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tv   [untitled]    April 13, 2024 10:30pm-11:00pm EEST

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there are patriots in countries, for example, in germany, at least 10 patriots can still be found, as well as a third, it is possible that a certain number of them are still in the so-called warehouses, maybe in a rather dead condition, because they were disarmed during starting from the 2000s, that is, they sold them off, maybe they took them out, that is, their fate is unknown, but they had, well, we can talk about the fact that she has about ten... so when, for example, in germany there are only 10 patriots, and we hope that she will give us seven more pieces, right? no we're not talking about that because, of course, i just immediately understood that if the entire western world consists of patriots, then one fourth part, if we talk about 25, well, it already says that it cannot be easy, as well as that if europe in the conditions when the usa is not at all with, well, so far there are no signs that... well
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, objectively, the blockade of aid to ukraine, i don't know what to call it now, because it goes beyond any limits of discussion at all, when the usa does not allocate aid to ukraine, and thereby shoots itself in the foot by the fact that now everyone in poland and in europe, and even in japan, the prime minister is already saying in a speech in congress that the us should return to the role of security guarantor, because how can you not provide assistance when you promised to do so, so we exclude it. 60 american batteries in this situation, and then even seven batteries with 35 european batteries there are also quite a significant mark, so of course we are not talking about the fact that somewhere someone has a whole basement there, filled with them, which is filled with patriots, it is necessary just to remember where the keys to it are, to open and get the anti-aircraft missile systems from there, this difficult, so immediately when even a german, after all, she is the leader of the coalition directly and... which she adds must get
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air defense to ukraine, she immediately said that it will not be easy, it will be some rather difficult ways with the search for some combinations, well again, berlin has experience when they assembled one battery of patriots for two with the netherlands, the netherlands handed over, by the way, two launchers, the other one was given by germany, and even then there may be such a situation that it will have to be taken from somewhere, someone will give one launcher , someone will give a communication car, for example, one too, somewhere someone there will hand over a radar station, for example, somehow it will be restored, someone there it, because it is precisely the radar station that is the main core of the complex, without it it is, well, let's say this, it is a separate conversation , but we believe that it cannot work without it, and all this is additional, in fact, in addition to the direct question of where to get the patriot batteries themselves, uh, well, here and there, by the way, it should be
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noted that germany also said that she would look for options beyond the borders of asia and the middle east, as i understand it, er, yes, this is exactly asia, i mean japan, which does not export weapons in principle, maybe transfers them to the americans, but, well, recently it will have lifted its own, well, self-restriction regarding the export of weapons and can transfer those rockets that it produces at mitsubishi under license from delo. martin is against selling mc missiles to the usa, in the event that the usa does not provide assistance, you can forget about it, er, taiwan, well, there are seven batteries, well, japan has 24, 25, and taiwan has seven more, taiwan well, it will definitely not transfer anything, there is south korea, of course, well, it also does not transfer any weapons to ukraine, and it is quite understandable why, because there, next to them, is the dprk, which is constantly testing something there, firing missiles. into the sea and demonstrates what they
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will do with the hive and everything else, ah, the middle east is a very difficult region from the point of view of arms trade and diplomacy in general, but there really are patriots there, in particular, only in saudi arabia can there be 25, why up to 25, because we are talking about countries that, well are much more closed in the public sphere than, for example, the countries of europe or the usa, and therefore it is possible to talk only about a certain m, well, interval. how many can there be, it's 18 or 25 patriots, well, about that interval. saudi arabia is indeed quite a possible potential donor, because it is quite focused directly on european, american weapons, and well , let's say, there are chances in my opinion, but unless of course berlin will negotiate, because berlin has blocked the sale since 18 saudi arabia eurofighter fighters.
