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tv   [untitled]    April 5, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm EEST

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to do the two previous years, and, unfortunately, this does not show exhaustion, but not at all, that is , it would seem that we should now have more opportunities to repel them, but, unfortunately, we do not have them, secondly, we are now forced to talk about projectile hunger, which in principle, well, let's say it directly, well, we haven't felt this way for a long time, well, actually the third option - it seems to me that it is the russians after all... we managed to establish, you know, the rotation on the battlefield of fresh parts, that is, they do it, they find new people, they them, them it is possible to attract them, these are the three components of how to oppose them in this whole story, because they, they largely determine the possibility for russia to conduct offensive actions. well, i'll start with the positive. this is shell hunger, that's how we felt it, we started to have a shortage at the end. 2023, but now
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, from about the end of march, the beginning of april, this situation gradually begins to change in a positive direction, in a positive vector, aid lines from the european union are already working, we are already receiving appropriate supplies from our partners, both those that were declared, that were announced, and other supplies, and we still... have not returned the number of shots per day to the level of, for example, september or october of the 23rd year, but it is no longer what it felt like this deficit in december or january of 2023-24, so after all, this situation is changing, especially now, since april, the assistance program from the czech republic for its amount of ammunition of 800,000 and... these supplies are starting, i.e. here
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at least there is some positive, if we talk about cabs, this is a big problem, this is a really big problem, so far there is no solution for it, but we solve any problem one way or another, unfortunately, cabs, the problem of solving cabs, it directly depends on our partners, because it is a component of anti-aircraft long-range defenses that can counter and destroy launchers without... directly the front-line bombers themselves the tactical aviation of the russian federation, this is either our aviation with the appropriate missile systems, but not of the soviet type, namely western nomenclature, the same f-16 with m-120 amram missiles. this and, no matter how strange it sounds, these are operational-tactical missile complexes. we either don't get all these three components or we get them. very little and very
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slowly, so for now, unfortunately, there is no full-fledged counteraction to the cabals. oleksandr, i’m sorry, but can you explain what the problem is with the maintenance of air defense systems in general, because, well, of course, there is a patriot system, there are other systems and so on, but well, maybe we can just buy them somewhere, well , they... exist in other countries, in what, in why is there a nuance, well, because there were words of the president that we need as many as 5-7 complexes there, most likely he was mistaken, because we most likely need 5-7 divisions, and not complexes as such, this is a completely different figure, and, but, well, firstly, how realistic is it to get so many, and secondly, well, why don't we buy them, after all, but quite realistically. tangentially
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5-7 batteries, 5-7 batteries, this is enough to cover cities of millions, as well as regions through which a breakthrough is made deep into the territory of ukraine, or subsonic missiles or missiles of another type, ballistic and hypersonic, 5-7 batteries are quite enough, where to get them, well, come on, the main air defense system operator. this is who, this is the usa, they have more than 1000 launchers on combat duty , and 5-7 batteries, this is, well, let's say, a battery is 6, 8, 10 launchers, we take the average, eight, so five batteries are 40 launchers, it's a simple question, if the usa will transfer 40 launchers and all other equipment to ukraine, because generators are also going there. there will be a team
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radar point and so on, but a total of five batteries, 40 launchers, and whether the us anti-missile defense will be quite serious from this. wait, well i think no, it's not going to be a critical impact when you have over a thousand launchers, that's a huge number of batteries, over 100 batteries, over 150 batteries across the country, so here's the question for the us, for today dzerka patriot was mostly given to us by germany, and here is a very interesting moment, in germany there are only 30 petrion launchers, and they actually gave us more, rather than the usa, which gave us zero, and with regard to procurement, there is also a very interesting point here, but there is a nuance, it is precisely to directly transfer through some contracts to ukraine without the agreement of the usa,
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the patriot air defense system, any other country that resells them will not be able to, therefore, it is necessary that there be an agreement with the usa. and to germany they gave the usa, the usa gave this approval, but what about other countries, especially now, when this tent of theirs on the capitalist hill is happening on them, there are doubts, so rather, if we are talking about air defense means, here you can sooner still have hope that we receive from italy or from france the sempti anti-aircraft missile complex. not worse than the patriot air defense system, but there is a nuance, there are not as many of them as the patriots, and they are produced quite slowly, so this may be a problem. it is clear, well, at least it is clear what needs to be worked with in the states, it seems to me that after all we need to talk to
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them not about the transfer, but about the purchase, maybe then this conversation will be faster, at least it will speed up this story , let 's take a break now, i'll remind you again about our collection, so that you... don't forget that this is for fpv drones for the 93rd and 72nd brigades, will definitely join here, and in the second half of the program we will talk more specifically about bakhmut, about avdiivka, about what 's been going on there lately, so stay with us, there's going to be a little break now and let's get back to our conversation, let's listen. who suffer from rheumatism and arthrosis, the pain in the joints is so piercing, it is impossible to get used to it, it does not allow me to move, i tried everything, and in the pharmacy i bought a yellow dolgit cream, it saves me from pain with rheumatism, dolgit cream relieves pain, reduces swelling and improves joint mobility, dolgit is the only yellow cream for
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by football, stronger together. vasyl winter's big broadcast. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to keep abreast of economic and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become familiar to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio: events of the day: in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening at espresso. verdict with serhii rudenko, from now on in a new, two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback , you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with the help of a phone survey, turn on and... turn on the verdict with serhiy rudenko every day on weekdays from 20 to 22 for espresso.
