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tv   [untitled]    April 25, 2024 5:30am-6:00am EEST

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play there tomorrow coffee in yalta, the day after tomorrow there is a concert in yalta, there is a chiburek in bakhchisarai, it adds likes, yes, it is normal for politicians, but there is another dimension, there is a dimension of real work, yes, and therefore this step was really timely then, because it was not something diplomatic, as they say table talks, i.e. conversations, it was just putting crimea on the agenda as a precedent, a negative precedent, an attempt at annexation, an encroachment on the entire world legal order, on, as they say, the rules of the game that recognized by civilized nations. and therefore it shot, as they say, and our enemies took this very painfully, because they knew what it could lead to, in terms of how to liberate crimea, this, you know, this is a mantra about diplomatic ways, i can say who wants, let me check what i always said a very simple thing: it is impossible to return something that was taken by military means, not by military means, even if we carry out the return without any harm.
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imagine, imagine, without active hostilities, it must still be a military operation, because the russians occupied crimea in february, 14 with little blood, yes, but the military operation and other ways, as they say, of controlling the territory during an armed conflict do not exist, so all these mantras are mantras, yes, and we are people of the real world, so the example is really it is important that today within the crimean platform there is at least this separate security mechanism, which is carried out, let's say , more military. than diplomats, despite this, despite this, in terms of ways and strategy, we have to work out our agenda, but just today we and our colleagues from several ministries held just such security conference already in kyiv, and it's very simple: look, today we already have nine agreements on the security and support of ukraine, which we signed this year, great britain, germany, france and so on, the czech republic is preparing there, and we will we are grateful to any country in the civilized world that signs this agreement with us. is preparing an agreement with
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the united states, right? and in these individual agreements, there is such a position: assistance to ukraine in preparing plans and strategies for reintegration into the occupied territories. on the one hand, it is very good that our partners say that really have to reintegrate it, right? on the other hand, this is such a bell, because it means that our partners understand that we are not all right with these plans, that we need help, and this, sorry, is a certain diagnosis, if it is even spelled out in the agreements. and then today we see these departures, they have recommendations in the manual, no, this is a contract, this is, excuse me, uri majesty or, well , we have simply seen many contracts that, unfortunately, over time did not have their effectiveness in terms of security, for example, the budapest memorandum, just this budapest memorandum is a piece of paper, and those who signed it should actually be responsible for the fact that it was signed in that form, these agreements, this is not a piece of paper, ugh, these are more very serious things, so that you understand , and in the agreement with great britain... it is ukraine's duty
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to help great britain in the event of an attack on great britain, this can be taken skeptically, but once, a long time ago, great britain concluded a similar agreement with portugal, it was in the 14th century, so they still fulfill it, so that you understand how civilized in this world countries treat this kind of, as you say, pieces of paper, it's not pieces of paper, it's very important, today an example is, you know, i have all the respect for all countries, to have these agreements, this is an agreement by the united states. which today, says mr. yarmak from the times magazine, we have to believe him that it is being prepared for signing, but at the same time in the same congress of the united states they have to vote for aid to ukraine, and what they say that aid to ukraine, most likely it will be voted , so it will be connected with some obligation to the white house to develop a strategy for helping ukraine, that is , there must be a certain plan, and most likely this will be announced, and... if we have a certain
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plan, there should be something, a pre-occupation reintegration strategy, right, and here ukraine must put something on the table, and when we held the second strategic forum on the future of crimea with mr. bariyev, and we gathered a lot of experts, very different people, but then, when we presented it in ukrenform, one respectable person, it was not me who said it, but a former adviser to one of the prem eriv, currently he is a doctor of sciences, a professor, and he has got out, you know that we researched this plan, we wrote there on 40 sheets of... comments , sent it to the relevant ministries, we did not even publish it, because we cannot publish such a thing, sorry, under the conditions of war, but he said, it is very good that this document is written in such a way that it is simply impossible to translate it into english, there is such a ukrainian bureaucratic language, such constructions, they simply do not translate, and this, as they say, how tragically it went astray, it is good, because if it is translated and put on our table partners, it would be sabotage, you understand, because if they read it, they should not submit these documents. aid and not only
