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tv   [untitled]    April 10, 2024 4:00am-4:31am EEST

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has a passport of the aggressor country. on june 11, the supreme court of ukraine will begin consideration of the cassation appeal against the verdict of the judge of the mukachevo city district court of the transcarpathian region mykhailo pak. he was sentenced to five years in prison with confiscation of property. nabu detectives exposed a judge for a bribe of uah 2,000 back in 2017. and so it was, you know, at least two or three dollars. according to the investigation materials, mykhailo pak made the necessary decision for money. in the case of the social security department of the mukachevo administration. anya, come here. ivan, bring the presentation. and what? and can there he will say what he can. in 2019, the higher anti-corruption court sentenced mykhailo pak to seven years in prison. this sentence was overturned on appeal, but the supreme court reinstated. the case for a new consideration, and only that
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year in december, the appeals chamber of the higher anti-corruption court finally put an end to mykhailo pak's case, but he filed a cassation appeal. the judicial system is being renewed in ukraine. competitions for the constitutional court, appeals, and local courts are in full swing. for the first time, all these competitions are held as transparently and openly as possible. we see the interviews live, how unscrupulous candidates screw up. in attempts to manipulate the facts and how they try to hide the spots in their biography. for me, this is a conscious choice. this is lawyer oksana ovsienko. she is applying for the position of judge of the kovel district court of the volyn region. the questions are not difficult for me. i have absolutely nothing to hide. i have logical explanations for all the questions presented here. she is also the wife of andriy ovsienko, a former member and head of the supreme council of justice, who left in double retirement in the 21st year, this is the property that
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is indicated in my declaration, my declaration is identical to my husband's declaration, this property was acquired during the joint property of the spouses. a few years ago, oksana ovsienko managed to privatize a plot of land with an area of ​​320 m2 in the picturesque place near the lake. my husband and i planned to build a small vacation home there, it is a village, but there is a small lake in the village. soon the plans changed, we decided that we will not live in this area, we will come straight to the city lutsk to live, at the same time in a conversation with my colleague kostyantyn kostyantynovich titivalov, he asked me to sell him this plot of land, because he said that he found out from the cadastral maps that this plot of land borders on the plot of land of his father
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i wonder why colleague ovsienko was looking at where she has land? nevertheless, according to the candidate, the appraised value of the land was supposedly small, so much so that she simply gave it away, besides, my husband and konstantin were classmates, they were, well they were acquaintances, but the story is somewhat more interesting: three weeks after receiving the gift, the brother of ovsienko's colleague, kostyantyn titivalova, roman, a judge. who of the district court of the volyn region announced the decision in the case in favor of the client ovsienko, an interesting coincidence, is n't it? and what would happen if you did not give or sell this plot of land to a relative of the judge, yes, obviously he could be offended by you, well, theoretically, i don’t think so, i believe that directly, for example, the judge and his brother, it completely two different families, they are not live once that is, they do not have
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common rights and obligations as family members. it is interesting that, according to avtomaidan, from 2015 to 2017, the candidate represented the parties in as many as 15 cases heard by this particular judge. later, when ovsienko's husband became a member of the supreme council of justice, judge roman titivalov was appointed as a judge for an indefinite period, and in 2019, when ovsienko held the position of head of the supreme council of justice, the council helped titivalov. to avoid punishment for the traffic accident he caused while driving his audi while severely intoxicated. i know that nazk was investigating this fact . the family of the candidate for the post of judge and former chairman of the supreme council of justice lives in a house of 124 m2 and has 15 acres of land under it. oksana ovsienko also managed to obtain and privatize it for free. this plot of land... uh, it was, i acquired it in
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the process of privatization, our land house is located on this plot of land, the value of which i did not mention, because there was no need... we had no desire not to sell, i.e. there was no need to rate this one plot, as it was purchased free of charge. we admire oksana ovsienko's ability to acquire land for free, but it did not help her pass the interview. the commission was not satisfied with the explanation of the dubious property schemes. and this is hanna andrienko, the judge of the oktyabr district court of the city of poltava, and she has a very bad reputation. he fails her every time on the eve of the qualifying assessment. andrienko did not come to the interview for the fourth time because she fell ill. in fact, we have every reason to suspect that in this way the judge is banally trying to catch up to resign before the interview,
