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tv   [untitled]    April 14, 2024 11:30pm-12:00am EEST

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good afternoon, thank you for the invitation. i'll start with the president's statement, which sounded a few days ago, where it was said that ukraine needs at least 25 patriot systems, then the minister of foreign affairs spoke about at least seven patriot air defense systems. explain to our viewers how many we have now, and this 7 and 25, are they significant numbers compared to what others have? countries in europe that own these weapons, in relation to the number of patriots in ukraine, you can rely exclusively on public information that has been repeatedly announced, it is about that ukraine received one patriot from the usa, one more from germany, germany and the netherlands were also brought together for two, and from that we are already talking about three, but the president of ukraine volodymyr zelensky also said a few months ago that ukraine received more. two
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anti-aircraft defense systems that can shoot down anything, which was not the case, but the point is that when it comes to an anti-aircraft system that can shoot down anything, this means that it can effectively counter both direct ballistic missiles and aerodynamic targets such as airplanes fall into this category only out of the available and out of the available only two complex patriot because it works effectively both against things like iskander and against airplanes, which well a lot... has been proven once by the so-called wandering patriot and samtsi. but with regard to the sampets, the fact is that during all this time, after quite long talks, italy and france were able, these two big countries were only able to single out one complex. and so, and it was pretty public, so it's unlikely they'd do it again, there rather two at once, and it would certainly not be a secret, given the position and publicity of rome and paris in this matter. therefore, rather than... ukraine still has a little more
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than three patriot batteries, but the question of which patriots are these very, very important questions, because objectively there are now in service in the nato countries in that number and around the world in general, two types of patriot, patriot pak-2, which uses only jam t missiles, which effectively fights precisely with aircraft, high-altitude aerodynamic targets at ranges there of 160 km, and there is a third pak, which has proterake. capabilities and allows you to shoot down ballistic missiles such as iskander, shoot down daggers and even zircon, that is , this is pact three, and it can also of course work with jmt missiles against aircraft, so for now we can only say approximately that ukraine has three dashes five , probably patriot systems, not all of them may be pactrets, for sure 100% is known about3, but regarding the number of patriots in, for example, nato countries, then...
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recently jose borel at the summit of the forum of europe, he directly said that the western armies , that is, the western world, this is nato, this is the usa, plus its european segment, nato, then we are talking about the fact that in general there are 100 batteries, batteries, let me remind you, this is actually an anti-aircraft missile complex, because batteries are such an organizational staff structure, but if you take exactly how many batteries of patriots there are, then there is only one, which usually consists of a single unit, one command unit. eight launchers, again, this configuration is quite vague, we are talking about a modern digital anti-aircraft missile system, so the number of launchers can be changed, as well as usually on the smaller side, some countries cannot afford such a number of launchers in one patriot battery, there, for example, sweden, it orders only a limited number of launchers, a third or four, and japan is also far from poor country, it has five launchers per battery, but if we talk about nato countries. we are talking
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about 100 batteries, to be more precise according to the available information, we are talking about 95, of which 60 are directly in the us, and 35 to 35 are what are in europe, and here are these 35, they are quite conditional, because it is more likely to talk about 30, because now some countries are in the process of receiving additional patriot systems, for example, such as sweden, such as romania. poland, too, yes, let's say it has a plan to increase the number of petreviks at once by two more batteries of reinforced composition, and they plan to order another 12, and so it is also necessary to understand that even receiving the first systems, for example, as sweden did it , it does not mean that they immediately became ready for combat deployment, usually one and a half to two years should be added to this time, this is the standard time until the full combat capability of the system arrives. when after
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we received it, that's why when we talk about seven or 25 additional batteries for ukraine, what are these indicators? realistic in terms of what other countries have, can anyone be expected to share that amount? let's hope, because there is a fairly logical position here, which is broadcast by the ukrainian government, there are patriots in countries, for example, in germany, at least it can there are at least 10 patriots and a third, it is possible that a certain number of them are still in what is called warehouses, maybe in a rather dead condition, then... because they decommissioned them during the course of, starting from the 2000s, that is, they sold them, perhaps they were taken out, that is, their fate is unknown, but they had, well , we can say that she still has about 10, so when, for example, germany only has 10 patriots, and we hope that she
