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tv   [untitled]    April 23, 2024 12:30pm-1:00pm EEST

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to a certain extent, diverting attention from this key security issue for us, we will get what we need on a bilateral basis, and the goal of blurring the goal of joining nato, seems to me to be meaningless in this case. after the congress of the united states of america voted to allocate aid to ukraine, the president of poland andrzej duda confirmed that he had already spoken several times with representatives of the united states of america about the possibility of placing nuclear weapons on polish territory, a response to the redeployment of russian nuclear weapons to belarus, to quote mr. duda. if there is such a decision by our allies regarding the placement of nuclear weapons as part of a nuclear exchange, including on our territory in order to strengthen the security of nato's eastern flank, we are ready for it. we are an ally of the north atlantic alliance and bear obligations in this regard as well, that is, we simply conduct. common policy -
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said the president of poland, i.e. putin, who tried so hard to blackmail the whole world with nuclear weapons in december 21st, all these the ultimatum that he put forward, that regarding the expansion of nato and regarding the spheres of influence in general, in this situation, he gets another badass if there are american...weapons on the territory of poland, what does it give to the north atlantic alliance, what does it give to ukraine and how can it be received in moscow? it seems to me that this is a logical response to what moscow has done in belarus, that is, let's not forget that russia demonstratively, brazenly placed its nuclear weapons on the territory of belarus, and for some reason it thought that... the west
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will swallow it just like that. by the way, today i i have already read such a confused and aggressive reaction of the ministry of foreign affairs and moscow to this event. well, but the reaction is traditional, they began and ended with the fact that poland will pay for it, because in the event of the deployment of nuclear, american armed forces on the territory of poland, it will become an object for the russians. attacks, well, it’s not even interesting anymore, because it’s already been repeated for the 1500th time, and nothing else, except, well , you know, except for a smile, no longer makes anyone smile, i’m completely on the side of president duda , it would be adequate and the right step, without knowing it, right away
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the united states of america would agree, but i think it would be an absolutely logical, logical step in response to what russia is doing, which does not see its steps, but even a potential step that could be, already stamps, as the approach of humanity to nuclear war, well, this is a traditional story, which i think we should disappear by now, but regarding... the fact that russian missiles have not been shot down over ukraine yet, then, in my opinion, this is, well , to a certain extent, well, no i want to say harsh words, but not with the understanding of one's role and function, in the final analysis it is not about the territory of nato member countries, for that matter, but about the territory of a third country over which... its missiles,
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shells, drones, of unknown origin for these countries fly, and they can, at the request of ukraine, quite calmly these missiles and all that is flying overhead is our bilateral relations, so no western aircraft comes into direct combat contact with ... russian pilots, because it is about unmanned aerial vehicles. what is the problem here, and how does someone get involved some kind of war, well, this is already a question that comes back again and again, it is a question of fears, how can they evaluate it and what will the kremlin say, well, the kremlin has already said a thousand times that they are at war with nato, so why can't nato fight with russia, if we go by this, by this logic. if so, then yes, well, then
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let's shoot down and cover up russian missiles together with nato, cover up the ukrainian sky. in fact, it all started with this. in february of the 22nd year, unfortunately, there were much more fears then, you see, for during this time they have decreased, but they are still present, unfortunately, and about these fears, about what might happen if ukraine is defeated in the war with russia, ukrainian leader volodymyr zelevskyi said in an interview with the channel nbc, he said that after that... putin will go to war against the baltic states, let's hear what zelensky said. i know one thing, that if ukraine does not stand up, then putin will definitely invade the baltic states. and why? not because there is
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some interesting idea or strategy, etc., but because putin wants to regain influence of the soviet union. and for this. he does not hide it, he wants to take back all the once independent republics of the soviet union, and now independent countries, completely by force, by war. in nato, they or not in nato, it is not interesting to him, he is not afraid of nato countries, and therefore this is his strategy. undoubtedly, after the baltic states, poland and part of germany will be under attack. mr. volodymyr, if possible, for a minute , briefly describe, well, the probability of such a scenario that zelensky is talking about, assuming that ukraine fell, then it is quite realistic, but
