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tv   [untitled]    April 24, 2024 3:00pm-3:30pm EEST

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to the responsible colleague irina koval, news editor, it is the news editor who will now tell about all operational news. hello, irina, i'm glad to see, well, imagine, please, what the issue will be about. thank you, antin, in return, well, in the issue i will talk about support for ukraine, and also about the energy situation in our country, so wait for more details in the issue. at 3 p.m., a news release on the espresso tv channel in the studio of iryna koval is for your attention. greetings to all viewers. support within the framework of the ukrainian facility program. the european union allocated a new tranche of macro-financial assistance for ukraine for 1.5 billion euros. this was reported by the president of the european union. commissions by ursula
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fondern. in her post on the ex social network, she noted that these funds are vitally necessary for the state and service of ukraine to work while the fight against russian aggression continues. fonderlia added: "europe remains united and determined to support ukraine." and meanwhile, for the third day in a row, ukrainian energy companies are attracting emergency aid from europe. the deficit of electricity keeps. consumption is 10% higher than yesterday, noted in ukrenergo. due to damage by russian missiles, power plants cannot produce enough electricity. due to hostilities and bad weather, some consumers in dnipropetrovsk, donetsk, mykolaiv, odesa, sumy, khmelnytskyi and kharkiv regions are without electricity. in odesa, as a result of the morning attack, the equipment of the local oblenergo was damaged. some areas of odesa have been cut off. repair work is underway to restore the light by... the end of the day.
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all families with children were evacuated in the village of ivashki, zolochiv community, kharkiv region. nine families with 15 minors were placed in other districts of the region. they will also be provided with material support - said the head of the regional military administration oleg sinigubov. forced evacuation of families with children has been announced in 47 front-line settlements. it was in these territories. 182 children. evacuation continues. the state border service will increase by 15,000 servicemen. the parliament adopted the relevant draft law. now the total number of border guards within a year from the date of termination or cancellation martial law will amount to 75,000 people, including up to 67,000 military personnel. such a number is needed for the formation of border detachments according to the new model. and
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structure that will restore the border after the complete liberation of all temporarily occupied territories of ukraine. the law is aimed at transitioning to a military method of guarding the entire ukrainian-russian section of the border. in the smolensk region, drones hit two oil depots, reuters reports and publishes the corresponding video. in result powerful fires broke out. one of them is on the outskirts of the village of razdvora, the other is near the village of yartseva. later, the local governor confirmed the fact of the impression of the objects. he hid drugs in toys. law enforcement officers detained a resident of dnipro who organized the sale of psychotropic substances. i looked for clients through telegram channels and internet forums. the goods were sent by mail. before sending, the man hid drugs in toys and small household items. equipment, the sale
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brought him at least half a million hryvnias of profit per month, the office reported prosecutor general. the suspect used fictitious profile data and disposable phone numbers, constantly changed clothes and wore dark glasses. the man was remanded in custody. deputy serhii shoigu was arrested in russia on suspicion of receiving of bribes , fsb officers detained deputy minister of defense timur ivanov. the investigation believes that the high-ranking official entered into a criminal conspiracy with third parties. several other officials were detained with him. the criminal case against ivanov is related to the execution of contract and subcontracting works for the needs of the ministry of defense. the court decided to keep ivanov in custody for two months. i should note that deputy minister of defense ivanov is under us sanctions.
