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tv   [untitled]    April 24, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm EEST

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let's summarize the informational morning in ukraine in eterispress news, khrystyna works in the studio. details of the attack on russian oil depots. drones destroyed 26,000 cubic meters of russian fuel in the smolensk region. that night , ukrainian drones hit several enemy oil depots at once. this is reported by the ukrainian media with reference to sources in law enforcement agencies. rosneft was not included, in particular, two fuel and lubricant storage and pumping bases in the villages of yartsevo and rozdorove in the smolensk region. after powerful explosions took place there. strong
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ignition, began to evacuate personnel. a large-scale fire also broke out at oil refineries in voronezh, although local authorities reported the alleged downing of four uavs. the repulse of the attack on the industrial zone was also reported in the lipetsk region, witnesses wrote in the public that the lipetsk tractor plant, which manufactures military products, was probably attacked. and to the operational situation forty. a three-year-old woman was injured as a result of the morning shelling of odesa, about 30 houses were damaged by the shock wave, windows and glass were broken, some the ceilings fell in the apartments, - reported oleg kiper, the head of the region. the impact also took place in the place of storage of broken vehicles. residents of khadzhibey district of the city were left without electricity. the dtk company reported that overhead lines were damaged. repairmen are already working on restoring the power supply.
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odesa-bound trains are also delayed due to the attack. one person died, five more were injured due to enemy shelling in the kherson region. during the day, the russians set fire to more than 20 towns and villages, he informed head of the region oleksandr prokudin. the victim of the russians was an 82-year-old resident of the village of kozache. the occupiers hit it with mortars. enemy shells also damaged high-rise buildings. and almost a dozen private houses. in kherson itself, hits were recorded in a residential quarter of the central district. in the houses of the townspeople, windows were blown out, in addition, garages with cars and a gas line were damaged. i turn on the column, the water does not heat up, the gas is on, and the water runs cold. i immediately noticed that something was damaged. she came out, i hear her hissing, ran there to vana in the morning entrance, i say, van, i say, get the key in... two people were injured in sumy oblast, due to
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enemy shelling, the regional prosecutor's office reported. the occupiers shelled two communities in the evening. a forty-six-year-old resident of the center of buda was seriously injured. the russians shelled the city with mortars, and the rocket systems of volley fire aimed at bilopil. the debris hit a 45-year-old man who was in the yard. near the house, at least 20 private houses and a gas pipeline were also damaged in the city. seven people were injured due to enemy shelling on daughters during the day, the occupiers attacked the region 15 times, informed the head of the region, vadym filashkin. five people were injured in kostyantynivka, four houses, two cars and an infrastructure object were damaged. the occupiers injured one more person.
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in krasnohorivka and new york, and in the chasovoyarsk community in nivychyna , there is a high-rise building, seven private houses and two non-residential premises. hunted ukrainian air defense and directed enemy missiles and drones at odesa. the security service of ukraine detained an fsb agent. he handed over to the occupiers coordinates of the buildings of the sbu and the prosecutor's office. so the man from odessa wanted to take revenge on the law enforcement officers for the criminal record he received 5 years ago. due to public calls for changes to the border of ukraine, he was given 5 years probation. the collaborator went into hiding for a while, but last year he again started spreading anti-ukrainian content on social networks. he was informed of suspicion of treason. a series of explosions thundered near occupied mariupol. as petro andryushchenko, the city mayor's advisor, said, at night local residents heard at least 12 powerful blasts explosions, after that... fantas began
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to move ammunition. andryushchenko released a video showing columns of military equipment loaded with ammunition. under fire, he left the occupation in order not to receive a russian passport. the 88-year-old man walked all night from the occupied part of the reed zone in donetsk region to the controlled ukrainian territory. to the last, he did not want to leave his native home, until the invaders visited and took away the passport of a citizen of ukraine. the man quickly collected. saak set off, after an hour of blockades and hiding from shelling, met volunteers who helped to reach pokrovsk. yakiv ivanovich is currently in a temporary shelter in dnipro, he will be settled in one of the social institutions, the head of donetsk region, vadym filashkin, told an amazing story.
