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tv   [untitled]    April 22, 2024 11:30pm-12:00am EEST

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there will be especially more of these opportunities, because in october of last year europe was not yet ready to help us as it is now, europe had not yet handed over seven, for example , patriot complexes to us, then there was no czech initiative, and in september no one took ammunition from us will not, that is, we will be given munitions within the framework of the financial resources that are currently allocated, and these munitions do not disappear like cinderella at 12 o'clock at night or on september 1, they will be given to us ... according to the paid-up plan that is now the american government will pay private american companies that will produce jlsdb, ammunition, atechams, pulled out of arsenals, because they are no longer produced, these are old weapons , in fact, or weapons before the f-16, so in fact , ukrainians paid with their lives for the concentration from may to in december of this year , the number of weapons transferred to us increased.
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compared to the plan that existed before that. they literally paid, many ukrainians did not wait for this help and during this time territories were also lost. thank you very much. mykhailo samus, director of the new geopolitical research network, we talked about american aid, what it will affect and when to expect it. thank you. so, the united states is ready to send weapons to ukraine within a few days after. the signing of the bill on aid for 60 billion dollars, so far the american press writes, but military support in 2025 remains questionable, as reuters writes, analysts interviewed by journalists believe that ukraine should use the year 2024 to restore its strength for a long time war, and europe, in its turn, must fill the gap that may be left by the united states. earlier, let me remind you, the director of the cia, william byrne , stated that the us military aid. the possibility
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for ukraine to hold out in 2024, at the same time in political circles, primarily european, there is an assumption that this american aid package for ukraine may be the last, so, in particular, said the head of the european committee in the bundestag, anton hofreiter, who, as reported by the reuters agency, wrote that the uncertainty after 2024 is primarily related to the possible re-election of donald trump, who is skeptical of large amounts of aid to ukraine. he, as well as radical republicans in congress , oppose further military support, except for a possible loan. well, as another edition of the new york times writes on the issue of aid to ukraine, the republican party of the usa has divided ukraine. it became obvious that the republicans do not fully support ex-president donald trump in foreign policy. the publication also notes that trump has somewhat softened his opposition to aid to ukraine in recent days, and he was also silent on the day of the vote.
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refusing to press the republicans. pavlo klimkin, minister of foreign affairs of ukraine, 2014-19 joins our broadcast . good evening. greetings, ms. blasta. mr. klimkin, how do you explain donald trump's change of heart. what happened, who and what influenced him? there are different versions, speculations about who has been talking to trump lately. several senators, including lynsey graham, who communicated with everyone, both the democrats and the trump administration, well, first of all, the issues surrounding ukraine were removed from at least partially, not completely, but at least partially from the pre-election agenda, it's good for us, but it's also good for the americans, and also, if the americans do ... have to talk to
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the russian regime, then that conversation must be precisely not on russian terms, and the provision of this aid package, as well as possible other elements of aid, really improves the possible american position, i do not mean formal or informal negotiations, it is quite possible, there should be and can be informal ones. so what about the nearest one perspective, and for a certain perspective after the elections, this package, in my opinion, makes the positions of any american administration better, and as far as i understand, this is exactly the logic of the arguments, i do not guarantee that it worked precisely in such words, and certainly not in ukrainian, but it's really difficult here.
