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tv   [untitled]    April 5, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm EEST

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the drone attack on the russian airfield near rostov, how many planes were destroyed and, in general, how the tactics of attacks on the territory of russia are changing, about this... we are talking on bbc live from london, i am yevgenia shitlovska. so, what is known about the night attack on the morozov airfield in russia. officially, ukraine does not comment on this, but according to bbc sources in the ukrainian special services, it was a joint operation of the sbu and the defense forces, a massive drone attack, during which at least six planes could be destroyed and another eight damaged, 20 russian soldiers at the airfield could killed or injured, according to preliminary data from bbc sources. in the special services,
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they claim, the front-line su-27 and su-34 bombers and fighters were based at the morozovsk airfield, it is precisely such aircraft that russia uses to drop cabs on the positions of the armed forces and front-line ukrainian cities. what kind of resort it is can be seen on this satellite image, which was taken a few years ago, and it will be possible to understand the extent of the destruction from the current attack, if new satellite images appear. and as russia comments on the night attack, what about the losses planes... they don't say, the ministry of defense of russia said in the rostov region where morozovsk they allegedly shot down 44 drones and another six over the krasnodar region and one each over the saratov, kursk and belgorod regions. and here it is interesting to look at the mention of the saratov region in the reports of the ministry of defense of russia, because engels is an airbase of strategic russian bombers there, which was attacked earlier and it was written on social networks that explosions were heard there at night, that is, it was a multiple strike. purposes on the territory of russia,
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one of the most massive since the beginning of the war, what are its consequences, we are talking about this with valery romanenko, he is a leading researcher of the national aviation university, i welcome you on the air, let's start with morozovsk, what is known about the planes that could have hit there, good evening, this airfield suffered the first massive blow, and there were the biggest losses on this runway, well, according to the information that appeared in the media. six aircraft were destroyed, eight aircraft were damaged, as this airfield is mainly based on fighters su-34 bombers, then most likely the maximum losses are precisely, aircraft of this type, in general, the 559th bomber aviation regiment at this airfield is the only russian bomber regiment that has three aircraft, all other aircraft. which all other regiments have
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two squadrons each, therefore the largest, largest russian military aviation unit was chosen for the first strike, well, we cannot confirm the data that appear about the loss of aircraft from independent sources, but we do not know many details about this blow on airfield, but in general, what kind of drones could deliver such a massive strike? we currently have at least three types of long-range drones in use. well, even more, i would say, well, the first, the most popular, with which russian objects are regularly fired at, is the t 22 of the ukrainian company ucrget, but then such cheap drones could be used, which are very well suited for distracting air defense, these are iq400 drones, and then they could still use the newest ukrainian drones. but these drones are quite
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expensive, they have a range of up to 1000 km, so i i think that this time we limited ourselves, well, in addition to the two named types, drones from unmanned aerial vehicles from mr. prytula's fund are also possible, this is the ukrzhet-26 bober, after all , there were no such massive drone attacks before, which is why they appeared in ukraine such possibilities, well , because such weapons need to be adopted... they need to be used simultaneously and massively, then there will be the greatest effect, because you understand that in order to disable the airfield, it is necessary to hit the planes, the runway, and the warehouses with ammunition , well, it is unlikely that they are buried, and also to strike on the fuel system, that's why really, and as i said, well, as the pictures show, on the eve of the attack, there were 20...
