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tv   [untitled]    April 24, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm EEST

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they are trying to use the situation in ukraine, the relationship between ukraine and the european union, in order to demonstrate to brussels that they need to provide financial assistance. here, in this context, the situation is aggravated by the fact that poland will receive more than 130 billion euros of aid, well, aid not previously received. i would not say, although my opinion is not in trend, that hungary, well, it is an enemy of ukraine, we have to do sufficiently clear things here and speak with clear definitions, you can say that it is an enemy, you can say that it is an opponent, but we have only one enemy when we call a country that is a member of... nato and
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the european union an enemy, you see, we create a situation in which we, in fact, create a contradiction with the general line, because there are certain procedures, and here, when you show now viktor orbán, speaking under the banner of national conservatism, it shows that he is primarily a leader of right-wing forces. and he fights for the interests of hungary, just as robert fico will fight for the interests of slovakia, to get more money from the european union. we are from our own the parties missed an opportunity in the fall. we missed the opportunity to address all the countries of the visegrad four at once when fico was coming to power, and say: dear neighbors, your experience is important to us. we understand that
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there have been problematic moments in our relationship, but we ask you to lend us a helping hand. i understand that we may not have received such help, but we could have indoctrinated them against us. why? because in european morals, a country that bleeds, as ukraine does, and which... is asking to extend a helping hand to her, she can count on, well , at least a reduction in the degree of negative rhetoric or not, but for this it was necessary to take an appropriate step and talk with our partners, one more question, mr. yevgeny, is this a possible olympic truce because french president emmanuel macron believes that... countries currently at war
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must stop for the duration of the olympic games, which will be held in france, president zelenskyi said that he does not believe in the possibility of implementing macron's ideas because the aggressor never keeps his promises. let's listen to what zelensky said. i don't believe in this with russia, i don't believe in this truce format in general, i... i don't believe in any truce format with the russian federation, and it's a lie, emmanuel knows it, and he himself witness this, we were together in the normandy format, we went through this entire minsk process together, france, germany, ukraine, we are all living witnesses, not from books, but we are living witnesses that there is no frozen conflict with russia, this is a matter for regrouping from russia. and acquiring even
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more power for them, and then to destroy us. we went through it. mr. yevgeny, zelenskyi says that he does not believe in any truce with russia. what are the possible scenarios in the war between russia and ukraine, well, in the next six months or so. well, we have, thanks to kharkiv ultras, for 10 years. know who putin really is, i simply will not repeat this quote on the air in order not to expose the espresso channel and you personally, mr. sergey, to trouble, but i will say that we must prepare for the fact that the war won't end in two or three weeks, we have to understand that we will not achieve success in the mobilization issues by the flight alone by the legal acts alone. we must understand that the government should
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be more clear and clear in its actions for our fellow citizens, that... its actions should be understood, and not as we saw that valery zuluzhnoy was dismissed, not explained, oleksiy danilov was dismissed, not they explained, they changed the situation with consular accounting today, they did not explain, and such things, well , you know, there cannot be so many for the simple reason that they undermine internal unity of ukraine. and that is why it is a really serious challenge that must be countered, that must be fought, and we must do it with joint efforts, that is, the government and citizens must act as a united front, and not be each for himself, this is absolutely clear
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and 100%, because we, what we need in this situation, what would i say, i think we have to count on... that the war will continue, and accordingly, ukraine should minimize the opportunities for claims to itself from the western partners, that is, the normalization of work parliament, its return to normal actions, regular work on decision-making, in particular, for example, creating conditions for the formation of the newest defense industrial... complex at the expense of joint ventures by the event, when we will offer ready-made industrial sites and special conditions for investors, these are substantive transformations within the state, which do not give
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our opponents a reason to talk about tightening the nuts and authoritarian tendencies, this is , accordingly, i think, another opportunity now... to do everything so that such a practice as the government of national unity is a necessity at the moment, because it becomes simply dangerous to continue playing personnel tricks, you understand, without real consolidation of power, without new blood, not new faces, without new things. professional blood, you see, the government needs a transfusion of blood that was, well, let’s say this, in the warehouses of the ukrainian state for a certain time, that is, these are people who already have relevant experience, and who, i think, will not refuse to return to
