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tv   [untitled]    April 25, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm EEST

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poland and lithuania are considering the idea of ​​helping ukraine to return men of conscription age to ukrainian tcc ranks. we continue to talk about strengthening mobilization in ukraine and abroad. the us state debt service included the edyni novosti telethon in the report on human rights violations. let's say why. this is svoboda life, my name is serhiy statsenko. we begin. we continue to highlight the topic of increased mobilization, at a time when there are queues abroad for passports in ukraine, in particular, in kyiv, queues to shopping centers were noticed. users of social networks posted photos with posts about queues, in particular to the tcc, according to contributor yulia, there are about 100 people in the queue, and people are coming, that is, the law has been adopted, people want to update their data, but they cannot do it,
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she writes. the command of the ground forces of the ukrainian armed forces commented on these reports, stating on its facebook page that the territorial procurement centers work 24/7. you can come at any time convenient for you , you said in the department. i would like to note that through curfew, citizens will hardly be able to visit tsk 24/7. today, rfe/rl correspondents visited one of the trade centers in the city of kyiv closer to noon. there was not, and those who remained told us that in the morning there were from 50 to 100 people under the military guards, mostly people came to update the data, what they told us, listen. in 20 minutes where i was in the 75th, people are queuing at 5 in the morning to update the data in the military ticket, after all, of the 80-90 or 100 people who came to do it, the military mother can physically accept, probably heaven.
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for about 10 minutes, for what reason did you contact the data against the vlk today and to be ready for mobilization in 90 in the morning, i was already here only on the first day and why so long, what is the problem, only one employee accepts a certain category of military servicemen, they received a certificate of passing the vlk correctly yes, i'm healthy , i'm fit for service, i'm going to sign a contract to serve the people of ukraine and go to war. because men run out, i
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'll tell you, my husband fought, unfortunately, he died and i have such a goal to take revenge just for my beloved, that's why i'm here now, so at first there was a queue, but as i had already gone through everything, they told me to just leave, walk for half an hour and come back, i waited there literally another 20 minutes , and i was given a relationship, within the framework of the current legislation , each person must come and update their data, the procedure is long enough, update the data, well, i came... to extend the reservation at the company, for the next extension, it is necessary to paste the code, there was a queue here in the morning, then the one who took off could a little bit i sped up the line, well, in principle, that’s where i came, now i managed, well, four hours, but here you can also subtract an hour and a half, while i went there for the missing certificate, taking into account that now such an additional full house has been launched in the media, so well completely absolutely predicted normal. meanwhile
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, lithuania and poland are ready to help with the return of men of conscription age back to ukraine, such statements were made by the defense ministers of these countries. polish minister władysław kosiniak kamysh first announced this possibility. he remarked that poland has previously offered to help ukraine so that citizens fit for military service return to their country, kosiniak-kamysh told the polsat news tv channel. i would like to note that since the beginning of the week, large queues of ukrainians have formed in poland to complete documents. this idea was picked up by the lithuanian minister of defense laurinas kaščunas. according to him, the country is not yet... considering specific measures for this and is monitoring what decisions poland will make. according to eurostat , there are currently 860,000 adult men abroad. many poles are outraged when they see young ukrainian men in hotels and cafes and
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hear how much effort we have to make to help ukraine. the ministers did not reveal the details of how exactly they can help ukraine with the return of the men. the lithuanian minister only said that it could refer to social benefits, work permits or other documents. radio liberty correspondents in poland asked both ukrainian citizens and poles how they feel about such an initiative. very good initiative because there is a war going on in ukraine, and ukrainian men must fulfill their civic duty. all men fit for military service must be sent. this is a civic duty. you can't ask who wants to. i'm not interested in politics at all, i turned off the tv, i don't watch it, because i want to live longer and not have stress, this is my method for a better life, i wish you a nice day. i think it's a smart idea,
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a really good idea, we have a lot of young ukrainians here who drink beer in the park but don't do anything about their business. i i have been thinking for a long time that... this should be stopped, not everyone should be deported, only those who can do something, they earn money, have privileges in medicine and other fields, and we, unfortunately, in uzbichka, so to speak, it says that's exactly what it's about. i will not say that everyone should be thrown out, because that is not what help is about. this contradicts the legislation of poland and the european union. anyone can say what they want, but it won't be done like that , unless it's cool, i'm not worried about it at all. according to polish law, we cannot be deported from here.
