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tv   [untitled]    April 11, 2024 9:30am-10:01am EEST

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the attacks that the russian federation has recently used quite often, in particular on the energy infrastructure, are , well, let's say, effective and efficient for them, but how can you assess? well, they realized that ballistics is the most effective option for them, as we can see, even the use of these hypersonic missiles, the enemy today used six type of daggers, yes, unfortunately, they are quite difficult to shoot down, so there is a problem, so are we we see the reformatting of s-300 anti-aircraft missiles and... which they use from front-line ones areas, and inflict damage on them, now the main task is to increase the number of air defense, echeloned air defense, which can work at short, medium and long distances, each of which links will perform its task, because, for example, for smaller targets such as shahed, of course, that it is more effective to use anti-aircraft guns, such as the cheetah type, and not patriots, that is why we have a very large...
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territory that needs a lot of cover, the enemy is constantly monitoring the situation, as we can see even on the eve of these shaheds who flew of course, they performed a reconnaissance function, studied our tactics of actions of the use of our mobile fire groups, and now, when they more or less accumulated some stocks of missiles, having studied the situation, the situation in our country, they used more powerful already combined its missile, missile-drone attacks. ilyano and the question that everyone is interested in, that is always... asked by everyone who has at least some understanding of what is going on, what stockpile the russian federation of missiles could have accumulated, the one you are talking about, is there some kind of understanding in the air force of ukraine, perhaps from the data that the intelligence provides you, which stocks are in question, well , of course, my partners from the main administration know the most about this, of course, that no one can know for sure, since this information, it is completely secret and is kept under seven locks, so we can say that the russians keep their strategic for... this was already talked about earlier by the representative
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of gurmo, general skibitsky, so that they keep somewhere around 950 missiles, however about the data we see, what our partners from the scientific research expert center tell us, who are engaged in the study of ulanka, that the missiles are mostly fresh, 23-24 years old, which go into combat work immediately from the assembly line. thank you, ilya, very much for joining, i'm yevlash, spokesman for the air force of the armed forces of ukraine early in the morning. the attack on ukraine and actually it was combined and again with the use of different types of weapons. almost 100,000 applications were submitted by ukrainians for the restoration of housing damaged and destroyed due to the war through the eureconstruction program as of march this year. the state issued almost 500 certificates for the purchase of a new home instead of a completely destroyed one. such figures are provided by the head of the committee on the organization of state power, local self-government and regional development of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, olena shulyak. the recipient of the cash certificate can exchange it. for
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an apartment or a private house in any region of ukraine, except for the occupied territories. however, some people have encountered the fact that the amount of money after the assessment of the destroyed property by the state, it is not enough to buy a new home, and some refuse its certificate altogether, because they want the house to be rebuilt. rfe/rl's correspondents talked to people who have already taken advantage of this state program, let's see their stories, and then we'll discuss it in more detail on the air. this is our house, we bought it on january 11. purchased for a certificate, come in, see, my name is nataliya, i am an immigrant from the donetsk region, from the city of slovyansk. i have two boys, 16 and 11 years old, tiryusha and ilyusha, and i have a husband, artem. left from sloviansk in april of the 22nd year, we moved from sloviansk to dnipro, we couldn't find a job there, so somehow the choice fell on the white church. on september 11, 2022, at my grandfather's.
