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tv   [untitled]    April 22, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm EEST

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the lyman direction, where over the last day there have been more than 14 enemy attacks, the largest number, by the way, in mariyansky and, respectively , pokrovsky and ughledar. the task of the occupiers until the end of may is to try to seize not only time, but also to try to reach the administrative borders of the donetsk region. rumor has it that the occupiers understand very well that the czech initiative to supply artillery will be operational by the end of may, at the beginning of june. projectiles in the amount of approximately half a million, the initiative of the eu countries to supply projectiles is also approximately half a million, and finally we will receive the long-awaited military-technical and macroeconomic assistance from the united states, including weapons, artillery shells, air defense systems, which will significantly strengthen the position of the armed forces of ukraine. therefore, talk about the fact that another russian offensive will begin at the beginning of summer.
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at least, well, there are no prerequisites for this, instead, by the beginning of summer, they will try, i emphasize once again, using the so-called window of opportunity, to improve their tactical positions, and i also emphasize, dear viewing audience, dear presenters, the so -called peace conference should begin in mid-june, why the so-called leadership of the people's republic of china has already stated that any... peace conference without the participation of the russian federation has no meaning, respectively and the so-called peace talks, and the position of the russian side is quite clear: we fix the status quo at the time of the negotiations directly, the one that exists on the day of the negotiations on the battle line , that is why they will actually try capture the entire donetsk region, so to speak, at the beginning, in the middle of june. to come out with
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correspondingly improved tactical conditions for conducting negotiations is no longer a diplomatic arena, but the possibility of such negotiations is currently being actively promoted by the turkish side, well, there are several, let's say, countries that are indirectly ready to act either as mediators or to announce the relevant details possible peace talks, president zelenskyy is also once again talking about... that the russian federation wants to seize the time until may 9, although previously the date was called may 7, because it will be the day of the so-called inauguration of the so-called president putin, but here is what zelensky says about this date and about the efforts of the russians in an interview with nbc news: russia wants to mobilize 300 thousand by june 1. fighters, we
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are preparing for this, by may 9, russia expects to occupy the east of ukraine during yar, i expect that we will be able to withstand, that these weapons that i told you about will arrive on time, and we will be able to repel the enemy and then break the plans of the russian federation about full-scale, what full-scale counteroffensive actions in june. the president says that the ukrainian military now holding the defense in that direction means a time gap, there is a lack of weapons, i was recently in the region, i spoke to the fighters, and the fighters do not have enough equipment to fight the russian reconnaissance drones that are adjusting artillery fire, and there is also a shortage of artillery shells. last saturday, the congress of the united states of america passed a decision to provide aid to ukraine in the amount of 61 billion dollars. april 23 in the senate
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must approve this decision, and this decision separately stipulates the provision of atakams missiles to ukraine, well, that is, there is a separate clause regarding this, which means, it means that the united states of america still expects that ukraine will put pressure on russia for the temporarily occupied territories, meaning crimea, part of kherson oblast, part of zaporizhzhia, part of pasu, that is, that it would strengthen our position for the probable peace talks or some kind of negotiations about the positions of both sides on the front? well, let's talk about the situation with russian drones, probably the president was referring to the russian orlan reconnaissance drones, they operate from the ceiling of the ceiling up to 5 km, they are really outside the zone of damage of the ukrainian pipov systems.
