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tv   [untitled]    April 22, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm EEST

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united by football, stronger together. 6 p.m. in ukraine, news time on the espresso tv channel. in the studio of iryna koval. greetings to all viewers. russian invaders hit kharkiv again in the afternoon, targeting the city's television tower, oleg sinigubov, the head of the regional military administration, informed. at the time of the shelling, the employees were in shelter, so it passed without casualties. at the same time , there were interruptions with the digital television signal in the city. the enemy also attacked vovchansk,
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dergachi and the village of slobozhanske, previously without victims two months behind bars, without bail. the vinnytsia court chose a preventive measure for the suspect in the murder of a policeman. the two soldiers, who are father and son, are also accused of illegal handling of weapons and desertion. the tragedy happened in the haysyn district of the vinnytsia region. on the night of april 20, they opened fire on two policemen while checking their car. as a result of the shooting, one law enforcement officer died and another was injured. according to the investigation, the perpetrators were transported in the car ammunition. the father told the court that his son had stolen the weapon. he shot at the patrolmen with a pistol. meanwhile, in vinnytsia they said goodbye to the murdered man. maxim zaretskyi,
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he was buried on the avenue of fame of the cemetery in bershad. the young man was 20 years old. the parents were left without their only son. zaretsky studied at the national academy of internal affairs and served for a year and a half in the response sector of the patrol police. today is a day of mourning in the bershytsk community. ukraine continues to celebrate the bravery of ukrainian soldiers who defend their home from thieves. president volodymyr said zelensky during the ceremonial awarding of defenders. the head of state presented the "gold star" order to the families of seven fallen heroes. three active servicemen also received this highest state award. the president awarded ten more ukrainian defenders with the cross of combat merit. those present also observed a moment of silence in memory of all the soldiers who died for ukraine. i am proud of everyone. to ukrainian soldiers, thank you to every
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family of our heroes for such sons and daughters of ukraine, thank you to all sergeants and officers who really care about soldiers and are an example for them, i ask you to always remember, to remember each and everyone who gave their lives in the battles for the soviets of ukraine, and thus... meanwhile , the president instructed the intelligence to redistribute the air defense systems in ukraine, this was discussed at the meeting rates of the supreme commander-in-chief. in advance, the main intelligence department must collect information about the intentions of russian terrorists to target our infrastructure - volodymyr zelenskyi said. during the meeting, military leaders also discussed the situation at the front, reported about oleksandr syrsky headed hot spots. he assumed that the enemy. the pressure is increasing to
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report at least some successes by may 9, and the production of ukrainian weapons was also at stake. british prime minister rishi sunaki and nato secretary general jen stoltenberg will arrive tomorrow on a working visit to poland, polish prime minister donald tusk announced. according to him, they plan to discuss together. security of poland and cooperation between the countries, will also discuss the issue of providing air defense systems for ukraine. i say about patriot air defense systems, because we were investigating the number of them in europe to see who could put them in ukraine. germany has offered its systems, but of course there are other types of weapons that could help ukraine. strengthening
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ukraine's air defense and expanding sanctions against iran. this will be the agenda at the meeting of the ministers of foreign affairs and defense of the eu member states in luxembourg - reuters reports. according to the media , officials will discuss the possibility of providing kyiv more patriot systems. the head of the ministry of foreign affairs of lithuania, gabrielus lansbergis, said that eu and nato countries should work even harder on helping ukraine. i'm sure today. we will discuss the decision of the united states regarding military aid to ukraine. today, at this moment, i can say that we have dodged a deadly bullet, but unfortunately there are many more bullets to come, so we can rejoice today, but we must be ready for the fight that will come tomorrow, and
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we must talk about how we are going to help ukraine in the future. to kyiv as well a bipartisan delegation from the us congress arrived. stayed at the american embassy in kyiv. the department did not disclose the details of the visit, but emphasized that it is a reminder that the united states' support for ukraine is unwavering. mountains to romania. two residents of transcarpathia organized a scheme to transport conscripted men abroad. they were discovered by the border guard when they stopped two cars with a group of people. clients had s'. you deal with 20 thousand dollars and conquer the mountains to get to romania. to the organizers of the scheme also involved a taxi driver, who did not know about the criminal intentions of the passengers. those who want to flee the country will have to pay a fine, and the smugglers face criminal liability. in khmelnytskyi region, the
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security service of ukraine exposed the abbot of the shapotiv diocese of the moscow patriarchate, who was praising the faithful. head of the kremlin. since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, the cleric has held liturgies during which he denied russian aggression and blamed the ukrainian government for the war. the priest also insulted parishioners of other religions communities travel is free. the movement of trucks through the yagodin dorogusk checkpoint has resumed normal operation. polish farmers stopped the protest action in this area, which had been going on since february 9, the state border service of ukraine reported with reference to polish colleagues. the security service also detained a russian man who hunted the air defense systems protecting the capital. he was especially
