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tv   [untitled]    April 21, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm EEST

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call. there are discounts on glicised and gliciset max 15% in psyllanyk you and oschad pharmacies. there are discounts on dolgit cream and dolgit gel of up to 30% in pharmacies psyllium you and save. verdict with serhii rudenko. now in a new two-hour episode format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day for with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. channel espresso and ukrainian pen present. the proper names project with
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myroslava barchuk, a series of conversations with ukrainian and western intellectuals who interpret and comment on the most relevant social discussions, what news will be analyzed by the guests of the project this week and , in fact, who will be the guest of the studio, we will find out already this sunday, the topics will definitely be relevant, the guests will be special, their own names with myroslava barchuk. sunday, 17:10 at espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. dear friends, we are back on the air, we continue our marathon. lesya vakulyuk, andriy saichuk, we work for you in this studio, and mykola malomush, general of the army of ukraine, head of the foreign intelligence service, will be with us now of ukraine. in 2005-2010, mr. mykola, we are glad
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to see you, congratulations, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, mr. mykola, today we ask everyone about their reaction to the fact that the us congress finally voted to allocate support for ukraine, what is your reaction, which your emotions? the reaction is positive, because together with our government officials we worked to support this draft law, it was especially difficult to work from the republics. stations, and the consolidated one directly where i decipher the position, this is the influence through, well, such a dynasty of bushes, bakers and directly even on trump's entourage to his part that there were signals that part of the republicans would vote for this package and we had already predicted, they promised in 12 days that there would be a vote, the 12th day today, exactly, so that night everything was fulfilled, as they promised and to our state leaders, well...
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through unofficial channels, where you had constant systematic contacts with them. a telegram from medvedev, this russian former president dmitry and... the secretary of the national security council of russia is being circulated here, and i don't know if it's true, i didn't check, to be honest, but i am inclined to believe that it is true, he is known for his posts, you can literally see that after two minutes during the voting, he fell into a slightly hysterical mood, began to say something about, well, it must be said that it is also the weekend, so well as always, it probably affected his hobby, alcohol, but but but the fact that, well, literally hysteria. something happened to the russians, how will this decision affect the russians' plans to capture kharkiv this year, to break through the front, in your opinion, what adjustments does it make this year? well in first of all, we should note that not only we worked to support the package, well
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, the russian federation actively worked on non-support, they had already decided that this particular program would not be implemented and defined precisely strategic tasks, while... tactical offensive operations, which they actually are already doing in the near future, and in may-june to move to strategic offensive operations, taking advantage of the fact that we will not have this large package, and at the expense of europe, procurement and our military industry, we will not yet achieve those prospects for the armed forces, in order to protect the state in the last priority areas, therefore , the capture of donetsk, until the end of luhansk, partly kharkiv and zaporizhia regions was foreseen, this was the number one task, but taking into account the absence. package, now, accordingly, why the hysteria, because the sources, i understand russian intelligence, it was given that the package would not be voted on, that the republicans, just a large part, would not give key votes, this did not happen, that is why such a stir, such cries, especially
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medvedev, that these are some civil wars, that this split is just the only one, if the people, which have never been united, on the contrary, were dominant, always aggressive russia, that is why in this situation it breaks down. these strategic plans, yes, they will still try to advance in the coming weeks and months in some directions, especially where we know the times, these are the novopalovsky directions, marinka, ugledar, well, it is partially possible in kharkiv oblast, but there are no prospects anymore, system reserves , to advance in four or five directions, all the more to ensure a large mob reserve, at the moment there is no russian federation, tactical roof, they achieve it. these are the last days, i think, precisely, this package will undermine their strategic trust, it is primarily the spirit, even among the russian troops themselves and among the russian command, because they expected that they would have a good perspective, there is none here, on the contrary, powerful there will be counterattacks, of
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course, this is support for us, and political, moral, political, military, moral for the commanders and our soldiers, i think that this is just mutual, for russia, rights are good for us. e prospects for the end of spring, beginning of summer regarding defense, for the second half of the summer, i think, before offensive operations. mr. mykola, but knowing such an insidious, vile russian soul, the russians, while we receive this help, will try to turn our life, which they have turned into a nightmare, into something even worse and will probably beat, i don’t know about the civil infrastructure , they will really hit the front. we say, try to advance, so that then for the period, as they count, there will be some kind of truce, negotiations, to set conditions on the positions where they stopped, well, this will definitely not happen, and the second what you say is really destroying, destroying the infrastructure every day, what they do, primarily energy,