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is a serious problem for the armed forces of ukraine, it is said that they operate in the communication of sal, stas, and accordingly , the coordinates of the target are immediately given and... a strike is struck from the moment of adjusting the artillery fire, regarding the assistance of the united states, regarding atakomsiv, there is a demand for the president of the united states, and it is worth mentioning that, mr. sergey, on in my opinion, this is a lightning game by trump's team, the requirement to provide atacoms automatically removes from trump's team and trump personally, any accusations. the so-called pro-russian flow, because in fact, it was the biden administration that was blocked by the issue of the transfer of the akha, and now biden was simply put in a position where he either has to transfer the atacoms, and then trump can claim that i
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transferred not only the javelins, but accordingly insisted on the transfer atakomsiv, or refuse, but refuse arguing security issues for connection. states, that is, it is a classic fork, if we use the terminology of special services. let's look at the reaction of the united states. currently, the statements are optimistic that starting next week we will receive a corresponding package of military-technical assistance, including anti-aircraft missiles with a range of up to 300 km. this will really significantly strengthen the capabilities of the armed forces of ukraine at the moment of striking the rear logistics infrastructure of the occupiers. first. these are airfields and places of concentration of heavy armored vehicles and, accordingly, field warehouses of the sbk, in relation to further forecasts, respectively, well let's talk about the fact that not only the united states transfers military and technical
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assistance. for the 24th year, the eu countries provide for the transfer of military-technical assistance to ukraine in the amount of approximately 2.4 billion. regarding the plans of the armed forces of ukraine. yes, statements about a possible counteroffensive by the armed forces in 2024 have been heard repeatedly. what is happening now, we are talking about striking the territory of the occupied crimea, we can say that in the nato classification, similar actions of the defense forces of ukraine should be considered as the first stage of the cascading nature of the planning of the deoccupation operation. temporarily occupied crimea, and, as some military experts predict, a possible strike on may 7 on the crimean bridge, as far as it is likely, well , considering the fact that we remember that the big
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strike was on this structure, which interferes and is redundant in to the kerch strait, as general budanov said, it was already october 7, on putin's birthday, or? is it possible that such an attack on the crimean bridge is possible on may 7? i do not rule out, let's talk about the fact that it was not accidental that a blow was inflicted on places of concentration of anti-missile defense systems of the russian occupiers. there is talk of an attack on the dzhankoy airfield. first of all, it was precisely the s-400 triumph systems that were hit there, which are responsible, respectively, for its cover of a strategic object for... the russians, namely the crimean bridge, so i emphasize once again that this is the suppression of anti-missile anti-aircraft defense systems and from striking on the airfields in dzhankoya, saki, sevastopol, should be considered as a weakening of the position of russian air defense and
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anti-missile defense at the moment of possible attack on the crimean bridge, so i would not rule out such a scenario, moreover , i emphasize that it is the crimean bridge that is the strategist. now the target of the defense forces of ukraine, and the complex nature of the attack is being implemented, we are talking not only about the attack on the crimean bridge itself, we are talking about the general blockade of logistical connections with the stylish regions of the russian federation, if we look in parallel with the situation regarding the destruction of anti-missile defense systems, the defense forces of ukraine minimized the so-called parallel. the logistics of the occupying forces, it is primarily about the destruction of large amphibious ships, it was with their help that the russian federation intended to build, in the event of the destruction of the crimean bridge, accordingly logistics, the transfer of personnel,
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equipment, material and technical support of the russian federation's power districts on the territory of the occupied crimea, well, for now we have eight large amphibious ships that are either...destroyed or severely damaged, so that possibility is also blocked, so i repeat, and insist, the armed forces ukraine conducts a complex. operation to block the logistical component of the occupying army. crimea is logistically very vulnerable. even more than the kherson region. and currently what is happening in crimea is a reflection of the events of the de-occupation of the kherson region, when the anti-missile and anti-aircraft defense systems were first suppressed, then the main locations of the occupiers, the antoniv bridge and the kakhovsky hydroelectric dam, were taken under fire control. and how did it end? we remember that potionkin's ashes were taken out of kherson and they fled in panic to
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the left bank, the only question is that after the destruction of the crimean bridge, where will they flee? well, probably swimming, as always, who is on what? yes, well, the same story is repeated in the first and second world wars, in the world war, absolutely, mr. sergius, that is, they will be pressed to the chersonese, then they will swim to novorossiysk, who will come, well, not many will come. another piece of news, which came just after the decision to provide aid to ukraine from the united states of america, america is considering the possibility of sending additional military advisers to embassy in kyiv, the latest show of american support as russia appears to be gaining momentum in the two-year conflict. this is the message received, which means that the americans are increasing the presence of their advisers on the territory. countries and they are already determined regarding the future of russia, well , relatively speaking, whether or not to be putin's
