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tv   [untitled]    April 21, 2024 3:30am-4:00am EEST

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drones, direct drones. china, for example, directly. we do not have such an opportunity to work with china, no company that will buy drones in china simply cannot do it, because there is some internal directive that does not work with ukraine, it can be done through some country over there in europe and so on , to invent something, here, but we do not have such an opportunity directly. i know that our enemy is working for a number of people. factories of large-scale factories for the manufacture and production of drones and not only, so i probably now, well, the ether will not be enough to list, what do they have, what do we have, the main story is that they are at some points a head higher and half a hull ahead of us, they have longer -range drones of the lancet type, supercams, reconnaissance drones of the hall type, this tells , this suggests that... in our
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direction of the armed forces of ukraine, uavs have a huge task to overtake the enemy technologically, but to make our drones fly further, be more accurate, system, there were homing systems and so on, that is, war , sometimes i get the impression it does not so much take place on the battlefield as in these conventional engineers. rooms where various solutions are developed, because our soldiers, for example, we still have a drone, it is like this, it can be used there according to such characteristics and so on, we are hostages of what the engineers have offered us, and so, if there will be more opportunities for the use of drones, this will certainly free our hands, in terms of range, for example, accuracy there and so on, so here is the war of engineering rooms ... which is carried out 24 hours a day
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day, it's definitely a straight race, this year, whoever wins it will have a significant advantage on the battlefield. very briefly, if possible, regarding the promised million drones in the 24th year, the first quarter is already in ukraine, and well, if you divide it, relatively speaking, at least into some equal parts, you can say that there is a part. on those drones that were promised, are they not there, or are volunteers delivering them again, that is, what is the situation with this, if it is not a military secret, i will tell you very briefly, it is not a military secret, a million there will be drones according to my feelings, but this does not say anything, who, who said that a million drones is a lot, if the enemy, for example, uses 5 million drones, well, that's why i would, for example, call, probably not everyone stick to this number. would urge
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the government to contract if there is an opportunity, and there is an opportunity for our manufacturers to produce two dash-3 million, if these drones have proven their effectiveness in the battlefield, so there will be a million drones, but this does not mean anything, and plus to moreover, i would also pay attention to, well, let's say so, including the quality of these drones because a million to a million, but if we get a substandard product, a product that is not used is not needed. well, it’s possible to just make a dump, such a problem among, let ’s say, the mouth of uavs, it also exists, all the guys are aware that there are drones that are more expensive, but they fly and with them you can make a result, and there are drones that simply represent is a technological mess, there is little that can be done with them, and therefore we really hope and expect from our command high-quality technological solutions, because in them lies precisely... the success
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of operations when you carry them out. mr. yehor, on april 11, the verkhovna rada of ukraine adopted a law on amendments to the mobilization procedure in ukraine, it is called a mobilization law, although the law on mobilization has been around for a long time, it is simply an introduction to certain mobilization procedures, you are a person who voluntarily joined the armed forces of ukraine , you are a volunteer, you came to the tro, then as a paramedic, then now you lead a group that er... are operators of unmanned aerial vehicles, and actually, i am interested in your opinion about the content of this law, which - can give the armed forces of ukraine a greater flow of mobilized people, and how qualitative these changes are, how much they can significantly affect mobilization, i will tell you this, probably not at all... a popular
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thing, but if such, such quality and volumes there will be reinforcements in the armed forces, we are in for a very bad thing, we are in for a disaster. and we have to fight all over the country, we, as soldiers, are very supportive of mobilization, because it is our replenishment, because there are a lot of units that have simply ended, and you can as many as you like to make drones, as much as you want from western partners of technology, well , there is simply no one who will ride on this technology, and drones are also launched by people, qualified people, and there will be no one to... launch them, if things continue like this. the authorities must be told honestly and clearly: different technologies can be invented, but one way or another we will come to the fact that
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everyone will still have to fight. we rode for a long time on these volunteers, motivated guys, but believe me, they end physically, many of whom are with us no more and... or they are, but they are wounded with a huge number of contusions, various other injuries, but they are knocked out, and they are still running out of energy, because it is not easy to fight with such intensity for the third year, but here, and it can be compared to just this war, forgive me for such a comparison, but with a football team, which has a huge bench, and which does not have any red cards yet, and there is no one to change at all. and now we have such a situation that there are simply no people, and something needs to be urgently, necessarily changed, and if we will not change this approach, well, believe me, after a certain time, i think it will be conditional for six months, it will be very, very bad, we
