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tv   [untitled]    April 23, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm EEST

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objectively and meaningfully, there is no political season, exclusive, objectively and meaningfully, there is no political season, exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front, svoboda life, frankly and impartially, you draw your own conclusions. greetings, for several days there has been such, you know, panic, hysteria in russia, regarding the fact that it is necessary, ukraine was given weapons, the fact is that the russians, in principle, thought that they had broken western democracy and ... help
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ukraine won't, and that's final and proper that's why they somehow, you know, it inspired them, and they thought that now they were given the opportunity to defeat ukraine, that's how they formulated it, moreover, it was precisely the lack of sufficient numbers of air defense and weapons in ukraine, they considered it as such, that gives them the opportunity to fight, in principle, she did not hide this, as, for example, here. to solve the air defense problem, in general, zelensky has a grandeur complex. he decided to put himself on the same page as israel and demands that the americans shoot down our missiles and defend ukraine so that how they defend israel. this is nonsense. therefore , i believe that the problems of air defense of ukraine are in the foreseeable future, no matter how much the americans and their western european allies want it. "it
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still doesn't have a solution, and we need to use it in the most effective way. actually, the whole war against ukraine, the russian one, is such a thing that is completely provoked by the fact that no one will answer to russia, and this is the only thing that inspires them, here is impunity, only impunity, nothing more, if they knew what they would get in return, they would not did, and impunity. this is what prompts them to try to capture more, more, more and it works just like that, there are no other reasons, any other, you know, motives, they do it because they can, that’s all, here we have to put a full stop, and that’s actually how they are the last sometimes they told and so they seriously thought that there would be nothing, no help, and even then they directly mocked themselves on tv broadcasts on all western channels. world, what are you
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going to do to us, are you going to supply ukraine with weapons and help? in general, nothing it will happen if in the evening they sit down, sit down, get together and give zelensky four iristes and five patriots, no, it won't happen, i think it won't happen, they will beat the tambourine, they will cast spells, but you won't cast a spell here. johnson will put aid to israel to a vote this week, but not aid to ukraine. in the last few hours , the situation in the united states, which is usually followed by political and european officials, has changed dramatically and radically. they will be more likely to vote for aid to ukraine there. for everything, well, they rejoiced, rejoiced, and
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here the situation changed dramatically, and this sudden change of the situation, well, it just caused some, you know, reaction, at the anecdotal level, just such explanations are also anecdotal, and of course, you know, hysterical, that is, it's just hysterical. we will fight, as we are now fighting seriously and...
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rejoicing that the money of american taxpayers will go to ukrainian nazis. zelensky received the gift on april 20 , hitler's birthday, and you know that on the same day, april 20, is the day of the chinese language. here i am. begins to think, what about the chinese too nazis, since they have a chinese language day, on the same day that hitler was born, is the problem simply with russian propagandists, who for some reason know hitler's birthday very well, but you didn't think about it, i didn't
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think about it, none of us could not draw these parallels, and only the russian propagandists know when hitler's birthday is, and apparently it is very ... celebrated, because that's all they talked about in the context of this, that is, that's all they remember , it is very interesting that they have such a story, of all the birthdays they chose one, well, in the end, you might think that it is the opposite of lenin's birthday, but no, it's hitler's birthday anyway, you know, well, what to do, that's how it is, probably russian propagandists are more educated, they know this, and they don't they know very well, well, it happens, because well... after all, they have to know their spiritual father, they know her, well, and in all these explanations, others have already started to tell something, that it is probably some kind of fake, apparently they can't
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welcome ukrainians in the congress and they can't with their flags, apparently some neural networks generated the video, they said on russian television. an amazing story, today we will talk in our program about neural networks, about generation, all kinds of pictures and all kinds of horrors, it seems to me that these congressmen who are waving ukrainian flags in the american congress, most likely it is some kind of generation, it is a neural network, otherwise it madness, a neural network is better, i don't know, the truth is, why they wave not american, but ukrainian, it seems to me, in reality. this cannot be. it's 2024, get used to it. well, then, get used to it. well, and, you know, in this context, it is also interesting that the russians once spent six months talking about how wonderful trump and the republicans are, how
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they help them, and how they have high hopes for the republicans. and so this happened, and they were simply scattered. that is, well, it spread so that now the republicans are just, well, some, you know, people who are probably even more scolded than biden on russian television, although i don’t know if it is possible, well, ukrainians are scolded there, then biden , and now there are republicans, you know, more than biden, it's amazing, now russian television and russian propagandists have such enemies, they are republicans, it turns out, and trump for company. bought johnson, bought but trump's idea, it's trump who proposed the idea of ​​the loan. in fact, this game is johnson speaker. comrade johnson, you are the speaker, don't take a bribe from biden. i wonder