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the european union of great britain and canada. a strange sight in london. bloodied army horses rushed through the center. which capital according to the media, the animals got loose during routine training. one of the horses rammed a parked double-decker tourist bus, and a taxi was also damaged. as a result of the incident, four people were hospitalized. so far, the horses of the fugitives have been caught and returned to the camp. it's not armageddon yet. residents of many cities in the center and south of ukraine witnessed the dirty. red sediment remains in drain tanks and on the surface of the car. even the clouds have an ominous red-orange color. according to forecasters, the cause of this was a cyclone that came from the south and dust from the sahara. the precipitation itself is clean, but has sediment in small
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particles of sand. a watering hole in the capital, the dnipro river overflowed its banks. the flooded territories of the hydropark, the muromets park on... on obolon and mykilsko-slobytsk street. in the water, parking lots, recreation areas and playgrounds. this year's water festival in kyiv set a record level. in the last day , the water rose by another 8 cm, the city's military administration reported. at the moment, no emergency flooding has been recorded in the city. industrial facilities and residential areas are out of danger. hammers to the front from. parishioners, ukrainian church communities in the united states of america together with the charity fund help heroes of ukraine collect money for cars for the armed forces. both in chicago and in illinois in general participates in such an initiative,
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our correspondents will tell. they sing prayer songs, consecrate easter baskets and donate money for cars for the armed forces of ukraine. yes, ours. emigrants and diaspora unite and join in supporting ukraine in the united states of america. an already purchased hummer was placed near the entrance to the church so that people could see what they were donating for. even today is easter, we came to the holy temple, we pray and sincerely worry for our soldiers, because with prayer and work you can to help, that's why we work and try always from our wages. to help, people willingly throw money, help, there are no small donations, we do our volunteer work and help our boys. representatives of the help heroes of ukraine charity fund implemented such an initiative among believers to raise funds for armored vehicles
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for the military. religious communities from the states of chicago, cleveland, michigan and ohio joined the action. god sent us here for what, so that... we could be the same as volunteers in ukraine, some are at the front, others is for the front, and that's all, and only victory, no, no peace can be achieved without victory. humvees have high cross-country ability and mobility and are less vulnerable to enemy bullets. the cost of one car with inspection, repair and transportation reaches 30 thousand dollars. ukrainian soldiers use these pickups for various purposes. combat missions, from reconnaissance to evacuation of the wounded. in fact, the very process of delivery and purchase of this type of machine is not simple, because buying, simply buying such a machine is not difficult, but officially to be delivered to ukraine by the military, this requires a special permit, special
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licenses, actually, which healperos of ukraine also have. seven hummers are already ready to serve our defenders on the front line. good luck for three more cars. collect money in 2023 , the help heroes of ukraine fund donated more than 20 armored vehicles to the armed forces. well, not only cars are needed at the front. i want to remind you about our collection of communications and security equipment that is needed by the reconnaissance unit of the 3rd special operations forces regiment. they fight for the independence of our country in difficult battles on the eastern front and give you and i the opportunity to live. work and study. our goal is uah 720,000. with your help, we have already made an advance payment, and we have less than uah 300,000 left to collect. so let's not delay, the war continues, and every hryvnia of yours is of great importance. you can now see all the details on the screen.
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such were the news at that time. you and i will meet at 4 p.m. and literally in a moment ether continues mine. colleague, antin borkovskyi. thank you to iryna koval, thank you to the news editor, well, for the third time, i am informing you about the most important, important news, that is, i can't help but announce it once again. the security service of ukraine detained the metropolitan of the uoc mp, who pointed out to the russians the position of the armed forces of ukraine in donetsk region, i am now quoting the press service of the sbu. therefore, the sbu detained and informed about the suspicion. metropolitan of the soatighir lavra of the uoc mp arseniy ihor yakovenko, who helped
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the russian occupiers identify the positions of the ukrainian troops. direct speech of the sbu press service. according to the investigation, kliryk surrendered to the occupiers the location of checkpoints of the defense forces in the kramatorsk district of donetsk region. it happened during his liturgy. then the vicar gave the parishioners the addresses of the checkpoints of the ukrainian troops under a video recording. subsequently, this video was published on the website. lavra and in the local group of the telegram channel, well , according to the investigation, metropolitan arseniy in this way tried to covertly convey to the russians information about the deployment of our servicemen on the front line, well, the metropolitan himself repeatedly spoke about the kremlin's narratives regarding the war in ukraine. the law enforcement officers informed him about the suspicion, the dissemination of information about the movement and location of the troops. currently, the selection of a preventive measure is being decided. event for the metropolitan, well, i will note that he was born on the territory
