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tv   [untitled]    April 25, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm EEST

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we have to bring espresso back to the digital air. 18:00 in ukraine, news time on the spresso tv channel, in the studio of iryna koval. i welcome all the viewers and now to the most important events. seven people were injured as a result of the shelling of balaklia in the kharkiv region. this was announced by the head of the region oleksinigubov. the occupiers were hit near the building of the railway station. details of the attack are currently being established. emergency services are on site. desperate dodgers tried to swim across the yew at night. six violators were detained
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by border guards 100 m from the shore, about it reported in the state border service. the men wanted to get to neighboring romania. for this, they contacted the organizer of illegal trips. so for the sum of more than 5,000 euros, they received a kind of safe route. created a green route for dodgers. border guards exposed another scheme of illegal transportation of men of military age abroad. this was reported in the western regional office of the state border service. the organizer of the scheme was a 43-year-old resident of vinnytsia. the attacker and his accomplice guaranteed for the evaders, departure to hungary through checkpoints. €800 was charged for such a trip. the organizers were detained. summonses will not be served abroad. this was stated by the spokesman of the ministry of defense. according to him, the work
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of ukrainian recruitment centers abroad is unreal, so after the new law on mobilization comes into force, men of draft age who are outside ukraine will have 60 days to update their military registration data, from june it will be possible to keep data online through electronic office. detained for a bribe in dnipropetrovsk. the chairman of the district court and his mediator were exposed, the national police reported this. the official promised the suspect in the criminal case to remove the seizure from the property, instead he demanded $25. in the course of the investigation , it was documented that the persons involved received funds, after receiving which the judge made an illegal decision in favor of the person. during the search of... the places
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of residence and work of the persons involved, the law enforcement officers seized funds that were received as illegal benefits. now the issue of reporting the suspicion to the head of one of the district judges and the mediator is resolved. europe should not become a vassal of the united states because there are not enough weapons for self-defense, french president emmanuel macron said during a speech to sorbonne students. macron has long called for european strategic autonomy that involves less dependence on washington. this position gained more resonance after donald trump's statements about europe's insufficient contribution to the financing of the north atlantic alliance. it is obvious that there is no defense of a defenseless industry. this question states. on transforming
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the urgency of supporting ukraine into long-term efforts. this is what we call the military economy, which we are pushing hard with minister lecorne. we've had decades of underinvestment in our manufacturing. they also created a very strong dependence on non-european industry. so, faced with that, we have to produce more, and we have to produce more in europe. fighters. 16 will arrive in ukraine in the summer, confirmed the extraordinary and ambassador plenipotentiary of the kingdom of denmark in ukraine oli egberg mikkelsen and added that it is not only about aircraft, but also about the arrangement of the necessary ground service infrastructure. in addition, denmark trains not only pilots, but also ground crews and technical personnel. everything is according to plan, my prime minister was here a few months ago, and then he said that the letter... will arrive
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in the summer of this year, he did not specify a specific month, but of course it is june, july or august. princess victoria of sweden will study at the office. training in the army it will be held in the fall, the country's armed forces said. the education of forty-six-year-old victoria will be part of her preparation for a possible accession to the throne. the officer program is designed for people who already have a college degree and usually lasts about two years. previously, the princess underwent a three-week basic training at the international center of the swedish army, and also studied the theories of conflicts and peaceful settlement at the same time. nato secretary general jen stoltenberg visited a fighter jet of the german air force eurofighter. this happened as part of his visit to the rostock-laaga air base, where the luftwaffe air squadron is located, near
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the coast of the baltic sea. stoltenberg noted that this squadron of rapid response aircraft is an important contribution to nato's air defense. polish president andrzej duda invited the country's prime minister donald tusk to discuss the placement of nuclear weapons under the nato program. they plan to discuss this at next week's meeting on wednesday. meanwhile, the kremlin has already had time to react to this news. they started threatening that nuclear facilities of nato countries will be allegedly legitimate targets of the russian federation. putin's election cannot be considered legitimate, this is stated in the resolution adopted by the european parliament at a meeting in strasbourg. 493 deputies supported the document, 11 spoke against it and 18 abstained. the parliament calls on the member states of the european union and the international
