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tv   [untitled]    April 25, 2024 3:30am-4:01am EEST

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johnson, well, i don't know what he's going to be called, but whatever, but it was a sweet couple, johnson and trump, because to me, i think, no, i'm convinced that why johnson put this bill up for a vote because he until a few days before, he was with trump, in mara lago , florida, and trump allowed him to do it there , i didn't think taylor was there, i wasn't there, she said a lot after that, but it didn't matter at all , because ... trump let him, although i have a suspicion that johnson himself would have long ago wanted to bet, trump just held, held and probably told him that no, no, don't bet, don't bet, don't bet, here and there on that friday, although we found out already on saturday morning, he said that why me, but as a matter of fact, all the laurels are now, well, globally speaking, collected by johnson, he is now a good guy, and even many have already forgotten that he actually did not put, and trump is not here at all, trump is not articulated anywhere, everyone says, but you see, johnson got it after all. well, in any
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case, i think it will be interesting to find out sometimes, well, maybe they will actually make a film someday, who knows, you will remember later how we talked about it on the air, pushed american film producers to make such a film, but we are moving on, russia must join the search for ways of a peaceful settlement, the end of the war in ukraine, because without it the peace process will be simply impossible, the minister of foreign affairs of switzerland once again stated this. of the confederation inatio cassis before meeting with his austrian counterpart alexander schalenberg the day before in bern. according to him, invitations to the conference scheduled for june 15-16 in bürgenstock have not yet been sent out. in the end, says the head of the swiss foreign ministry, he cannot guarantee that this peace conference will help end the war. but, further, his quote: the alternative would be to do nothing, but to do. a step forward
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to start a dialogue, everything would already be fine, but i don't know, a dialogue with the country that started this war, is waging this war, so that it ends this war, well, i don't know, it's just necessary here set an ultimatum, not dialogues. let's go further: prime minister of israel benjamin netanyahu is the hitler of our new time, and his accomplices cannot escape responsibility with him. sooner or later , justice will prevail. "if not in court, then in the face of history." the president of turkey, recep tayyip erdogan, made such a statement the day before during a meeting with parliamentarians. this is how he commented on the actions of the israel defense forces, the tzahal, in the gaza sector. at the same time, he once again called on the world community to put pressure on the israeli authorities calling for an end to the war, and added a quote from the turkish president. to prevent them from doing so, we handed over all the documents about the crimes committed by israel. international court and
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will continue to do so. after all, vasyl, i would argue now with mr. erdogan, after all, the hitler of the new age is not netanyaho for sure, it is putin. they are doing something like this, that now recep tayyip erdogan, before that, russian propagandists, leaders, for some reason they always weave that hitler into place and out of place, despite the fact that representatives of civilized countries, democratic countries, even in ukraine, but we don't, we don't know when... he was born there, why should he be tied there, listen, there is already a real person who imitates hitler in our time, and this person's name is vladimir putin , how much can be drawn, let's draw some more, i don't know, hannibals from this, from the time of the punic wars, or caesar or caligula, well, let's look for some barbarian leaders, so you can get an acre, well, why bother with this hitler now , and this, well, i think they think that for some part. it's all very much
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strongly influences, well, several generations of people have grown up who really do not remember and do not know very well who adolf aloizovich is, 100%, vasyl 100%, well, this is their tactics, strategy, let's move on, he is ready, donald trump expressed not only his desire, but also such a strong conviction that he should meet with the current president of the united states of america , joe biden, on tv in the near future. debate about it, he said during an interview with abc 6's action news program, according to the 45th white house host, who has a strong chance to settle in the main house of the country for another four years, he can meet with biden literally tomorrow, but this is if the current american leader agrees, well, if he is not pressured by his advisers. let me remind you that a few weeks ago the representatives of the current and former presidents of the usa called for such a debate. of major
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american tv channels, and the election itself is scheduled, as always, for the first tuesday of november this year, it falls on november 5. well, joe biden has not said anything about whether he is ready to meet with donald trump, but he said the whole world is watching the race and waiting for this election, and he said this the other day during his campaign in tampa, florida, he said the reason is because that if trump wins, he will continue. to withdraw the country from all important organizations for the world, and for the united states of america, and thus will endanger world democracy, so i gave, hinted, vote for me one hundred for joe biden. well and it seems to me that heaven's message to authoritarian