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seriously, i don't know, i think it will be better, and so, well, europe, it's not only poland , it's small here, they have to agree, there are also many people, really all over europe, i think it's wrong, there are many students who are also studying, and there are many people who left before full-scale war, i have been living in poland for 7 years, i have been living in poland for seven years and i do not want to change my place of residence, so... let the minister of defense think about something good, about his children, i have them, and i hope there will be grandchildren, nothing will happen, well, this is very disadvantageous for poland, everyone understands this, and you yourself understand that if the servants leave now, one or two people have even been taken away, all the men will simply
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get together and go on, and poland also understands this, it will not be profitable for her, well, this is my opinion, because it is a labor resource, it is no secret that poland greatly increased its economy. since the beginning of the war, a lot of people came, work, pay taxes, many ukrainians came with money and opened businesses here, it is very profitable for poland, if poland even returns, then it will probably already be such a signal, you know, that poland already on was on the verge of war. well, these are the opinions of polish citizens regarding the proposal of the defense ministers of poland and lithuania. and ukraine, and whether ukraine will appeal to poland or lithuania or other european countries with the help of the return of men of conscription age, we will continue to talk with us yuriy fedorenko, commander of the achilles unmanned aerial systems battalion of the 92nd separate assault brigade named after kosh ataman
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ivan sirk. i congratulate you. glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. mr. yuri, you must have heard that today here are these statements of the defense ministers, first of all poland. then lithuania, do you think ukraine should apply for such help? well, let's look at the latest statements that came from our ministry of defense, it was clearly stated. about the fact that everyone will have the opportunity to authorize, necessarily set their data, after that get the necessary consular service, but it will fully work disorientingly from the month of june, according to my conviction, i will tell you this, looking at the history of some citizens who ran away from the war, first in abkhazia, then in georgia, then from a number of other countries, and ended up in ukraine, now... to poland, the war will catch up there, if you are not ready to fight for your native land, on which you were born, and not it does not
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matter whether the state gave you something or not, the state did not give me anything and should not have given me anything, the state is conditionally certain conditions, such a climate, yes, which should provide the main factor, this is security, everything else can be done independently, you have to have a head on your shoulders, it seems to me, and you have to ask yourself the question of what we are doing for that state to make it happen. and could provide , first of all, a security factor, so if in the dry residue, i have a certain fate, i will say this, the failure to accept that men of mobilization age, who are suitable for military service, made maneuvers to other countries in order to avoid the possibility participation in hostilities, unfortunately, this is how everything is arranged. the world and our modern world, what is war, i will repeat my thesis,
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whether it ends in one or another country, it is not worth running away from, so everything else, i am sure of it, that if necessary, we will be able to return all those who are necessary for us to conduct hostilities, tell me, please, among those of you, with whom you are at war, what is the opinion of ordinary people, your brothers, do they, do they have this desire justice to return all those who left, say, not only after the full-scale invasion of russia into ukraine, but before that, who have been living abroad for 10, 15, 20 years. i will tell you more that our unit is currently actively recruiting, if you know, we have become a battalion, actively recruiting, very many applications with the desire to complete further service in our unit, a lot of applications from foreign citizens, in particular from... a lot of applications including, therefore, how do we react to the fact that
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someone has left, does not want to return, see it will be necessary, let's go back, full stop, there is no need to think about it, it is necessary to make state decisions, sometimes unpopular, but they must be made, because now it is only about the vitality of the ukrainian nation, and it is about whether we will be alive or not, how nation, and will ukrainian statehood will have to be returned abroad, but we will return it. it is necessary to limit certain rights, if this is not a gross violation of the constitution, we will limit certain rights, well, because the people with whom radio liberty communicated, including abroad, say that this is a violation of the constitution, and that the decision of the ministry of foreign affairs to suspend the work of the dp document, to issue even ready-made documents, that this is allegedly a violation of the law, let me tell you more, i'm sorry, but this is not popular thesis, but it will happen, i believe that ukraine will win, and i believe that anyone who was not involved in the process of a nationally declared