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to assume that trump was impressed and the main influence, which is not, nevertheless, i tell you what i hear from my friends, maybe even in polish, because we know. that shortly before that, trump met with the polish president. mr. klimkin, here we are recently, your colleague, ambassador valery chaly, was on the air, and he said, he remarked, rhetorically, how any diplomat asked a question, but did not give an answer. he noted that fundamentally this law, which was voted in the house of representatives, is not much different from the one that was voted in the senate earlier, maybe attacks were added there, and chaly said that a pause was made for putin in seven months. which gave him the opportunity to gain strength, to strengthen the army there, meanwhile it was quite difficult for ukraine, and someone deliberately, probably contributed to this, and whether do you share the opinion that someone deliberately accepted this, and maybe you, i understand, there are no simple
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answers to difficult questions, but maybe you have an assumption who contributed to this? well, crimea definitely contributed to this and all those who in one way or another... are connected with russian influence definitely contributed, there is a certain group, it is quite small, there are certain urban or congressional crazies, i will not throw anything at anyone there stones, especially political stones, of course, we are humane people, but there are people who are such fanatics. increase pond, they are known, but they are actually on the fingers of two hands, and as for me, oh this logic about delaying the vote, it certainly makes sense, but nevertheless the conflicts
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that are in the congress and the polarization of american politics is crazy, they, they are real , they are not invented, i just know about... the contents , the atmosphere of the discussion, and i know how many representatives of these parties do not understand themselves and each other now, or almost do not understand themselves, that is why the elections that will be held in november, not only the presidential , ibid the senate and the congress, they will actually determine the fate of american democracy, the model of american democracy, well, as for me... for at least 10 plus years, so the reality that exists today in the states, the reality that exists not only in washington, she is crazy, that is, people who could drift there, as it always happened in american
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politics, between the positions of two parties, the so -called swingwalters, there are fewer and fewer of them, that is, more and more, and who are you for, and this is the logic... who are you for, and not for what is it, here she is starting to really dominate the american one politics, and do you agree with some european politicians who are now declaring, well, in particular the head of the european committee in the bundestag said that we should be prepared for the fact that this american aid to ukraine was the last? no, i don't agree with anton, i haven't talked to him in the last couple of months, it's hard for me to say what he's coming from, he's a serious figure, he can become, by the way, the representative of germany in the new european commission, if there are problems have escalated, so that in today's
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reality it is difficult to predict anything at all, ie whether there will be packages, whether they will be more, whether they will be split, whether they will be additional how many. and when there are, in today's american politics, it is almost impossible to make a business plan for ukrainian aid, or even its strategy, and this , of course, plays into the hands of the kremlin, because it creates a situation of uncertainty and unpredictability, which i, observing american politics, conditionally there since the end of the 90s, but in principle i don't remember. i also don't remember when someone said to me one evening: here is pavlo, and now it will be like this, here we are it seemed to have been decided, only this question and that remained, and a day later someone called and said: you know, nothing worked out, this approach was abandoned, and now we are working from the point of view of
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the opposite, here is such a thing with all the complexities of american politics, i have been like that for a long time i didn't really see it, so what if... talking about, you first talked about the kremlin, about putin, and that the kremlin went to great lengths to delay the aid, which now the kremlin received signals after the aid about... naked, and what the kremlin will invest in in the near future efforts to slow down either aid or some other processes there, for the kremlin is also a situation of negative uncertainty, specifically for the kremlin is negative, because there are amounts, but what weapons, when they will be provided, it is not clearly spelled out there, and the americans can raise the stakes , and today the regime... in the kremlin received a clear, such a political signal that the americans, they
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will not actually talk on putin's terms, but the allocation of this aid is actually such a thick, thick hint that attempts to talk on the basis of what putin now offers they will not ride, it concerns not only us, of course, because we only one issue is critical ... for us, but nevertheless for the americans only one issue: in their difficult discussion with today's russia, and again, we are still we do not see any official negotiations, but unofficial contacts are taking place, of course we see it, and in the same way in moscow we saw, at least as of today, the logic of the return of bipartisan support, it worked. it will work, at least there until the election, and
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what the americans do not want any of them were blamed for the deterioration of ukraine's position, they understand very well that this is a bad start for the election campaign, and a bad start later for a possible conversation with putin from a position of strength, so the vote... of this package, and even with the position on russian assets, and this may be some kind of leap into formulating a comprehensive position on russian assets, it is certainly an extremely, extremely unpleasant story for moscow today. if i may, very briefly, do you foresee that after all, biden... will decide to hand over the attacks to ukraine, because the law allows him to do it, but does not
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oblige him. i think so, it's just a question of when and how much, because the attackers themselves are cool of course, but it's important that they work as part of our overall military strategy and tactics, so my answer is yes, but here, as they say , the devil is in the details, there are nuances, thank you very much, pavlo klimkin, minister of foreign affairs of ukraine, 2014. he was on radio svoboda for 15 years. that's all for today, i urge you to subscribe to the radio liberty website. put like this broadcast, this way you support our work. well, svoboda live will return to the air tomorrow.