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regimes, at least four people have died and at least 10 have received various injuries, and many are missing, this is ... the result of a massive flood in the guangdong province of southern china. hundreds of houses were damaged. the total amount of damage from the natural disaster is currently at least 20 million dollars. the flood was caused by prolonged downpours in the region, as a result of which the zhujian river burst its banks. according to china's xinhua news agency, at least 110,000 people have been evacuated, about 25 are in temporary shelters. flights from the international airport. gangzhou was lifted in three cities, and the authorities closed all schools. why did i say that this might be a message from heaven by an authoritarian regime. floods in russia, floods in china. maybe this is how someone from above says, think. well, maybe. the streets of london this morning remembered what they
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looked like a long time ago, at least 100 years ago, as at least five horse guards horses decided to disobey their commanders today. threw off their riders and simply ran away. it happened during the morning training at one of the bases in the capital of great britain, london. as a result of such an unplanned race through the streets of london, four people were injured, while one of the horses, unfortunately, even crashed into a tourist bus and broke its windshield. the other got into the car and was injured. later, both fugitives were caught and returned to the table, but they caused a lot of trouble. and i will tell you, in the words of mykhailo kotsyubynskyi, horses are innocent, although in this case it seems to me that they are guilty, so, well, they are fed there, i yes, i think, go for a walk, and so, they went out for a walk, yes, and in conclusion , several serious incidents occurred at
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fuel and energy enterprises in the smolensk region, this is still russia , the local telegram channels first reported about it , then this information was confirmed by the governor region according to his information , the fires occurred on the territory of two districts of smolensk and yartsevsky. in one place, fuel tanks at the oil depot are still burning, although local authorities say they have contained the fire. besides, today at night, someone's drones also attacked objects in the voronezh, kursk, bryansk, and lipetsk regions. the russian ministry of war usually reported that all targets were shot down during the war. they didn't shoot down, the videos show that they didn't shoot down. well, for today i have everything in the world about ukraine section, everything is as usual only for today, because i am going home to prepare for tomorrow, there will be more tomorrow and more will be in our future broadcast, so don't switch. thanks to yuria
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fizero, i have a plot for your attention, it is very important, please. pay attention to him our journalists continue to investigate the alleged acquisitions of ministry of defense land in bila tserkva. instead of housing for the military, there is still a market there. in previous stories, we heard the position of the defense department, the kumib state enterprise, which directly owns the site, and other bodies. but the darnytsia specialized prosecutor's office kept silent or interviewed those involved in the case. so our correspondent yaroslav hopatsa continues. to understand this situation, let's listen to him: our tv channel continues to investigate the fraud with land of the ministry of defense on khrustalenka street 5a, where the market has been operating for years, this time we turned to the monolit booth company, with which
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in 2006 an agreement was concluded on the establishment of a land easement for a period of a quarter of a century, i.e. until 2031. currently , the document is valid and, according to director stanislav parnenko , there is no fraud, as the state audit service writes about it. they have all the relevant papers and refer to the decision of the executive committee from 2004, which states that buildings can be located here until the beginning of the construction of housing for the military, despite this, for several years now we have to spend our time and energy on court proceedings, mr. parnenko shows us stacks of documents to confirm this, says themida on their side. what we did, we did legally, we have all approvals, we have property rights, but it is before the start of housing construction, if there will be construction. the question of whether it will be built here will be resolved, then there are no questions at all. as the man says,
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criminal proceedings regarding the sweet land were opened, closed, renewed, then it was closed again, and now there is no new one. as stanislav assured during the shooting, none of the law enforcement officers or prosecutors called him, did not interrogate him again, and did not find out anything. and then more interesting facts are revealed. it turns out. parnenko is a former employee of the ministry of defense, however, as he claims, at the time of the signing of the contract between his company and the bilotserk military construction works department, now it is a kumip, he no longer worked there. in addition , during our entire conversation, another man was present next to stanislav. in in the course of it, it became known that this is volodymyr yarmolenko, the one who signed the document from the other side, that is, ex. the director of the bilotserk military construction works department, at the same time he is
