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tv   [untitled]    April 23, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm EEST

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studies, what can you say, well, that is, whether it is a lot of falling during the war, the trust rating of the president, or the president who leads the armed forces of ukraine, he is the supreme commander, one way or another, it affects the trust rating of him, some decisions, maybe he makes, and it somehow also affects, and in general, we remember politicians who were winners in the war, but could not win later there... in the elections, we don't say anything about the elections now, but we say exclusively about trust, distrust, and does that mean that people stop trusting, or trust less, or that trust is decreasing, what can you say? first, i will say absolutely sincerely and honestly, these ratings, which are now published during military operations, are conditional, because the result of the attitude towards politicians, towards all politicians, will be measured by the results of the end of the military campaign, which would definitely
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end in the victory of ukraine, but we just won't say when, and we will say when it will be possible to pause on this, on this path to victory, that is, when the pause that will give an opportunity ukrainian politics to be democratic, at least to the extent that it was before the war will happen, then it will make sense to measure the ratings, well, imagine the different scenarios of the end of this stage of the campaign, we will get completely different ratings of both the government and the opposition, well it is so. to be honest, but i think that there is another problem with zelenskyi's team, which i have been observing for more than a year now, they are constantly inflating expectations, constantly living in the future, constantly saying that this and that will happen and that something will be very good. and it was by the way and before war, and during the election campaign 5 years ago, as you mentioned, and now, and when the expectation is constantly inflated that here...
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here we will win, i will emphasize that it is about both before the war and after the war, and then this it doesn't happen, well, at least as quickly as it is promised, then it hits the rating, because living constantly in political life at the expense of the future, well, it's the same as taking loans from a bank to a businessman all the time, then you take, you take loans, take, take, and then , sooner or later, you have to pay them back, that's why that then it's all at risk of bankruptcy, so it's, well, i wouldn't say it's bankrupt right now, but there's a... a certain downward trend that you've cited, that's, i think, in large part due to the fact that the winding up of this the expected future, which should be wonderful and is about to happen, it does not happen so quickly, and therefore it hits the rating, but i want to emphasize once again that the results of political forces now do not make much sense to measure, there is a great sense to measure immediately after the end of the military campaign, although, as you suggest we have already talked about history, the fate
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of many politicians who showed themselves in different ways during the war, sometimes even winning military campaigns, then it will be very difficult for them during the democratic elections, because people will still associate all the negativity of the war, well he will definitely be big, precisely with the politician who was in power, sometimes it will be fair, sometimes unfair, but in any case it will be exactly after the military campaign, so we understand that now there is no such monopoly for a long, long time. .. of the power of zelenskyi, which he had before the war, he will never have this monopoly again, and in order for zelensky to remain in politics, first of all, he must win the war, that is at least, and secondly, there will probably be a completely different format of political forces, i suspect that maybe the political force that is in power will be different, or it won't be there at all, there will be other new political projects, and most likely it will be, and then it will make sense to measure different political ratings, so what?
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there will definitely not be one person or one political force after the end of hostilities, most likely there will be competition between several political forces, which will later form a coalition in the parliament, this will be certain, because the era of monomajority, regardless of which political party it is now, does not matter, monomajority, it has already passed, well, maybe this era will pass much faster than we think. not only after the end of the war in ukraine, but possibly even earlier, because it has been announced that a number of personnel issues may be brought up for consideration at the session this week, in particular, regarding the resignation of three or four ministers and the prosecutor general, about this is what people's deputy of ukraine yaroslav zheliznyak says, according to people's deputy honcharenko, it is about vice prime minister iryna veryschuk, minister of infrastructure oleksandr kubrakov and minister of education oksana lisovoy, it could also be. the disbanded ministry
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of culture, however, the head of the servant of the people party olena shulyak says that her faction has not yet discussed any personnel issues. could this topic and these personnel changes, mr. serhiu, be a prologue to the creation of some other government, a government of national unity, which everyone has been talking about for a long time, perhaps zelenskyi understands that mono-power requires mono-responsibility from him, he can spread this responsibility, mono-responsibility among other political forces, if they lead some other. a coalition of deputies will form the government, and in this way he can say, win, say that we have a government of national unity, because there is a war, because we need to unite, is such a scenario possible? well, you and i even discussed on the air many times that a government of national trust would be a very correct