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funds, i'm sorry, because this military component and the financial component of the aid, which ukraine vitally needs, are important, we do not have the right to submit to our partners for consideration. with all due respect, some strategies about cognitive milioration, because our partners read these strategies, and they decide to give us the funds for this, which we vitally need in the conditions of war, or not, we should all understand that such things are not you can treat, i'm sorry, as things for collecting likes, as things for internal, i'm sorry, use, this is currently a vital issue of the ukrainian state, quality plans for reintegration, which we just talked about in sofia before that, well, my colleagues, well, what about strategy have we already agreed on ensuring the security of the black sea water area within the framework of this conference or not? there were a lot of different topics and there are achievements, well, for example , this year, russia, the aggressor state, was excluded from the danube commission, well, it is a very even path, in fact, from many dimensions, starting from the fact that today the danube is
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a vital trade artery for us, and i will not even discuss the military component, but the international component is clear, because russia sat there as the legal successor of the ssr, not a danube state. another was proved that there was a violation, it was expelled, this is important, this is the second organization that i know, the first was the council of europe, from which russia was excluded for violating international law, and we have to work further, we have a situation with turkey, turkey is a key player in the black sea region, turkish for life it is important for us and for further support and the resistance of the crimean people against and supporting our efforts to occupy crimea, we have to work with this country, we have to prove that we have a common position regarding security in the region, regarding various dimensions of its security, well, for example, you know, maybe there is such a thing as the syrian express , yes, when the aggressor transports cargo to syria, it
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is stolen grain, and military equipment, and something in syria, to the ports of the black sea, perhaps you know, among other things, that syria is not just a regime that destroys own population, why do they build their budget, the so-called, you know, there they have little left for the drug trade, syria has become a supplier of drugs for the entire arab world, for a large part, well, in general, the limited coastal, eastern world, yes, and this transported, in particular, to the occupied crimea, excuse me, by bulk carriers, sea vessels, and this is already, excuse me, a dimension, even one that goes beyond the traditional dimensions of security, and by the way, these nine agreements, he just mentioned it, they are there pose risks that come out. from our occupied territories, we generally hardly even discuss individual risks, for example, this is organized crime that uses the occupied territory as a gray zone, and this is precisely what worries many countries, and we have to share this concern with them and
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provide them, then they say tips, how can we help with this, because as an example, the same occupation administrations, so-called in the occupied crimea and in melitopol, and in genichisk, they are merged with the mafia, right, not simply. the russians rely simply on criminals, not just, you know, on collaborators or on criminals against the state, this is a general criminal crime, for example , human trafficking, yes, pedophilia, sorry on an industrial scale, so that you understand the situation regarding crimea, and this issue we have to put on the table of our partners with evidence and proof, and not just learn our respect to talk about the cognitive impact on the population of the occupied territory, and meanwhile , on the territory of the occupied peninsula, we see how russia initiates, continues to initiate criminal cases against representatives of, for example, the crimean solidarity, and this week we saw that russia opened the next criminal case, administrative proceedings against lutvia, khanum zuddiyeva and other crimean tatars, and also this week there was news that in
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crimea russia is planning, plans to call up more 15,000 people. this is how you assess this latest news and are there any... recommendations for citizens of ukraine living in the territory of the temporarily occupied territory, how to escape from the ranks of the russian army of the russian federation, you know, this is an old problem here, and it always comes up is answers that are contradictory, why, because we have slogans and we have life, well, certain slogans, so not as an example, so go get captured, so to speak, with an example, the general question of how to be a crimean tatar in this situation is two options, wait and... someone says from respected people wait, the question is what can wait, you understand, my advice to everyone who is in the risk zone to leave the occupied territories, you can return, this is tragic, this is a very tragic story, to leave the historical homeland, i understand it, but
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it is better to return alive, to return one's own family, than to become another victim of the occupiers, this choice must be made, and today we see that directly, let's say, this may most likely... well, maybe there will not be a ukrainian flag over bakhchesarai, and in these situations, you can't say that tomorrow, the very next day, everything will be fine, you know that, it's a certain responsibility, as they say, that's what they said. and so i would advise to always assess the situation in the following way, if you are in the risk zone, and the risk zone is very wide, in fact, it is any conscription youth crimean tatar, this is any person who has done anything socially active in his life, this is a person of faith, yes, because we see how they painfully treat any really believing person, this applies not only to crimean tatars , they persecute several religious groups, for them any unification, not simply, as they say from above, but any unification from below on the basis of the separation of certain spiritual... values ​​is a danger for them. ugh. and that's why such a person, being there on the peninsula is a
