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tv   [untitled]    April 25, 2024 12:30am-1:01am EEST

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personnel, let's see how it all happened, the flame is already burning stronger and stronger, in general, near the crossing, but he didn't blow it, glory to the armed forces of ukraine and the defense forces of ukraine, death to the russian occupiers. friends, we are working on several platforms at once, live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are currently watching us live on youtube and facebook. please. subscribe to our
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pages, like this video, and also take part in our vote, today we ask you the following: justified consular restrictions on men abroad? yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, if you have your own opinion that expands on your answer, please write in the comments below this video. if you 're watching us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote if you think so. that consular restrictions for men abroad are now justified 0 800 211 381 no 0800 211 382 all calls to these numbers are free vote at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. president of the united states america's joe biden signed a package of legislation approved by congress, which provides for the allocation of almost 61 billion
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dollars in additional military and economic aid to ukraine, let's hear what the president of the united states of america said. it's a good day for america, it's good for world peace, it's extremely important, it's going to make america safer, it's going to make the world safer, it's going to provide vital assistance to our partners so that they can... defend themselves and to defend my sovereign land, the next few hours i am i will do everything to transfer it to our relevant authorities, so that missile systems, weapons are sent to ukraine, and that this package, this aid will not only help ukraine, but also help security in europe. and the pentagon has already announced an immediate
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arms supply to ukraine worth a billion dollars, the package will include anti-aircraft missiles, stinger anti-aircraft missiles, small arms, ammunition for hymers, artillery shells, mortar shells, bradley infantry fighting vehicles, in short, a fairly large package of military help, and most importantly, as president biden said, literally in a few days these weapons will be... at the front and the armed forces of ukraine will have the opportunity to use them, however, at a time when american aid is already flying and is already going to the ukrainian state, minister of foreign affairs of ukraine dmytro kuleba said that no single package of military aid can stop russia, this requires
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the united front of all ukraine and all its partners, the minister says that the russian federation is now producing about ten times, listen, ten times more weapons, so the west should increase the production of weapons, as ukraine has done. when i see what russia has achieved in the development of the defense and industrial base during the two years of the war, says kuleba, and what the west has achieved, i think that something is... wrong on the part of the west. the west must realize that the era of peace in europe is over, - emphasized the head of the ministry of foreign affairs of ukraine. i do not know, frankly speaking, whether these reproaches or appeals of mr. kuleba to our western partners are appropriate now, because we see, in fact, how difficult it was for us this aid in the amount of 61 billion dollars from american partners. we see how the representative... great britain is already given
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a large package of military aid in the amount of 500 million pounds, rishi sonak said yesterday while in poland. about providing this military package is large enough, of course, the idea of ​​creating a united front, or simply put, an anti-putin front, which would fight against russia by all means and possibilities and oppose the kremlin, is the right call of mr. kuleba, but we must always remember that starting from 2022 two... 24 in february, ukraine did obtain a large amount of military and financial aid from our western partners, and here it is against the background of what biden is talking about, and this is confirmed by
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president zelensky after a conversation with the president of the united states of america, that ukraine will definitely receive long-range missiles atakams german chancellor olaf scholz confirmed once again his refusal to supply taurus cruise missiles to ukraine, even though the congress of the united states of america is ready to transfer american long-range attack missiles, he announced this during press conference with the prime minister of great britain rishi sunak. let's hear what olaf scholz had to say. my decision is very clear. on one weapon system, but my decision is also clear that we will provide the most support in europe to ukraine, and together with great britain will continue to be the two countries that do the most. of course, the germans, starting with
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the date i mentioned on february 24, 2022, did too much for the ukrainians, but the long-range taurus missiles, which are so...waiting in ukraine, the germans nevertheless, they do not allow the armed forces of ukraine, obviously they are afraid that with these missiles, the ukrainian army can destroy the crimean bridge and russia can consider this as an attack on the russian federation, well , to put it simply, the germans are afraid of being drawn into the war with the russian federation, although it seems to me that russia does not care too much. formal signs that what weapons are coming to ukraine, they both said and are saying that russia is now opposing the north atlantic alliance, that russia is at war with nato, and whether whether scholz gives us taures long-range missiles or
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not, the kremlin's position will not change, on the contrary , the position of the ukrainian army may strengthen, especially against the background of statements that ... that the russian federation is going to intensify the strike campaign to disrupt the logistical support of the armed forces of ukraine. this, in particular, was stated by serhiy shoigu, a henchman of vladimir putin. let's hear what shegu said. in line with threats from the united states and its allies, we will continue to improve the composition and structure of the armed forces. increase production the most demanded samples of weapons and military equipment, we will increase the intensity of strikes on logistics centers and storage bases of western weapons. the armed forces of the russian federation will continue to solve the assigned tasks until