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he went all night to some crossing, there was shelling, he stayed there for a couple of... times , waiting, then he came out, left, when they came and said, well, they took his documents from his neighbor and said that they were russians, right? yes, yes, and they said that you will be issued with russian citizenship, there's all that, documents was taken away, and he only had a pension card with him, the former commander-in-chief of... valery zaluzhnyi will start working as an ambassador to great britain in the coming weeks. protocol procedures are currently ongoing. mykhailo podolyak, adviser to the head of the president's office, told about it. let me remind you that in march, volodymyr zelenskyi approved the candidacy of the former commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine for the position of ambassador
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of ukraine to great britain. the ministry of foreign affairs emphasized that the advantage of a hard worker in the new city will be his military experience. german opposition urged british prime minister rishi sunak to pressure german chancellor olaf scholz to provide taurus missiles to ukraine. a meeting between the two leaders will take place in berlin today, local media reports. the head of the german defense committee said that after the decision of the united states of america, the german government is obliged to provide more support for ukraine, because the chancellor has always assured that in matters of allocation of weapons... he focuses on the usa. the united states of america , together with its allies, has created a powerful a logistics network that will help to deliver support to ukraine as soon as possible, - said pentagon spokesman, general patrick ryder. the day before, the us senate supported the draft law
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on aid to ukraine. 79 senators voted for the document, against 18. it provides for the allocation of 61 million dollars for the armed forces of ukraine. the us president welcomed the senators' decision and assured that he would sign the document today. this will allow to resume the supply of weapons to kyiv this week. it is expected that the first tranche of military aid will amount to one billion dollars. in international day of diplomacy, for the sake of peace, our defenders eliminated 880 non-peaceful occupiers. and from the beginning of the full-scale invasion. the enemy army lost almost 462 of its terrorists. also, yesterday, the armed forces hit one tank, 12 bmps, 43 anti-aircraft missiles, two rocket salvo systems and the same number of enemy anti-aircraft systems. it was possible to burn more than fifty units of special equipment of the russians. losses,
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the general staff adds, are approximate. and i remind you about our assembly: the unit needs means of communication and security. witnesses of the third regiment special operations forces. they fight for the independence of our country in difficult battles on the eastern front, and give us the opportunity to live, work and study. our goal is uah 720,000. with your help, we have already made an advance payment, and we have less than 400 thousand hryvnias left to collect. so let's not delay, the war continues and the help of each of us is very important. every hryvnia of yours is of great importance. you can see all the details on the screen. they headed katyvni in the occupied territory of the zaporizhzhia region. the law enforcement officers announced suspicion against the former policemen. in october in 2022, the men sided with the russians. for
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this, the occupiers appointed one of the traitors as the head of the district division of the so-called militia, and the second headed the local sizo. on the basis of these institutions, the russians set up filtration systems. the camp and torture chamber, where there was no water, food and heat, they illegally received up to a hundred civilians, who were constantly beaten and tortured. that was the morning. in ukraine, you can learn more on our website, also on our social networks, join, put your favorites, i say goodbye to you, see you tomorrow, my colleagues will tell you more, stay with us, glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program. my name is serhiy rudenko, i greet everyone and wish everyone
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good health. for the next two hours, we will talk about ukraine, the world, the war and our victory, today in the program. one step closer to a new package, the us senate is ready to approve military aid to ukraine, will this pave the way for long-range weapons from partners? for the sake of protecting the homeland, the ministry of foreign affairs stopped providing consuls. services to conscripts abroad. does it turn men on turn? suspicion of an incumbent government official. the law enforcement officers exposed the minister of agricultural policy, solskyi, for land fraud. are there no more untouchables in power? we will talk about this and other things during the next hour with our guests, with the politician, former prosecutor general of ukraine yuriy lutsenko and the executive director of the institute of world politics. evgeny magda. in the second part of our program, we will have people's deputies of ukraine, iryna gerashchenko, halyna vasylchenko
