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tv   [untitled]    April 19, 2024 5:00am-5:30am EEST

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we are planning an asymmetric response and will carry out such work on the destruction of both the infrastructure and the air component of the armed forces, of course we would be reassured and simplified by the presence of an aviation air component in the near future, in particular with the appearance of the f-16 and the corresponding missiles that can cause uncorrectable losses for invaders, and of course, we need air defense, yes, we need patriot systems, both the military and politicians talk about it, and there are, believe me, cheaper systems, and we already use them, and there are unique ukrainian developments, in particular regarding the modernization of air-launched missiles, we already... have them, and we have modernized
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the missiles, mr. pavle, thank you for your analysis, for your thoughts, for your words, i hope that our viewers, both the authorities and our viewers took away some information, some analysis. pavlo kishkar, officer of the armed forces of ukraine, chief of staff, deputy battalion commander, former people's deputy. convocation was in the espresso interview program, well, our viewers, i hope, will be stay further with espresso tv channel, and we will see you in a week in the same program, thank you, goodbye, watch this week in the collaborators program. betrayal under
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the soffits. why was the people's artist of ukraine sentenced to 10 years in prison? ruzhena rublyova, soloist of the kherson russian academic music and drama theater. but how to turn from a successful actor into a kremlin jester? don't ask too many questions, this is not ukraine for you at all. greetings, i'm olena kononenko and this is the collaborator program. about the traitors who follow the heart of a tagaman went to serve the rashi occupiers. culture and art cannot be left out. politics, especially when this beastly underpolitics kills ukrainians every day, annexes our territories and tries to destroy our identity. for more than two years of full-scale war, media people, singers and actors made their choice: either ukraine or bloody rubles. in past issues, i have already told you about the famous singer-traitors who continue to entertain the imperials. today i want to pay attention to actors who open theaters temporarily occupied territories of ukraine and... the so
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-called russian classics there. the honored artist of ukraine ruzhena rublyova celebrated her anniversary, as befits a people's favorite , with a benefit on the stage of the native theater. leading roles, solo concerts, the title of people's artist of ukraine, as well as international tours and, of course, thousands of fans. ruzhena rublyova lost all this on february 24, 2022, as i will tell you now. ruzhena rublyova was born in... 1967 in the urban-type village of askania nova, in the kherson region. she has been since childhood was on stage, performed at concerts in the local cultural center. after school , she entered the kherson music school, majoring in choir master. and since 1999 , she worked at the kherson regional academic music and drama theater named after mykola kulish, as an actress-vocalist, choirmaster and author of musical arrangements for performances and concerts. tham-tham-tham for more than 20
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years of working in the theater, ruzhena managed to go on tour in 10 countries of the world, including portugal and france. as a choirmaster , she collaborated with the kyiv national choir academic theater of operetta. i never wanted to change my theater for another one. over the years, the scene and contribution to the development of ukrainian culture in 2021 by decree of the president of ukraine. was awarded the title of people's artist of ukraine, but she did not stay as a people's artist for a short time, because she betrayed this title by defecting to the side of the invaders to the accompaniment of a russian balalaika. when kherson came under the onslaught of orcs, lyubov rublyova's love for ukraine and her native theater disappeared somewhere. instead, ambitions appeared, they already wanted to perform on the big russian stage scene ruzhena took her steps of treason gradually. initially, in the summer of 2022, she became the director of... two music schools in
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kherson, but for the great ambitions of the zaprotyn to be a director, well, it is somehow shallow, so already in september, rublyova took the stage in the center of moscow and was accompanied by the choir of the national guard troops. the russian federation performed a musical composition of our 10th airborne battalion. this concert was dedicated to the russian occupation of part of ukraine. ruzhena rublyova is a soloist of the kherson russian academic music and drama theater. take a look how much determination in her eyes, how much pride on her face. she is here today, on this stage , singing a song about what... is not worth the price of victory, and it doesn't matter how many people die, how many destinies are crippled. if the dictator putin wants, they, his loyal slaves, will do it. here she is true devotion to the botox killer. after this concert , rublyova engaged in campaigning for
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a pseudo-referendum on the accession of kherson oblast to the russian federation, and on february 14, 2023, she performed the symphony of one soul solo in the temporarily occupied genichisk. that's where they moved all ministries and institutions of the occupiers after the liberation of kherson. and do you love the theater as much as i love it? the occupiers also moved the kherson music-drama theater to genichesk, renaming it to the russian one, and of course they made the comedian rublevova the director of this primitive variety show. she quickly forgot about the self-sacrifice of the ukrainian choirmasters, now she puts on disgusting russian classics. and is actively touring. in the occupied territories of ukraine and the russian hinterlands, performing in a number of times in collective solyankas of russian artists in moscow. here is her video from of a recent performance in russia at the golden gramophone award. develops the culture of his region, works with children, holds concerts,
