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tv   [untitled]    April 4, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm EEST

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a wall and an armed army next to russia, and then everything will be fine. that's why all this propaganda, it will eventually come to the thesis that russia will be forced to change its mythologies, i don't know what they will come up with, but as we can see, they will definitely come up with various absurdities, because all they say is as a rule, it is absurd, but we started talking about terrorists who committed a terrorist attack in moscow, and this is also a very revealing fact and... this will surely be the first case in the history of terrorism, when terrorists openly admit that they committed a crime, so to speak, the victim of a crime, well in this case russia, against whom a crime was committed, stubbornly says: no, it's not you, it's someone else, well, as a rule, the country against which a terrorist attack was committed immediately tries to catch those who committed it and blame, this is the first time they tell those who committed this crime, no, it's not you, someone else did it. that is, i am leading
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to what absurdity russian propaganda can come up with, therefore, having destroyed the myth of a common historical past between ukraine and russia, i think that russia will also come up with it to something absolutely absurd. well, here it is also worth noting that the state itself is a terrorist, that is, against which an act of terror was committed and they claim to be a terrorist number, well, they are not, well, how do they behave. the number one terrorist in the world, led by putin, and is trying to shift the role of the aggressor from himself to ukraine, and to appear in front of the world as a victim, well, this is also probably new in modern history, but what putin will not achieve and what putin will not achieve this goal, he will not be able to take our history with our cities,
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historical monuments and everything that is actually the property of the ukrainian people, will this not lead, maxime, to a new aggression by putin, in relation to kyiv, for example, or in relation to odesa, even more so, i mean, when he says, well, then don't let kyiv, do n't let odesa get to anyone, we will then behave with them as they behave, as they say... with the ukra-fascists, that is, they will all be the same for us, well, we can only, so to speak, divine on coffee grounds and argue on expert panels, we , actually putin or his political technologists do everything it is possible that no one can ever predict what putin will do or what he will say, so it is ungrateful for ... but
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i would like to point out that this is again , going back to the climax of this hatred, do we already, are we already its object, and putin's propaganda and putin's regime as its subject and author, have we already passed the climax together or not, will there already be some, so to speak, receding wave of this hysteria in russia in the near future, this is generally in... an important question, but it has such an indicative function for me, for example, that is, it in essence, in essence, the situation does not change, because everything that is possible to destroy ukraine, putin has already attracted and will attract, regardless of what he will say, but this hysteria, this hysteria, it may indicate that we are getting closer to a certain climax in...
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the story about the story about the threat and a possible truce, actually the fact that literally after the new year, the russian army stormed avdiivka, near bakhmut, and so on and so forth, in the worst weather conditions, unprepared units, meat assaults, well, on the one hand it could be explained by... elections, that is, presidential, so-called elections in russia, but it seems to me that putin and his regime still hope that in the near future, perhaps in the summer, perhaps during the period of preparation for the american presidential elections , after all, it will be possible to incline the west to, as its main opponent, to some kind of, well, conditionally speaking, agreement, to the fact that eh...
