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tv   [untitled]    April 20, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm EEST

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valery chechalashvili, a georgian diplomat, economist, politician, was in touch with us, my part of this evening ends, i say goodbye to you until tomorrow, good luck. the murder of a 20-year-old policeman in vinnytsia, which is known at the moment, in bukovyna, unknown persons attacked an employee of the tsk and fled ukraine in such a way that he broke his leg. greetings to everyone from espresso, i'm anna javamelnyk, news editor, summing up today's day. people were injured as a result of
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a rocket attack on odesa, among them a three-year-old child, she was hospitalized, the forces reported defense of the south. the russians attacked the city with three kh-59 missiles. fires started as a result of falling debris. a private house was destroyed, four more houses were damaged. rescuers pulled out a woman and a child from under the rubble. as of now , the fire has been extinguished. emergency services are still on the scene. the russians struck with drones the communities of nikopol, marganytska, mirivska and pokrovska in the dnipropetrovsk region, the head of the region, serhiy lysak, reports. as a result of the attack, five private houses and farm buildings were damaged. on buildings, a bus stop, a utility company and power lines. fortunately, no one was hurt. the russians hit six people with rockets in the sumy region, the regional office reported. military administration. the occupiers
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attacked the city's infrastructure. the consequences of the attack are clarified: emergency services are working on the spot. large-scale fire in sumy. a non-residential building caught fire there. the flames engulfed the roof, walls and wood that was inside the room. the state emergency service was notified. the rescuers managed to localize the fire and prevent it spreading to neighboring houses. were not injured. and the number of dead as a result of the morning attack by muscovites on vovchansk increased to two. two more people were injured, the kharkiv regional prosecutor's office reports. the russians shelled the city with a rocket salvo system and overthrew capt. shells hit a private house and a nine-story building. there, the third entrance was destroyed, the roof was damaged. two residents where blocked from the apartment, per day. the russians
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attacked the industrial district of kharkiv - informed the head of the city igor terekhov. 250 a kilogram-sized air bomb was detonated in kharkiv oblast. the state emergency service showed a corresponding video. in the zolochiv community, the projectile hit a civilian building where people were working, fortunately it did not detonate. pyrotechnics arrived at the scene of the incident. if it were to detonate, there would be very great consequences, namely the death of civilians and extensive destruction of the premises. when we arrived at the place where this explosive object was found, it was decided to remove it, after which it was transported to a special underground site outside the population centers, and our department carried out the destruction of this non-security object.
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controlled detonation. maxim zaretskyi. the ministry of internal affairs released a photo of the murdered 20-year-old policeman. without an only son. maksym's parents remained. they wrote in the department. let me remind you that today in vinnytsia two unknown persons in camouflage opened fire on policemen. one law enforcement officer was killed, another was wounded, the vinnytsia police reported region a tragic incident occurred in in the haysyn district at 2 o'clock in the morning, the criminals were driving a dark suzuki grand vitara. their cars were stopped for a document check because they violated the curfew. a police operation is underway in vinnytsia and odesa regions. orientation about the suspects was sent to all regional units of the national police, and the office of the prosecutor general of ukraine reported that a criminal case had been opened in connection with the attack. the ground forces announced. that
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employees of one of their companies are present at the video attack parts, there comprehensively contribute to the investigation. a motor vehicle wreck happened on zhytomyrska. on the highway near kyiv, the motorcyclists lost control and crashed into the car in front of them, one of the drivers was injured, local media write, law enforcement officers are working on the spot to find out the circumstances of the tragedy. in bukovina, unknown persons attacked the military territorial assembly center. the event took place near the village of chornoguzy. previously, a group of civilians used physical. and blocked the car of a tsc employee. a soldier with a purpose defense fired a shot into the ground and called the police. law enforcement officers are investigating the reasons and circumstances of the incident. he took the gun. what