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where i used to live in slovyansk , a rocket landed, a five-story building was completely destroyed, i already had photo evidence, and on the same day i submitted information that my home was destroyed, a year later on august 23- in the th year , i got a call from slovyansk from the commission of the survey report and said that they would look at ours the apartment, the inspection took place without me, because there was really nothing to inspect there, not even the door, so i'll open the door, and there... go in and look down. i was sent an inspection certificate, and the certificate already indicated the amount of 1 million. when this amount in the certificate was already raised in action, we really understood that we have a chance to purchase something even for the white church. on the 27th, a message was received in action that the money can be reserved. and already on december 31, i received a notification that the money is reserved, that is, i have 27 days to purchase home, because this money will return to the state, we traveled. looked, and
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chose this one as the best option. congratulations, you now have a new home. for this housing, we were compensated with a certificate in the amount of uah 1,800. this is our first. room, here will be a kitchen, we have already repaired the boiler, now we are trying to completely change the heating system, this is our room, here we will have our bedroom with my husband, here we will have a corridor and a bathroom, on the second floor there will be a children's room, we are already a little glued the wallpaper, put things in order here, here 53 square meters, this is a full-fledged two-room apartment, only it stands on the ground, has its own yard, its own recreation area, make heating, make floors, make walls, make ceilings, glue wallpaper, buy furniture, a lot of work, very a lot and a lot of money, when the ministry of integration called and congratulated me on buying a house, i realized that
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we were the second in ukraine who dared to do this, i didn't even expect that it would all happen so quickly , that we will become home owners, this is where... the entrance to my entrance was, here on the second floor, where the sky is now, was our apartment, well, in this place until the 22nd year, before the war began, there was a five-story building, many families lived there, 200 apartments, almost half of the building was destroyed, even the apartments burned down, there were several flights here, a direct hit burned absolutely everything, this is the kitchen, the corridor, the bathroom. you see, there was nothing left here, not even absolutely, but this is the house, here is my apartment on the fifth floor, which was completely destroyed by a direct hit, that is, we were left with nothing at all, we lived here as a son two, i lived with my husband, my son, when
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the war came, my son was 8 months old, we left, then we returned to our already destroyed house, our apartment was partly destroyed, partly not, since half of the house was destroyed and we were immediately told, that the house will be dismantled, i returned just on december 13, when the house was being demolished, many people were left without a home, almost 100% of the people say that we want to build a house in this city, the document was put into effect, well, what a destroyed apartment, there are photos served and that's all, well, how i am a pensioner, i would like them to rebuild my square footage, because there is no extra payment for me, what if they gave us the amount of this certificate, approximately the same as our apartment was for this amount, because before the war our apartment cost $30,000, we agreed, maybe we thought more, but as people, if a person agrees to take a certificate now, he will not wait for reconstruction, well
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, unfortunately, this is the situation with our house, we will expect either reconstruction again, or fair sums for our apartments . this important one we continue to discuss the topic. our broadcast is joined by olena shulyak, head of the state power, self-government and urban planning committee and head of the servant of the people party. mrs. olena, i congratulate you. good morning, i greet you. thank you for joining. what are the latest numbers? how many people have already used the erecovery program and the service certificate. how much has the state already spent on this? and the main thing - is it budget money, or is it still donor money? come on, let's go to the programs in order is from update, which concerns compensation for damaged and destroyed housing, there are several stages, there are several types of programs, and the first stage of the program was launched last year, and they began to pay compensation for damaged housing, as
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of today , money has been processed and received by people, this more than 50,000 families, these are already the families that directly received this money for the purpose'. the hunks spent them on the purchase of building materials or construction works, and such a program has already been agreed upon more than, more than uah 6 billion. another stage of the program, it concerns the obtaining of housing certificates, that is, if a person has a completely destroyed home, he can receive such a housing certificate and then exchange it for a home, choosing independently and the settlement, choosing himself... permanently and what type of housing it will be , whether it will be an apartment on the secondary market, whether it will be an investment in the primary real estate market, whether a person will choose a new or garden house or townhouse instead of a destroyed apartment, here the state no one is restricted, people choose independently