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risk zone. and i've always said it, quantity political prisoners in crimea are determined only by the occupation system, how much they can digest. and, i'm sorry, to fight them simply with help or help to families or increasing this attention to international platforms, all this should be done, but it will not solve the problem, it is emptying the sea with a spoon. tomorrow we will fire 20 people, exchange them, there will be some mechanism, not tomorrow. tomorrow 100 new ones will be imprisoned, well, because the whole people are simply hostages, yes, the whole people, and in order for the people not to be hostages, the number should be reduced hostages, it is sad, but it is the truth from which we must proceed. well, that is, is it correct, i understand that, well, now we see that there are negotiations between ukraine and turkey about the release of crimean tatar prisoners, but we saw news in the meantime that russia does not really want to release the crimean tatars, it is the crimean tatars, as regards the prisoners of war, that has yet to be agreed upon. but if we talk about political prisoners, russia simply does not want,
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why do you think? well, look, the question is that there is a question of exchanging prisoners of war, often the aggressor is interested, as they say, in exchanges to get certain categories of their prisoners of war, this is not a secret, so they go for it in general, yes, regarding civilian hostages, they have a standard position, it is very difficult, they are very reluctant that's what they're going for, of course, you can always offer clients that they can't refuse, but there are certain questions here, and do we have these clients, that's a question for our law enforcement officers, we have a huge bunch of agencies regarding crimea, we see a lot of certain decisions in absentia, this that's right, at least something will be done in 10 years, but let's be honest, if we had more arrests of those collaborators on the mainland, they would believe. here one should have not only certain legal knowledge, a certain political will, for example regarding those owners
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of the real beneficiaries of businesses in the crimea, so if we had several such beneficiaries of businesses, well, we model them, they are swindlers, like medvedchuk, would mr. putin agree or his crimean posipaks for exchange, this is a lot of money, these are the beneficiaries, they know a lot, believe me, they would exchange all the crimean tatar hostages, but for this political will is necessary. and as for the role of turkey? turkey is an intermediary that has its own interest. turkey has many interests of its own, and they should be treated with respect. it is a sovereign independent state, it has democracy as the basis of governance, there are democratic, competitive processes, and a lot of interests in turkey depend on geostrategic interests, the political interest of the competition of political forces, we see the results of local elections, they, let's say yes, special. for some it is painful, for some it is joyful, but the next election will follow, and in
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this, and it affects the politics of turkey, and the third situation with all the respect of the already formal principle that if you are a russian nationalist, then you are safe, if you disloyal to putin, they will come to you anyway, this was always the case, what was the specificity until the 22nd year, look, i said this many times, this is the mantra, which diplomatic paths, yes this , unfortunately, politics with which someone tried to fight, then got in trouble because of it, yeah someone just turned a blind eye to it when we talk a lot about political prisoners, about crimea and allow the most powerful ukrainian beneficiaries to have businesses, we do not punish collaborators, a person who just lives in crimea, as they say, who, excuse me, has a certain life experience, she sees it all, she perceives it critically, correctly, and she understands the situation until the 22nd year, which , unfortunately, is... the situation of this gray zone that was there, it is for a long time, a person adjusts his life, the lives of her children,
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she mostly does not perceive the occupiers as well fair legal authority, and that's normal, but she understands that this is for a long time, and that's why a lot of people, both crimean tatars and non -crimean tatars, this challenge is just common here, they didn't show , as they say, until the 22nd year their public position, because it is they, as they say, you know, like soviet times, people always kept this butt, as they say, and then in 1991, everything changed, although it seems that everyone voted, as they say, for lenin, stalin and other such, as they say, stops, the question is another, why, what changed, after the 22nd year, two things changed things, the first thing, the first thing, everyone understood that this gray, this gray area, it is not infinite, as they say, it will end, the great war cannot go on for centuries, it is now 12 centuries, the great war will end in a few years the defeat of russia in one or another format, it will necessarily lead to a change in the situation in crimea, as is the second question, but there will definitely be a change, and absolutely everyone understands this, from