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of the karelian autonomous republic of the soviet union, served in the soviet army and studied at the moscow theological seminary, and later he was appointed vicar and vicar of the holy assumption lavra in svyatogorsk. in 2015, he became a metropolitan, well, in the 23rd, he became a vicar of the kyiv metropolitanate of the uocmp. now join us marathon runner oksana savchuk, people's deputy of ukraine. glory to ukraine, ms. oksano, glad to see you. glory to the heroes, glory to the heroes, mutual pleasure to see you. well, the security service of ukraine has informed that they have opened a criminal case, and now the issue of choosing a preventive measure for metropolitan of the uoc mp arseniy, ihor, is being resolved. regarding, this whole case concerns ihor yakovenko in myra, who helped. the version of the sbu investigation to the russian occupiers to reveal the positions of our fighters, well,
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accordingly, how is the investigation progressing there several draft laws dedicated to the uoc? yes, this is one of those who was really always against ukraine and carried out the mission of the kremlin, which many clerics continue to carry out today. of the orthodox church, unfortunately, there are still a lot of parishioners who come to them, who still have some kind of, you know, faith that they will be told something good there, but in reality we really need to change, we need to really change the laws in the parliament, and people need to understand the reality of where they are going, and that the russian orthodox church is the one that, in its own way... almost a month ago, the synod announced that there is no ukraine as such in principle, and
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all this is russian peace, so it must be constantly reminded, you and i really had high hopes, many people's deputies tried to put it on the agenda this week, because we have several session days, a draft law on banning the activities of religious organizations. you must have noticed, all our viewers, you saw what pressure... what lobbying was included by russian ipso and russian propaganda in general, as all kinds of appeals from various lawyers began to be heard, as if all people's deputies who want to vote for this law, they are traitors, these are all traditional fakes that they spread in order to talk about the issue, so that the parliament will not accept it, and i am very sorry that in this parliament, among the servants of the people, others ... there are many lobbyists of the russian church and the moscow
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patriarchate in the groups of deputies, unfortunately, the speaker has not yet gathered the courage to put this issue on the agenda, for me it is very strange, because we are ready to mobilize all resources to the maximum, there were already long ago, we thought that before on the big day, this bill will be voted on, but it is not on the agenda at the moment. well, thank you very much for outlining a very clear date. before easter, not after the holidays, ms. oksano, yes, we understand that there is not much left until easter, but we will monitor this case as well, in the meantime , the united states state department. mentioned the telethon, the only news, as an example of the violation of freedom, the expression of opinions, here we are talking about the report of the state department for the 23rd year. the american state department notes that the constitution and ukrainian laws provided for freedom of expression, but the authorities did not always respect these rights. well, i am quoting the state department now.
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for example, a national telethon, a changing platform of channels that. toeing the government's line on war reporting, exerted an unprecedented level of control over prime-time television news. what's more, some media outlets have reported suspensions from lucrative terrestrial broadcasting contracts and pressure from the president's office as early as the spring of '22. the american report claims that the government banned, blocked or imposed sanctions on zmi and individual journalists who were considered a threat. in national security, or who expressed a position that, in the opinion of the authorities, undermined the sovereignty and territorial integrity of ukraine. journalists and investigators critical of the government were sometimes targeted by negative social media campaigns, sometimes through government-friendly channels. and accordingly, i would like to ask you about
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the story with the telethon. yes, we understand that history is not. so to speak, as economical as we would like, yes, and more 3.5 billion hryvnias is all there is to it, and accordingly, prime minister denys shmyhal voiced his position and called it inappropriate to redistribute the funds from the telethon to the armed forces of ukraine, at the same time as they say that it would be nice to take in parties, this one... with which the support of our party structures is financed, regardless of whether they are in power or in the opposition, but, but, but, but, well, well, let's start with the telethon, yes, it really is complex question, if you start from the very beginning, then today in the parliament we voted an appeal to all democratic institutions regarding the protection
