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tv   [untitled]    April 25, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm EEST

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one, which, among other things, takes care of the technological innovations that our armed forces and defense forces need. these were the main results of the day, and more international and economic news later on vasyl zima's big broadcast, so stay tuned to the espresso channel. thanks to serhiy zgursy, thanks to his guests, these were the military results of the day, followed by the second hour of the great et. the world about ukraine with yuri fizer, money during the war with oleksandr morchivka. also today , culture news from lena chechenina, weather from natalka didenko. frosts are coming in ukraine, where and when to wait for them. we will also have a broadcast from the capital today with a very important event, but now i will tell you in detail about the most important news. unfortunately, three people died, one more was injured as a result of the shelling of donetsk region. this was announced by the head of the region, vadym filashkin. the russians struck successfully. and
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kurakhivtsi, residential buildings were destroyed as a result of the attack, emergency services are working on the spot. the enemy attacked antonivka in the kherson region, a 71-year-old woman was wounded due to shelling, she was in the yard at the time of the impact. the regional military administration informed that the victim was hospitalized with an explosive contusion and brain injury, we wish this lady a speedy recovery. summonses will not be served abroad, at least that is what the spokesman of the ministry of defense of ukraine, dmytro lazutkin, said in a comment to radio liberty. according to him, the work of ukrainian recruitment centers abroad is unreal, so after the new law on the mobilization of men of draft age, who are currently outside ukraine, comes into force, there will be 60 days to update military registration data, from june you can enter the data... it will be possible
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online through the electronic cabinet that will be created. creating a green route for evaders, the border guards hijacked another scheme of illegal transportation of men of military age abroad. this was reported in the western regional office of the state border service, the organizer of the scheme was a 43-year-old resident of vinnytsia. the attacker and his accomplice guaranteed the escapees to hungary. through checkpoints, they were charged for such a journey not much, not much 800 €. the organizers of this scheme were detained. well, in the kherson region, the security service of ukraine kidnapped nine collaborators. the perpetrators were part of the so-called election commission, of course, in quotation marks, because during the occupation, which was the election, which was the commission of the beryslav district, they agitated fellow villagers to vote in favor of the kremlin. organized raids with russian
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soldiers in order to intimidate civilians during the liberation of the region from enemy troops, the head of the election committee fled to the left bank of the kherson region to avoid justice, but her accomplices managed to detain them under the threat of up to 10 years in prison. the president of ukraine, volodymyr zelensky , met in kyiv with the minister of finance of great britain, jeremy hunt, and called for strengthening... sanctions against the country of the aggressor, the ukrainian leader himself announced this on social media. zelensky thanked gantt for the largest package of defense aid from the united kingdom, worth half a billion pounds. later, the british minister is to meet with the prime minister of ukraine denys shmyhal and other representatives ukrainian cabinet of ministers.
