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tv   [untitled]    April 21, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm EEST

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still, at least for the time being, it remains an electoral democracy, and politicians, if they want office, depend on the voters, that is, if the voters do not vote for them, they will not have their office, and i think that you voters, voters greatly contributed to what happened yesterday, these voters, regardless of their origin, whether they have ukrainian roots or not. regardless, regardless, of course, that voters with ukrainian roots, before that too, i know that there are many people also called johnson and contacted their members of the house of representatives, but it was ordinary americans who did it, well, because there are many people who care, just as there are people who are already following what is happening in the world, although there are, of course, many americans, who are not very interested. in general, that
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foreign policy, but the country is big, 340 million people, there are definitely many caring people, i know for sure that there are people who are not people of non- ukrainian origin, who contacted their representatives, their deputies, they were required to support the law on aid to ukraine, and by the way, if we talk about mike himself... who seemed to be very against this aid, was very skeptical, or what changed him, what changed, what could push him to this, is this also being discussed in the united states, i know that there was a publication on cnn about this transformation of johnson, it is amazing, mr. andrew, i think that there are several factors here, they came together like this, and the first of them, i would put in the first place that johnson, yes he is... very right
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a politician, very conservative, i would n't call him far-right yet, he is a very right-wing conservative politician, but there is a big difference between when a politician is simply an mp, as he has been for many years, and when a politician holds public office, and the office is very, very important position because it's the third position in the american government hierarchy, the speaker of the house of representatives, and the person in that... if she wants to, well, to, you know, work, if she wants to work for the country, then she should take care of interests country, first of all, not about his party, party, narrow party interests, and i think that what johnson ultimately had to understand was in the interests of the united states.
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as a state, it is for ukraine to receive aid, this is a very significant factor in what he did. by the way, he did this not for the first time, because, let's say, yes, he, he did put aid to ukraine on the agenda in opposition to the majority of his faction, note that the majority of the republican faction voted against aid to ukraine, but it's not the first time he's done it, because he's also... he's botched the 24th budget, which was only passed in march, it was approved by congress, but he also acted against at least half of his faction, he just a week ago , he pushed and pushed through a law to extend the law that allows surveillance of foreigners suspected of...espionage or terrorism, well, let's say,
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thanks to this law, the fbi can tap the phone of the russian ambassador in washington, and thanks to this law , here we are found out that former general flynn, when trump won the election in 2016, he spoke with the russian ambassador, promised to cancel the sanctions, and thanks to this law, the far-right wanted the law. because of johnson's insistence that it should be extended, it was extended, this is now the third time that johnson has gone against the majority of his faction, because it is the act of a statesman, and for that johnson deserves credit, and that, by the way, even president biden, even though johnson is his political opponent, he made a statement yesterday that the house had moved these bills, and he... er thanked
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johnson for his input on it. then the next factor, also very important, is what happened last saturday, when iran attacked israel. the thing is... is that traditionally, a very serious support of the republican party in the united states is the evangelical church, the evangelical church is very supportive of israel, always so historically, traditionally, too, and there were very big demands for the united states provided assistance israel, but the democrats constantly set conditions that they will not vote for israel's help if there is no help for ukraine, so these are communication issues. and when scalise, the leader of the republican faction in the house of representatives, said last sunday that iran attacked israel, and now we republicans will propose a separate aid bill for israel tomorrow, the white house reacted quite sharply immediately,
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white house press secretary karin jahn said, that this is unacceptable to president biden and will not be considered for… the law on aid to israel is separate from aid to ukraine, and i think that after that it became absolutely clear to johnson that if he wants to help israel, then he must also help ukraine. you know, the third factor is the voters, because i know for a fact that there was a lot of voter pressure, johnson received hundreds of thousands, if not millions of calls and letters from voters. this is actually amazing, because... we have a little, it still doesn't work, democracy still doesn't work, moreover, the exit, a native, a native of ukraine victoria kulgeiko, aka congres women's parts, in fact demonstrated in this situation that in this case she acted both against and against
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the interests of the united states, and against the interests of ukraine, and against the interests of ukraine, as if betraying the country and where she was born and the country, where it is, where it is now. which she now represents as a citizen, as a citizen and as a representative in the parliament itself, if, if we proceed from the positions that mike johnson chose exactly, as cnn writes, he wanted to be on the right side of history? mike johnson chose exactly what he did in the last three days, he chose that he wanted to be a statesman, and he's shown himself to be a statesman, i'm not a political supporter of his, but i... i i respect him a lot for what he did in the end, he could have done it a lot sooner but better late than never. and for this, it was required of him, well, it is an act, because he went against his faction. i say once again, 112 republicans, and