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of the rights of journalists who are in russian captivity, deprived of any human rights. and are subjected to torture and abuse, on the other hand, we have another side of the coin, and we remember very well how after 2014 and before that, we had a very large number of banned pro-russian channels , including medvedchuk's, which then these channels were closed, but the journalists who worked there were not screened by them some of them were not given openly at all. proceedings for the fact that they were engaged in anti-ukrainian activities, and this is actually very important to say, because some of them have now gone to different projects, temporarily turned their caps in the other direction and are waiting for better times, because their essence has not changed, and if we say about the single marathon and about the policy of controlling the information space, then it has really
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become noticeable for a long time by our partners who monitor how democracy is observed in the war, of course, that there are some such moments during the war, when we really don't always do what we like, but if we talk about information policy, then there was a large number of channels, which at one time were financed by large media, corporations and certain oligarchic structures, today all this the lion's share fell on the state budget and a large number of journalists, who also received... reservations, which caused a great negative effect on the ukrainian society itself, engaged in propaganda of politics, the president, the monomajority, and a lot people who have a different policy, they cannot get in, i will tell you even more, a large number of servicemen who could convey an opinion even in the first year of the war,
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today it is a very bureaucratic thing, because a serviceman without a permit, commanders and leaders... who does not have the right to go on the air, it is very strictly controlled and punished, so it is also true, and that is why the information space has become monotonous, and this has been noticed by our partners. what can parliament do? parliament can really check the expediency of spending these funds, refer attention to the fact that in our country everyone is already shouting that something needs to be changed. send journalists to the parliament to attend our vote. today , the chairman of the free speech committee said that they are developing a mechanism, and we hope that this mechanism will be developed quickly. because we have been waiting for it for a long time and we would like to see journalists on the sidelines and also take part of the funds from the channels. regarding the second question briefly, i will tell you that when the covid-19 started regarding
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the financing of parties, i immediately went to the budget she submitted changes and several amendments to the budget so that all the funds that at that time belonged to her parties, only those parties that came to the parliament receive, so that they are automatically transferred to the armed forces of ukraine even when there was covid, since the parties do not perform the functions that they performed, then my amendment was rejected, the next year in the budget i submitted the same amendments again, this year i had an amendment regarding the withdrawal of funding from the friedom channel, transferring them to the armed forces, not only that, we proposed to create separate account where we clearly saw how these funds came and where they went. unfortunately, all of these offers were years away. inclined and today this is what some groups of deputies are already raising, although , unfortunately, they did not raise these issues before,
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but of course i am convinced that it should be done, but i am convinced that the monomajority does not have the political will to vote for this draft law, so as long as there are not enough votes, it is necessary to continue to voice this issue and spread it as much as possible, because all the funds that are not enough today armed forces it relies heavily on volunteerism, and the state should direct it as much as possible, because today we see that it is necessary to look for it in the extremely high salaries of officials, it is necessary to look for it in the marathon, it is necessary to look for it in those expenses that are not mandatory during the war. thank you, thank you, ms. oksana, oksana savchuk was in touch with us, a people's deputy of ukraine, here is some interesting information, dear tv viewers, as they say, try to guess the author, or rather the author, yes. the hint is direct speech, i quote: so, at the moment, we have de facto already six state channels, public with all its ramifications rada, dom, fridom,
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telethon, army media holding, about 3.5 billion hryvnias have been allocated to them in the state budget. at the same time, there is a nuance: these are taxpayers' funds, but since in fact 100% of our taxes with you go to national security and defense, then the budgeting structure. shows that all these channels are financed from the funds, from the funds of our partners, and so on and so forth, guess who also paid attention to the 3.5 billion uah that go to the public council, home, freedom, telethon, army media holding and so on and so on, maryana bezugla, people's deputy of ukraine, who never got out of the monomajority, but in order not to go too far, let's now look at a small plot dedicated to how, for example, tv channels... espresso was thrown off the air, let's watch it together, then analyze it. two years have passed, the spresso tv channel has still not been returned to t-2. during this time, neither the government nor officials
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took responsibility for the outage. the espresso team has repeatedly appealed to the president, the cabinet of ministers, national security and defense council, national council on television and radio broadcasting. however, there is no clear answer as to who and why limited the broadcasting of the channel. didn't get it, it's pure censorship, it's a violation of freedom of speech in ukraine, because today the rada tv channel is actually being broadcast on the t2 network, on the button on which the spresso tv channel was broadcast for 10 years. the rada tv channel is a state channel, it is a participant of the single news marathon, and instead of espresso, people who still use and watch ft2 television, they can watch the marathon of the only news again. which is broadcast today, if i am not mistaken, on eight or nine tv channels, and that is, they do not have access to information, to alternative information, to various