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and oleksandr mereshko. however, before that to start our big conversation, i suggest watching a video of how ukrainian fighters disabled the russian self-propelled gun hyacinth s. the explosive video was released by the special operations forces. the enemy cannon managed to fire only a few shots. our scouts identified. the coordinates of the armed target were handed over to the rocket launchers, after which it was destroyed by fire from hymers. let's see. glory to the armed forces of ukraine and death to the russian occupiers. friends, we work
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live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are now watching us there live. please subscribe to our platforms and also participate in our voting. today we ask you this: do you watch telethon, the only news? yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, either yes or no, if... you have your comment about the only news, please leave it under this video. if you watch us on tv, grab your smartphone or phone and vote, if you watch the only news telethon, well , not right now, but also in general look, then 0800 211 381, no 0800 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free, vote. at the end of the program , we will sum up the results of this vote. and we have our first guest, yuriy lutsenko, ukrainian politician and statesman, former prosecutor general of ukraine,
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captain of the armed forces of ukraine. mr. yuri, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. i congratulate you. today, yuri vitaliyovych, staff changes in the ministries were expected and resignations of ministers were expected, or, let's say, the decision of the verkhovna rada, what where, regarding some ministers, but at the same time there was information that... that nabu and sap informed the current minister of agrarian policy and food, mykola solsky, of the suspicion that the land of a state-owned enterprise in sumy oblast was being flooded with land. the criminal group, as reported in nabu isap, included officials of the state geocadastre bodies and persons who controlled the activities of these bodies. i will quote this message. as a result of the implementation of the equipment in 2017-21, participants of the scheme. took possession of 1,250 plots of land with a total area of ​​2,493
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ha, the value of which at the time of the crime was more than uah 291 million. they also attempted to seize 3,282 hectares of land worth about uah 190 million. yury vitaliyovych, but with this it seems, well, if everything is clear and understandable, but it is not clear who... will bear political responsibility for the fact that solsky was in office and tried for so long to replenish his agrarian possessions, because we know what. .. he had an agrarian business with andrii bohdan, you actually took my answer out of my tongue regarding this, because for during the time of the green government, we remember dozens, i do not deny it, dozens of cases when people's deputies from servants, ministers from servants, heads of regional administrations or their deputies from servants received suspicions from the national
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anti-corruption bureau or the sbu, they are... suspected of embezzlement millions, in millions of bribes, in an offer to policemen who are drunk driving, to give hundreds of thousands, to go quietly into the forest, in collecting money for the illegal export of ukrainians who evade mobilization abroad, in ordering prostitutes right in the premises of the parliament, in the embezzlement of billions of the military budget, we live inside all these scandals, and the worst thing is that there are constantly inside... in this corrupt, scandalous bubble , our fighters are on the front lines all the time, who 24 hours a day have to repel the attacks of the enemy, while simultaneously knowing and feeling what the authorities are doing behind their shoulders, so the first question is not when these people will be convicted, because
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a fair trial, unlike an unfair one, is a long enough affair, but when will there be political responsibility... those who appoints the relevant persons. there is also corruption in the west, but when a minister or deputy minister or deputy is detained, those who recommended or appointed him resign politically, due to political responsibility. someone has already put mr. solsky on the list of servants of the people, someone has already appointed him in yermak's cabinet as a future minister and... who supported his activities all these years? these people, without even proven criminal profit from such an appointment, should resign. then the reputation institute will work in the country. then the authorities will be trusted that they may be wrong, but punish their corrupt officials. and
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yes, it means that just one more got caught, the next one will take its place. and in this case, when you started your question, mr. sergey, about the fact that there may be changes in the government, in fact, this society practically does not care. you go out into the street and ask passers-by, well, for example, the first ten passers-by, what is the name of the pc minister. well, i have almost no doubt that none of them will tell you his last name. ask what their name is minister of finance ask, for example, the name of the minister of energy. think that the result will be the same, why? because the state, unfortunately, in the current unconstitutional system of governance, has returned to yanukovych's methods, when one person, who is absolutely not authorized to do so by law, and her name is the head of the president's office andriy yermak, makes decisions, how the parliament will vote, what