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the co-founder of the same comrade monolit but, in other words, they are friends. the company is a monolith, we have known each other for a long time, we have all worked together for a long time. the land is not going anywhere, the land remains with the ministry of defense. according to the documents, you can see it. therefore, there is no crime here. i... in the worst case, i don't see him here criminal the case is so suspicious that while we were preparing this material, we could not find a lawyer or a lawyer who would agree to talk about it on camera, more precisely about the details that not everyone knows. so, at the speaker's request, we are changing his name and not showing his face. in a telephone conversation, he said that before signing the contract for the establishment of a land easement, there was another contract for the lease of land. this contract has strangely disappeared, it is nowhere to be found, only there is a land
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book, as far as i know, in the biloserkiv city council, a mention of him, when drawing up a state act , the permission of the ministry of defense and the cabinet of ministers of ukraine was required at that time, and this permission was obtained, let's say so. the leaders were not the signatories, obviously there was a conflict of interest, the signatories were officials and therefore understood what they were getting into. but the building on the territory of the market is a former point of maintenance and repair. however, according to the human rights defender, it no longer belongs to the state enterprise, since recently it has been the private property of the company monolith booth. peace agreements. as if to pay off the debt, the state
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enterprise of the ministry of defense was handed over to boomer for some hundred thousand hryvnias , a huge storage facility, our tv channel will monitor the situation so that there is housing for the military yaroslav hopatsa oleksandr kuga espres. exclusively on the air of our channel. congratulations, friends, politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week: russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. topics that cause a resonance in our society. an attack by drones on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, an attack without... analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us, the country should
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get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and the guests of the project, we are bored, because there is nothing to fight about, let's play, help to understand the present and predict the future, for the world the second presidency of trump will be terrible, a project for those who care and think, political club, every sunday at 20:10 on. .. preso. hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day. this is the shipping area, persona. turn on live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing. weekdays at 9:00. information viruses. almost living creatures that
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destroyed entire nations and civilizations. in the heads of a critical majority of ukrainians, even for... a year of war , russian narratives live freely and multiply, there are too many different facts that testify to the interaction of telegram with russian special services, currently telegram has the data of more than 20 million people are at their disposal, this is more than an action, the telegram is the fastest way to adjust strikes on some objects, that is why or to limit the influence of the telegram, i introduced the corresponding bill, it is not about banning the telegram, it is about regulating its work . we are dealing with a mythical trojan horse that was brought into the city and then at midnight an enemy army came out of it. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my
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name is mykola veresin. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america too they say, let's make better roads. we will have even better, a special look at events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond, which the world dreams of, well, norman, we can imagine it, all this in the information marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 17 :10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. good evening, we are from ukraine, we continue, this is a big ether, i remind you that my name is vasyl zima and i am joined by oleksandr morchyvka, money during the war. alexander, congratulations, please. i thank vasyl for his words, and i thank the audience for participating columns about money during the war. i will talk about energy, as well as about international aid not only from the united states, but also how much was given to ukraine by the european union, all in detail in a moment. i'm oleksandr morchivka, congratulations, this is
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a column about money during the war, i follow the ukrainian energy system, and that's it. for the third day in a row, our energy workers are attracting emergency assistance from europe, the deficit persists in the network, in the morning consumption was, for example, 10%, 10% was higher than yesterday, they say in ukrenergo, due to damage due to missile strikes, power plants cannot generate enough kilowatts, due to hostilities and bad weather without electricity, some consumers in dnipropetrovsk, donetsk, mykolaiv, odesa, sumy, khmelnytskyi and kharkiv regions in... now without power supply, also in odesa due to crane attack damaged equipment of the local oblenergo. well, in ukrenergo, the company adds that they have already started such a scheduled power outage for businesses, it lasts from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m., and for
