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tv   [untitled]    April 16, 2024 12:00am-12:31am EEST

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yuliya yarmolenko told. meanwhile , american lawmakers called on the speaker of the house of representatives of the us congress on monday to vote on a package of additional funding for the financing of us national security priorities, which includes aid to ukraine and israel. this package has already passed the senate with votes from both democrats and republicans, and we can send it to the president for his signature on monday night, said the appeal to johnson, which was signed by more than 90 congressmen. johnson said this week the house of representatives will again try to approve the necessary aid to israel and ukraine. we'll talk with kateryna lisonova, who joins capitol, to learn more about when congress will consider aid for ukraine. congratulations, katya. congratulations, maria. katy, please tell me if we can expect congress to speed up the consideration of aid to ukraine and israel after this attack by iran on sunday. and when can we expect some developments in aid to ukraine? yes, in fact, maria, it looks like this. that the events in israel really
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move forward and help ukraine, because, in particular, the democrats refuse to vote for an aid package for israel without aid to ukraine, in particular in the senate, as you know, if such an aid package for israel is voted on in the house of representatives and not voted on in the senate, it will not actually pass a vote in congress. earlier, president biden also stated that he will draft a bill that will have aid only to israel and not to ukraine. at the same time, both republicans and democrats are in the middle. own parties do not have unity regarding support for israel and ukraine, some don't want to continue aid to ukraine, others don't want to continue aid to israel, so it looks like, as of now, that in order to pass these two aid packages to our partners in congress, you need bipartisan support, you need unity among republicans and democrats, and it looks like this can only be achieved if these two aid packages are put to the vote together as a package. in general, as for when, as
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you asked, we can expect this vote, the democrats are demanding that it be done today, while the speaker of the house representative, a republican, says it should be expected this week, i suggest you listen to what he had to say in response to this weekend's attack on israel. when israel faces a fierce attack from iran, america must show decisiveness. and support our important ally. the world must see, israel is not alone. i will continue to work with the white house to press for an appropriate response. the biden administration's undermining of support for israel and iran's appeasement contributed to these horrific events. katya, if speaker johnson doesn't want to bring the bill up for a vote today, does that mean he doesn't want to bring up the senate bill that includes aid to ukraine and israel and other partners in a package. and
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drafts another bill instead, and what bill is that? that's right, maria, it means that the speaker actually sees his vision regarding the aid bill for ukraine and israel, you already mentioned the signature of more than 90, 90 legislators of the house of representatives, both republicans and democrats, who actually demand that the speaker bring it to a vote precisely the senate bill, which was already voted in the senate, because if it is voted in the house of representatives, it will then simply go to the signature... and aid to both ukraine and israel can be provided as soon as possible. in addition to this letter from lawmakers in the house of representatives, both republicans and democrats. also , the leaders of the democrats, both in the house of representatives and in the senate, made a separate call to the speaker of the house of representatives to issue this aid in the format of the senate bill. i suggest listening to theirs statements the world is on fire, we must support our democratic allies, fight back against the enemies of freedom. and representatives should
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adopt a bipartisan national security package as early as tomorrow. the best way to help israel confront iran and help ukraine confront russia is for speaker mike johnson and the house to pass this week a bipartisan aid package already passed by the senate. but i will note that despite the calls of both democrats and individual republicans in the house of representatives carry out this aid package is on the ballot today, both today and tomorrow, so far this aid package for the senate option, or any other option , is not on the schedule right now. in turn, the speaker of the house of representatives, mike johnson, in an interview for the fox news channel this weekend, noted that he is working on his own bill, and in particular , it is about changes to the package of aid to ukraine and the provision of aid to ukraine in the form of debt. in
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the format of a loan, let me remind you that this format, on previous president donald trump also insists on this format. katya, in fact, at the end of last week, speaker johnson met with the current leader of the republicans, donald. and in particular they also talked about ukraine, how does this affect johnson's position, has it changed? in general, from what is important to ukraine, donald trump , during a joint press conference with the speaker of the house of representatives, mike johnson, repeated the thesis that he believes that aid to ukraine should be provided on loan. regarding, also, how this meeting with affects the processes donald trump, it is worth noting that, according to the american media, speaker of the house of representatives mike johnson enlisted the help of donald trump to protect. him from the possible dismissal that the far-right republicans are insisting on and demanding, in particular, if mike johnson puts aid to ukraine to a vote, so it can be said that there is a high probability that mike johnson, perhaps not so much now, is afraid of the possibility of dismissal if he on voting aid
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to ukraine, after this meeting, when he enlisted the support of donald trump. katya, thank you, i will remind you that kateryna lisonova told us about the events at the congress. due to the lack of approved funding for aid to ukraine, some joint military programs between kyiv and washington may be in danger of being closed as early as next year. so, to continue training ukrainian pilots for the f-16 in 2025 , additional funding from congress is needed. general dan hokanson told this in an interview with voice of america journalist carly babb. head of the us national guard bureau. programs the partnership between the military cannot be broken - he says, because they allow it. the military to establish long-term relationships, and when politicians in leadership positions change, the military remains and ensures the durability of the partnership between countries. more in the interview. the state program of partnership with ukraine was