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the executive power, without having political ambition, you can sign a political declaration that they have no political ambitions, but we must... strengthen consolidation for the sake of victory, otherwise the road to it will only be longer and longer. thank you, mr. yevgeny, for the conversation, it was yevhen magda, executive director of the institute of world politics. friends, we work live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are currently watching on these platforms, please subscribe to our pages, take part in our survey. today, during the entire broadcast, it is two hours long. we we ask you about this, do you watch the telethon only news, well , it does not mean at this moment, but in general, the intermediate results of the poll on the telecast are 18% yes, 82% no, on youtube we have a ratio of 10% yes, 90% no, well these are actually the results,
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every week, the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaliy portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts give based on facts his assessment and forecast of the development of events. do you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow? see the saturday politclub, every saturday on espresso. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is about. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like relatives to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. events of the day in... hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart people and those who don't care, in the evening for espresso. the premium
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sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. congratulations, friends, live on the espresso tv channel, the second part of the verdict program is being released today. long-awaited military aid. american weapons can be delivered to ukraine within a few days after the adoption of the law. why did congress delay so long? a window of opportunity for the enemy. the spring offensive of the russians against the backdrop of a lack of weapons in the armed forces has actually already begun, is ukraine ready to repel
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the invaders? new purges in the cabinet. in on the sidelines of the verkhovna rada, they are talking about preparations for the dismissal of three or four ministers. who will fall under the political rotation? we will talk about this and other things in the next 45 minutes with our guests, people's deputies of ukraine. however, before introducing, i would like to say that we are not only working live on the espresso tv channel, but also on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are currently watching us live there, please subscribe to our pages, take part in our survey, today we ask you about do you watch the one news telethon, it is not meant directly during the broadcast of the tv channel, but in general, if you watch, then on youtube, vote with the appropriate button yes, no, if you are sitting in front of the tv and watching us on tv, take your smart phone or phone and call if you
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are watching the telethon single news 0800-211-381, not 0800-211382, all calls to these numbers are free. i would like to introduce the guests of today's program, this is oleksandr merezhko, people's deputy of ukraine from the servant of the people faction, chairman of the committee on of foreign policy and interparliamentary cooperation of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. mr. oleksandr, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. thank you for the invitation. good evening. good evening. iryna gerashchenko, people's deputy of ukraine from european solidarity, member of the verkhovna rada committee on foreign affairs. and inter-parliamentary cooperation, former commissioner for peaceful settlement in donbas, mrs. iryna, i congratulate you, thank you for joining the broadcast, good evening, halyna vasylchenko, people's deputy of ukraine from voice, member of the verkhovna rada committee on finance, banking, tax and customs policy, mrs. galina, i congratulate you, thank you for
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being with us today, good evening, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, so mrs. and... since we ask of our tv viewers about whether they watch the only telethon, well , i'll just ask you too, because i can immediately say about myself, i don't watch the only telethon, i wonder if you watch it, because we are conducting such a sample and want to understand in general, watch anyone this telethon or not watching here from our guests, including mr. oleksandr, you must be watching the only telethon or? participation in it? well, unfortunately, rarely, i watch mainly when i give interviews, but actually i mainly listen to the news, i listen to the bbc, for example, that is, you watch the espresso tv channel, i understand that the ukrainian service of the bbc, is that also very interesting i really like the format, by the way. thank you, mrs. iryna, i
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am fighting a marathon with him, as a rudiment of an authoritarian state, and mr. is really right. reshko that he is temporary, i see but the monitoring of the marathon is very good, and as the same media detector shows, for example, last month alone, representatives of the servants of the people participated in the marathon 146 times, european solidarity is the second largest faction in the parliament, only five were included by our deputies, and for these two years, for example, as the co-chairman of the faction and also a member of the committee on foreign policy, i have not been a participant in any marathon, so it seems to me that these funds should be reformatted for the armed forces. thank you, ms. irina, ms galina i don't watch the marathon, moreover, i support the initiative of my colleague from the faction , yaroslav yurchyshyn, who heads the committee on freedom of speech, to finally open access to journalists to the sidelines of the verkhovna rada.