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the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. well, we continue. oles malyarevich, deputy commander of the shock tank battalion, joined us. les is the 92nd separate assault brigade named after koshovoy taman ivan sirk and let's talk a little about what is happening here in the bakhmud region, now i congratulate you, mr. oles, i wish you health, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, well, we were watching here we had a little bit of such an analytical map, which talked about what in fact, the russians managed to advance in some of them there. places, they are trying to bypass ivanivskoe and came almost close
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to the time ravine itself, so what do you say, can it be considered that the battle actually began during the time of the ravine? the ravine has been going on for a long time, quite intense fighting is taking place there, the assault is 24/7, they are not bypassing ivanovske, they are storming ivanovske and moving in parallel from the right to the left along the flanks. ugh, for now, just so you understand, ivanovsk, it’s just burning all over, and it’s partly ours, partly already captured by the occupiers, but everyone who is here now, and the 92nd brigade, other units, understand that wasting time cannot be allowed to happen, because this is a very important height, so everything is done to prevent it, well, when the situation is really difficult, we actually have such the video from your group achilles, i understand, is quite fresh, let me... i will ask you to show it, and there you can see such a night attack of equipment and an attempt
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to repel it, here, here, here, there are several destroyed tanks, and there are some more, and here you see a car that is, now the assaults are happening like this i understand with the use of equipment as well as in other areas of the front and even at night. well, the activity is high now, or how would you say, well, there is such a thing 24.7 and so he said, and what we in the video is the use of night fpv, we had a problem with this, because it is very expensive , but we have already arranged the supply, and the partners have a permit, well , they buy them, send them to us, so we use them at night, because the intensity of assault operations here is so high now that we have to use all available technical means until... we are working as a combined firepower along with artillery and other means of impact, i would
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also like to show, i know you are also now transferring the levy to the new drones, tell us a little bit about that levy and let us show for our viewers where to transfer to that levy , and you, well, first of all, we are looking for people in our unit, the message here is just like that, but it is a combined qr code where... you can come in and support us, because really we, if you say night bombers, get from the state completely, then if to talk about fpv, we get 90% from our partners, private companies, international partners and ordinary ukrainians, who donate through regular meetings in telegram channels, or such as you are currently publishing, so more drones, more means we have for to destroy the enemy, and as for mobilization, really, thank you for the opportunity, i urge everyone... who predicts that he will be drafted into the ranks of the army, do not wait until you are drafted, drafted by the central committee and
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sent to the military, take care of this in advance and and contact us, and we we will accompany you to our unit, in our unit you will not only get closer to victory, but also gain new knowledge, skills and a profession that you will need very much after the war, high-tech professions will be in great demand in this world. ukrainians will work all over the world, mr. oleksandr, and what do you say about the fact that, how many forces are the enemy concentrated right now in the area of ​​the time ravine, because there are different data, as if they became a little less or well, there were some conversations, well, i'll say yes, mostly russian units of various types are now concentrated there, but at the time of yar, from through bohdanivka, through ivanovske
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, mainly airborne troops, airborne units work, and... in bohdan, in the bohdanivsk direction in the bohdanivsk location, units of the 98th airborne division work there , these are 217, 299, 331, and parachute landing regiments, it is also very interesting, so, in relation to ivanovsky, the 11th separate airborne assault brigade operates in ivanovsky, it received a separate centralized command from december 2023 airborne troops, and why are there so fierce battles for ivanovsk? because in ivanovo, the 11th odshbr, it must prove that the airborne troops are russian, they are without centralized control from the ministry of defense,
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the general staff, and have only subordination. they can work more efficiently for the airborne troops, so they put as many personnel there as they want, but it is fundamental for them to demonstrate that they can capture and advance, capture ivanovsk and advance in the direction of the hubs and cover chasivyar from the south, although it will be very difficult for them to do this, as long as klyshchiivka and angliivka remain under the control of the defense forces of ukraine, although their... in this matter , the 102nd motorized rifle regiment is helping of the 150th motorized rifle division, but i will say this, in general, even if we put the situation near the time gap, all those forces and means that the russian occupiers concentrated in this area, for example, with
