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tv   [untitled]    April 8, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm EEST

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battery, a key and a screwdriver, as well as a charger. call and order a reliable and convenient tool from only uah 1,499 with the possibility of free delivery. check with the consultants: a powerful saw strong is what you need! call! the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. well, let's now add yevhen ivliv, a serviceman of the armed forces of ukraine, who is currently in the horliv area, to our broadcast. mr. yevgeny, we welcome you to our airwaves. glory to ukraine. god's health, glory. we would actually like to ask you to describe the situation in your direction as it is now.
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about, i would say, even the advance of the enemy, yes, because we understand that this is the phase of the war, when the enemy is trying to use this window of opportunity, and we understand that the situation is not easy, we would actually like you to share everything that can be said publicly with our viewers, well, come on, if used such a word as pressing, let's start with the positive that there are no positional advances of the enemy in our direction, and no positional assaults have been carried out in the last day, this... but there are dynamics that we observe with the help of aerial reconnaissance and with the help of our radar equipment defense, we see that the activity of the enemy has increased very much in the last two days from the point of view of their aerial reconnaissance, we see a lot of aircraft above us, such as arlan and there are some aircraft that are probably not very appropriate to name, and this indicates for us namely that in the near future the enemy may be preparing an offensive, so we soldiers were in position all night. in readiness number one and
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readiness number one has not yet been withdrawn, we are trying to use our aerial reconnaissance to look as deep as possible into the enemy's rear, so that to see the accumulation of equipment, what equipment they are pulling, on which flanks and so on, but i am saying that so far there is objective evidence that the enemy has significantly increased the presence of his aerial reconnaissance over us, and no positional assaults and precisely advances in our direction there is no that is, if we understand correctly, they are currently conducting some intelligence work, and this information they are currently collecting. can it then be used by them in further plans, regarding certain actions at the front? of course, we must give credit here from the point of view of aerodevelopment, they also have quite powerful devices, drones, you can call them whatever you want, drones, and of course, before stepping on any direction, they try to study it in as much detail as possible in order to understand where what is, where what positions, where do we have any protection, if this is not the first time we are faced with such a situation, i will tell you, we have means by which we... can hide something there and so
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on, of course, we will not tell them on the air , but i say, their activity proves that they are quite closely, they are seriously beginning to study exactly our defense line and i think. we have that they are preparing for an offensive, mr. yevgeny, and please tell me what is the current situation with ammunition, well, i mean not only artillery shells, but also mortar shots, this is also very important, especially there, well, you know better in countermeasures why and in what situations, what is more important, but we understand that there were problems in different directions, again , you receive different information, somewhere more, somewhere 10 shots a day are given somewhere, well, that is, it is faster again in a different way, but in your direction, well... if the enemy pops, are there any opportunities today, again, without revealing any details that you know, there is no need to reveal, again, you yourself know better than me , would it be possible to, say, destroy the enemy's armored vehicles, or am i not talking about cluster munitions, that is, what is the margin of safety, or what are the hopes
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that this will come, so that at least the enemy does not lose his mind from permissiveness, perhaps, please give i will give you two positions on this question, and... the first position is that since february of last year, we started quite actively developing fpv drones in the unit, then it was just that, we dragged them into the combat companies where they served themselves, then the companies were created of unmanned aerial vehicles from water created that worked, work and work out, that is, regardless of the fact that the enemy is preparing an offensive, as we now believe, we flew, flew, hit and hit, sometimes a little less, sometimes a little more, but constantly flying , we are impressed, it is the first, the second, regardless from that, such information appears in the mass media, because they like to talk very actively in our country about the fact that oh there are no shells, oh there are shells. during the two years of the war, our command learned to distribute shells in such a way that we always have reserves in case of a possible enemy attack, that is, of course , we always work in conditions of a shortage of bc,
