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tv   [untitled]    April 25, 2024 12:30pm-1:00pm EEST

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i'm sorry, it was in the senate, ukrainian flags were used, and this maga groupie was just angry, and they said that this was a general violation of the law, the rules, that in fact there should be no other flag than the american one on the capitol, well, and of course, aid to ukraine is also a signal to allies in europe and other parts of the world that the united states is not collecting. listen to their leadership positions, that they keep, well, actually to the word and the commitments they have taken on themselves, let's see, i think that in fact we have already began to receive these weapons, it is clear that the biden administration ordered in such a way that germany, especially poland , already had the means that were planned to be transferred to us, and they will now be directed to the front line, i literally watched the politician before the broadcast, they. .. claim that
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the previous aid package already included atakoms operational-tactical missiles and that ukraine already used them for russian purposes, well, so far there is no such confirmation, but it is clear that atakoms is something that worries the russians extremely and already for their on television, they listed all the cities of both occupied ukraine and actually russian cities that fall under the impact of these missiles, with a range of 300, maybe a little more. kilometers, so of course this is a very good day for ukraine, and it is clear that this is not a good day for the russians, they failed to mobilize the opponents of ukraine in the congress to block aid, to introduce ridiculous amendments, such as , margery grien made amendments that cannot be handed over to the so-called nazi azo battalion, although, well, it is clear that it is not nazi, and it has not been that battalion for a long time.
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precisely about the support of the hungarian minority of the ukrainian carpathians, margaret taylor green can find the carpathians, i don’t even know if she will be able to find kyiv on the map, but i understood where such theses were coming from, and it was clear that she was trying to actually forget and delay the decision-making in the house of representatives, so this is a very good day for us, for our allies, or rather our partners, on alas, we still... no allies and those who fight for freedom against tyranny, and senate democratic majority leader chuck schumer called the vote in the senate one of the greatest achievements of the senate in recent times and win and the forces that stand on the side of democracy, listen , what chuck schumer said. today, the senate sends a universal message to the world: america will always be defended. we tell our allies we
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will stand with you, we tell our adversaries, don't touch us. we tell the world that we will do everything to protect ours democracy and our way of life. with a resounding bipartisan vote, six long months of hard work paid off. mr. alexander, how is this decision of the united states of america? will now affect the actions of all our western partners, so whether this is a marker or a sign for all other partners, well , the uk immediately announced a large aid package of 500 million pounds, for smaller partners and maybe not so active, like the united states of america and great britain? well, you know, i would say two here important points, the first of which is not discussed publicly yet. that literally today i
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read an article by meanbaum in the atlantic, where she calls on the biden administration to change its strategy with regard to ukraine, because in reality it is a losing strategy, that we have to fight only on our own territory, which means that we cannot use western weapons on russian territory itself, and several other restrictions that were introduced by washington back in the 22nd year, which limited the assistance provided to us by other partners, because i understood they follow the united states and hardly would they dare to do something in conflict with them, although britain was the leader and in fact it pushed them , the united states, including providing us with missiles such as stormshadow, that is, the americans did not want to give such and the first to give tanks, the first gave helicopters and many other things, i will, i hope that they will actually get to the issue of strategy, they will understand that it was a failure... the strategy
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of all these last few years on the americans in the russian direction, this is a key moment, because then he will make it possible to transfer to ukraine more powerful systems, with a greater radius of action, and of course, that... we will use them as if the united states or nato member countries themselves would use them, that is, hit the places of concentration of russian equipment and manpower command posts, infrastructure facilities, and of course we remember the same kerch bridge. i hope that both for and what has been happening in ukraine in the last few months, first of all, this is an increase in attacks on ukrainian cities and... what is happening now in kharkiv, understood that this is a great tragedy, and that in order to prevent russia from erasing another large city from the map of ukraine, air defense systems are needed. now there is such a discussion, what i have seen in open sources, well, apart from the fact that we