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because if, after the qualification assessment, the commission finds her unfit for the position of judge, she will be dismissed. instead, the resignation will allow you to keep all judicial privileges and much more. lifelong financial support from the state, there are reasons to worry. according to the conclusion of the public integrity council, judge andrienko closed at least 49 cases related to drunken driving after the expiry of the time limits. the public integrity council draws attention to the fact that the judge's omission of the time limits for bringing persons to justice according to article 130 of the code of ukraine on administrative offenses are systematic, and... the motivational part of the decisions does not have sufficient justification to explain why the judge missed the deadline in such a large number of cases. currently , a disciplinary complaint against andrienko from the deyure foundation is being considered by the supreme council of justice. it refers to the fact that
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the judge could submit forged documents to the vrp in order to avoid disciplinary action. the result of consideration of this complaint may be the release of andrienko, whom she is so persistently trying to avoid, therefore, the illness did not prevent the judge from submitting a statement of resignation to the supreme council of justice and an application to the supreme qualification commission to terminate the qualification assessment in relation to her. during her illness, the judge also sometimes appeared at other meetings, but never made it to the evaluation. we hope that soon the supreme council of justice will stop this manipulative attraction of cleverness and cunning. for today, i have everything, it was the program judicial control and i am tetyana shustrova. if you have information about unscrupulous judges and facts of corruption in the judicial system, let me know on facebook or at the email address you see on the screen now. it's all good,
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we'll meet in exactly one week. glory to ukraine, dear tv viewers, on the tv channel, the west studio program. we will analyze the most important events of this week, in particular we will talk about the russian-ukrainian war and certain new trends in russian imperial policy, we will also analyze the situation with our domestic-ukrainian political kitchen. our guests are mark fegin and oleg rybachuk. now mark will be working on the air of the tv channel. feigen, a figure of the russian opposition in exile, a former deputy of the state duma, a famous video blogger. glory to ukraine, mark. glory, glad to welcome everyone. well, patrushev announced a new version and a new, so to speak, strategic direction of the russian federation, that is, they are ready to appoint despite all
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the evidence, despite all the refutations, despite the entire islamic state, they are preparing to sew the ukrainian trail with such threads to the fact that... .happened in croc city, yes, but i can to say that there is no need to seriously discuss the version of the ukrainian trail at all, not only because it was obvious from putin's first statement, 19 hours after march 22, that there was some kind of window on the border, everything has already been discussed here, there was no window on the border and a car with performers was moving in a completely different direction to the belarusian border, statements about some cryptocurrency accounts that are connected to ukraine... this is very funny, but you know, for me, the publication of april 2 in the washington post played a significant role. it was reported that which turns out, at the same time, without denying the information from the american special services, to the russian side two weeks before the terrorist attack,
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which contained not only an indication of the organization that was going to carry it out, vilayat khorosan, a network cell and business, the place was also called - hall the russian foreign ministry reacted to this. "stop it, if it's thrown away, you show the documents, refute it, give some kind of confirmation that the materials provided by the american intelligence did not contain instructions on the full step. and if there is no such proof of its purity by the russian special services, then many questions arise. how is it, you knew the organization, places, who prevented you from blocking all these places in moscow? do you lack strength and means? so you wanted this terrorist attack to happen? did they allow that it would take place, did they want to take advantage of its results to blame ukraine? i am not talking about what they say, that for... the west, which stands behind ukraine, supports its responsibility for this terrorist attack, so why is