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what exactly they want to buy directly, and today we already see 5,332 housing certificates that are generated through work. commissions at local self-government bodies, we can already see all these certificates directly in action, and people are already actively booking funds, we just saw it in the story and are buying. new homes, more than 200 certificates have already become new homes, they have already turned into new apartments, houses, today we also see geography, how people choose their new home, kyiv and today, kyiv region is among the leaders, where people choose precisely in these settlements of kyiv region and in the city of kyiv, where they want to live, in third and fourth place are kharkiv... and mykolaiv region, which just means that people still choose their housing where
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, unfortunately, such destruction took place, and we also see when housing certificates are exchanged for housing in the settlements of the western regions, we all understand very well that many enterprises have been relocated, many people were forced to change their place of residence, primarily due to security issues, that is why the geography of the use of residential certificates is so diverse and a person can really choose any settlement in any corner of our country. today, there are several sources of use when this money is used for the compensation program. first of all, this is money from the state budget, from the fund for liquidation of the consequences of armed aggression of the russian federation. we all remember well, i... how this fund was created and how it was filling up, let me remind you that the first 17 billion
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hryvnias entered this fund as seized funds of russian banks that worked on the territory of ukraine, and there is a certain justice in the fact that this money is precisely used to pay people appropriate compensation for the destroyed , for destroyed housing. now our international partners have started to help us, first of all it is the world bank, and already today there is a recorded s... 150 million dollars, this is compensation for damaged homes, for damaged housing, and just recently the ministry of reconstruction has announced a new agreement with the bank of the council of europe for 100 million euros, and this money will go to the phase of the program that deals with destroyed housing, and it seems to me that the mechanism that the ministry of reconstruction has put in place today, the ministry of digital transformation, it is: transparent , quite clear, everyone there understands how
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local commissions work, according to which checklist they carry out appropriate assessments for damage, there is a very clear algorithm, how the amount in the housing certificate is calculated, and in connection with this, in connection with so that the procedure is transparent and clear, international partners, they join and provide us with funds to implement this program. ms. elena, i would also like to ask you briefly about the residents of the occupied territories, specifically with... the situation is more complicated with this, have any of these residents received certificates, or within the framework of this program, some other assistance like this can be done, because you can repeatedly read in the comments on social networks that it is still difficult to prove, for example, when your house or apartment is really destroyed there, that you don't have access to provide any relevant evidence, so how to be in this case, how does it work? the ministry of reconstruction has developed an experimental procedure for how compensation will be carried out... for those people whose destroyed housing is located in temporarily occupied territories, for this
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it will be necessary to apply various technical capabilities and satellite images, ah, capabilities to technically assess whether this is really the case the housing is destroyed or it is not destroyed, and today the ministry of reconstruction has chosen the city of melitopol, and such an experiment was conducted there in order to determine whether there is such a technical possibility or not, and today we all expect... from the ministry a corresponding report in order to launch such a program both on other destroyed and on another destroyed housing in those cities that are currently under temporary occupation. today, we also see a huge demand, a huge request from people who have destroyed housing in the temporarily occupied territories, and i hope that quite soon, we all expect, and the whole body of deputies there, and representatives... of local self-government bodies, we all expect that such a technical possibility will already be opened, and people
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will be able to expand this city, which is a trial, to other cities, in fact, to territories that are now occupied, mrs. elena, i thank you very much for joining in, telling me how it works, how it will actually work in the future, and what is the story now with the restoration of housing for people who lost it during a full-scale war, or it was damaged, olena shulyak, head of the committee of state power, self-government and urban planning in the parliament, as well as the head of the party, servant of the people was a guest of our broadcast. i thank you for participating in the chat, in the discussion in the chat, you write a lot of comments, each of them we, of course , see, i suggest signing. on radio liberty's youtube channel, as well as on other radio liberty platforms, where important and most importantly, verified information quickly appears, we continue to keep our finger on the pulse of the events that are taking place, in particular, according to the results and consequences of shelling, we will inform you on our platforms, as well as the svoboda project morning, please share this broadcast with your friends so that quality content can have a chance and reach as much as possible.