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step from the authorities even at the beginning of the war, because he would remove the question of responsibility and at the same time, well, now there are many, for example , they criticize the same er... information marathon, or, well, we certainly criticize the tunopoly in the information space, which is dictated by the authorities, if a government of national trust was created on from the very beginning, then this government of national trust would also mean joint responsibility for this, for everything that is happening in the country, accordingly there would be no reason for any internal criticism, well at least this criticism would be even in a different tone , because it was a village the joint responsibility of all political forces, apart from... everything else, a government of national trust at the beginning of the war would be a very good signal to the world that we, ukrainians, are ready to unite in the most difficult times, for us internal political differences mean nothing if it comes about the preservation of the country, then it was necessary to create a government of national trust, whether it will be
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created now, well, i doubt it, for this it is necessary to change the approaches in politics a little and move away from this monopoly that currently exists, i do not know whether they will dare to do it now power, to me... it seems more likely no than yes, but that this step would have been logical during the war, it certainly would have been logical at the beginning of the war, logical now, because it's better late than never, but still, i think that the government will go the other way, new people will be appointed who will be positioned, well, supposedly independent of political forces, it will even be possible to speculate that they are professionals without any political affiliation. and i think that the government will go in this direction sooner than to create a government of national trust, if the government dares to the government of national trust, well, i will say frankly, this will be a huge plus for it, first of all for the authorities, because it will mean that the authorities are able to draw conclusions from their steps and draw correct
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conclusions, but it seems to me that while that there is little time for such statements, i think that the authorities will not dare to do this, although it is a pity, one more question... very short, i hope for a short answer, yarmak, among the hundred most influential people in the world according to the magazine, what, what does this mean, why isn't zelensky there? this should be a question for those who did this rating, but i think that in the international arena, the head of the president's office now, in fact, has a monopoly, and he communicates with the international elites, and it is obvious that the international elites and those people who did the rating, now he is considered... so influential, perhaps even the most influential person, at least in ukraine. well, again, this is before our conversation, regarding the monopoly, but it seems to me that, once again, in this same international sphere, it would now be much more correct not to monopolize foreign policy activity, because precisely somewhere, in foreign policy, ukrainians will
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definitely have a single position, they will definitely speak with one and the same voice. on the contrary, it is necessary to divide the responsibility and then at least the authorities will not be unclear. answers to the question why it was so difficult to advance aid to ukraine in recent months, now it is true that serious positive trends have appeared, but how long it will last is unknown, and this monopoly in the foreign policy sphere precisely emphasizes this style of government, which consists in the fact that it is necessary to monopolize everything, i think it is wrong in wartime, and i think that in any case, you see, well, international experts believe that these are just... we have two influential politicians in ukraine, although it would seem logical to me if this ranking of influential people included people which elections were held in ukraine, which have the support of the voters, by the way, i do not name the parties on purpose, it could be different parties, including those from the government, but having passed the elections, they could certainly
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have greater legitimization of their actions in the international arena, that would be more correct. thank you, mr. serhiy, it was serhiy taran, political scientist, friends, we work in a straight line. on the air of the espresso tv channel, as well as on our platforms in youtube and facebook, and today we are conducting a survey of you, and we ask you about this, will russia dare to use nuclear weapons in a war with ukraine? let's look at the intermediate results of the poll on tv. 30% yes, 70% - no. the same survey will be in the second part of our program, which will start in 15 minutes. we have news from our partners at the bbc ahead. in 15 minutes i'll be waiting for you in front of the tv screens, let's talk about most importantly, whether the united states of america will save the world and itself? musk is hysterical, and medvedev traditionally went on
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the premium sponsor of the national team presents, united by football, together stronger! friends, live on the tv channel, the second part. program verdict, my name is serhii rudenko. in our second part, we will talk about american aid . on april 20, the congress of the united states of america voted to provide 61. billion dollars in aid to the ukrainian state, will the united states of america save ukraine, the world and itself, why elon musk found himself in hysterics, and dmitry medvedev in another binge, that's all we'll talk about today and we'll analyze what happened over