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how much biden has broken trump and his supporters. he really destroyed them, this is an unequivocal brutal victory for biden. what was it, is it a defeat for donald trump, or is this a concession from republicans? no one can understand how it happened that speaker johnson changed clothes so quickly in the air, what happened to him, maybe he was tortured? there must be some very strange multi-course play, to understand what was happening there. it's very difficult, it's difficult to say unequivocally, but i think, all the same, we couldn't do without trump here. and these conversations, what is this, something so unexpected happened, all this again can be understood only by understanding that simply
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all the time non-stop russians are not only on their television, they are also through their various commissioned publications in the western media. through social networks, in particular, they tried to influence the american audience and tell them that it is unprofitable for americans to support ukraine, that no one supports ukraine in america. that this is literally only politicians trying, and then suddenly it turns out that when the situation really escalates, trump removed himself, johnson, well, missed the vote, and what happened, and suddenly skabeeva tells what happened, that's how the election soon turns out, and it turns out , that in in the context of elections, american voters absolutely do not want their politicians to abandon ukraine, and voters want... american politicians to support ukraine, and trump
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is behaving like that there simply because he wants to be re-elected. that is, all these long conversations and efforts to influence did not lead to anything. moreover, russian propagandists are forced to admit that the idea of ​​supporting ukraine is actually popular with american voters. american voters support ukraine, but here's the way. it's easy for america laughs, because it looks like a person who is probably bought or out of his mind, who simply broadcasts russian propaganda, the american media say this, well, just not hiding that she broadcasts russian propaganda, that's the kind of people , which the russians tried to influence. influenced, and they are absolutely not popular, and trump, if he wants to be popular, it turns out that he needs
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to support ukraine, and that's how russian propagandists suddenly found this out for themselves. all followers of donald trump's pacifism have special news: donald v on saturday he changed clothes and supported the speaker of congress, mike johnson. on the day of voting , he hid in the most comfortable place in mar'. that is, donald comes out deflated, but why? first, because he has an election soon, public opinion polls are doing very well in the us, and russia is the main enemy for americans. and yes, that is, voters, just voters, which means that working with the american voter in the end, it brings. its fruits, even if some american politicians are under the influence of russia, and this should be done
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just a conclusion and to understand that it is necessary to work with the russian, with the american media, with the american wider circles, and not to get hung up only on trying something there, well , come to an agreement, sometimes it works in a completely different reverse way like this, well, and not only that, big too. well , you know, that was the opinion of the russians that they would not do anything not only with weapons, but also that everyone was very dependent on russian money, and what would they do against russian money, and it was also with great pride and with such, you know, well, they can't do anything, the west cannot do anything about it, the head of the us treasury the day before... said that the united states cannot even steal the frozen 300 billion dollars, because they are afraid of
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moscow's response. great britain, unlike its american partners, does not even calculate the risks. london, believes the financial correspondent of the politician eleanor myers, will probably never confiscate russian assets. well, literally a couple of days have passed since this, that is, since this statement, and a completely different reality. disturbing news, unfortunately, not only about military aid, but a lot disturbing economic news. unfortunately, western countries continue to climb the ladder of economic escalation. another bill that the united states congress passed the other day that raises, or should raise a lot of questions, is the forfeiture bill. when the united states
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considered and adopted this law, what did they want, did they want to show the europeans how it should be done? what is happening is piracy and economic suicide, the right of the strong. if it is necessary to steal, and they have decided on it, then they will definitely write a law. and you know, again, the most interesting thing here is not even how much... the americans decided to confiscate what, and what is more interesting is that it can also bring pressure on the europeans and the confiscation of assets there, of course, before that very, very far away. but this is the greatest horror of russian propagandists and the kremlin right now, and this is what they have been shouting about for a long time, that no, the europeans will never go for it, no, it cannot happen, but now they have, you know, a big doubt , and hysteria about it. there is a lot
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there is a great risk that this provocation by the united states of america with the seizure and confiscation of assets... of the russian federation. there we are talking about 4, 5, 4 and 6 billion, in fact the main assets are in europe. what is it about? about the fact that the americans, having made this decision, will put pressure on the europeans, and blame their lack of political will for any voluntary decisions. yes, exactly, the same 4-5 billion as written in the draft law, that is, they do not even name the exact amount of russian frozen assets.