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this or that minister will do and how will the government actually work, so nothing will change from... repositioning the signs on the doors of the government as long as our country has one person who in an extra-constitutional way, contrary to the requirements of the constitution, tries to manage the state, how he succeeds, well , we can see, but nevertheless, this makes it absolutely unnecessary to reshuffle the ministers, as long as they carry out the whims and instructions yerbaka, not veli. armed forces of ukraine and the ukrainian people. you are talking about andriy yarmak as a person who manages processes in the state, well, as someone said, i am neither the first nor the second, do you remember such a mr. tkachenko, now deceased, but in the current situation yermamak has become one of from those, a person who was included in the hundred
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most influential people in the world according to the version of zhurnalum, and the publication called yermak. the man who played and plays a central role in ensuring the work of the ukrainian government after the start of a large-scale war, i quote the publication: after the full-scale invasion, he brought zelensky's message to the world, creating a strong network of friends of ukraine, from the west to the global south, uniting them around issues from environmental sanctions. since 5 years have already passed since the election of zelenskyi on april 21. whether or not can we already say that the era of zelenskyi is being replaced by the era of yermak, or has it already changed a long time ago? i think. i think that the public, this publication of the rating in the magazine reflects a reality that has been obvious to everyone for a long time:
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president zelenskyi cannot manage the country without his friend yermak, this is a tandem: we have the greatest leader and the most influential leader, but if no joke, it seems to me that in this situation , if someone believes that yarmak is real. a good manager, it would be correct to appoint him to a position where he will realize his abilities and to be responsible for them, because this is an invention of zelenskyi and his team, when all those who manage the processes in the state are in positions in which there is no functional responsibility, well, tell me what will be responsible for what, in which case, the advisor of the president's office podolyak, in he is in his functional duties... to advise, if suddenly his advice leads to some critical things for the state, then the prosecutor's office or nabu cannot even charge him with any suspicion of exceeding his powers
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or abusing his powers, they do not, but what authority does the ermak have, to provide the president with paper clips and papers and analytical notes, to keep his schedule under control, how can he be charged with the fact that the ministry of energy or the ministry of finance or any other... or the ministry that he actually governs, it has led the country to one or another crisis, so this is precisely the case with adviser shurma, the same applies to adviser tatarov, none of them have functional duties for which they are responsible, and nevertheless they manage everyone, therefore, from my point of view, it would be very fair to do one thing in zelenskyi's place now: or leave one leader on the bank street. admitting that yarmak has clearly overstepped the mark of his rating, or send him to a responsible position, well, for example,
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the prime minister, especially since then we will all understand who is really in charge and who is responsible for it, though, i suspect, that none of this will happen, we will continue to live in an office block democracy, which does not correspond to ... the constitution, but there is a reality in which we must live during war. yuri vitaliyovych, yarmak is not responsible for the current constitution and does not have the same functionality as president zelensky. but, one way or another, during the 5 years of his presidency, zelenskyi is responsible, and this political responsibility is still on zelenskyi, not on yermak, even though he says, says that yermak will go only with me. when my presidential powers will end, this was said two years ago at a press conference, what were these 5 years of president zelensky like, did you know volodymyr
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oleksandrovych long before the beginning of his political career, and you can say that you knew zelensky there from the beginning of 2010 or 2011, and you know zelensky of the 2024 model of that year, how does zelensky of that time differ from current? look, this is a difficult question to answer briefly, yes, of course, i have known volodymyr oleksandrovich for a long time, i communicated with him in normal life, when i was freer, and he was more cheerful and accessible, but i now remember an episode when i remained the general prosecutor. and volodymyr aleksandrovich had already become the president, at first he offered me to resign, i asked why all of a sudden, he said: well, everyone left,