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war, in the defense forces, or there are moments when a person is not in good health can perform duties, she was involved in the process of directly supporting the defense forces, if you were not in this process, you have no right, no right to apply for any public office, or to be elected , for example, a deputy or the president of the country, it's also... not constitutional, but it is what it is will make it possible to preserve the state, so the time will come when the constitution will have to be revised, because there are too many rights, and if we talk about the duty, then save the famine, rights are violated, well, sorry, it doesn't work like that, summing it up, mr. yuriy , do you believe that european countries, in particular, if we start with poland and lithuania , will still take this step and start issuing in some way, i believe so. i will explain to you why: latvia, lithuania, estonia, poland have in their memory what a russian
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boot means on their land, that it is a sawed-off land, raped women, killed children, they remember it, and they will do everything on their own, look at the intensity of support for ukraine, these countries, they support ukraine, probably to the best of their ability, why, because they understand that if ukraine falls, they are next, they will have to smoke already at the mouth of the war. their citizens, so yes, of course, if it is necessary in ukraine, they, i think, will gladly hand over those who are necessary for us to carry out defensive actions. thank you very much, we will continue. can follow this thread now let's talk a little about military topics, volodymyr zelenskyi, in particular, previously confirmed that the aid package from the usa will include long-range atakams missiles, then the american media wrote with reference to sources that they had already been used in some temporarily occupied regions of ukraine,
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or in your opinion, how do you deal with drones, including how much these missiles will be able to change the course of the war and i don't know how to approximate the reflection of crimea there, for example, or other regions? i will give such an example so that it is clear to the citizens, because usually we we speak in a more military language, and i understand that in general, for example, look, there is a small shop near your house where you buy basic goods that you need for food, goods from the big bazaar go to this shop. well, every place has its own bazaar, if you destroy this bazaar, or it stopped working for some reason, what will happen in your little shop near the house, there will be no products that you usually buy, exactly the same thing happens on the battlefield , if we attack with missiles preemptively to destroy the enemy's rear communications, warehouses with ammunition, warehouses with burnt lubricating
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liquids, its decision-making centers, the location of personnel. logistical crossings and many other things, after this , the enemy group, which is on the front line, lacking ammunition, manpower, and equipment, loses its offensive capabilities, and when the enemy loses its offensive capabilities with the appropriate number of weapons, as well as manpower, we can carry out counter-offensives actions, deoccupying our territories. i believe that help will be provided in a timely manner. god willing, in full, as it was supposed to be, and we will be able to deprive the enemy of the opportunity to carry out shock-assault actions in one step, and actively storm the front now. two is to seize the tactical initiative on the front line with the prospect of further occupation of our territories. i believe in this holiday. thank you, mr. yuriy, the last question, the ukrainian pravda publication
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published an article about a significant increase in the production of drones by russia, and in fact , the conclusion of this article is that. that ukraine will lose the technological race, do you agree that ukraine will lose the technological race, yes, well, you know, we sometimes have such gaps in the information space, from the fact that we have already defeated everyone, tomorrow the victory will be celebrated, to that we were outmaneuvered. let's be honest: unmanned systems are everything that is in the water, on land and in the air, in the water. ukraine is the absolute leader of such means. as we do not have water drones in any country in the world, as a result we destroyed 20 more than 25% fleet of the russian federation, not having its own fleet, in the sky since 2014 the enemy has been actively producing soviet intelligence equipment, ukraine has not done this on a massive scale. at the beginning of a full-scale war, thanks to the support of our international partners, very, very many intelligence