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well, in this regard, they are also solav'ov they also shout there that we will take it, we will take it, but you have to understand that russia has already stolen quite a lot of other people's property, well, it will steal some more, on the other hand, you know, such a science for those who, to those businesses, which still have not left russia, that it should have been done a long time ago, well, screams, well, how can we do without them? of course they are. to declare america a financial terrorist country with all the consequences that flow. and completely take and break the entire system of relations with her, economic, trade. and the most important thing is to abandon dollars in calculations. and of course, to freeze all their property. and
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take away. and there is a lot of it here, as i understand it, in various forms, here. many. so freeze or take away? freeze first and then pick up? ice cream keeps better, ice cream is better, it's true. in particular , i would look at how they will give up dollars in calculations, well, that means that they will be able to sell their energy carriers almost anywhere and buy what they need now for their military equipment, that's what i would look at, so what i think, let is embodied these are very good ideas, which in principle suit us very well, especially to give up the dollar, let them give it up, after that, of course, i say, not only will they not be able to buy anything, after that nothing will fly there, if you look at it , well, of the russian missiles that have arrived in ukraine recently, there you can see that 70% are what they bought for dollars
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, imported, stolen, somewhere there in a shadowy way, they dragged it through by clever schemes. imagine that they will not be able to buy all this, very well, so this step, if it happens, will actually be, you know, very important, and it is the freezing of assets, it is even important not that it is huge russian money, the important thing is that it can really destroy all these supply chains, and well, because russia will be forced to react somehow and will break its last ties. which now allow it to get science-intensive products, various chips, something else, it does not produce them, an attempt to replace them, well, somewhere they can replace something, but in most cases not, so this is the next front that is now in front of us is the freezing and confiscation
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of russian assets, and it can be expected that this is what russian propaganda will now focus on. where exactly in relation to this there will be some kind of lobbying activity in the world, and an attempt to pressure and an attempt to scare, and we will observe all this in the near future, and as much as we will observe, we will tell you as much, and here is the main thing after all this is what they usually say that all this will not affect anything and will not change the situation in our country. at the front, and it will not help no way to ukraine, neither these weapons, nor this money, nothing, but you know, well, even if they start talking there, what's the point? can lead to, here it suddenly turns out that the unfreezing of this aid and additional american aid can have quite a strong
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impact on the events on the front line, especially if what the russians are afraid of is simply fatal, if weapons do fly into the russian body territory, and this is now also a key issue that we need to talk about with us. of course, this help, which the empire of evil and sodomy has given ukraine, everyone says, it will not change the situation at the front, it is not us who say it, it is western experts, practically everyone says, if we adequately assess the fact that this supply will strengthen the enemy, the enemy has a deficit not only in people, in people. said, this is not even the biggest problem in ukraine, they artificially say that they have a problem in people, in fact, they have a problem in technology, especially in air defense systems, now
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they are openly talking about missiles that are capable hit targets at a distance of 300 km, they draw our attention in the information field to the fact that they will hit the crimean bridge, they do this with the aim of distracting us, lulling our vigilance in... other directions, the main goal for these missiles will be sooner for all airfields, military airfields, attacked scebryansk, kaluga, orel, kursk, lipetsk 300 km, voronezh, belgorod, luhansk, donetsk, rostov, nadonu, sevastopol, yes, all airfields, a huge territory, all airfields where our aviation is based, which is used on the battle line, it is a shocker, that is, it is a serious weapon and... it would be irresponsible to talk about the fact that it is nothing to worry about, and it will not change the state of affairs in the war, but this is actually what should
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be remembered, because military airfields on the territory of russia are not just a goal that can really change the situation on the battlefield, but this is also a goal for which the russians are already morally ready, that we will shoot there and will shoot with western weapons, i think it is important to convey to our westerners that this is already will not change there, increase, decrease escalation, it will not affect anything, except that that this will give ukraine a real chance to finally, well, stop this mass murderer, in principle, and it must be done, because this is what, exactly what the russians are afraid of, because this is finally what will make them, you know, not so as they now think. that nothing will happen to them, no, but only when they understand that something will happen to them, that they will be beaten by such people, then they begin to, well, you know, somehow
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retreat, and it really changes, i'm not talking about that it changes the situation with the fact that planes don't fly, cabs don't fall, they don't fall some other there are aviation all these things on the front line, and it's also important because now... we don't have such parity, now we're essentially at war, well, in a situation where everything is flying at us, very few are flying to meet, it is necessary that a lot of people fly to the meeting, and then it will really be a war on equal terms, we need a war on equals, in a war on equals we can win, it is true, in a war when we, well, we have no chance to fight on equal terms, well, it's like luck, sometimes luck, sometimes.