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are all talking about victory, but let's still sometimes, well, let's not indulge in propaganda, sometimes talk about possibilities and defeats, that what we should do or what... to do so that this defeat does not happen, because, well, such a possibility is also, also simply there, so that everyone is aware of it. mr. yehor, another important, important element of this law or draft law, which made changes to mobilization, was demobilization. spokesman of the ministry of defense of ukraine, dmytro lazutkin says that in 8 months there will be a new law, why does it take 8 months to write such a law, you, as a person who wrote laws, who passed laws, can you explain the logic, whether those people understood this logic, which are at the front? the logic is incomprehensible, moreover, as you probably all well understand, the military never, even i
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never dig on the internet and line up some, shall we say, logical reaction, the signals are very bad, because when the military is told... that friends , mobilization will, wait, we will soon adopt the rules of the game, and then they say that it is impossible, why are we talking about it at all, this is a signal that they have been cheated, that is the main thing, a signal that they have been cheated, why did they talk then, and the first moment, the second moment , after all, we ukrainians love freedom, we give our lives for it, and freedom is usually a choice, so ukrainians should draw at least a hypothetical choice and say: friends, in three, five, even seven years, you will have there will be a choice, an opportunity to go through demobilization, believe me, when the guys hear something like that, this there will be additional motivation, this does not mean that they will all run to write there a statement about dismissal, not at all, believe me, this is
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even an overestimated story that they have a normal salary, they already have a new profession, many ordinary soldiers have already become a company, and sometimes even somewhere... a baton, a huge number will remain in the armed forces, but people must be given a choice so that they do not feel like slaves or serfs, that some have been forced into the army and there is no way back , they are waiting for rotation or vacations, and others there mow from the army, enjoy in restaurants there and so on, this is actually very demotivating and it actually splits the country, the country, on the contrary, needs to be stitched together, so the question of demobilization is urgent... it is necessary to decide in order to clearly answer to all the guys, let it be, i am saying 5-7 years there, but this question must be answered. the people's deputy of ukraine, sbu colonel roman kostenko, is of the same opinion, who believes that under the condition of constant rotations, most of the soldiers would return to the front after demobilization.
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let's listen to what roman kostenko said. i know, all the more confident, communicating with soldiers, that if there was a deadline... there is a defined period of 36 months, there are 48 and many people would probably leave, but i'm sure, i don't know the percentage, but according to my feeling it's 78'. after a while, it's a month or two there, would go back feeling that they rested, because they are motivated, they are patriotic people who would not be able to stay away and watch their country fight, so this is precisely the question of of freedom, which must be decided that they, well , they are warriors, and no, not slaves, yes, well, that’s the opinion of roman kostenko, i hope that with her agree and those who now... fight in the armed forces of ukraine and are on the eastern and southern fronts, and in general in
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the ukrainian army. mr. yehor, i thank you for participating in the program, this was yehor firsov, a serviceman of the armed forces of ukraine. friends, we work live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those of you watching us live right now, please subscribe to our pages on these platforms and take part in our vote, because today we're asking you about legitimacy putin: do you think putin is the legitimate president of russia? yes no. everything is quite simple on youtube, either yes or no, write your comment under this video. if you 're watching us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote. if yes, then 0800 211381, no 0800 211 382. all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. next, we will be in touch with roman tsymbalyuk, journalist, former vaskor unian in... roman, i welcome you, thank you, i am glad that you are with us today, serhiy.
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for those who watch us both on tv and on youtube, you have a unique opportunity to subscribe to a millionaire journalist, a person who has collected 1,200 thousand subscribers on youtube and become 1,2001 subscribers and help develop roman tsimbalyuk's youtube channel. let's start with this legitimacy itself, since this week parye passed a resolution on the recognition of putin's illegitimacy, people's deputy oleksiy honcharenko, who was in strasbourg and watched it on espresso stated that the adoption of the resolution on putin's illegitimacy is a decision that will further enable this issue to be promoted on the international arena. let's listen briefly to honcharenko. this is the tool that ukrainian diplomacy has now received, and not only ukrainian, but also all our allies in
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order to clamp down on putin, to recognize him as illegitimate, to prevent his diplomatic and foreign policy maneuvers, and how do we do this we will use the tool and what we are going to and what we will achieve with it, well, this will only show life, unfortunately, if there were such a body in the world, which is all there... putin is illegitimate, putin has disappeared, well, there is no such body, it does not exist, but this decision, it gives us essential tools for further this is a question of putin's illegitimacy, inadmissibility, inadmissibility of contacts with him, then it's about promotion, roman, how does this decision affect and whether it affects putin's position in the world and in particular in europe. well, it is clear that this is such a declarative thing, and it
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does not affect the course of the war in any way, and let's decide regardless of whether we consider the russian maniac to be legitimate or not, the number of missiles they launch towards us will not change from this, and this is an important moment, then there is diplomatic work, diplomatic activity and so on, there are, let's say, places , with which you can work. well, if we are talking about the legitimacy of the russian president, then in general, this topic should be pumped up here, why, because a little more time will pass, it is clear that due to the war, we will not have elections on time, and they will pump up the topic of zelenskyi's illegitimacy, that too , such an aspect that, regardless of how the citizens feel about the president, the current president, we understand that... while there is a war, it is quite problematic to organize a vote, although i have heard different opinions on this