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because we do not have so many, and everyone knows it, no we have so many bks, for example, like the enemy’s, which are sprinkled just there and make doshas from shells, but i say, our command, they themselves learned... to work in in conditions of scarcity, to hit the most priority targets, targets, to use not 10 mortar shells to hit there, for example, some one position, the best mortars are adjusted more and longer, but two out of three hits, that is, i say, in conditions of scarcity, but that’s all just in case of an offensive, the creation of a reserve has been quite a long time ago and we have a lot to do, and we can too, i have one question, here we are just today discussing the statement of the commander of the ground forces that people are needed, and here we absolutely... agree, the question training, quality of people, but in any case, people are needed, because the war is quite large-scale, just for an example, again, i will ask, you know how to answer better, but if we talk about your unit to a lesser extent, perhaps more military formation , which you know, and what are the positions now, for example,
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if you were told, choose who you currently need a trained person for a certain position, which are possibly the most critical, or which are the positions that always need to be replenished, well at least. in order for rotation to occur, people could to rest, because i know moments when it struck me, and when people actually did not sleep for six days, it's just hard to understand, but this also happens, unfortunately, in this war. i will tell you, six days is not even a record number of days when people did not sleep, different things happened, at least not in this direction, on others it happened that there was no normal sleep for 10 days and there was no way even, you also understand, that no matter how hard you are there, when you realize that the mortar is flying, the cassettes are working, it's all incessantly any... the enemy can advance, and you won’t be able to fall asleep, that’s why there are some naps for half an hour, when the guys are watching as much as possible and cover their eyes . if i tell you that we need more or less of the first, second or third categories, it
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may offend someone, i would not like to take on such responsibility, but i will tell you subjectively my opinion that it is quite banal, no secret, i think, in all directions of the front, the ukra infantry... is necessary infantry, because you understand, very dangerous tasks are performed by stormtroopers, but the stormtroopers went in, recaptured a position, and the infantry occupies these positions and holds them, the stormtroopers leave 3-4 days after recapturing these positions, or when they defend themselves, that’s all, everything is held, the entire front line is held by the infantry, of course the orta works behind, of course drones work in beer and so on, but i say, the dirtiest and hardest work is in the infantry, so you need to fulfill everyone and everything and fulfill even not in terms of what... someone not that's enough, and believe me, there are guys next to me who i took from there on february 26, followed the summons and joined the army, but the first time, think about it, the first time i got to the front only in january of the 23rd year, and there are guys , who from march 22nd to today
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are at the front, and some of them were not even on leave, were not on vacation, from the point of view of vacation, i will not say that they were not released, it is the own choice of someone there, you understand , someone doesn't have a family there, someone else does. but i say, two years, that's why people are needed, people need to be changed, given to them at least rest, or change, you know, not withdraw one unit, start a new one, or make at least some kind of mixed scheme, so that those who do not yet know how, those who... do not have such combat experience, because this is also not very it's a smart thing to withdraw a division, to start a newly created one that does not yet have experience, and we will lose positions, we will lose cities, that's why i say, people are needed, the hardest work, i emphasized the infantry, and people are needed everywhere, mr. yevgeny, if very in short, there are simply signals both from the commander-in-chief and from on the part of the commander-in-chief of the armed forces that they have done a certain audit of combat and non-combat units and that a certain rotation should take place, you have already begun to feel this rotation, that those who... have been at the front for a long time now have the opportunity to perform some of their duties in the rear, and those
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who have been in the rear for a long time, they are now being transferred to the front. well, let's say, using the example of my unit, not only the battalion, the people, even the brigade, as it held the defense, we are still holding it, we don't have any rotation yet and i don't know if there will be, it's already a little higher command with this information, i think it will come to us a little later, but on the example of the guys we met and worked with from units, let's say, fellow henchmen, well, there is a unit, i won't call it, a legendary unit, i just don't know, can you call him on the air, which started in march, march of the 22nd year went to avdiivka, and only two months ago, even less than a month ago, they were only completely taken out of avdiivka, so they stayed from the first to the last day, there who, even me i don't know who entered their positions, who rescued them, but these guys and i simply had operational communication and cooperated in the fpvi plane, so... i, for them, i can say that this has been the case since march 22 they held positions in