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are you doing, where are you shooting people? get away from it, i said get away from it, what are you doing here? he fled abroad and broke his leg. border guards rescued ukhalyant near transnistria. the fugitive's ex-wife contacted the hotline of the state border service and reported her husband's injuries. he lay on the ground for four hours and froze. the border guard went to look for him squad with a service dog. they found the man and provided medical assistance. he is threatened by the admin. the belgorod region of russia was attacked by drones, their air defense forces allegedly shot down three terrorist drones there - the ministry of defense of the country stated that they were terrorists, explosions also sounded in kursk, the city was attacked by drones,
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a large-scale fire started as a result of the shooting, the details of the attack are being clarified: green and red water, eco-activists painted it. the grand canal of venice reports ansa. in this way, the activists wanted to emphasize the necessity solving the climate crisis. the colored paint was poured into the canal from a cruise ship plying the waters of venice. the police detained two french tourists. this action is associated with the exhibition of modern art that is currently taking place in the city. rescue organizations received humanitarian aid from european countries. according to information from the state emergency service of kirovohrad oblast, these are more than two dozen generators, motor pumps and solar panels. all aid will be divided among the units of the garrison, according to theirs needs silence is the name of the
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performance exhibition that opened in the capital. the author of the works is an anonymous serviceman, the only thing known about him is his callsign. the man's works and poems are devoted to rethinking silence after returning to civilian life. it conveys peace, i think, probably not every kyivan, but every ukrainian wants to see this exhibition, and you know, to distract a little from today and enjoy the silence as it was before. the paintings themselves. i really liked it because there is over what to think, that is, you look at these pictures, and you have your own emerging associations. more than half a million ukrainians spoke their native language, united thanks to the all-ukrainian movement.
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today, its members celebrate two years since its foundation. during this period , project volunteers organized more than 7,000 conversation clubs throughout ukraine for free. the classes analyze the most common mistakes and help overcome the language barrier. today , the united movement celebrates its two-year anniversary, it is a wonderful, young public organization that took on the goal of popularizing and promoting the ukrainian language among all those who wish to learn it today. and we talked a lot today about the fact that the ukrainian language is our weapon, that the ukrainian language is the code of the ukrainian nation. that the ukrainian language is currently an element of national security, and i am sure that the ukrainian language will become the language of victory. world volunteer appreciation day. it is today that he is celebrated by yudys. ukraine is a worthy example of uniting and helping the army, people and animals.
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ukrainians have shown that there is a place for the most difficult times for hope and support. and our volunteers are a particularly reliable rear for the armed forces of ukraine. they about... demonstrated their power to solve extremely difficult tasks and their desire to bring victory closer. espresso tv channel expresses its gratitude to everyone who found the strength and courage to do it. good deeds. espresso also likes to help our military. we are still collecting communications and security equipment for the reconnaissance unit of the third regiment of special operations forces. in the hot eastern direction, they will choose ours in hard battles you independence. thanks to these brave soldiers , we can live, work, study, and to at least give thanks, let's close the collection as soon as possible. the goal is ambitious 72. there are no small donations, every hryvnia of yours is of great importance, join,
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you can see all the details on the screen, i tell you, see you on the 21st, see you in the news, the results of the week, then the saturday political club with vitaly portnikov and andriy smoly. andrii smolii and vitaliy portnikov are broadcasting the saturday polyclub on espressa tv channel. today we traditionally discuss on saturday all the most important events of ukraine and the world. and we already have our first guest. vladyslav seliznyov, military expert, colonel. former spokesman of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine. congratulations mr. vladyslav. congratulations and
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glory to ukraine. glory. so, let's talk about what you think the situation on the front looks like now. it seems to me that now the russian army of occupation has a certain window of opportunity. and it is connected with the fact that the ukrainian defense forces are critically short of key components that will provide the firepower of our units. it is about artillery, ammunition for that artillery, aviation. component and air defense system. i hope that in the near future we will hear good news from the ocean, but the enemy is in a hurry. no matter what decision is made today in the american congress, the enemy is in a hurry to take maximum advantage of this situation, when we are frankly short of artillery ammunition. the nato general notes that now the ratio of artillery shells is not in favor of ukraine. for one ukrainian projectile, there are about 10 russian ones. president volodymyr zelenskyy notes that there are 30 russian planes for one ukrainian plane, that is, the ratio of forces and means is definitely not
