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tv   [untitled]    April 24, 2024 10:00am-10:31am EEST

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those who will vote will also follow and pay attention to the fact that fewer of those involved in some espionage scandals get to these parliamentary seats, regardless of the country, of course, now is the time for news, and khrystyna porobiy is ready to share a selection of the latest information, khrystyna, you have a word. thank you, colleagues, the number of victims in kharkiv has increased due to the night attack of the russians, i will tell you about the situation there in the issue. also about the losses of the enemy in a moment, wait. news on espresso, i'm khrystyna porubiy, i will tell you about the most relevant thing at the moment: a 43-year-old woman was injured in the morning shelling of odessa.
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about 30 buildings were damaged by the shock wave, windows and glass were broken, ceilings fell in some apartments, the head of the region oleg kiper said. local media reports that part of the city remained without electricity. in kharkiv , the number of wounded due to the night attack by the russians has increased, six victims are already known. three men have mostly cuts and minor injuries, three women have acute injuries. reaction to stress. the youngest victim is 24 years old - said oleg senigubov, the head of the region. after midnight, the occupiers hit the city with two s-300 missiles from the territory of the belgorod region. they hit the ground on the territory of a residential building in the shevchenkiv district. three high-rise buildings, office premises, shops, and more than three dozen cars were damaged. shell fragments also damaged the gas pipeline.
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now, prosecutors, police investigators, and explosives technicians are working on the spot, and the remnants of the rockets are being removed for proper examinations. as a matter of fact, this war crime has been opened criminal proceedings under the first part of article 438 of the criminal code of ukraine, violation of the laws and customs of war. kharkiv oblast was also under fire from the russians that night. two enemy rockets landed in the village of zolochiv, bogodukhiv district, he said. oleg senigubov, head of the military administration of the region. as a result of the impact , the former building of the local administration bank, two apartment buildings and eight private ones were partially destroyed. there is no information about the victims. one person died, five more were injured due to enemy shelling kherson region. during the day, the russians set fire to more than 20 towns and villages. oleksandr informed the head of the region. another victim
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of the russians was an 82-year-old resident of the village of kozache, who was hit by the occupiers with mortars, and enemy shells damaged a high-rise building and almost a dozen private houses. in addition, critical infrastructure objects, a gas pipeline, an administrative building, a gas station, and cars were hit. two people were injured during the enemy's evening attacks in nikopol region. these are 51-year-old and 61-year-old women. in general, for the evening that night the occupiers shelled the district five times. two kamikaze drones and about two dozen artillery shells were launched. they searched nikopol itself, mirivska and marganytskyi communities - informed the head of the region serhii lysak. enemy shells damaged private houses, an agricultural company and an agricultural enterprise, as well as two power lines. without light, over. families
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meanwhile, two oil depots are burning in russia. the governor of the smelen region announced the drone strike, which led to action fuel and energy facilities in two districts at once. a large-scale fire also broke out at an oil refinery in voronezh, although local authorities reported the alleged downing of four drones. the repulse of the attack on the industrial zone was also reported in lipetsk. oblast, witnesses write in the public that the lipetsk tractor plant, which manufactures military products, probably knew about the attacks. residents of bilhorod and kursk regions also heard the explosions. the united states of america, along with its allies , has built a powerful logistics network to help deliver support to ukraine as soon as possible - said pentagon spokesman general patrick ryder. on the eve of the senate. supported
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the draft law on assistance to ukraine. 79 senators voted for the document, against - 18. it provides for the allocation of 61 billion dollars for... the armed forces of ukraine, the us president welcomed the decision of the senators and assured that he would sign the document today. this will allow to resume the supply of weapons to kyiv this week. it is expected that the first tranche of military aid will amount to one billion dollars. there are no nuclear weapons in poland yet will be nato currently does not plan to expand the deployment zones of nuclear potential, the secretary general stressed. during a visit to warsaw. this is how he reacted to the statement of the president of poland, andrzej duda, who the day before declared that official warsaw is open to hosting nuclear weapons of the allies. let me remind you that since november 2009