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fortunately for us and the west, ukraine will not fall, ukraine will win, because it seems to me that it is now in the minds of many. western politicians, this turning point is finally coming, when everyone understands that either we will defeat it, or we will all lose together, therefore, i think that this sub-empire has no chance, and we will definitely wait for the moment when only a memory will remain of it pages of history textbooks. mr. volodymyr, i am grateful to you for the conversation, he was a diplomat, politician, minister of foreign affairs ukraine 7-9 years to volodymyr hryzko. friends, we work live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. if you watch us on these platforms, please subscribe to our pages, take part in our survey. today we ask you about whether russia will dare to use nuclear weapons
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in a war with ukraine. everything is quite simple on youtube, yes, no, or your own opinion, please write in the comments under this video. if you're watching us on tv, grab your smartphone or phones. vote if you believe that russia will dare to use nuclear weapons in a war against ukraine (0800-211-381 and 0800 211-382). dmytro snigirov, military expert, co-head of the legal affairs department, will be in touch with us next. mr. dmitry, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. thank you for the invitation, congratulations. mr. dmytro, let's start with the situation that is predicted by... president zelensky and the head of the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense, general budanov, because budanov, this is the second time in the last few weeks, has declared that from the middle a difficult situation awaits ukraine in may, it is not only about the front or internal
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politics, he said in an interview with the bbc. shall we listen to a small fragment of what the general said? quite difficult awaits. in our opinion, the situation is difficult in the near future, but it is not catastrophic, this must also be understood, armageddon will not happen, as many are now starting to say, no, but there will be problems from within may, this is a complex approach, because the russians will use a complex approach , they conduct a complex operation, we will not it will take a long time to talk to you about this, but... but it will be a difficult period, mid-may, early june. mr. dmitry, what is a complex operation, internal and external? well, actually, you answered your question, this is both
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an internal and an external operation, i.e. it involves the appropriate intensification of hostilities directly on the battle line. as well as the efforts of russian diplomacy at the moment of blocking military-technical and macroeconomic support to ukraine, plus destabilization within ukraine itself, carrying out a number of so-called active... operations, including in the information space for the purpose of forming a general opinion. well, most likely, budanov has in mind, by the end of may, advancing the thesis regarding the illegitimacy of the ukrainian president. with regard to the line of military contact, the situation is not until the end of may, it is quite tense. it is worth mentioning that the russian occupiers do not stop trying to break through the defense of the armed forces of ukraine along the entire line. the clash of the ukrainian-russian front, which is the length
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of the front approximately 1,200 km, the most difficult situation in the conditionally donetsk direction, this respectively, chasivier, bahamud direction, lyman direction, where over the last day there were more than 14 enemy attacks, the largest number, by the way, in the maryan and pokrovsky directions respectively. the task of the occupiers to try to capture by the end of may is not only during the yar. accordingly, to try to reach the administrative borders of the donetsk region, it is said that the occupiers understand very well that by the end of may, at the beginning of june, the czech initiative to supply artillery shells in the amount of approximately half a million will work, the initiative eu countries for the supply of projectiles is also about half a million, and finally we will receive the expected military-technical and macroeconomic assistance from the united states. including means of destruction, artillery shells, air defense systems, which
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will significantly strengthen the position of the armed forces of ukraine, so we can say that at the beginning of the summer another russian offensive will begin, before, at least, well, there are no prerequisites for this, on the contrary, before at the beginning of summer they will try, i emphasize once again, using the so-called window of opportunity, to improve theirs tactical positions, moreover... he also emphasizes, dear audience of viewers, dear presenters, the so -called peace conference should begin in the middle of june, why is it so-called? the leadership of the people's republic of china has already stated that any peace conferences without the participation of the russian federation do not make any sense, accordingly, the so- called peace negotiations, and the position of the russian side is quite clear, we are fixing the status quo at the moment... the negotiations directly that , which is on the day of negotiations on the battle line