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know that germany has agreed to transfer one patriot, and greece is considering, and at least in the press writing, at least one system they will give to ukraine, and maybe two , still possible. the question may be about the s-300, these soviet complexes, which, of course, they are will also come in handy, there is pressure on spain, which has quite a large number of patriots, of course, that they are not in the epicenter of combat events, and therefore they could hand over to ukraine, let's see what the spaniards will say in the near future, most likely during the next ramstein, literally in two days, also well... not entirely pleasant news from germany, speaking together with rishi sunak, olaf scholz said that his position on those weapons that are transferred to ukraine will not change, that is, we will not see taurus yet , despite the fact that there is information,
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that the americans have handed over, or at least are about to hand over, to the atakums. france handed over several dozen anti-missiles for the smt system. and those, this is very good, but let's hope that the french will, well, wait for what other countries gave us, france is in 16th place in terms of security aid, of course - it is clear that this does not count for a country with a powerful army and with a powerful defense-industrial complex, so let's see, literally in two days, i hope that there will be such pleasant announcements for ukraine, but for now the president... zelensky thanks the american congressmen and senators and the american leadership in general for the approved aid package and says that ukraine will do everything to compensate for the six months spent in debate and doubt. let's listen to what
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zelensky said. these days we have been working as hard as possible with our american friends at all levels to expeditiously... fill this package from the united states with exactly the kind of weapons that our soldiers need, from atakams and artillery, from anti-tank weapons and missiles for highmars, to the necessary air defense and equipment. i am grateful to president biden, to congress, to all americans who feel the need to knock the ground out from under putin's feet, not to obey. him, and only in this way will there really be fewer threats to freedom. together we can ensure it. well, in addition, zelensky also said that according to intelligence, the russians want to disrupt the global peace summit, which
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is planned for june in switzerland. he says that, accordingly, he received information from intelligence officers, and noted that russia has a plan to reduce the participation of countries in the summit. and how to act so that peace does not last even longer, and called on partners to oppose this and work in unity for a just peace, this is the help that our people and our country received from the americans, and the support that is now from great britain, from france , germany, well, in a different way, this shows, mr. oleksandr, that this peace summit, which we are counting on... great, great hope that it will be successful for ukraine, that is, what might be the consequences of holding of this summit for ukraine, for the world, and for russia? well, first of all, you should to say that all the help that is provided and has been provided recently, it is extremely
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important for our military to be able to plan for the 24th year, whether defensive operations or offensive, because it is clear that we are dependent. from our international partners to a great extent, and it is clear that without understanding that we can count on certain systems, on the amount of ammunition, we cannot actually... act on, well, let's say, on the future, only defend ourselves with all that that we have, and by and large, this is the most important a thing that happened from the point of view of the military dimension. regarding the peace summit, i am a little skeptical in the sense that we will definitely not achieve peace there, but the most important goal is not even that, it is to keep our partners and not only those who help us the most, but also those who as it is, conditionally they say... they are still sitting on the fence and watching this situation, keep them closer to you,
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show that ukraine is determined for peace, show that the peace formula, whether it is president zelenskyi's or ukraine's, as you like to name, but it's nothing more than what is written in the un charter in the final act of the csce, i mean the correct violation of borders, not the use of force or the threat of the use of force, and that it is in the interests of the global community, not only ukraine, not only. ukraine's neighbors or nato member countries on the european continent. therefore , the summit will be positive in the sense that we will take the lead in the fact that we have a formula for peace, that we have a desire for peace, and that russia is the only violator, the only obstacle on the way to this peace, and for now , it is, it is clear that ukraine needs support, this is security assistance, this is economic assistance, this is humanitarian assistance, well, of course, diplomatic and political actions, so i agree. on the one hand, this summit will not bring peace unequivocally, but on the other hand , it will create a certain pressure on our partners,
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on our friends and those who, well, let's say, stand aside in order to further support ukraine and show that the only threat to peace, security in europe there is not only the russian federation, but here the question is quite simple, mr. oleksandr, but when will there be a consensus with on the occasion of russia's defeat, that is, when we clearly... hear that putin's russia, or russia in the form it is in now, threatens the world not only ukraine. well, unfortunately, i don't see any prospects here, especially in washington and in the capitals of old europe, well, except for probably the united kingdom, because you know that the united states is in a difficult situation now, and some of these trumpians, they profess isolationist views , they say that we have in the middle. on our own interests, we don't need them endless warriors, that is, the appetite of the americans