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i say, i was never like everyone else, i didn’t steal anything, i didn’t sell anything, why i i have to go somewhere, i have a term of 5 years, but if the new parliament will be with your majority, yes, of course i will go, because there is no need for a prosecutor general without a majority in the parliament, i am not interested in the position, but the opportunity... parliamentary elections , everything is fine, and he was very satisfied, and here i am asking him, well, yes by my friendship, i say, owner, but tell me, where are you leading the country, he says, i have carte blanche for everything, from where, he tells me, well , what don’t you know, i have 73%, i say how much was in the first round, 25, i say, look, poroshenko had 50 in the first round 5 years ago. and yanukovych won from tymoshenko by only 2.5%, and yushchenko won from yanukovych by only four. these same percentages do not mean anything, they are
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just open. to implement my course, i ask where you are leading the country, and here he answers me with the main phrase to which i am leading you: i will show you old politicians how people will applaud me every day, my lord, the country is very sick, it has a lot that needs to be changed, if a sick person applauds a doctor, he is a hook, he tells me: no, these applauses will happen every day. and volodymyr oleksandrovich has not changed at all in this regard. he sincerely believed that it is possible to achieve applause with populist, simple, dilettantish steps, and this is what he needs most in all his 5 years, remember, in the 19th year of ovation, all those who talk about his dilettantism and militant ignorance of a new team, well, it simply disappears from the political map, in the 20th year, applause,
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nevertheless, criticism is almost not allowed. in the 21st year, dr. komarovsky and gordon are already saying that we are fools, we were deceived and here is the war, a catastrophe that, from my point of view, was caused, among other things, by absolute incompetence in foreign policy with such a neighbor, and this trouble brings zelensky back to the mountain of the world popularity, already a worldwide ovation, a year later global applause, and another year later, now, in which we live, rare claps. what does it mean? this means that populism, simple solutions, reluctance to think through strategies, always leads to one result, to a result that, well, does not benefit the ukrainian nation, and we have to learn this lesson from these five years. yes, despite the end of the term, zelensky remains the president of the warring country. and one should not
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succumb to the russians who try to deny it, but nevertheless, immediately after the end of the war, we have to make a notch for ourselves, regardless of surnames, everyone who does not have experience in public administration, everyone who promises to lead a young team that will change everything, everyone who does not have a strategic vision for the country's key issues should not start training in 40 million countries. because the cross in the ballots, for the sake of it, even if it is a slur, very often turns into crosses in the cemeteries of the whole country. yurii vitaliyovych, dmytro chikalkin made the film two presidents, where they tried to compare what ukraine lost after volodymyr zelensky came to power. we remember these debates at the olympic stadium and zelensky's 10 questions to poroshenko, i specifically
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looked at these 10 questions. they are possible in principle, as candidate zelensky could ask president zelensky absolutely exactly, just like poroshenko, and could ask about hands, why your closest people still have hands, and who is crushing burshtyn, and very, very many questions such that, in principle , they could absolutely be relayed to president zelensky, if we are talking about two or five. one five-year plan of poroshenko and the second five-year plan of zelenskyi, which after all, ukraine lost after zelenskyi came to power, and i immediately understand that our tv viewers will say, and lutsenko was a member of poroshenko's team, he cannot be objective, but i will address you to a person who is already out of power and who has been to the war, and there are obviously fewer of you. politics
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is now in this situation, but a person who can look from the side and say about what ukraine has lost? look, it's true, i will be biased if i answer about the law enforcement system, about certain things related to my work in the gep, but eh, yes , indeed, the war and participation in it gives a very serious, fresh look at what took place in in the 19th year, well, the first... it was poroshenko who accepted a country in which donbas and two-2/3 of donbas and crimea were already occupied. at the same time, according to the testimony of the then chief of the general staff, there were from five to 15 thousand combat-ready troops in the country. after yanukovych , the entire technical base, documentary base, economic base of the armed forces of ukraine was actually destroyed.
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nevertheless. without general mobilization.


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