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russia, absolutely, mr. serhiy, let's talk about what is the positive in general of the vote of the house of representatives, there is clearly the main point that was not addressed and demanded from the biden administration not even transmission is important ata, and the creation of a clear algorithm will lead to ukrainian victory, this is written precisely in this document. that is, the house of representatives is sending a clear signal to the biden administration: enough is enough, we want to see step-by-step actions by the united states. we are ready to help ukraine, we have demonstrated it. now please. and that's why sending military advisers is a serious military-political signal, first of all, to the russian federation that the united states is moving from promises to concrete actions. and those conversations about... a possible ukrainian counteroffensive, they precisely confirmed by these actions of
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the united states. thank you, mr. dmytro, for the conversation, it was dmytro snigirov, a military expert, co-head of the legal case. friends, we work live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are currently watching us live. please subscribe to our pages on these platforms and also take part in our survey. today we ask you this: will russia dare to use? nuclear weapons in the war with ukraine, yes, no, everything is on youtube quite simply, either yes or no, if you have your own opinion and your own arguments, please write in the comments below this video, if you are watching us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote if you think that russia will dare to use nuclear weapons in the war with ukraine (0800-211-381), no (0800-211-382), all calls to these numbers are free, please, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. next , serhii taran, political scientist, will be in touch with us. mr. serhiy, i
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congratulate you. thank you for being with us today. congratulations you. you know, mr. serhiy, due to these international events and the decision of the congress of the united states of america regarding our future assistance from the americans, the majority passed by, here is another date: april 21, because... years ago, april 21, 2019 won zelenskyi in the presidential elections and in fact the era of zelenskyi began, and obviously it is worth reminding us about what these 5 years were like for ukraine and for zelenskyi, what was zelenskyi like in those 5 years? 5 years of results, but still he is already further. is performing his duties as president, so it would be incorrect to say that his term is completely over, but i
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think the voters will draw a conclusion by comparing everything he said during the election campaign with what happened after he became president, and there were many talks about ending the war very quickly, it was enough to stop shooting there, and about the end of the era of poverty, and about the fight against corruption, about all these things, of course the voters will be able to give... their assessment, i i refrain from my final evaluations, therefore that once again he is still the president, and it is military time, but i think that the time will surely come when the voters will make these... verdicts, in general, it seems to me that it will be very difficult for zelensky after the end of the military campaign, or after during the onset of a pause, because everything that happened in ukraine in recent years will somehow be connected with it, and sometimes it will be unfair, because the war
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did not start because of ukraine because of russia, but sometimes it will be fair when it will be about how ukraine prepared for this. war there will be a lot of conversations, which in general now give an early assessment based on the results of this military campaign, because we do not even imagine when it will end, but i am convinced that when the hostilities end, ukrainian politics will, well, not that it will return to normality, but at least there will be opportunities for some kind of political competition, for freedom of speech, for evaluating what happened, there will be such evaluations that we cannot even imagine now, as long as the hostilities continue, in which by the way, well, me i think that these were definitely very difficult years, due to many reasons, and without a doubt, these are and remain the most difficult years in the history of ukrainian independence, and i think that the exam that zelensky will take, or any other ukrainian official after the end of hostilities, will be very difficult, i would really like us to think more not
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about specific politicians, but about what will happen to the country, because now is the time when the question, for example, of the political fate of zelenskyi, is being decided, but the question of political, political order in ukraine, which it will be after the end of military operations, because the challenges that ukraine will face after the end of military operations, in politics, in social life, well, believe me, they will not be smaller than what ukraine is currently enduring during the war, there will be a lot of questions , including very difficult political issues, about which we still have to talk very hard, and of course that... after our victory, the ukrainians will have many challenges, no less than during the war, this is absolutely obvious, but still sociological services they measure both the rating of trust in the president and the rating of trust in other candidates, but with regard to the level of public trust in the president of ukraine, recently, as recorded by