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there are only 218 of them, 112 of them voted against, they actively opposed it, they even, even at the last moment, there, there is a congressman... stekhas, i think his name is chiproi, he demanded to return to the committee and vim and demanded a separate vote on this demand of his, that is, he still delayed it, now can you see in the senate there are also such heroes in quotes, like about like this victoria sparts, like marjorie taylor green, there are senators like that, lee, uh, senator vance, senator paul. they will slow it down as much as they can, that is, to speed it up and win some more hours, or a few days, they will do this, as for, by the way, victoria spars, she voted against all but one of the laws
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that allocated funds to help ukraine, in the previous congress, that is, she just now did it very loudly, when she introduced these absolutely ridiculous amendments, she insisted on... their voting so that the whole world could hear her, because yesterday's meeting was broadcast live on probably the main tv channels of the world, and well, everyone saw who she is, what she is, this is the desire to become famous, this desire to serve, i don't know in front of trump, how can you explain the behavior of a person who is not just there but has some ukrainian origin, who was born here and who already is? did you go to america at such a mature age? perhaps this desire is to please trump himself, perhaps not just such beliefs, you know, well, it is difficult to judge a person if you do not communicate with a person, well, well,
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i just saw it, well, it was really interesting, there is a deputy of ukrainian origin, she even, even, she went to ukraine several times times, and... invited, when he signed the law on lynlis, gave her the pen with which he signed the law, but she voted against every single law that allocated funds for assistance. around ukraine, she constantly says that this is a blank, blank check, that this is money that everyone embezzles, well, well, well, it’s just not a dream, you understand, a complete delusion, how can you embezzle the money that is in ukraine at all they don't go, because all this money is for military aid, they stay in america, because they are either used for purchases weapons from weapons manufacturers are sent to ukraine, or weapons from the pentagon’s stocks are transferred, the pentagon orders weapons for... this money, to restore stocks at its bases,
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that is, it is all money for military aid, they simply do not enter ukraine at all, they everybody stays in america, ukraine gets guns and ammo, not money, she cares about a blank check and so on and so forth, it's simple, i do n't think it's a sincere position, because i don't know, baby can understand what is to what, but she is everything still an adult. you mentioned margery grien, marger taylor green, the congress of woomen as well, she, by the way, and literally a day before the vote there were some such debates, hearings in congress, and where she was invited, in particular, where she spoke with some pro-russian, pro-russian narratives about ukraine, that ukraine is a country of nazis, here is a fascist state, and by the way, it turned out well, by the way. by the way, a pro-republican very conservative newspaper, even, even it, no, no moscow, no,
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yes, but listen, and that, that, by the way, timothy snyder participated in this and so reasonedly and easily denied all those russian propaganda narratives of margery grinch, they also played their role, it also played a role. his role, it is very good that timothy snyder was invited to these congress hearings, he spoke very well there, he generally plays a very important role, he himself, by the way, said that his, i remember, when he was in devos there was, there was a ukrainian breakfast, it was successful, there were a number of such round tables or speeches by timothy sneider participated, he was asked how to counter russian propaganda, he... answered that it is necessary to tell what is really there, it is necessary to give facts, it is necessary to give
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real information, that this is the only, the only thing that is effective against russian propaganda , that 's exactly what he did, but the fact is that marjorie taylor green is not the only one, ah, well , she does it very loudly, but there are, unfortunately, there are quite a lot of these far-right republicans who actually repeat russian... propaganda, there is, let's say, a tv host like tucker carlson, who you all know very well, because there he was interviewing putin, who was given the opportunity to speak on the former twitter by elon musk, after carlson was fired from fox, and here he there are 11 million subscribers, and carlson repeats it constantly, these are the same narratives that are now so loud... marjorie taylor green proclaims from the podium of the congress that ukraine is a country of nazis, that
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christians are persecuted in ukraine, but russia is a white christian country, you know , it's new, i'll tell you now, you'll be surprised, me lived in the south of the united states for many years, when i came to america, as they say this area where i lived, it is now called trump country in america, there really is... the election in the 20th year 70% of voters voted for trump, that's me in 2008, when there was an election campaign and obama and mccain were running for president, i heard from local supporters of such a very right-wing movement that they don't like the mccains, they don't go to the elections, they won't vote, well, obama , of course they called him a communist, but mccain is for it they did not want to vote for mccain, why, but because he is against it. russia, and russia from their point of view is all white, christian and should be
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our friend, so this is this, this is not new, this is not new, this is such a current among the american right, unfortunately, margery taylor green she expresses, well, when they write now that she receives money from russia, i don't think that's so, well, russia can of course use her as a useful idiot, but she doesn't have... she just has that conviction, she sees, sees in putin's russia a model for that to do something similar in america, to build such and such an authoritarian right. regime, today we mentioned this american who went because he is a terrible supporter of the russian defense forces and so on, and to support where are these dpr and lpr, these pseudo-republics, and it is a pity, of course, that he did not survive bentley with the call sign texas texas and and in a word maybe you, maybe you