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the goals of the special operation are fully achieved. when shaigu says that we will hit logistics centers or military hubs of the armed forces of ukraine, it means... that the russian occupiers will hit peaceful cities, and this is absolutely obvious, they always cover their terror and their aggression against civilians population, that they seem to be destroying some military bases or some logistics centers, and this statement, shoigu , absolutely coincides with the forecasts that were made public by the head of the main administration. intelligence of the ministry of defense of ukraine by general kyryll budanov that russia will try to destabilize the situation both at the front and inside the ukrainian state starting from the middle of may and at the end of june, and obviously, obviously, these are chains
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of the same campaign that is now conducted by the russian federation. actually, friends, to understand that... a global peace summit is planned ahead in switzerland, to which representatives of more than 100 countries of the world have been invited. it will be discussed in switzerland. zelensky's peace formula, and the formula offered by the ukrainian president in order to put an end to the aggressiveness of the russian federation, the russian federation was not invited to this summit, and this means that the russian federation will do everything to do everything in the short term to , in order to gain a more favorable position for future races. spoke with our western partners regarding the future of ukraine or do they expect
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to speak with the ukrainian side? we will watch and analyze the situation based on how events will develop on the eastern and southern fronts, and also based on shoigu's promises to fire at logistics centers and warehouses of the armed forces of ukraine, as far as they will be in... for the russian occupiers. friends, i remind you that we work live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those watching us live there now, please subscribe to our pages, and also take part in our survey. today we ask you about whether consular restrictions for men abroad are justified. yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, if you vote on tv and watch us on tv, pick up your smartphone. by phone and vote if you think consular restrictions for men abroad are justified
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(0800-211-381), no (0800-211-382), all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will eat the results of our voting. and we have our first guest on the phone - this is oleksandr khara, a diplomat and expert on foreign and security policy at the center for defense strategies. mr. oleksandr, i... greetings, thank you for being with us today, good evening, mr. sergey, thank you for the invitation. well, first of all, mr. oleksandr, let's start with fresh news. biden promptly signed the law, which was passed by the congress of the united states of america and ratified by the senate of the united states of america, these days, biden said that it is sufficiently prompt weapons will be delivered to the ukrainian state. in a few hours, the united states of america will resume the supply of weapons, kyiv will receive
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ammunition for air defense, missile systems, artillery, armored vehicles, can you explain why this pause was so long, and what motivated both republicans and democrats, in the end to make a decision, a decision for which they are not ashamed. well, it should be said. that this is the result of an internal political struggle first of all, and secondly, secondly, it is the way the house of representatives is composed, well there's actually a slim republican majority in the house of representatives, and the trumpians, trump's biggest diehards, own the gold stock. i would like to remind you that at one time they removed the previous speaker, kevin mccarthy, from his position . there was a very interesting situation there, a compromise bill with the democrats was voted, which allowed to finance
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the american government, and the next vote was to support ukraine, well, actually , these trumpians are primarily a representative like matt gates, he launched this trigger and eliminated this person was appointed from the post, or rather , mike johnson was elected, but all the same conditions, how... we formed power in the house of representatives, they remained, i want to remind you of a few points, the first is any vote, it must be a majority in the majority, and even then, in fact, such a bolshevik discipline that no one can go, well , first of all, the speaker compromises with the democrats, if the majority of republicans do not agree to this, the second point is not to vote in a package, let's say so. and actually they wanted to separate the ukrainian package and fill it up, and it is clear that in the end it did not
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work out. then the next important point is the attempt to solve the problems of border migration in a package with the help of ukraine, israel and taiwan. at first it looked quite logical, but then it was clear that trump decided to leave this issue unresolved in order to make it a hot issue. which concerns a large number of americans, voters, before the day of the presidential election in the united states, the full composition of the house of representatives and a third of the senate this november, that is, trump decided to ... keep it to himself, and he spoke quite aggressively, let's say, about aid to ukraine, and even more so, his wards, well, then he took a half step back when he offered not just to give ukraine free of charge, to give a loan free of charge, but to have the opportunity to influence ukraine in the future,
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and this idea entered at least the conservative normal part, the traditional part. of the republican party, and i think the key point was not that ukrainian diplomacy worked, but that ukrainian evangelists who met with mike worked johnson, mr. trump's internal intelligence was activated, he realized that he would not receive certain positive points from the fact that he would continue to block the transfer of aid to ukraine, let's imagine that something bad happened on the front of ukraine. and of course the democrats would blame trump for stepping in and causing the disaster, well and i think his change of position was the key thing that unlocked it in the house, a very good result in the senate, 79 to 18, in these 18 includes three,
