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tv   [untitled]    April 17, 2024 6:30am-7:01am EEST

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20 million people in ukraine left the territory where they live today and went west to the european union, this is the goal and task, i think we should decide, maybe even openly announce that you are leaving, zelensky is conducting a real act on this territory, here it will be it is not clear why go to europe, 20 million and region by region plunge ukraine into darkness, the enemy. the country of the modern third reich responds accordingly, so there are recipes, there are stories, time-tested, well , time-tested in history, it’s obvious, he probably means hitler, you see, now there is no difference, they literally see it that way, just exterminate everyone on the territory of ukraine, submerge district after district and talk about the fact that it is something there themselves. ukrainians are guilty of
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this, as always, by the way, i am saying that these are not isolated words, this is literally the kind of rhetoric that they have now on absolutely all tv channels, and actually the fact that they do not even consider , that they fire someone, allegedly, no, they do not fire, they openly say that they destroy, everything that concerns everything, that regarding the latest events, including shots of attacks on critical infrastructure facilities of ukraine, should have happened earlier, and we said about this, the worst thing in this situation is to think that we have an unlimited amount of time to conduct a special military operation. it is reminiscent of the first world war, but it is not the best example in our history.
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and what should be done, i have said for a long time, are strikes on the infrastructure, strikes that do not distinguish between military and civilian, if all of ukraine is in the cold and dark, if there will be no railway connection, no fuel, nothing, then no one will be able to deliver anything either on the front line or outside the front line, this must be done for two to three to four months. i think we need to destroy infrastructure facilities. and you perfectly understand that it is impossible to separate objects. therefore, all calls to level everything, it is necessary to say that all calls about fraternal nations were lies.
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ukrainians, for some reason, their inner picture is that, you know , this is how they will be hanged themselves, that is, against the background of their cries, the first thing that they see how they themselves will be punished, i just want us to understand different aspects, for example, unprecedented in the history of weather observations, apocalyptic in nature, the phenomenon is scary, there are secrets revealed. heavenly, a terrible flood, people
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are suffering, more than 11 m excess, the water level is 11 m, 2 m more than everyone expected, and the country sees the pain of people and tries to help, it is very important to understand that no one is trying to forget them, and this is of course important, regional authorities, the ministry of emergency situations, and federal authorities, that's why they are sent there, but it's not, well, unfortunately, it's a little bit wrong, they happen. you know, you know, overlays during the time, so we will not see what, unfortunately, i wanted to show you, well, the point is that they talk about the fact that they have such an inner picture, how simonyan will be hanged on the right side, on the left side of solovyov, and in the middle, well, probably putin, i don't know who else they see there, they are afraid to even say what it is, it's even scary to think, says semenyan, who is there, so what...
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what such is their inner picture is drawn, and it is not surprising that she is drawn to them, because it is clear that people who essentially call for the genocide of another. they have no other end than that sooner or later they will hang like this and this picture will become reality. see you quarter finals of the champions league only on mego. barcelona-psg and man city-real. who will go further, who will leave all hopes on the field? find out on april 16 and 17 exclusively on megogo. the premium sponsor of the national team represents.
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united by football, stronger together. large floor. the largest conversational format of ukraine in evening prime time in general, i believe that we need two things: money and weapons. we did not start this war, but we must finish it and we must win. all the most important, every thursday at 9:15 p.m. in the project velikiy lviv, broadcast on the tv channel. verdict with... rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback communication, you can express your opinion on the bad day by phone
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survey, turn on and turn on, verdict with serhiy rudenko, every day from 20 to 22 at espresso.
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the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. modern history has no white spots, any event in one way or another leaves its photo or video trail in social networks, it is recorded by private individuals and professional journalists. the internet remembers everything. the only question is
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which of the versions of events is to be considered true. my name is rudenko. this is a review of the official military video. so indeed, one and the same event can be covered. different parties, and depending on the point of view or personal preferences of the author. and here the phrase official source takes the stage, that is , the source of information, the point of view of which corresponds to the position not of an individual citizen, but of the entire state. however, modernity dictates its requirements, and the media that tells about the war is no exception here, because no matter how cynical it sounds, even the war must be told in an interesting way. weapons are technical devices and means used to destroy the enemy's manpower, equipment and structures. and if you waging a hybrid war, you need a weapon to threaten it. no weapons, no army. a weapon is a soldier's working tool.