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interested in the nasams and patriot anti-aircraft missile systems. according to the task of russian intelligence , the man had to find this weapon and adjust enemy fire on it. for this purpose, under the guise of an entrepreneur, he drove around kyiv region and cherkasy region, took marine binoculars with him and secretly installed a video camera on his car. another family with two children, a 12-year-old boy and a five-year-old girl, was returned from the occupation. the family lived in a temporarily occupied bare wharf in the kherson region, reported the obbutsman dmytro lubinets. the occupiers threatened the father. that their children can be taken away from them because they do not attend a russian school, to their residence three times came with searches, now the family is being helped to settle in a new city, social services, doctors and psychologists are working with adults and children. three hospitals in
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lviv, ternopil and polsky krosno will move to a qualitatively different level of palliative care. the corresponding grant agreement was signed by the ukrainians. and polish governments in lviv - said the head of the lviv region , maksym kozytskyi. the total budget of the project is almost 4 million euros allocated by the european union. its purpose is to create decent conditions for seriously ill patients, to relieve symptoms of illness and reduce suffering. doctors and nurses will undergo special training to improve their qualifications, it is also about repairing and equipping hospitals with modern equipment. for students, over 10,000 laptops were received by schoolchildren of the zaporizhzhia region from unicef. the project is implemented together with the ministry of education and science of ukraine, announced the head of the region, ivan fedorov. heads of educational institutions will hand over new gadgets to children, immigrants, children with disabilities, orphans and schoolchildren from
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low-income families living in the frontline region. and i want to remind about our collection the intelligence unit of the third regiment of special operations forces needs communication and security equipment. they are fighting for the independence of our country in tough battles in the east. front and give you and i the opportunity to live, work and study. so our goal is uah 720,000. with your help , we have already made an advance payment and we have to collect about uah 400,000. let's not delay, the war continues and the help of each of us is very important. you can see all the details on the screen. that was the news for this time, you can read more on our website. espresso tv website a short summary of the main things in our social networks and watch unique
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content on youtube, i am iryna koval, i say goodbye to you until tomorrow, i wish you a quiet evening, in just a few minutes you will meet my colleague vasyl azima. on the eve of easter, not all ukrainians have the opportunity to bake paska at home, which is why the lithuanian food for ukraine fund decided that it should provide traditional treats and grocery sets to those who were forced to leave their homes. mrs. lyubov from the kherson region: for nine months her family lived in occupation, the woman says, when the shelling of the russians intensified, the family decided to leave for a safer place for... now her family lives in a modular town near kyiv, at the moment only one son-in-law works for us,
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and i am retired for children, of course, it is difficult without support, we thank you very much for your help, it is important for us, for us and our children, we believe in victory. for two years now, benefactors have been helping ukrainians with essential goods, including basic food kits. in total for two years food for ukraine. in cooperation with the novus network, they donated almost 2 million kg of food for over 90 million hryvnias. currently, people are experiencing many difficulties, the loss of their loved ones and homes. they need our attention and support. we believe in the victory of good, especially on the eve of easter. the foundation team continues to actively work so that each of these people can feel a little warmth and care. we are grateful to our partners who support us. activities of the fund. in addition to food kits, the fund also creates happy memories for ukrainian children,
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who were forced to leave their homes. elena is from kharkiv and mother of four children. after the full-scale invasion, she took her family to the czech republic and returned to ukraine at the first opportunity. currently, olena has settled in kyiv. we are always invited to such wonderful events for children. well, it is such a positive thing for children. they are so happy. and they are always waiting, and they are happy to come. and, well, we are very, very grateful, sincerely from the bottom of our hearts. for more than two years, these food kits have helped people not only to survive, but also to feel needed. support for those who now the most difficult is extremely important, because thanks to it these children and elderly people have hope for a better future. the food for ukraine fund emphasizes that they will continue to send aid to ukrainians affected by the war. benefactors are confident in... ukraine will definitely defend its freedom. laughter,
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evening, we are from ukraine! greetings, dear viewers, this is a big ether on the tv channel. espresso, my name is vasyl zemai, i and my colleagues are with you for the next hour and 43 minutes, we will talk about the most important things, of course, we will report that will take place during our broadcast, and we start with the announcement of the collection of espresso and the public organization baza ua sprotiv, calling for support for the collection of fp2 drones for the 93rd separate brigade of kholudny yar and the 72nd brigade of black zaporozhets, own production, testing, variations according to the needs of defenders, we can do all this. to ensure together by collecting 2 million uah, the first successful applications of fpv on the battlefield are already there, and these are not isolated cases, join us so that they become more, our goal is ambitious, but realistic 2 million uah, i checked today, we with your help we have already collected more than 1400 thousand, the fourth part remains, i think