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extremely important at the beginning. in 2015, the voice of america participated in exercises in ukraine, which were later transferred to germany. what is the current situation? and how much you can continue without congressional approval of additional funding for ukraine? in 1993, the california national guard began cooperation with ukraine. each year, they usually held about a dozen exchange programs. however, after the first russian invasion in 2014, we and ukraine realized that there is a great opportunity to learn and develop. really take a look. for the lessons of the war with russia in 2014, so at that time we were working with the army to create a training center near lviv, and soon after we started sending combat brigades of the national guard group to train with ukrainian forces, and it was not only california, and many other states. we
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rotated them so that they worked with ukrainians and helped develop their capabilities. we did this until the last days before the war in 2022, well, and then obviously we withdrew our forces and transferred... training to germany. and when it became possible, we resumed training. so, as of today, we continue to provide these opportunities. the missy national guard is currently training ukrainians in germany, and we plan to continue doing so indefinitely, as we have war so that's the funding situation. if you look at the training of ukrainian f-16 pilots that the national guard conducts in arizona, we have funding for these cadets. but i think if we're with... i don't have an exact answer, we're going off
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of a number of factors, but to answer your question, i have to clarify, is it specifically related to additional funding? regarding pilot training. in arizona, when we spoke last time, you said training was going according to plan. the plan holds up, or not delays? as far as we know, the training of the cadets we have is going according to plan. if their numbers grow, then that may be a different conversation, depending on the availability of aircraft and instructor pilots, but for now everything is on track to complete training later this year. there is now a great debate over whether the united states should continue finan. what do you personally feel, should the united states continue to support its ukrainian partners? i can't speak for our country, but i will tell you when you visit ukrainian soldiers, you see how our soldiers
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train with them, this is a great added value, this is a country that is trying to protect its borders and repel the invasion of another country, and we are doing everything possible to teach them to defend their country. as good as they can do it. watch the full version of this interview with the head of the us national guard bureau on the youtube channel. and the voice of america website in ukrainian, and watch the most interesting moments on our social networks: we are on facebook, instagram, twitter, facebook, and also on whatsapp and viber chats. ukrainian yana stepanenko, who lost both legs during a russian missile attack on kramatorsk in april 2022, ran the distance most famously. world marathon in boston. this saturday, the girl covered a distance of 5 km on prosthetics. it was her first big race, during
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which she was supported by spectators and participants from all over the world. iryna shinkarenko will tell the details. everything will be okay. you are better yourself. everything will work out for you. remember. mom gives the last instruction before the start. tyrian yana stepanenko, who is taking part in the boston marathon for the first time in her life, one of the oldest and most prestigious races in the world. to begin with, the girl decided to run 5 km with prostheses on both legs. what scares me? very scary. what are you afraid of? i don't know, i'm just afraid that i won't run, or i won't be able to cover all 5 km. yana came to the usa at the invitation of the american oneworld foundation. founded by people who survived the terrorist attack during the 2013 boston marathon and now
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help victims of terrorist attacks and war. preparation for boston yana started the marathon more than two months ago in lviv. she trained four times a week on running prostheses. ready? ready more than 10,000 participants from all over the world overcome the five-kilometer route with yana. every year for the marathon.
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marathon yana's path to the boston marathon . the director personally put on the medal for yana was very difficult. last fall, she took part in the lviv half-marathon in... then she overcame the symbolic 70 m, because she was just learning to use running prostheses, now yana overcame this distance, a girl from donetsk lost both legs on april 8 , 2022 at the station in kramatorsk, where she and her family were waiting for an evacuation train. russia launched a rocket attack on the station, as a result of which 61 people died and 126 were injured. yana's brother buznyuk was miraculously unhurt, her mother
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lost a leg, yana lost both legs. and then i opened my eyes, my legs are burning badly, i lift my legs and i don't understand where they are, they are not there. she tries to go back from her back to her stomach, i'm on my feet, she doesn't have sneakers, it's just that the leggings are running out, there are no sneakers. underwent complex treatment and re-amputations in lviv, then prosthetics in san diego. they lived in california for a year, where they learned to walk again. it was very hard at first when you step on it and it feels very heavy. now yana not only runs alone, but also supports other ukrainians with amputated limbs. the girl took part in the boston marathon for a charitable purpose, to raise funds for sports. protest for ukrainian military oleksandr ryasny, who lost his leg in the war, he congratulated her by phone, i
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i can't even imagine, i can now run 500 m with a prosthesis, it's so hard for me, i can't imagine how you ran, for your sake, all for you to run with me, maybe we'll run a marathon with you next year, iryna shenkarenko, konstantin golubchyk, voice of america. and to the news in the united states, the gunsmith of the hollywood film rust, because of which ukraine died. operator halyna hutchings was sentenced to 18 months in prison. hanna guterres was found guilty of involuntary manslaughter of a camerawoman, because she mistakenly loaded a live cartridge into the actor's revolver alec baldwin. the actor himself will stand trial in july 2024 for hate murder. he denies the accusation against himself.