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we will discuss many important topics with you today, two hours to learn about the war, right now we will talk more about the war, serhiy zgurets from us, and how the world lives, now about what happened in the world, yuriy fizar will talk in more detail, yuriy, good evening, please a word, two hours to keep up with economic news, time to talk about money during the war, oleksandr morchivka with us, oleksandr, welcome, please, and sports news, a review of sports events from yevgeny postukov. natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather for the coming day. as well as distinguished guests of the studio, andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. premium sponsor of the national team
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represents united by football, stronger together. there is a war going on, and not only for territories, it is also a war for minds. russia is throwing millions of petrodollars into turning ukrainians into little russians. ukraine will become russia. countering russian information attacks in the information war chronicle project with olga len. tuesday, thursday at 5:15 p.m. repeat, tuesday, friday, at 10:00 p.m. we are looking for 15-year-old daria myroshnychenko from the kherson region. imagine that the girl disappeared on the first day of the full-scale war, february 24 , 22, that is, it has been more than two years about her
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there is no news. i really hope so. that everything is fine with the child and the connection with her was cut off solely because of the occupation of the left bank of the kherson oblast. the girl lived in the kakhov district in the city of tavriysk. i believe that thanks to your care, daria myroshnychenko will be found. so i am addressing everyone, and especially the residents of the left bank of kherson oblast. look carefully at the photo of the girl. perhaps someone has seen daria and knows at least something about her. every little thing is important. and if suddenly someone has information or knows where he is girl, immediately call the magnolia children's search service at the short number 11630. calls from all ukrainian mobile operators are free, if you cannot call, write to the chatbot of the children's search service in telegram. another girl,
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who also disappeared in the kherson region and has not been heard from for more than two years, is 14-year-old yulia ivashova. she looks her age, with an oval face and light blond hair. the girl lived in the village of kardashinka in the skadovsky district of the region. if someone saw yuliya ivashova, or knows at least something about the child, immediately call the short number 11630. the hotline of the child tracing service works 24 hours a day. calls from all ukrainian mobile operators are free. these are just two stories. missing children and only from the occupied kherson region. in general, for more than two years of full-scale war, we have already received several thousand appeals for help in the search. of course, most of the children were found and are now safe, but the fate of many children remains unknown, especially this applies specifically to the temporarily occupied territories.
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anyone can help find missing children, it just takes a minute of your time. go to the website of the children's tracing service. in the missing children of ukraine section, you can view all the photos of the missing. perhaps you will recognize someone and help find them. and now i want to tell about the missing children in the occupied donetsk region. look at the photo. this is 13-year-old dmytro horovy. nothing has been known about the fate of this boy for more than two years. unfortunately, the details of his disappearance are false. i only know what when the war started, the child was in mariupol on the same day. the boy disappeared without a trace, perhaps he, like many other children, was taken to russia, or is still being held somewhere in the temporarily occupied territories. therefore, i very much ask you to look carefully at the photo of dmytro horovoy. he looks about 13 years old, with light blond hair and dark eyes. if anyone has seen the boy or knows where he might be now,
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don't hesitate to call us at the magnolia children's helpline at the short number. 16:30 calls from any mobile operator free. i also want to remind you that the search for 16-year-old ilya polishchuk continues. he is also from mariupol, and nothing is known about the fate of this boy since the beginning of the full-scale war. communication with ilya was cut off on february 24, and no one knows where he might be now. therefore, i appeal to everyone who sees me now, and especially to the residents of mariupol, who may be watching this program on social networks. look carefully at the boy's photo. he looks 14-15 years old. he has light blond hair and dark eyes. if anyone... anyone has seen ilya or knows where he might be now, don't hesitate and call us on the magnolia children's hotline at the short number 11630. calls from any ukrainian
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mobile operator are free. if it is not possible to call, write to the chatbot of the child tracing service in telegram. any information is important. we have created a resource through which you can report any crime. against a child in any city, at any time, just go to the site and report, and we will launch all possible mechanisms for punishing the criminal. stopcrime ua. the chas time program of the ukrainian voice of america service is broadcast from washington. i am maria prus. congratulations. us president joe biden held
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a telephone conversation with ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyi, in which he assured of the unchanging commitment of the us to support ukraine. according to the white house, biden said that the administration will quickly provide the necessary security assistance packages to kyiv. however, the bill must first be approved by sen. voting will take place on tuesday. according to the development of events in kateryna lisunova monitors the congress. katya, hello, please tell me when the vote is scheduled and can we expect the senators to approve this bill? let's start with when you should expect the vote. today on the website of the majority leader in the senate democrat chuck schumer released a preliminary plan, the plan of the schedule for the consideration of this bill tomorrow, so the meeting will begin at 10:00 a.m. in washington, it will be the 17th in kiev, and it is expected that for several hours there will be various debates. , also in the schedule it is written that there is a possibility of amendments,