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logistics, terminals, which we literally have in odesa today, and of course, these are industrial facilities of the military-industrial complex , energy... objects, well , of course, all other types of life activities to complete the ruin here, but it will not be like that, what they will try and was partially destroyed, we are in any case with strengthening now, and it goes not only on package, but also without package time to strengthen air defense, we remember that germany is the initiator of the delivery of patriots, there are seven of them, it is already powerful, and there will be not one, but several females, who take ballistics. electronic shield, this is a matter of several weeks, and even some days are already moving, ammunition is already actively moving to ukraine, that is , they will not be able to carry out such a massive strike, they will try, but they also have
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inexhaustible resources, some of them are not there, there are a lot of them many, no, i'll say it directly, there are more, but more obsolete, so to speak, and rockets that fall on the territory of russia, which you... speak of, part of it reaches us, and of course, there is no effective production, so we will hold the position for a few weeks or a couple of months, i think that they will not be able to destroy a lot more. but the fact that we will have a perspective, then this will be our gain, and we will reproduce it, the germans, for example, have already offered to transfer their equipment from the non-working test, and the german equipment even from the 70s and 80s is very beautiful, i remember , some others brought the period of the second world war, for example, a cut latutinsky, he worked for 40 years as a time, and this equipment, which the german colleagues will transfer to us, i think will work for our tests. and on other, so to speak, energy facilities transferred by partners from europe, japan, and the usa. well, the tastand new york
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times writes that the 155 projectiles are already in german warehouses, they are already being delivered there by the pentagon, specifically so that literally in a matter of days, as soon as this law is signed, they will already be on the fronts of ukraine, as an actual appearance these shells, as well as rockets. rockets, i i understand, about air defense, will change the situation, and also these attacks, as far as i understand, it is officially announced that they will be in this package, well, first of all, we are talking about the fact that the pentagon and our colleagues who worked in the system of the military-industrial complex of the united states, they did not sleep, because the package has been prepared for a long time, and in order to quickly deliver attack guns, especially ammunition, we are talking about 155 caliber, missiles for patriots, what we are saying now is the protection of energy
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ob objects, for heimers, singles, m-270-ka - these are long-range missile systems, or air defense systems, or those that destroy the enemy 80 km in the rear, that is why the atakams are 300 km, the heimers, the other 80 km, this destroys the entire infrastructure of the enemy, stocks of ammunition, headquarters and the most important reserve. which are not yet concentrated on the front line, where they can be more effectively destroyed, they have not yet entered the battle, they have not yet deployed and do not even have bio-training yet, so in this situation, i think, such a quick delivery, which already has a small logistical path from europe to ukraine can provide the next days of the 23rd voting, tuesday the senate is almost ready, as i am guided by my data, this same day should actually go... write biden, and this is already the format of the transfer of those types of weapons and special ammunition, which we
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are talking about, literally the first from europe, and through a week and a half from the usa itself will already be delivered to ukraine. does this mean that by may 9, the russians have little chance to capture yar times, but they will not succeed and could not succeed even without american help, and now they are ready. mr. mykola, maybe if it wasn't for that. voting in the congress and it was not there or it was not positive, then this news somehow would have caused more emotion in us, but in crimea again today there was an attack on the ship, it was even set on fire, as the muscovites wrote, the firemen came there, they say that they repelled this missile attack, but nevertheless, what kind of ship is it that was hit, or do you know anything more about it, and well , first of all... it's uh, conventionally transport uh, such an average ship , which
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was used to house the landing party, for the movement of weapons and ammunition, well , the next object, so to speak, that we covered in this region, they are usually more powerful and expensive, they were hidden, already more in novorossiysk, in some bays and especially in sevastopol there are, remember, in the mountains there are such grottoes, where they enter first of all there. high-priced boats, they hide there, and some, uh, missile carriers of a small type, because the big ones don't go there, that is, it's hidden there, we don't get them yet, but those ships that go out to fulfill some combat tasks or providing logistics, we cover them, in fact we do not allow er to carry out even elementary operational tasks on a daily basis, i am talking about more combat ones, why don't they deploy today, for example, their missile carriers. in the mediterranean sea in order to create some contradictions with nato there, but in