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the gauleiter of crimea to the last, as they say, crimean bum, that will change , this is the first, the second. that is, for the very fact that you are you are not just a citizen of ukraine, or you are an ethnic ukrainian, or you just, you know, sing a ukrainian song, they began to persecute you for that. and thirdly, it is a crime, or war crimes committed on the controlled territory, murder, fratricide, directly, let's say, the terrible things that the russian federation and posypaks did, these three factors, they affect the consciousness of any crimean. they simply cannot remain silent physically, they have a normal person, it can no longer restrain themselves, that's why it's a wave, and that's why this phenomenon has become thousands, they look, for two years of punishment for nearly a thousand people, thank you very much, thank you, this is a signal that crimeans are already waiting for the liberation of crimea and understand that this whole system is collapsing. boris babin was on our air, ex-representative of the president
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of ukraine in the autonomous republic of crimea, as well as gulsum hali-khalilova. yes, andriy yatsky, yanitsky, yes, thank you for being with us, and see you, see you, koroshkenzh, congratulations, we ask for your help in the search for 13-year-old maksym pivkop, who disappeared on april 14 in the poltava region. it is known that the boy fished on the banks of the sula river, near the village of stara mosiivka, but did not return home. on the day of his disappearance , the parents periodically called their son to find out that he was all right. however, later he stopped picking up the phone, so his parents went to see him. they did not find the child on the spot or nearby, so they immediately called
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for help. law enforcement officers are now involved in the search operation. rescuers, divers, dog trainers and caring local residents. however, unfortunately, it was not possible to find the boy yet. and that's why i'm asking each of you, a especially the residents of the poltava region, in particular the khorolsk community, to carefully look into maksym's face. in appearance, the child is thin, 165-166 cm tall and has blond hair. the guy was wearing a green jacket and dark pants. if you know any information about maksym pivkop, please immediately call the hotline of the child tracing service at number 11630. calls from all mobile operators in ukraine are free. in general, a child can get lost at any time and anywhere and for completely different reasons, but unfortunately, not all parents and
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kids know what to do in this situation, so here are a few important ones. advice if the child is very young, put a note in his pocket with your phone number or other contact information. if you are older than three years, be sure to learn your mobile number together, explaining where, when and to whom it can be reported. also learn the home address with the child, this is important. explain to your child that if he gets lost where there are many people, he should stand still and wait for his parents to return. if this did not happen, the child should be found among people, adults, preferably with a child or an elderly woman, and say that he is lost, the most important thing for the parents themselves is not to panic. remember where the child was last seen, if he has a phone, call, ask someone from acquaintances or relatives to stay in place in case the child
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returns. if possible, make announcements over loudspeakers. if failed. find the child immediately, contact the police immediately, provide a photo and all necessary information, also contact the child tracing service hotline at 116/30. our consultants will quickly and in detail, step by step, tell you how to act and what to do in such a situation. of course, god forbid that you will never need our number, but just in case, remember or write it down... write it 11630 hotline of the child tracing service, calls from all mobile operators in ukraine are free of charge and there is still a very important moment, in under no circumstances scold her, the child did not want to get lost, she, like you, experienced considerable stress, it is necessary to show her all your
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love and care in this state, and i emphasize once again, it is necessary to report the disappearance of a child immediately without delay, for example, it was the immediate reaction of the parents that helped to quickly find their ten-year-old son in the city of vyshneve in the kyiv region, with the report that the boy disappeared from... his mother, she said that at 7:00 p.m. 30 her son went to throw away the garbage, but did not return home. fortunately, artem was found very quickly. an hour and a half after the appeal, the police found the boy and returned him home. and finally , as usual, i ask you to visit the site child tracing services. look closely at the faces of these boys and girls, and if you recognize any of them, immediately call our hotline on 11630. calls are free. we have created a resource through
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which you can report any crime against a child. in any place, at any time. just go to the site and report, and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the criminal. stopcrime ua. locals who knew every street, every alley, knew our location, where we were based. my name is ivan, call sign cardan, i am currently serving in the drohobytsky rtc, in the guard company, as a senior rifleman, in the 15th year, this... it was my late father's dream to be the youngest son, because in our family only two served, the elder brother and as it turned out that my father had just died,
