of short-range reb means, primarily this
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is due to the fact that that in general, the number of these means is significantly greater, in general, this threat is quite new, and these means just and essentially arose as a new class of rep means precisely during this active phase of the war, and accordingly... thanks to the systemic work in general a new class of means was formed, as rap means of close-range action, therefore, of course, these developers, manufacturers, who constantly hear from their acquaintances, relatives, and friends, how great is the threat from uavs on the front, they first of all begin to turn their efforts and resources to the development of these means, yes itself, as we said earlier, the high dynamics of changes in the characteristics of uavs requires the high dynamics of manufacturers, therefore, in general, we see that the largest number of teams is concentrated in this field. and when we talk about the main problems that there, well,
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hinder. there or make it difficult to create of these or other samples, whatever these problems are, how would you describe them, it's a lack of professionals, a lack of technological solutions there, limitations on the component base itself, what is the biggest obstacle to our teams right now? well, in general , if we are conscious and understand that for a very long time very little attention was paid to technological developments, to technologists. solutions, sometimes not enough attention was paid to this in general, so it was precisely based on this that a year ago the idea arose to launch the briivan cluster specifically to accelerate the development of technological solutions, therefore, in general, today we note that there is a high demand for the development of the industry, and this is what we are working with, on the development of the ecosystem, on the attraction of new developers, new manufacturers, and in general,
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we would like to note that for... this year, we see a significant change in the number of manufacturers, in the number of products, if as of last year, when we started, we recorded about 10 developments, then as of now there are already more than 100, that is, in a year, there is actually quite a large transformation of the market, with a large number of new teams appeared, and moreover, we see that the dynamics of attracting new manufacturers and new teams to this segment continues and grows, in general, this is precisely... from our point of view , it characterizes that the market is developing and we will continue to make every effort to to increase the capacity of this market, to increase the capacity for dynamics and speed of growth, for scaling these products, and most importantly - to increase the number of these means at the front, where they are needed in the first place, and where they are intended. mr. oleg, i would like to ask you about such a component related to development, we have such monster companies in ukraine that
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were created there. creates there bukovel or systems connected just around bukovel or the team that created there the note and other tools reb. this experience of such more powerful teams can somehow be transferred to young teams, so that they do not go the wrong way, or do not make mistakes that, relatively speaking, older comrades have already made, and to speed up the way to creating such an effective model, relying on. .. experience more powerful teams, does brivan ensure the exchange of this knowledge between young and old, speaking teams. in general, bryvan is just like a project, which, among other things, is called to be responsible for the development of the ecosystem. we are working to attract developers of different levels, different classes to joint events for the purpose of sharing experiences, and in general , this trend is, we observe that
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manufacturers between. they share their experience, to date, in general, all manufacturers are quite open, because they understand that this threat, which exists, unites them all, therefore, in general, most manufacturers are quite open to the exchange of information, to the exchange of their experience, they are happy to cooperate, they share their developments in order for the market to move faster as a whole, because it is by joining forces that we can now achieve that , that in general the whole market will move faster and in general we as a country will only benefit from this, since the need for these tools is high enough, and in general only by combining efforts we can achieve greater efficiency here, well and in conclusion, i would like to ask about the fact that the effectiveness of the use of rap depends on the one hand on the effectiveness of the staff, on the effectiveness of the development itself, and also on the tactics of use, and i have repeatedly heard
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about the fact that it is probably the same as with... drones that are built , well, just under one command, under one management, it is probably necessary to create structures that operate using the means of rebs under one leadership, or so that there is no such dispersion, in particular, the same trench reb along the entire line, which then complicates coordination, are there any such inquiries from the military, what are they saying in this direction, what is your vision for this component of increasing the efficiency of the use of fish? well, in general , today in the armed forces there is a main administration, which is specialized and responsible for the direction of means of radio-electronic warfare, at the same time, we see that the dynamics and methods of using means of radio-electronic warfare, they are also constantly changing, therefore, in general , an active capacity building, organization work.


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