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we realize that even though we provide you with funding and defense cooperation, you are the only people who pay with their lives to protect freedom and we never forget that, it is not just our goodwill, putin must lose, it is in the strategic interests of the great britain and the whole of europe, we know this and will do everything possible to learn the lessons of history and stop it, that's why we want to provide... the song of songs with this name, the lviv artist olga pogribna koch presented the 14th project of the artist in lviv devoted to the topic of judaism and created multi-genre thematic cycles in order to present to ukrainians an as yet unknown layer of jewish existence. the project series includes more than 100 oil paintings, in which the artist analyzes the themes of racism, ageism and sexism. she describes her style as surrealism. between
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halytskyi art deco. the artist has been working on this project since the 11th year, the exhibition will be active in the lviv national museum until may 25, so you will have the opportunity to visit it. we have a lot of surrealism in our lives now, in the worst sense of the word words, and we, for a moment, all believe that it is necessary to paint not destruction, but life, renaissance, but not war, because there is a lot of war around, so this exhibition, it is life-affirming, and, but requires the viewer to read my accompanying texts, on which i also worked for a long time. olga is always a mystery to me, the fact that she invents some new topic. uh, this is a discovery, then she studies it very carefully, she studies the basics, the sources, she reads difficult books, for this topic she went to hebrew, she reads and watches these originals, these materials in the original. representatives of ukraine
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at eurovision 2024 alyona alyona and jeri hale went to the song contest. this event was observed by our correspondent dmytro. place, they carefully said, they said that they would do to vitay vasyl, i also congratulate our viewers, regarding everything possible, so that eurovision will come to ukraine again, but their message is charitable and... and today, alona alona and jerry hale together with the united foundation 24 began collecting funds for the reconstruction of a gymnasium in dnipropetrovsk region. they have already received the first one 100,000 dollars in donations from benefactors and during their stay at
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the song contest they will call on people to donate to the reconstruction of this gymnasium so that 250 children return to the walls. native educational institution, i now offer to listen to a part of the song with which alyona alyona and jerry hale will represent ukraine at the eurovision song contest and their promise. so, in our country, in addition to some cultural mission, in addition to the message about... the fact that all virgins, all holy people were once simply born as ordinary people, we also carry such a social mission, we will collect funds for the reconstruction of the velikostrym gymnasium, because 250 children studied there for the village school, that is
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a lot of children, here in ukraine we have to support, in addition to all ukrainians, also the mothers of... the singer jerry hale, who will represent ukraine this year at the eurovision song contest, and she shared the details with us, they said that she would let her daughter go home if she did not bring victory, but she would keep her fingers crossed for the girls so that they would return the eurovision song contest to ukraine after all, let's hear it, well, i believed in something is that it will be so, because she as you understand, she knocked more than once, in the bible, as it is said, whoever knocks, therefore... they open, so she was not the only one who knocked and reached, i believe that the whole universe will hear me, that i am asking the lord god, to help them arrive with victory. here at the train station, the girls were being sent to
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malmö, sweden, where this year's eurovision song contest will take place, there are a lot of fans and press, and when the train left. until now, the song tereza and maria, with which they will represent ukraine at this year's competition, already this weekend our representatives will be able to take the first stage, the first rehearsals will take place, and we will hear and see the number, about which the girls did not reveal the secret today, who exactly will perform the number and what it will be, they said that we will see, and it will be a very powerful number about all women. about ukrainian women in the first place, but already on may 7 we will hear for the first time in the first semi-final, so we will wish our representatives in the country to reach the final, and in the final they have already taken the highest possible place, or even won. vasyl, you
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listened to the song, if so, in your opinion, will the girls be able to bring eurovision to ukraine again. well, i will say so when i see this melody in apple music. this composition, i listen to it several times, that is, purely as a composition, i like it, well, i like it, but it touches my soul and creates a mood, so i think that with this composition i... believe in victory, i will say yes, it will be, no, i cannot answer, dmytro, our correspondent from the kyiv station, yuliy fizer is already with me, the world about ukraine, yuri, but i still can't help but ask you, and what do you think it is in the third and whether ruslana already, no, in the fourth, we will be able to win, it was yours, well , i would very much i wanted to, but it seems to me that this song lacks a bit of this european vision. can we pay attention to ukraine