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ordinary household consumers, you and i urge not to turn on appliances unnecessarily even during peak hours, such as in the morning. and evening ones, let's help our energy companies and our network to survive together. we stand with international support, not only from the united states, as it became known today, the live broadcast that viewers could watch on our tv channel. support within the ukraine facility program continues. the european union allocated us a new tranche of macro-financial assistance, it is about... this was announced by the president of the european commission, ursula fonderlein. in his post in social networks, she noted that these funds are vitally necessary for the state and services of ukraine to work while the fight against russian aggression continues. well, let me add that this money is where it should go,
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in particular, the first, important component is the support of the state budget, well, mostly it is social expenses. these are teachers' salaries, pensioners' payments. the second component is an investment tool to cover risks due to a lack of funds in such strategic sectors, well, the government does not name specific sectors, the third is technical support in implementation of reforms, i.e. funds from macrofin and, in particular, this share, which came in the amount of 1.5 billion euros, will also cover expenses for reforms in ukraine. is changing for the better, and it is interesting that there really is a need in the state budget for financing pensions, salaries for teachers, doctors, well, there are few funds left, in particular for vulnerable sections of the population, in order to, well, even feed themselves. the experiment was interesting, i watched the plot
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beforehand, our journalists were looking for an answer to the question, is it realistic to feed yourself for 200 hryvnias a month. let's see how our colleagues manage it. is it possible to survive on uah 200 per month? the discussion about... the kitchen scene with friends turned into a real challenge for yuri lavrin. he calculated that this is how much money he would have left for food after paying the utilities from the minimum pension. i actually just wanted to conduct an experiment, and then i realized that for this experiment you can shoot a lot of content, distribute it among friends, and i thought it would be interesting. and i thought that, in principle, why not help my brother, who now protects me, and you, and everyone. us from the onslaught of russian, yuriy started the experiment on april 5, already in 12 days his readers donated the required amount, uah 75,000 for a mavik,
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which will soon help yuriy's brother destroy the invaders, since there were still more than two weeks left before the end of the experiment, the man decided to help with gathering also a familiar volunteer, she gathers drones for the third assault brigade on the radio transmitter for fpv. the journalist's facebook has turned into a diary, in which you can see what he buys, how much he spends and what kind of food does he cook? hello parishioners, now i 'm going to cook a simple delicacy that would cost around a million hryvnias in restaurants. first i made mashed peas, and now i will make asparagus, which i grew in my garden 5 years ago, here it is. yuriy says that he feels good, but in two weeks. lost 5 kg. the most difficult thing, the husband says, is to calculate how many grains of ready-made porridge will be, and also to watch how his children and his wife eat their favorite dishes. it hurts when
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there are children sitting on the side, eating ice cream, or me i marinate a kebab, i marinate, i buy meat, marinate a kebab, all these smells, then i fry it, and they eat it, and i just watch, but it hurts, well, nothing, nothing, an experiment. yuriy ends just in time for easter, and on this day he dreams of eating delicious paska. ema stednyk, andriy polyakovsky, espresso tv channel. i'm interested. well, that's a story that's still going on. we hope that our colleague , the journalist, will be able to prove its logical conclusion and hold on. but in essence, together with this initiative, it is a good thing to collect, in particular, to donate through the social network. well, it's good that there is asparagus, which was somewhere at home. i think i saved it. well, if people have reserves, well , that’s it, if we talk globally about what amounts they live on today, let’s say, very often pensioners or people who are not socially protected, well
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, of course, well, let’s be honest, you can’t live on them, plus people's health is also stressful now, but such stories really remind us that people need additional money, maybe some kind of social grants, social social support from the state, non-state institutions, international organizations, because for 200 hryvnias... an invasion, when we arrived in lviv at the time in the stores, there were whole such large boxes where you could take some, some food, things that were handed over by volunteers, but then, of course , it all disappeared somewhere , appeared very often , there are such and such baskets, but these are mainly products that consumers place on the needs of the armed forces of ukraine, well, i am moving on, now about the economy of the aggressor country, russia... will supply gas to china and 20% cheaper than european consumers. yes, will last at least until 2027 - bloomberg reports. they refer to