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the west standing as a country, that is, it should also bear the burden in the war and is an ally, to report for two weeks where this terrorist attack will take place, no, from the point of view of law or from the point of view of forensics, nothing can be explained, but they are not hovering, mark, it feels like they are not hovering, the so-called formal or healthy logic no longer works there, i.e. maria zakharova sketches what... what she wants, or what she is told to sketch, patrushev unfolds the scenarios, so to speak, which were indicated to him, or which he sees, well, we understand, that is, everything is already somehow happening to them on the drum, it's been like that for a long time, but here it's already a serious matter, they're trying to get attention from with the sympathy of some countries that sent telegrams in the name of putin, also calling him the president, with the sympathy of the russians and russia to get some profit, for example, from isolation or a diplomatic trick that they can duck with the consequences of this
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terrorist attack. they renew this possibility by continuing to accuse the west and ukraine of complicity in this or even complicity in the terrorist attack. then it is simply impossible to continue the dialogue. the minister of defense of france spoke with the minister of defense of the russian federation shoigu. they emphasized once again that ukraine does not have any relation to the terrorist attack. in general, we realize that putin and patrushev know that ukraine is of no use here, of course they know. they decided for themselves cold-bloodedly. yes, we don't care, we need it for our utilitarian purpose. let's say that there is a ukrainian trace. but it works only inside russia. they say that there is some kind of revival in the military, like 16,000 applied for a contract, but it is impossible to verify this figure. no body, official department will report the true figure, whether there is really any big influx, or such
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there is no but in domestic politics, yes, there are polls. almost 50% of respondents in the russian federation believe that ukraine is related to the terrorist attack. but from the point of view of the west, and that is where the main interests are now directed to put pressure on kyiv to go to negotiations, there precisely public rhetoric regarding the involvement of ukraine and the west in the terrorist attack will not help moscow, they will have to. well, i am worried about these moments that they choose what may indicate the need to launch a full-scale, even more full-scale war against ukraine, that is, as far as i understand, now they are still trying to maneuver, but in any case, several very important signals that came out of the kremlin offices, they indicate that they are preparing for a possible escalation, maybe there are still some negotiations going on, so we understand that the americans are still not you ... whether they give a loan or not a loan and so on and so forth, that is
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, the story is being trampled on in place, because we feel that way, putin crosses out some scenarios, the americans see other scenarios, well , but the war continues in any case . when we talk about even more full-scale than these more than two years of war, we assume that the object of putin's interest is kharkiv. this is a clear attempt to use this direction. this is a logical continuation of what is being done in this direction of the front. kharkiv was called odessa, but odessa is smaller, because the military landing and the rest look a bit fantastic there. if we assume that this is kharkiv, then yes, all efforts, all necessary resources are directed there. and even the president. zelensky, who recently spoke about a new mobilization, on june 1 called
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the recruitment of 3,000 additional personnel as the goal of capturing kharkiv composition in the form of those mobilized in russia. the fact is that in anticipation of this, unfortunately, the west washington, which had a relationship and the visit of sullivan, the national security adviser of the biden administration, bet on negotiations. force, convince, persuade kyiv to go to... get some kind of pause until november, until the elections are held, and if god wills, biden will remain in them, although the result is not obvious. then decide this issue after the elections, taking into account the situation that will develop at that time. we need to buy time. if four years ahead, everything can somehow be overcome. even the blocking of the 60 billion aid law. of course, many things can be decided on the wave of victory. and
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how to last until november? is it april today? april, may, june, july, august, september. well, this is a window of opportunity for putin, and now he is trying to use it, and while they are there, they are counting on something, maybe sometime in july, or maybe we will re-vote after the holidays and so on, putin , we see that he is going to specific direction. so it is, of course, he will take advantage of this confusion. congress, the house of representatives, through trumpist republican groups, the bloc. there is the adoption of a corresponding bill, which would allocate an allocation of 60 billion dollars. in particular, the kremlin contributed to this, through the circles of trumpists and others. it's just that both sides, the republicans and the democrats, are trying to get some specific dividend from this situation. the biden administration