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matter, so uh, when they we will have something, if or when we hear something out of pain on this matter, then we just need to record that in general, putin has been an impostor since 2008, they have two terms recorded, then they started playing the game in a row, well, it’s in the word is nonsense, then they rewrote it. the constitution, and so on and so forth, well, that is, that is, he illegitimate, well, and for the russians to note, then they will be told that we are not you... well, this is quite an interesting question, the fact that you say that he constantly rewrote russian legislation, but in addition to all that he is elected in the temporarily occupied regions of the ukrainian state, and it is clear that this is the legitimacy, this is
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the purity of that, even the pseudos. spoke, she also questions it, because it turns out that the citizens of ukraine voted for putin, and here for any conscious person, whether in europe or in the world in general, how can citizens of another country elect a president, even if these presidential elections are falsified, but here it is simply written in white threads, or in white threads it is clear that everything is sewn, and everything this... legitimacy that will be demonstrated, the so -called legitimacy on may 7 in the kremlin, it can in principle be called into question, whether ukrainian diplomacy needs to torpedo our partners more about this legitimacy, because you correctly said that lavrov already six months ago he said that we have questions
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about the legitimacy of zelenskyi, but maybe by... may 20 we won't have such questions anymore, i don't know what he hinted at, but he constantly talks about the illegitimacy of zelenskyi , and if they are already asking questions about zelensky's legitimacy, don't we need to more actively promote and promote this thesis that he is illegitimate? i think that everyone should do their job, well, just the diplomatic corps that works with the word, well, why not... no, this is one of the aspects of our foreign policy. i would just pay attention to what? well, first of all, elections on ukrainian territory, they have been held since 2014 on the territory of occupied crimea, and from that moment on, we are questioning all these issues with putin's legitimacy. i think, in fact, yes, i agree that diplomats deal with the question of
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whether the tsar is real and the tsar is not real, we already know that. i think that we need to think more about what kind of gift we will give to vladimir manyak putin for the inauguration. it is very interesting that for some reason the whole russian campaign is here and there team, they believe that we will destroy the crimean bridge by may 7. i don't know about the plans of our military command, but i think it would be such a worthy gift. in a brotherly way, well if, if there was already such an attempt on putin's birthday, remember, on october 7, and there was already such a strike, it was not counted because they reported it, quite quickly, yes, yes, look, here's what there is a debate, legitimacy, illegitimacy of president putin, what to do with him, to hit russia or not to hit, and as
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a result, we see time magazine on the cover. with navalny's widow, yulia navalnya, and the first interview after her husband's death with journalist simon shuster, the same simon shuster who wrote a book about zelenskyi, and here navalny says that it is very bad that ukrainians do not want to cooperate with russians who oppose the war , what she says, good russians is a very bad phrase, i think they just don't want to. these anti-war russians, but such russians do exist, it's just hard to expect them to go out on the streets, because as i said, not all people are heroes, they are ready to resort to various types of struggle, it is important to support these people, i believe that it is a mistake of the ukrainian government to ignore them, but here navalny appears as if he is a leader or
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one of the leaders of the opposition, and is there even an opposition in russia? well, my opinion is that there are such public figures, and the position is those people who can come to power, and from this point of view there is no position in russia, even these puppet parties like ldpr, they are not a position either, it is just a part russian authorities, so the so-called people who are there because of the chances clever'. or because of some other nonsense , they think that they will be elected there one day, well, it's actually just a delusion, but i'm looking at this... statement of yulia navalny, here she is saying that the ukrainian government is wrong about something, and this is what they are ready for
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cooperation, i understand, for any, are they ready, they, let's understand, if you are ready for something, then offer it, if you want some kind of support from ukraine, then talk about it too, and specific things, and we in general and... temperament and before the great war were a little different from them, and now even more so. these are general phrases, but they do not see him day or night, that is, i understand very well that there is a dictatorship, and again, here are her statements about the fact that not everyone can go out, sorry, she is so stupid, who doesn't understand that it's midnight. and went out into the street, he left a long time ago, he is gone, her husband has already been killed, she is about some street there, i remember, i just want
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to remind you that once upon a time in fbk, a whole party structure was created in its representatives means, that is, there were real people, so let's decide, what do you want, if you want to fight for power, then those are actually an honest answer very... simple, all these appeals, we are against the war, let's stop shooting, that's all, that everything is stupid, and if they want to gain power in russia, then they should say it a little differently, not lay down their arms, call in russian soldiers, but use their weapons, turn them against the russian, as we have already found out, illegitimate authorities, the russian illegitimate power and act... accordingly, i want to emphasize that as far as i know, and i understand this, all the ukrainian special services are looking for russians who are ready