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tools began to arrive, and the models that were successful within our state began to develop, that is, one way or another, we are against... strike wings for example at the beginning of 23 - the absolute leader russia at the beginning of the 24th, a number of units are already actively using means of uavs type of action, like a wing, well, it is something similar to a lancet, not a lancet, but similar in its characteristics, that is, we are catching up here , catching up, fpi drones, if there was one to five, now it is mostly one to three, i mean for one our enemy had p yay, now he has two or three night drones, we are catching up with them. heavy night bombers, which the enemy calls baba yaga, we are absolutely leaders, the enemy does not have such technologies yet, so if we say in mass, well, of course, the russian federation has more money, a direct opportunity to buy components in china at inflated prices, they simply bring in containers and more military-industrial complex where they can assemble, therefore there is more equipment in the russian federation, the ability to modernize is also more, well, according to our
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production capabilities and intelligence, which is, i believe, that ukraine holds. very powerful dynamics, and the nation plus the state has taken seven-mile steps in the process of reducing this technical gap with the russian federation, and as i said earlier, in some nomenclature positions we bypassed them. thank you very much for your comment, yuriy fedorenko, the commander of the achilles attack unmanned aerial systems battalion of the 92nd separate assault brigade named after kosh ataman ivan sirk, was on radio svoboda. thank you. the us department of state included the telethon as the only news item in its report on human rights violations. in particular, the document states that the national tv marathon follows the government line. in war coverage, this is an unprecedented level of control over primetime television news. we asked ukrainians in kyiv and lviv what they are think about this conclusion and the marathon as a whole.
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we have such a question, do you watch the telethon "edynyi news"? no, i don't watch and i don't want to. and why, what can you explain? well, i don't know, i'm not interested, i watched it at first, well, when did it start. i am interested in two husband and son fighting in the war, so i watch the news, as my husband and son fight, then i watch, do you trust the information shown on tv? well, i don't know, well, well, i have to trust, i don't now, i'm not looking. can you explain why? to be honest, i don't really trust myself now, well, i'm full of information, and somehow, well, for me it has already lost
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its meaning a little bit, that's why i don't understand it and i don't watch it, there can't be one such thing, for everyone, there must be a choice, i don't watch it, but why, because i watched it, because i saw it, but what not like that, but it seems to me that this is... the feather is only done in our way and on minimums, that is, at the beginning it was fun, well, it was the right decision, now it is not the right decision, it is, well, i don't know what is ours, no, but why, can you explain? a lot of nonsense information is given, i believe, i know a lot is spent on it funds, and it would be better to spend these funds sponsoring higher educational institutions, i apologize, this is a telethon, i don't watch it, but why? this is nonsense, we communicate with people who are on the front lines, right, we communicate with people who are there, we know what is being done, and when it is presented to us in such a way that it is supposedly a beauty, miracles
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are there and so on, we won everything, well, there is no need, we are adults, and i watch tv, what kind of news is there about the zsu, how is the war, how is everything, then you watch the only news, yes, do you trust to the only news, they are true, in principle. prodivo says, i don't watch it, i have my own programs, and what do you watch, the colony, yes, and the news, and the baddies, and the baddies, and where do you get the news, well, such things as are happening in ukraine, then what is on the first i watch the channel, the telethon you watch is social, and you trust the news, well, for sure, i know, once they announce it in the news, it's like, i trust the telethon, i'll try to... bro, why didn't i get it? it seemed to me that a telethon had been created if all representatives were participants media space, it would be the same, and
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since there were selective ones, i had some kind of internal protest caused by the fact that not everyone was included in the telethon, and because of that i did not watch it. about the work of the telethon, the only news and remarks of the us state department. we will talk to him further , halyna petrenko, director of detector media, joins the air , i congratulate you, hello, do you think this conclusion of the state department is true, or does the only news on the telethon show only what is beneficial to the authorities, if summarize their conclusion, well, i trust the conclusion of the state department, and we all understand that... when the telethon was created, we can basically call it either the lite word strategic communications, which is fashionable now, or the more old-fashioned word propaganda, nothing else, this format was not,