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in our favor, only the number of the enemy's own air bombs or their analogues based on guided air bombs during the first two weeks of april was 1200, i think , that the rate of use of this type of weapons will continue to grow, which means that the ukrainian army is on strategic defense. is under a lot of fire pressure from the enemy army, and if we keep hearing in the news information that the extremely difficult situation in the chasov region, south of marinka, west of avdiyivka, we also have to understand that the situation in the kupin-limansk direction, in particular in the limansk direction, is not easy in the south of zaporizhzhya region, in particular, in the rabotino region and in the staromykhaivka region, that is, the situation on the battlefield is being determined. the total advantage of the de facto enemy army, well, accordingly, the stability in the defense of the ukrainian defense forces, and here we must
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give due credit, a certain amount of tasks, regarding the construction of engineering fortifications is already being signaled, these fortifications already allow us to stabilize the situation on the battlefield to a certain extent, the advance of the enemy army, despite its total superiority, is distinguished by an advance there at the level of 100, 200-300 m during the day, although for the conditions of such a ratio of means... it would seem that the advance of the enemy army should have been more extensive, but nevertheless, thanks to the courage and triumph of heroism of our soldiers, we manage to hold the front lines. mr. vladyslav, for the past few days, the enemy has been hitting odesa, the dnipro, and zaporizhzhia almost 24 hours a day. should we expect similar strikes in these cities and possibly others in our country in the next few days, weeks? is it worth considering? to make a complete fool of the enemy , who acts unsystematically and not without trying to realize some strategic mission there,
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i think it is not worth it, we understand absolutely clearly that the enemy is insidious, the enemy is clearly experienced, and the enemy is transforming its activities to the conditions of the current russian-ukrainian confrontation. so, in more detail, the hostile missile and drone attacks on the south of our country are connected with the fact that he is trying to destroy the infrastructure, in particular the infrastructure that is involved in the implementation of the grain agreement, extreme flights from... not far from the settlement of yuzhnoye what comes in, comes through our grain terminals, and this is a serious challenge regarding flights in the territory of the dnipropetrovsk region. it is obvious that the enemy is trying to destroy as much as possible with the help of missile and drone attacks our railway infrastructure, why? because he understands that ukrainian logistics is currently preparing to accept large-scale deliveries of weapons and military equipment within the framework of relevant agreements with our overseas partners, and therefore we are trying to weaken our logistics capabilities as much as possible, including by destroying key railway
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hubs, centers, logistics hubs, which are usually used to transport military goods. the meaning that concerns kharkov, it is obvious that the enemy is trying to turn it into a complete ruin by creating the so-called sanitary zone, this is not my statement, it is the statement of vladimir putin, the dictator there, the russian dictator, so it is obvious that putin is trying to implement this mission, the creation of a sanitary zone, by turning a million-strong city into a city of vaccinations. and tell me, mr. vladyslav, what needs to be done from the point of view of scaling down ukrainian air defense, what? to prevent all these strikes, because now the president is already talking about the possibility of strikes on nuclear power plants, which of course may not be not only a catastrophe for the ukrainian energy industry, but also a catastrophe on a global scale. and mr. vitaly, i thought about this issue and i did not find a single argument that would absolutely with one hundred percent benefit prevent putin from implementing, not implementing such a plan, well, what
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can actually influence him, and from time to time we see that the enemy is willing ... of a critical level of provocation, for example, at nuclear energy facilities, in particular at the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, do we hear any such conscious reaction from the side of the world community to such blatant actions by the russian occupation army, no, there is a certain concern, there are certain statements that do not carry any real processes, practical actions, which should curb the strange encroachments of putin and his entourage, i think that and as for nuclear energy facilities on the territory of our country, on those territories that are under the control of the ukrainian government, it is unlikely that putin will pay particular attention to any reactions, given the fact that before that it was completely impotent on the part of our western partners, and therefore such risks exist, and i think that everything is determined only by the presence of the enemy's resources and their readiness
