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tv   [untitled]    April 25, 2024 12:00am-12:30am EEST

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the united states has already provided ukraine with long-range, long-range attacks that ukraine has been asking for for months. this was confirmed today by jake sullivan, in particular, he said that the decision was made by the president back in february, later they began to transfer these atakamsa in march and they got to ukraine in april of this month, and the pentagon also confirmed that ukraine literally last night used these atakams. come on let's listen to how vedan patel, the deputy, described decision-making state department spokesman. i can confirm that the us, at the direction of the president, has provided ukraine with long-range attacks. back in february, he quietly ordered his national security team to send atakams to ukraine for use on ukraine's sovereign territory. they began to be sent as part of the military aid package announced... in march, and these missiles arrived in
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ukraine this month. we did not report this at the beginning to ensure the operational security of ukraine at their request. maria, and since jack salevan opened up a little more details he said that this decision to transfer long -range atakams to ukraine was delayed for a long time because they were worried about the united states' own readiness to have such atakams in stock. and later, in january, the pentagon managed to get to buy these new atakams that came literally from production, and thus they were able to replace these atakams in their stocks, and from their own stocks, to provide the older version of these long -range atakams to ukraine. also, as jake salevan said, at president biden's decision the fact that north korea decided to transfer ballistic missiles to russia for russia to use these missiles against the ukrainians also influenced the decision of the white house, and as jake sullivan said, they really hope. that this will help the ukrainians,
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in particular, to attack the positions of the russians in the middle of ukraine, on the sovereign territory of ukraine, so that they do not feel safe somewhere. yuli, in order to announce the provision of aid to ukraine, its approval at last, joe biden held a separate press conference, he addressed americans, said important things, which theses did you pay attention to? maria, i paid attention the most to how much it was a moment when... president biden himself admitted that it is actually a good day, both for ukraine, for the united states, for european partners, but this moment should have come much earlier. we know that president biden requested additional funding for ukraine back in october, so it took six months to actually approve this aid package for ukraine and other allies, and jake sullivan actually just said at the white house briefing how much work it took, and he said it took months. advocacy, both
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by various members of the biden administration and the president of the united states, it took a lot of confidential briefings for congress to take this step, and the white house admits that it will now be very difficult to fill the gap that has been created , that there are already negative results on the battlefield for the ukrainians because of this delay, but again i will repeat myself, this very important was the words from jake sullivan that after all they hope it will turn things around, maybe for a few weeks. it will be needed and in the end ukraine can win and will win, what else did joe biden say, and in fact, today he was dressed in a suit with ukrainian, with a ukrainian badge, a badge of the ukrainian flag, and he talked about the fact that this is an endorsement of aid, it is not only is necessary and important for ukraine, it is necessary for the united states itself, and president biden emphasized to us at the end that the united states, although there is a lot of division between the democrats, the republicans, when it comes to extremely important decisions, they are still united...
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they are making the right decision, it is late, but hopefully it will help, and we will see the results soon. indeed, yulia, officials from the ukrainian group also warned that the next few weeks, until this gap in the supply of weapons is filled , will be very difficult for ukrainians, but there is still hope. thank you julia, i will remind you about joe biden's appeal and the new aid package yuliya yarmalenko told us for ukraine. the vote in the senate for aid to ukraine took place late yesterday evening in washington. the overwhelming majority - 79 senators voted in favor, which is more than the bill that the senate passed in february. nine republicans changed their position and supported aid to ukraine. three democrats and 15 far-right republicans voted against. at the same time, the leaders of the senate welcomed the adoption of this law and emphasized: "this is your decision." will
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the united states continue to play a leading role in maintaining international order around the world? this evening, after over six. months of hard work and many twists and turns along the way, america is sending a signal to the world: "we will not turn our backs on you." today we say to our allies: we are with you. we say to our adversaries: don't play with us. we say to the world, the united states will do anything to protect democracy and our way of life. this law is one of the most significant that have been passed by congress in recent years for protecting america's security. and the future of all western democracy. this is an extremely important day in the history of our country, the stable world. nowadays, everyone is watching and waiting to see what we will do. when vladimir putin began escalating the war against ukraine, i told our
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colleagues that both allies and adversaries would be watching america's response very closely. it is time to once again recognize basic truths. alliances matter. the respect of foreign countries for american interests depends on our readiness to defend them and that peace, prosperity and security are not an accident, they are the product of american leadership and american sacrifice. in more detail about how the senators voted and what motivated their decisions, we will talk with kateryna lisunova, who followed these events in the congress. katya, congratulations. congratulations, maria. katya, you managed to communicate with the republican senators, who changed their position and eventually supported it. bill with democratic senators voting against it. tell me how they explain their decisions? as you correctly noted earlier, 79 for, 18 against. this is the overwhelming majority of support in the senate, but nevertheless there are those who are against. in particular, three democrats and 15