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know this story, the representatives of the russian world shortened it, i read about read about this story. the most incredible moment in this whole story is that he was actually exposed by his own friends from some fifth bank tank brigade there, i'm sorry, and the russian one, and they just beat him up there, mutilated him and even raped him before shooting him, and this, and that's just and these scraps, that 's just these scraps, that's it these scraps, and look at the great pity, well... you don't need to close your eyes to this, well, there are such americans, there are 340 million people in america, they are different, they are not the same, and among them there are such, and their , unfortunately, quite a lot, because look, here are 112 people who voted, 112 deputies who voted against aid
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ukraine, they were elected by the voters, and they express their interests. a large part of their voters, for example, this is very confusing to me, because in the congress of the previous convocation there were a little more than 50 of them, and now - now they are you, who voted against all aid packages for ukraine, now there are 112 of them, uh, yes, it's confusing because congress is up for re-election in november, along with the presidential election, there's going to be a congressional election, and if there's more, it's going to be really, really hard, it 's going to be bad, because they're isolationists, they they want to isolate the whole of america from everything that is going on in the world, and they want to focus on building something like an authoritarian such an authoritarian government, let's say, well i won't, i won't use the word regime, on something like an authoritarian
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government here in the united states, but maybe the history of this man is somehow a little bit? something changes there, i don't know how much they talk about her in the united states, you know, i just read about it in an american publication in english, but i didn't talk about it on television, although if they tv channels, if they told, after all, more people watch television than read various publications, it would be good, because people should know how to wash bridges, let 's tell such a person that they are absolutely. a distorted view of the world. by the way, the irony is that nemsa pelosi, who also spoke before the congress, to find arguments why it is necessary to vote for this support. she would say that the russian army, it, it, it is, it uses military, war crimes, it kidnaps and rapes people, and it literally happened with
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an american who supported the american army and came to donetsk for this purpose, and lived there for 10 years. was a hero, like the dnr, you know what else i wanted to say about, about margery green, she has already stated, has already called mike johnson a traitor and says that she will demand, along with her associates, his resignation. trump himself, he seems to have been asked twice, was asked this question by reporters yesterday, and twice he just refused, does he still support johnson, how? think what to expect now in congress after this story? i think johnson actually went to trump last week to arrange for trump to help say marjorie taylor green not insist on a vote on her impeachment resolution, i don't know if
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johnson succeeded , but the democrats, many of them promised that if johnson supports up to... conditions for ukraine, then they will not vote for his removal from office. however, the democrats said at the time that they made it a condition to consider the bill that the senate approved in february, that is, that the house voted for him, then help would come immediately, but i think that the democrats this time, if, say, marjarigreen insists on such a vote, then the democrats, unlike their vote. pushing for the resignation of mccarthy, they will make johnson stay in office, they can do it in two ways, either a certain number of them do not support the resignation, or a certain number. a number of them will simply leave the hall and will not vote, which will allow just there, the numbers will not add up, then there will not be enough votes for
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johnson's resignation, as far as i understand, it would be unprecedented in history, well, for the second, second time the party that has the majority to get rid of its speaker, it would be unprecedented, and vice versa, if, if, if actually the democrats support the speaker from... and will keep him in office in this way, this is also, this will indicate that i don't know that in the congress a new majority was formed from the part of the republicans there maybe, you know, the republicans have a very small majority, in they have 218 deputies, the democrats have 213, and there are more a couple of republicans who are going to resign from congress because they don't agree with what their party is doing and it could happen that if, if johnson is fired from office, that could happen. that a coalition will be formed that can elect a democrat as speaker, of course the probability of this is small, but, but the majority of the republicans is very shaky, i
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just think that trump, his advisers could probably say that it is very inappropriate to fire the speaker now, because it election year, voters will think it's easy republicans are not incapable of using their majority, that they are incapable of anything. to do only that there are quarrels, constant scandals, which means that they simply will not vote for the republicans as a result, but i think that johnson will keep his position, because this time, if even marju taylor insists on voting, then a sufficient number of democrats will help him stay in office, by the way, a few democrats, i just heard it in an interview, they were saying that they were going to ... fire johnson for the way he behaved in terms of statesmanship, it is simply complete nonsense that that is why they do not support his resignation. and what about