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or rather two democrats, one independent bernie sanders, he, but he voted not against ukraine, but against aid to israel, and... this circle does not include three such trumpians, three pro-russian senators in fact, who simply voted that they are present, and i think it is very an important result, it shows that there is definitely bipartisan support for ukraine in the senate, the second point, extremely important, is a signal to russian society that the war will last a long time, that their hope that the americans will want to... leave ukraine, they will not justified themselves, and now it seems to me that they should scratch their backs and think whether it is necessary for their children, their husbands or parents to die in this war, which does not bring anything to ordinary russians, well, of course, this is a philosophical question, of course, that this is a signal to ukrainian society and we council, it seems to me very
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correct that the ukrainian parliamentarians, let's say this, thanked the american... people and the american congressmen, showing the american flag in the ukrainian parliament, i want to remind you that before this, when aid was voted in the chamber representatives, so i'm sorry, it was in the senate, they used ukrainian proportions, and this crazy party girl, she was just angry, and they said that this is a general violation of the law, the rules, that in fact, a different flag is on the capitol than... . it should not be american, and of course, that aid to ukraine is also a signal to allies in europe and other parts of the world that the united states is not going to get its leadership positions, that it is, in fact, obliged to that word. the boys who took it upon themselves. let's see, i think that in fact we have already
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started to receive these weapons, it is clear that the biden administration has ordered in such a way that ... in germany and primarily in poland, the means that were planned to be transferred to us were already there, and they are now going to the line of the front, i watched the politician literally before the broadcast, they claim that the previous aid package already included atacoms operational-tactical missiles and ukraine already used them for russian purposes, well, so far there is no such confirmation, but it is clear that atacoms is something that worries the russians and already on their television. they listed all the cities of both occupied ukraine and actually russian cities that fall under the influence of these missiles, with a radius of action of 300, maybe a little more kilometers, so of course it is a very good day for ukraine, and it is clear that it is not a good day for russians, they failed to mobilize the opponents of ukraine in the congress
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in order to block the aid, in order to make senseless. amendments, as, for example, margery tayle green made amendments that cannot be transferred to the so-called nazi battalion azo, although, well , it is clear that it is not nazi, and it has not been a battalion for a long time, the same about the support of the hungarian minority of the ukrainian carpathians, but marguerite taylor green can find the carpathians, i do not know , even if she will be able to find kyiv on the map, but she understood where such theses were coming from and it was understood that she... in this way tried to chatter and delay the decision-making in the house of representatives, so this is a very good day for for us, for our allies, or rather our partners, unfortunately, we are still... no allies and those who fight for freedom against tyranny, and senate democratic majority leader chuck schumer called the senate vote one of
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the greatest achievements of the senate in recent memory for the victory and the forces that stand on the side of democracy, let's listen to what chuck schumer said. today, the senate sends a universal message to the world: america will always be defended. we tell our allies that we will stand with you, we tell ours opponents, do not touch us, we tell the world that we will do everything to protect our democracy and our way of life. with a resounding bipartisan vote, six long months of hard work paid off. mr. alexander, how is this decision of the united states of america? will now affect the actions of all our western partners, so whether this is a marker or a sign for all other partners, well
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the uk immediately announced a large aid package of 500 million pounds, for smaller partners and maybe not active like the united states of america and great britain? well, you know, i would say two important points here, the first, which is not discussed publicly yet. that literally today i read an article by meanbaum in the atlantic, where she calls on the biden administration to change its strategy with regard to ukraine, because in reality it is a losing strategy, that we have to fight only on our own territory, which means that we cannot use western weapons on russian territory itself, and several other restrictions that were introduced washington back in the 22nd year, which limited the help that other partners provided to us, because i understood. they follow the united states and would hardly dare to do something in the conflict, although britain was the leader and in fact it pushed
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the united states, including providing us with missiles such as stormshadow, that is, the americans did not want to give similar ones and the first to give tanks, and the first gave helicopters and many other things. i will, i hope that they will get to the question of the strategy itself, they will understand that it was a failure. strategy all these last few years on the american side in the russian direction, this is a key moment, because then it will make it possible to transfer to ukraine more powerful systems with a greater radius of action, and of course, we will use them as if the united states or nato member countries were using , that is, they hit places where russian equipment and manpower were concentrated, command posts, infrastructure facilities, and of course we remember the same kerchen. bridge, i hope that both for and what has been happening in ukraine the last few months, above all this increase in attacks on
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ukrainian cities and what is happening now in kharkiv, it is clear that this is a great tragedy, and that in order not to give russia the opportunity to erase another large city from the map of ukraine, air defense systems are needed, now that discussion is going on, what i've seen in open sources, well... except that we know that germany has agreed to hand over one patriot. greece is thinking, and at least in the press, writing that they will provide ukraine with at least one system, and maybe two. another possible question may be about means the s-300, these soviet complexes, which, of course, will also come in handy. there is pressure on spain, which has quite a large number of patriots, and of course they are not in the epicenter of the fighting, so... they could hand over to ukraine, we'll see what the spanish say in the near future, most likely during the next ramstein , literally in two days.