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the west agreed to give something to putin and not, not to destroy, not, not, not to sweep away his regime. ukrainians or russians and so on. a lot which indicates, and this hysteria is raising the stakes to the maximum, to the maximum height, and this falsetto, which we hear in the intonations of medvedev, there simonyan, and so on, it can indicate that here are the russians to some of their climax, they subconsciously or consciously approach. and they hope that something will change in this culmination, well, this is my feeling, this is a hypothesis, but it can explain the situation that exists today, if they were preparing to methodically
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destroy ukraine there for many years without respite, well, i think they would have behaved somehow differently, it would have been some kind of different rhetoric and... and some kind of different tactics , including on the battlefield, and now this is raising the stakes, it prompts some such theories, well about which i said, not completely conspiratorial, but not all, not all, not all as obvious as we think. thanks maxim, friends, i will remind you that we work live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those watching us live there now please like this video subscribe to our pages on youtube and facebook, in addition, we are conducting a survey during the broadcast, asking you whether ukraine will receive an invitation to join nato in the 24th year, yes, no, please vote on youtube, or
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yes, or not, leave your comments below this video, and if you're watching us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote if you think ukraine will be invited to join... nato in the 24th year 0800 211 381 no 08021382 all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will pick up the results of this vote. let me remind you that today on our broadcast, maksym rozumny and serhiy taran are talking about russia, about ukraine, about the future of the ukrainian state, about the future of the ukrainian information space, because it is clear that in the conditions when we... russians are quite actively attacking in messengers as well telegram and in various social networks and try to somehow influence ukrainians and distort our vision of what is happening in ukraine, it is important for us to have the resources to
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oppose russian propagandists, the chairman of the committee on freedom of speech of the verkhovna rada , yaroslav yurchyshyn believes that this year can be decisive for the food telethon. news because in its current format it is losing the trust of viewers. if by the end of the 24th year, says yaroslav yurchyshyn, it will not be demonstrated that the single marathon has changed its format, that there is a balance, there are good news from the front, that people's trust is being restored again, then we will have to think about ending it, because we now see the descending track of the use of a single telethon and the ascending track of the use of social networks, and then it will be even more difficult to explain to our international partners. and to our own people, why we finance ineffective information policy. serhiy, how do you assess what the united telethon is doing, and how effective information policy is now in ukraine in order to convey to ukrainians,
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well, the main messages, it is clear that during the war, ukrainians must understand what is happening, what they need prepare and what conclusions they should draw from it. not even two years have passed, but of course the telethon is not fulfilling its role relied on, and by the way, if we are talking about social networks, then, as we can see, from all sociological surveys, ukrainians get the most political information now from telegram channels, not from the marathon, not from television, but from telegram channels, well this is the verdict of the national marathon, and i would not say that it is a very good and pleasant verdict for... their verdict, because telegram channels, if they are anonymous, they have a completely irresponsible attitude to the information that they publish, and can be used by anyone. i believe, for example, that the telegram channel deserves some trust, it must necessarily have some signature, well , at least people should associate it with
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some organization or structure, so that there is responsibility, and when there is no responsibility, then it will be difficult to trust such information, but that that now people trust more telegram channels. anonymous, where any information is thrown, this is a direct result of the absence of an effective telethon, the absence of any effective information policy at all. i believe that the telethon was necessary refuse, well, at least a year ago, of course, during martial law it is important to have some kind of censorship, but this censorship should only concern issues of a military nature, but when journalists write about military issues, of course, during military operations, there can be censorship, but if the matter concerns, for example, corruption, some issues related to the transparency of the government. so why is there this censorship there, what forces the authorities there
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to introduce the rules that are introduced at the telethon, they work, moreover, if there is censorship issues affecting the transparency of the government and censorship are being introduced, it harms the country's defense capability. look, we sometimes have investigations into some unpleasant stories, including those related to corruption, and this affects very often the military sector, where, as it turned out, later, someone stole something, and this is wrong , why does it have to be found out somewhere, it can be found out in all mass media without introducing any censorship rules. moreover, look at what y us news is becoming so popular. as a rule, these news first appear in foreign media. very often, for example, if the financial times or the new york times appear somewhere in politics, it is instantaneous. it is printed in ukraine. the influence of foreign forces on ukraine is now higher than ever. why