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blames. look, they are blocking aid to ukraine and thereby harming it. our national interests, and the republicans in response, whatever it is, we solve the issue in favor of american taxpayers, american voters, so we will combine these issues with the policy of illegal migration that american taxpayers do not want to foolishly give money to ukraine, so we will interest-free or open-ended credit. this does not make ukraine any easier. ukraine is not a willing party here at all. it has something to do with it, and war does not like breaks and pauses. if both sides met in a political duel for the sake of victory on elections, then for ukraine there is no such resource, this opportunity, no spare time. because war does not tolerate lunch breaks. from this point of view , some other ways should be proposed,
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apart from ukraine's direct participation in the negotiations. then you somehow solve the issue with europe, with the pentagon on... it is clear that ukraine needs to hold out until november, and if trump wins the elections, does the american administration have a plan b? as i see it, there is no such plan, so of course the situation is not easy for ukraine now. if you take alternative scenarios, we understand that there is a so-called geneva track, the chinese will go there as observers, we understand that this story may not be strategic, but in any case, they have already started talking about it. that, in principle, no one would have so strongly ruled out if putin or one of his colleagues had appeared at the g20 meeting. moscow acts through many of its confidants and through open public players, such as china in particular. after all, what is china declaring now? that moscow must participate in the negotiations,
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that negotiations without moscow have no force. i, to things, not sure about that. if these were negotiations on ukraine's accession to nato, should moscow also be invited? the problem is not in moscow, not even in ukraine, the problem is in the west, what is he ready to do, what is he not ready to do? well, in the swiss format for zelenskyi's peace formula, which provides for the preliminary conditions of negotiations, this is the liberation of the occupied territories. moscow, let's say, would take part, even if this condition were removed, let's say this. but is it possible to negotiate with moscow in its current state, or is it ready for diplomatic ones or any other compromises? let me show it, let's say they would throw in publicly, it must be done publicly, without reference to a specific person, anonymously, that they are willing to consider the possibility that we leave some
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territories, but it must be done publicly, it cannot to make it so that sullivan hissed... said something to someone, no, there should be a public signal why public opinion in ukraine is not ready for this, it is not ready to authorize the start of negotiations between zelenskyi and putin. there is no feeling that you can start negotiations, and zelensky should join them. but if there was some catch, some opportunity to announce that compromises are possible, but there is none. i am sure that it is not accidental. so that in no case would it be said later: we, as it were, assumed obligations, were ready to implement them, but were unable to during the negotiations. no, moscow does not make such commitments in advance, it... insists on points about geopolitical realities, demilitarization, not joining nato, security conditions, language, etc., we have done this many times
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called therefore, even if russia comes to switzerland at china's insistence and china will be an observer there, it would not change anything, especially until moscow clearly and directly declares its readiness for compromises and determines the direction in which compromises are possible. one format, even initiated by china, because there was a statement by the ministry of foreign affairs that they also want to hold a conference, and istanbul offers itself as such a point, but so far no movement is visible. and if we talk, for example, about the parameters of moscow's ambitions. their story is key - this is the return of oneself to the table of big politics, which is impossible by definition while the war against ukraine continues, well , accordingly, what would the kremlin be ready to exchange for... what things, so to speak , would they be ready to go, well, in particular , that is, they freeze, withdraw the troops, and instead some, i don't know, another great civilizational history begins, where they return russia,
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or not? i do not see any compromises on the part of moscow, that it is ready, it is ready to exchange everything for air all the time, well, we will conclude agreement on our terms, and then we will not go to kyiv or kharkiv, you according to putin's memorandum. from december 21, demilitarize, demilitarize half of the nato countries that were part of may 1997, which they demanded to be defined in the treaty with washington and the agreement with nato. i don't seem to remember the fifth point, and that's all, and then we won't go to the suval corridor and storm moldova. first of all, who will believe moscow, who will believe that it keeps its obligations.