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their offensive company on avdiivskyi direction, near avdiivka, turn yellow. 2023, the resource is realistically not enough for them to completely break our defense lines, so in the near future it will be possible to observe the accumulation of resources, just as it happened near avdiivka, when they were in the group of troops south near avdiivka, they pulled units from the center group of troops, i.e. from the second combined arms army, from the 41st combined arms army, from the 90th tank division. likewise, they may begin this process of accumulation in the near future, among other times maybe the very process of using tactical aviation is already being catalyzed there, gradually, these are cabs, and they can become a decisive issue for them to catalyze not only offensive actions, but also to catalyze
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the use of a number of corrected aerial bombs in order to hide the lines of defense and on. .. border crossings in dill areas with bombs not only 200, 250-500 kg, but also 1.5 tons. ugh. mr. oles, tell me one more thing, there we also saw the news about the blown-up bridge, which was blown up in order to slightly complicate the logistics of the russians, was it really possible to influence, what do you think, have you achieved, well, what have you achieved? well, to blow up, they blew up the bridge so that i could not... and here the very fact of what was blown up, you saw, it was a ground drone that drove in, fell very neatly and blew up the city, so it’s interesting, yes, but of course that’s all it is done so that they cannot pass closer to the time of the laborers on our way, well, and actually about what mr. oleksandr said,
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the use of cabs, how much do you feel it on yourself now, well, compared to last week, for example, more, less , well i.e., what is the situation in this regard, cabs are starting to be used more and more, but they showed the nadavdyiv direction how effective it is, unfortunately, so it is also used more in our direction, so everything is done so that, well, of course, i do not i know what needs to be done to hide from the cab, but we are trying to do it so that it is not at all visible where the personnel working in this direction are located, we pay a lot of attention to masking your position, thank you. it was oles malyarenko, deputy the commander of the udarnykh battalion, malyarevich, excuse me, deputy commander of the pakakhelez 95th separate assault brigade, from now on. it should probably be said that the direction of the times, well , another guest joins us, serhiy okishev, representative of the public relations service
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of the 25th separate airborne sviatslav brigade, congratulations, mr. serhiy, congratulations, and actually we want to ask you about the well-known video and in general this attempt of the russian offensive, which i understand took place on march 30, and yes... on the sixth tank regiment of the russian federation, what was it, how much was it, and what was achieved? yes, i want to correct that the mentioned offensive was not on the 30th, but on the 29th, and so during the last few days , you said correctly, probably the most massive attempt to break through the defenses on a specific section of the front took place. the enemy uses... in tanks, in particular the most modern t-90 model and infantry fighting vehicles. but the sicheslav paratroopers gave a powerful repulse to the enemy, so the large-scale offensive
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turned into, well, in principle, a shameful operation to dispose of modern russian weapons it cannot be said that it was easy, the battles were fierce, the enemy was significantly outnumbered in manpower, but our boys repelled the attack with incredible efforts. having burned a lot of equipment, i would like to note that among them were the famous t-90 tanks, the cost of which for a minute reaches 4.5 million dollars, if we talk about statistics and how much, when there was equipment, then on march 29 on our 36 tanks and 11 infantry fighting vehicles tried to enter the positions, the syacheslavs destroyed 15 of the tanks. including t-90 and 8 bmp. the next day, march 30 the russians attacked with four tanks and two bmps, three s-4 tanks were destroyed. also both
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vehicles of the infantry. the very next day, march 31 , six russian tanks and three bmps went on the attack, all bmps in their entirety were put out of action. three tanks were also destroyed, one of which was again a t90. all these tanks and bmps of the enemy were destroyed with the help of anti-tank means and the fire of our armored groups, which came out directly and worked on the enemy. well, this all happened in the area of ​​the village of tonenko, and interestingly, we saw one video, actually, as a fighter of the tsiacheslav brigade, i understand that he kissed them from javilin, and the rest is in this very picture of the battle. ah... and what artillery was used, or even such portable complexes, that is, how, how did you do it, they were atgms, that is, yes, portable