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does this happen? well, because our information policy does not encourage ukrainians to trust the national marathon, and that is why they trust foreign media. this is also not quite right, well, with all due respect to in the western world, but it's still not quite right during martial law. therefore, the policy of the telethon harms, objectively harms the security situation. therefore, this situation must be changed, and of course we must abandon the telethon, we must obviously restore freedom for all tv channels, while introducing very clear rules of military censorship regarding those materials that can harm the country's defense capabilities. by the way, this is exactly the approach implemented, for example, in the country of israel, but there is censorship in israel, but it affects the military non-political issues, and this... touches on many issues, there is a lot to talk about in israel, there are even elements
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of political activity, but just a few days ago there were protests against prime minister netanyahu, absolutely not characterizing whether is there, whether it is right or wrong, i will say that there are political freedoms and there is no political censorship, i think that ukraine should abandon political censorship during military operations, by introducing military censorship, and understand that if this is not done, anyway... will ukrainians look for information somewhere, but it is better if it is our domestic mass media, and not foreign media or anonymous telegram channels? well, the topic of anonymous telegram channels is now a topic of conversation, and the people's deputy of ukraine mykola kniazhytskyi actually advocates the idea that it should be regulated after all, these telegram channels that exist in ukraine should be regulated, but not... take them, but the regulator
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the national television and radio broadcasting council has the right to inquire from representatives of the telegram about the activities of those or other channels that work and maybe those channels harm ukraine, in some way limit the activity of these telegram channels. maxim, do you think this will not be perceived as censorship, and given that the telegram channel is now real, or as a resource? service, it has become one of those messengers that every person has, and through telegram channels we learn operational information, including when russia is shelling, where the shaheds are flying and everything else, well, actually here it is in detail and and and that's the point, because it's clear that we can't follow the path of china or the russian federation or iran there. er and er to install some er
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so to speak as if it does not correspond to democratic principles and freedom of speech, but at the same time, of course, it is necessary to realize... the potential and real harm that certain information channels, including telegram channels, can cause, it must be clearly identified. and clearly establish certain regulatory mechanisms, which are actually in question, is actually a very difficult task both legislatively and at the expert level, because everything will depend on what powers these bodies receive, which will be authorized to actually regulate, what they will have the right
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to do, close, to fine, to find the actual... in other words, the author, and to bring him to justice, all this in connection with the activities of anonymous telegram channels, for example, it will be very difficult to do, i think that here, after all, there is some kind of basis and the concept of national security should become conceptual, procedural, and legislative, but it is necessary to move away from it and look for it in this area. the criteria by which certain sanctions and restrictions can be imposed on the activity of certain information sources, and the tools that should operate in this area. protecting national security is something that is understood by society, and in principle, this is where relatively clear tools and rules apply. thank you,
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maksym, another short news, or rather, a message from the fifth president of ukraine petro poroshenko that he plans to run for the presidency of ukraine again, but for that, the war must first end. poroshenko gave an interview to the al-jazeera channel, and it actually sounded on the air of this tv channel. let's listen to what poroshenko said. if you are asking me if i plan to participate in the next election, yes, but first, for this election. we need victory, secondly, i am absolutely sure that i will participate in the elections to the european parliament, and this will be proof that ukraine will be a member of the european union, and most likely, i will have the honor to be a member of the european parliament and do everything in my power for you. serhii, how do you assess the prospects
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of poroshenko's re-election as president of ukraine after our victory? i think. all responsible politicians in ukraine who are currently involved in politics will say that they will continue political activities, it is absolutely normal if they are engaged in politics, as a rule, they will continue to be engaged, do politicians have a chance to become president and are there poroshenko definitely has a chance to become president, because v in any case, a very serious reformatting of all political processes in ukraine will now take place. after the end of the war, or after the end of at least this phase of hostilities, when the citizens will be able to speak more freely, a lot of pleasant and unpleasant questions from the years when ukraine was at war will come out, and a lot of questions related to the preparation for this war will also be discussed war, and i think that