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but as the experts of the razum for ukraine organization explained to me directly, schumer is most likely to propose a certain procedural, procedural solution to block any amendments, so that this draft law is voted in its pure form, as it was agreed to in the house of representatives, because if there are any ... additional amendments in the senate, then the bill will go back to the house of representatives and again, so to speak, drag out the process. hence the senate tries to avoid any amendments, there will be at least several hours of debate and discussion, there will be speeches by various representatives who will actually speak for or against this aid package, and the vote itself, at least in the schedule, indicated and scheduled for the first hour of the afternoon, is 20: 00 kyiv time. overall, as for the future of this bill in the senate, we can say that right now, at least, that's how optimistic that future looks, because at least the leaders of both the democrats and
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republicans in the senate, chuck schumer and mich. mcconnell, immediately after the vote of the house of representatives, released their own statements in which they welcomed the approval of this aid package and said that they will do everything possible to get it approved in the senate as soon as possible and that it immediately reaches the table for the signature of the president. and the united states of america, i suggest you listen to the statements both chuck schumer and mitch mcconnell made this weekend. the senate is now ready to take the next step. a few minutes ago, democrats and republicans struck a deal that allows it senate to complete work on the aid with the first vote on tuesday afternoon. the house of representatives has taken action, now it's the senate's turn and we can already see the finish line. i want to say to our friends in ukraine, our allies in nato, our... in israel and civilians around the world who need help. rest assured, america will do everything, as always. the house finally approved this important investment in
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strengthening our alliances and partnerships, the confidence in our commitments, and the ability of our own armed forces to defend america and restrain aggression. the house decision brings this critical assistance one step closer to helping america and our friends counter the most dangerous threat to the recent generations. we have an urgent task before us. it was not the turn of the senate to make history again. and already in the senate there are also far-right republicans who oppose this aid and already one of them, senator meeks mike lee, has proposed to review this bill, take it out of consideration on tuesday and discuss it again, discuss it again possible amendments. according to some experts, this proposal is most likely. this senator's senator will fail and this bill will be voted on, but nevertheless , at least a large enough part of the speeches is expected, and some of them will be against
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this vote, but... as of now , the forecasts for the approval of aid to ukraine in the senate are optimistic. katya, please tell me how quickly this aid, if approved and signed by the president, will be able to get to the front for ukrainian defenders. this is a very important question, and i am particularly interested in it asked both republicans and democrats. how fast will the logistics be after this bill is approved by the entire congress, that is, when the nat agrees, it will mean that the entire congress agreed to this one. the aid package and after the president actually signs this aid, this bill, what the logistics will be, how long the ukrainian military will have to wait for this aid, at least from what i've been told by both republicans and democrats, they say that this help almost immediately after signature of the president will go to the ukrainian military, in particular, this is due to the fact that this aid, if we are talking about defense aid, at least at least,
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is already at the locomotive stations. nato countries and at the locations of the united states of america in nato countries, and it is actually ready to be transferred to ukraine. the legislators also emphasize that these logistics have already been established during these several years of russian aggression in the russian war, and it is expected that this defense aid can reach ukraine almost instantly. and that will be a matter of only a few days, weeks at most. i suggest you listen to what they told me. how long can it take to provide this aid to ukraine? it will be done quickly, i think it will be done quickly, because a lot of money you know goes into replenishing our own military stocks. as soon as the ministry of defense is informed that this bill has been approved, they will be able to confidently send what they have. it is obvious that this logistics network has been operating for quite a long time, through some of our allied countries nato, and then to ukraine. therefore, i think that it will be quick, and most importantly, that it will raise
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the morale of ukrainians. because it's not going to be an easy challenge, and just the fact that they see it happening today, and it 's going to happen with a lot of support from both parties, they're really going to understand that we're people like me, when i was in ukraine a few weeks ago, i kept saying that democracy is very slow, we have many problems, but in the end we will manage, and we are never going to leave ukraine, when you think procedurally, this aid to ukraine after its passage. will really get to ukraine, almost immediately, and this is good news, because our army has already prepared a lot of weapons and a lot of supplies, but not all of them yet, some of them will take more time, but the main 155- caliber ammunition, the basic air defense equipment is already formed and they plan to bring them to ukraine within a few days. i would like to note that the administration of the white house has also announced that help
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will find its way to ukraine literally in the blink of an eye. days and here i also want to announce that tomorrow voice of america will have a special live broadcast of this final final vote in the senate with commentary from experts, hopefully with commentary from the senators themselves, and we also plan to ask questions of democratic leader chuck schumer, republican leader, and so i encourage our viewers to prepare their questions now so that write them in our comments and we could actually pass them directly to the legislators. thank you katya, i will wait for you. updates of new information and really do not miss our special broadcast. it was kateryna lisonova. the bill, approved by the house of representatives, provides for the provision of $9.5 billion in aid to ukraine in the form of a loan. if this project becomes a law, ukraine will receive new economic aid on credit. the terms of this loan will be determined by the president, he will have the opportunity to partially cancel its
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payment. how are the new conditions for providing assistance to ukraine?


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