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tv   [untitled]    April 22, 2024 1:30am-2:01am EEST

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in that the majority of voters, even republicans, are still in favor of ukraine, maybe not in favor of increasing support, as we assume, among democratic voters in all polls, but at least a majority in favor of maintaining the current support of the united states of america for ukraine at the current level, and this is already a victory, that in fact the opinion of the voters still affected even ... such a person as donald trump? well, you see, by and large, that the iranian attack on israel, it also showed that these are all things, which are really happening in the same region, that israeli politicians have already started to say this, and you understand when this is the next fourth, that the third somehow missed, well, it is interesting, how difficult it is for us to fully understand this procedure, this is a different law. e lawmaker from these
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radical trumpists, taylor green, could withdraw her third amendment after the second failed, but by the way, we observe here that, after all, among the republicans, the support of mr. cammick, she is a bigger loser, yes than, than, not that, what 's more, there are essentially republicans here. even not that they are divided, but more in support of his amendment, but less so, we understand that it will not pass, it will not pass, the democrats all vote against it, the republicans are 2/3 in favor, but a third are against, so it is clear that in fact 60 % of the house of representatives will vote against this amendment, well... well, it
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turns out that you can withdraw your amendment, if you understand that it is not, that it does not pass, that by one of your amendments you understand the mood, colleagues, you don't bother them , and again, we definitely have someone i would be confused, really, vote, vote, yes, here we see the situation, well , 260, even more, 200, almost 300 votes will be against this amendment, so it also does not pass. you see , unfortunately, we do not know the text of these amendments, it would be interesting to know them so that we understand in general what the democrats can support in such and such a number, we will try it now, it would be good to find out, right? because of course it's unprincipled, but it's just interesting, you know, it's interesting, what causes such support there.
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well, it was zero, right? yes, the fourth amendment of the kemika, it talks about removing all non-military aid to ukraine, but you see, yes, help only by military means, and it did not pass, well, you see how many republicans supported it, as many as 150 people, and by the way, edit number one sparts, it should have excluded 8 mirds. dollars of non-military aid, that is, in fact, it is both of these amendments, and the most, let 's put it mildly, inadequate amendment, this is ms. margery taylor, green, who wanted to stop aid to ukraine altogether, this is essentially if in short, so you understand what each of these amendments is about, everything, but you see that yes, it did not pass, but you see that the majority of republicans supported it. this is also an interesting
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moment, of course, it is not fundamental for us now, even if this non-military aid was withdrawn, well, it would be bad, but it is unprincipled, but it is interesting from the point of view of the intersection of this electoral, electoral and intersection of understanding how and what point of view the republicans have, and maybe, maybe... where ukraine needs to work and with whom it needs to work to work further in order to convince and support ukraine more, do you remember when they talked about the fact that our people's deputies should travel and should meet with congressmen and senators, then this is very important for the understanding of our legislators, law-makers, that it is necessary to convince, and there are certain, certain... disagreements, i understand that these are
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also removed documents. these are all amendments, as i understand it, voted, so now the law must be voted, and the amendment does not pass, by the way, how many is needed, it is simply overruled by a majority or two-thirds vote, which results in , oh, another blow and another declaration in favor. as far as i understand, this is already a law, this is already the final vote on our ukrainian issue,
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this name of the law is just being announced, and now we will see the voting procedure itself. you see, the house of representatives works like a clock, just concrete, everyone knows their function, their place, three strikes. at the same time, it cannot be said that everyone is sitting still. this, i would say, is the configuration for... an artistic film, not for the parliament, people behave differently, democracy is like that, yes, like that, no, not everyone should sit, like in the state duma of the russian federation, where no one, where no one goes anywhere, or in to the so
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-called parliament of belarus, people approach, have their own points of view, we can see this. some flaws, but we understand that such flaws are better than, than what has, than what is in authoritarian states, in which, in principle, voting does not exist as such, yes, yes. the law is voted in ukrainian, well, in 5 minutes we will find out everything, yes,
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as far as i understand, this is not a law, so what? and this is a rejection of something, that is, it is still for a vote according to the law, yes, unfortunately, we did not hear, just what, what they said, what they said, yes, representatives of the congress, and accordingly we can only agree, this is a procedural vote on this of the law, yes, that is, they must by the logic of law. pour this procedural vote to go directly to the vote already, three minutes, yes 50, seconds to complete this procedural vote, and then
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accordingly, there will likely be a transition to our ukrainian draft law. by the way, we can also observe, here you see on your screens, that in fact, the majority of republicans also vote for the failure of this, this, this procedure, the absolute majority of democrats 200-203 already vote also for failure, 71 republicans vote for that to still carry out this procedure. and this plus or minus will most likely correspond to the number of votes for our ukrainian draft law.