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every soldier has a weapon, even in rear positions. weapons are different, from cold, projectile, to chemical and nuclear. now there are no nuclear weapons in ukraine, but an assortment of fire. of firearms is quite wide. the project already in the army appears every week on the youtube channel stratko muse defenders of independence. each new issue tells about the small arms that have already reached... the armed forces in ukraine. fresh the issue of the program is about the glock-19 pistol. today in the glock-19 issue. the gun was developed by the austrian company glock. it was first introduced in 1988 as a more compact version of the glock-17. at the moment, it has five generations, which allow it to imitate all the advantages and get rid of the disadvantages. the hallmark of glock pistols is the use of a trigger. single-action mechanism and high combat and operational qualities. it is in service with
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police, special forces and armed forces around the world, including the vatican, where it is used by the swiss guard. in ukraine, it is in service with the armed forces of ukraine, sso and special units of the police and sbu. produced in caliber 9:19 by parabel. first of all, this is an interesting story from an interesting person. a story about assault actions, tactics and motivation of the enemy, a story about the real situation in the combat zone and answers to the questions: who should fight, how should we fight, what am i fighting for and what can be a guarantee of victory? this interview lasts 21 minutes, which is quite a lot in today's reality. according to its format, it is not similar to the classic one a video clip about the war, because it does not contain footage from the scene of the events at all. you won't see or hear a single shot while watching this video, although... it's about assault action, but i 'm sure you'll watch this video in one sitting, because the concentration of experience multiplied by
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the ease of delivery, it's literally addictive. so, the 110th separate mechanized brigade, attack aircraft on the pseudo-blackness. it's black. why, boy? i once read the book kholodny yar by yury gornisagorsky, there was such a man andriy chornota, such a fierce soldier, he fought for ukraine. and so i took it as if blackness had summoned him, him, him, i took him call blackness, the book is gorgeous, but if you take the book, it echoes now, and when we read, we see what the russians are doing now and what then they did, one by one, for 100 years, history repeats itself, one by one, that is , their narratives are the same as they once were, they came to us in ukraine, looked with square eyes, how come ukrainians live a lot, they have nothing else, and now they come the same way, exactly the same situation, if not us, then russia will go further. there is a saying: one
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is not a warrior in the field, and it is true. in modern conditions, when heavy weapons and drones are widely used, it is the interaction and mutual support of units that is the factor that determines the difference between defeat and victory. you can have excellent training and motivation, have weapons and ammunition available and beat the enemy effectively and efficiently. but if the neighboring unit for one reason or another does not hold its section of the front, then you can be surrounded, and the only way to provide in this case remains air. on the official youtube channel of the 95th airborne assault brigade recently released a video describing the course of a unique special operation, the purpose of which was to unblock a position surrounded by the enemy. an important role in this situation was played by drones, which not only provided intelligence and coordination of the actions of the troops, but also transferred them to the surrounded position. means, the enemy was either
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destroyed or defeated and fled, that is, we looked through the quadcopter, saw them fleeing, shuffling, hiding, after that the group went on a sweep, in one of the a serviceman was discovered in the dugouts. of the adjacent units, who was captured a few days before, he was very happy to see us, according to him, he had already said goodbye to life, having reached the extreme point, secured himself and was already waiting for the reinforcement group that was approaching, the whole operation included interaction artillery, our tank was also working, our bpelas were working , both maviks and large ones that drop, lighters, and thanks to the coordinated... actions of all units, this operation was successful, we unblocked to our position and released
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about a kilometer of our land. the actions of the group are coordinated and coordinated, therefore, after receiving the task even in two hours, everyone gathered very quickly, developed a plan and went to the task. those who are interested in the history of the anti-terrorist operation probably know this terrible figure: at the beginning of the russian-ukrainian war... in 2014, up to 30% of wounded soldiers died due to lack of medical care, the system of field medicine and evacuation had to be built literally from scratch. as of now, the chances of a ukrainian wounded person's survival are much higher compared to russian ones. in general, even in the conditions of a brutal, large-scale war with all its numerous problems and troubles, a much more humane attitude towards its soldiers is the hallmark of the ukrainian army, and what is characteristic, this fact is recognized even by the enemy. the system of evacuating
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the wounded, the very fact of its existence and, without exaggeration, the heroic actions of ukrainian combat medics, crews of medics and... doctors are worth separate studies, coverage in books, feature films and scientific works. the 60th separate mechanized ingulets brigade recently launched its youtube channel video with the title one day of the evacugroup, and here the title itself speaks for itself and does not need additional comments. the best wish for the medics is that their shift is quiet and boring, but for now we have what we have, a more or less peaceful life is over, it 's actually moving on.