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republicans voted among those who opposed it, usually supporters of the extreme right, from the extreme right wing on the part of the republicans, and the extreme left on the side of the democrats. i spoke directly with bernie sanders, a democrat, and he said he did not support the bill because he opposes aid to israel, and i asked lynsey graham, a republican, who changed his position, and he said he i now supported this package, because there is a clause on the provision of loan assistance to ukraine, and i also asked the legislators why we had to wait so long for this assistance, i offered to listen to what they told me, you did not support the previous ones. bill, what has changed? the current bill includes a loan component and attempts to seize russian assets. american taxpayers must be considered in this process. i have always supported ukraine, but we need to protect our own border. so far it has not succeeded. that's why i'm very
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i support ukraine and welcome the item on the loan. this is correct, because we have our own large national debt. there is also a clause on the seizure of 300 billion of russia's sovereign assets. they created this one. i definitely support helping ukraine resist putin's merciless imperialist war. i strongly support this, but at the same time, i strongly oppose aiding the netanyahu war machine, which has killed over 33,000 palestinians, 2/3 of them women and children, and is now starving hundreds of thousands of people. so i wanted the same as in the house of representatives, we had... separate votes on each item, i would vote for aid to ukraine and against aid to israel. like ukraine, the united states has a very strong democracy. people have different views, they argue. democracy is not beautiful, it is slow and inefficient, but it is the voice of the people, and
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that is how we work here. i am sure that in ukraine it happens similarly, and because of this there are delays. i understand the criticism, especially from my good friends in europe. they all have a single parliament, and their heads of state are often the head of that parliament, so things move faster and much more efficiently there, we have a different system, but in the end we manage. katya, i also know that last night you managed to talk to the activists who stood under the congress with ukrainian flags for months until the congressmen could approve aid to ukraine, what were their reactions when the package was finally agreed and what do they plan to do next? that's right, maria, until... the senators debated for hours, activists stood outside congress and they have stood there almost every day for the last six months. after agreeing to the aid , they said that this is an important step, but it is one of many steps to ukraine's victory. i suggest you listen. i probably won't surprise anyone
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if i say that of course the work will continue, and despite the fact that we have waited a very long time for this aid package, it is clear that in the near future we will need us... the next aid from our countries -partners, so the work will definitely continue, both activist and volunteer, so we do not relax and work together to victory. "i 'm proud, i'm happy, but at the same time i understand that this aid package came too late for many people. we need to be more determined and committed so that putin is decisively defeated and withdraws his troops from all parts of ukraine. can you say that your the work is finished here? no, i have completed only one task, there are still many tasks left for ukraine to win a certain victory . we have come to express ours today
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support for ukraine, because today is the most important day, i wanted this money to be accepted much, much earlier, but it was accepted today, and this is the most important thing, we came to show our support as much as possible, to say thank you to the senators, how long have you been standing here today, today we were standing somewhere near the i managed to talk to the senators, i managed to see their reaction, it's just incredible, people came up, said it was thanks to you, they showed their fingers up, it's just incredible, to be honest , the emotion, thank you katya, i'll remind you that for kateryna lisonova followed the historic decision of the congress for ukraine all these six months, questioned the legislators and... gave the audience the voice of america. thank you very much, katya. better late than never,
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commented mitch mcconnell, the leader of the republicans in the senate, in response to the question of my colleague tetyana voroshko. leaders mcconnell, what would you say directly to the ukrainian people who have been waiting six months for this aid package to pass through congress. i would say that pis is better. than ever, listen, i personally wish we been done with it for a long time, those of you who work here every day know i 've been talking about this since last summer if not earlier, but today is a day of celebration so we finally got the job done, it's not too late, we should n't to denounce ukraine and we are not going to do that. in turn, ukrainians are grateful to the united states for this help. are happy with the long-awaited decision, but say it came at a high price, and if help had been provided
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in time, it would have saved hundreds of lives. anna chernikova commented on the emotions of ukrainians today. i'm so glad that finally, finally this has set the issue in motion, and finally there will be help for ukraine from america. i think that any ukrainian will tell you that this was a very critical issue. well, i'm not really . i watched this, but i was at my grandmother's, my aunt's, they were very happy about it , and i received this information from them, it is very, very positive, that finally something has happened and finally we will be able to move somewhere further, it will be more help, more equipment, and as i understand it, they say that we will win sooner rather than later, and as they say, peace without war will come sooner rather than later. without any losses i was crying, well, how can i say, hurry up, let everything