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no matter what. such an outrageous pro-russian position did not go unnoticed. in... in august of that year, the traitor rublevova was announced as a suspect, after which the case went to the rivne city court for consideration. and so, on march 26, 2024 , a sentence of 10 years of imprisonment appeared, with the confiscation of all property, and these are several of her apartments, which will become state income. ruzhena rublova was also banned from holding a position in in the field of culture for 12 years. hrublyova could have continued to shine on the ukrainian stage, but instead she chose to dance to russian harps for bloody rubles. who knows, maybe soon she will entertain her cellmates with her songs and dances. at least we really hope so. in general, during the occupation
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, 25 artists-collaborators were fired from the kherson academic music and drama theater named after mykola kulish. general director oleksandr knyga announced this. one of such shamefully dismissed traitors is honored artist of ukraine yevhen gamayunov. how he managed to become a werewolf from a favorite of the public, i will tell you now. i answered you, i did not ask unnecessary questions. this is not ukraine for you at all. yevhen worked at the kherson drama theater for 17 years and played more than 100 roles. in 2017, he became a scholarship recipient of the annual monetary award to outstanding figures for their contribution to the implementation of state policy in the field of culture and art in the kherson region. in 2000, in the 19th year, gamayunov received an honorary diploma from the ministry of culture, in the 21st year, he became honored artist of ukraine. let people go to all the plays, you have to go to the theater and watch the play, that's what we work for, to give emotions to the audience. but time will show
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that gamayunov does not care who gives emotions, he is not against playing both in russia and in the temporarily occupied territories of ukraine. when kherson was occupied, he together with rublova quickly found his way from a ukrainian actor to a clown of a fake kherson russian academic musical and dramatic theater, which was created by the rashists. here is gamayunov participates in a cultural program dedicated to the visit of representatives of the occupation authorities of the kherson region to the russian city of anapa. but when our troops approached kherson, this cultural figure realized that it was time to dig his heels in... temporarily occupied genichask, there he participates in productions under the direction of rublev's cosplay of the leningrad drama theater named after ukrainophobe maxim gorky, and at the invitation of the imperialists sometimes with is located in the capital of marzenny bolyt, moscow. sheep, horses, ring cushions, this is me
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i will not read. yevgeny doesn't have much time to be a clown with his russian masters, he has yet to play the most important role in his life - remorse for his actions in the ukrainian judge. folk songs, and then she unexpectedly sang the national anthem of russia. meet, this is another traitor, viktoriya viktorivna kumanovska , born in 1968 in the city of nova kakhovka, graduated from the kherson school of culture, was a member of the famous folk band slavutyanochka. ukraine. the whole earth carols. when kherson
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was occupied, she quickly changed the ukrainian national costume to a loafer and a braid and began holding concerts in honor of the russian army and the occupation. here is a photo of her participating in an event organized by the rashists. but this traitor did not manage to stay in kherson for a long time, she attacked the left-bank part as soon as the armed forces began to liberate the region. now there he entertains with his throat. a russian murderer and waiting for suspicion, i think, sitting behind bars, she will not have as much fun as singing the national anthem of russia and waving tricolor rags, and we will definitely witness her clumsy and belated repentance. it was a program collaborators and i, olena kononenko. if you have information about the kremlin henchmen, write to us at this e-mail address or simply on facebook, together we will send all the traitors on the trail of the russian ship. see you later. a week on espresso. watch this week in
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the judicial control program with tatyana shustrova. contest to the constitutional court. as a nephew of the candidate, he was promoted in the courts where she worked. i cannot forbid him. but why does the contestant law professor collect executive proceedings. the year turned out to be difficult for all of us. congratulations, this is a judicial control program. and we always talk about the main reform, the direction of which depends on our european prospects. how is the new judiciary formed in ukraine? how is the competition for the constitutional court of ukraine going, and who can soon occupy a high position. about all this today, but first traditionally, before the news. oleksiy tandyr, the judge of the makariv district court of the kyiv region, who last year in a state of alcoholic intoxication beat a serviceman to death. national guard vadim bondarenko, who was on duty at the checkpoint upon entering kyiv, is allegedly trying