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reporting, that's why they will actually try to capture the entire donetsk region, so that, relatively speaking, at the beginning, in the middle of june, they can come out with correspondingly improved tactical conditions for conducting negotiations already in the diplomatic arena, and the possibility of such negotiations is currently being actively promoted by the turkish side, well where... let's say countries that are indirectly ready to act either as mediators or to announce the relevant details of possible peace talks. president zelensky is also once again talking about what the russian federation wants to seize the time was up to may 9, although earlier the date was called may 7, because it will be the day of the so -called inauguration of the so-called president putin, but... let's hear what zelensky says about this date and about the efforts of the russians in an interview
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with nbc news: russia wants to mobilize 300,000 soldiers by june 1, we are preparing for this, by may 9, russia plans to occupy the eastern part of ukraine around yar, i expect that we will be able to withstand the fact that these weapons, which i told you about in time, are coming, and we we will be able to repel the enemy and then defeat the plans of the russians federation regarding a full-scale, full-scale counteroffensive in june. the president says that the ukrainian military, which is currently holding the defense in that direction, is short of weapons, meaning a temporary gap. i was recently in the region, i spoke to the fighters, the fighters do not have enough equipment to fight. with russian reconnaissance drones correcting artillery fire, and also short of
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artillery shells. last saturday , the congress of the united states of america passed a decision to provide assistance to ukraine in the amount of 61 billion dollars, on april 23, the us senate must approve this decision, and this decision separately stipulates the provision of atakams missiles to ukraine, well, that is, there is a separate clause regarding this. what does it mean? this means that the united states. the americans still expect that ukraine will put pressure on russia in the temporarily occupied territories, meaning crimea, part of the kherson region, part of zaporizhzhia. part to donbas, that is, that it will strengthen our position for possible peace talks or some kind of negotiations regarding the positions of both parties on the front, well, let's talk about the situation with russian drones, probably the president meant the reconnaissance russian drones orlan, they operate from
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the ceiling of the ceiling up to 5 km, they are really out of the damage zone. systems of ppova is quite a serious problem for the armed forces of ukraine, it is said that they act in communication and, accordingly , the coordinates of the target are immediately given and the strike is delivered from the moment of adjusting the artillery fire, about the help of the united states, about atakoms, there is a demand to the president of the united states, and it is worth talking about what mr. sergey, in my opinion, this is a lightning game by trump's team. the requirement to provide atakomsikh automatically removes from the trump team and trump personally any accusations of his so -called pro-russianness, because it was actually the biden administration that blocked the issue
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of the transfer of atak. and now biden was simply put in a position where he either. must hand over atacoms, and then trump can claim that i handed over not only javelins, but accordingly insisted on handing over atacoms, or refuse, but refuse arguing security issues for the united states, that is, this is a classic fork, if we use the terminology of special services. let's look at the reaction of the united states. at the moment, the statements are optimistic that from next week we will receive a package of military and technical assistance , including. including anti-tank missiles with a range of up to 300 km, this will really significantly strengthen the capabilities of the armed forces of ukraine at the moment of striking the rear logistics infrastructure of the occupiers, primarily airfields and places of concentration of heavy armored vehicles and, accordingly, field depots of the sbk. with respect to further forecasts, ah,
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well, let's talk about the fact that... it's not only the united states that provides military-technical assistance. for the 24th year, the eu countries have provided for the transfer of military and technical assistance to ukraine in the amount of approximately 24 billion. regarding the plans of the armed forces of ukraine. yes, statements about a possible counteroffensive of the armed forces in 2024 have been heard repeatedly. what is happening now is talk of striking the territory of occupied crimea. we can to say that in the nato classification, such actions of the defense forces of ukraine should be considered as the first stage of the cascade nature of planning the operation to de-occupy the temporarily occupied crimea. and, as some military experts predict, a strike on
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the crimean bridge on may 7 is possible, as far as it is likely, well , taking into account the fact that... we remember that the big strike was on this structure, which interferes and is redundant in kerch strait, as general budanov said, it was already on october 7, on putin's birthday, or maybe on may 7, so it is possible that such a strike on the crimean bridge? i do not rule out, let's talk about the fact that it was not by chance that a strike was carried out on the places of concentration of anti-missile defense systems of the russian invaders, we are talking about striking. attack on the dzhankoy airfield, first of all , the s-400 triumph systems, which are responsible for covering a strategic object for the russians, namely the crimean bridge, were hit there. therefore , i emphasize once again that this is the suppression of anti-missile and anti-aircraft defense systems and