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these offers are negotiable, though theirs already rejected, in particular regarding putin's memorandum as early as january 22, on the eve of the war, only based on the results of the war in ukraine. to talk with moscow about a major security agreement, if the war in ukraine is not finished, it is impossible, until agreements are reached regarding ukraine, all other agreements are impossible, because precisely ukraine, if it is occupied, if it is surrendered by the west of the eu, will become a platform, a platform to attack further eastern europe, from this point of view , negotiations should first take place here, how far do the ambitions go? moscow extends its ambitions as far as to where her fantasies reach. these are specific things. here we see games around transnistria and kisheniv. could there be an attack on kishenev from
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moscow, just as there was an attack on ukraine. and aggression can also be against moldova, why not? next, do they want to break through the suval corridor to their enclave in the kaliningrad region? of course, what they want, they declare it directly. can they implement the same in transcaucasia? president, how far will the french president be willing to go. as for the conversation macron and his game, mark, as you see it and shoigu with the french minister of defense, probably, that is, i do not know this for sure, what is hidden from us is not the public part. the conversation was about the french contingent that should be sent to ukraine and about its safety there. as i imagine it, they must be trying to hear. the answer from russia, is it ready to provide security, for example, will they be stationed in odessa, will it be some kind of military base, will it be fired at by missiles, probably the conversation was about that, but
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publicly announced that they discussed the consequences of the terrorist attack, the ukrainian trail and other security issues, but it seems to me that this issue is the most important now, macron is playing his game, it is very important for him to finish it, because why did he then on february 26 make this statement and talked about it many, many times, repeated it. called, conducted negotiations, public discussions, responded to moscow's claims, do you remember the phrase that we also have atomic weapons? it has to end with something. in politics, in general, someone who says something and does not implement it, at least partially, at least ritually, this is a strong loss. in fact, i suspect the game is on. macron's doctrine consists at least in a ritual presence in ukraine in order to be able to accept for himself the main role in ending the war in ukraine. it is clearly moving away from the us. because the united states is in an uncertain position due to the elections and the possible victory of trump in them in november, and france in many ways takes advantage of this weakness
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of the political situation for so many risks, dangers, and macron is not all to the end realizes, that is, he says, we will place 500 or 1,000 french legionnaires, naryshkin says up to 200 on the territory of odessa, well, you will not fire missiles, moscow says, no, we will not fire, and fire, and macron will find himself in a situation, when you have to justify. the situation shows that the kremlin does not have any internal brakes left, that is, some processes that they were afraid of inside the russian federation, so i think that maybe they are now using the slaughterhouse in kroc city hall as a pr plan, yes, well with his the goal, if in the case of something, certain trends will begin, well, relatively speaking, if the mobilization and the next phase in the russian federation do not
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go well, then you can screw it up again. twist, twist and go at full speed along the stalinist tracks, but the question is, to what extent will this system be ready to withstand this stalinist vibration? the totalitarian system is moving exactly according to its pattern, repression is increasing, it is obvious, and they have no other option, because repression is part of such systems, according to the old saying: beatings own, so that others are afraid, that is, repression is like a machine of the ministry. some kind of industry, he has to work, he has to thresh, if he has no work, then why is he there, this whole power bloc, he needs to be given a task, the task is to get rid of disloyal elements, interpret and interpret who is disloyal, you can very broadly, but from the outside this is war, they are exporting war, and what else do they have to export, because then the justification appears why putin is unchanged, why should he be changed...
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the children of the closest environment, because how, to whom well, we can trust such a burden in the form of a war with our neighbors, we have the task of imperial expansion, it does not matter if it is real or mythical, then the power justifiably remains eternal, as in north korea, there without militarism, the regime is ideologically lame, and so there is always a threat to the usa , south korea, the destruction of the north korean republic, the experience of marxism and jucheism. here, of course, the system is drifting towards its final design, as a totalitarian ideology is very important for a totalitarian system, war is this ideology, militarism is an ideology. and here is a very important point, you mark noted, the war as an ideology, it is a war in general, i don't know if there is a collective anglo-saxon or not, or is it a war against ukraine? washington regional committee or kyiv?
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yes, yes, no. both, they consider kyiv a branch of the washington regional committee, its subdivision, it's all together, they are fighting the west through ukraine. another thing is that ukraine has an independent interest. because ukraine, that is why such a war is impossible, for example with kazakhstan? because it is important for moscow to win such an alternative. slavic, more western, to show that slavs cannot live except in the pan-slavic world. the space that moscow represents. the slavs, the former ussr, primarily ukraine, cannot become part of the western, anglo-saxon world. otherwise, she will demonstrate an example that without wars you can live normally, even well. to deal with one's own country, without having aggressive plans from outside, because this is exactly what will happen to ukraine if it joins the eu and nato. and where should ukraine direct its aggression and why? there is no such idea. prevention
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the possibility of integration into the west of ukraine, ultimately this war is such a tool, in the end, of course, against the western values ​​of the west, in general, moscow is fighting. thank you very much, mark, for this extremely interesting and informative conversation. i would like to remind our viewers that mark fegin, a figure in the russian position on emigration, a former member of the state duma, and a well-known video blogger, was currently working on espress. greetings, this is svoboda. on radio svoboda. we have already approached the serpent himself. the following shots may shock you. news from event locations live kamikaze drone attacks. political analytics. objectively and meaningfully. there is no political season. exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. shot. freedom life - frankly and impartially. conclusions. you do it yourself.


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