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tv   [untitled]    April 21, 2024 6:30pm-7:00pm EEST

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belarus, eastern slavs in general say tzahal, all jews say tzahal, after all tzahal, i understand correctly, i am tzach for the people, so that people know the correct name of the israeli armed forces, yes indeed, it is tzahal, it is not even more hy, our western-ukrainian hy, here hy, as much as you like, and that will be correct, that's why it's tsagal. yes, yes, gentlemen, viewers, keep this in mind, tsahal, tsahal, yes, even so, now one more question, appeared in israel, you will explain, because this is very fresh information, as soon as it reached my ear, they said that the united states imposes sanctions on some unit of the tzahal, and because he did something wrong, and we have the impression that the ukrainian... and azov are now
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brothers in israel, because once there were sanctions against azov, now there are sanctions against some part of the israeli armed forces, what happened there, what is it about? yes, look, we are talking about a battalion that was founded, in general, for the service of orthodox jews, in order to make it easier for them to serve with religious restrictions, which they took upon themselves, it is called netzach judah, that is, the eternity of judea, aa battalion which battalion, rifle, nothing special, its main, its main task was over the years to carry out tasks in the territories of judea, samaria, etc. in part, this is the west bank of the jordan river, that's how they understand it here, that's samaria, in
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the bank, but if you use western israel, there are also people who speak west bank, automatically the israelis will think that you belong to the extreme left movement, so it is also so personal, yes, this is this one units, he had several unpleasant cases on the verge of cornices, when... they were accused of not, non-normative, non-normative actions against palestinian citizens, and quite a long time has passed since then, it is about a year before the war, that is, we are talking about a considerable, considerable chronological distance , and one way or another, the american representatives decided today, first of all, they talk about the fact that they... believe that it is possible, yes, this is not
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a final decision, it is only some project under development, how they will do it and what will that mean, at all it is not clear, because it is impossible to do something against a unit of some sakhalo, maybe, somehow, i don't know how to tell people who served there in some period that, for example, they cannot enter the united states. the united states, okay, it could be . will they have any pre-closure sanctions there, if they have accounts in the united states, then the accounts will be closed, will they not be able to make transactions one way or another, but all this is enough firstly in the beginning, then secondly, the governments israel has not yet responded to this, the third thing is that it is american the government decides what to do with the army, with some army unit, independent of another state, they are allies, everything is cool, they help us, everything is great. but we have
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our independence and we protect it, and so i think that the development of events will, will not be very interesting, yes, in the end. as usual, netanyahu will talk with biden and forget about everything. look, mr. aria, they write a lot here and even criticize america for its double standards, that america helps israel, oh, how much, and helps ukraine not as much as israel. and then, the answer such that it is the main ally outside of nato, israel is the main ally. of the united states outside of nato, what does this mean, how far did israel go to such a status, what does this status mean, does it mean automatic participation in the war that israel would start, and so on,
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that is, i would rather criticize the ukrainians here that they scratched the back of their heads for a long time and did not want to join nato and did not want to have this status of the main nato ally, that's all. looked at moscow, but what do the jews have in mind in the sense of this, they walked for a long time, what does this mean, yes, such a status, please, paneri, yes, there really is no such formal status, this is our interpretation of the events that are taking place de facto, where yure, there is no such status, whether you are a member of nato or not, but israel is in such a situation situation, this path took about... 30, 40 years from the mid -80s, 87, if i am not mistaken, the first time between the governments of israel and the united states, as a representative of nato, an agreement was concluded on the joint development of air defense , air defense technologies that
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you have now seen in action a few days ago, a few days later, since the beginning of tsalo and all its... scientific units, developers, and so on, were given the opportunity, nato standards were opened to them, then the production of tsal was transferred, it was almost like this at first, but at first we were helped a lot by france, it was transferred to nato standards, in this way it was possible to sell technologies and to sell weapons, and nato opened markets for us. so that we can trade and exchange information there, and most recently in 2018, israel even opened an office in the nato headquarters, that is, you understand that there are people there who they meet in the corridors and
