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tv   [untitled]    April 13, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm EEST

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congratulations, the real front program is on the air, and i am taras berezovyts with you. today in our program we will talk about the following. head of the gur of the ministry of defense of ukraine kyrylo budanov gave a long interview to german journalists. britain and france called for nuclear nations. to responsibility. israel withdraws its troops from the southern gaza strip. the united states has warned beijing of the consequences if it provides military aid to moscow. in an interview with the german tv channel ard, the head of the defense ministry of ukraine kyrylo budana confirmed that the russian army will start a new the offensive in donbas at the end of spring at the beginning of this summer. year the day before, the head of the armed forces
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, general oleksandr syrskyi , said in his telegram channel that the situation east of chasovoy yar and klishchiivka in the bakhmutskyi direction in the berdychiv district, orlivka, vodyanyi and pervomaiskyi in the avdiivskyi direction, as well as in novopavlivskyi in the novomykhaivka district remains particularly difficult. earlier, he reported on a new wave of attacks from russia at the end of spring and at the beginning of summer. president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi. about what the head of military intelligence of ukraine told german journalists. see further in our story. ukraine needs long-term support from partner countries in the fight against the russian invaders. every day for more than two years, towns and villages in different regions of ukraine have been suffering from the armed aggression of the russian federation. kharkiv and sumyshchyna are currently suffering the most. the kremlin wants to make them. unfit for life and
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subdue. russia bombards kharkiv every day with various types of weapons several times a day. every day and every night , rockets and shahedis fly at peaceful kharkiv. civilians and energy infrastructure. international publications predict a likely second attack on the city. therefore, the ukrainian side is considering the option of forced evacuation of the population. the situation in sumy oblast is no less threatening. the russian federation drops guided aerial bombs on cities and villages. civilian infrastructure comes under fire. and people are injured and killed. at the same time, enemy sabotage and reconnaissance groups often try to enter the territory of ukraine through sumy oblast. after putin became the president of the russian federation again, he can plan an occupation kharkov, and after that the gradual completion of the so-called svo, claim the sources of the russian medusa. as the publication notes, the kremlin believes that they have enough strength to occupy kharkiv. at the same time, in an interview with ukrinform, the commander-in-chief of the armed forces oleksandr scirskyi said that if russian troops try to attack again. to kharkiv, the city
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can become fatal for them. we already have the experience of combat operations in the kharkiv region, we managed to miscalculate the enemy and liberate a large part of the kharkiv region. it was then that the large-scale collapse of the russian front took place. if the russians are moving, there kharkiv will be a fatal city for them again. but of course, each military operation is unique in its own way, and simply using its conventional tracing paper in the next situation on the front will not succeed under any circumstances. modern warfare is a mathematical problem with hundreds of variables. in which each component can be crucial. ukraine needs taurus cruise missiles, because they would significantly strengthen the capabilities of the defense forces to resist the russian federation. this was stated by the head of the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense of ukraine kyrylo budano in an interview german tv personality. the taoros would definitely make our lives easier to hit command centers, to hit very important targets - it's a great weapon. chairman gur budanov called the situation at the front difficult. but controlled. at the same time
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, he predicts that the russian federation may launch an intensive offensive already at the end of spring, in particular near donetsk. we expect an increase in russian offensive actions in late spring and early summer, especially in the donbas area. they will move a little to the temporal abyss, they will move towards pokrovsk in the strategic direction direction to pokrovsk. currently, ukraine urgently needs an additional number of artillery systems and an additional amount of ammunition - says budanov. at the initiative of the czech republic, various eu countries, including germany, joined together to purchase hundreds of thousands of artillery shells for the world market. at the same time, until now , the head of gur does not feel this supply of ammunition at the front. without long-term support , it will be catastrophically difficult for ukraine - says budanov. he expects a significant rise in the defense industry in europe this year. budanov hopes that the eu will compensate for the lack of us aid, he said in an interview with the german tv channel ard. the interview of the head of