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avdiivka, only a month ago they were completely you for literally 30 seconds, but i can’t help but ask, now the law on mobilization is being prepared, and i am the one in the aspect of those who are planning benefits or bonuses for the military, there are car loans, half pay half of the mortgage, these things in general they give some kind of motivation, but if you read about them, well, in principle, it’s cool that you will be able, after leaving, returning to a peaceful life, to receive at least some kind of normal benefit for having... defended the country, when someone, excuse me, did not defend , if possible briefly, yes, i will give you the answer as honestly as possible, but it will be unpopular, i will tell you that the guys, those who are close to me, those who work every day in the positions, accept all the gossip and all the speculations around this law about mobilization, exclusively as some kind of political speculation, for earning political points, pr and so on, no one, not even me , i will be surprised if you say that 40% of the troops there read the text of the bill, i think if 5% of the guys read it, then they did, everyone knows. what sometimes flares up in the telegram channels, in the telegram channels, what flares up, speculation
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about the fact that this law violates constitutional rights somewhere or something or something else, so i say, let this answer be unpopular, but honestly, no one, no one studied there, with me were the majority of those people who went to the army and they even they did not understand whether the military man would have any salary or not, thank you very much for your honesty, thank you for your service, take care, yevhen ievliv, he is a serviceman of the armed forces of ukraine about the situation in the horliv region and somewhat broader issues. war, yes, and we remind you that you can see all the main statements from our broadcast on our youtube channel, the live broadcast of the broadcasts, that is, now you can also watch us on youtube under the broadcast, leave your comments, your suggestions, remarks and other kind of reasoning, well, actually in ours on youtube you can also find programs and special projects, as well as short videos on hot topics in the shorts section, come and view, watch... like, comment and share so that ukrainian-language content spreads on youtube, and
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we actually try to do everything possible in order for ukrainian-language content, ukrainian content on youtube to be of high quality and useful for viewers, let's move on, now there's a short pause, after it we'll continue our broadcast, we'll have a political scientist on the phone, and actually we'll talk about zelensky's new interview and not only, so wait. tired of heavy and bulky saws, then the tv unboxed strong saw is for you, with it you can easily cut trees and bushes, it is so convenient to use for carpentry work, it is the perfect tool for your home or garden, and the price is only from 1499 hryvnias, a reliable battery is also included, just call now and order, free delivery is possible, clarify: everything is from the consultants: cut branches, cut timber, chop firewood, you can do it all in one go
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to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and... vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts based on facts give his assessment and forecast of the development of events. if you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of air time, two hours of your time, two hours to... learn about the war and what the world is like, two hours to keep up with economic news and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become likeable to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio: events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening at espresso. premium
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sponsor. rnoi represents. united by football, stronger together. well, let's continue to inform together with you, so we analyze all the most important things that are happening. today's event is extraordinary many. we are now adding volodymyr tsibulek, a political scientist, to our ether. mr. volodymyr, we congratulate you. glory to ukraine. congratulations to the heroes of glory. new. zelenskyi's interview came out this weekend, he gave journalists a telethon, by the way, one of the journalists was mobilized to the ranks of the armed forces, and actually from the front zelenskyy decided to give his interview to the ukrainian telethon, the location was enough, i would say thematic, yes here it is important that