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means and directly armored groups that went out against the same armored vehicles, and well, directly head-on, they drove at the enemy in a straight line to direct contact and destroyed just like that together. let's put it this way and it's interesting, well, it was, after all , three days ago, what are the consequences of this, because they walk various such conversations, rumors that there were some refusals to advance further there from the russians, that they had to withdraw something there, establish something, that is, what do you know about all this? well , there is one consequence, that is, the result, let's say this, we... uh, we entrenched ourselves in the positions we were in and did not allow the enemy to advance, so now the same assaults, the same attacks, they continue, it works также , so
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is artillery, so is enemy artillery, i mean, so are they using cabs, and drones, and well, in general, anything is possible, uh, perhaps their weapons, but the fact remains the fact, so here it is... this, shall we say, massive, large-scale offensive, we held it and continue, shall we say, to hold it in the same positions, but i emphasize that despite the fact that this we repelled a large-scale assault, the assaults continue, and at the moment the fighting continues in the same direction, well, that is , there is simply no more such a large-scale attack, but it cannot be said that it has decreased significantly, yes, yes, yes. ugh, thank you, thank you, it was serhii okishev, a representative of the public relations service the 25th separate airborne szechslav brigade, a glorious brigade, which
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is actually in all of them. in hot spots, and she defended avdiivka at one time in the 22nd year, and now she actually returned to avdiivka again, already when it is necessary to defend positions outside avdiivka, actually after it was captured by the enemy, and also to mr. oleksandr, i am in touch with this, the question is the same, well, this is an attack on this, let's say, the avdiiv front is so big, but it is literally her friend. in april , a similar offensive was carried out in novomykhaivka, and we also have a video about this, it seems also such an attempt of a tank offensive, all these, well , it seems like tank offensives, if possible, show this video, too, this is novomykhaivka , much further south, it is more likely to be said in the ugledar direction.
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we have seen such offensives, in principle, well , periodically, the russians resort to these tank offensives, so they always go in such strange columns, they are attacked, they always lose a lot of equipment, but the sicheslavs knocked out, it seems, about 20 different units techniques, now under novomykhaivka also half, it seems they knocked out there, but why... the russians resort to this again and again, this is not a completely clear story, they have too many tanks, they believe that it must succeed in the end, so why is this done? this is a classic tactic of breaking through the defense line, breaking through to the enemy's position and occupying this position, when you use a tank shock muzzle, that is , a heavily armored vehicle, such as an mbt, which
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is already followed by a lightly armored vehicle. type of bmp type, yes bbms, armored combat vehicles, this is a classic still soviet tactics, nothing new, they used it in the 22nd, they use it in the 23rd, they use it in the 24th, no creativity, something new, they understand how it can end, well, it’s logical, it’s either mines, it's either atgms, or artillery, or drones, so we've seen it all, and this, by the way, is one of the elements that we... talked about a little bit earlier, which is this determination: they have no other option to advance all the way precisely with such columns, using a large number of mechanized components, but this mechanized component is destroyed, and because of this they have much greater losses, then it would be very interesting to read from time to time, but i do not advise, of course, that but it is part of my duties to read russian war correspondents, war correspondents so called
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and it is they who complain that they are losing a large amount of equipment, but how much ukrainian equipment they destroy is much, much less, tens of times less, and they themselves are already asking this question, we are losing hundreds of pieces of equipment, for example, during of some period, a there are several tens of ukrainians there, i.e. 1:10 ratio, i.e. this depletion is really happening , there may not be enough of them for a long time, it’s true, there won’t be enough of them for a long time at this rate, but apparently we will see in this season repeating these attacks over and over again, because they still have the equipment, in what condition it is, that's another story, but eh, well, since it's classic offensive again, they'll do it if they want to to attack, and apparently they want to, and you also talked about this, about these desires of theirs,
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i remind you once again about our collection of e... on fpv drones for the 93rd kholodny yar brigade and the 72nd black zaporizhzhya brigade, then we have news, well , stay with us and join our social networks, go to our youtube, watch there is us, so subscribe, comment, be with us. greetings to everyone from espresso, i am anaeva melnyk and news for your attention, they are at home, three teenagers and a family with children were returned
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to the territory controlled by ukraine. 16-year-old girl, an orphan also:


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