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community not to recognize the results of the presidential elections in russia as legitimate, since they were held in the illegally occupied territories of ukraine. in the resolution emphasize, even inside russia, these elections did not meet basic international election standards. 38 billion dollars of foreign support. ukraine can count on such financial assistance this year, said the head of the national bank, andriy pishnyi. according to him, only in march we received about 9 billion dollars from our partners. this made it possible to increase international reserves to and allowed the hryvnia to strengthen due to the reduction of the discount rate. the nbu sees some room for further softening of the interest rate policy, provided that favorable macro-financial trends are maintained. basic scenario
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the forecast of the national bank foresees a reduction of the discount rate to 13% in the current year. such a softening of the interest rate. policies and planned steps on currency liberalization should not create additional threats to macro-financial stability and stability of the currency market. they attack not only with missiles, but also with information weapons. the special representative of the osce chairmanship in ukraine during the international conference on media literacy and media self-regulation noted that russia continues the hybrid war, and the fight against it concerns. not only of the government or organizations, but the whole society, which can resist disinformation and propaganda. marcel peshko added that it is not just necessary to educate people, but to strengthen resistance to such informational challenges. countering
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disinformation and propaganda is about democracy. it is about faith in democratic institutions, it is about faith in democratic decision-making. and those who use propaganda as a tool use it against democracy and democratic decisions. they want to weaken democracy. and i want to remind you about our collection. means of communication and security is needed by the intelligence unit of the third regiment of special operations forces. they fight for the independence of our country in difficult battles on the eastern front and give us the opportunity to live, work and study. our goal is 700. 2000 uah. with your help, we have already made an advance payment and we have to collect less than uah 300,000. so let's not delay, the war continues and the help of each of us is very important. every hryvnia of yours is of great importance. you can now see all the details on the screen. such
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were the news at that time. more you as always you can read on our website espresso tv. also subscribe. us on social networks, there you will find a summary of the main points, and also watch unique content on youtube, i am iryna koval, i say goodbye to you and say goodbye to you until tomorrow, i wish you peace. yesterday, in just a few minutes, meet my colleague vasyl zymy. laughter, physical activity, sneezing. even during such a small load, urinary incontinence can make itself felt. feminost uro helped me. thanks to natural ingredients. uro helps restore control over urination. feminost uro - urination under control.
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starting at 7 p.m. enjoy something special the sound of real rock. dead rooster. buy tickets for concert ua. a lever of influence or a decision that will anger ukrainians. minister of foreign affairs dmytro kuleba shocked men abroad, because in a few days consular services outside ukraine will stop being provided to ukrainian citizens of conscription age. the most important thing today at 21:15 in the project is spoken by velikiy lviv. a square where everyone gets to speak and everyone is heard. on the air of the espresso tv channel. the verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more
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important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day with the help of a telephone survey, switch on and switch on, verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20:00 to 22:00 at espresso. what to do when there will be a break? alloholk, but what for bile? alohol, it protects the liver and gall bladder, alohol with care and respect for the liver and gall bladder. premium sponsor of the national team represents: united football, stronger together. good evening, we are from ukraine! greetings, dear tv viewers,
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my name is vasyl zama, this is a big broadcast on the spresso tv channel, and i and my colleagues will talk with you about the most important things for the next hour and 45 minutes, and of course we will report on what will happen during our broadcast. and we begin with the announcement of the collection, and the press calls for participation in the collection of ammunition for the 65th separate mechanized brigade. the brigade serves on the zaporizhzhia hotline, we have a request from the defenders for specific types ammunition, they are very much looking forward to help from us in the near future. battles are currently being fought in rather difficult, one might say, hellish conditions, so things must be modern, high-quality, meet needs, be comfortable for conducting combat operations, for defense and for attacking the enemy. we believe that with joint efforts we will quickly close this collection, our goal is uah 100,000, you are quite active in collecting the necessary funds, i will announce a little later how much has already been collected,
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and now we will talk about the situation in sumy oblast, there today and hostile drg tried enter. on the territory of the region from the territory of the country of the aggressor, well, there was also an attack on the sums by a guided aerial bomb. dmytro lantushenko, head of the public relations service of the 117th separate territorial defense brigade. mr. dmitry, i congratulate you. congratulations, glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. let's start with today's air attack on the city of sumy. it was announced in the news in... an explosion rang out in sumy, and a little earlier they wrote that the enemy hit the city with a guided air bomb, about the consequences of what can be speak, please tell me, well, maybe something else happened, because this information was a few hours ago, maybe something else has changed during these hours? well, unfortunately, the missile and bombardment of sumy oblast takes place every day, and yesterday