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we will be able to close it as soon as possible, remember, a donation to the armed forces of ukraine is an investment in our victory. mogu, it is death to the enemies, let's say, and life for our soldiers and civilians. now i will add to the conversation askad shurbekov, a deputy of the zaporizhia regional council. mr. askade, i congratulate you. congratulations. i know that on weekends, because the enemy was hitting zaporizhzhia and zaporizhzhia region, and you can also say, as today the day has passed, the consequences of enemy attacks and without... what a situation, please, really, the weekend did not pass peacefully for the regional center itself, a few days ago there was an attack on an industrial zone, fortunately there were no casualties or wounded civilians, the consequences are being eliminated, if we talk about the enemy activity of the past day, there today, then to a greater extent it is concentrated directly in the communities on the front line, and in the past day
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there have been more than 200 shellings, in fact the enemy continues to hit the civilian infrastructure, on private buildings. we see that already on the front line, well, there are practically no high-rises to houses, mostly and now all these blows are just hitting private households, fortunately there are no wounded, no victims, but the enemy is methodical, let's say, he is trying to destroy places directly settlement of civilians in the zaporizhzhia region, but today i read such a story, i think that you definitely know more, but this one is revealing, because i was preparing to ask about it once... was negative, but now there is a well-known positive in it, there are two, by the way, stories about bloggers from zaporizhia, but a well-known blogger in zaporizhia provoked territorial workers. or servicemen of the territorial recruitment centers, discredited the armed forces of ukraine, there videos were spread in social networks and so on and so on, i already read literally just before
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eter that he apologized to the employees of tsk, to the armed forces of ukraine, and i want to add to this , which are actively recorded by employees of the cyber security service, availability social networks, where traitors and collaborators are concentrated in the zaporizhzhia region, how common is this phenomenon and what is more possible... you know about this blogger, well , there were such stories in ukraine, remember, in poltava there was a fitness trainer who tried to humiliate the armed forces of ukraine, in the end, well, he fell, in my opinion, he slightly broke his face, well, something happened to him, but in a word, well, this activity stopped, but you see that it is still in it is invested some resources because it affects someone and works, tell me about this one history, please, well, unfortunately, there are similar precedents, they are so frequent, especially in the territory of zaporizhzhia or the zaporizhzhia region. and so there is a so-called blogger, i don't know how big his audience is, because before that we have not heard of such a blogger there, as far as i know, he is a former law enforcement officer, but he
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has not been working for a long time, and indeed, there were videos on the network where he, let's say, openly attacked representatives of the tsc with some provocative questions, such others, but for today day this video was deleted and in general, let's say the person apologized, i think that probably to a greater extent it is some kind of misunderstanding, which is connected with... the fact that people, unfortunately, are exposed to hostile ipso, and under the influence of these ipso , they are trying to oppose the activities of state authorities in some way, because, frankly, during the entire period of mobilization, well, in the zaporizhzhia region, there were no precedents on the part of the tsk employees or the armed forces of ukraine in general, who in some way misbehaved there people whether they behaved improperly when notifying people there, when issuing them summonses there or any other actions, that is , there were no similar precedents in the zaporizhzhia region, and that is why it is very strange. that there is some kind of negative opposition, when people cling so openly on the streets, that's why i connect it only with the fact that people are exposed to enemy dogma and already under the influence of this russian
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propaganda, russian informational influence , they somehow try to do similar things , it is very very valuable that this incident is actually exhausted, and it is indicative, will surely be a symbol and a signal for other people that in general, state authorities, local self-government bodies in zaporizhzhia region always work within the framework of the law, if there are any... legal actions, then you need to signal to the relevant authorities, to the judges there or to the authorities of the highest instance, but in no case do not do similar things, which today can be used by the enemy to show some negative processes in us, because such processes frankly do not exist in the zaporizhzhia region, and by the way, here even i can and advertise, especially since the person is quite famous, and his act, he forces oleksiy shkrobenets, known as tyler, to say about it. anderson has been running the youtube channel greek journal for many years, and there he reviews ukrainian world cinema, tv series, and yesterday, on april 21, oleksiy announced that he had joined the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine in
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his telegram channel, he said that if you and, well, in one word, he says that if you want to do it, show it by your own example, ah, and so he decided to go and this, well, even more so, a person who has a great audience, and as i understand it, there are hundreds of thousands, millions of views. well, this is a very cool story, when people make such a decision for themselves personally, not under pressure, not because of coercion, and not because of a lack of money, but, well, there are different situations in life there, but i understand that this in fact, this is the other side of the coin, which shows that the processes are going in quite the right direction, and many people from art and culture in the zaporizhia region joined the army, many of my colleagues from the regional council also joined the army, that is, there are there are many conscious people who choose this path and it is a big thank you for them that they... well, just today there was a story, well, this, but again, it was what was recorded in the mass media, well, in to a particular edition, maybe it’s not true, maybe it’s not