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the black sea, the sea of ​​azov does not actually go out for a long time, or goes out for a short period without descents and hides again. this aid that will come to us, as long as it will be enough, relatively speaking, about 61 billion, this is a lot, how long for it is with this help that we will be able to sustain ourselves, and how shall we use it so that it is not wasted. well, first of all, we are talking about the fact that the aid should be used for air defense systems, this is the repulsion of all missile and ballistic attacks. first of all , cruise missiles and drones, well, here are not only air defense systems, but also radio electronics systems, which will also create, conditionally, electronic shields against drones, against a number of types of missiles and aircraft, airplanes, helicopters, this is a powerful system for a long period, the only thing that the air defense system must be provided appropriate ammunition, missiles of various
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types so that we can shoot down both ballistic and cruise missiles. the second component is strike groups, these are atakams that strike at a distance of 300 km, and this is the systematic destruction of precisely all military and military-industrial facilities in the territory occupied by the enemy. we remember how we hit feodosia several times, when we also destroyed the infrastructure of the atakamsu airfield, it is not exactly 300 km, but all at only 160, then the radius of action was smaller, but at the same time we destroyed the entire air defense system. and destroyed other infrastructure, and it will be much more powerful and further, in fact, the entire crimea, the black sea, the azov region and all the occupied territories, unfortunately, we cannot be on the territory of russia yet, but this sector, where are the logistical routes, where are the centers management, where are the airfields, missile launchers, such as the s-400, which we have already destroyed,
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we remember, accordingly, the launchers, drones that fly from crimea, every day to odesa, mykolaiv, kherson. they will also fly to kyiv, that is, it will be a new war, a new war at the expense of high technologies, well, that's it ammunition for all types of weapons, what i was talking about is hymers and nasems, respectively, and m-270s that hit the middle rear, 80 km is a lot, this is what moves to the front, will simply be destroyed, and human resources, tanks, missiles, ammunition, rails and the like, which are intercepted by our drones, by the way. all of this should be under constant fire, and the most important thing is ammunition, artillery, and armored vehicles, which will also arrive and complement the resources that are available, which will, accordingly, take the initiative on the front, but it will no longer be only the supply of these types of weapons and the lower reserves to hold the territory, and most importantly, what has been said for a long time, has been kept quiet a little, is
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a new strategy of waging war, unexpected for the enemy, which strikes, as we said, from the rear to the middle. on frontal strikes, but strategic offensive operations are being prepared where the enemy is not expecting and with those methods and systems that have not yet been used in this war. this will be a technological and strategic military innovation. this is the prospect of the offensive of the free territory, i think that we can summer, late summer, or early autumn to go to the second stage of already offensive operations, to liberate the territory of ukraine, and maybe if we get out of strategic spaces and maybe more powerfully. and the territory that is aimed at the enemy like a fortress, it will be crimea, like a trap, not fortresses, when we close and destroy the kerch bridge, all bases are located on the territory of crimea, including airfields, and then, accordingly, they will not be affected where, we go in and win back these territories more systematically, without much resistance
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from the enemy, mr. mykola, but won't he push again... to help russia even more, here this help from the americans for us, china, north korea, because we still see them supporting them, or will this not be another such push for them now? i just know china well, and including the entire leadership and sinzepin, turkey, for example, india, brazil, they are to some extent, well, clearly playing their geopolitical games, opposing russia. measure in order to weaken the west, and then put its terms of cooperation before the measure, because china was also now experiencing a crisis, economic, strategic, and the prime minister of china participated in a number of meetings, when i will discuss the strategic issue of the world order, where was sinziping, he agreed to act together against an already nuclear war, the last option is a meeting with biden in
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los angeles and scholz, who was in beijing, can clearly determined who could... be the initiator of a global nuclear mine, it could be russia, there is already a concentration of russian confrontations in this sector, because neither china, nor the usa, nor russia itself, nor other countries will survive a global nuclear war, therefore here already the paradigm of world security prospects is changing, but the game is still being played at such a tactical level that china provides technology, buys russia's energy resources, thereby supporting russia in the war, that is, in opposition to... the western world, but it won't be that long, you know, when they will change the situation, knowing them well, including north korea, which we also spent our time together with the american operation, that they gave up nuclear strikes, and then came to negotiations, that trump has been meeting with kimchanin for a while, even kissing, because there was such a well-developed other model, or there are no prospects for north korea, or
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peace settlement after all, this is how we will ask putin questions, but when, when there will be real successes on the front of the strategic level, then china will quickly return to being an active participant in the new world order, he supports the revival of ukraine on principles of international law, and accordingly turkey. it is no longer the path of platforms, support for victory and, accordingly, the reproduction of the sovereignty of ukraine, just like india, brazil, that is, everyone will reach for the winner, but until then we have to go through a difficult road at the front, and of course a long diplomatic road, operationally at the international level in terms of agreement on these systems, we not only have to ask for help for the army, but actively work on the formation of a new security architecture that excludes war in ukraine, but the reproduction this punishment... the aggressor, the reproduction of all the principles of international law, compensation for ukraine, this will be a new world order, but before that, i say once again, we must have victory on the battlefield, and