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combat aircraft at this airfield, so there was work here even for 50 drones, and the russian army uses, in particular, these aircraft for striking ukraine with guided aerial bombs from a distance. yes, we are talking about the su-34, if we assume that several such aircraft were damaged, how will this affect russia's ability to attack ukraine? well, it is clear that it will be negatively affected, the number of resets will drop sharply, in addition, if the airfield's runway is damaged, it will be inoperable until it is completely repaired, that is, planes will not be able to take off or land at this airfield from there, so you have to wait... in general , for satellite images and see, see what actually happens was damaged, only the planes, only only the infrastructure, or even the runway, but in general the russian military aircraft that russia uses against ukraine, in what condition is it in the third
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year of a full-scale war, that is , what is left, well, it is impossible to say that remained, but it is actually on bombers, on su-34 bombers. russians in general, if we take into account the newly built aircraft, their losses reach about 10% of the combat personnel, let's say, not critical, serious, but not critical. in terms of attack aircraft , the situation is worse, the russians lost more than 30% of their attack aircraft, and the production of these aircraft was completed in 89, that is, they cannot renew them. as for fighters, unfortunately, their number has increased, for su-35 fighters. because these planes do not take part in air battles, they are not actively used for bombing, so their losses are minimal, no more than 10-15 planes there, and reconnaissance planes, they just suffered losses, well, because they are not rather not reconnaissance, this is such
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a complex, if you mean the a50, yes, then this is an aircraft of far radar inspection and air traffic control, well, indeed, two such aircraft of the russians in... were shot down and one was damaged, that's about them, mr. valery, thank you for joining us, valery romanenko, the aviation expert was with us on communication, let's look at other strikes on the territory of russia, this week there was a strike on tatarstan, as reported, for the production of shakheds, this is the first time when ukrainian drones flew so far, more than 1,200 km from the border, and ukrainian drones also attacked oil refineries in russia, on this map. marked strikes on oil facilities since the beginning of the year, in march alone there were 14 such attacks that disabled part of the equipment at the refinery, and the production of gasoline in russia fell, its prices began to rise, but what effect did they have on the russian economy and capacity to wage war against
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ukraine, that's what bbc columnist pavlo says about it aksyonov. these strikes have been going on for more than a month, even more than two, if i am not mistaken, if the first strikes could have been unexpected, then at the end of march, at the beginning of april, such attacks cannot be called unexpected, these campaigns can have several goals: - the first is to destroy the refinery and thus influence the fuel market and achieve certain results. against the background of phosovna, these consequences can actually be quite serious. another goal is to ensure that these refineries eventually begin to be protected. the most effective that russia can do now to do is to place anti-aircraft weapons there, means of radio-electronic warfare around the refinery. at the same time... so far, these drones do not change the course of the war in any way, because both the state infrastructure and the refinery infrastructure are quite large, so it will take a long time to somehow influence it. more massive and more powerful strikes on the ukrainian energy infrastructure did not leave ukraine, did not bomb it into the stone age, as they said in
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moscow, as they wanted it, and at the same time , the ukrainian strikes on the russian infrastructure have not yet spared russia of this fuel network. the russian army does not feel. lack of fuel, and there is no major catastrophe on the russian fuel market either, it is difficult to do this, because the russian economy, russian infrastructure is large, as well as the ukrainian infrastructure, therefore , with such small efforts, it is impossible to seriously affect the russian economy and infrastructure and indirectly affect the course hostilities, or directly make the russian army feel short of fuel, but i think even if there will be some fuel shortage. then for the army it always is will be found, and the head of the ukrainian center for security and cooperation , serhiy kuzan, will be in touch with us, mr. serhiy, i welcome you on the air, how are the tactics of strikes on the territory of russia changing, are ukrainian drones already trying, are they not trying to target
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oil refineries, airbases, airfields? well, i'd say it's more of a combination, because in addition to the airbases, we're also seeing other... facilities hit, it's the production itself, the drone production dormitories, what was hit in tartarstan, and now again the airfield , just before the expected. air strike, and there is no surprise here, because at the end of march , commander-in-chief syrsky announced a priority, which is the development of unmanned systems, he allocated it as the main one in his direction, that is, he appointed a deputy, and here are these strikes today, which, relatively speaking, can be attributed to the service security of ukraine, as well as the main intelligence agency, because here are their strikes on halino, on yelsk, on engels two, that is... that is, it is all strategic aviation, and i will remind you that, for example, in engels