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zelenskyi was interviewed by a journalist who was mobilized to the armed forces of ukraine. i do i understand that the idea of ​​this interview was ... to emphasize, first of all , that everyone should join the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine, yes, and actually, that there are no people there who have not changed professions in our country and did not become military personnel, this is one fact, and the second fact is that zelensky showed his maximum involvement in the process of erecting fortifications, and so on, and what actually surprised me in this interview, it is even impossible to say that surprised, rather just me on this... to myself emphasized the attention when zelensky was asked about the mobilization, and he began to talk about the fact that the legislators do not want to vote, that now there has been a long time of turmoil in the parliament hall and in the committees, and that our western allies do not give us help, allegedly due to the fact that they do not understand why they need to give us help, if the ukrainians do not want to go and defend their
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state, eh, and actually, if you listen to the president, listen to him, then i see some... logical explanation in this , but on the other hand we understand what the issues are there is also a lot of mobilization, and actually there are also many questions for our partners, what do you think, exactly these messages that were heard from zelensky, why were they heard right now and what exactly were the main messages that were so noticeable to you? well, first of all, before evaluating zelenskyi's behavior regarding the new law on mobilization, it is worth reminding how long he signed... wrote two laws on the digital cabinet of military servicemen and on the conscription age. changing the age to 25 years, and now the issue is different, and this bill, which was introduced, why doesn’t zelensky himself submit it, this is the same bill on
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mobilization, this is a bill from the sphere of the supreme commander-in-chief, and for some reason the cabinet of ministers was needed for this, or a parliamentary committee was needed, if you remember how many times this bill was introduced and how long... it is considered in the end, zelensky himself signed amendments to the laws for more than a year, which contradicts in principle the existing regulations on the signing of laws, so here it is. you know, i want to ask about the interview, of course, not the president, but the person who forms the information policy, and probably the messages of the president to a certain extent , mykhailo podolyak, in an interview with natalka mosiychuk, again, there is one marathon, there. news and all these other things, but just here, you know, you can agree with mr. vrechami, if it is fair, you can disagree, but the phrase that, well, now in the time of war, we just have
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the power as it is, in this format we work, there must be certain restrictions, because it is again a war, but again for someone restrictions, for someone opportunities, as it turns out, well, now we are also forming groups or working groups, so that later after the war we can return again to a democratic form of government, and what has changed in us, the state of war was voted in us, in my opinion, no, that is, everything has be regulated by law, if you want to change, well, refer to certain norms, but we only get words, and you have to take it as a fact, but at the same time you understand that those people who today consider themselves to be such a military power, you did not choose at all, mr. vasyl, the whole paradox lies in because the constitution began to be destroyed from the moment zelensky took the oath, because the parliament was dissolved. announcing special elections in the year of regular elections is a direct violation of the constitution. then the constitutional court clarified that the president has
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the right to dissolve the parliament. yes, he has the right, no one is against it. who has the right to announce special elections in the year of regular elections? this is contrary to ukrainian legislation. the ninth convocation is chosen against the odds. legislation, only later, what started to be done with the constitution, it had not yet happened there was no martial law, i.e. the hybrid state of war that has been prolonged in our country for several years, it does not foresee a change in the constitutional system, the constitutional system was broken even before the war, and now, when we listen to podolyak, well, we we broke the constitution, but don't touch us, because we have to sit, because in us... putin will attack, but wait, what about the country, the war in ukraine has been going on for 10 years in general, and somehow before
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the election of zelensky in the country, all- after all, there was a constitution and law, yes, mr. volodymyr, look, if we are talking about prospects for the work of the ukrainian parliament, we see that now they cannot vote and hold at least one session normally, because the deputies... can't gather, or they run away, whether it's air anxiety, or other reasons, in short , well, they cannot somehow work fully, but on the other hand, we understand that now there are many opinions about the fact that the monomajority as such does not exist anymore, well, accordingly, when, again, returning to this presidential interview, when zelensky addressed the parliamentarians and said that it is impossible to clean up this draft law, which, by the way, violates many norms of the constitution, which the ombudsman spoke about. but with the promise that anti-constitutional norms will still be removed before the second reading. zelenskyy, however, proposes to vote with anti-constitutional norms.