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the last week. let me remind you that we work in live broadcast of the tv channel, as well as on our platforms in youtube and. facebook, for those who are watching us live there now, please subscribe to our pages and also take part in our survey. today we ask you the following question: will russia dare to use nuclear weapons in a war with ukraine? yes, no, please vote with the appropriate buttons on youtube and write comments under this video. if you're watching us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote if you think russia will dare to use nuclear. weapons in the war with ukraine 08021381 no 080021382 all calls to these numbers are free. and today , a bipartisan delegation of the congress of the united states of america visited ukraine. what did the congressmen and ukrainian
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officials talk about? our correspondent kateryna galko knows, she is with us live from kyiv. catherine i welcome you, thank you for coming on the air, please tell us what the congressmen brought from the united states of america, what they say about aid, how quickly this aid will reach of ukraine, and in general, what is the mood of american congressmen. congratulations to serhiy, congratulations to the viewers of the tv channel, so after half a year of delays, the house of representatives of the united states of america congress finally decided and approved an additional package of $61 billion for ukraine and immediately after the adoption of such a decisive and possibly even historic package for ukraine and the republicans and the democrats came to kyiv to discuss all this, in particular with the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi, about what we told and noted that he explained very clearly that if it were not for this help, ukraine
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would be incredibly difficult today. of course, we asked about when s... this help would reach us, and unfortunately we did not receive such accurate answers, we were told that it could be days, months, or something, because they, like us, have unfortunately, there is no clear schedule for providing or receiving such assistance, we also asked why it took so long to pass, we were told that it was important to ensure certain amendments to such a bill, in particular, they told and noted about this repo ac they say, that is, the possibility of confiscation of russian assets in favor of ukraine, they also noted that it was important to help not only us, but also israel, taiwan , etc. let's hear more in the comments now. to answer your question about timing, it will be faster than anyone thinks possible. we met this morning with
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the 82nd airborne division. we talked to our people, they were preparing for this. they weren't just waiting, they were prepared, and the weapons would get here sooner, than i think any military could mobilize to get her. we all know that putin, xi, and the leaders of iran are interconnected in decision-making and make sure that we stand up and say that this is a long package that includes long-range attacks that should be allowed, the repo law, you can. take away russian sovereign assets, lendlease, tiktok, i mean that's a very strong signal. so actually, regarding the filling of such a package, it was also noted that there will be a different arsenal of weapons, and ata-kams, and, and artillery, and what, it was also noted that
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they took this decision for so long, the problem was not in ukraine, for example, they also sent away. to the fact that they adopted their own budget slowly, and both republicans and democrats clearly talked about the fact that this is a historic decision, i will note that tomorrow this package will be considered in the united states senate, and i promise that it will be significantly , much faster. this is all the information we have for now, so serhii, i will pass the ether to you. thank you kateryna, it was kateryna halku, she was watching how the congressmen of the united states of america today talked with the press, with ukrainian officials and explained the decision that was adopted by the congress of the united states of america on april 20. well, actually, kateryna mentioned about... the fact that most of the congressmen who came to the ukrainian capital talk about the historicity of the decision of the congress of the united states of america, and
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the speaker of the chamber hopes for this historicity, or that history will appreciate this step representatives of the congress of the united states of america mike johnson, the same mike johnson who could not for a very long time put the matter to a vote of the congress of the united states of america. he spoke about the fact that it is impossible, that it is possible there only under certain conditions, and already after the vote he declared that he had done his job despite the possibility that it might cost him his position and rejected the objections of delaying the process, let's listen, what johnson said. the house had a lot of important work to do, and we needed to secure funding for the government in our appropriations process. we needed to reauthorize the foreign surveillance act intelligence we had a lot of important events and we got to it as
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fast as we could. i think you've heard from leaders around the world that it's being done on time. the house should have had time to think it over and get it right. i think we did our job here, and history will judge it accordingly . you know when the speaker of the house. representatives of the congress of the united states of america speaks about the historicity of this decision, first of all he speaks about the historicity of the decision for the united states of america itself, not only for ukrainian state, or rather, not only the future of the ukrainian state will depend on this decision, but also the future of europe, the future of the north atlantic alliance, the future of the united states of america, and the fact that they allocated 61 billion dollars, which... most of which will remain in the american economy, that is, this money will go to finance defense programs, which will then come to ukraine in the form of attack missiles, other