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the striking of airfields in dzhankoy, sakakh, in sevastopol, should be considered as a relaxation. the position of russian air defense and anti-missile defense at the moment of a possible attack on the crimean bridge, so i would not rule out such a scenario, moreover , i emphasize that it is the crimean bridge that is the strategic target of the defense forces of ukraine, and the complex nature of the attack is realized, we are talking not only about the strike on the crimean bridge itself, we are talking about the general blockade of logistical connections with stylistic ones. wounds of the russian federation, if we look in parallel with the situation regarding the destruction of anti-missile defense systems, the defense forces of ukraine minimized the following. the so-called parallel logistics of the occupying forces, it is primarily about the destruction of large amphibious ships, it was with their help that the russian federation intended to build, in
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the event of the destruction of the crimean bridge, accordingly , the logistics, transfer of personnel, equipment, material and technical support of the stylish regions of the russian federation on the territory of the occupied crimea, well, at the moment we have eight large... amphibious ships, which are either destroyed or seriously damaged, that is, this opportunity is also blocked, so i repeat once again and insist that the armed forces of ukraine are conducting a complex operation to block the logistical component of the occupation army. crimea is logistically very vulnerable, even more so than the kherson region. and currently what is happening in crimea is a reflection of events. occupation of the kherson region, when the anti-missile and anti-aircraft defense systems were first suppressed, then they took under fire control the main locations of the occupiers, the antoniv bridge
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and the kakhovsky hes dam, and what is this ended, we remember, potionkin's ashes were taken out of kherson and they fled in panic to the left bank, the only question is that after the destruction of the crimean bridge, where will they flee, well, probably by swimming, as usual, who on what? yes, well, the same story is repeated in the first and second world wars, in the world war, absolutely, mr. sergius, that is, they will be pressed to the chersonese, then they will swim to novorossian, who will come, well, not many will come. another piece of news that came just after the decision to provide aid to ukraine from the united states of the united states, america is considering sending additional military advisers to the embassy in kyiv, the latest... show of american support as russia appears to be gaining momentum in the two-year conflict, the report said, meaning the americans are increasing the presence of their
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advisers on the ground of ukraine, and they are already determined regarding the future of russia, well, relatively speaking, whether or not to be putin's russia? absolutely, mr. serhiy, let's talk about the positive aspects of voting in general of the house of representatives, there is clearly the main... which was not addressed from the biden administration , they demand not even the transfer of attacks, the creation of a clear algorithm until the ukrainian victory, it is written precisely in this document, that is, the house of representatives gives a clear signal to the biden administration: enough , we want to see the step-by-step actions of the united states, we are ready to help ukraine, we have demonstrated this, now, please... that is why sending military advisers is a serious military-political a signal, first of all, to the russian federation that the united states is moving from
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promises to concrete actions, and these talks about a possible ukrainian counteroffensive are precisely confirmed by these actions of the united states. thank you, mr. dmytro, for the conversation, it was dmytro snigirov, a military expert, co-head of the legal case. friends, we are live. channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are currently watching us live, please subscribe to our pages on these platforms, and also take part in our survey, today we ask you this: will russia dare to use nuclear weapons in a war with ukraine, yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, either yes or no, if you have your own opinion and your own arguments, please write in the comments below this video, if you watch us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote: if you think that russia will dare to use nuclear weapons in a war with ukraine (0800-211-381 no (0800-211-382).all calls to these numbers
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free, please call, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. next , serhii taran, political scientist, will be in touch with us. mr. serhiy, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. i congratulate you. you know, mr. serhiy, that behind these international events and behind. by the decision of the congress of the united states of america regarding our future assistance from the americans, the majority passed by, here is another date: april 21, because 5 years ago, on april 21, 2019, zelensky won the presidential elections, and the zelensky era actually began. and it's obvious, obviously, it's still worth it for us... to remind you of the fact that what these five years were for ukraine and for zelenskyi, what zelenskyi was like in those five years, is gone.