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during the war, all even very democratic countries engaged in state propaganda , both more direct and more cunning, there are many such examples, you can even take something from old times, it does not become obsolete, so it is clear that... under the challenges of the military time, this, or in some other format, such propaganda exists, will exist, and is very important, i think, well, what i saw in this state department report is actually a reminder that the marathon should not exist when the war is over, huh , well , media detector, as far as i know, regularly monitors what and how is presented in the telethon, please tell me how it... can meet the standards of journalism, even considering that ukraine is at war? one of
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the problems that will be fixed. cotton wool and it is difficult, well, something to say to its creators in order to refute it, it is a very uneven representation of various political forces in the marathon, for example, if you take people's deputies, we regularly monitor it, of course, in the first place on all channels that participate in the marathon , these are the representatives of the servants of the people, and then this, well, such a logical proportion, it completely shifts, in second place is the voice, the faction, which is... much smaller, and at the same time, for example, eurosolidarity appears only in the slots of the public broadcaster, well and with the homeland too the public public and council, and to be honest, i am very worried, today i read the news that the managers of the public broadcaster, whose news is actually balanced even in the marathon, they say that there seem to be some... attempts to take away from them
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the production of the marathon in prime time, that is, during those times when citizens can see these news the most, and this is such an alarming signal. yes, just in the context of this, i wanted to mention that the head of the parliamentary committee on freedom of speech, yaroslav yurchyshyn, commenting on this summary, he stated that it is necessary to allow previously disconnected channels, in particular, the direct, fifth espresso channel, to this coaxing. and do you think it's clear that with news about the public, it's probably unlikely , but do you think it would be appropriate? in general, there is no such, you know, hammered-in telethon format anywhere, for example, not necessarily, it should generally be a news broadcast in a 24x7 format, we often see that it is difficult for tv channels to fill such
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a banal amount of airtime. there are such infomercials, where they lack qualified speakers, because for certain reasons someone from the government cannot speak there, and accordingly they invite the same people there, for example, the format of the marathon can be changed not only by inviting new participants, for example , it may not be a continuous news broadcast at all, for example, ten-minute news broadcasts there, well, at the beginning of each hour, and between them there can be, well, and there and... political discussions and entertainment content so that the audience has all this interesting to keep their attention, and so on. uh, well, in the last, in the last, in the last polls that i have had to see, the telethon only news is, i could be wrong, the fourth or fifth place, that is, now information, again from this poll
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telegram channels take over, everything anyway... i will ask you about whether, uh, whether it makes sense now for those channels that are part of this single telethon marathon , the only news, to try to work separately, and is it at all realistic before the end of the war? is, well, they actually work separately in everything, they created parallel channels that contain everything except informational content, they are not allowed to produce informational content, and here it seems to me, if i were to describe... these relations between these private broadcasters and the authorities, then it is like this slaves, that is, they can't just decide, we want to get out of the marathon, but these slaves are very well cared for, they are fed very well so that they basically come to terms with their situation, this is what happens, but you know that i'm still here worried, and this is in line with your voxpopile, which you voiced before my inclusion, we did recently... a long time ago
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, a survey of public opinion was also all-ukrainian and representative of the unoccupied territories, and compared to a year ago, when we asked who could be the source of information manipulation in of ukrainian media, it is much more, the number of ukrainians who believe that the ukrainian state can be the source of manipulation of the ukrainian media has increased from 22% to 32%, this is actually a bell for both society and authorities, she must understand that people are not stupid, that they can distinguish, they can see the picture that they see outside the window in their lives, or what their acquaintances there tell them, and what they see in the media. well , yes, it is clear that our survey, our voxpop cannot be representative, but still , reading the comments, i very often come across, they again cannot be
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representative, but the trust in ... this source of information falls.


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