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to use these resources specifically for our nuclear energy, as for... the activities of the enemy's army are aimed at destroying our energy complex, then it it is also absolutely logical, he works with his missiles and drones on our hydrogen generation and heat generation facilities, respectively on distribution nodes, along highways, including those highways that ensure the flow of electricity from the countries of eastern europe to ukraine and in the reverse corresponding direction, i.e. systematic purposeful methodical work is aimed at weakening as much as possible. energy potential of our country, including for what purpose? the key mission, it seems to me, well, considering that spring is stealing on our territory and the disgraceful season is behind us, most likely the enemy is trying to deprive our enterprises of the defense-industrial complex of energy in this way, because it is obvious that now it is the ukrainian defense industry that provides part of the needs
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of the ukrainian army under the condition of delay from arms deliveries from the ocean and certain limited capabilities of our european partners. our international partners have committed to actually supply ukraine with additional air defense systems, there are scholz's statements about the patriot systems, do you think this will really help improve the situation with the prevention of missile strikes and how quickly, most importantly, these systems can be delivered to ukraine. here, only statements will certainly not help us in any way, here are real deliveries of batteries. will be able to strengthen our capabilities, there is a certain ongoing discussion, how many do we need, the president called the maximum figure 25 patriot systems, at one time mr. podalyak claimed 12-13, i heard the figure 7-8, in any case, no matter how many of the same anti-aircraft systems of non-defense
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patriots we get, all this works to strengthen our capabilities of our system. air defense, because in fact in time we are losing our strategic-level objects due to the fact that we critically lack the same ppu systems, according to the missiles for them, and i hope that the political decision, which adopted both at the level of nato and at the level, in particular, of the german government, will be very quickly transformed into real supplies of this type of weapons, because it actually determines the fate and lives of many of our fellow citizens, but... what is happening with russian planes can be considered a a certain turning point in the fight against air targets? and i think that taking into account the fact that in 2000 it seems to be the 13th year of the e. the last s200 complex was removed from the combat composition of the ukrainian armed forces, now the reverse process continues, the s200 complex is returned
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on combat duty, missiles for this complex undergo a certain upgrade, a certain update, and thus their technical characteristics increase. general budanov, just the other day , stated that it was not only the vorozhev tu-22 m3 strategist that was targeted from the g200 complex. a co-bandit, who launched a missile on our territory from the black sea near sevastopol, an x22 missile, and also the same, the same type of missile, the s200 air defense system was deployed on the flying radar of the a50 complex of the military space forces, the armed forces of the russian federation, i.e. the resources we have, this is not the first time we have used them with serious effectiveness, and i hope that we have enough resources to continue to use this powerful ... air defense complex to target enemy aircraft, and it actually imposes certain, certain obligations on the russian generals, because they are forced to a certain extent to transform the use of their strategic
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aviation and keep, forced to keep their strategic bombers as far as possible from our territories, from those territories that are under the control of the ukrainian government. the russians actually do not use caliber missiles, unlike what was, let's say. in 22-23 years, this can already be considered a victory over the russian fleet, or will they still use these missiles in the future to replace some other types of weapons? in fact, it is a very valid question, because the russian defense industry continues to manufacture the same calibers, but recently we do not often hear news that the enemy is mass-prohibiting calibers, what is the reason for this, whether it is the lack of a certain infrastructure. the territory of the military port of novorossiysk, whether due to the fact that the corresponding mines of launchers