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ukrainian military intelligence, kyril abudanov, came at an extremely important moment. we see that the situation that comments. the main ukrainian military intelligence, looks so important and critical that he even decided to give a forecast about the direction of the future russian offensive. kyrylo budanov believes that the russians may try to organize offensive actions in the direction of the city of pokrovsk, donetsk region. let me remind you, it is on the way to one of the largest ukrainian industrial centers, the millionaire city of dnipro. critically important for the russian army. to cut strategic arteries, to try to occupy the rest of the donetsk region, because vladimir putin set a task for the russian armed forces to finally occupy the territories of the luhansk and donetsk regions in 2022, and even set
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a deadline for shoigu. all this was supposed to happen by july 1 , 2022. however, as we can see, almost two years later, the armed forces of russia still... no are able to carry out this task, it is extremely annoying to the russian dictator and deals a blow to the prestige of the russian armed forces, so one can not doubt the authenticity of the forecast of general kirill budanov, because he understands exactly what the russian federation is going to do. meanwhile, ukrainian military intelligence this week struck another painful blow, setting fire to the russian ship serpukhov, thousands of kilometers from ukraine. we see that the capabilities of ukrainian military intelligence have grown incomparably since the beginning of the russian one of a full-scale invasion, the group 13 division of the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense became a real terror
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for the russian occupiers. the head of the british foreign office, david cameron, and the minister of foreign affairs of france, stephane. wrote a joint column in the telegraph called the world is safer for youest entente. in it, they emphasize that dark times have come in the world because of russia's war against ukraine and the situation in the middle east. they also assure that they are united by the understanding that ukraine must win the war, and both nuclear powers must take responsibility for it and do more to defeat putin's russia. at the same time , the american edition. the new york times writes: the idea of ​​ukraine joining the alliance is currently not supported by the united states and germany. according to matthew miller, a representative of the us state department, ukraine can join nato only after the end of the war started by the russian federation. while world leaders
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are arguing about ukraine's membership in the alliance, the plan for a russian attack on nato countries, published at the beginning of 2024, unfolds as if according to notes. we will remind you that... at the beginning of february, the same publication ztelegraph published a scenario according to which russia could attack nato countries. it was to be preceded by several phases. in the spring, russia had to mobilize at least 200,000 people and launch a new offensive in ukraine, all in combination with the absence of arms supplies from the united states. in the summer of 2024 , cyber attacks on the baltic states and incitement, disturbances among ethnic russians living in in this country. in the fall of 2024, according to this plan, russia will use the artificially created unrest as an excuse to start military exercises in belarus and kaliningrad, in the winter of 2024 it will be time for a border conflict in the suvalk corridor. a little
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earlier, a similar plan was published by the german bild. more details about russia's possible confrontation with nato can be found in our story. russian president putin is preparing for war against the north atlantic alliance. the russian federation openly threatens the countries that are members of nato in order to restrain the event and creates informational conditions to justify the expected long-term geopolitical confrontation with the west. the institute for the study of war writes about it. the statement by the russian foreign ministry on april 5 followed several months of threats by the kremlin against armenia, in response to armenia's ongoing efforts to gain new western powers. security and attempts to blame armenia for the deterioration of russian-armenian relations. the russian foreign ministry also continued to threaten finland and claimed that finland had lost its independence in foreign policy decision-making after joining nato, a narrative that the kremlin regularly uses it to falsely claim that nato controls ukraine and
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uses ukraine to threaten russia. the lieutenant colonel of the swedish army, joakim paasikivi , said that russia would take great risks if it believed. the west is weak. at the same time , ex-ministers of defense of great britain warn that the country's authorities have failed to prepare for a possible war with russia, as an effort of the entire nation - writes ukrinform. british. the telegraph newspaper writes that in the event of a potential russian aggression , the north atlantic alliance will fail quickly deploy their troops, bureaucratic delays at the border and logistical problems can prevent this. in the same article for the retired telegraph brigade general of the dutch troops, hans damen did not rule out that russia could attack a nato country and would do it in its usual style. i 'm afraid that if there really is a threat, russia may not attack europe, but may... accidentally cross the border of poland. ukrainian