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i believe that this initiative is very timely and we should do everything to make it possible. what happened, i apologize, a very cool story, i'm sorry sergey, mrs. galina, you know, i don't know about such an initiative of your colleague, because neither he nor your faction registered any bills, and we registered two relevant resolutions, this also concerns the tv channel rada, or it started showing the parliament, this also concerns the redirection of funds from the marathon, we registered a resolution regarding the admission of journalists to the sidelines and even painted a diagram there. so great, tomorrow i propose, i will put this issue to a vote and i hope your fraction will support it, so that we bring this resolution to a vote in the hall. yaroslav, nothing like that, unfortunately, yaroslav has not yet registered anything like that, we are waiting, if there will be taroslav as the head of the committee has the opportunity to attend conciliation councils, and he always raises this issue both in the public
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space and at the conciliation council. well, i do , i understand, i apologize, serhiy, you are raising a very important issue, a very important issue, the meeting should be open, and even there yaroslav does not raise this issue for reconciliation, i ask you to adhere to the format of the program, you are not the vice-speaker now, and i am chairing the meeting, so please listen to me, i hope that ladies and gentlemen, you have one position, i understand, and with the only something should be done with the telethon, because they even speak ukrainian. according to the data of the international organization internews, for the 23rd year , 23% of ukrainians watch the only telethon every day, the same number watch it at least once a week, and 45% of respondents do not watch the telethon at all, so the question is open, the question should be articulated to the minister, probably because shmyhal
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said that he will not redirect these funds to the armed forces, and this is probably not a very good answer and not a good one. a decision, ladies and gentlemen, was expected today in the verkhovna rada consideration of the dismissals of ministers and members of the government of denys shmygal, this did not happen, i do not know whether it was simply a leak of information that was incorrect, or whether the case of mykola solskyi prevented it, nabu and sap announced that he was suspected of flooding with state land for 291 million personnel rotations for the government, are they on time, why am i asking you, because... because we have a parliamentary-presidential republic, therefore , in principle, the parliament should appoint, dismiss and carry out rotations, you should definitely know much more than in the office
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the president, well, for sure, mr. oleksandr, well , first of all, such staff rotations are a completely normal phenomenon, i don't see anything wrong with this process, it's normal, especially if we are talking about a very difficult period of the war. that is why i am positive about it, the only thing is that, unfortunately, i do not have specific information today regarding the names of those persons who may be in the cabinet of ministers, let's say, who will be changed, that is, i i don't know that, but as a deputy i would really like to, if such changes are taking place, to know in order to make a responsible decision and vote accordingly. in other words , this issue was not raised or brought up in the servant of the people faction, you, you simply did not discuss it, right? you, the majority in
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the verkhovna rada, you determine the fate of the ministers, well, at least the fate of two governments, you have already decided, that is, the fate of honcharuk and the fate of shmyhal. shmyhal, even more so, a record holder, i look forward to being in the prime minister's chair, mrs. galina, were you waiting for changes, personnel changes in the government? and maybe on appointment, because, for example, there is no minister of culture, information policy in ukraine after the resignation of oleksandr tkchenko, and it is also a big question why there is no chief propagandist in the state during the war. you are very right about the ministry of culture, moreover, the rumors circulating that this ministry wants to be liquidated, annexed to another ministry and everything else are alarming, we well remember how at the beginning of our term back in the 19th year ... certain ministries were united, then separated again, we well, we understand how harmful it is, and in particular now during the war, it is very, very risky,
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i would say, to do such things, because when people enter the ministry, a new team enters, the minister changes, deputy ministers begin to change, it goes, probably about four to six months, sometimes in order to delve into the work for... to implement some specific strategies and visions and to start implementing the policy of the particular minister who took this position, and actually we don't have time right now to these all the swings, and maximum efficiency in work is required, and such a ministry as the ministry of culture cannot be without a leader for so long, moreover, i hope that it will still be preserved. and will not be eliminated, if we talk in general about those personnel reshuffles, well, as of now, we do not have the corresponding registered removals within the walls of the verkhovna rada, so that
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we can clearly see who they want to dismiss, who they want to appoint, now it all happens on equal to rumours, but these rumours indeed, for several months , international deputies have also been circulating on the sidelines, regarding several ministers, in particular this regarding... minister kubrakov, regarding mrs. iryna vorishchuk, there were also certain conversations regarding oksen lisovoy, but what i know in general, i asked other colleagues, is it seems that these positions are really only at the level of rumors and more from rectors who have been sitting in their positions for a long time and do not want to be re-elected, but we know that the minister... has introduced a big initiative regarding the associations of certain universities and everything else, so this is more like a real rumor,