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to spread democracy or change regimes elsewhere in the world, and there is no such appetite, and therefore this is one story, the second part and the important part is that they are afraid of nuclear escalation, because it is clear that if russia will fall apart, the one who will hold the nuclear button may not be predictable, further. available is the proliferation of weapons, mass destruction, and we know for sure that russia has, in addition to nuclear weapons, chemical weapons, the same newcomer, and most likely bacteriological weapons, because russia violates all the obligations signed by them, this is also the possibility of civil wars on the territory of the russian federation, look at the ukrainians, 6 million ukrainians are abroad, our refugees, more than 5 million internally displaced persons, that is from a country where... . 35-40 million. we do not know the exact number of ukrainians, but there are 140 million. we can imagine the influx of these
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refugees with the russian federation, and by the way, through the territory of ukraine, to european countries, how it can shake the political, social stability, i'm not talking about security, because russians behave in other countries in the same way as at home. therefore, all these fears, they, they are there, they do not go anywhere, of course you have to work with them. and the last one. great fear, well at least for the united states, so siberia will go, because siberia is rich in various deposits, if it goes to china, it will mean that china will have enough resources to continue its policy and its strategy of acquiring the status of a hegemon in asia, and therefore all the world, and of course that it is not this that worries the americans first of all, but also the europeans, that's all of them, this whole complex. issues, the impossibility of imagining a world without russia, but it will somehow exist, and maybe these democrats will come to power there, and
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maybe after putin there may not be such a bad ruler with whom it is possible to have, well, if not to have good relations, then at least as during the cold war, pragmatic relations and control all this contagion from nuclear weapons to 140 million women give birth, keep them in this corner, that is, all these moments, they are there, only our closest friends who have felt the boot or boot of russia, or the russian empire or the soviet union, they clearly share our views that a single integrity, it must be destroyed, must be destroyed, and then, by the way, this will be a very positive moment for the russians, they will finally then get the opportunity to build not a new empire, but to deal with their immediate affairs and build some kind of normal country, mr. alexander,
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he is flying to china on the 24th until april secretary of state of the united states of america, blinkin is already there, the editor informs me, and is to warn beijing of punitive measures from the white house if beijing does not stop supplying russia with military and dual-use technology, although on the eve of blinken's visit to china, a spokesman for the ministry china's foreign affairs minister wang wenbin said that the people's republic of china opposes the baseless accusations of the united states. america, regarding normal sino-russian trade. let's hear what he said. in on the ukrainian issue, china took an objective and fair position, made active efforts to stop peace talks and worked for a political settlement. china is neither the one
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who created the ukrainian crisis, nor is it a party to it. he never added fuel to the fire. did not profit from the crisis and will not accept the blame game. we emphasize china's right to normal economic and trade relations with countries around the world, including russia. well, it seems to me that wang wenbin is a little like that is deceitful when he says that china did not profit from the crisis, and that it did not buy from the russians. cheap oil or cheap gas, because, well, in fact it was so, but the fact is that china constantly refers to some objective and fair position there, that with regard to the political settlement, it calls the war the ukrainian crisis, that is, they still count that russia, continuing the war
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against ukraine and our western partners , will fall apart and they will still take a part of siberia. well, what you said, what is afraid afraid in washington with all the resources? well , to be honest, i don’t think that they are sleeping and dreaming of capturing siberia, why do it, when demographically, technologically, financially, they have an advantage, and they will already assimilate russian territories, and without formally controlling them, then another question, when russia will fall apart, of course, then the question of siberia, the original chinese lands, it will certainly arise, but... it should be understood that for china a weak russia is a very good thing, and not only, therefore, natural minerals, russia with sells to the chinese at a big discount, but it is also a market for chinese cars, and actually the chinese have become world leaders in the sale of electric cars, actually thanks to the russians, i ’m not talking about the dual-