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many different and pleasant and unpleasant discoveries will be made for many citizens, so of course in such a situation there is of course, everyone, including petro oleksiiovych, poroshenko has a chance to become president again. in general, i think it would be very good if we finally waited for the elections to be the biggest problem in ukraine, and we discussed with you who has more chances and who has less, because now we see that these political processes, they are for we are still, unfortunately, very far away, of course, there are objective reasons for this, military actions, but we really wanted them to finally end, and we would finally return to a stable democracy. where there are different policies where they compete with each other, where it is perceived as an absolutely normal process. what i like most about what i heard is that poroshenko, i hope, not only poroshenko, understands that sooner or later there will definitely be elections to the european parliament in ukraine. this is what i expect no less than the end of hostilities and
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a return to democratic processes. i would very much like ukraine to finally become a member of the european. process, we also had european elections, this would lay the foundations for sustainable development of ukraine and would make it impossible to repeat a new war, so elections and politics will of course return to ukraine, but i would like it to happen sooner, for now, unfortunately, we cannot say when. thank you, maksym, russia is now quite actively pedaling the question of zelenskyi's legitimacy or illegitimacy, as... as predicted by the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense of ukraine that they are trying to somehow question zelenskyi's legitimacy after may 20, 24. year, what would you advise the ukrainian authorities to do in this situation, because, well, obviously, there should probably be
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a conclusion of the constitutional court regarding the extension of zelenskyi’s powers, this is one thing, and well, this is in my opinion, and the second thing, it is probably that putin is illegitimate and pump this topic, because he was elected in the territories, temporarily occupied territories, er... ukrainian territories, and this also calls into question the legitimacy of the president of russia, what else could be advised to the ukrainian authorities to more actively oppose this story about zelenskyi's illegitimacy? well, i think that it is necessary to give very simple, clear and obvious answers, they consist in the fact that these answers to the question that er... ukrainian legislation does not contradict the fact that zelenskyi's presidential term is extended after the end of this
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five-year term term, and this should be confirmed by the constitutional court, if it is not obvious enough that zelensky does not plan, so to speak, to usurp power, and elections will be held immediately, as soon as for this... the proper conditions arise, and that in democracy is preserved in the country, freedom of speech is preserved, so to speak, freedom of political expression is preserved, i think that all this will be sufficiently convincing so that doubts about the legitimacy of the ukrainian government do not arise either in ukrainian society, or in european or western societies , who actually... profess the values ​​of democracy, er, and as for, er, so to speak, the reverse of our, er, influence on the russian
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situation, it seems to me that such a ping-pong is already starting here, so what exactly, uh doubts about putin's legitimacy, which, by the way, are supported not only by the fact that the elections were partly held in the occupied territories, but also by many other factors, such as the killing of political opponents, such as changes to the so-called constitution of the russian federation, and where well, i am not talking about the freedom of political movements, foreign agents there, suppression of freedom of speech, in a word, this whole totality of its political life in the russian federation, it is enough to recognize putin as a usurper of power, and in order, so to speak, to somehow distract the attention of the world public from this... situation, including the russians, who are beginning to shake this myth about the illegitimacy
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of the ukrainian government, thank you, thank you, maksym rozumny and serhiy taran were guests of our program today, gentlemen, i thank you for participating in the program, during our broadcast we conducted a survey, our friends asked you about whether , in your opinion, ukraine will receive an invitation to join nato in the 24th year, 24% yes, 70.6 % no, these are the results of a television poll on youtube results we have the following: 27% yes, 73% no, this is a poll on youtube, let's put an end to it, it was the verdict program, congratulations serhii rudenko, i wish you all good health, take care of yourself and your family, goodbye. laughter, physical activity, sneezing. even during such a small load, urinary incontinence can make itself felt.
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shahed factory there. are the occupiers preparing for new missile strikes on ukraine? the most important thing today, at 21:15 in the project, velikiy lviv speaks, a platform where everyone gets a word and everyone is heard. on the air of the espresso tv channel.
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verdict by isergy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more. possible topics, even more top ones guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion at any time of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and be included, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every day on weekdays from 20 to 22 for espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents.
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united by football, stronger together! greetings to all viewers of espresso, yana yavomelnyk and the editors. news will tell about the main news for this hour. on the day russians settled kharkiv oblast. a man died - reported oleg senigubov, head of the region. and during the night attack by shaheds in kharkiv, three rescuers were detained and killed. these are 52-year-old vladyslav loginov, 41-year-old volodymyr matyushenko, and 32-year-old serhii baidalinov. another employee of the state emergency service is in serious condition in the okupup hospital.


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