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they work through such non-official, not quite official channels, and this is especially, this, i think this is the most important, non-official... it is less interesting to us, it is interesting that for ukrainian society yes, indeed, it would be right, but it would not be historically speaking, there is no value in talking about it, i think that today the vector direction of the development of the ukrainian military complex and society in general is he he , he tue he's direct, i think that... it won't, it won't take 40 years, unfortunately, an invasion, a full-scale invasion of russia, acts of terrorism, is it quite a tragedy, on the other hand, yes, it will accelerate ukraine's involvement as future member, even if ukraine is in the same state as
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israel, that will also be enough. i will repeat for the audience what mr. ariya zayden said, in 1948, a state appeared from... israel of the last century in 1987, after 40, after 39-40 years, such a degree of trust was known between israel and the united states that the americans began to share their discoveries in the military field, and the jews began to share their discoveries with the americans, and another 20 years or even 30 years passed, when in 2018 nater'. israel has a center, if, which , well, which can come up with what, when, how, what, who, who for what, how much pays, scientific developments, use of military industries, various and so on and so
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on. that is, keep in mind, if ukraine started knocking on nato's door, maybe in 1991, maybe in 2001, maybe in 2011, then something would happen. it was already much better, and we would not have waited six months for help from the united states, which is very important from my point of view. now another issue is also more geopolitical: iraq. "i believe that israel will stay where it is and develop well, as it has been there for the last 70 years, but i also believe that iran and the persians will sit where they are, and saudi arabia will be there. sit, and this means that this middle east will never turn into some other region of the world." where it will be calmer and less it's tense, how do you feel about this, what do you think, and
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is it even possible to do something with iran so that it ceases to be a factor of irritation for the entire middle east, that's why i named saudi arabia, because the jews there are understandable, it's written in the constitution, that throw all the jews into the sea, but there is a muslim, well, a sunni state, but the state of saudi arabia, they are also in this state. yes, in that triangle, then even a square, probably, because the americans also play there, and they have their own internes, and then we need to add more and the chinese, the russian federation cannot have much influence, these are such shadows, no, i wouldn’t say, not forgotten ancestors, because it’s a very good opening, okay, it’s not about the russian federation, so in that respect and, more closely, there 10 - 20 years and we will not see any changes, iran will remain. the threat, the main threat to not only to israel, but also to the sunni, as you said, that panaba
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sunni such a being, uh, saudi arabia is smaller in recent years, they are time, part of those before the abrahamic agreements, and they do so , allegedly not ho, unwillingly, allegedly so because of force, but still, they are attracted to the possibility of israel, the ports of israel in order to... faster transportation of goods, the future gas or even oil, that way is to europe, because they finished europe after such a there for 60 years of using russian or soviet fuel, still looking for new, new opportunities, therefore money. for, as always , not only for saudi arabia, but also for others
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, any records of jews or non-jews and so on before that are of greater importance as you can see, the palestinian issue is the last thing left and today hamas has done so that for quite a long time a part of the arab society and the question has arisen, it is still clear what they are. they support palestinian freedom, yes, but not in the way it does, as it does in our country. third, uh, in iran itself, it is almost impossible to do anything with iran, because iran and the russian federation, dictatorship, such dictatorial regimes, in which, even if you destroy that yatullah, well, there will be another one, and they, this is not even a movie , you know, it's not even, i think this is... no, not the russian federation, this is the soviet union, that is, it can develop only in the event of some internal
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, serious, social changes, it is clear that it is possible to influence this, but so far we do not see, mr. arie, one last question, we have a moment, but it is important, yes, in ukraine they are strongly discussing the possible coming to power of trump, for ukraine, if ukraine suspects that trump is bad for... and i have the impression that israel is convinced that it is good for israel. and here is the question. this is the main question. only that, that government that is in today power, in power, it seems that trump, as a republican, will give them the opportunity to act more calmly and more freely. but, in my opinion, this is a mistake, because trump has already proven. pressed us on how he is trying to solve the issue, this is business, he gives money, he buys
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land with money, and this is the main problem that can happen with ukraine, then what he will say, take one and a half and a half trillion dollars, okay, 300 billion that we have from russia, and we will add another 200 to you, and forget about it donetsk and others, and crimea, belong to ukraine, this is the basis, because he did not try to solve the israeli-palestinian issue in this way, we were not very satisfied. thank you very much, thank you very much. arie zayden, israeli political scientist, lieutenant colonel of the tzahal reserve. now i will name it correctly and emphasize it, now in china, from the near east to the far east, ihor lytvyn, ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary of ukraine to the people's republic of china from 1999 to 2001, co-chairman of the ukrainian-chinese business council, i hope he will appear before us now, and we are in we will definitely ask him something. good