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results, but he continues to fulfill his duties as president, so it would be incorrect to say that his term is completely over, but i think that the voters will draw a conclusion by comparing everything that he said during the election campaign with what happened after he became president, and there was a lot of talk about ending the war very quickly, it was enough to stop shooting there, and about the end of the era of poverty, and about the fight against corruption, about all these things. of course, the voters will be able to give their assessment, i will refrain from my final assessments for the time being, because again, he is still the president, and in wartime, but i think that the time will definitely come when the voters will give their verdict. in general, it seems to me that it will be very difficult for zelensky after the end of the military campaign, or after the pause, because everything that happened in ukraine in recent years, it
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one way or another... it will be related to him, and sometimes it will be unfair, because the war did not start because of ukraine, but because of russia, and sometimes it will be fair when it comes to how ukraine was preparing for this war , there will be many conversations about how to give an early assessment of the results of this military campaign, because we have no idea when it will end, but i am convinced that when the hostilities end, ukrainian politics will, well, not return to normal . but at least there will be opportunities for some kind of political competition, for freedom of speech, for the evaluation of what happened, there will be such evaluations that we cannot even imagine now, while the military operations continue. in any case, well, i think that these were definitely very difficult years, for many reasons, and without a doubt, these are, and remain , the most difficult years in the history of ukrainian independence, and i think that the exam that
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zelensky will hold... like any another ukrainian official after the end of hostilities will be very difficult. and i would really like so that now we no longer think about specific politicians, but about what will happen to the country, because now is the time when the question, for example, of the political fate of zelensky, is being decided, but the question of the political political system in ukraine in general, what will it be after the end of military operations, because the challenges that ukraine will face after the end of military operations in politics, in social life, well, believe me, they will not be less than what ukraine is currently enduring during the war. there will be a lot of issues, including very difficult political issues, about which we still have to talk very hard. well, of course, after our victory, ukrainians will face many challenges, no less than during the war, this is absolutely obvious, but still, sociological services measure both the rating of trust in the president and
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the rating of trust. to other candidates, as regards the level of public trust in the president of ukraine, recently, as recorded by the razumkov center, it decreased in march 2024, it was 59%, although in january it was 64%, a year ago they declared their trust in the president 83% of respondents, similar data recently the sociological group also published the rating. the level of approval of the activity of the president of ukraine zelenskyi decreased to 63%, although it was 91% as recently as february 23rd. this is evidenced by the survey results of the rating sociological group. you, as a political expert, are a person who understands reading these sociological studies. what can you say, well that is, is it a lot of decline during the war, the
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trust rating of the president? or the president who controls the armed forces of ukraine, he is the supreme commander, one way or another, it affects the trust rating in him, some decisions, maybe he makes, and it somehow also affects, and in general, we remember politicians who were winners in the war, but could not win then already there in the elections, nothing about the elections now we don't talk, we talk exclusively about trust, mistrust and does this mean that people... stop trusting, or trust less, or this trust is decreasing, what can you say? first, i will say absolutely sincerely and honestly, these ratings, which are now published during military operations, they are conditional, because the result of the attitude towards politicians, towards all politicians, will be measured by the results of the completion of the military campaign, which would


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