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will give us seven more, yes no we don't talk about that because of course i'm just straight away it is clear that if there is a ratio of patriots to the entire western world, then there is only one. the fourth part, if we talk about 25, well, it already says that it cannot be easy, and even that if europe is in conditions where the usa is not at all with, well, so far there are no signs that this well, objectively, the blockade of aid to ukraine, i don't know what to call it, because it goes beyond any limits of discussion at all, when the usa does not allocate aid to ukraine, and thereby shoots itself in the foot by the fact that now all and in poland. and in europe and even in japan, the prime minister is already saying in a speech in congress that the us should return to the role of security guarantor, because there is no way to provide assistance when you promised to do so, so we exclude 60 batteries from the american ones in this situation, and then even
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seven batteries out of 35 european ones are also quite a significant mark, so of course we are not talking about the fact that somewhere someone has a whole basement there. killed by these, who was killed by patriots, you only need to remember where the keys are from him, open them and get them from there anti-aircraft missile complexes, it is difficult, so immediately, when even without a name, after all, she is the leader of the coalition directly, which, she adds, should get air defense to ukraine, she immediately said that it will not be easy, it will be quite difficult ways with the search for some combinations, well , again, berlin has experience when they collected together with the netherlands. one battery of patriots, the netherlands handed over, by the way, two launchers, the other one was given by germany, and even then there may be such a situation that it will be necessary somewhere brothers, someone will give one launcher, someone will give a communication car, for example, one too, somewhere someone there will hand over a radar station,
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for example, somehow it will be restored, someone there will give it, because it is precisely the radar station that is the main core of the complex, without it it , well, let's say so, this is a separate conversation, but we believe that it cannot work without it, ah, and all this is additional, in fact, in addition to the direct question of where to get the patriot batteries themselves, uh, well, here and there, by the way, it should be noted that germany too she said that she will look for options outside the borders , we have asia and the middle east, as i understand it, er, yes, this is exactly asia, i mean japan, which does not export weapons, in principle, er, maybe transfers them to the americans, but well, or recently, it has lifted its own self-restriction regarding the export of weapons and can transfer those missiles that it produces at mitsubishi under a license from lokhit martin, these are mc anti-missile missiles to be sold to the usa, in
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the event that the usa does not provide assistance, you can forget about it, taiwan, well, there are seven batteries, well japan has 24, 25, and taiwan still has seven, taiwan will definitely not be anything. to give, there is south korea, of course, well, it also does not transfer any weapons to ukraine, and it is quite understandable why, because there, next to them, is the dprk, which constantly tests something there, fires missiles into the sea and demonstrates that they will make ashes and everything else, and the middle east is a very difficult region from the point of view of trade, weapons, and diplomacy in general, but there are really patriots there, in particular only in saudi arabia. can be up to 25, why up to 25, because we are talking about countries that are much more closed in the public sphere than, for example, the countries of europe or the usa, and therefore it is possible to talk only about a certain, well, interval, how much can there be, it is 18 or 25 peters, well about this
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interval, saudi arabia is really quite a possible potential donor, because it is quite directly oriented towards european and american countries. weapons, and let's just say so, there are chances in my opinion, but unless, of course, berlin will negotiate, because berlin has been blocking the sale since the 18th i will bring out the soudivska arava. eurofighter, so here the participation of more london, which was also announced by the minister of foreign affairs of ukraine koleba, who will also look for the patriots, can be much more positive, because the trade balance of weapons from saudi arabia and great britain directly 10 billion over the last 10 years and pounds and dollars, mr. oleg, and we are now talking about payts and complexes, and for some reason we forget first of all that probably the first place should be missiles to... these systems, what with the production, means of impression under the patriot,