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and convey some message that the girls want to convey, well, we only support vasyla, who, you know, are experts in eurovision songs, let the girls win, and i will move on to news from abroad, in particular, today i will talk about that is, some military aid from the united states of america is already in ukraine. you will find out which one, russia is increasing the production of weapons, again you will find out why, and difficult, very difficult times for donald trump. about this and other things in a moment in the rubric world about ukraine. well, let me start with this, our europe is now very weak and may even die, and everything depends on our choices. french president emmanuel macron said the following. during a speech at the sorbonne university in paris, he noted that now the european union
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is facing the greatest threat in its entire existence, and all this is because of the russian war in ukraine. therefore, according to the owner of the elysee palace, the main prerequisite for european security is to prevent putin from winning in ukraine. in addition, emmanuel macron emphasized that the european union also needs to rethink its scope. common defense system, and for this, first - to maintain strategic, and second - technological independence, in particular from the united states of america. everything donald trump is about constantly said: europe should take care of itself more, europe should give more money to nato, europe should do this, europe should do that. emmanuel macron says: yes, we must, and we will. they are for peace in the whole world, on the whole earth, but it seems not in space. tonight, kyiv time, russia and china used their right of veto in the
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security council of the united nations and blocked the adoption of the resolution on the non-placement of nuclear weapons in space. the project was submitted by the united states of america and japan, and it was supported by 13 countries out of 15. china abstained, russia, of course, against. the text of the resolution consists of eight points, one of which contains a ban on nuclear weapons designed to launch into orbit, installation of such weapons on celestial bodies and placement in outer space in any way. well, russia's decision was very strongly criticized, and so was china's . but vasiliy nebendze, the permanent representative of the terrorist country in the un security council, explaining why he voted that way, he said that russia simply does not want this to be a unilateral decision, why only a nuclear one weapons are prohibited. in space, we are against the placement of any weapons in earth
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orbit, and although a few months ago the white house said that russia is currently developing such weapons that can be launched by satellites into earth orbit, they are not only developing, but perhaps have even been developed and are ready for launch, but the permanent representative of the united states of america at the un security council, linda thomas greenfield. well, she strongly criticized the decisions of russia and china, and let's hear her directly. russia promised simple resolution affirming the legal commitment not to launch weapons of mass destruction into orbit, and by abstaining from this vote, despite our many attempts to reach a consensus, china has demonstrated that it would rather defend russia as its junior partner. rather than a global nuclear non-proliferation regime . colleagues, president putin himself has publicly
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stated that russia has no intention of placing nuclear weapons in space, so today's veto begs the question: why, why, if you follow the rules, you don't support the resolution confirming them? what can you hide? a very logical question, to which neither bendzya nor anyone in russia has an answer. lindy thomas greenfield can't really tell why, if you're clamoring from all corners about this, why you don't vote for this resolution, you must be hiding something, unfortunately. the united states. americans believe that russia is developing such a satellite that can launch nuclear weapons into earth orbit. this is stated in the statement of jake sullivan, adviser to the us president on national security issues. yes, the day before, it was at night kyiv time, he commented on the veto by the representatives of the country of the terrorist nibenzia and
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the representative of china of the un resolution that i just mentioned on non-proliferation of nuclear weapons. weapons in space, further, quote from mr. counselor jake sullivan. we have heard russian president vladimir putin publicly state that his country has no intention of placing nuclear weapons in space. if that were the case, they would not have promised this resolution. and the truth, and the truth. there is no response from russia to this remark. the pentagon had prepared ahead of time, after all not only is it similar, but it is, prepared in advance for the restoration of the provision. of military and financial aid to ukraine immediately after the unblocking of the bill in the house of representatives, and then in the senate. this was said during a speech at a forum at the center for strategic and international studies in washington, said the head of the committee of the chiefs of staff of the us armed forces, general charles brown. according to him, the ministry