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health, mr. lytvyn, thank you for finding us, finding time for us, and so on. the question is, why again in such waves, western leaders are going to china, and now there is another wave, scholz was, now, then, this blinkin and it is not known who else, what, what they want, what they decide in china, these leaders and ministers of foreign affairs of western countries, they decide their affairs, affairs or world affairs, and the fact is that each country pursues its own interests, this is an axiom, therefore, the political figures of all these countries, who were now represented in their visits to the people's republic of china, i
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mean the us treasury secretary yellen, i mean the german chancellor scholz. i mean secretary of state blinkin, who will already be visiting beijing on the 24th, and i mean the prime minister of italy, who is also going there, of course, that they are all going there to, ah, discuss issues that are also issues of their own interest, the state. european and global, including the issue of russia's war against ukraine. well, that's it let's take the last visit of mr. scholz, he came, as i am convinced, primarily in order to solve bilateral economic
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issues, and how else, let's think, well , we also ... have known since the 22nd year that large german corporations such as zeiss, which purchased land for the construction of a large factory, bmw moved the production line of mini-electric cars to china. basf has invested 10 billion euros in a new manufacturing plant in china. neopenty licorice, and volkswagen announced an investment project in china worth 16.8 billion dollars. of course that ah, in such huge volumes, there is a huge interest in cooperation, so that all
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the investments and plans work. at the same time, we have... on the agenda is this damn war of russia against ukraine, which interferes with absolutely everyone, i mean first of all conscious nations, conscious politicians, when mr. scholz returned from beijing, he stated that what about the sound, the sound , something, something somewhere sound. lost sound, lost sound, lost sound, we have something with the sound, mr. ambassador, something, we have some problems with the sound, i still have at least one thing for you a question, very important and very much to be explained to us, i hope they will redial you now, please wait and you will appear again, because it is important to us, i am very interested, there was an appearance, one column in
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one important british magazine, she puts a lot of hopes of the russian federation in the war against ukraine and in general in the position of the russian federation, in the position of the people's republic of china in relation to the russian federation, so i would like this moment to be explained, i can even now for the audience they say that now we will have a connection, yes, but i will simply explain, very influential. an economic newspaper is not only a political-economic or economic economy, but also a political magazine, the economist printed it. the column, the author, i will try to pronounce, i am not convinced that i will do it flawlessly, i don’t even hear it often in chinese, it’s not that fenyujun, no, yu, feng yun, i apologize
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to all chinese and chinese-speakers, wrote that he is an expert in chinese , and he wrote such, such, such a main idea and such an emphasis, russia will definitely lose to ukraine. why did i apply? this is the attention, and not only me and our editors, dear ones, they also directed me, if they were to direct me in the sense that since china is obviously a totalitarian country, well, okay, authoritarian, but even in an authoritarian country this is a problem. everyone has one voice, there are no discussions, if they happen, it is very much under the blanket somewhere. in some offices, in complete silence, and so on, and if someone even publishes something in the main english economic magazine called the economist, then it
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cannot be, this is my opinion, i just came up with it, it is obvious, at first there were consultations at a very high level, then at a lower level, then somewhere in the politburo, then somewhere in the central committee of the communist party of china, then somewhere they you... everyone there was literally looking over whether this word is good here or this, and how to translate it, was it written in chinese, and then translated into english, or was it immediately in english, that he, in short, it is weeks, well, definitely not hours, and when on the one hand we see, we, well, i am not a supporter of the hysterical cries of many experts , who say that this is the friendship of russians... to be friends like this, but the chinese still say that we have
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extremely warm relations, and when in parallel with these extremely warm relations with moscow, an article by a chinese expert is published that russia will definitely lose the war in ukraine, the article is really so extensive, serious, so... well i would say philosophical and political, and it’s not just blah blah blah, he just tells, the first is why, the second is why he loses, the third is why he loses, the fourth is why, that is, there is such a fairly basic grant, one that stands on such a scientific basis research, observations, considerations, probably advice and... consulted with some not only chinese specialists, but maybe with european, american, and russian ones, for example, and some russian said: you know, we have a weak point here,