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therefore, here the participation of more london, which was also announced by the minister of foreign affairs of ukraine koleba, that london will also look for patriots, can be much more positive, because the trade balance. weapons directly from saudi arabia and great britain 10 billion over the past 10 years and pounds and dollars. mr. olezh, we are now talking about paits, about complexes, but for some reason we forget first of all that, probably, the missiles for these systems should be in the first place. what about the production of means of impression under the patriot, what are the needs, what are the opportunities for manufacturers to satisfy the demand of ukraine and other countries that use these weapons. here it becomes even more difficult, that is, it is clear that it is already clear that they are not lying around with the patriots, and there is also a problem with missiles, regarding the production of new missiles, because there are, of course , reserves, we, there is still hope that
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ukraine will receive after all, rockets from stock, and not to wait for them to be manufactured, because otherwise everything becomes quite critical, and maybe i will explain. there is that the search for petrots rests on the number of missiles themselves, which will have to be transferred, that is, even if you get 25 batteries there, there may not be enough missiles for them in such a trivial amount. what is the problem? and regarding the production of missiles, there are gmt missiles, which are designed to destroy aerodynamic targets, they are produced by rayton, and the officially announced rate of their production is 20 missiles per month, 240 per year. on all the patriotism in education that there are, for understanding, if even just to charge these, well, take all the american patriots, and charge them with these missiles, it means that that rayton has to run for about 7-8 years
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just to provide one of the total zaab of these us patriots at the current rate, of course it is expanding, the important aspect here is that they are expanding missile production, now in europe. the production of gmt missiles will start, it will be in germany, a joint venture by ratem + mdba, camblock, but the first missiles should leave the factory in two years, and in the 27th year, the pace in the 26th-27th year, the pace of production of zm + missiles should be 35 rockets per month. regarding rockets, anti-missile, more precisely, anti-missile mce, that is , which are intended for the patriots for and should shoot down already ballistic targets. such as the same iskanders, to work against daggers effectively, all that other, then the official notification and, well, this is public information, absolutely, it, it became the subject of congressional hearings in the congress there, even knocking out the budget, the fact is that locket martin produces currently 500 mce anti-missiles,
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er, everything, well, there is something else in japan, but again it is unknown, because japan does not announce. no data on american ones 500 units per year with a plan to expand their production to 750 per year by the 27th year, but for this you need money from the pentagon, from the pentagon, the pentagon needs money from the us congress, that is, everything is complicated, but the plans are 750 by 2027 , quite realistic in any case, because there are more and more new patriots in the world, this is the main system that will definitely be in service again. ten years, and even taking into account the fact that work is currently underway to integrate these missiles, without mc on the american yasmin, englik and other systems with well ship systems (agzhis). mr. oleg, right now we are talking about patriots, about
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missiles aimed at patriots, and in front of you i am speaking with alantyt badryuk, he spoke about the need to look around and look for countries that can also have air defense systems, in particular there . turkey, south korea, in order to receive support there in such systems of similar power, conditionally speaking, what do you think about this, does it make sense to expand the park of our air defense systems? everything rests in the possibility, in particular, so in let's put it this way, turkey has air defense projects, three national projects under the general name haysar, and their essence is to... well , create your own proposal, this is against the background of the fact that turkey bought the x-400, received sanctions, the patriot already didn’t like the price tag there, it’s quite possible to understand something, after all, a billion dollars and missiles for 2-3 million dollars, it’s quite expensive, so they went the way of investing
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the maximum funds in creating their own, there is a really long-range khaysarno missile complex. he so far only, let's say, at the stage of completion of tests and the beginning of serial production, that is, it is not about the fact that they can be obtained in a ready form and in the required quantity. now, it's actually, if you order, you have to wait years. regarding south korea, the whole problem with this country is that, again, in the case of missile defense, it relies on american complexes, relies on patriots, relies on american deployed tet complexes and ultimately does not produce similar complexes with capabilities anti-missile defense. there is a country that really has... the ability to create and sell anti-missile defense systems, which also does not export
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weapons to ukraine, like south korea, this is israel, this is the david's sling complex, it is extremely interesting, it has already been approved for export by its first customer became directly e-e finland, and it is significantly less expensive than the patriot, and its rocket costs, according to official data, they were announced in the pentagon, 20%. from the cost of mci, i.e. approximately $400-500 against three, and she, this rocket should be integrated into the next iteration of the patriot paak-4, which is currently being developed, but here it is very important, nevertheless, regarding these slings of david and this missile, to understand that israel still holds such a difficult political position regarding the transfer to ukraine and the sale or even b pre-export of weapons to ukraine, he blocks it. mr. olezh, literally just one minute, how would you predict