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to cooperate with us in some way, and the language is not always that it is necessary to get in there and risking one's life to do something, but there is still nothing to do the time of slogans, it has long passed, so if we are wrong about something, then we must tell yulia navalna: that i have declared myself the leader of the russian opposition, well, maybe i am wrong, i say that she is nobody, but they cannot prove to us that there is some benefit from them, and we eat them we will help, here we have a unit of the rdk, if they decide, or when they decide to go to moscow, we will help them, charge them, give out all the bcs, charge them, refuel tanks, or mercedes, whatever they will go for... depending on the situation, you can do that, and so, you know, this kind of reproach towards ukraine, that
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we did not appreciate something there from their point of view, but excuse these underdogs, they don't even imagine anything about their state about russia. let me remind you that when navalny boarded the plane from germany. i used to meet in moscow at that time at the vnukov airport, but the plane flew to another airport and he was detained there and he never got out of prison again, i will just remind you of the chronology of the event, they flew to think that the russians would take him to the kremlin after the film about putin's palace, well, if they did thought, then they really don't know this country, so i want to emphasize once again... i think we don't talk about it too much, that we don't treat russians through the lens of a passport, in fact, well, at least i think
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that you will agree with me, we have people who now on the territory of ukraine with a russian passport, and who do not differ in terms of views, we should not look for any good russians, a good person is not a profession, if you have any proposals, you go out with... them, if it works for the benefit of all of us, the use of our state, your return to the russian federation, we will always find a common language, but here are the statements that ukraine is not doing something there, the fact that we do not pray for navalny, well, that's what we have for for this reason, and i understand that a person was killed, but we well, excuse me, we won't forget why, not because we are spiteful, but because at that moment navalny... and this company, his team, they legitimized the war against us, that's actually everything, how they say, just business,
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if you change yours. go and we will change our approaches, for example, i will stop using the conjunction crimea is not a sandwich, but if you do not do this, and you somehow owe us something, then we do not owe you anything, go to moscow, you are right, because well actually what i hear and what i read in interview navalny, i have the feeling that she is not what she is, she... not only does not understand what is happening in russia, she does not understand what is happening in ukraine, although she has enough opportunities to make a picture of what is happening here, she lives abroad and has all available resources. another rather short topic, this all-russian flood in the urals, orsk, orenburg, that the mound there is already going under the water, what does this mean that...
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russia, in fact, was holding on to these, as it were , on shit and sticks just all these dams which now they are there, you, you cannot say as a presenter, but i can, as i eat, from shit and fello, i simply could not formulate clearly, but i could not come up with a more clear, clearly wording, well , the truth is, for russians, all the more so it's understandable, because it's still there. please tell me, well , this means that they are not inside the country, that this whole system is decrepit, it is the same as these dams, that at some certain moment everything that is there will collapse very quickly, and this autocracy and the dictatorship that exists, it can also break through in the same way as that one the vorsku dam, maybe, maybe not, here you see,
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er... it might happen, the water will go down there right now, and they will tell these people who are not at all the subject of something, of any process, which it is happening there, they will be told, you want money to earn money for new houses, everyone, everyone, sign a contract with the ministry of defense, go to war, it might even come back in the end, how powerful it is. you see, well, the fact that there are some systemic crises, crisis phenomena, that is, in winter they froze all there, and the central moscow the area that is there, well, just there, sorry for the money, just here it is, just everywhere, just very very expensive and a lot, and the fact that again these breakthroughs dump, again looks like a system problem, but it does not mean , that it will somehow sprinkle and... i
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am looking at this big water and on the one hand i am happy to see it, why, because it is not that i am happy there that people with russian citizenship have some problems, i am not interested in it , i am interested in the fact that the resources of the russian state will go instead of a conventional war some restoration of work, but the problem, as far as i am concerned, is that it can drown there 100 times, but... it will find money for the war, therefore , make some assumptions that there or because of , if so, moscow went under water, well, it would be interesting to see, and so what, well, some region floats, and by the way, look, there are quite good houses, that is , russians, they are also different, there is also a wealthy part, there are a lot of people who they don't live
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in... shacks on chicken legs and they have a lot of cars, not only chinese, but also others, that is, this story is so complicated, and you see, they, as it were, they don’t like it very much, and they even proclaimed such a word as vilas, but they do not conclude, vilas in relation to whom, putin is somewhere in space with nato is fighting, you understand, and there are some bad guys there, well, they are bad there... one more thing, well , i don’t know, maybe the mayor of orsk will be imprisoned there, or he will move to dubai to live with his son, maybe this will be the end of it, that is, us but i am only interested in the ability of the russian state to wage war with us, for now, uh, for now, we are everything understand, they will fight, you know, i'm in context.


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