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well, this is an interesting self-formulation of this, that procedures this is by a re-vote is essentially a re-vote, so uh we... now we have to explain, probably to our viewers, what this is all about, uh, this is the last opportunity for the minority to make changes to the bill before its final adoption, that is, it is now being voted on, can anyone else to make some changes, and if the majority votes that they cannot, then all amendments end there, that's the essence of it. of this procedure in fact,
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now we will see, well, that is, we can not look at the 340 votes against the fact that make any new changes to this legislation. there will be another vote, so , unfortunately, we may not have time to finish our broadcast, we have such a strange conversation today, of course, but i think that now it is important not so much to talk, but to watch the congressmen. we see
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that this means that after this vote, obviously the vote for the law itself will begin. well, we see the number of those who vote for voting for it now, 336 votes, which means that even when they start voting for the law itself, there will be such a number, so now, we will now listen to the translation of what is happening in the house of representatives like this. we return to the fact that
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for 5 minutes in order to specifically vote on this very project 8035, the aid project to ukraine is being voted on, 5 minutes to vote, a lot, friends, we are now seeing a historic vote, if we can return the very numbers of this vote , let's return to the screen, but we will comment on what is happening,
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the united states joe biden has submitted a request for additional funding for ukraine, and we have already now we see that this bill is going through the house of representatives, the vote is not yet finished, but look at the numbers: 275 votes in favor, against now 98. in order for this bill to pass , we need a simple majority, that is, a little more than 218 votes, 281, 282, 4, 5, we already see that this draft law is passing approval, but we will, of course, summarize with our colleagues, so now we are waiting for 3 minutes to the end, but everything looks like the ukrainian draft law is passing the approval of the house of representatives, yes we see that at the congress... there are ukrainian flags, marching bands, other representatives
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who are part of the ukraine support group in the congress are waving ukrainian flags, expressing and expressing their support for ukraine, and the mood is festive, we see that those who those who support ukraine are really smiling, they are handing out ukrainian flags to congressmen, that is, it is normal. hopefully 2.5 more minutes, a little more until the end of the vote, but we can already see that congressmen have risen from their seats and are approaching. to the podium, everyone is already talking and share their impressions, is it really such a solemn day, a solemn moment, which the congressmen talked about from the very beginning, who called it a historical moment, and pointed to the role of the united states in supporting ukraine in the face of russian aggression? friends, this is actually a very important point,
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the last time the house of representatives approved aid to ukraine in 2022. at the end of the year, if you remember, look at this footage, look at this footage, it's footage of american lawmakers with ukrainian flags, and the numbers you see right now on the screen, 310 votes, 111 votes, 310 votes, that's already far more than the minimum required for this bill to pass the house of representatives, so it's not official yet, but we can say that the bill about to... ukraine is being approved by the house of representatives. very long work, extraordinary, long work, so that this draft law passed approval, work continued from the ukrainian side, from the american friends of ukraine, from the legislators, from the europeans who came here to actually lobby on this issue, but you can see that it worked,
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and finally, after a six-month hiatus, the house of representatives of the us congress approves. it already looks like the bill on additional funding for ukraine will be approved. friends, i just invite you to look at this moment. please be quieter. and, we remind the members of the congress that they need to finish voting after 45 seconds. the chairman reminds that we still have to finish. 30 seconds, but you can already see the emotions in the ward itself representatives, and we see, when the camera shows the congressmen, in fact the congress hall is in yellow and blue colors, almost all of them have ukrainian flags, and they are waving them, marci captor raised this flag above her head, look, there are 7 seconds left, come on,
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let's listen, let's listen to what is happening now, direct speech. speaker johnson comes to the podium. do you hear the standing ovation? duboky, greetings. friends, the bill on aid to ukraine has been approved by the house of representatives. now it's official. and now we 're waiting, you see, for mike jones. speaker of the house of representatives is now on the podium, we are expecting him to speak, we are expecting that now there will be an official announcement of the moment you have all been waiting for,
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and please, you practically have no right to use the flags of other countries in the voting hall, please take it away their. please order. has everyone voted, or does anyone want to change how they voted.