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, as part of the deterrence program, us nuclear weapons have been stationed in belgium, germany, italy, the netherlands, and turkey. the trade did not pass without a trace. the war of the european neighbors had a negative impact on the ukrainian economy, - alfred kemer, director of the european department of the international monetary fund, said. he noted that due to the blocking of the border , the growth rate of the economy has decreased, and revenues to the state budget have also accelerated significantly. at the same time, the imf hopes that the issues at the border will be resolved and land routes will remain an export channel for kyiv. kemer also emphasized that for the post-war period. the return of refugees is very important for the renewal of the ukrainian economy, because ukrainians in europe gain experience and skills that they would not have received at home. on the international day of diplomacy, for the sake of peace , our defenders eliminated 880 non-peaceful
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occupiers, and since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, the enemy army has lost almost 462,000 of its terrorists. also, for yesterday, the armed forces had one tank, 12 bmps, 43 anti-aircraft guns, two rocket salvo systems and the same number of enemy air defense systems. it was possible to burn more than fifty units of special equipment of the russians. losses, the general staff adds, are approximate. and to operational information from the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine. 101 combat encounters took place at the front during the day. the occupiers are storming ukrainian positions in seven directions, more. 20 times they tried to advance in the direction of bakhmut, the same number of times in the direction of avdiiv. another 24 assaults were repulsed near krasnohorivka, georgiivka, novomykhaivka, and vodyanyi. there, the occupiers attack powerfully with aircraft. in the lymantsk direction, the defense forces stopped 19 attacks, in
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the orichivsk - five. russians also became active in kharkiv oblast. our positions in the kupyansk district were shelled five times, as well as three times on the left bank of kherson. our aviation and rockets the troops struck, struck 18 areas of concentration of enemy personnel. and i remind you about our collection, means of communication and security, needed by the intelligence unit of the third regiment of special operations forces. they fight for the independence of our country in difficult battles on the eastern front, and give us the opportunity to live, work and study. our goal is uah 72,000. with your help, we have already made an advance payment, and we have less than 400 thousand hryvnias left to collect, so let's not delay. the war continues and the help of each of us is very important important every hryvnia of yours is of great importance. you can see all the details on the screen.
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record level of water in the capital during the last night, the dnipro river rose by another 8 cm and reached a mark of 644 cm, the city's military administration reported. at the same time , they reassured that the high water does not pose a threat at the moment. there are no emergency floods in the city. industrial facilities and residential areas are also safe. a 57-year-old man died due to a landslide in a grave in podilskyi, vinnytsia region. it collapsed during the repair of the sewage system, they said in... state emergency service of the region. rescuers retrieved the body of the deceased from under the rubble. another man suffered minor injuries and refused hospitalization. in latvia, local residents were urged to prepare basements for shelters.
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authorities are asking residents to come out and clear basements and underground floors of debris, debris and other dangerous structures that could pose a hazard. from my side. to put basements in municipal buildings in order, also announced a special press conference where they will tell the population how to properly arrange storage facilities. sand from the sahara is flying around the world, although this time it did not reach ukraine, but it caused a lot of trouble in libya. a powerful sandstorm painted the sky orange-red, the streets resemble martian landscapes, local media reported. in ukraine, the movement of airplanes was suspended, schools and state institutions were closed. the storm also affected greece, due to strong winds and poor visibility, the country's authorities. strongly recommends the population to stay at home and not to go outside once more.