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to avoid punishment by mobilizing into the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine. for several months in a row, tandyr has been applying to the court with a corresponding request, he expressed his desire to become the deputy commander of the company in nizhynsk tro. according to watchers media journalists , he even received a letter from the military unit about the readiness of the command to take him to their ranks as an officer of the psychological support and recovery group, but... the judge rejected the request and tandir kept in custody until june 2. note that mobilization is a fairly common practice among judges involved in criminal cases. by joining the armed forces, they stop court proceedings against themselves. it will be recalled that in may 2023, the head of the makariv district court of kyiv , oleksiy tandyr, in a lexus eu-350 , hit 22-year-old national guardsman vadym bondarenko, who was on duty at a checkpoint in kyiv, 3 minutes before the start of the curfew. at the last meeting of the second disciplinary chamber of the supreme council of justice regarding the tandyr case, a video from the scene of the accident was made public.
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the footage shows how the judge opens the car door, gets out of the driver's seat, approaches the body of the fallen national guardsman and grabs his head, but then tells the police that he is a passenger and calls them biased people. stand up, i see signs of alcohol in you, please stand up, you agree. take a test, you blocked me, i don't understand why, i consider you biased people, will pass tests, look, i consider you biased people by vehicle, right or wrong, i don't know, you are the driver, no, who are you, i am the owner cars, i'm nothing committed, i was a passenger. at present, judge tandyr, although suspended from the administration of justice and in pre-trial detention, has not yet been dismissed from his post and still receives a considerable salary, and even more so now he has a chance to simply escape from justice... by mobilizing to the ranks of the zes. the supreme council of justice dismissed
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yuliya berlimova, head of the henichytsky district court of the kherson region. after the start of the full-scale invasion of russia, berlimova went over to the side of the occupiers and is currently being prosecuted under russian law, which was illegally created by the russians in henichetsk of the judicial body. another person was elected as the head of the occupation court. however, berlimova remains a judge there and probably received a russian passport. it is also known that the judge's husband serhii dobrovolskyi. cooperates with the occupation administration. last year, in november, the vkk appointed a qualification assessment of judge berlimova , and of course she did not appear for the interview. 238 candidates. apply for positions in the higher anti-corruption court, 153 of them for 15 positions in the first instance and 85 candidates want to sit in the seats in the appeals chamber of vax, among them are 11 acting judges of the first instance of the higher anti-corruption court who want to be transferred to the appeals chamber. at the first stage of the selection , the suitability of the candidates must be assessed by the higher
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qualification commission of judges. those who pass it successfully will face a qualification assessment and testing in person. moral and psychological qualities, as well as a commission together with his nephew in a one-room apartment in kyiv. at that time , the boy was studying at the kyiv national university of culture and arts, where, by a sudden coincidence, oliynyk was teaching. i did not take any exams from him, i did not communicate with anyone, and it would even be immoral for me, because i know that i am a judge, and my reputation is quite important to me, on the contrary, these are strict requirements that ... before studying, regarding his behavior, indeed, in the third year, i taught civil procedure to him, because i was the only teacher. after graduating from the university, the nephew was looking for a job, but by coincidence he was able to get a job at the higher specialized court where his aunt worked, then he went to work at kyiv court of appeals, where, as you
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might have guessed, allainyk was a judge. a competition was announced, and i cannot... forbid him, if there is a competition and he wants to work, to exercise his constitutional right, that is why he really passed the competition, and when there was a question of liquidating the higher specialized court of ukraine for consideration of civil criminal cases, he was dismissed, the question of work again became a question, i used to work in kyiv until 2007, it was the court of appeal of the city of kyiv. now, as said, the legal successor, the kyiv court of appeals, in the year 201, it seems, and in the 21st, he submitted documents, he passed the competition, the competition was fair, as i believe, because the tests were on computers, judge allainyk in the fact that her nephew was studying and worked in the institutions where she herself taught and worked, she does not
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see nepotism, i never even thought before that it might happen in the future... such questions would arise for me so that it would be a doubt of my integrity. the panel of judges with the participation of ala oliynyk made a number of decisions which subsequently, the european court of human rights found them to be in violation of international obligations and the european convention on human rights, in particular due to the excessive length of court proceedings and the imperfection of national legislation. in ukraine, i think, like in any other country, zhonden does not want to have a judge. to take part in the adoption of a decision where the european court found a violation of certain provisions of the convention, as well as , as they say, every judge does not want to have some disciplinary procedure. of course there are decision. experts stated that alla oliynyk's explanations, in particular, regarding her nephew's career growth, are not very convincing.