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be over, the emotions are certainly positive, we have been waiting for this for a long time, finally, so that we can win as best and as soon as possible, finally, i think this is what we need now, and it is very important for at the present moment, because if they had provided us with the fastest weapons, we... would not have destroyed the heating plant and we would not have had such a critical situation at the moment, of course we are grateful for the fact that they provide us with weapons, and as soon as possible, so that it reaches the boys at the front. and let's move on to other stories. the full-scale invasion of russia forced the citizen. in peter fouche's great britain to leave a quiet life. peter has been volunteering as a combat
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medic for over two years, six months ago he took the oath and officially joined the armed forces. anna kostyuchenko and pavel sukhodolskyi will tell what prompted him to do this. i'm ashamed that i'm from the west, what in god's name are you thinking when you're draining and withholding much-needed ammunition for... this video, recorded by british citizen peter foucher in december 2023, gained several days more than 50 thousand views in... the man says he made it to draw attention to the difficult situation at the front, which he sees with his own eyes. from march 2022, fouche left his job as a carpenter in london. but he came to donbas as a volunteer. i am a father and a former police officer. my protective
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instincts kicked in. i worked as a policeman in south africa. so it was just a natural reaction to cruelty. the crimes committed here: to come, to help ukraine defend itself. you are always moving under enemy fire. our task of combat medics - stop the bleeding and make sure the person is breathing. in the summer of 2022, peter began making his first trips as a tactical medic. ask him to lift his leg. the work of a tactical medic involves the constant danger of becoming a target for the enemy, says peter.
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i went out a few minutes ago, just before the soldiers arrived, to get some of the supplies, and this is what flew in from. why i was falling to the ground, the rocket is filled with these little bastards. in the fall of 2022 , under fire, peter helped the 28th brigade, which was defending the city at that time, with evacuations bakhmut. once we were driving along the main street of kostyantynivka, and suddenly there was a flash before our eyes. a rocket flew from the sky, it was the s-300, which exploded near the kostyantyniv city council. many tons of debris flew into the air from the explosion. we swerved left and right, avoiding chunks of concrete the size of this backpack or a wheelbarrow. and when the dust settled, the victims lay on the ground. it was the first time i witnessed serious injuries. there was a boy lying on the street, next to us, with his leg torn off by shrapnel. to fix
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contact with the wounded, peter uses rubber. i tell them, london is the capital of great britain, everyone always laughs at it, or good afternoon everybody, a famous phrase of boris johnson. sometimes rescued fighters send peter a message of gratitude. this sms came from alexander, whom peter saved in the summer of 2023. the serviceman was wounded by a landmine. the evacuation was carried out by peter. i at all. i was generally shocked by them, they were driving along the road, they were smiling, i let myself go a little, and then my head was buzzing from the explosion nearby, i let go so much that he almost fell asleep, they say, brother, you'll have a pepsi cola fanta, pete laughs, he tells him he would be 50 g. the garage near the house that peter rents, in one of the villages in donbas, is littered with first- aid kits and evacuation equipment. were
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sewn by a group of stanford volunteers, each signed, these were created by yvette fionn of stanford in england. a whole group of teenagers got together and sewed 40 of these. we give them all away, we are waiting for more. when peter is not going on combat evacuations, he is busy working at the project konstantin charity fund, where there is co-founder initially, the foundation was conceived for the organization of civilian humanitarian aid and the rescue of civilians in gray areas, but then we refocused on medicine and medical care for soldiers. fouche is not going to return to london, since the beginning of 2024, peter has taken an oath to
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the armed forces of ukraine and now serves as a combat medic in one of the ukrainian brigades. in his free time, he trains with weapons at the training ground, in particular, to be able to shoot at enemy drones, which make it difficult to evacuate the wounded. anna kostyuchenko, pavel sukhodolsky for voice of america from donetsk region. meanwhile, the election campaign continues in the united states. americans cite the economy as the issue they are most concerned about in this presidential election. at a time when the ministry. the us department of labor reports on new jobs and salary increases, candidates joe biden and donald trump promise to improve the economic situation in ukraine. iryna shinkarenko knows exactly how and will tell. theresa labs, a wisconsin voter, is concerned about the state of the u.s. economy and the as her family pays the mounting bills. for a working family like
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ours, it is difficult to go grocery shopping without spending $100-$150 every weekend. and we try to understand what needs to be bought today and what can be taken next week. gasoline prices are going up and i don't understand why. says: voting for joe biden with the hope that he will continue to work even harder in the next four years to make life easier for workers. at the same time, this economic anxiety is also increasing support for donald trump. voter from georgia faye bowling says the economy is in the worst shape it has ever seen. i'll tell you, i've never seen the economy as bad as it is right now in my life, and i fully support donald trump, and i want the republican wave to come in november because... we need to take back the house, the senate, and the presidency. back and save this great country. the economy is the top issue for people in this presidential election.