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, strategic aviation planes were based tu-95 ms and tu-22, and according to russian yet unconfirmed sources, three of them were destroyed, as well as the flight crew, so we see systematic work to reduce the economic capabilities of the russian federation, that is, strikes on their refineries, namely on the pipe oil refining, primary oil refining. and also pre-emptive strikes so that the russians could not finally carry out these massive missile attacks, as well as the destruction of our territories with their guided aerial bombs, and therefore i think that such strikes, they will to continue, since the priority was determined by the president at the beginning of the year, and with each month the number of such attacks on russian aviation and on russian oil refining will increase. but will russia withdraw
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its air defense systems from the front line to protect objects on its territory, or wait for it? yes, certainly, and by the way, one of the goals of such strikes is precisely the withdrawal of their air defense systems, because in fact this is the saturation of air defense means that today prevails in crimea and in the occupied territories in... in the front-line territories of the russian federation, it is disproportionate, and therefore the russians will be forced to close their main fuel and energy facilities, as well as their main airfields, and this is also one of the goals of such strikes, and by the way, also the fact that the strikes on their refineries have decreased to some extent, this also means that the russians are transferring air defense equipment there, they are forced to destroy them. allocate to a large territory of the russian federation, and our task is to increase the range as much as possible
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the destruction of all objects deep into the territory of the russian federation, so that they could transfer as many of their air defense systems as possible inside russia, and then, of course, the russians will have less opportunity to fire, for example, with these s300 missiles, such a city as kharkiv. and you already mentioned the attack on... what is believed to be the shahed plant in tatarstan, which was at the beginning of the week, how could a drone fly such a distance, 1,200 km from the border of ukraine? well, actually, both that strike and today's massive missile, or rather, drone attack, this everything, it's all the result of a lot of work by many people who laid the route, who programmed this drone, who did the reconnaissance. where the means of air defense are located, and accordingly, that we
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have such success and quite accurate defeats, so this is the work of a large team of people from our special services, first of all, this is the main intelligence department, this is the security service of ukraine, which conducts such a surgical operation work and is able to conduct these drones in such a way that they can bypass the means of air defense. of russia mr. serhiu, thank you for being on the air with us. serhiy kuzan was with us on the air. well, that's the end of our news release. as a result of the attack on the morozovsk airport near rostov, at least 14 more russian planes could be destroyed. this is information from bbc sources in the special services. it is impossible to confirm it from independent sources, but this is what we know for now. well, with that i bid you farewell. next time, watch our broadcast on monday.
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greetings, friends, the tv channel is live. the second part of the program verdict, my name is serhiy rudenko, today in graduation. parliamentary failure. verkhovna rada is rapidly losing. trust, how to preserve the effectiveness of the legislative body without holding elections during wartime? resignation after resignation, the 2019 zelensky team is leaving power, what reorganization of the forces of influence is behind it. ukrainophobe bulgakov, a russian writer originally from
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kyiv, is recognized as a symbol of imperial policy. why does not everyone agree with this decision? friends, we work live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are currently watching us live on youtube, please take part in our survey, today we ask you about whether you consider mikhail bulgakov a ukrainophobe, yes no, if you watch us on tv, you can vote for the corresponding numbers, if you consider mykhailo bulgakov a ukrainophobe (0800-2130). 81 no 0800 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of our voting, and we already have my colleague andrii yanitskyi on the air, andrii, i congratulate you, thank you, that you are with us today, congratulations, good evening, and
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oleksiy mustafin, historian, publicist, media manager, should also join our broadcast in order to, ab... discuss with us this evening, well, let's start our conversation, probably with a blitz poll, andrii, do you consider mykhailo bulgakov a ukrainophobe? i can't say yes or no, because the times when bulgakov was writing were still different, and we understand that then there was no independent ukraine in the form in which it is now, and to take today's models and.. .put them on the author, who worked so long ago, seems wrong to me, at the same time, i fully understand the position of our institution, in order to lay the foundation for the future, we must nevertheless draw a line under the imperial past and correctly interpret writers in
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the sense of not prohibiting they are not there, do not ban them. publications, for example, to publish their books with comments, and to write the truth about the fact that bolgakov, well, he was rather a russian-cultural such an imperial writer, was he also a ukrainophobe, it is difficult for me to say, i am not his biographer, in literary works very often the characters do not say exactly what the author really feels. thank you, andriy. oleksiy mustafin joined our broadcast. oleksiy, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. because, since we ask our tv viewers about their attitude towards mykhailo bolgakov, more precisely, about whether they consider mykhailo bolgakov to be a ukrainophobe. i suggest you answer this question briefly, if possible. well, at least he is not