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regarding the other ministers, the ones i named, there have indeed been reports several times, so i think we will see in the near future, and the fact that the government needs a reboot, i can definitely say, is very many. comments to various ministries, both from the people's deputies and society in general. thank you, mrs. galina. mrs. iryna, what happened to solsky, is n't that a reason to resign the entire government, because, well, in principle, there are many questions, and the prime minister should also answer for what happened to solsky. well, first of all, in this government there is not only a minister of culture, but also a minister. for example, veterans, although we are already a country of veterans, we have a million military personnel today, and it is obvious that the veteran policy is one of the priorities, but
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there is no minister for several months, there is no minister of sports, that in a few months the olympics will take place, and it seems that the summer olympics, that today the minister of sports should make every effort to prevent athletes from the russian federation from being admitted to these sports competitions and belarus, even under neutral flags, we have failures in whole sectors of different policies, and the issue here is not so much in the government as in the parliament, but pay attention, mr. mareshko, he is not an ordinary deputy of the servant of the people, he is the chairman of the committee. also a member of the conciliation council, and even he does not understand what is happening. i want to tell you that i am very sorry that the conciliation council is taking place in a closed mode and not in an open format. representatives of the monobolzhosta announced that they will be certain this week personnel changes. they said: from three to six ministers, you know, this is of course the first time, probably in ukrainian history, when the day before the vote, the representatives
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of the monomajority, who should... delegate candidates for these vacant positions, do not know what they are talking about it is said, and this obviously speaks of such a very systemic crisis in the parliament itself, among the very servants of the people, that is why the question is not how it will be, who will be appointed to the position of minister, in such a correct diagnosis that it really is a crisis there is a majority, but there is no majority, because no law is passed, even if it is a presidential law, today there are no 200. 26 votes of seniority, the maximum there is 200. it is obvious that it would be correct to reformat the majority, to create a coalition of responsibility, which would already formed this government of national unity, which would be based and united around surnames. as for mr. solsky and other ministers, you know, we have not had a question hour for the government since september of last year, this is an absolutely abnormal, irresponsible policy, and of course... i
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i think you can engage in corruption, steal, do whatever you want, if there is no control, there is no control, even the deputies cannot ask the government questions today: what is happening in our military industry, what is happening in agriculture, and where are the promised drones? , for which billions of hryvnias were directed there, and actually, from a good point, we achieved european solidarity with our colleagues within the framework of the monet dialogues, which took place this weekend in lviv. the return of the question hour to the government, even a summary document was introduced that every plenary week there we will have these hours of questions to the government, this is very important, and i want to assure you that this friday we will demand from the prime minister a report on certain politicians, but also information about, so what there are such rumors about who is going to be replaced and who is the main thing, because the question
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here is not about surnames, but really. politics, in the spheres of military industry, energy, veteran policy, culture, as you mentioned, reintegration, there are a lot of questions and no answers. thank you, ms. irina, no, no less problems, probably, in the american congress and in the senate, because in the senate, perhaps, there are no personnel issues and there are no such acute issues that require prompt resolution internally. states of america, but the war in ukraine is a war not only against ukraine, but against the whole world. on april 20, the congress of the united states of america passed a bill on the allocation of 61 billion dollars to ukraine, and the senate meeting, which was planned for today and was supposed to start at 9:00 p.m. kyiv time, is not taking place, and as the guardian writes,
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put this voice aside. because a procedural vote on the allocation of 61 billion to ukraine, as well as aid to israel and taiwan, has been delayed due to several republicans complaining that they cannot propose amendments. senators eric schmidt and mike lee accused senate majority leader chuck schumer of essentially pushing his version of the bill through with minimal debate, possibly without amendments. lee claims that funding ukraine is unpopular. mr. oleksandr, tell me, we were waiting after the passing of this bill in the congress of the united states of america, and in the senate, well, it seemed clear that this decision would be adopted almost automatically, and the main thing was to pass the congress, where there were republicans' preferences, and the republicans there had more.


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