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we will meet you on the air tomorrow, thank you for being with us and see you soon. the new kemellyks mattress is made in ukraine with love for ukrainians. metrolyuks is one of the largest manufacturers of orthopedic mattresses and furniture. order the camel orthopedic mattress right now. together with the mattress, you get a 5-year warranty and hundreds of nights of great sleep. dial the number you see at the bottom of the screen, and our consultants will help you choose the right size for your bed. this springless orthopedic mattress perfectly adapts to the shape and weight of your body. and that's not all. one side of the cover is made of camel wool. and the benefit
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feel for yourself the care of the ukrainian manufacturer matrolyuks, which perfectly combines innovations. technologies and modern ecological materials. order now. matrackenel from the ukrainian manufacturer. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. welcome to espresso, thank you to those who are with us, because you have already donated, and those who have joined us now can also donate to fpv drones, and not simple ones, but ones that have already passed tests, are already adjusted to the needs of our defenders, this is our own production, and we
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are collecting together with the public organization baza ua sprovit 2 million uah for... these fpv drones for two brigades at once 93- kholodny yar and the 72nd brigade of black zaporozhets, so two qr codes, two ee cards, numbers above the qr codes, and then we'll see for ourselves how our fpv revenge drones work. this is what we are doing, we still have detailed information from the air force of the armed forces of ukraine. today was massed, combined. multi-year attack on many regions of ukraine, the directions were from the north, south and east, 57 air targets were destroyed, these are 18 missiles and 39 shaheds, and the missiles were hit with everything today, 20 cruise missiles kha-101,555 were destroyed, this from
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those tu-95s. i wonder how our managers sleep. who were once elected, who gave these tu-95s to the russian-fascist occupiers, now they are shooting at us with them. let me remind you that this was once part of the so -called nuclear disarmament, why transfer it was 95 and nobody still understands. there were also six aeroballistic daggers, these were actually launched from the tambov region of russia, well, as usual, c300 launches from the belgorod region were pounding kharkov. its four x-59s are controlled from the airspace of the occupied zaporizhzhia region, that is, from the south. this is how the picture was today in telu on... the front is also hot, well, in the meantime, we continue communication and collect for you opinions and analysis from our guests, our colleague, journalist, analyst serhiy garmash is in touch
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with our studio, serhiy, congratulations, glory to ukraine, good morning, glory, i want to start with what is talked about so much not only by chinese communists, but quite often by ukrainian politicians, and now we see even those who call themselves liberals . the russians are starting to talk about this precisely about such a swiss formula for peace, which should be spoken and then shown to grandfather putin, i am talking about this two-day conference at which the peace plan should be discussed, zelensky admits, well, at least in the bild interview, he admits about it that some points are specific children we will be able to make that plan immediately at the first meeting in geneva, and after that we will work out a full-fledged plan and
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can show it to the representatives of russia, the russian media write. does this mean that once again we believe that putin is ready to go to peace talks? no, i think we do not believe that he is ready to... go, i think that we are preparing our consolidated position and, since we are still a weak country, yes, compared to nuclear russia, we are consolidating our allies around us , i.e. the countries of the west in this case, there is a global cock, other democratic countries, and not very democratic ones, even, but those that can take our side, in order to strengthen our position, then a common, so to speak, position. and talk to putin when the time comes, yes, and this forum should, firstly, create an impression on putin of this consolidation, that is, push
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him to think that the time has come, and secondly, let's say frankly, in the west too, as it turns out now and as including from your words, yes, when you quoted that some formula will be worked out, and i think... it is already zelensky's formula, yes, which everyone seems to support, and now the question arises as to what other formula is needed in order to talk to putin . why does this question arise? because, unfortunately, the position of the west is highly correlated with the situation at the front, i.e. a year ago they said that they completely agree with our position that victory in the war, yes, is an exit to the borders, in 1991, today they already openly and definitely not to this question they answer, like a cry ago, today they are already talking about the possibility of some compromises,
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even yes, and it follows that, i watched the communication of the united states defense minister with the congressman, yes, where he did not give a clear answer, what is the victory of ukraine, and therefore there is this factor of uncertainty, which is generated by the uncertain. at the front, yes, and it will depend on the situation at the front, the worse our situation is, unfortunately, the more the west is inclined to compromise with the russian federation, but here the situation is as classic as this chicken and egg, which is the first, and , if on the front line there were what was promised to us in the spring, well, for example, f-16 and not there in homeopathic doses, but at least a couple of dozen, if... there were these shells, if there was all this conjuncture that was promised , because even the wall street journal writes, i see, the institute for the study of war, says that they do not even have time