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a ukrainophile. that's the least. it belongs to of russian culture and himself. identified himself that way, so, well, he is, to some extent, an interesting person in the context of that culture. on the other hand, yes, he is a kyivan, he was born in kyiv, spent a lot of time in kyiv, there is a kyivan theme in his work, certainly for any kyivan, it is also interesting, but it is clear that he is not a ukrainian writer , and therefore it should be treated as such. well, why are we asking, now we will explain. to our viewers, because andriy and oleksii understand exactly why we have this question and why you survey actually asked this question, the expert commission of the ukrainian institute of national remembrance recognized the establishment of monuments in honor of bulgakov and the use of his name in the names of institutions and geographical objects as propaganda of the russian imperial policy. according to the conclusion
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of this commission, bulgakov was an imperialist in outlook and an ardent supporter of ukraine. phobe, while the head of this institute of national memory, anton drobovich, called the experts' conclusion a bit emotional, but admitted that they called things by their names, according to him in other words, the bulgakov museum in kyiv will continue to exist, but its name will be changed. do you, gentlemen, agree with this conclusion of this institute, the ukrainian, ukrainian institute of national memory and... and whether or not everything that connects us is necessary or once connected us with russia with something that is native to us. that we were being taken as a collective and thrown aside and told
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that we would somehow be without bulgakov, because bulgakov was an emperor. andrei, well, in the part about monuments and names, i fully agree with the conclusions of the institute, because when we talk about monuments, we are not talking about literary works. for this writer, we are talking about precisely imperial symbols, and when we see pushkin's monuments being demolished, they are actually demolishing the putin monument, or the monuments to catherine, stalin, that is, it is a symbol of the empire, primarily not a tribute to the memory of the work of this poet, and the same can be said about bogakovo and about other imperial writers of russian culture. i myself was born in sevastopol, lived there for 22 years, and you know, well, there there were not as many bulgakovs there as in kyiv, but for example, the
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pushkin gymnasium was also pushkin, and the street, of course, was pushkin, and what if there was no pushkin, although pushkin had a very indirect meaning in the history of sevastopol, maybe somewhere nearby was, but when these names were assigned to schools, streets, squares, then... it was, of course, not about yevgeny anegin, but it was about the fact that this is the stamp of the russian world, the empire and such a copyright, and on to the city of sevastopol, although there were many others in the history of sevastopol periods, crimean tatar, and ancient, and medieval, and more with europe, i believe, sevastopol was and is now connected than with russia. thank you, andriy, oleksiy, the journalist serhii tykhi says that bolgakov could be translated into ukrainian and arranged in such a way, why translate
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that it was done, i would like to continue andriy's opinion about the fact that in fact the cult of pushkin and the cult of bulgakov he but not directly related to these characters, or rather to literature. came out from under the pen of these people, er, monuments to pushkin began to be erected en masse all over the russian empire, when pushkin had already been in the grave for a long time, there is a certain anniversary there, this is the end of the 19th century, the beginning of the 20th century, and precisely as a marker of russianness, so to speak, of russianness culture, it's the same when they say that they are destroying, they are destroying history, when they rename bolhakov streets, we must remember that bolhakova streets appeared... also only in independent ukraine, so in principle, well, i don't remember for sure yatayu, but at least on such a rise of the soviet union, and the cult
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bulgakov appeared quite, quite, quite late, so to speak, so, well, in addition, it must be said that the monument to bolgakov in kyiv appeared earlier than in russia, it reminds me of another character, leo tolstoy, who is very they argued about renaming the metro station, but in... nowhere in russia there is no station and there was no leo tolstoy metro station, are we really such greater russians than the russians themselves. i believe that again, there is no need to resort to prohibitions, which are unnecessary, that is, it is possible, many may be interested in these literary works, their can be issued if they are available, there is a demand for them, but again, this has nothing to do with the school. it has nothing to do with toponymy yes maybe i would disagree about the memorial plaques memorial plaques explain or mark places where
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a person has been and again even crime scenes have memorial plaques that doesn't mean , that cats or murderers are glorified by this, so i think that the board should remain, perhaps in a different form, but it can remain... on the house in which bulga lived, again he lived, it is not his own, own home, and just a person lived here, why not, that is, this, this, this, in this, this is a part of the history that concerns the works of bolgakov, then by far the most famous work related to ukraine is the white guard , well, like the feet of turbines, it is soaked. the spirit of that, russian imperial kiev, that is, that part of society that was completely part of the russian, so to speak, empire, and...