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trump, what are his chances now, what is the mood in society about him, about biden? trump is going to spend time now, very interestingly, he has already spent it this week, which ends today in the dock , because last... monday in new york, the trial began, the first criminal trial of trump, where trump is accused, he is accused of falsifying financial documents, there are 34 documents, that is, there are 34 charges, and during the week, the selection of jurors took place, and it was necessary to select jurors who could be impartial. and that is, who are not very interested in politics, or have never expressed their political beliefs, do not have a prejudiced opinion about trump, and so on, it
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was really not easy to do, they have several hundred potential candidates sworn in, interviewed by the judge together with the prosecutors and trump's lawyers, but this process ended in jury selection, 12 main jurors and six alternate jurors were selected. and the main one will start tomorrow part of the trial, that is, the prosecution will begin, it will begin to present itself, the charges, the evidence, the witnesses will be called, it can, you can expect it to take place over several weeks, and four days a week, monday, tuesday, thursday, friday, when the court hearings will be held, trump should sit on the dock, he was already there asking the judge to let him go there, here. the judge told him that he was a defendant, so he should sit in the courtroom on the dock. as for his chances,
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see, in fact, as of today, er, all these court cases, including this trial, they have practically no effect on his popularity, it is stable, he is supported by many people, and the republican... party, he has absolutely unquestionable support, there are 80-90 % of average republicans support you, which is confirmed by the results of the republican primaries, and as for the chances in november, i think it's too early to talk about it, because it's april now, i think you need to start watching the polls in swing states, where it will be to decide, to decide the fate of the elections. it's wisconsin, michigan, pennsylvania, arizona, georgia, ah, maybe, maybe north carolina, maybe
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florida. but it is still more likely the states that i named, it will be necessary to look at the polls in these states starting from june, because a lot can still happen in america and in the world before the elections, the elections in november, but the results are clear , that they 're going to be very, very tight, just like last time, just like in '16, and let's see if trump, say, is found ... guilty of criminal crimes, well, how will it affect his popularity, because there are people who say that they will not vote for him if he is convicted of a criminal offense by a court of law, and the fact is that the conviction, even if he is, he, trump will appeal it, it will be considered in the appeals court, for a long time, that is, the verdict before the election, it will not be legally
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binding, it is certain that his appeal will be considered, well, but on his popularity, it will be reflected, well in addition, he cannot now conduct an election campaign, therefore that he should sit in court, and how long this trial will last, it is not known for a few weeks at least, although yesterday trump, since it was a day off, he flew to north carolina, one of his states , to hold rallies there with his supporters, there he gathered full herd well, maybe they brought his supporters there, but there was a full stadium where he said things that are traditional for him, so the election campaign is gaining momentum here, and he danced this funny signature dance, probably i am so-so i can imagine, mr. yuriy, i also wanted to ask, finally, how long this draft law, this bill can be stuck in... in the senate, in
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your opinion, in the senate, you know such a very, very complicated regulation, i tell you frankly that i am not sure that all senators know exactly all the rules of the senate there, there is such a large number of people there that the majority of democrats and republicans there are also more adequate, after all, it is so simple in the senate, in the senate you can, on the one hand, in the senate you can make decisions very simply and quickly without voting, if there is no objection, but... if even one senator, let's say, requires some debate, to discuss something, then there must be these discussions, which must last for a certain number of hours, and therefore it can drag on for a number of days, which can make democratic leader chuck schumer, who is the de facto speaker of the senate, he can force his colleagues to work at night to keep those hours going, and that's when these senators lee, paul and others who are
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against aid to ukraine. they won't be there in an empty hall at night giving their speeches, time will pass, i think that's the maximum they can to be 5-6 days, no more, simply, that is, i think that next weekend we will have this law, i really hope for it, there according to the regulations, the first procedural vote will take place on tuesday, well, there and then, then count that 3- 4 days at most, if, if the sumerian forces them at night... to make their ridiculous speeches against aid to ukraine, then it may take three or four, well , five days at the most, but i think that in a week we will have this law, next weekend at the latest, saturday or sunday i hope that there will be such senators as, for example , the congresswoman, the woman who shut her mouth , this margery green is a new heroine, she is just 81 years old, you understand, considering
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ukrainian politics. yes, yes, and on that , women are treated here, she is simple, she is an 81-year-old woman, she is a feminist, yes, yes, and a person with a healthy brain, she is well done, i would like to be as energetic as her at her age she, she is really good, she is really good, there are in the senate, there are also such people, you know, just me, i saw, i followed very closely at the meetings of the senate, when he discussed these laws. 715, which the house of representatives did not consider, which the senate approved in february, and schumer then forced the senator to work without days off, without any calls, it seems that they sat there for two nights, and lo and behold, it means paul, they are constantly delivered one speech after another, that there is no need to help ukraine, where we are spending money there.


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