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there was a shelling in front of the city of sumy, today kab flew in... almost every day there are shellings of civilian infrastructure, these are shellings of the infrastructure of the city of sumy, today was exactly the kind of attack, in principle , unfortunately, this happens every day, so there is nothing new, except for the terror of the civilian population on the part of the russian federation, that is, about any consequences visible from today's attack cannot be said, but fortunately... according to the information that we have, there were no victims, and they also wrote several times today with one or another detail, but again, not all details can be trusted , because not everything is always voiced, not everything needs to be voiced, this is a story that happened, unfortunately, sometimes these stories had tragic consequences not only for the military armed
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forces of ukraine or the defense forces, but also for the civilian population, in the enemy's sumy oblast sabotage and reconnaissance group. tried to enter the territory of the region, there was a battle with the defense forces, what is known about it, and again , well, roughly, which community, wherever, wherever they wanted, wherever they wanted to enter, and whether civilians also suffered, because we we know the story when the russian saboteurs simply, well, they shot or in some other way, i don't know how they destroyed, unfortunately, or they caused various injuries to local residents, who... in principle, had nothing to do with whether or not could enter into battle or to somehow harm these saboteurs, there really was an attempt to cross the border, a battle really took place, our defense forces reacted promptly, contacted each other, repulsed the enemy, and the drg retreated, actually,
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again, both due to rocket and bomb attacks, and drg actions are possible. to say that we are ready for this, they almost constantly try to cross the border of the sumy oblast in one way or another, they try in one way or another not only to harm the defense forces, but also to the civilian population, so what was the purpose of yesterday's event drg, we don't understand, we don't know, but they left, they left with certain losses according to our information, well, we are fully prepared for the fact that it may happen tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow, and every day. i also had information that over the last day the enemy had launched 74 strikes on the territory of sumy oblast, residential buildings were damaged, about the wounded, victims, at least i did not read, well, this is exactly what you were talking about when answering my first question, that enemy shelling happen
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all the time, this is the bilopol community, that's me they suggest suffering. and these are mainly cabs, or they can be mortars, artillery, not necessarily long-range artillery, i understand that the enemy is somewhere not so far from the border, is it possible that he also uses attack drones, or drops explosives on cars there , well, we remember the story, it was this story a long time ago, but it happened that they dropped explosives or grenades or some other devices on civilian cars, once upon a time they attacked a milk truck. also karate ambulance, that is, there, as i understand it, they have a special one there is no discussion of what to shoot at, what they see on the ground, what, what is there now, what are they mainly hitting with? the enemy is using the entire range of hostile actions and enemy shelling, these
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are definitely rocket and bomb strikes that reach, reach the entire territory of sumy oblast itself, this is dozens of mortar and artillery attacks every day, this is also an increase in the use of drones absolutely, which concerns the border areas, which concerns . forces that are located on the border, namely fpv drones, mortars and artillery, they go anywhere, it can be a destroyed private house, it can be a destroyed kindergarten or school or some outpatient clinic, absolutely indiscriminately, well, we clearly understand their purpose, it is to keep the civilian population in alarm, these are terrorist attacks, terrorist acts. it must be admitted that they actually succeed in this, because, well, if i tell you that sumyshchyna has been in a certain state of anxiety for the last few days, because since last week
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, information about a possible attack on sumyshchyna has been spreading massively in rusnya channels, about demining borders on that side, and there were queues at car gas stations, there was activity in shops, a lot... they call and say that we need to leave, not to leave, people need to clearly understand that sumy is the largest border with the enemy, and if we have such a terrorist threat, then at any moment we are unlimited and there can be any attack, but i would like to responsibly state that all the defense forces are in sumy oblast, all law enforcement agencies are in sumy oblast. questions and works on construction, strengthening, strengthening defensive structures are probably also being conducted, well , we understand, we don’t indicate the location there, i’m
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very brief, just to the point, why it’s important, i’m just going to literally immediately let our viewers understand why it’s important, and to build these structures and to keep the defense forces in constant readiness, near the border with the shostka district, the enemy is concentrating powerful weapons, but it is not specified which, but we understand... we understand that the offensive is still art training takes place in any case, it is already not february 24, when the enemies entered there, looking, and where is anyone here, please, in columns, yes, yes, so you have to understand that all the defense forces are in place, the regional defense headquarters is constantly working, they are working. communication between border guards, between law enforcement officers, we, thanks to our intelligence, understand every step of the enemy, we understand the personnel of the enemy