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a feeling for this culture, well, there was such a culture, there were such people, and from the point of view explanation of their behavior in those conditions, maybe this is really interesting, but again, you should not pretend that this is , so to speak, a novel or a play about kyiv, it is about a certain circle of people, these characters, the same applies, i do not understand , that many people there in the late soviet period admired... strom and margarita, but there is a question about the general, so to speak, essence of this novel, what it is about, how it characterizes russian culture, because it is definitely a russian novel, and there i saw many writings that are characteristic of russian literature in general, which, from my point of view, is an occasion to talk about why, why not only this culture did not stop
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the crimes that are happening, but in fact... well , that is, the result of this culture, the development of this culture is bucha. well, yes, there are a lot of questions, just as there are many questions about the former partner of president zelensky, boris shefir, he gave a long interview to radio station svoboda, he is currently in germany, in germany, and he admitted that he wants friendship with russia and loves its culture, i will quote what, what... boris actually said shefir, not sergey shefir, but boris shevir. i love the russian language, russian culture, i cannot watch the destruction of pushkin monuments in ukraine. to me this is stupidity. if i were close to zelenskyi, i mean, i would say, let's close this matter, let's be friends, but there are completely different attitudes. here we see, gentlemen, how last week serhii shevir left the advisers and assistants of president zelensky, his relative... brother
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boris shevir never hid the fact that he wanted to be friends with russia, in the 19th year he gave interview and also said that let's come to an agreement with russia, there is no need to fight, and serhiy shevir and boris shevir, these are not only business partners of zelenskyi, they are people who were actually near the origins of the emergence of the star of kvnu volodymyr zelenskyi, then they were near the star. studio quarter 95, well, they were near, who, who about it, it’s better to know, if not you, as a biographer, well, i’m just retelling, yes, and actually boris shevir and serhii shevir, together with zelensky, they even rented an apartment in moscow, when they lived there in the mytishchi district, and so on now these two people, who contributed to the creation of an already political star, also zelenskyi, because their influence
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is large enough. who was serhiy shevir, he was part of, let's say, the team responsible for the finances of the zelenskyi family, as far as i understand, and now they have left zelenskyi's entourage, they have finally left zelenskyi's entourage, borys for sure, because he says that we do not pick up the phone from me takes zelenskyi, can we assume that now zelenskyi is just... renewing his team, because he no longer needs them for the extension of the presidential term those who knew him in a completely different way, or who introduced him to power, well, in fact, in my opinion, all presidents went through this stage, including president kuchma, those people who led him in 1994 to the elections in 1999 i was not taken into this, what do you think such
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an upgrade of this team is connected with, of course. shefir's position, does it mean that what shefir thinks, sergey shefir thinks, well, boris shevir, and that boris and serhiy shevir, and maybe zelensky shared such opinions, as you think, andriy, then zelensky definitely shared such opinions before, but he has undergone a great evolution, and we can even look at the photos of the president to see what he was like in the 19th, what he is today in the 24th. this year it is already a different person, regarding the renewal of the team, it is not the first time that the team has been renewed, we remember such a period of romanticism, the first one was when andriy bohdan was the head of the presidential office, and when there were those reforms, he was still a romantic, he was still a romantic , yes, well, in such an ironic sense, of course, there was an attempt, but now we...


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