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a majority of americans polled by the harvard center for policy studies last month stated that inflation is the biggest problem that affects them personally. the concern comes despite the us labor department reporting a higher-than-expected employment rate in the first quarter of the year. more jobs appeared in health care, public administration and construction. the unemployment rate is below 4% and wages continue to rise. trump says the u.s. economy is spiraling into a cesspool of ruin, promising at an event in florida that he is the one who can fix it. people just want change, rich people want it, poor people people want it, everyone wants change, things are not going well in ukraine, we are the laughing stock of the whole world, we plan to change it very quickly. in the state of nevada said that he is rebuilding the economy, which has been damaged by the coronavirus and trump's decision to cut taxes for wealthier americans. things are moving,
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unemployment has plummeted, more nevadans are employed today than at any time in the state's history, and thousands of cities across america are witnessing this remarkable comeback story. biden says the economy will improve, thanks in part to his plan writing off some student loans. friends, i will never stop before... the economy, it is getting stronger and stronger. a survey by the harvard center for policy studies shows the country's political divisions over the economy. nearly two-thirds of democrats say the economy is on the right track, while only 12% of republicans share that optimism. iryna shynkarenko, scott sterins, voice of america. at a white house briefing , joe biden's national security adviser, jake sullivan, said that the united states had already provided the atacamas ukraine will be given more, since ukraine
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has fulfilled itself as a very reliable partner of the united states and has not fired at the territory of russia, which it promised. friends, this is where we say goodbye, read recent news on the voice of america ukrainian website, watch our youtube channel, thank you for staying with us, good night, good morning, see you soon. try flebodia 600, pink french pills for acute hemorrhoids, flebodia 600, treat hemorrhoids without any oops, there are discounts on
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gepargin 15% in pharmacies plantain, pam and save, there are discounts on linux forte capsules, 15% at travel pharmacies for you and save. exclusively on the air of our channel. congratulations, friends, politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week. russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. topics that resonate in our society. drone attack on kyiv and other cities. countries of drone attacks on moscow and other cities of russia, analysis of processes that change the country and each of us. the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu.
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vitaly portnikov. and guests of the project, we are bored, because there is nothing to argue about, let's invent, help to understand the present and predict the future, for the world the second presidency of trump will be terrible, a project for those who care and think, political club every sunday at 20:10 on espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. events, events that are happening right now and affect our lives. of course, the news feed reports on them. however, it is not enough to know what's going on. it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze them, modeling our
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future. every saturday at 13:10 with a repeat at 22:00. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso. vasyl zima's big broadcast. this is the great ether, my name is vasyl zima, and we are about to begin. two hours of airtime. two hours of your time. we will discuss many important topics today. two hours to learn about the war. now we will talk more about the war. serhii zgurets is with us, and what is the world like? and now about what happened in the world. what will yuriy fizar say, yuriy, good evening, please, you have the floor, two hours to keep up with economic news, time to talk about money during the war, oleksandr morchivka, with us, oleksandr, congratulations, please, and sports news, a review of sports events by yevhen postakhov, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, thank you very much to the chechen line for information about cultural news, presenters that have become familiar to many, natalka didenko is already ready to tell us about the weather on friday, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine,
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was also... chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast. a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. glory to ukraine. this is the verdict program. my name is serhiy rudenko. i congratulate everyone and wish everyone good health. for the next two hours, we will talk about ukraine, the world, the war, and our victory. today in the program. russian oil refinery on fire - a productive night for sbu drones. why the united states is afraid of strikes on strategic objects russian federation resonant two-party voting. biden signed the package of military aid to ukraine approved by the us senate. american weapons are not too late for the armed forces. preparation of punitive measures. americans
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warn china about...consequences of helping russia, will blinken be able to convince xi jinping to stop? over the next hour, we will talk about this and other things with our guests, veteran of the russian-ukrainian war yevhen dyky, diplomat oleksandr khara and political expert igor reiterovych. in the second part of our program there will be two political scientists, maxim rozumny and oleksiy kushel. however, before starting our big conversation, i suggest you take a look. video of how ukrainian drones destroyed 26,000 cubic meters of russian fuel in the smolensk region, that night drones visited several enemy oil depots, in particular , rosneft missed two fuel and lubricant storage and pumping bases in the villages of yartseve and rozdorove in the smolensk region. after the powerful explosions, there was a strong fire there, and the personnel began to evacuate.
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let's see how it was... the flame is already burning stronger and stronger, in general, near the crossing, but they didn't blow it, glory to the armed forces of ukraine and the defense forces of ukraine, death to the russian occupiers. friends, we work on several platforms at once, live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our platforms on youtube and.


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