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mass media, to such an independent tv channel as espresso. the state intelligence service explained that the reason for turning off espresso the fifth and direct from digital broadcasting is the alleged implementation of the march 2022 decision of the national security and defense council on a unified information system. that body and others have denied involvement in the blackout tv channels this document also does not regulate our disconnection, because there is not a single word written about the need to disconnect someone, to switch, there is no word espresso, there is no name of other tv channels that were disconnected together with us, so this is pure manipulation , and we still do not have any explanations of the reasons why this happened, why this illegal action took place two years ago. the resumption of broadcasting of the channels was registered in april 2022, in a few months it collected the necessary the number of votes, but the appeal remained
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unheard, whether the tv channel would be returned to... the government did not respond. a year ago, the international human rights organization reporters without borders called on the ukrainian authorities to resolve the situation as soon as possible and return the tv channel the opportunity to work fully, because limiting the broadcasting of tv channels does not speed up our accession to the eu. in march 2023, the us state department assessed the ukrainian press as partially free. the report discussed, in particular, the situation with espresso, direct and fifth tv channels. we are this is not how we fulfill some requirements and conditions of the european union in order to be accepted there in the end, how we work or try to work according to those rules and laws, canons, skills that are acceptable and logical in the free world. and
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when we do not work for them, this, of course, distances us from the free world. the return of tv channels to the t2 digital airwaves now depends on the ukrainian authorities. according to the director of espresso, because of such illegal actions , our state has been moving in the opposite direction from democracy and freedom for two years words we are doing our best to bring our victory closer and believe that we will definitely win. but if the government does not admit its mistake. and will not return us to the digital air, there is a great risk that in the future we may turn into russia, because the attack on freedom of speech in russia began precisely with the restriction or elimination of the media. due to disconnection from t-2, our channel lost about 40% of the audience, but espresso continues to speak on the internet, in cable networks, on two satellites in ukraine and abroad. we are actively developing on youtube and social media
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networks this audience already exceeds the figure we lost then, but still we continue to call on the authorities, all the officials responsible for this, to return us to the digital network, because not all ukrainians today have the opportunity to watch us thanks to cable networks, satellite and the internet, they are still waiting for us in the t2 network, so it is important to return the espresso tv channel to t2 with the simple goal that a is democracy, b is freedom. freedom of speech is a european value, most importantly people have the right to have access to information diverse, not always convenient for someone, for some individual politicians, they don't say for the authorities, not convenient maybe for some certain people, but this is the information that is just journalism, and we give what is reality, we prepare people for certain things that are inevitable, we talk about what is happening and what can be, we asked ukrainians what they think about the shutdown of espresso and their attitude to
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the single marathon. popularity is falling, and this says it all, it is necessary that there be everything, a person must have a choice, he must choose, i have a negative attitude, it's an alternative, different channels, different views, so i don't see any problems not to show them on t2, especially since i know rural areas, especially the areas, there were a lot of users, they watched expresso, i have a bad attitude. why? well, because there are channels that cover news from all sides, including. despite the disconnection from the digital network, the espresso tv channel continues to broadcast information. the espresso team informs the audience about all the important events, and the war correspondents, risking their lives, documents the crimes of russia, and we are still waiting for the channel with a ukrainian perspective to be returned to the digital airwaves. well, these are
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the kolomiykas, so today, well, this night, to be more precise, the occupiers attacked the residential complex of kharkiv with s-300 missiles, the gas pipeline was cut off and there were victims, it happened around half past one in the morning. yes, i am quoting the mayor of kharkiv, igor terikhov, two s-300 rockets that exploded near a residential high-rise building, a lot of windows were broken, we will inspect the roofs, several buildings were damaged. we will in the morning to restore gas, recently there have been chaotic shelling of kharkiv, mainly in residential areas of the city. yes, well, now i'm joining kharkiv city council deputy, veteran of the russian-ukrainian war, artem revchuk. glory to ukraine. mr. artem, congratulations. glory to heroes. i congratulate the studio, i congratulate the ukrainian.


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