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on warships are destroyed as a result of the intensive use of the same calibers, or there are other reasons why the enemy did not implement this mission, perhaps there is a process of accumulation, in any case, , that the enemy, having a sufficiently powerful weapon capable of giving a distance of up to 2 thousand km, is not using it now, this is great news, although i would... i would not feel completely safe, why? because rather for all the enemy, including due to the redeployment of part of his warships, and now this is being actively discussed with an emphasis on the statement of our gur, he moved part of his warships, seeds, calibers to the caspian sea, this is a very real mission, because the volgodonsky networks canals and their gateways allow to implement such a mission regarding the movement of the same combatants. well, at least parts of it, which means that the entire territory of ukraine will still be in the risk zone, even in the case of launches of the same calibers from the northern parts of the water area
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of ​​the caspian sea, but it is difficult to say with certainty and unequivocally why the russians are not actively using this missile component now, because it is obvious that the enemy is in no hurry to reveal the secret of these processes, and we can only make certain inferences. and tell me, how do you generally assess the situation with the black sea fleet? will the russians manage to restore some of its capabilities, at least, perhaps, using this new base in ochamchir? i don't think that base will be able to house enough fighters ships, but the fact that the enemy has clearly lost its flagship, the russian guard cruiser cannot under any conditions and circumstances return it to the combat team, because now there are other visitors and crew members on board this flagship of the russian black sea fleet, which was destroyed by ukrainian missiles, but those... the rest, which are now closer to the caucasian coast of the russian federation, all those ships, they will continue to remain there, because the enemy is sure that at least
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the northwestern part of the black sea the sea is definitely completely under the control of the ukrainian army, enemy ships do not dare to put their noses behind the horn of mystorkhanka, this is the western part of the temporarily occupied crimea, and the transportation by sea to sevastopol also takes place with... reservations, because ukrainian drones work too efficiently and too painful for the enemy army. please note that the russians use their aviation component so intensively to keep watch over the black sea that this often leads to technical breakdowns and, accordingly, losses, in particular combat aircraft and combat helicopters. i think that there will be more in the future, because the intensity of hostilities and the use of appropriate equipment yes... these are signs, but as you can see, the ukrainian army is systematically and methodically working to blind the eyes of the occupying contingent that
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is operating on the territory of the temporarily occupied crimea. and sevastopol, and the cotton that happened the other day on the territory of the dzhankovsky airfield is only one of the elements of the implementation of this plan. thank you, mr. vladyslav. he was with us vladyslav seliznyov, military expert, colonel of the armed forces of ukraine, spokesman of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine, in 2014-2017. we will break for a few minutes now, but stay with us, there are still important dialogues ahead. laughter, physical activity, sneezing. even during such a small load, urinary incontinence can make itself felt. feminost uuro helped me. thanks to its natural ingredients, feminost uuro helps restore control over urination both during the day and at night. feminism uuro - urination under control. ask at pharmacies. there are discounts on glycysed and glycysed max of 15% in psyllanyk bam and oskad pharmacies. lacal fix reliably fixes, my
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drones on moscow and other russian cities, analysis of processes that change the country and each of us. ukraine should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and the guests of the project: we are bored, because there is nothing to fight about, let's have a good time, they help us understand the present and predict the future. for the world, a second trump presidency will be terrifying. a project for those who care and think. political club. every sunday at 2 10 for espresso. what to do when there is a liver? alohol, but what for bile? alohol, it protects the liver and gallbladder, alochol with care and respect for the liver and bile. premium sponsor of the national team presents
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in... together stronger watch at 21 news, week summaries: decisive saturday the house of representatives considers bills on aid to ukraine, israel and the indo-pacific region. the pentagon is already ready to quickly send a package of weapons to kyiv. the document will soon be approved in the house of representatives and the senate. air defense systems will be. defense ministers of nato countries agreed to strengthen and provide further military support to ukraine. approximately one in eight people in the world will participate in the vote. parliamentary elections are underway in india. why is it important for ukraine? about this and much more already at 9 p.m. on espresso.


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