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at one time, foreign observers were sincerely surprised at how cool you came up with the children's drawings that the volunteers sent to the front. russian propaganda tried to discredit this idea, saying that everything was bought, and the ukrainian military often joked that children's drawings add additional armor for military equipment, but the question of soldier's motivation, understanding why,
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for what and for whom he endures the hardships of the military. services and risking their lives. the issue of soldier motivation is no less important than the provision of weapons and ammunition. technically, a child's drawing is just a piece of paper and is unlikely to stop an enemy bullet. however, the drawing is a kind of bridge between the civilian world and the war zone. a peculiar and eloquent way to say to a soldier: "thank you for your service." 141 infantry brigade expressed sincere thanks to the children of the koloden lyceum for the transfer. drawings, the corresponding video appeared on the official youtube channel of the brigade. i can reduce a lot, but we all have the same dream, to end the terrible and fierce, terrible war. i will draw
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a happy child on paper, where birds are flying in a peaceful sky. i... i will draw my native ukraine on paper, without grief, without poverty, without death, without trouble, i will draw on paper a happy child, where birds fly in a peaceful sky, i will draw on paper my native ukraine without war. the defense forces of ukraine is a huge structure that consists of hundreds of formations. and divisions, which respectively have their official pages in social networks. the army generates a lot of diverse and, importantly, interesting content for every taste. so i remind you, this is not the final and it is definitely not a hit parade. this is a review of the official video. do not forget to like, repost and subscribe to the channel, ask questions in the comments and
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generally support our army. see you next week. goodbye. see this week in the collaborators program. betrayal under the soffits. why is the people's artist of ukraine received 10 years in prison. ruzhena rublyova, soloist of the kherson russian academic music and drama theater. but how to turn from a successful actor into a kremlin jester. there were no unnecessary questions. this is not ukraine for you at all. congratulations. i am olena kononenko and this is a program. grama collaborators about conspirators who at the call of their hearts and wallets went to serve the occupiers of rashi: culture and art cannot be outside of politics, especially when this beastly underpolitics that... kills ukrainians, annexes our territories and tries to destroy our identity. for more than two years of full-scale war, media people, singers and actors made their choice, either ukraine
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or bloody rubles. in previous issues, i already told you about famous traitor singers who continue to entertain the imperials. today, i want to pay attention to the actors who open theaters in the temporarily occupied territories of ukraine and stage the so-called russian classics there. deservedly. the artist of ukraine ruzhena rublyova celebrated her anniversary, as befits a popular favorite, with a benefit on the stage of the native theater the main roles are sleepy concerts, the title of people's artist of ukraine, as well as international tours and, of course, thousands of fans. ruzhena rublyova lost all this on february 24 , 2022, as i will tell you now: ruzhena rublyova was born in 1967 in the urban-type village of askania nova. in the kherson region, from childhood she was already on stage, performed at concerts in the local cultural center, after school she entered the kherson music school as a choirmaster, and since 1999
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she worked in the kherson regional academic, musical and dramatic theater named after mykola kulish, as an actress-vocalist, choirmaster and author of musical design of performances and concerts. for more than 20 years of work in the theater, ruzhena managed to go on tour in 10 countries of the world, including portugal and france. how did the choirmaster cooperate with the kyiv national academic theater of operetta? i never wanted to change my theater for another one. for the years she has lived on the scene and her contribution to the development of ukrainian culture, in 2021, by decree of the president of ukraine, rublev was awarded the title of people's artists of ukraine. but the people. she did not stay long, because she betrayed this rank by defecting to the side of the invaders to the accompaniment of a russian balalaika. when kherson came under the onslaught of orcs, lyubov rublyova's love for ukraine and her
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native theater disappeared somewhere. instead, ambitions appeared, they already wanted to perform on the big russian stage. ruzhena took her steps of treason gradually. at first , in the summer of 2022, she became the director of two music schools in kherson, but for her great ambitions to be a director, well, it’s kind of shallow, so already in september, rublyova left stage in the center of moscow and accompanied by the choir of the national guard of the russian federation , our 10th airborne battalion performed a musical composition. this concert was dedicated to the russian occupation of part of ukraine. ruzhena rublyova, soloist of the kherson russian academic music and drama theater. we will not stand alone for everyone. look at the determination in her eyes, the pride on her face. she is here today, on this stage, singing a song about the fact that russia will not stand at the price of victory, and
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it does not matter how many people die, how many will crippled fates if the dictator putin wants, they, his loyal slaves, will do it. here she is true devotion to the botox killer. after this concert, rublyova engaged in campaigning for a pseudo-referendum on the accession of kherson oblast to the russian federation. on february 14, 2023, she performed a solo performance symphony of one soul in the temporarily occupied genichesk. it was there that all the ministries and institutions of the occupiers moved after the liberation of kherson. and do you love the theater as much as i love it? the occupiers also transported kherson to henichesk musical and dramatic theater, renaming it to the russian one. of course, they made a madwoman the director of this primitive variety show. she quickly forgot about the selflessness of the ukrainian luminaries, now she puts on disgusting russian classics and actively tours the occupied territories of ukraine and the russian
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hinterlands, performing in collective solyankas of russian artists in moscow several times a year. here is a video of her recent performance in russia at the golden gramophone awards. develops the culture of his region, works with children, holds concerts, despite everything. such an outrageous pro-russian position did not go unnoticed. in august of that year , rublevova, the traitor, was accused of being a traitor, after which the case went to the rivne city court for consideration. and so on march 26, 2024 , a sentence of 10 years of imprisonment with confiscation of all property appeared. and these are several of her apartments, which will become state income. ruzhena rublova was also banned from holding office. in the field of culture for 12 years. rublyova could continue to shine on the ukrainian stage.