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with the aid that is already being transferred, if it were, then their rhetoric would be completely different, because they would see a different situation on field of battle, and we are again seeing shell fire in large areas, in particular, in donetsk and livanokupinsk directions. well, well, it, it reminds me of this, this reaction of our minister of hesitation, who says, we found 100 patriot batteries, but no one wants to give the system even for rent, i feel like i'm hitting my head against the wall, this is a verbatim quote, well here we can say what i have already said in principle, that the west is oriented, yes, the situation at the front, unfortunately, the west is not so consoled. to have some general subjectivity, but we now see the difference in the position of the same france, the same united states, the united states, in general, the situation, well, with ukraine, it is tightly
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tied. today to domestic politics, and well, we can say that the united states has already lost, so to speak, the status of a reliable international partner, because it is already a factor of uncertainty in their foreign policy, it is very large, and therefore the west is oriented towards a strong, who stronger today, that's what he'll focus on, and the fact that they don't deliver what they promised is again caused by the fact that they think that putin is... inferior today, yes, and supplying us with something there can lead to danger for them, there is also a very interesting boomerang effect, yes, when we were in principle happy at first, when in the west we understood that the war could reach them as well, that it is not just a war with ukraine, that it is a global war with the west and its worldview, but another effect occurs when the west, realizing that war can threaten it, begins to fear...
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this war and begins to keep the weapons that they could give us for themselves in case of this war, firstly, and secondly, trying to drag out this war, they are afraid of escalation, and that's why they don't give us weapons again, so they understand in principle that it's their fault, but to admit it to themselves, they 'll never admit it, that's politics, yes, and they'll find there are a lot of reasons, excuses for this, because they are there. do not want escalation, because they do not want their people to die at the front and this and that and that, and again ukrainian ukrainian issues, the ukrainian conflict today, well, in fact, in all countries it becomes a factor of internal politics, starting from poland, yes, where the elections are currently taking place, ending with the united states, they have already taken place, but there will be more, serhiy, we have two minutes before the news, i literally wanted to ask about certain things, because there are quite
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a lot and... informational throws now at the same address as in the 22nd year, as if those two years of war had not happened, i mean, from the russian public, we are spreading, i am talking about this quite resonantly, the last video, the legs of which are growing from the propagandist anna arbatska, pam you see this video with her first these shootings were published on zenit, this was when avdiivka was there, and now... it turns out that there she has a whole group of stuntmen, doubles, actors who, and you just sit and think, how to distinguish now, where is the deep they make a fake production, but where are the real crimes? well, i can't give an answer now, how to distinguish, yes, but this story made me think that, after all,
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russia is much more systematic. and are more serious about the issue of information war, they understand that first the information war, because first the impact on a person, and then a person goes to fight, unfortunately, we do not have such a systematic approach, and when i hear, excuse me, that everyone in the us senate is infected with russian propaganda, then i have a question, where is the ukrainian propaganda, if it is on our side it's true, we don't even need to come up with anything, and we even shoot some production shots, but why can't we convey to... well, russia can, it spends money on it, it's looking for people who are unprincipled, but in principle talented, like this girl, yes, unfortunately, i can't say that we have a systemic one approach to the informational struggle against the enemy and to the promotion of our interests in terms of information in the west, even among our partners, that is why we have sergey, in fact , a systematic approach to burning millions
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of hryvnias. yes, we can look at the protected articles of the budget for the so-called foreign language, only for some reason our foreign language is not to the west, but in russian from the territory of poland, it is not known where to space, well, this is a reflection, mr. serhiy, thank you for the conversation, serhiy garmash, our colleague, journalist , and the analyst was in touch with us, and the esres team of journalists was already collecting for you updated information, khrystyna porobiy already knows for sure, because she started appearing from this hot and dangerous night, khrystyna, you have my word. thank you, roman, in the issue we will talk about new details of the russian attack this night, which is happening with the light in ukrainian cities, wait a moment.


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