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the search for the patriot system for ukraine in the short- or medium-term perspective, what can ukraine optimally count on according to your estimates, unfortunately, once again, the situation depends primarily on the usa, if the usa nevertheless adopts its general aid budget for ukraine, then... to them, they automatically disappear, this opens up the possibility of increasing the necessary amount of ukrainian funds, in the conditions of blocking u.s. aid to ukraine, this is a very difficult issue, maybe in europe they will be able to collect really one, maybe two batteries, this is in the short term, in the future , of course, they can say that now one, now the day after tomorrow two, and then more there, we will find it there. but this can be later, of course, with such an aim for the 26th-28th year. mr. leger, thank you very much for your
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professional comments, for your time. let me remind you that it was oleg katkov, the editor-in-chief of defense express, our information and consulting company. and if we talk about the results of this program, we really have a demand for at least 25 patriot systems. we see that this is an extremely ambitious goal. if at best we can. to get five systems of a similar class from our partners, it will be very, very good. you also have to make a bet cooperation with european companies regarding the acquisition of european air defense systems, and still, do not forget about cooperative projects with a number of countries, where we have to create joint air defense systems for various purposes, which are also extremely necessary to solve various tasks and to protect peaceful cities , and for protection. battlefields, so we hope that these projects will develop and really have
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a concrete result on the front line. here were the main points related to the search for patriots for ukraine. stay on channel espresso, there will be a lot of interesting information. lacal fix fixes reliably, my dentist advised me, it also reduces inflammation of the gums, and the price is good, economical lacaka fix, champions league quarterfinals only on mego, barcelona-psg and mancita real. who will go further, who will leave all hopes on the field? find out on april 16th and 17th, exclusively on megogo. laughter, physical activity, sneezing, even during. with such a small load, urinary incontinence can make itself felt. feminost
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war, we check the technical condition, we check the technical condition of the bird, whether everything is fine with it. it is important for us to organize physical protection of enterprises once, protection of information about the defense industry twice, pride. cool, cool, what they are producing is very good, we lack them very much, such and such weapons, more, more of this, ukraine increases the production of weapons, due to the shortage
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of ammunition and uncertainty with the help of the usa, the ukrainian defense-industrial complex with... increases supplies to the army, these are the donbas realities, i am yaroslav krechko, and today we will try to figure it out, with what weapons can ukraine provide itself, and where can it be without allies? and there is music, there is no music, a few tens of kilometers to the front line, a self-propelled howitzer leaves the forest strip, this is... ukrainian sau bohdana, it was the end of summer, in the 23rd year, my commander informed me that i would go to training, although there were no specifics about which training, which cars, and then, when we arrived at the place, then i already saw her, as they say, on my own eyes, it was wow, the first thing, wow, the commander
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of the dynamo gun has been with bohdana at the front for several months, the entire crew, and this... five men used to work on the soviet howitzer mstab, the difference is said to be in everything, maneuverability, accuracy , the range, the largest that my calculation was shot, is 38, practically 39 km, she behaved quite well, shoots quietly, slowly, slowly, fire, fire, the targets are different , the range is the same, it’s not up to us who give the commands, such practice, well, drones, how they fly... we hardly work, we then hide and not even be seen, right away, if bohdan is found, then she will definitely not be there, during the great war , bohdana went through its own special path of development, if the first prototype was on the krazu chassis and without a charging mechanism, then this is
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the latest version for now already on the tatras with a courier projectiles, which is significantly more... the first prototype of the ukrainian saw with a nato caliber of 155 mm, which was unusual for the armed forces at that time , in public. appeared in 2018, 2020 donbas-reality told about the dispute between the manufacturer and the ministry of defense, which delayed the tests. as a result, at the beginning
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of the great war, bohdana had just passed all inspections and was also in one copy, but even one gun played its role in the operation to liberate zmiiny island. already now. publicly announced the production of eight bohdan per month, rates, which can be compared with the french caesar. since 2018, bohdana's appearance has changed a lot. now it is on the tatra chassis, as well as mas with an armored cabin from ukrainian armored vehicles. the company recently published a photo of the aftermath of the posau lancet impact. armor saved the crew. it's not that, well, it's pride. cool, cool, produced, very good. we lack them very much, such and such weapons, more, more of such, before a large-scale large-scale invasion , almost all new projects were sabotaged, and
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even an undeniably important project such as neptune missile complex, in our country we can remember how the commander of the naval forces asked for three divisions, but in the end only one was contracted in the 20th year and this also reflects the attitude of the authorities to the rearmament of the army, but we cannot say about sau bohdan , as for some detached project, we need to talk about the system, the rearmament system with an emphasis on the ukrainian defense industry. and... vdiiv direction, the crew of the ukrainian unmanned aircraft complex furia is preparing for flight. bepila furia is actually the same age as this one