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instead, for bloody rubles. she chose to dance to russian harps, who knows, maybe soon she will entertain her cellmates with her songs and dances, at least we really hope so. in general, during the occupation , 25 artists-collaborators were fired from the kherson academic music and drama theater named after mykola kulish. general director oleksandr knyga announced this. one of such shamefully released traitors is honored artist of ukraine yevhen gamayunov. i... he managed to become a werewolf from the favorite of the public, now i will tell you: i answered you, don't ask too many questions, this is not ukraine for you at all. yevhen worked at the kherson drama theater for 17 years and played more than 100 roles. in 2017, he became a scholarship recipient of the annual monetary award to outstanding figures for their contribution to the implementation of state policy in the field of culture and art in the kherson region. in 2019, gamayunov received an honorary certificate
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from the ministry of culture. at the age of 21, he became an honored artist of ukraine, let people go to all the performances, you have to go to the theater and watch the performance, that's what we work for, to give emotions to the audience, but time will tell, that gamayunov doesn't care who to give emotions to, he doesn't mind playing both in russia and in the temporarily occupied territories of ukraine. when kherson was occupied, he, together with ruzhena rublyova, quickly became a ukrainian actor... he turned into a clown of the fake kherson russian academic music and drama theater, which was created by the rashists. here gamayunov takes part in a cultural program dedicated to the visit of representatives of the occupation authorities of the kherson region to the russian city of anapa. but when our troops approached kherson, this cultural figure realized that it was time to turn his heels to the temporarily occupied genichask.
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he takes part in productions there. under rublev's direction, the cosplay of the leningrad drama theater named after ukrainophobe maxim gorky and at the invitation of the imperialists sometimes appears in the capital of marzenny bolyts, moscow. sheep, horses, pillows, rings, i will not read these. yevgeny does not have long to be a clown with his russian masters. he still has to play the most important role in his life - repentance for his actions in the ukrainian judge. do not chop in the field, before the bloody war, she sang ukrainian folk songs, and then unexpectedly sang the russian national anthem. our state, russia is our country. meet, this is another traitor , viktoriya viktorivna kumanovska
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, born in 1968 in... and nova kakhovka, graduated from the kherson school of culture, was a member of the famous folk band slavutyanochka. ukraine carols. the whole earth carols. when kherson was occupied, she quickly changed the ukrainian national costume for a loafer and a bow tie and started holding concerts in honor of the russian army and occupation. here is a photo of her participating in an event organized by the rashists. but this traitor did not manage to stay in... sonya, this traitor, set a trap on the left-bank part, as soon as the armed forces began to liberate the region, now she entertains russian murderers there with her throat and waits for suspicion. i think that sitting behind bars will not be as much fun for her as it is for her to sing a hymn to russia and wave a tricolor rag, and we will definitely witness her clumsy and belated repentance. it was the program collaborators and i, olena kononenko, if you
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if you have information about... kremniv sellers, write to us at this e-mail address or just on facebook, together we will send all the traitors after the russian ship. see you in a week on espresso. greetings, it's news time on the spresso tv channel, kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. telephone conversation between the heads of defense departments defense minister rostem omirov held a telephone conversation with...


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