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it had not been 40 days since my father died, i joined the army, i went myself, i did not wait for that summons, i also went to the contract, in the 15th year i was in the rear guarding bridges until the 17th year, in the 17th year he came and worked a little as a civilian. structure, realized that it was not mine, and in the 21st year, he signed a contract. in the 21st year , there were no such intense battles, there were skirmishes, etc., but mostly they fired from their side, from the side of the aggressor, we had no right to open fire, because we had the minsk agreements, and we had no right to respond , and the war began on february 24 , 2022, we were a... rapid response company, we were sent to a colony in the city of starobilsk, and it all started with starobilsk. we held back a column, not
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one, there were two of them going there, one was held back, the second was not held back, and we had to retreat, because there very large armored vehicles went, and there were a lot of them. at the beginning, we had the power to restrain more, but there were twice as many of them as all of us. equipment from all borders was simply going to break through, there was no aviation, there were wheeled vehicles and heavy armored vehicles, these were tanks, howitzers, we restrained the first battle, everything went very well, only in the first battle, we destroyed their entire column the column that was going, but then we found and destroyed the column of wheeled vehicles. and heavy armored vehicles were going the other way, we had to retreat, because yes, as at the moment, we only had four boxes of ours, we had to retreat, because
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more than 100 units of them were going, and that is why we retreated, we held him for two or three days, then we were transferred to a settlement between the border, populated point was varvarovka. "it was very, very difficult for them, but we held on there until the last, there were not only russians there, there were also those who were for the lpr, the dpr, and local residents who were for russia, who constantly surrendered us, simply surrendered, and on us worked 152nd caliber, 120th mortar, tanks, well, it was very difficult, we were standing at a roadblock, the pain was unbearable. a car was driving along varvarivka from robizhny, towards varvarovka. we drove her with the lights off, we stopped her.
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we tried to stop her, she did not react, we opened fire, she stopped there, then in the car was their so-called priest of the moscow patriarchate, and him and the mentor, then the mentor had photos of all our positions on her phone, and in the car we found также grenades, stretch marks, there were no chances at all, i was attacked... a lot of my comrades died, company my tank burned down, his gunner also burned down the tank, only one mechanic was still alive, he got out when the car was on fire, he managed to get out, that's all, then they fought a little in the border area, then i was sent to kiel, the city was taken care of, russia cleaned up most of its special forces.
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for sure, we as special forces there fought with the places of the lpr, the dpr and their special forces, and that is why it was very difficult for us, our cambrikh died there, we were constantly fired upon, we did not have time to leave, as large-caliber guns did not fly at us, rounds of aviation, aerial bombs, very it was scary, a woman was walking along the pasna, we are in our house. well, there was lunch, so-called tipa, because war is war, and lunch is according to the schedule, as they say, we had lunch and walked towards the car, because our cars were just standing like that, well, in the landing, well, so that it wouldn’t be seen, well, a woman was walking alongside ours the car, we didn't let her in, and she started crying, and we are western ukraine, here we understand everything, we made her concessions and let her pass and warned her that
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the road ahead would be replaced. and she walked, looked where each mine lay, and after 15 minutes, the road was demined by art bombardment and went on two tanks and three bmps broke through, they immediately started bursting, i remember that i ran out of that building, and a shell flew straight into the house, tanks, shrapnel fell, i was lying down, then another shell, well, they fired. because of the interruption, their tank was reloading, bmp fired, their artillery poured in, well, but thanks to our tourists , they burned one tank and two bnts, and they fled, because they realized that they would not go any further, but there were very, very many heavy casualties , it was very difficult
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to deliver. ammunition was very heavy, they were, but it was difficult to deliver them to us, because all the roads that led to the pasture, all the roads were shot at, and they were shot at very terribly from all corners, they brought them, but i say it like this, literally 15 minutes, we had time, we had time to threaten, then they threatened that the car did not have time to make a u-turn and immediately drove away, he was injured. somewhere on march 23, it was around 12:30 p.m., we were ordered to leave and work, because the enemy’s box drove by, we had to work so that we could leave, when i ran out to run to the car, i heard the exit, then i heard such a solid exit, i didn't hear a whistle, but it turned out that the mine was flying straight at me, and three...


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