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the razumkov center, it decreased in march 2024 . gave 59%, although back in january it was 64%. a year ago, 83% of respondents declared their trust in the president. similar data was recently published by the rating sociological group. the level of approval of the activity of the president of ukraine zelenskyi decreased to 63%, although it was 91% back in february 2018. this is evidenced by the survey results sociological group rating. you as a political expert, a person who understands reading these sociological studies, what can you say, well, that is, whether it is a lot of fall during the war, the trust rating of the president, or the president who leads the armed forces of ukraine, he is the supreme commander , one way or another it
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affects the trust rating in him, some decisions, maybe he makes, and this... somehow also affects, and in general we remember politicians who were winners in the war, but could not win then already there on elections we are not talking about the elections now, we are talking exclusively about trust, mistrust and does this mean that people stop trusting or trust less, or this trust is decreasing, what can you say? first, i will say absolutely sincerely and honestly, these ratings, which are now being published during military operations, are conditional, because the result... the attitude towards politicians, towards all politicians, will be measured by the results of the end of the military campaign, which will definitely end in the victory of ukraine , but simply we will not say when, and we will not say when it will be maybe there will be a pause on this path to victory, when a pause that will allow ukrainian politics to be democratic, at least to the extent it was before the war
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, will happen, then it will make sense to measure the ratings, well, that's it... . imagine different scenarios of the end of this campaign stage and we will get completely different ratings of both the government and the opposition, well, to be honest, but i think that there is another question for zelensky's team, which i have been observing for more than a year now. but they are constantly inflating expectations, constantly living in the future, constantly saying that this will happen and that something will be very good, and this happened both before and during the war. of the election campaign 5 years ago, as you mentioned, and now, and when the expectation that we will win is constantly inflated, i will emphasize that it is about both before the war and after. and then it doesn't happen, well, at least as quickly as it is promised, then it hits the rating, because living constantly in political life, at the expense
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of the future, well, it's the same as how to constantly take loans from a bank to a businessman, there you are you take, you take loans, you take, you take, and then sooner or later you have to give them back, because then it all threatens with bankruptcy, so that 's why, well, i wouldn't say that there is bankruptcy now, but there is a certain tendency for the rating to fall , which you quoted, but i think a lot of it is because the spin on this expected future, which is supposed to be beautiful and is about to happen, doesn't happen very quickly, and that's why it's hitting the ratings, but i want to emphasize again , that the results of political forces do not have much significance now it makes sense to measure, it makes a lot of sense to measure immediately after the end of the military campaign, although, as you already talked about history, as the fate of many politicians who manifested themselves in different ways suggests. sometimes even won military campaigns, then during democratic elections it will be very difficult for them because people will still associate all the negativity of the war, well it will definitely be big,
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exactly with the politician who was in power, sometimes it will be fair, sometimes it will be unfair , but in any case it will be exactly after the military campaign, so we understand that zelensky's political power has long since lost the monopoly it had before the war. there will never be this monopoly, and for zelensky to remain in politics, first of all , the war must be won, at least, and secondly, there will definitely be a completely different format of political forces, i suspect that the current political force can which is in power will be different, or there will be none at all, there will be other new political projects, and most likely it will be so, and then it will make sense to measure different political ratings, well , summing up, i can assure one hundred percent that the monopoly in... for everything there will be competition between several political forces, which will then form a coalition in the parliament, this will be
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certain, because the era of monomajority, regardless of what it is now the political party does not matter, it is the majority, it has already passed, well, maybe this era will pass much faster than we think, not only after the end of the war in ukraine, but maybe even earlier. because it has been announced that a number of issues may be brought up for consideration by the session this week personnel issues, in particular regarding the resignation of three or four ministers and the prosecutor general, says people's deputy of ukraine yaroslav zheliznyak based on the information of people's deputy goncharenko, it is about vice prime minister iryna veryshchuk, minister of infrastructure oleksandr kubrakov and minister of education oksana alisovoy, it may also be disbanded the ministry of culture, though. the head of the servant of the people party, olena shulyak, says that her faction has not yet discussed any personnel issues. can this topic and these personnel changes, mr. sergey, be
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a prologue to the creation of some other government, the government of national unity, which everyone has been talking about for a long time. perhaps zelenskyi understands that monavlad demands from him mono-responsibility, he can... well, this responsibility, mono-responsibility , be scattered among other political forces, if they lead some other coalition of deputies and form a government, and in this way he can say, win, say, that we have a government of national unity, because there is a war, because we need to unite, is such a scenario possible? well, you and i are even on the air it was really discussed many times that a government of national trust would be a very right step from the authorities at the beginning of the war, because... it would remove the question of responsibility and at the same time, well, now many, for example, criticize the same information marathon, or well we we definitely criticize the monopoly in