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experts also do not rule out the possibility of the russian federation's appetite for nato countries, but only under one condition, if there is a war in the country frozen if the active phase of hostilities stops. then russia will have the opportunity to restore its resources, compensate for losses, use the potential of its military-industrial complex to accumulate mechanized components. then , of course, putin will feel that he has the ability to do this - i will give an example of what a year actually is, the suspension of active hostilities, intensive hostilities, a year is 12 months, every month russia has the opportunity to restore from 250 to 300 tanks, so in a year this will be an indicator, at least, come on so on average. and here is such an indicator, and
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they have the opportunity to restore at, well , approximately the same number of armored combat vehicles, so it will be the same number of armored combat vehicles, and even in two years, russia will have a significantly greater potential than as of february 23, 2022 year in quantity, not quality, because there will be tanks. t-62, t-54-55, maybe even t-34, but these will be combat units that must also use some means of defeat, a combat unit that can perform its functional as armored vehicles, heavy, or medium, or lightly armored vehicles. oleksandr kovalenko does not rule out the possibility that putin can put pressure on lukashenko and incite an attack by nato countries. at the same time, according to the expert, lukashenko is not ready to lose his army, therefore... help to belarus may consist in providing weapons and its own territory for shelling other countries. what will it provide
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to lukashenka? lukashenko will lose his own army, completely, because he can lose his own army completely, to which lukashenko expects, in principle, he expects to transfer his power in the future to one of his sons, and if he is to transfer. to transfer the dictatorship from hand to hand in belarus, he must hand it over together with a force element, a force structure, if this power were to be held in his hands, and this cannot be done, if you, for example, do not have a combat-capable army, well, combat-capable from the conditions against whom, against, again, the defense forces of ukraine or against nato, no, combat-capable against. own population against belarus, therefore him it is needed, and he will not waste it,
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he will do everything not to hand over the army to putin, and he has been doing it since 2022. the former prime minister of great britain and now the head of the foreign office, david cameron, his french colleague, the minister of foreign affairs, stephane sejrune, made an extremely ambitious statement. their initiative actually consists in reviving the liantan cordial cordial union, which was established exactly 120 years ago. but there is an important nuance here: at that time , three states were the founders of the entente: the british empire, france, and also the russian empire. after the bolshevik coup, thanks to the efforts of lenin's party, russia left the alliance with great britain and france, and just like that... in a duo, france, great britain, as well as the united states, which joined the allies, ended
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the first world war with victory. the irony of fate is that the now revived entente, consisting of great britain and france, will already be fighting its former ally, russia. it is interesting that the entente already has the experience of a successful amphibious operation on the territory of ukraine. let me remind you, after the bolsheviks. coup and the proclamation of the ukrainian people's republic , the entente intervened on the territory of present-day ukraine. then the troops of the entente landed in crimea, as well as now. odesa region and controlled a huge territory along the black sea coast. however, the successful propaganda of the bolshevik agitators forced the entente troops to complete this operation, let's call them that in today's terms, a special military operation against the bolsheviks and evacuate the allied troops from the territory of present-day ukraine. how they love
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say in moscow, we can repeat. this is exactly what the current french president emmanuel macron repeatedly emphasized when he spoke about ambitious plans to support ukraine, including at the expense of military contingents of nato countries. does the entente have a chance to be revived? there is currently no response. however, it would be an irony of fate if this really happened, and ukraine itself eventually joined this entente of the union of great britain and france, and this bloc, as we already understand, will oppose it. will be in russia. the israel defense forces , the tzahal, withdrew its troops on the night of sunday, april 7 units from the southern gaza strip. but the war with hamas is still ongoing and far from over. this was stated by the chief of staff of the tsahal hertsii hallevi. however, already on april 8, the prime minister
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of israel, betamine netanyahu, in a video published by network x reported that the israel defense forces already have a date for the start of a ground military offensive on the city of rafah in the southern part of the gaza strip. according to netanyahu, the operation in rafah is necessary for a complete victory over the palestinian terrorist group hamas. more details about the situation in the middle east, see in our next story. negotiations between israel and the hamas group on a ceasefire and the exchange of hostages have reached an impasse. as reported by reuters, on april 8, egyptian mediators said that there is progress in the negotiations between israel and hamas. both sides reached a certain agreement on the main issues. israeli foreign minister israel katz called the cairo talks the closest to