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located outside the border of sumy oblast, we understand the number of armored vehicles, we understand their plans, so there is definitely no need to panic here, especially with regard to fortification , then all residents of sumy oblast, in one way or another, moving the territories of sumy oblast see that sumy is active. is actively building fortifications, we are ready, i think completely, to meet the enemy, i hope that these fortifications will not be used by our defense forces, against them, and in the event of any escalation of the conflict, we are ready to give fight back, and this fight back will be worthy, so people need to understand that, unfortunately, we have such an enemy, he works for destruction. the border region feels it every day on our own, however, we are ready to repel the enemy, and all the defense forces are located in the sumy oblast, on
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the territory, both the territorial defense and the zso, we work, we communicate, and there are no panicky moods, we have, we have already been through this several times, so well, they are redundant today, we need to inform, we need to help the armed forces and believe in our defense forces, believe me, there will definitely not be anything like what happened on the 24th, and well, we see, we see how their passage takes place on the territory, we see that there is proper protection of the territory, so we are completely calm, thank you thank you very much for your comments, thank you for your work, dmytro lantushenko, head of the public relations service of the 117th separate brigade of territorial defense of the sumy oblast, and now we will talk about such military-political issues and this... the question is actually very irritating, about who does not write it, and people involved, not involved, can only influence, but cannot, those who are participants, to whom it concerns, to whom it does not concern, we are talking
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about consuls. such certain restrictions, and the behavior of ukrainian men who left outside of ukraine after february 24 and not only after february 24. iryna fries, with us, people's deputy of ukraine, ms. iryna, i greet you, good afternoon, i want to continue this topic, and from what happened, well, there is a decision of the ministry of foreign affairs, and that now consular services are not provided, man. conscripts from 18 to 60 years old who are outside ukraine, yesterday we saw such very emotional behavior, emotional events in warsaw, in particular, this video was the one we saw, yesterday we had the inclusion of our correspondent also from warsaw, and today some say, yes, it should be avoided, there are not only rights, there are duties of citizens, the statement of the ministry of defense that summonses will not be served to these people and a lot of other things,
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let's start from the beginning. a similar decision, the one that was adopted by the ministry of foreign affairs, to what extent it is justified, not justified, and in your opinion, what was the goal when it was adopted, because there must be a goal that we will achieve in reality, not in words, but in reality. well, first of all, i would not start with whether it is right, wrong, and from the fact that it is illegal. that is, this decision, or, let's say, this signed letter. of the deputy minister of foreign affairs of ukraine, which was sent to consular institutions abroad, regarding the temporary restriction of the provision of consular services is illegal. moreover, i see that the law enforcement authorities should be interested in the person who signed, the official who signed this letter, because from my point of view it is on the one hand an abuse of power and an excess of official duties, on the other... with
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on the other hand, inflicting a significant image blow on ukrainians and ukraine. well, the right of image is, you know, such a concept, well, what is also voiced in ukraine, i can’t help but agree with it here too, why exactly the same citizens of ukraine who, well, someone there legally left the borders of ukraine , men mean conscription, some illegally, some... conditionally legally, but in any case men who are in ukraine today, both at the front and not at the front, some may be at the front, someone from the front will return to civilian life, well, the women and men who are fighting today or have died, they ask a logical question: why should we, and you should not, what is the difference? i think that, first of all, we should all refrain from manipulations that try to split
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the unity of our society and unity. of our people, someone is very keen to draw another fault line between different groups of the people, in particular in this case after the stormy autumn and the split along the lines of the military leadership and the political leadership, now they have moved to a split directly to the society itself in ukrainians here and ukrainians there, i once again want to... emphasize that we must be, we must be, with critical thinking in relation to the fact that we are involved in the relevant manipulations, which will be used very qualitatively by our the enemy is the russian federation, including through its fifth columns in european countries, where they will continue to incite the local population to reject ukrainians. i... am sure
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that all of us should be aware that ukraine is a legal state. in a legal state there is such a basic concept, the rule of law. there is a law that has not yet entered into force on mobilization, it will enter into force on may 18, according to the norms of this law, after it enters into force, that is, after may 18, all citizens in... the country of conscription age from 18 to 60 years old are obliged to renew their personal data, according to the same law, which will enter into force only on may 18, it will be possible to update these personal data within 60 days for ukrainians who will be in ukraine.


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