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nevertheless, it is believed that the judge meets the criterion of high moral qualities. oliynyk has already passed to the next stage. the commission will soon assess her professional competence. another candidate for the post of judge of the constitutional court of ukraine made it to the next stage. serhiy riznyk, vice-rector of ivan franko national university of lviv, professor of constitutional law. he collects executive proceedings, in particular for violations of traffic rules. both the judge and the candidate for the post of judge of the constitutional court must treat traffic rules with great respect. fines for violations of traffic rules in serhiy. over the past two years, as many as 18 have accumulated, including speeding violations, improper parking, and phone conversations while driving. riznyk himself is proud that he receives an average of two or three fines every year, and only 2022 turned out to be so fruitful. this 22nd year is really a breakdown in violations and in in the 23rd year, there are three again, two of which are
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parking. disruption for violations is 15 fines for a year... a significant number. the 22nd year turned out to be difficult for all of us, and we, and i, in particular, had a very large work schedule, a significant workload with foreign students in conditions of attacks, in addition, we made several such serious long trips, well, let's say, to kyiv and a little further, to hand over humanitarian aid to our colleagues, we covered 1,500 km at a time, and changed drivers. i do not rule out that it was not me allow such violations. serhii riznyk does not own any real estate, instead he has a lot of savings, 68 thousand dollars in cash, as of 200. 20 years old, wife, small children, i understand that you were the main breadwinner of the family, what are the sources of origin of these
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funds? as of 20 at the end of the 20th year at that time there was this amount of funds, unfortunately, it is already significantly less for this period of time, since the costs were postponed, but i will frankly say that from the point of view of even this, as we say reasonable outside observer. for 20 years of life, with the modest way of life that our family led, this is a normal amount. serhii riznyk explains that he was able to save a significant amount during 10 years of marriage, even before the children appeared, his parents helped with products from the village. our family didn't buy any real estate anywhere, we didn't buy any car more expensive than 11 thousand dollars there, it was once, and the second one cost six thousand there. after the sale of the first one, during almost the entire period of time, we once went on a trip abroad with our children, i say once again, i
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i'm not proud, because you have to find time for your family, for such expenses, but we lived economically, our parents helped us with natural products, this is a fairly common practice in ukraine, by the way, a group of experts passed serhiy riznyk to the next stage of selection. we will soon find out whether a lawyer will become a judge of the constitutional court. and for today i have everything. if you want to report corrupt judges or illegal decisions, write to me on facebook or to this email address. see you in exactly a week. big air of vasyl winter. two hours of airtime. of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is like, two hours to keep up with economic and sports news, two hours in the company of your favorite presenters,
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presenters who have become kind to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening at espresso. greetings viewers of espresso. today in the studio with you, i am artem logutenko, journalist and part-time presenter. today we will talk about a very difficult topic, about one of the most terrible crimes of the russian regime, which is the deportation of ukrainian children. with me in the studio is a talented lawyer of the regional center for human rights, mrs. kateryna. roshevska, mrs. kateryna, i congratulate you. good day. i would like to start a conversation with you about the number of children that the rashists took to
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the territory of the russian federation in preparation for ether, i was surprised by how striking the difference in official data is. for example, the representative of the verkhovna rada of human affairs , dmytro lubenets, called the number 150,000 his colleague "daria gerosymchuk, the president's commissioner for children's affairs, named 300,000. actually, the president himself talks about 19,500 children. well, in russia, official data tells us about 700,000 young ukrainians who were taken out of the temporarily occupied lands of ukraine. ms. kateryna, tell me, why is there such a striking difference in the official data, and which of them should we..." it is worth believing. this is actually the question that is of interest, including to a foreign audience. usually, this starts any discussion about how many people the russian federation deported or forcibly deported