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after that she understood that the morning should start like this, i, too, so that you stimulate this process of our joint, our joint gathering, now they will stimulate it in this way, i to begin with, i will show that not only the russian-fascist occupiers must be destroyed, but as simon petlyura said, ukrainian nits must also be eliminated, look: the village is wide, this village is in the part of the zaporizhia region that is temporarily occupied, and here are the locals collaborators, there, they call it the chairman of the council of deputies, a certain yevhenii golovan, together with others, they came and solemnly opened the restoration of the monument in the village of shiroka, this monument is actually there lenin with gorky, what do they say there ? probably about roman mat-mat, but such people must also be destroyed, well, if
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you were to be stimulated at all, so that you would definitely want to do it, here is the choice of collaborators who are sitting with the russian occupation administration in donetsk, they chose miss dpr, you must have seen this person let's try to show, here she is, miss dnr, so- called, this is what beauty is chosen by the residents, collaborators with the dnr. she writes down all sorts of things, if you see this picture, your hand will reach out to take it and donate it to our joint collection. yes, yes, yes, right now we are collecting drones for fpv, precisely those that have already been tested, this is our own production, and both the cold ravine and the black zaporozhians are asking for them, they know exactly what to do with those drones, in which side to launch them, why or for whom they are. we show regularly actually footage of the operation of these drones, and as soon as
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our defenders post something fresh, we will immediately show you so that you understand what these funds will go to, please join us, 2 mln poles and a couple of collaborators will also remove these, so that we can show you more such terrible pictures they didn't show it in the morning, we need to pay more, fine, we will move on with our military expert, reserve colonel of the security service of ukraine mykhailo. in connection with our studio, mr. mykhailo, congratulations, congratulations to you, congratulations to our viewers, let's first talk about the line of the eastern front, in one way or another, they are pressing in two directions, the mariyansky, and especially the bakhmut direction and the avdiivsky, we see that they are pushing through the defense line, why do they manage to push through, because they have a large number of living forces, which... they make dead , well, what they do where it is convenient for them to approach logistically, these are
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the ardiyevsk, exactly bahmudian directions, they bring manpower there, throw and at the expense of this push the front line, but friends, the second army of the world is there for the third year takes bahmud, and we have a bahmud direction, they took avdiivka for six months, and before that for another 10 years, well that is... look at it, on the one hand we understand that we are losing some territory, on the other hand we understand that the russian army is now concentrating somewhere and ... elsewhere their efforts, or simply they, shall we say, have no other tools of the club than to push what they do alive, well, of course, their favorite fire weight, and actually this is another argument for the fact that about what roman and i talked about for a few minutes should be reported to the drones, because the drones are flying - this is actually something that can help fight
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this manpower, in the gray zone, that is , when there is... how strange you can see from the volumes of this aid, which was unpacked by the americans and another british package, czech the package will arrive by the end of may in the form of bc, sweden, denmark, belgium, it is all moving, we understand that they gave something here and there, the germans were there before that, when parity can come, that the armed forces of ukraine with the help of... precision weapons like the ones we're getting now, and long-range ones at that number, we will be able to break this pressing of the front with manpower into a meat grinder, well, the very fact that everyone has now started to help ukraine says that intelligence has information about the preparation
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of the russian offensive, most likely it is due to this very fact . russian somewhere there will be or are gathering or will gather in the near future a large group of manpower and will throw it into the bir, that is why everyone will help us now so that we have enough means to stop this influx that is being prepared by the russians, or is being prepared whether it is or not, we will see specifically after may 9, after they will make a big patriotic uplift there, for which they are preparing. and then they will mobilize their personnel, that is, in order to stop this influx, because the armored vehicles there will be enough for, say, 10% of the personnel, but the main one will be theirs, the tools, this is the manpower and they will throw it, well, accordingly, to to stop an army of several hundred thousand there, then you need to have
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enough weapons, weapons that allow you to... stop such attacks and fight your own, after this influx is stopped, only then will there be a turning point, and there will be a tragedy in the swamps, and they will not be forced to retreat, but there will be a war in ukraine, at the same time a lot of different things, and actually you, and many others experts say that we can stop them, but the question is whether we will be able to move forward and at what pace, because there is also the question of why... we have now received a large package, we will receive a large package from the united states, but it is not known what will happen next, in a few months when these weapons, all these things we get runs out, will our allies be ready to continue to provide us with similar support on the same scale and pace, so the question is what next, what should
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be the next plan, and in fact, will we be able to move intensively on the question of what after trump, right? well, not necessarily, this package may end even before trump, in fact before autumn, there until september, until october. friends, all of this is solved quite simply right there, if russia goes en masse, in a big way, if they demobilize, it is not yet a fact that they will go to do it, because these aid packages, they can stop efforts to kremlinize the large army, which, however, if they will. will do, then of course these packages will end by the fall, but the russian soldiers will also end, and there will be great, great pain and despair in the swamps, and that may lead to what happened once in afghanistan, when the soviet union killed its troops, i.e. the defeat of a large army, a large