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what are the needs, what are the opportunities for manufacturers to satisfy the demand of both ukraine and other countries that use these weapons, the situation here is even more complicated, that is, it is clear that they are not lying around with patriots somewhere, and the problem with missiles also exists, regarding the production of new missiles, because of course there are stocks, we... well, there is still hope that ukraine will still receive missiles from the stock, and not wait until they are manufactured, because otherwise everything becomes quite critical , and maybe just right explains the fact that the search for patriots also rests on the number of missiles that will need to be transferred, that is, even if you get 25 batteries of patriots there, there may not be enough missiles for them in such a banal way, what is the problem with regard to the production of missiles, there are missiles. . in addition to those designed to destroy aerodynamic targets, they are produced
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by rayton, and the officially announced rate of their production is 20 missiles per month, 240 per year on all the patriots in the world, for understanding, if you even just charge these, well, take all american patriots and charge them with these missiles, that means that the raids... have to work for about 7-8 years just to provide one of the total number of american patriots at the current rate, of course it is growing, the important aspect here is that they are growing the production of missiles, now the production of gmt missiles is starting in europe, it will be in germany, a joint venture by ratem + mdba, camblock, but the first missiles should leave the factory in two years, and in the 27th year, the pace is in the year 26-27. the production rate of zm+ missiles should be 35 missiles per month. relatively
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missiles, anti-missiles, more precisely, mci anti-missiles, that is, which are intended for patriots for and should shoot down already ballistic targets, such as the same iskanders, work effectively against daggers, all the rest, then the official notification and, well, this is public information, absolutely, it, it became the subject of congressional hearings in the congress there, even the budget was knocked out. the fact is that locket martin currently produces 500 mci anti-missiles, for everything. well, there is still in japan, but again it is unknown, because japan did not announce any data. relative to the american 500 units per year with a plan to expand their production to 750 per year by the 27th year, but for this, money is needed from the pentagon, from the pentagon, the pentagon needs money from the us congress. that is, everything is complicated, but the plans for 750 until 2027 are quite realistic in
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any case, because again there are more and more patriots in the world, this is the main system that will definitely be in service for another decade, and even taking into account the fact that work is currently underway to integrate these missiles, mc on the american elib missile and other systems from well, ship systems, mr. oleg, right now we are talking about patriots, about missiles for patriots, and in front of you, i am talking to valentyn badryuk, he talked about the need to look around and look for countries that can also have anti-aircraft systems of defense, in particular, there is turkey, south korea, in order to receive support there in such systems of similar power, conditionally speaking, what do you think about this, does it make sense to expand the park of our air defense systems? everything rests in the possibility, in particular, so in let's put it this way, turkey has
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air defense projects, three national projects under the general name haysar, and their essence is to create its own anti-aircraft defense, this is against the background of the fact that turkey bought the s-400, received sanctions, patriot is already there the price tag did not suit them, which is quite understandable, after all, a billion dollars and rockets for 2-3 million dollars. it is quite expensive, so they went the way of investing maximum funds in creating their own, there is a really long-range khaysar-u missile complex. uh, at the same time he is only, let's say, on the stage of completion of tests and the beginning of serial production, that is, it is not that it is possible to get them in a ready form and in the required quantity right now, it is in fact that if you order, you will have to wait for years. with regard to south korea, the whole problem with
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this country is that, again, in the case of missile defense, it relies on the american... complexes, relies on the patriots, relies on the american deployed tet complexes, and ultimately does not produce similar complexes with the capabilities of anti-missile defense . there is a country that really has the ability to create and sell anti-missile defense systems, which also does not export weapons to ukraine, like south korea, this is israel. this is the prasche david complex. extremely interesting, it is already approved for export. its first customer was directly finland, and it has a significantly lower cost than the patriot, and its rocket costs, according to official data, they were announced in the pentagon 20% of the cost of the mci, that is, approximately $ 400-500, against three, and she, this missile must be integrated into the next iteration of the patriot pak4, which