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weak link, and he wrote, yes, we have a problem here, they have a problem here, and here comes this article, and accordingly , i would like to know the decision-making system in china, the decision-making system in china, is it possible to appear? such, such, such a thought, and if such an appearance is so important thoughts, and that it appeared, it means to me, for example, that on the one hand the leader of china , xi jinping, says no, my closest friend is definitely putin, but in reality, he, he, they are not helping much anyway, already chinese banks have been failing for a long time in winter. they are looking for money because they are russian and they began to purchase less gas, oil and gasoline at such prices that it is not known whether
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the russian federation has any profits at all in the russian budget, my friends, experts say that there are no profits at all, such cunning, just for the sake of the audience, i will tell you, the russians have such a cunning scheme, it means that they really sell oil, whether there or gasoline, well, it doesn't matter when. china or somewhere else in africa or maybe some individual european countries, and they sell, but they do not return the money to russia, but put it in their own accounts in western, eastern and any banks, that is, the oil is gone, it sold, the money for oil does not go back to the russian federation, but goes to mine, if i were to do it, er... to mine, so an account in some secret bank, to a secret account, that's the story, and it's quite funny, and they say the same about gas.
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in the same way, because they sell oil, how to say, yes, in detours, well, because, because, we have it, they tell me that there is, yes, there is, good health, once again, bye, mr. lytvyn, thank you for finding us, mr. ihor lytvyn, ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary of ukraine to the people's republic of china 99, 2001 . so my next question, we roughly know beijing's official position, is this. the position that we are friends with, comprehensive friendship with russia, such a comprehensive friendship. i don't believe it, but people talk about it. just the other day, the chief executive, british, fay. yujun, an expert, a chinese expert, wrote an article about the following. four main
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influencing factors. during the course of the war, russia will definitely lose to ukraine. if china is an authoritarian dash totalitarian country, an article by any chinese expert cannot appear in the london economist, it is not, not a secondary publication, it is not, it is not even the sun newspaper. so, it was, as it were, agreed somewhere in high places or not so much high, or maybe in the very high offices of beijing. such, such,... such a speech, such a column, officially from a person from china, that russia will definitely lose to ukraine, what does this mean, some kind of inconsistency in the central committee of the chinese communist party, i do not believe it, i have a hard time imagining the appearance of some article by the executive, when brezhnev was in power in the soviet union, i was already old enough then, this could not be, everything was coordinated in the kremlin, what, what, what, what kind of article is this, mr. igor, do you want it? in order for me
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to answer you honestly, at least slow down, i don't want to be honest, i understand, diplomat, always diplomat, but we also perceive hints, the fact is that in the international arena, china behaves as it wants to be perceived around the world, that is, we have, let's say, tensions between saudi arabia and iran, china is becoming a peacemaker . and as a result of this, relations are renewed. we have what they call the ukrainian crisis. how would i call the nanking crisis of the 39th year, the nanjing crisis, i looked at the reaction of the chinese. you would be kicked out of beijing immediately, kicked out in the same second, whether you were an ambassador or not, kicked out would. nanking crisis. that's good, i'll remember, thanks. now, then, we have a situation in
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the middle east. world leaders are appealing to china to influence iran, because it already had relevant relations that led to the already mentioned agreement between saudi arabia and iran. now everyone is trying to make china influence russia. that is, china is doing so that everyone. they took it in a positive sense, one thing, one thing, that is, an instruction that comes from above regarding the internal, that is, consumption, and there is the possibility that different inclusions are allowed
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so that different people... perceive, you remember last year, how the chinese ambassador to the european union behaved, the chinese ambassador to france, to other countries, and then where necessary , the chinese foreign ministry, he says, no, no, this is not our official position, of course, this is not your official position, because your official position to beijing has been clearly stated there, there, there, there, and you to it, you adhere to it . but these omissions, you see, show that china is very, very artistic in its own way understanding and most importantly in the practice of foreign policy, as it used to be, there are opinions, let's be...


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