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army is, first of all, the possibility of its defeat, if there is a large defeat of this army, then there will be no offensive work, they will simply have to flee from ukraine, i hope that there will be just such a scenario, i really hope for it, well, in order for the final to take place, you need to have, firstly, a lot of weapons, and secondly, they must mobilize and. mr. mykhailo, and you, it was announced that the 24th year, despite the fact that this is actually the most dramatic moment of the russian-ukrainian war. it will be difficult, and they are finally starting to talk about it openly, but bodano said that it will be difficult, but we will survive, it will be difficult, they said it before, but we were also told that the 24th year is the year of m... when this illegal building must disappear under under the name of the crimean bridge and generally holding the eastern front, is there a prospect with these
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weapons that reach all the new russians and completely cover the crimea, is there a prospect of fulfilling the promise that the crimean operation will take place in the 24th year? i don't know, it will depend on what the russians will do. after may 9, if they demobilize, they will have a big mobilization, then it will be one scenario, if they don't, it will be another scenario, uh, and then if they don't demobilize in a large number, then they probably have the opportunity to quickly evacuate from the crimea, but this will be quite such a necessary task, because the presence of attack ee... which hit at 300 km, they reach that, those of the same maf, small architectural of the form that buda always talks about, and in this case it will be, well, it
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will be the main direction, the russians don’t understand it either, because it’s such a chess game, they sit in the headquarters, they understand that if they don’t demobilize, they will leave attack on crimea, in which case they accept decision. that are supposed to demobilize, well, again, how it will unfold, we will see with you only after may 9, why it will be, but look, he is also an enemy , well, let's put it this way, not stupid, that is, you can't belittle him, but you want to understand a certain logic, but the partisan movement also says that they are now building defense lines in crimea, that is, they are building them on the border with the kherson region, on the isthmus. and what is most surprising is the construction of uh defense lines along the coastline , as if they hope that we have large landing ships and aircraft carriers will also
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come, i can’t understand the logic, and it’s not only the coastline closer to odeshchyna, to the other side, to mykolaychyna, but also where feodosia is, they are strengthening the entire coastline, what do they imagine there, understand in their logic, well, it was quite difficult, because this question is not even... for me, but rather for psychiatrists, but here it is certain that they master some budgets, and at the expense of those budgets, they dig trench after trench on the beach, that's the logical explanation, because uh it should also stress the residents of crimea who have arrived, because they were brought there under various state programs not so that they could live well there, so that they could maintain this territory, this is the logic of the kremlin, accordingly, all these trenches should say: to those who i found out from russia that they will be demobilized and thrown into these trenches, because there is no other way, otherwise you will not put anyone there, so accordingly,
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these trenches have a financial meaning on the one hand, and on the other hand, someone has to bury and keep the stock, if he is not evacuates, he does not evacuate, because he will be told by the kremlin that the forces there are fighting, that's why i... i strongly advised the crimeans to think about who these trenches are being dug for, and for whom the trenches are being dug, who will sit in them and how many personnel should be in these trenches in order to maintain them, that is , it should be a mobilization of around 200-300 thousand personnel in crimea, so they should count on this and see for whom these trenches are digging. mr. mykhailo, we understand, thank you for. mykhailo prytula participated in our broadcast with us, a military expert, a reserve colonel of the security service of ukraine and an expert in military counterintelligence, we have a short break, then we will talk about the actually very
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discounts on urulesan of 15% in travel bam and savings pharmacies. every week, the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts give their assessment based on facts. here is the forecast of the development of events, you want to understand how ours is today will affect our tomorrow, see the saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso. vasyl zima's big broadcast, two hours of airtime, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is like, two hours to keep up with economic and
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sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like-minded to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people, in the evening at espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, together stronger yes, thank you, 10,000 have flown in just a few minutes since we last wrote about our collection. roman and i understand that you are simply reacting to the video. when they saw miss dpr, they realized that more drones are simply needed, because all the collaborators still have to be sent to the copzone one way or another. 10 00, well, we need a little more, we need another
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640, almost thousands, so... so please donate, don't stop, we're having fun with donations, and in the meantime, we'll add to our conversation anatoliy hrabchinskyi, deputy general director of the company for the production of radio electronic warfare equipment and aviation expert, mr. anatoly, we welcome you, we do not hear you, we see, but we do not hear, unfortunately, hello, yes, now everything is fine, well, it’s no longer a secret, everyone already reports that this is most likely and the russians themselves. the institute for the study of war is complaining , and the institute for the study of war says that now, in anticipation of this large aid package from the west, the russians can become more active, they can strike at various objects, even unexpected ones, and the air force has also announced that they used a slightly new tactics, attacking ukraine, in fact several one or two shaheds flew in different directions, what
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do you think this is, what are they doing... searching, scouting, for what.


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