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is currently being developed, but here it is very important , after all, from... but these slings of david and this missile to understand that israel still maintains such a difficult political position regarding the transfer to ukraine and the sale or at least re-export of weapons to ukraine and he blocks it. mr. oleg, just one minute, how would you predict the search for the patriot system for ukraine in the short or medium term, what can ukraine optimally count on for you? by your evaluations, unfortunately, again the situation primarily depends on the usa, if the usa nevertheless adopts its general aid budget for ukraine, then the question of where to take the patriots, where to take the missiles to them, they automatically disappear, this opens up the possibility of increasing the necessary amount of ukrainian means, in the conditions of blocking the usa aid to
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ukraine, this is a very difficult issue, we... in europe will be able to collect really one, maybe two batteries, this is in the short term, in the future, of course, they can say that now one, now the day after tomorrow two, and then we are still there, we are still going there, but this can be later, of course, with such an aim for the 26th-28th year. mr. oleg, thank you very much for your professional comments, for your time, i would like to remind you that it was oleg katkov, the editor-in-chief of defense express, our. information and consulting company, and if we talk about the results of this program, then we really have a demand for at least 25 patriot systems, we see that this is an extremely ambitious goal, if at best we can get five systems of a similar class from our partners , it will be very, very good, yes it is necessary to make a bet on cooperation with european companies to obtain
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european air defense systems, well, after all, do not forget about cooperative pro... projects with a number of countries, where we have to create joint air defense systems of various purposes, which are also extremely necessary to solve various tasks, both for the protection of peaceful cities and for the protection of the battlefield. so, we hope that these projects will develop and they will really have a concrete result on the front line. here they were, the main emphasis is connected with searching for patriots for ukraine. stay tuned... there will be a lot of interesting information on the espresso channel, there are discounts on gliciset and gliciset max 15% in the pharmacies of psyllanyk, bam and ochad, there are discounts on zipelor 15% at the pharmacies
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an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day. this is the shipping district of kherson. turn on live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00. join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. protect yours. the result of their work is our safety. they, the boys from volyn, proved that everyone can be a warrior. strong in spirit, appreciated the ability to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with brothers until holy victory. everyone who pilots a uav understands aita, cooks, treats, repairs, rolls kilometers of roads, fills. stacks of documents significantly strengthens those who cover the enemy with heavy fire and return our native land meter by meter, join the ranks of the hundredth separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, let's keep
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the line together. the search for 12-year-old hleb cherepanov from mariupol has been going on for more than two years. all this time, he does not lose hope of finding the boy. his mother, still none news, we filed all search services in russia, ukraine, and the police, too, despite the fact that a long time has passed since the disappearance, and there is still almost no news, the woman really hopes for your concern and begs you to help her in the search for her son , he is very talented, he played the guitar. he studied well and was so artistic, i wanted him to become an artist, he studied in a quiet class,
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he did everything well, and he had many friends, all his friends worry about him, a very good boy, i miss him very much him mrs. victoria told the details of her son's disappearance. so, hleb lived with his mother and grandmother in mariupol, and they stayed in the city when there was very fierce fighting there. due to shelling, hleb, his mother and grandmother left their apartment and hid in a relative's house. one day , gleb's mother went out on business, and when she returned, she saw that the house where her son and mother were was hit by a s. a man, their neighbor, told me that a shell had hit the house and that the military had ordered everyone to get out and go to a bomb shelter, i
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started to cry, i said, how can i do them now i will find them, he says, take them to a shelter, i was in despair, i didn’t know what to do, where to look for them, whether he was alive, gleb’s mother began to look everywhere for her son and his... grandmother, the woman checked all the shelters and bomb shelters, but , unfortunately, it was not possible to find the boy. on march 13, i was still at the apartment, i still hoped that they would come, that they were hiding somewhere, only on april 14, on hleb's birthday, when it was already calmer, i went out to look for them. however, this time, unfortunately, searches have not yielded any results since then nothing is known about the fate of the boy. there was also a version about the death of gleb when