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an agreement since the november truce. we 've reached a critical point in the...negotiations, if we succeed, a large number of hostages will return home. but already on april 10 , reuters reported that hamas denied the progress in the negotiations. hamas said on tuesday that israel's proposal for a ceasefire in its war in the gaza strip did not meet the demands of palestinian militant groups, but that it would further study the proposal and submit its response to mediators. the offer was passed on to the palestinian. to the islamist movement by egyptian and qatari mediators at the talks in cairo, which aim to find a way out of the devastating war in the gas sector, which is already underway seventh month on the eve of april 7, israel withdrew all ground troops from the gaza strip except for one brigade, the times of israel reported. overnight, the idf withdrew all
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ground forces from the southern gaza strip after four months of continuous fighting in the area. now there is only one nahal brigade left in the gas sector. the nahal brigade is tasked with securing the so-called netzarim corridor, which crosses the gaza strip from the beri district in southern israel to the strip coast. the corridor allows the israel defense forces to carry out raids in northern and central gaza. it does not allow palestinians to return to the northern part of the strip and allows humanitarian organizations to deliver aid directly to the northern part of gaza. strained relationship. this is to respond to the attack on the building of its consulate in syria, which took place on april 1, as a result of which military commanders and officials were eliminated. politico publication notes that the country's president, ibrahim raisi, said that the attack will not go unanswered, and supreme leader ali khamenei wrote in social networks that israel will be punished. with god's
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help, we will make the zionists repent of their crime of aggression against. iranian consulate in damascus. at the same time, israel is also not silent and comments on threats. on april 10, the times of israel reported that israel threatened to strike iran directly if tehran attacked from its territory. as we can see, under enormous external pressure, israel was forced to make a decision to withdraw part of its troops from the southern sectors of gaza. however, this does not mean the end of the counterterrorist operation against tsahal terrorists from hamas. but now the israeli authorities have to act under extremely tough conditions of external pressure, when... even official washington is pushing benjamin netanyahu's government to negotiate and cease fire. however, in telavi they assure that they will not end
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operations against terrorists until all the goals of the counter-terrorist operation are finally achieved. it is interesting that among the european countries , it is ukraine that takes the most pro-israel position. it seems that after the end of russia's war against...ukraine and the end israel's counterterrorist operation against hamas terrorists in ukraine and israel will finally have an excellent chance not only to look each other in the eye, but also to form a serious alliance agreement. united states secretary of state anthony blinken, at a meeting with the ministers of foreign affairs of eu and nato countries, warned that beijing provides. military aid on a huge scale. according to the bloomberg agency, among the signs of further military integration between the two
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countries, china provided russia with satellite images for military purposes, as well as microelectronics and machines for tanks. the united states has warned chinese banks and export companies about the consequences for military aid to russia. this is what the minister said. us finance minister janet yellen after four days of talks in china. bloomberg notes that china has received similar warnings from the us before. however, in their opinion, janet yellen's statement in beijing indicates an extraordinary level of the threat of sanctions. after all, it sounded on the same day when the minister of foreign affairs of russia sergey lavrov arrived for negotiations in beijing. about the situation. around us- china relations in our next story. china
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is preparing its military potential and will be ready to enter taiwan by 2027. accordingly, the statement was made at the end of march by the head of the us indo-pacific command , john aquilino, bloomberg reported on march 21. all signs point. of president xi jinping at a meeting with the national academy of sciences regarding the readiness to invade taiwan by 2027 . the actions of the hb indicate their ability to meet the chosen sidzen ping deadline unite taiwan with mainland china by force, if directed. china considers taiwan a part of its territory, so in the past few years there have been complaints about the actions of chinese aircraft and ships near the peninsula. so taiwan is forced to test its anti-aircraft defense for the probable defense of its territories. at the beginning of april, the ministry of defense of taiwan. recorded 30 aircraft of the chinese army around the island, some of which came dangerously close to the northern part, where the capital is located. by 6 am