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weapons, this is also an indicator that the americans could make this decision and vote for this decision sooner, because really it is historic, i say that not only for ukraine, not only for europe, not only... for nato, but also for the united states of america itself, well, i must say that 61 billion dollars is not that big amount for the defense budget of the united states of america, because this year the defense budget of the united states of america was approved in the amount of 886 billion dollars. just imagine this figure: 886 billion dollars, this is three 39% of the total world military expenditure, that is , the united states of america is a sufficiently strong, large state that can also produce weapons
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in sufficient numbers and support countries such as ukraine in war and give this aid without too much trouble for its defense budget. let me remind you once again that 886 billion dollars a year is the defense budget of the united states of america. however, against the background of what was said by the congressmen who flew to the ukrainian capital immediately after the vote on the bill on providing aid to ukraine, and this euphoria that reigns in washington, they completely forgot about another bill that was voted on, or rather, it became a law , the document that was adopted. ward representatives of the congress of the united states of america under number 8038 on the use of frozen russian assets for the benefit of ukraine. it is about the fact that this document
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gives the executive power the opportunity to confiscate and transfer to ukraine frozen russian assets stored in the united states of america. the american press estimates the size of these assets at 8 billion dollars, although literally half an hour ago... i had the former minister of foreign affairs of ukraine volodymyr orysko on the air, he talks about the fact that the russians hold border and these assets, in particular in the united states of america, can reach trillions and trillions of dollars, and we are talking about the fact that the americans are still afraid to move most of these assets, but how important is this bill on the freezing of russian assets, about what it is. .. creates a precedent for other countries of the world, it creates opportunities for the use of money in other countries for the benefit of the ukrainian state, it is meant
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by the ares. vat funds that belong to the russian state, putin's russia. this bill, such a bill about aid, the senate must approve on april 23, and we are waiting for this vote and hope that this vote will be positive for the ukrainian state as well. well, the radical trumpists, who were against the provision of this aid to ukraine, did not support the bill on aid to spolucha. of the united states of america to ukraine, representative of the republican party from the trumpist camp, taylor green, who introduced a number of absurd amendments to the bill on aid to ukraine, criticized the document during the discussion in the house of representatives. let's see how it was. united states taxpayers have already sent $113 billion to ukraine, and much of this money is unaccounted
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for. this is a continuation of the sick business model run by the american government. the federal government continues to fund the military-industrial complex. and that's a business model that requires congress to keep voting money, to keep funding foreign wars, and that's a business model that americans don't support. they do not support a business model built on blood, murder and wars in other countries, while the same government does nothing. for the security of our border. after the vote , taylor green made a disapproving gesture that she did not support the house's decision . what is interesting is that during this vote in the congress of the united states of america , victoria sparts did not vote in support of this bill
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. says that in this draft law there was no promised security at the border and it is meant that in this the bill did not deal with illegal immigrants in the south of the united states of america on the border with mexico, and she said that i did not vote for it because it is not fair and it should not be done that way, well imagine, a former ukrainian who was born. in chernihiv oblast, nosivka became a congresswoman, and she spoke out against the provision of aid to ukraine by the united states of america, and congressmen who were born in the united states of america and who represent the american people decided to provide military aid to ukraine in the amount of 61 billion dollars, and to victoria spas'.
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a lot of questions, of course, as a former compatriot of ours, and although it is clear that she is trying to please american voters first, not ukrainians, and probably the answer lies here on the surface. on the eve of the vote in the congress of the united states of america, donald trump spoke for the first time about the need to strengthen support for ukraine, and this actually follows from his post that he wrote. what he says: how come the united states spends on war in ukraine for 100 billion dollars more than europe, despite the fact that we are separated by an ocean? we all agree that the survival and strength of ukraine should have been more important for europe than for us, but it is also important for us. well, you see, trump, in the year of the presidential elections of the united states of america, is trying to balance between different...groups, between
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different opinions on providing aid to ukraine, and of course, as they say, he is in ukraine neither yours nor ours, that is, he chose such an average public position, but nevertheless, the congress, despite opposition, despite delaying this support, gave ukraine this aid, or rather voted for the provision of this aid, already at the end of this week the first weapons after the ... vote in the senate and the signing by president biden should go to the ukrainian state, this is a very important decision, friends, because, well , in fact, it is very difficult to oppose russia, which has a large military-industrial complex, which is helped by china, north korea in different ways, and iran, so it is clear that this help is important, it came, albeit
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late. but we know that on...


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