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a shell hit the house, but luckily the boy was not found among the dead. so gleb's mother assumes that her son could have been injured, perhaps he received a concussion, partially lost his memory and because of this he cannot report anything about himself. it is worth noting that our hotline... 1163 was contacted by a woman who reported that she had seen our program on the search for soil and allegedly recognized him, i think that i saw him, probably with my grandmother, well, he looked similar last year somewhere in may, i am calling because it is a pity that my mother is crying, looking, well, god grant that they are alive, well, in which country, do you know, where could they have left, well , for some reason, my intuition shows me that it is definitely him, the woman said: what she saw a boy who looks like hleb cherepanov on the border with poland, namely at the sheghini checkpoint. it seems to me that he must have left
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the country, from ukraine with his grandmother. but to which country he went, i don't know, i just wanted to say that i think he is alive and maybe he lives in another country, because i heard that at the border, not all children had documents, i did, maybe i didn’t, of course, we immediately passed this information to the police, but at the moment it has not been confirmed that the boy and his grandmother went abroad, so the search continues, if you have if you have any information about hleb cherepanov, do not delay... and immediately report to the hotline of the child tracing service at the free number of all mobile operators in ukraine 116 30. we have created a resource thanks to which you can report any crime against a child . in any in the city, at any time. just go to the site and report, and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the criminal. stop edge and.
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andriy smoliy and vitaly portnikov are on the air of the saturday political club on the espresso tv channel, we welcome you, and traditionally on saturday we talk about the most important events of the week, and today, as always, we will have several guests, and we will have a conversation with vitaly. portnikov, and now our first guest is already, i hope, in touch. serhii brachuk, spokesperson of the ukrainian volunteer army south. congratulations, mr. serhiy. glory to ukraine, glory to the armed forces. congratulations, colleagues. glory to heroes. glory. so, just as we heard the information, there was a conversation between the federal chancellor olaf scholtz and the president of ukraine volodymyr zelensky. there was a message from the minister of defense, federal republic of germany, mr. pistorius,
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that germany would immediately send to ukraine. patriots, but how quickly can this change things, such a decision? well, first of all, i would like to say that, of course, one battery will not be enough, frankly, to at least cover the main areas that today, where there is the greatest threat, the greatest risks, if we are talking, for example, about the south of our country, first of all it is odesa, of course mykolaiv, helson , the situation is a little different there, because it is purely a front-line zone. and there it should be more about, for example, anti-aircraft missile complexes of a small or, small or medium radius, in fact, this is what applies to kharkiv as well, but there are certain other possibilities, they are usually talked about on the live air for sure let's not, it's better than nothing, of course, because we we see that the south is suffering precisely from ballistics, patriots today, these are the weapons that can knock down this ballistics,
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prevent an attack... so threatening and so murderous, as it is happening today, well , look, we have consecutive in the south, two days of mourning, first odesa, this is due to the losses on april 10, then mykolaiv region, this was the next day, the tactic of double strikes is used, that is, he is so openly and brazenly now hitting ballistics, that the countermeasure must, of course, be force, in in this case, if we are talking about the battery, it is usually from four to eight launchers . of course, it must be a certain time for them to arrive in ukraine, especially since during the war we understand what a hunt the enemy has started for how this information appeared in the public space. well, of course, in any case, it will strengthen our capabilities, not as we would like, of course, there, well, it will not be 100%, but nevertheless, it is also from the other side, if we take the political aspect, it a perfect example
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of what we... we all always say, not in words, in deed, i really hope for a certain reincarnation, although i did not believe in it enough to do so, but a little, if i joke, i hope our duke richelieu in odessa, for example, his spirit inhabited president macron, and from there there will be certain, let's say, progress in this regard, i don't know how much there are patriots in france, but the fact that they would be better used today in the south of ukraine, in particular in the odesa region, is 100% here. there are other systems, well, the italian analogue of the patriots, this is something that can also boost us in terms of air defense, i hope it will happen extremely quickly, although, if we take experience war, these supplies still pass quite quickly, if there is a desire, again, if it is not easy...


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