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purpose goods, junk that they sell to the russian federation, so they, of course , that the chinese, if they are not lying, then... at least they are lying when they say that they did not make a profit, they would like to have such a weak russia, but for sure that she would not lose this war, since it is a partner, definitely not an ally, but a partner who can come in handy during, let's say, the operation to return ta taiwan to the soviet harbor. the russian federation remains the largest nuclear power, i want to remind you that they have as many strategic nuclear warheads and intercontinental ballistic missiles. but they have much more tactical nuclear weapons, and this, of course, will primarily deter the europeans, but it can also help as a countdown maneuver for the chinese, who, by the way, are also building up their nuclear potential quite quickly, only for they have created something for more than 80 warheads and carriers for a year and a half and are going to increase it to
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a thousand, so china wants to support russia in any way so that it does not ... live on sanctions, secondary, that is, secondary sanctions, and export control, and actually this worries them more than international law. the 12 points that were announced by the chinese in the second year of the large-scale invasion are very philosophical, and there is absolutely no condemnation of the russian federation, nor a demand for the russian federation to release all illegal occupied, annexed ukrainian territories, it is clear that for us this kind of... let's say this, this option is not suitable, then the chinese constantly talk about blocs and bloc thinking and so on, of course, he does not like it in and in europe, because it actually gives an opportunity to the europeans... in union with the americans to oppose the russian federation, because individually they would not be able to do it, and the chinese definitely do not want any blocs of alliances in
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the indo-pacific region, and actually this is their principled position, well, actually their vision what happened, why russia attacked ukraine, they believe that it was russia's legitimate interests that were violated, that russia tried to settle it politically, diplomatically, gave signals that nato expansion was not... acceptable and then eventually was forced to attack ukraine, that is , the chinese have this kind of thinking, and it is clear that they do not want russia to lose for another strategic reason. this would mean that the west, especially the united states, would deploy all its resources to contain china. therefore, it is better to have a weak partner who, according to bovdor, breaks the international system and actually performs the tasks that china would like to do, but does not do. so as not to run into problems, and of course, to receive all the dividends that a weak partner can give him. thank you, mr. oleksandr, for the conversation, it was oleksandr
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hara, a diplomat, and we, friends, continue our conversation on the air, and i remind you that we work both on tv and on our platforms in youtube and facebook, and there and there we are conducting a survey today, asking you about whether justified consular restrictions for men abroad... yes no, everything is quite simple on youtube, if you have your own dissenting opinion, please write in the comments, if you watch us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote if you think that the consular restrictions for men abroad are justified, then 0800 211 381, no 0800 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote, further contact ihor reiterov. political scientist head of political and legal programs of the ukrainian center for social development, mr. igor, i congratulate you, thank you for joining our broadcast. good evening. so, the senate and
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congress of the united states of america passed a bill on providing assistance to ukraine. biden signed this law. and how, mr. igor, does it change and does it change the world's attitude to the russian-ukrainian war, as far as this decision is concerned. is such a benchmark and a marker for other states? well, in fact, this is a very important symbolic step and a marker, why? because well, first of all, the united states reminded that it does not give up its leading role in protecting democratic principles and values ​​and standards around the world, primarily in the context of the russian-ukrainian war. secondly, this is a largely symbolic step. secondly, it is a signal to the partners of the united states, including the alliance. that they are also ready to fulfill their obligations and act as a leader in countering russian aggression, helping in this way in ukraine, and by the way, i am convinced that this help, this
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aid package, it should not cool down the european partners, on the contrary , it should speed them up in the sense that the united states with one such decision, albeit somewhat belated, actually blocked all the aid provided by the european countries together, and therefore them. .. there is someone to look up to, and there is, well, let's say, there are certain prospects for increasing the aid that they provide, so it is very telling here that this coincided with the allocation of aid from britain, the netherlands, i understand, in the near future will be norway, france also about a certain package announced, well, most likely we are in the near future, there in the coming weeks we will see several more such packages, but actually from european countries, and the most important point, this is of course a signal from the russian federation, because if you look at... the statements of russian propagandists and official representatives of the russian authorities, in recent months they have been in such a, you know, clear understanding that everything is going according to their plan, that