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war it was constructed in 2014. the first prototypes could work within a radius of 30 km. now the drone can conduct reconnaissance within a radius of 50 km. uavs of this class play a big role on the battlefield, they allow. whether to control the front line and the approaches to it around the clock, this is one of the results of the work of the pilots of the 53rd mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, adjusting artillery strikes on the advancing russian column. regarding avdiyivka, it is more, let's say, a place of gathering and redirecting people to other objects, they simply stop there, unload, gather in large groups and are already advancing in their directions. in our directions, we will land, there is a lot of both equipment and strength, it is constantly being asked to storm, and
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the equipment often goes, and they accepted the moment that it has already warmed up, it is also possible on quad bikes, on motorcycles, that is, diverse not so, no only armor, well, there is a lot of armor anyway. the cossack and the butcher have been working on the fury for a year and a half, the first combat sortie was during the battles for bahmud, they remembered it well. we then just found a d30 battery, i think, well, i'm sure the thing then worked on it. it was very interesting. now the destroyed equipment of the russian army on their screen has become commonplace, the fury itself has changed during this time. there are many birds that are still quite raw, so to speak, but now it has been improved a little, so the video, the quality is much better, many channels have appeared,
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the range hits much better, and it fights with the reb much better, the fury can be found in the sky for up to three hours, the most difficult thing, the pilots say, is landing, you can't visually see the plane, you have to orientate yourself by the camera, take into account the wind to on... it did not fall, plus you need to constantly monitor the height, accordingly, so that the parachute opens in time, so that it is not low and not high, low the plane will crash, high will continue to be carried away by the wind and will still fall on trees, high will continue to be carried away by the wind and will still hit the trees. first of all, after landing , we always fold the parachute, then change the battery, check the technical machines, whether everything is okay with it, and wait.
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in general, ukrainian uavs of the middle class, in addition to furia, are leka, poseidon, shark and others, capable of competing on the world market, the more they are tested by real combat operations. another niche that actively developed before the great war was the production of armored vehicles. here in the video is one of the workshops where innovators are assembled. production in ukraine is also a matter of efficient machine maintenance. repair crews regularly leave closer to the front. there are no problems with spare parts, as was the case many times with western equipment. there are several companies that manufacture armored vehicles in ukraine, and before the war we were competitors, now we are, let's say, partners , apparently to the satisfaction of the armed forces armored vehicles, and in my opinion, ukrainian companies are able to satisfy, especially in armored vehicles, they are able to satisfy
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internally. need, well, independently, seven, 7.5, eight, yes, now upstairs, and this is another production site of the company, here a batch of 82-caliber mortars is almost ready to be sent to the troops, 120 left here the day before, this process continuous, but many... producers note that the state has a problem with long-term contracts, it is very important to understand this planning for producers, distribution such an order, the scheduled loading of all possible capacities, this is very important, it allows this production machine to work just evenly when we have filling machines, for example, we release
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every month. quantity, when this order stops with us, to bring new components, there is a period of 4-5-6 months, the production of some components for mortars takes more than 5 months, the production of components for cars, for armored vehicles takes more than seven months somewhere on average, that is, you understand, that planning with it is very much a horizon of one year, and when it is just a planned placement. to order for this applies to all manufacturers, it enables the machine to move precisely, our production machine. in this regard, experts often note the russian experience in scaling up the defense industry, drones, modified aerial bombs and much more. according to valentin badrak, russia, in particular the ministry of defense of the russian federation, managed to establish coordination and speed up the production of
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military equipment in ukraine. at first glance there is no single body that would in general was responsible for all these processes. for example, the security service of ukraine deals with naval drones, and the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense also partially deals with naval drones and certain weapons systems. in our country, for example, minstratekhprom through ukroboronprom is engaged in the development of powerful unmanned systems, large and anti-aircraft missile systems. on the contrary , the ministry of digitization deals with small, small unmanned means and small rebov systems, as well as the ministry of state communications, state special communications, and the ministry of defense created an accelerator, but the role of this accelerator is still which is at a very low level and the paradigm needs to be changed here so that the accelerator acts not only as an analyzer of what... is offered
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privately by the defense industry.


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