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local time today, 30 had been discovered plane planes and nine ships that operated around taiwan. as a result of the threat of china's invasion of taiwan, japan decided to build shelters near taiwan. this is reported by local publications. the government has issued instructions for the construction of underground storage facilities on remote islands of okinawa prefecture in case of a military crisis involving taiwan. at the same time , china continues to help the russian federation, the us warns about this, writes bloomberg. america is warning allies that china has stepped up its support for russia, including providing geospatial intelligence to help moscow in its war against ukraine. against the background of signs of continued military integration between the two countries, china has provided russia. satellite imagery for military purposes, as well as microelectronics and machine tools for tanks, according to people familiar with the matter. china's support also includes optics, fuel that will be used in rockets and
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expanding space cooperation, one of the sources said, writes bloomberg. as reuters reports, citing anonymous sources, in may putin will go to china for talks with sit by pin. another source reported that putin's trip to china may take place in the second half of may. also... information that putin's visit will take place before xizen ping's planned trip to europe, and xizen pin will visit several european countries, including france, serbia and hungary, - the hungarian service of radio liberty reports. despite the political turbulence, the united states will manage to preserve its geopolitical importance, believes ukrainian diplomat, former extraordinary and plenipotentiary ambassador of ukraine to the united states, valery chaly. obviously, the united states of america, despite such a turbulent situation. geopolitical and internal, they were, are, and will remain a leader in the world for a long time, i will tell you more, there is no such confidence that... china,
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which declared at the time that it could take the first positions in the economy, that it will happen in the time frame that china planned. as for the other positions that make america number one today, it's obviously the size of the economy, but not only that, it's also the dollar, it's also the fact that they have the biggest military potential, not only nuclear weapons, well that's all no country has 20 aircraft carriers. let's say, and this is in addition to everything else, the power, the attractiveness of the country, that is, the system that attracts people to come to the united states and strengthen their capabilities, there is no such thing in china, there is no such thing in other countries that can compete, so the united states will remain the world leader in the coming years and in the medium term. the external pressure to which the
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united states government has subjected official beijing must eventually bear fruit. let me remind you that the telephone conversation between the leaders of china and the usa, which, by the way, took place at the initiative of the chairman of the cpc sidzen pinya, touched on many sensitive issues of bilateral us-china relations. this is also the issue of taiwan, this is also the issue of ukraine, as well as trade wars. china. i finally realized that the only way to avoid a trade war and aggravation of relations with washington is to put pressure on moscow and force it to stop the criminal war against ukraine. after all, everyone understands that if there is a country and a government in the world that is capable of forcing putin to end the war, it is official china. so xi jinping has a great opportunity not only
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get the necessary bonuses. from relations with the united states by pressing the kremlin, as well as to avoid a dangerous escalation. international news outlets also reported this week that a number of major taiwanese commercial companies have begun preparing for a future war with mainland china. currently, this war does not seem inevitable, however, the chances of an escalation , primarily military, by china and the rebellious island of taiwan still remain. this program was conducted for you by me, major of the ukrainian army, taras berozovets thank you, glory to ukraine, together to victory.
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read in the latest issue of ukraine magazine, an exclusive interview with the minister of foreign affairs dmytro kuleba: is the world ready to stop russia, will ukraine have the support of the usa? volodymyr horbulin and valentin badrak: a formula for confronting a strong enemy. igor yukhnovsky's diary, how to live with dignity, overcoming losses and combining faith and science. about these and other important topics in the magazine krania. the new release is already at the points of sale. oh, there are no potatoes, will you bring them? and already, assina. have dr. tice's bone marrow and get back to work. ointment with comfrey is a german ointment for joint and muscle pain. opa.
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premium sponsor of the national team represents united by football together stronger welcome to the channel. espresso. today, in our military program , we will talk about how ukraine can and wants to strengthen its air defense system. ukraine's need to increase air defense resources has become so obvious that, for example, the european parliament this week refused to vote on eu council budget issues until ukraine will not receive additional patriot systems, because the meps themselves believe that in
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europe... there are as many as 100 systems.


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