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moved ukrainian children? and the answer to this question is simple and complex at the same time. only the russian federation, as the aggressor state that carried out this deportation, knows how many children it kidnapped. because it is her duty to provide an appropriate list of children, a list to the international committee of the red cross. in order for these children to return home to their parents, other relatives, or, for example, return to ukrainian foster families. at the same time, the russian federation ignores this duty, as do many others obligations under international law, and that is why we still do not have such a list, although from time to time nebendzia, the representative of russia at the un, or their minister of foreign affairs, serhiy lavrov, talk about some kind of list, which seems to be even published somewhere, although without notes . so we have some numbers, you name them, i'll try to explain the plus-minus difference in human terms. 19,546 ukrainian children have been identified today, they...
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information about them is available on the children of war platform. the administrator of this information is the national information bureau, that is , a structure created in accordance with the norms of international humanitarian law. our competent authorities, including the attorney general's office, insist that the numbers are fully verified, verified, and can be trusted. is this the final number? no. and even in my work experience, we often identify children who are not in this database. what does that mean, why aren't they there? these can be status children, orphans, children deprived of parental care, as well as, unfortunately, war orphans who have lost their parents in connection with the actions of the russian federation, no one was looking for them, that is why no one contacted and that is why there is no information, we are doing this on behalf of, as if relatives of these children, trying to facilitate the return of such children to ukraine, because they should not be discriminated in some way there only because they are not currently in this
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base, so the base is dynamic and... it is updated and will be updated, i hope, not at the expense of the fact that the russian federation will continue to deport and forcibly will move ukrainian children, and due to the fact that we will identify more and more, whether there are hundreds of thousands of ukrainian children deported by the russian federation, and why the russian federation itself eventually talks about 700, and about 730, 740 00, who will more, you know, as if there is some kind of undeclared competition, these are the children who, according to their... statistical documents , crossed the border of the russian federation, this does not mean that they are there now, this does not mean that these are unaccompanied children, the russian federation itself already, to be honest said that mostly these are children with their parents, which in no way eliminates the question of whether such a transfer was legitimate and whether it is not deportation, i.e. accompanying parents does not mean that it is a legitimate thing and a legitimate act, so i would say, and taking into account...
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from the activities of our organization, and the fact that we see how many children are taken away for various reasons, how many children could potentially lose their parents and become military orphans, and there is no information about them either, it is still not hundreds thousands, that's tens of thousands children, so it is not 20 thousand that are currently identified, it is more, but i would not have to, i would not take it upon myself to talk about hundreds of thousands, and russia declares that it sends ukrainian children to so- called... camps re-education, what is it? for the russian federation, in fact, as she says, these are summer camps, however, what we are documenting is already autumn camps, and winter, and spring, and year-round camps, yes, absolutely correct, this is exactly the process of re-education, it is when actually concentrating ukrainian children in a limited space, this former soviet, these pioneer camps, summer camps, together, by the way, with russian
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children, and... also together with children from the occupied territories for already 10 years, unfortunately, in such a team, the russian federation, using specially methodologically developed materials, organizes russification, political indoctrination, i.e. brainwashing of minsk, so that children become loyal to the russian federation, as the aggressor state, and militarization of these children. and just recently with fresh information, the children who were taken to the territory belarusians from the occupied kherson region. this happened, they arrived yesterday, and they were taken out four days ago, that is, such a long road, and here is one of the girls, a small 8-year-old, she said that she knew how to use a weapon, that they were taught, they were shown there how and what it was intended for this or that rifle, and of course, the belarusian propaganda journalist there said that these were children's fantasies, but i wouldn't be so sure, because seeing them...


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