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the forecast of the ministry of economic development of refia. even before the full-scale invasion , gazprom said it viewed the asian country as a promising market. even then, it was expected that demand on european markets would decrease by the end of the decade. the price of the export price. skyrockets are set at the level of $257 per 1,000 cubic meters, compared with $320 for streams that will continue to flow even before the european union. well, from the easing of sanctions on metallurgical products european and ukrainian metallurgists suffered from muscovy. well, indeed, such a statement sounded to vasyl from the representative's side. oleksandr kalinkova of the industry association ukrmetalurgprom, well, there are european partners who really want to strengthen sanctions against
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the aggressor country, but... you have to understand and realize that there is a russian lobby, well , in particular , two countries insisted on weakened sanctions - the czech republic and belgium, and that's exactly where they are production assets of the novolipetsk medical complex, and oleksandr kalinkov says that ukraine should now activate its position, it is possible to prove to international partners that sanctions are urgently needed against the metallurgical complex of the aggressor country, well, in particular, it is necessary and i have already mentioned the direct ones. restrictions to nornikl, because it is currently suffering only due to certain shortages of spare parts, some logistics chains, but the company continues to bring income to the coffers of our enemy, about novolypetsk sanctions were introduced against the novolypetsk metallurgical plant under the supervision of the main directorate of intelligence, that is, on the night of april 24 on this it was a day in russia the novolypetsk metallurgical plant was attacked, a source in
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the special services informed the union. well, good ones. station, i like them, as long as someone thinks, there are some drones flying here, this is also an economic restriction, well, i will end the column about money during the war with this, but the big broadcast continues, there will be more, watch us, sports from yevhen pastokhova, let's see, then the weather is waiting for us. roman yeremchuk resumed individual training. the ukrainian forward of valencia practiced on the field for the first time after the injury under the supervision of the sfis training coach before the match of the 33rd round of the spanish la liga against barcelona. this was reported by the as publication. let me remind you that yaremchuk suffered a hamstring injury in the match of the 30th round of the spanish championship against mallorca at the end of march. due to damage, the ukrainian was replaced after 16 minutes of the game. valencia
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will play against barcelona on april 29, so it is currently unknown whether the striker of the ukrainian national team will be able to help, he tells us, in the confrontation with the catalans. new candidate to replace jurgen kloppo. liverpool has already made an inquiry to feyenoord regarding the transfer of rotterdam head coach arneslot to anfield. this was reported by za athletic. the english club allegedly offered feyenoord 9 million euros in compensation, but was refused. agreement between slot and. nordom really until the summer of 2026, the amount of withdrawals, which allows to terminate the contract without the consent of the club, is not provided for in it. previously, according to unofficial data, liverpool considered the option of inviting the head coach of bayer xabi alonso, the newly crowned champions of germany. however, in march, the spaniard said that he will also spend the next season in leverkusen. let me remind you that in january jurgen klob sensationally announced his departure from liverpool at the end of the season. merseysiders.
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the german specialist was in charge for nine years. the rivalry of ukrainian tennis players at the wta tournament in madrid was determined. four ukrainian women will play their opening matches in the capital of spain at the stage of the second round. marto kostiuk will play with the representative of egypt mayar- sherif. elina svitolina will take the court against the spaniard sara sora stormo. angelina kalinina is waiting for the winner of the duel between the chinese wang japanese and american caroline doulheid. diana yastremska's opponent will be colombian emiliana arango. the fifth racket of ukraine - lasya tsurenko lost her match in madrid. in the first round, the kyiv woman lost to the 18-year-old wildcard winner from the philippines named alexandra eala. the tournament in madrid began on tuesday and will continue until may 4. yes,
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i have some time. and i will hold you in my arms all this time so that you do not go anywhere, because first of all, the weather is literally two minutes away from natalka didenko, and there they promise warming in ukraine, but not everywhere and not immediately, and of course the 20th verdict with segy rudenko, well, now let's go, once again i will voice the information about the collection, our soldiers from the 65th separate mechanized brigade are calling to join the collection of 100 00 hryvnias. for the ammunition needed for the military, the battles are taking place in hellish conditions, the situation is very complicated, not easy, and you know, when something is being collected for such a large-scale, large, many millions, people understand that it must be something that moscow immediately complains about, no , war is a simple matter, and i cannot speaking now from my own experience, but from what i read, hear from my friends who are on the front, these are simple things, sometimes they save lives, simple things, they make you more mobile, you are just more comfortable.


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