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the information space that is dictated by the authorities, if a government of national trust was created at the very beginning, then this government of national trust would also mean joint responsibility for this, for everything that happens in the country, accordingly there would not be reasons for these and for any criticism within. well, at least, this criticism would be even different in tone, because it was the joint responsibility of all political forces. apart from everything else, a government of national trust at the beginning of the war would be a very good signal to the world that we ukrainians are ready to unite in the most difficult times. for us , internal political differences mean nothing when it comes to the preservation of the country. it was then necessary to create a government of national trust. will it be created now? well, i doubt it it is necessary... to change the approaches in politics a little and move away from this monopoly that exists now, i don't know if the government will dare to do it now, they say to me, it seems that it is more likely not than
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yes, but what... this step would have been logical during the war, it would certainly have been logical at the beginning of the war, it is also logical now, because it is better late than never, but still i think that the government will go the other way, just new people will be appointed, which will be positioned, well, supposedly independent of political forces, and it will even be possible to speculate that they are professionals there without no political affiliation, and i think that the government will go in this direction rather than... create a government of national trust, if the government dares to have a government of national trust, but i will say frankly, it will be a huge plus for it, first of all for the authorities, because it will mean that the authorities are able to draw conclusions from their steps and draw correct conclusions, but it seems to me that so far there is little time for such claims, i think that the authorities will not dare to do this, although it damage. another very short question, i hope for a short answer, the fair
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includes... hundreds of the most influential people in the world according to time magazine, what does this mean, why isn't zelensky there? you have to ask questions for those who made this rating, but i think that in the international arena, the head of the president's office now essentially has a monopoly, and he communicates with the international elites, and it is obvious that the international elites and those people who made the rating , now he is considered to be so influential, maybe even the most influential person, at least in ukraine, well... this again to our conversation about the monopoly, it seems to me that once again in this same international sphere it would be much more correct now not to monopolize foreign policy activity, because just like that, in foreign policy ukrainians will definitely have a single position, they will definitely speak as one and with the same voice, on the contrary , it is necessary to divide the responsibility and then at least the authorities will not have unclear answers to the question of why
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aid to ukraine has been so difficult to advance in the last month. now the truth has appeared seriously positive trends, but how long it will last is unknown, and this monopoly of the foreign policy sphere just emphasizes this style of government, which consists in monopolizing everything, it seems to me wrong during the war, and i think that in any case you see, well , international experts believe that these are the two most influential politicians in ukraine, although i would like to. it would be logical if this rating of influential people included people who passed the elections in ukraine, who have the support of the voters, by the way, i do not name the parties on purpose, it can be done by different parties, including those from the government, but after going through the elections, they could, for sure, have greater legitimization of their actions on the international arena, it would be more correct. thank you, mr. serhiy, it was serhiy taran, a political scientist, friends, we are working live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and
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facebook platforms, even today. we are conducting a survey of you, and we ask you about whether russia will dare to use nuclear weapons in a war with ukraine, let's see the interim results survey on tv, 30% yes, 70% - no, the same survey will be in the second part of our program, which will start in 15 minutes. we have news from our partners at the bbc ahead. in 15 minutes i'll be waiting for you in front of the tv screens, let's talk. most importantly , whether the united states of america will save the world and itself, elon musk is hysterical, and medvedev traditionally went to zapiy and talked about the end of american aid to ukraine, i will remind you about this again, it will be in 15 minutes ahead of bbc news, stay with espresso.
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there will be no armagen, ukraine will face a difficult period, but it will not lose, the head of ukrainian intelligence, kyrylo budanov, told the bbc. so, what will the summer be like on the ukrainian front? for the next 15 minutes of the bbc broadcast live from london, in the jafer umerov studio. kyrylo budanov, one of the most public heads of military intelligence. he gives many interviews, in which he often makes optimistic forecasts for ukraine and predicts the collapse of russia. for example, last summer he said that the armed forces of ukraine will soon be in crimea. and in an exclusive interview to my colleague, bb correspondent.


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