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of defense of the united states of america was preparing in case certain decisions were adopted by the american political elites. further general's quote: seeing that we 're getting closer and closer to approving this request, especially last week when the house passed it, we're well prepared, we have the appropriate authority to move weapons into ukraine, we've already come a long way in many areas go ahead, well, really, if you are waiting, and you are even convinced that this decision will be made, then why not prepare in advance so that as soon as... the decision is made, you immediately send such important and necessary weapons to ukraine, only you can to applaud, and the deputy head of the press service of the state department of the united states of america, vedant patel , confirmed yesterday during a press conference that the united states of america, on the instructions of president joe biden, has already sent
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tactical, ballistic atacons missiles to ukraine, which are capable of firing up to 300 km and even by bucym, it wasn’t him, it was someone else who said the day before that bucym they were even used on the territory of ukraine, well, joe biden himself, according to the spokesman of the state department, signed this order on the sending of missiles atacoms on march 12, the missiles themselves arrived this month, and jake sullivan, who i mentioned earlier today, is joe's adviser, confirmed this information as well. on matters of national security, what he said, let's hear it: i can confirm, as you have already heard from others, that in february the president instructed his team to provide ukraine with a significant number of atakams missiles for use on the sovereign territory of ukraine. the shipment began in march under the authority that allows the president
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to transfer weapons from pentagon warehouses. order he signed on march 12, these missiles already. in ukraine, let's talk more about something other than orban, unfortunately, fico, the prime minister of slovakia, robert fitzov believes that the us congress' allocation of multi-billion dollar military aid to ukraine will not bring russia to its knees, but will only continue conflict, he called it a conflict on the territory of our country. he said this on the air of the joy tv channel. according to him, the military support of the ukrainian armed forces. only the majority of the dead will continue the war and not will force the leadership in the kremlin to change its position, according to the head of the slovak government, the leaders of the western countries continue to follow a wrong strategy towards russia, instead of peace negotiations, says robert fico, they simply continue the war with their actions, followed by a short quote from the prime minister
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of slovakia. the russians will not back down from the demands they have, they will not go away. luhansk and crimea will not leave, you can give kyiv at least 300 billion dollars. no, if we were given 300 billion dollars, the russians would leave donbas, 100% would leave. here it is. and in unison with robert fitso, although it may be robert fitso in unison with lukashenka , the self-proclaimed president of belarus said today during a meeting of the so-called all-belarusian people's assembly. meetings, according to him , money will not help ukraine in any way, and the weapons provided by the west will not help ukraine in any way, a quote from hryhorovych, i say to them, ok, sit down at the table and i will negotiate. conclude a peace treaty, if you don't do it, putin will definitely win, that's all, robert fico, viktor orban, oleksandr
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lukashenko live in different countries, but it's similar they play and speak according to the same techniques, unfortunately. russia is now increasing the production of weapons, the military economy is in order, but most or part of what is being produced again is no longer going. to the front, and enters the warehouses. german defense minister boris pistorius said this on the air of the ard tv channel. yes, he answered the presenter's question about the fact that in a few years russia may attack one or more nato countries. at the same time, the head of the german defense department noted that there is no magic crystal to predict the future, but - says boras pistorius, if there is an attack, then - a quote. we will have to be able to defend ourselves in order to have... the ability to fight the war that will be forced upon us. well, you have to prepare for it. if not black, then rather dark clouds continue to gather over donald trump.
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an arizona grand jury has indicted 8 citizens for participating in an election interference scheme to re-elect former us president donald trump in 2020. the list of accused includes 11 people, the names of seven more will be revealed under moreover, one of the classmates probably included trump himself, but he was not charged. according to the investigation, the defendants in the 2020 presidential election tried to create lists of fake voters in order for trump to win and illegally gain access to the voting system. in addition to the state of arizona , the ex-president's team is investigating tax violations in georgia, michigan, nevada, new mexico, pennsylvania and wisconsin. today in this siberian a large oil depot was burning in the place, it was burning well.