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they will squeeze both ukraine and europe, and in principle the united states, well, the united states in the sense that they will remove themselves from aid to ukraine, and they will be able to achieve such a change in the situation when they will dictate their terms, literally in one day the situation has radically changed, it is clear that this... aid package, which will be divided into smaller packages, which will be allocated over a long period of time period of time, well, he is not able to radically, instantly, let's say, turn the situation on the battlefield, we must understand this, and our partners, as well as all adequate representatives of our military and political leadership, are talking about this, which, in addition to there are many of this package other issues that ukraine itself should solve, but he really changes the situation, he does not make russia's position more ... just self-confident, confident, and this will force them to now reorient all their plans that they had, which were calculated just right on the lack of this help from
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the united states, because if you look at... the message from russia, they practically had full confidence that this story would end negatively for ukraine, and when at the last moment, to a large extent, all this was played out, they are now well will be forced to come up with some new tactics and strategy, taking into account the fact that ukraine has received significant support, and this support will last at least until the end of the year. will they have time to do it, well, let's hope not, and we, with this certain confusion, which is present in them now, will be able to... be useful to ourselves. other questions that arise from the american side to the ukrainian side are articulated in part in the state report of the state department of the united states of america for the 23rd year, and in particular it refers to violations of human rights in ukraine during the war, in particular, the one news telethon is mentioned there. i will quote what the americans write. national telethon, a rotating platform
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of channels that toe the government line. coverage of the war is unlikely to have an unprecedented level of control over primetime news, with some media outlets reporting suspensions from lucrative terrestrial contracts and pressure from the president's office as early as spring 2022. let me remind you that in the spring of 2022, three espresso tv channels the fifth and direct were turned off from t-2, we did not receive any explanations from the authorities... as these markers, how they will influence the attitude of the americans, the fact that the americans will extend a helping hand to ukraine, and how important they are, because i am now reading the reaction of the ukrainians officials, performing the duties of the minister of culture and information, karandeiv said that there would be no quick reaction from the authorities to these remarks, and why exactly?
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look, and this is actually the expected position, now the authorities will generally try to pretend that these are just some wishes, some kind of analytical report, which is not, you know, a document that must be taken into account, why? because the government is actually completely satisfied with such a situation, both in the context of information policy and in the context of some other points that are written in this report, and they concern not only the information component, well, many others in principle, so... that's why now there will be a certain period of lack of reaction, then they will watch for the appropriate reaction from the united states, you know, the americans, when they do such things, they they do them for a reason, they give an opportunity, speaking in such, you know, simple language, to save face, we hinted to you, we made a certain hint, we give you the opportunity and time for you to draw the appropriate conclusions, but if you do not draw these conclusions , and this
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time may be there for several months, it... of course it is not about days or weeks, then we will make other decisions and they will be tougher in relation to the problems that were raised in this report, so now the authorities will try somehow ignore it, hope that other topics are more relevant, they will one way or another cover up this negativity that is in this report, but something tells me that they will not forget about it for one simple reason : elections in the states, including these issues will be used. during the elections, internal ukrainian issues for certain manipulations, manipulations, well, in the end, we already saw it, we saw, as separate topics, about censorship, for example, they used, well, frankly, ultra-radical, right-wing radical some right-wing politicians, it is clear that well, they didn't do it in a very, you know, correct way, even a bad way, but it got into the information space, it influenced american
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citizens, it formed a certain... and their public opinion, so actually the authorities now have a beautiful the opportunity to take advantage of these comments, these recommendations and try to somehow correct the situation, i will say right away that i do not believe that before the end of the legal regime of martial law , we will have, for example, a canceled single marathon, well, you know that very well, good a tool that will be used in the future, especially since it is financed from the budget, and partly there are private funds of the owners of those tv channels that... marathons, for example, participate, so there is no total, well, controllable tool to refuse such a tool no, let's say sense, and it will remain, certain objective points will be cited related to the need to counter russian propaganda, this should not be disputed, but this is not enough in the 24th year, it was enough in the 22nd, but not enough in the 24th, along with that power...


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