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then all the participating countries will come together on the one hand, they will reproduce what was really violated in russia, and russia will respond, but it is a difficult road that still needs to be covered, i think, for many months. mr. mykola, thank you for participating in our broadcast, mykola malomush, general of the army of ukraine and head of the foreign intelligence service of ukraine in 2005-2010. years was in touch with us, they talked about what american aid would do to ukraine, then we have a scheduled conversation on the air with igor eisenberg, a professor at new york university, let's talk a little about what actually changed the mood of the republicans, what now in america they are talking about the mood of the republicans after that vote in the us congress on aid to ukraine, but that will be discussed after the break. so stay with us, we continue and our marathon continues and we are waiting for you. let's listen to
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the heads of regional centers earns the most? more details in the disclosures section. about read these and other important topics in krania magazine. the new release is already at the points of sale. there is none in potatoes. will you bring and already, my son. have dr. tice's periosteum. and you get back to work. ointment with comfrey is a german ointment for joint and muscle pain. natural ointment with comfrey from dr. tice. there are discounts on gliciset and gliciset max. 15% in plantain pharmacies, you and savings. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together! vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of air time, two hours of your time,
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two hours to learn about the war. and how does the world live? two hours to keep abreast of economic and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become their own languages ​​for many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima’s big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people , in the evening for espresso. join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. protect yours! the result of their work is our safety. they, the boys from volyn, proved that everyone can be a warrior, they are strong in spirit, they value the ability to stand side by side with their brothers and sisters, all the way to holy victory. anyone who pilots a uav, understands it, prepares, treats, repairs, rolls kilometers of roads, fills piles of documents, significantly strengthens those who cover the enemy with heavy fire and return meter by meter our native land, join the ranks of the hundredth separate mechanized
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brigade of the armed forces of ukraine , hold on. together, dear friends, lesya vakulyuk, andriy saichuk, this is our final hour starting at the marathon on espresso, thank you for being with us, and we there are only five left, even i would say less, 4 thousand with a tail, 400, andriy, imagines 400 with a tail so that we can say that during this week, together with our beautiful viewers... we collected half a million hryvnias , half a million of those two necessary, and just these 5 00 of us, even less separates us from this mark, so i urge you to make such a last dash for today, well, maybe someone after the anchor ends and then sees our broadcast will still want to finish your money, then don't stop, because we still have to collect, out of 2 million, we have 2 million, 1,273,939 hryvnias and 92
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kopecks, but this week you and i went well and collected almost half a million, please join me so that i did not say almost, but still said half a million was collected, i will be grateful to you , in the meantime, we will talk about the billions of american aid and what it is all about, about this vote that took place in the us congress, they are talking about it in the united states... we will talk about it with igor eisenberg, a professor at new york university. mr. igor, we congratulate you. greetings, friends, greetings all viewers of espresso. how are you feeling after voting? well, i'm in a very, very good , good mood, of course, because, well, i, i also want to make some small contribution, but i think that what millions, hundreds of thousands or millions of americans would do, because
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i... called speaker johnson several times, i also contacted my congressman many times, and look, a lot of people contributed to this, because there was a lot of pressure on johnson from the very voters who wanted ukraine to get help, and finally it happened, so of course i was in a very good mood yesterday, and today he is... also good, i heard correctly, you called speaker johnson several times, yes, well, i certainly did not talk to him personally , but i left messages, i kept leaving messages, i know a lot of people did the same thing, hundreds of thousands of people did it, if not millions, a lot of people wrote to him, so he was under pressure from the voters, and this is in america plays a big role because the united states, well, at least for the moment
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for... is an electoral democracy, and politicians, if they want to get positions, they depend on the voters, that is, if the voters do not vote for them, they will not have their positions, and i think that the voters, the voters are very contributed to what happened yesterday, these voters, regardless of their origin, whether they have ukrainian roots or not, i'm right, regardless, regardless. of course, that voters with ukrainian roots, before that too, i know that many people called johnson and contacted their members of the house of representatives, but it was done by ordinary americans, well, because there are many people who care, just what kind of people follow what is happening in the world, although i, of course, there are many americans who are not very interested.


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