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according to reports of local media, the area of ​​1,000 m2 was burning. the fire engulfed at least three fuel tanks. more than fifty firefighters and 15 units of special equipment were involved in extinguishing the fire. even two fire engines were working on the spot. "the firemen of the region reported that they managed to localize this fire and prevent it from spreading to the neighboring tanks, but those that were on fire continue to burn, the cause of the fire is not known at the moment, just don't smoke where you can't smoke, because it will burn like that everywhere, well , in the end, i would like them to smoke everywhere, and finally, news for everyone, and especially for an attentive and devoted viewer." mykola ivanovich from my native novoyavorivsk. the water level in the river ishim, in the abat district of the tyumen region, rose by 2 m 2 in a day. it
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is now 11 m 21 cm. the water level crossed the threshold the day before. according to the local emergency services , the evacuation of the population is ongoing in the region cut off from the big land by water. flooded farmland, local and federal roads, while the water, fortunately for us, continues to arrive, well, that's it, that's all i have for today, can you wait a second, and what kind of reader, listener, are you especially yes, there is only one, yes , okay, well, let him know, if he looks, he knows, well, that's all, that's all i have in the world about ukraine section, that's all only for today, tomorrow there will be more, there will be more in our future ether, so... don't switch. thank you very much yuri fizer, and you
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thank him too. well, we now have an event, actually, about which i spoke, with which we will have an inclusion. well, we have already brought jerry helly and alyon alyona to the eurovision song contest, now we will not host, but meet. the largest publishing houses, hundreds of writers and even more avid readers. a large-scale exhibition will be launched on the territory of the national expo center. book country could not miss the opening and our correspondent katryna galko, she is in touch with us live. katya, i congratulate you, what can impress the country of books, and that you have already made it to visit, to see, maybe even to read something? please. i congratulate vasyly, i congratulate the viewers of the espresso tv channel. in fact, there are a lot of events here and the territory is quite large, so we did not manage to go around even half of everything, but now. we are right in the center of the book country, this is a book fair, more than a hundred ukrainian publishing houses are represented here, in particular, we were told that a lot of books were brought from kharkov, as we can see,
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by buyers. there are also a lot of people who want to buy something, even though the weather is bad today such an unstable and very, very disturbing day, there is also a charity stand, where you can bring books and donate them to help the international center of the city of dobra, as well as in okhmedyt, there is also a promise of many, many famous people, many writers, many public figures with whom you can talk, it is possible to advise about the book, what is the special feature of the book country 2024, let's... let's hear now in the comments, we felt today at the end of the first day, that the main feature here is a lot of its people, you can see here famous writers, writers, beginners, from different cities, from chernihiv, from kyiv, from cherkasy, from uzhgorod, from lviv, from kharkiv, you see show business stars here.
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so, in addition to buying books, there are many different interesting events here that you can and must visit, there is a lot of entertainment here, you can play board games, you can visit playgrounds, stages, they say that it is interesting not only for children, but and adults, you can attend publication presentations, public readings, autograph sessions, etc., and today we managed to see, managed to learn that people, which you definitely... know, it turns out, studied together, together on the same course, so how famous journalists, politicians, artists managed to carry friendship and actually love for ukraine and for culture and continue to develop it through the years, let's hear in the comments now , we discovered literature for ourselves, because for the first time we taught, for example, a shot revival, which was simply forbidden before, and because of that , it was such a discovery of a
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completely different world and ukraine for us. than we all imagined, the teachers helped to do it because they were very strong and very interesting, and we all do the same thing, we support ukraine from all sides, and if we do the same thing, we definitely intersect, even if we do it in different fields, we still support each other. so, the large-scale book country continues today, and will continue. the next three days, i.e. friday, saturday and sunday, if you have time, if you are in kyiv, be sure to visit, you can definitely spend more than one day off here, i suspect even two, because, as you see, there is someone to talk to, there is something to see, there is something to buy, the choice is huge, and even if you do not like to read, they promise that they will definitely pick up something for you here, and you will find out that you you love books,
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so we're going to... and continue to see what we haven't been able to see yet, vasyl, and i'll pass the etar to you, thank you, katryna galko, our correspondent from the book exhibition, it's a pity that i'm not there, but in in any case , we will, i will say later, when we go, we mean the group of the great ether, well now, now a short pause, after it you will wait for oleksandr morchenko, there is also a lot of interesting and important information about money . kratal contains natural components that care for your heart. kratal improves blood supply and the functional state of the myocardium, normalizes the heart rate , and increases physical and mental performance. kratal is a natural force for your heart. there are discounts on zip or 15% in psyllanyk, pam and oskad pharmacies. laughter,
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a hero who is alone. one of the first volunteered to defend.


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