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meanwhile, the first criminal trial began in another court in new york. against donald trump. the lawsuit concerns the former president's allegedly illegal payments to porn star stormy daniels in 2016. according to prosecutors, trump's classmate paid the woman $130,000 through a front company in exchange for her silence about a relationship she allegedly had with trump in 2006. the presumptive republican presidential nominee himself has publicly denied having any ties to stormy daniels and making payments. before the hearing, he made brief comments to the press in which he called the case against him an attack on all of america. trump will become the first former us president to stand trial in criminal proceedings. because donald trump must be present in court, the trial
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will almost certainly limit the 77-year-old candidate's participation in campaign events. simultaneously. when the other presidential candidate in this race, joe biden, openly declares his support for ukraine, trump is very cautious in his statements. oleksiy kovalenko , the senior correspondent of the voice of america, learned about how the approaches of the leaders of the presidential race differ regarding the war in ukraine and how the candidates are going to fight against russian aggression. a full-scale war has been going on in ukraine for more than 2 years. week, the united states approved the sale of $138 million worth of equipment to ukraine for maintenance of hawk air defense systems to protect against russian missile strikes. in last month's state of the union address, president joe biden said ukraine needs us support to fight russian aggression. if anyone in this room thinks that putin will stop at ukraine, i assure you, he will not. ukraine
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can stop putin if we support ukraine and provide at the beginning of the full-scale invasion , the biden administration imposed sanctions against russian individuals and entities and granted ukraine $75 billion in aid. stephen cassels, the son of a ukrainian immigrant, says he will vote for biden. watching the war, watching putin and watching the people with whom, at least emotionally, unfortunately, president trump associates himself. it is an honor for me to be with you. thank you. thank you sir. during his presidency, donald trump maintained a close relationship with russian president vladimir putin. 5 years later, he called him a genius for invading ukraine. the washington post emphasizes that trump says he will end the war by forcing ukraine to cede land to russia. the president
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of ukraine, volodymyr zelenskyi, calls this a primitive idea. representatives of the trump election campaign. called zelenskyi's words incorrect. former us president donald trump's adviser, jason miller, denied the publication's material and called the report fake. during a speech in february, trump recalled a conversation with the leader of a country that owes nato contributions to ukraine. ok, if we don't pay and russia attacks us, will you protect us? i said, "no, i'm not protect you." in fact, i would encourage them to do whatever they want. biden and trump's views on how to end the war in ukraine diverge, president trump made a promise to the american people, and they can be sure that he will keep it, to end the war in ukraine and negotiate a peace deal with both sides.this is why isaac gere of new hampshire will vote for is very important to me that we stay out of any
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foreign wars, keep our military spending low and returned ours troops home, but... because they left them at home. meanwhile, the bill on the provision of $60 billion in military aid to ukraine is stuck in the house of representatives of the us congress. oleksiy kovalenko, karolin pressuti, voice of america, washington. download the voice of america mobile application. the application allows you to bypass blocking automatically thanks to the built-in vpn service. read news, watch informative. programs and videos, as well as listen to podcasts of the ukrainian voice of america service. voice of america ukrainian will follow. by whether congress will vote today on any legislation to help ukraine. at the same time , a statement has already arrived from far-right republicans who said that they support aid
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to israel, but under no circumstances will they vote for aid to ukraine. the situation in israel cannot be used as a confirmation of aid to ukraine until our borders are secured, the statement said. friends, this is where we will say goodbye and read breaking news and analytical materials on the voice of america website. watch our live streams, full versions of interviews and stories on the youtube channel of the voice of america in ukraine, and of course subscribe to our social networks to always be aware of the latest and true news, and also watch our daily briefings at 6 p.m., from monday to friday, where you can ask questions of my colleagues ostap yarysh and yuli yarmolenko. thank you for staying with us, good night, good morning, see you soon.