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also, well, not entirely pleasant news from germany, speaking together with rishi sunak, olaf scholz said that his position on those weapons that are transferred to ukraine is not will change, that is, we have yet to see tauruses, despite the fact that there is information that the americans have transferred and or at least are going to transfer atacoms. france handed over several dozen anti-missile missiles for the smt smpt system. that's very good, but let's hope the french will, well, wait for what other countries have been giving us. france is in 16th place in terms of the amount of security assistance. it is clear that this does not count for a country with a powerful. army with a powerful defense-industrial complex, so let's see, literally in two days, i i hope that there will be such pleasant announcements for ukraine. well, in the meantime, the president...
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zelensky thanks the american congressmen and senators and the american leadership in general for the approved aid package and says that ukraine will do everything to compensate for the six months spent in debates and doubts. let's listen to what zelensky said. we have been working as hard as possible these days with our american friends at all levels to expeditiously... fill this package from the united states with exactly the weapons that our soldiers need, from atakams and artillery, from anti-tank weapons and missiles for the haimars, to the necessary air defense and equipment. i am grateful to president biden, to congress, to all americans who feel the need to knock the ground out from under
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putin's feet, not to obey. him, and only in this way will there really be fewer threats to freedom. together we can ensure it. well, in addition, zelensky also said that according to intelligence, the russians want to disrupt the global peace summit, which is scheduled for june in switzerland. he says that he received the information accordingly from intelligence officers and noted that russia has a plan to reduce the participation of countries in the summit. and how to act so that peace does not last even longer, and called on partners to oppose this and work in unity for a just peace, this is the help that our people and our country received from the americans, and the support that is now from great britain, from france, germany, in different ways, this shows, mr. oleksandr, that this
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peace summit, which we are counting on... had high hopes that it would be successful for ukraine, that is, what could be the consequences holding this summit for ukraine, for the world, and for russia? well, first of all, it should be said that all the help that is provided and has been provided recently, it is extremely important for our military to be able to plan for the 24th year, be it defensive operations or offensive, because it is clear that we are dependent. from our international partners to a large extent, and it is clear that without understanding that we can count on certain systems, on the amount of ammunition, we cannot actually act for, well, let's say, for the future, only defend ourselves with all that we have there is, and by and large this is the most important thing that has happened from the point of view of the military dimension, regarding the peace summit, i am a little skeptical in the sense that we will definitely not
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achieve peace there. but the most important goal is not even that, it is to keep our partners and not only those who help us the most, but also those who, so to speak, are sitting on the fence and watching this situation, to keep them closer to itself, to show that ukraine is ready for peace, to show that the peace formula, whether that of president zelensky or that of ukraine, as you can call it whatever you want, but it is nothing more than what is written. in the charter of the un, the final act of the csce, i mean, the washing of borders, not the use of force or the threat of use of force, and that this is in the interests of the global community, not only ukraine, not only ukraine's neighbors or nato member countries on the european continent, therefore, the summit will be positive in the sense that we will take the lead in the fact that we have a peace formula, that we have a desire for peace, and that russia is the only violator, the only obstacle on the way to
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of this world well, while it is still like that, it is clear that ukraine needs support, this is security assistance, this is economic assistance, this is humanitarian assistance, well, of course, diplomatic and political actions, therefore, on the one hand, this summit will not bring peace unequivocally, but on the other on the one hand, he will create a certain pressure on our partners, on our friends and those who, well, let's say this, stand aside in order to further support ukraine and show that the only threat to peace and security in europe is not... there is also the russian federation , well here here the question is quite simple, mr. oleksandr, but when there will be a consensus about the defeat of russia, that is, when we will clearly hear that putin's russia, or russia in the form in which it is now, threatens the world not only ukraine. well, unfortunately, i don't see any prospects here, especially in washington and the capital.


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