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votes in the near future and there will be this help finally here we are, the main thing is that you know what it gives, what kind of signal it gives to russia, that what it has been dreaming about all this time, has been dreaming since 2014, that the great powers will sit down with russia, will share the world, and that in this chapter the world and simply russia will give ukraine, that will not happen. when the russians say they are negotiating with us, they don't want to negotiate with us there, they are only agreeing on one thing: that ukraine will be given to them, only this way, this is how they
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see home. and the fact that this vote took place is, in principle, such an indicator for the russians, that they do not agree on this issue, and this is also a psychologically important moment for us. in particular, a preventive nuclear attack on the heads of our peace party was carried out on saturday. i think even the last idiot who has been living the illusions of the last 30 years. now there is a clear understanding that no one is going to negotiate with us, is not going to, well, that's the way it is, no one is going to negotiate with them, that's how we have a war, and we are fighting in this war with what we can and so , as we can, and we will win if we have enough weapons and we'll eventually win when we have enough weapons, when we have enough forces, but you know, all
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the talk we've... listened to all the, you know, braggadocio, all this shouting, what they won't do anything to us, and then this whole fright, how they did something to us, oh, probably they will take everything from us, oh-oh-oh, maybe there will be weapons and they will bomb our airfields, all these screams remind me of such a famous video that a few days ago it appeared in the networks, that's what is at the level of their propagandists, their eyes kremlin grandfathers, well... they have all this at the level of the population, and all this is in this small video, which you just have to watch and understand this logic, when you know, like, what is this, and why what about me devastation, everything was scattered, the warm floor was removed, you can say that there was nothing left of the house, this is how this room remained after the robbers, the owners of the house did not have time to clean it, as you can see,
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the criminals broke in here... they scattered household items, toys, books from the home library, for example, used for kindling, but not only expensive things were stolen, among the things that disappeared are women's things, shoes and even a thermometer, even ridiculously, they removed the toilet, why and for what, one moment i wonder where the morals are, i go as a volunteer for my, i fight, i in a foreign country he shed his blood for our republic for buryatia, and upon returning home i notice that my house has been robbed. i went to a foreign country, i don’t know why, to kill other people, i ask, where is the morality, that somehow karma came to me as well, well, actually there is a morality in this, you don’t need to go to a foreign country to kill, and that’s exactly what it is you know, it is regularly seen from russian propagandists, they are also somehow like that, you know, until it flies, when it flies, they are like, oh, where is the morality, what is it, we were killing and
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suddenly... it flew to us, oh, where is the morality ? well, there is a moral there, that if you go to kill in another country, well, where should it fly, and let's get people to fly to them, because this is the only morality, when it flies in response, there is no other morality, simply should fly back always, see you. pain can become an obstacle, walking stairs, no with my knees for pain in the knees, try dolgit cream. long-acting cream relieves pain, reduces swelling and improves joint mobility. with long-lasting cream. you can also walk. dolgit is the only yellow cream for joint pain. what is bahmud? is bahmud a place? fear and the place
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of courage, no matter what anyone says, but courage is not the absence of fear, bahamud is the adventure that will stay with us until the end, our bottom, children born in the era of independence, who are they, there are many of them, and they strong and brave, they are the guardians of traditions and fighting the arts of their ancestors, they are boys who never cry. lemberk, mom, don't cry, a book by the writer olena cherniyka, a book by a mother about her son, a hero who was one of the first to volunteer to defend ukraine, and went missing in the vast expanses of donbas. turn on well - it's when everything is as you want.
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