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there are discounts on zipellor of 15% in psylsnyk, pam and oskad pharmacies. vasyl zima's big broadcast. this is the great ether, my name is vasyl zima, and we are starting. two hours of broadcast time, two hours of your time. we will discuss many important topics today. two hours to learn about the war. now. we will talk more about the war, serhiy zgurets with us and how the world is living now, about what has happened in the world, yuliy fizar will speak in more detail, yuliy good evening, please, you have a word. two hours to keep up with
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economic news. time to talk about money in wartime. oleksandr morchivka is with us. alexander, congratulations, please. and sports news. review of sporting events from yevhen postukhov two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. thank you very much to elina chechenii for the information about cultural news. presenters who have become like relatives to many. natalka didenko is already ready to tell us about... the weather on the day i will come, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio, andriy parubiy, a people's deputy of ukraine, who was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. see this week in the program collaborators. betrayal under the soffits. why was the people's
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artist of ukraine sentenced to 10 years in prison? ruzhena rublyova, soloist of the kherson russian academic music and drama theater. but how to turn from a successful actor into a kremlin jester. there were no unnecessary questions. this is not ukraine for you at all. see on tuesday. on april 16, at 5:45 p.m., the collaborators program with olena kononenko on the espresso tv channel.
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greetings, good evening, i'm myroslav varchuk, this is a self-titled program, a joint project of ukrainian pen and the espresso tv channel. today we will talk about the ukrainian cultural or literary canon, that is, those texts. exemplary texts, iconic texts that are important for culture, we will talk about how it changes, who we
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take on board, who... we leave behind, my guest today is vakhtan kibuladze, philosopher, writer, vakhtan, vakhtanje, hello, good evening, thank you for coming, glory to the heroes, so we are talking about heroes, let's start with who we take on board, who determines it, yes, is it us, does the person stay, or cultural figures, artists, writers, stay in the boat, yes, or not. how is it formed, who is it, who decides it? history decides, after all, we are only at the beginning of the process, and what will remain there, we will not live to see it, i am afraid, but she said it incorrectly, well, that is, it is a difference between the literary canon and the wider cultural one, well, it is difficult to say about the cultural canon , because there the criteria are blurred, that is how
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to consider, say, an artist there, whether he is a ukrainian artist or a non-ukrainian artist, by place of birth, by place residence, according to the theme of the works, by what, yes, and how do you define it for yourself, do you have some feeling that there, for example, taiva, it is very subjective, and here it is difficult, i think, in music, in in visual arts, in literature, it seems to me that it is very , very simple, there is a simple criterion, it is language, huh. and no matter what they say to me, i do not believe that there is, for example, the phenomenon of russian-language ukrainian literature there, it is impossible, the language, there is such a big illusion that we, we use the language, we write in the language, no, the language speaks with us, we, we write with the language, and the language writes with us, that is why the writer who is bilingual writers, and there are phenomena of bilingual writers, and it is always a question of which literature to include this writer,
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sometimes to god, and sometimes to... well , to a certain extent, if the writer is monolingual, then it is clear that he creates the literature, the language in which he writes, period, and even if he lives in ukraine and writes in russian, then he is a russian russian writer, that's all. , and here you just need to put a full stop and understand what it is writers are russian, another difficult question is whether russianness means hostility unequivocally, or if it is a russian writer, then we definitely have... you are his enemy, this is a difficult question, because, well, now it is obvious, now there is a war, now i think that everything russian is dangerous for us, but we look to the future, well, first of all, we never know what will really be there, but if we are talking about writers who wrote, or until now , some still write in russian, but at the same time
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they... may be of ukrainian origin, or describe ukrainian plots, i don’t know how to treat them, i don’t have any clarity here, i would introduce another distinction, whether this writer is imperial or not, for some reason we are talking about the decolonization of ukraine, about decommunization, and we we don't talk about the de-imperialization of our own consciousness, and it prevents us, because we are such a trauma, but how will we enter the world culture? like a large number of peoples who don't have there, well, it's easier for me to talk about philosophy, let's say, me, since i've been doing phenomenology all my life, i'm not i can just read it here, i don’t read it here, but here i was researching the work of gustav shpet, who is from kyiv, who graduated from the university
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of st. volodymyr, who is now... shevchenko, where i have been teaching all my life and where i studied, but what is this does it mean that he is a ukrainian philosopher? no, he is not a ukrainian philosopher, he is a russian philosopher, but the bolsheviks killed him, tortured him in the beginning, he was on the curtain, and then he was shot, we cannot even know exactly where and how, but he is a victim of stalinist terror, obviously, but that he is not a russian philosopher, he is a russian philosopher, and he carries with him, despite the fact that he belongs to the tradition. to a greater extent of german language and phenomenology, but he has all the signs of a russian philosopher, first of all, why? because he writes in russian, and berdyaev, berdyaev is also a russian philosopher, he is from kyiv, and this, but he is a russian philosopher, even more berdyaev, he has very dangerous works for us and for humanity in general, a russian idea, this is such a russian anti-fascism, practically modern russian fascists and...


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