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mass cases, she wrote there about the death of a resident of berdyansk, who volunteered to join the armed forces of the aggressor country to fight against the ukrainian army, died, there was some medal given to his parents, but if we talk about people who are forced they force, well, it's not that they force to fall down. in the army of the aggressor country, but simply speaking, they are sent to the battlefield in the front ranks, as it is now a mass phenomenon, maybe after these fake elections that were held, pseudo-elections that were held in the occupied territories, maybe the work on conscription has intensified , and even if there are such volunteers, he, by the way, this man worked for russia for a long time, he supported putin, and actually decided to join the army of the aggressor and died in this, i i think that the word with... forces, probably, that they are very suitable for these processes, because there is a very small number of real volunteers who join the enemy army, go to fight against their compatriots, to a greater extent these mobilization processes, they
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happen weighty character, because during the elections they went, did house-to-house visits, identified and recorded the male population, well, of conscription age, now they are only intensifying these processes, and plus we understand that people are subject to the temporarily occupied territories are subject to such great propaganda pressure, because these are all enemy dogs, that the russians will take the nuts there, go to zaporizhzhia, which they have been broadcasting there since the first days of the war, they have a great influence on the local population, they are zombified, and in fact the people there are under under the impression of this information... sometimes they join the enemy army and in fact the russians use them as cannon fodder and immediately send them to the front, because cases have already been recorded when there on the zaporozhye front line the people killed by the russians, they were actually drafted there literally a week two or three weeks ago, that is, no one there treats the people as a valuable resource, this is yet another indicator of how people, how russians treat their residents, all the more so to the residents of the temporarily
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occupied territory, that is why i... that such volunteers, real volunteers, ready to betray their unitary state there, to a greater extent, these people are actually forcibly mobilized there, well, yes, that is to say, how they treat their , i will not now show, there is a video, well, there are eight, if not 21+ russian military, well, that, that, the one we called chmobics, that, but these are really people who do not have special rights, they are simply abandoned, he showed the real picture battles, not some landing elite... units there near the time ravine, but ordinary russians who are sent to near avdiivka there, well west of avdiivka, and here he says, it was the 19th, now zero, when disembarking from the bmp on the position, well, the ukrainian troops were destroyed, they were all burned, and the video shows what is around a pile of russian soldiers lying dead, that is, if they treat their own like this, we perfectly understand how they will treat and are treating ukrainians from the occupied territories,
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this is just for illustration. he added such realities of war, thank you very much, mr. askad, thank you for participating, thank you for your comments, askada shurbekov, deputy of the zaporizhia regional council , was in touch with us, and war is a terrible thing, and you know, there is always propaganda, that's right , but sometimes we see terrible pictures of war both from our side and from just the enemy, this always hides, yes, but when it comes out, you see and understand that viktor bobarenka. the expert takes the analysis of politics, and mr. viktor, i congratulate you, good health, mr. vasyl, and i’m in a hurry, first i’ll ask, do you know that the enemy is constantly trying to get into sumy oblast in one way or another, either with a projectile or with his foot, as was the situation at the weekend and today, please, uh, well, it’s relatively calm, but relatively, you know, it’s relatively when it arrived not 100-500 times, everything there
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eh... 100, 100, 100-200 times, but again they were shelling, shelling, fired from mortars, they are being fired at by shells, they flew into sums again, but at least there were no victims, there are impressions, there are broken windows, there are demolished roofs of houses, but there are no dead and wounded, this is over the weekend and today. well, really, let it continue, and now we will discuss several important such politically sensitive topics, but first, let's start, probably with these people who are accused of killing a policeman, for the father, for one of the two, who are the father, chose a preventive measure for two months without the right to make bail, in relation to the son, i don't know, they still chose a preventive measure there, i don't know what it will be, and the continuation of this
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story, thrown ammunition, they say about grenades, this man now repents of what he did, and it is clear that grenades are obviously not such the cargo is of high value, for which it was worth going to the crime, which is punishable by life imprisonment, explain this story, whether they are communicating correctly with society now about this matter, how open, clear, accessible this process should be, because this is the story, on sorry, for... demonstrative, here i am i say without knowing the details, but this is a war, both in the war and after the war, everything happens and will happen, here you have to communicate very clearly, follow the law very clearly and act correctly, how do you evaluate this work now, well, yes, they will try to seize the situation in what plan, you see, let's ban weapons, because there is a big movement to allow weapons to be used.


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