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we understand that the situation at the front is difficult, and we can assume that it really will not be comfortable for many, but what was promised at the beginning, when this bill was only at the beginning of the review, and what zelenskyy is proposing now, the fact that the deputies are trying to distance themselves from him in every possible way, this indicates that, well , at the moment, there is not a single person in this country who is ready to take responsibility for him . well, this, this is the consequences of a fairly long-term destruction of the constitutional field. when now, the president is putting pressure on the parliament in order to vote norms, a law that contradicts the constitution, well , it looks a little strange, and it means that for the western partners it is a very clear signal. if you continue your tenure in office in violation of the constitution, if you put pressure on the parliament in a parliamentary-presidential republic, where is the primacy of the parliament.
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important, we have a parliamentary-presidential republic, we do not have an office-presidential republic, zelensky cannot dictate to the parliament what it should do, instead we are watching an absolute circus, an absolute distortion of the legislative field and constant moaning towards the west, why don’t you give us money , an absolutely dekun expression generally sounded when it was proposed by himself to zelenskyi: give us money for refugees, ukrainians who live in your countries, in your countries, we will manage them better, isn’t this barbarity, it means that zelenskyi himself is destroying trusting relations with western partners, with donor countries, and now he pressed on the fact that no money is given, but wait, in what status is he in general, 5 years of the constitutional, well, constitutional term in the position of president is running out, who, who
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to deal with for... voters, democratic politicians in the west, it is very a complex problem, for some reason nabanki does not know about it they wonder if for how many years power has been usurped in the country, and now a voter, even of political forces friendly to ukraine in the west , will ask their leaders, and what are we subsidizing the new authoritarianism in the east of europe, in the center of europe. what is the status of the ukrainian government? here there is simply a huge complex of such, well, stupid, sloppy attitude to the law, to a complete rejection of the legal culture, for which sooner or later one would have to pay, well, this is a six-month delay, a six-and- a-half-year delay in aid from the united states and is a direct reaction to bullying from law
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which zelensky allowed himself... during two years of wars, you know how louis xiv said that the state is it, i understand that some people probably also think that the state is me, because in as for us, it turns out that there was nothing before this government, we have everything that even existed 10 years before, it turns out that they mention it, present it and say, here we started it, we started it, we started it, that's how it existed a long time ago, but for some reason it all appears right now, an amazing story, but well, the state is a state, and what is most interesting is that the same people who now all this... well, somehow they miss it and don't notice, they will later file criminal cases against you, well, they won't get anywhere, only you will glorify everything in the rating somewhere, well, we have such a country, it has already happened , as leonid danylovich kuchma said, why can't this be understood? mr. vasyl, well, we remember the phrase, here we are all presidents, but when it comes to the observance of the constitution, one suddenly forgets who is the president here, and there is only one
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president, although... now this is a very dubious status, to be honest, even for me it seems that the main and stubborn, so to speak, itch of this government is the destruction of not only the legal field, but in fact not targeted expenditures, but the accounting chamber revealed 61 billion uah of non-targeted expenditures during the war, and at the same time zelensky bank personnel. all the time throws the west: give us money, support us, give us weapons, but if you are spending the ukrainian budget unnecessarily, how to work with you, how to build trust with you, we should thank you very much, mr. volodymyr, thank you very much, volodymyr tsepelko, political scientist, was with us, yes, and now it's time for news azpress, our colleague iryna koval and the news editor have already prepared an updated news release, iro, we give you the floor and actually ask you
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to tell us briefly what it will be about. issue of marto , i will tell you about the most important things at this time, so wait for the news in a moment, in ukraine at 4 pm and for your attention the news broadcast on the espresso tv channel in the studio of iryna koval, greetings to all viewers. volodymyr zelenskyi held the position of supreme commander-in-chief. at a meeting with the military command, they discussed the defense of kharkiv from russian strikes, as well as the opportunity to strengthen air defense in the region. in addition, the head of state heard a report from the head of the commissar oleksandr syrsky about the situation on the combat fronts. there , the issue of effective logistics remains important. and about the situation in different regions of our country.
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the occupiers hit the fire brigade. unit in sumy oblast as a result of the attack.


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