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and at this moment, 311 voted for, 112 against, one abstained, which means that the draft law has been adopted. please be quieter, please be quieter. the head wants to remind that, unfortunately, in our regulations, it is not allowed to use the proportions of different countries at the meeting in the hall. please, the gentleman from florida wants to move something, for what
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purpose, it's the lady from florida wants to move something, the chair doesn't support the new motion, please, order, stick to order. all members must follow the rules to the speakers a warning to the speakers they must address the chair we will now vote on another bill that was not voted on, house bill 8034, clerk is now reading the title of this bill, the supplemental assistance bill. for the security of israel, which will operate until the end of the fiscal year of september 2024, well, congratulations andria, so congratulations and congratulations to all ukrainians,
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all people who support our country, and thank you, thank you to the congressmen, thank you to all the democrats and those republicans who voted after all, how much six months, practically. months dragged on with this law or with these similar bills and fortunately they have already voted, so once again congratulations, today is indeed a day that without exaggeration can be considered extremely important for our country and for the entire world community, you saw, you saw how the congressmen were with ukrainian flags, that was also a very interesting moment, but... for me there was also a very interesting moment, absolutely incredible, which is connected with the fact that the republicans, the majority of the republicans
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voted against this bill, yes, that is, you can say that, this is the real defeat of the speaker michael joe, not even, not even 50 to 50, like you and i just discussed and thought, or even hoped , that the majority of republicans would be possible, and the minority would be against, but alas, we have what we have. and that's really what made me a little sad. well, at least it shows how the republican party is feeling. the republican party is split over the ukrainian issue itself. now we are watching the vote in support of israel, there is no such problem. republicans and democrats vote almost synchronously. there is indeed some number of democrats who do not support it this bill, but it is small. this is not what happened in the faction. republican party, this is also such a moment, but we have to say right away, this vote is not over yet, it will continue in 3 minutes, but its
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results already show that the entire package of bills proposed by mike johnson, it has been voted on and will be sent to senate of the united states in the coming hours, and if the senators decide to vote... tomorrow, then in principle this bill on support for ukraine can be approved tomorrow and signed by president joseph biden on monday. if the senators don't get it done before their recess, then it's a week later, april 29 comes back, and then he votes on it on the 29th and april 30th right. will this decision be adopted, what is the meaning of the senate vacation, why can they still work tomorrow and work
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until monday evening, we also have to explain this, because pesach begins, the jewish passover on the evening of the 22nd, as a rule , congressmen there honor their colleagues who are celebrating from this day and therefore in hebrew religious holidays, as well as christian holidays, on such major holidays, congress suspends its work, but fortunately it will not happen until after sunset on april 22, since there are practically two working days, sunday and monday, if it is chuck schumer's will, chuck schumer the first, jewish, speaker, majority leader in the united states senate. aid to israel is also
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currently voted, therefore, therefore, therefore, this is also very important for the world community in general, because it demonstrates that one of the , let's say, the main hegemons, of the dominant states, democracies in the world, the united states of america did not make a mistake and went the way they should have gone. last fall, and basically all four bills at this point, so we welcome you, our dear viewers, it's a pleasure to be with you right now on this live broadcast, to watch with you how this law was voted on, we have been waiting for this vote for seven months in a row, we will now hope with you that this vote will change the situation at the front, it will at least create serious problems for the russians
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problems about their intentions. to attack ukrainian positions there, it will change the situation in the macroeconomic sector of ukraine, you see, they wanted to suppress it somehow, but it did not work out, and you and i will hope that this aid will be quickly approved, i want to thank all those who were with together with this broadcast, thank you, thank you, thank you to vitaly portnikov, once again we congratulate all ukrainians, all citizens of ukraine, all those who supported us, saturday's politician. we were live and followed this historical event, everyone discussed it this week's highlights. thank you and see you in a week. goodbye, good luck, victory to you and glory to ukraine.
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of the front. shot! freedom of life - frankly and impartially, you draw your own conclusions. greetings, good evening, my name is myroslava barchuk, this is a self-titled program, a joint project of ukrainian pen and the tv channel. today we will talk about reading, about why people started during the war. read, why are we experiencing such a boom in literary podcasts, conversations, clubs, book discussions, why new bookstores are opening in the cities, we will talk about this with my guests today, strangely enough, these are two bohdanas, such a beautiful rare name, but they both exist, this is bohdana neborak, a journalist and cultural manager, bohdana, congratulations, and bohdana romantsova, editor and literary critic, congratulations,
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congratulations, girls, thank you for coming to talk about reading, i decided to start a conversation with you about your first two or three months of the war, what did you read during that time, what did you read, could you have something there on the bedside table did you take the book? i didn't read at all, for the first few months of the war i had a constant feeling that fiction had betrayed me, and everything i believed in, all those wonderful texts that supposedly had a hold. civilization, they don't work anymore, and for the first few months i couldn't pick up any art at all, and i returned to reading, oddly enough, through writing, when i realized that i could, as a journalist, record stories, tell about them , i gradually returned through nonfiction, through feature reporting, and only then very soon, after six months, i returned to the artistic form, as an editor i
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could not work with the text for the first few months either. i thought it made no sense.


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